hai. la~ semiee reere.e mtWe an s mere a fjw Mt"ar1*11,tis Tdbh.-d tee Fumce. valie re eped tae th. T ferl MODO m, tS v(éise ocea i. sbe ragcla. séeti, visa hto carryf Prameai n> many cure,. cang fîop#a> i M. ~len e erSW eth*cR hilia grde pelesvhla to tise sescity il. The ex- bave rou- et receut ta movement Sagiris tise anit!y~ toîcaune as tm vis4 eaiy-id- théehoe on tbisi etamy a aMWrte ex- 7 a S9 4 T 9 Puse tSt. N. Y. v posade.i pet carda mme mause. resveti a eseveytu lias Seué m perse ttrr, pr *ct ot ta tise ataniaismeat citise unsail elmenlsert.. lu i tee dgba m lieun- PomOffiSce vel-known cuter. Tisey Facing Dast ie the Cloudas The Pepsiar vote. Tva Jesse7 Cty Wonsan Ut imb a Ttauaiý«ictt arrus DLLOON iiinION AT We bavee VtOniy itatettt he âd Wthise h&a@lt,stowne Talc LT.I lECM"ýXA ixII MaC? a-".papuaratecf Ontalt> waa fac mare uanaismtise oailesbond atta bisck. MÂELALE .1OCftCIIO IIN Tl IR. an-ide tisan appeared fro a cmas-andi the other reitalsd ounflamber Prf s . cSr.lse'nat.ativer- teivfitalaoue of tise membera rtura- anas hband vitis a .uppeeaed fatal fire tisd t tiat ho wotlà moate an ascnsonaci. e a majrties groneatao hovel. Now lottishe etlhium itîl froatAtlanta onthe lot of Jqnuary, 1 If te Ooi tion, and the vely ont sud dld" W"bthe bbustslok- 187. E'fht thauséant prons natea- .ai Sais rities ta0tamany Miattet- tng. sldhe= tbta leet -'tom 1 ""PrettycOaluaive pece f c _________ à« Caotaa; np, and Prhe.,ia t onisi of thi assertIo; andi an sksan asceat. wlie sifoe f tise çtmab oiut vam- HAILTON MA T tara thse oney, anud sted falrly i toua eonstttuenelnie bar hie tata- U M."ua d 2a18,11un. erery way. Pr. Abert Ilape. ia en. is emea earei î~eb.ai, 4et 8 4501 i 5?riidw. hadIalroady matie one actet, teppeti acclamations ver. about eveuly dvi 1.18Io35 81i4. Seues.,Il ta5elit4; ait teProf. King, aad saiti îani d Isebeen thse tva partes.and do Esely. m OSa«CI7e;0.6% a" IDe ; Paou M8uteê brpzZei n'ki yoThn eavlu ont thoseo f yrisom lbe. ywm >o e kau vether yen ccm can laiea n y vise TaoNro MRBWho trust ame. If)yaull enti me tise nid tiefcatcd theQoraernct Candidates. OOT KPBt sebengî lIl taie ber up topeu or no btaente r Ir lFssa ati1,Ul mý1e inmay thercfore Ste daominaieti Id-0OSPX ee i cilaissémil, S4a3 of mmud. yen uay if you -c-t to., pendent-ve faild that thse Oppai- a il yos lad botter t5kcsainme mare tien have recivei a chear maority 09 bjalat."araid King. as Hapea sepdorer &M votes. Glvnuthe sinltry O*KVILàCEMARKETS. ita thse basket. Inateati of tikng rr¶Independent. tishefru part g utwbs a majatlty cf lilaat b~fr56naaul we5.saul.> mor arc issthtie Daclor tirev uto1If -0 - Sag a sist lrad wSt atioltoBy msiug acte ot tiserames of thin- w.Oà4CSLi.M" I& mils51 yele. He lasie ts trot mile apw ieedau(t mue mbera.ciausfying nartySoda, ik 1........... in tva minstes andi a hall.TTise tie- acftisnas andnlatsrlsllae. a...................i138 1 45 Cent vas acaipliisied lunoeminute.ap-Prprating altagetiser lame 0ppo- ........... ...1 35 145do aitisanlthe arguana are able to Mare ont ......... >.... 1 os 11 Rtand trtip of tva utiles, tiree mi- n- Ple 4rt h e os at ................ 8 8 uts»iabi.Hc atedco' fâsame lire ar six ratea. But vise. ara meaunt cf tise janrnry: 0. *.....ues..ta -O: a Thse usaal quantty of ballast carrdt rate te a calcuiatlau af pepu 2 ..................... 5 kavr accli ret ascenaivepairier tiat pn.n.f.is..un..a.jise.s 8on5 I50 Srqnrdbltuninuesad aitl sices. Atitting tisat Jobshn iliy,4 50 50 le reacis lise altitude of one mite.Tise Sauildeht ouid get the top sTe cf A ..... OS0 ciscera frea tihee rard beiar cesld n nerd fe fuS eiser (04«ktise.......... 185 langerle bard. AUlvaa aient e utaf- etbeaincutisr> au e odinbag.....S1OS Cept thse spltefol drirlug ceaand of the te9at51. Ld t" tsaain tise sulum st....... . .... se vinter rse. I vas weU avare of tise msIficty ctsimed for tise Oov«ueruat. I ....... .............OS20 freat rapttty vit is iscli1tWvas traveî- iesetsarvté ocudinsiace ht ___of_ lgbut as tise seci of lise bailcon ieas ttseandueaftisa- NEW ÂDVERTIBEbLENTS vutas v -dveincises la diameter,people. Thea majarity af tise Province and adml zo ange wu p- bve expreoaid tiseir approvaloflir. anti M d 20 ga e vi- Biase sud tise Ontario OppositionF ORdAE-.00 ACRES 0F WILS> hisrieud La"ncprveit i the lecatisi =eeef ai .te.nse làn.tsepeailii- ine iîpiaticaliy.-Lotsd«a dver- Greyssud Brnes. lily of an 7.oi=. wvasDot tiseuglt titer. a TRO@. DIXON, DUàme. of. à ieavy aetaud suai cemmenced iao n - mu.ASSÂOÀWEYA COURT 0,V E - li~sat ivss scsiycti Pssl eis. N VISION AND APPEAL. btwimitous t geltstusssgistheÀ TE B.& lu aiL-wstcuaa Ta Isi Cload@austhelmbtihe ight eunshinc ess vr aurama ~ e~I uprla i iaTi. bey" d £rcady imagnation pirtar- Thesuic ipal.ssgew 4Uoba nis7gthe To. ia ad thse iiMe oeuh as sailisse sotisiy Baia Ctetesponjdaiea af tise Lna ish iefNm»"hb iv .t aisee tse s5dveBise.antimyheurt Yeterray rwu a frtiuy isi Serlin.c.. f ei .adAn i waecti itis enthisn ca ny ictary-Woas cretbralet inlaal i indeaof Cr fRvço n ea patite th ie heautirs of a vintar tua- rays.Prisiainn.lt irr, se"t-aaisit abeve tise clati. I hast -- l i iet i Epei a, ts idTesspiiIh sitts decideti ta remaisn p aS niglit anti uceampansed by the ('rown PincelasFr h mdTara " UI bebelieau h proongthevo= as or pssile.and ithse PrinSeâCarl aes, Stedericis Irtagtiau ag s fa a pesise.Cisaies aad Ls.nis.iti tise childtAea.lt I a vieeifrou u1 reverySty eîerylîmî,asaaio~ Monday, 1th April, a sarp esic.Tisfes b00l'sIiaiconytof tise palace. Tise royal a- diametr ~ ~ des ver.escaorteti S &Ilthlie Gencras Nec, esmlug lita date. &"11110111 Cotis ei atlye. î linerlin. Wisa t e cieer af tise JOHN EASTERBROOK, pntar o ape gave itaroPiiarymettamultitue Ster whalst ibsiietiField Townsip Cies. thclat vas oaSsronuieatry fotony : ilWrmnel advranced estatiseraiS- 16 rbt all ,ti ierassge cf . 1 ullY mg cf tise balcony anti readtiatsMa- uasv7. tasagntis. 3" J415L 4-t reaisd te aner f y itutin*jealys telegraai prcaimiag the Con- poloh wtt jevâWe, mie t1te ad ruiutn of place. lHurraha drarnei tisemacenoa Fretierick Lha Great MILATN, ara osegle Te hmniervetisemeluti bega ta play a relS isuarischorae' marsa t im heuoi Steatnd1 tise people uuncarcrlg andtjeiing in H TE vitis lai cf life. Itavever, 1SIlkncv the soeema israin. Witennlis lglag tise ropes." asti tetermd a uienati Ge' era ls e.ritit thisn- l ateteui thosa.thtis terlar of tise palace. Refare tise pea- l eoàhude motsary r ta d inenisMoti s!¶rei iene ler «alon 8pitin IA" rot intntcleg. bat kp ni ha brn lw idu eetdaot polteonasate cftc thegreateàt possibe ise mng stet ing of eleamed iliteapproucis. twscv estalisocete atestas3alere >My erraS vihs Rugi anti gurandal. antilot cat pove i obcui»Tlly. 't 5aaE traggeti vith diSticulty hy ixtaea gJjj & itx aW , pSungest violently. ils tise pecltsrity bItaes -Tisera waa a rusnh ta bStelti-- carà i l a tabuaitistàallist tis h ie terrifie veaptlu vîsicishastlisurleti lise lange ipesangthrlsin". ait itegenades ta tise ery lieigltbitrisooa 01thIltatlastylas, at lai pres. lir c rel .rd tue S mota. rsiles. t as ltged inthIe atiaisetia terr.t ,e vecty, ei ngaruenal, anti ilS bu tlnally ilacedti atLadies' àun Shades frcquea tticrSS iigiscittanany e okc iegai snt usi cf tise Ireck, anti vas airerai h ako h uadbulbiil ziesthow etieout of tee tise tiree mnter guaslaikon train tht n St ý limestiseneaeyFrenchin ta1814. At 3 olcakaiS te b55et.boSa o ail tise cherches began ringlng. Mm Cash Pid for Race Fur#.-M' LiSe Mcariser. I -canllaentiy et- Aitisera am-cnt many chuehes la pectaiacaethiste'ta tarat np "-ia fart IeSnat slsirblaaann IJ. BASTEDO. tiseravas great ug ef tise basket acfelite._andas______________arenoneof "tnrnigtip I o te op aftaenteot soacrota, tise effet vus Milaon. lisais 20,17. vessasti esiw tia igitI bu m- -CUr FLO aovat stc oudrit attiusant ied. A4oclacs, sdivine sert ce vas ON FBIT1 destis. --y asrc teton-t efreanti Srayera effurati up te buie",hwmati images ver eure tiaaka far tise rictsrac ciieveti ucaltieet. ani tise velocity v57 moarcdaith ie peancet oreti. Tîecharchea ar fPbk Isuîa gniiouSa titrai. autaper vweraecrtt-t, a stii, satideacdt ba tisel aaw isencalgt Ith o r ailsof tise bealat, ase lStet iIan iadiug is orw Iti 9mrasiCr THEB"atS arImtliforth. Ooeesy Sta t tie tie c tse sake gregatien. Te thisceriaca part a of ta v. thet ss Eaofato pup . etien tise tfOtISt m a' rgam u« da ilt thas it auccdetielem uabgilitiut tisS hveati u Sautsaeronta.. ly*As arluissrseat in tise tout- kepi ntebasket. ItSrw nas ftfled i affood olIlInflOn Stter, sud b!vaichlug it asait fSot- ruCseeet ia lctiefliis. la te esithir. woeaay ea tiel f he uet eumrluilumintionERSa vaDniîrtt elS mee e une ih ooo vra e vanl strike- Te hrov Oui Pualaceanti tottage alie Con- - T!II ' tiaSias at tri e t roa nt teiited te Stnghtea tise cene. Eren IONDÀY. & wEBDSfiAlà voylagte tie w oti onth e tise SerSy lané teata iseralsha elt vow te he Wodsbeyndevn ront lie bohtathaistioan lis a I-t Cc- MAT sUs, St ac u 1l5 ,t . net casse tise basket ant-roc- sn n hetlo ad fteT tenta ta bu throvu an tep of tise vceck. asen.anti ie aler aie wcf tise ATIà.K,0ri Taklng taile vev, i vas decidedt oratigtoerdr relta aul theicveghtiir 'tise basket g i«e>n agesnd te e tes I eeeisl caltivrceaeféoame neiglsboring manfactary. TOWN HALL, MILTON. bnoiusin tise Iundat fetaMany public anti pritste ibuidinga aie groanti 1 cat aie rord attacisedt e rucilmreingits rchtiectural Tsee1aaticthepS lrrîa cl th »hr oe u wtcith i T1eUSYrigae aris ceetifates vill reqîlle ta heicpencs!ie. Iltise anti eue " anaed t =ov ie,a cisoetitg a ramantde lutre ttheas. halTie atendteg ta, applic ntth ieser oen. anaet k iortegay saectacle. Pros, tise forseeond Clama cei et attendisti tl tiseh ai~lft aitrprmaetotsta w ae er o f tise Town HllSreti scomcida - eewni n h limte tu egea the force ils visiehi lit t ee dnig l igt hihT d Cy aulbe eamatetsd u voniti have othervtae tn ck t igmutshveee isibaleigforwhtc TStd Cssrlih smîeiic il ~risand. As t'4ti he5. IsOci Pro- umiles srennt; anti thera ver. noi a NeoeellllaofÀ'i.l lbegrastiltailthlie ci »: a*Ins.ýCeS5COumied& fer traitareneleusisarwing Germants dal&fier tise exsuulnatlen, Cetticates eti Osakmen .tisera val noens&ua- keigaeoe h hnsd9d1,11cwce lu ot ii ofpanexSe'tambitios eih keigvtrsae ie tsaa t e mGo s, tet cal eri Stare tien 0f tise nganti tee gratuaits Of tish fUeGaeMgaeiLS5pte - alviasattens ia Ie ai3STSecSd on reepî lettCauvas. But tendent or &eisii Tomberr, iscers te lie an vas bUig oan Y face, a lngtt e loeket moe. ayons tas te & rdi xamn aeld it«. saesc -saU m ot fe uay iesi fer tise Sng . IM. imneteroag tih". As i dycjmstlu brae eeMaie .p itis a perfect mr utet anI rompesei crovi«lvaSi .TRItATRE, Sect'y. p melvois. Nasi et*"tAesi ly . Alier bu dffcit te imagine. Noî cheeinELLOWS' gsAset~a oeu. ve ayne jakesLike regimeata aclie laa. -aleng ta reainararray, peSemerT liappy Newai. ,csellcs .antifrottaireet taail ssatly, ind s- O H SP T t54tfimiselisi I vatt hat. "A~trtoaaly bt vitisaut goy outvaig 5~5s." . £~5i5 barai actet uloten.znSyvisn the Crovn Amtost tise loaaW t eromeauaitseue Z an,."stieSe Te ei'tagbar p ltO iW 55 of eoi nt OI aeotsrpru aFLLOWS' bSatk basIi. aeepet forth- drerC aleag ta insipet the cbarmmn aias tta fHppepie ise ', lî7peSica" preieuteS a srrY Ig ttSsaeiaaia vu ws k1, adt, m'o an 9rIlo yop-h ,pnaiasc, pes. uJitgs adtIl ye- utlitoeif in.step anti continuons menis cf roela thi hay ameng ta;chieer, Lterf. rima te trecta vereb boghissnastbioers astter irrecis ne, longer sas ery îfu, andt tseere- ostipotos, MseCassaint, Witti litex-cpeton etsfv2llt mata~sellsm0yy oaSg mita, Lartasoii, Netrasa Deisitty, D- a e«uieess, .rTietin'Oe -YC -ote&mretitenicd tirP~IS01the pjpia. Chroaie Broaciie l 3~sSaicf eprcouac anti afew psistaprde CromeDsrse fls vas needef ait- iat ght. Atagetiserth iph$One areNln- i itienta"l aiS tisaI ede coarcyrtw ailvss r e 1 caelai holy. ittn.AUS vanta werce w-t~ ite severe isantiscdlssuntT5t15DhBl ahih e m Md isati.aiaierg antilata sOl bur i 1ieîWagma eue. War iaatdlirihnurtailowievaiu, 'Dil. my friratis, 1c..nwition in a serions ting. MoV ii. a, Ypaeisolsi,AiaCts.,tsT IROCERIES laà ta Tas.te, lspcinsothi».up.sinl t. C. ,ranai o tegliantidaCt $1 pér lb. Came oula t P. M. MeKAY'S. P. M. McAY is .elIg luie. pruasella hata t netinUs. Caaaaonsisiiaiit is T HE CHINES! DLOOD ANID Liver Syrup. Cur'es flyspepsia, Liver Com-, plaint, Ganeral Debility, and ail disae of the blood and digestive organs. I'be.Eareka laia pulyVagetable IT poaieaes. ise paver of tanicg and Slresglisntie etaoussi, cf en- diig the hirpit ivuer ta a heaitisy se jusn, and cf prg Mot aiS tepraves! tumers asti Mitas. attoss fr.m tise mai disseme, have tiseïr origiu in, or se ratl à arvated by ladigea- 69sIto thilo soie au thasttheai- gortive gasdoc11et perforaithe daty bast =er baidu iga- t1m, lai e miautinotain l-et sisaeteti romuI to1" nd tisa bin ade- pttved cf tesoeraimau il requîrm of use digstive organe. Il but bactharotis!, letei, asti t'onud ta, ha tisa tig selong sangist for, sas à*aaestly daeii gt, isa !a Md suffcrlsg. Li'z<. May lts11871. Bsm-Ibsve uses!Enteks for sicS iscadasiso, canseti ty a tijortiered tio- mach aid issperfeet digestion, rits accea, vises Etiser remecties failedti t dme slgoal, asti 1 an atild test onl t4 islanseeary te marine "sy permos of ils merlta vomis!hutî give it a triaS, sMd I oisscftiSY rscm- mod St ta m&H vienne ouition demandes anp7tbug oet tiisnatura. E. C00K, Proprist ofe Lys WooSteu Factory. Le., 0ck 3r!" 187 1. MILa. . E.OBar Dzaa BSUL-Hsvtsg med aire. bat- îles af jour vainsisis mcdieiss is u famiiy vite gond afect, 1 f-cSailetu maommauss ai Mreisa for genera stehtity, loet'ion af tise livor, Inc e c ov lae i y bail .M iistor. NEW ÂDVIiBTISEMENT5. j lIE GAIIDRER sTimTIYinI 'ris P.Ma MeKay's 300T & SHOE ESTABLISHtMENT, 1 UskQDAuMMis 111 TREMENDBOUS RUSHI TO T1EE MAMMOTH FOR I'ANCY AND STAPLE DIRY 000DB, Millascry, Matie, ra, jatma anti it.ati Matie CW"lag, Caipeis, ste. McLeod, Anàderson & Co'y, OFFE 555$10,00WORTH 0F NL>ZEW SPRJN*G GOOIDS Alle alti palit atiou WOLESALE PRICES afi MasSroa sudTcro. eu... ai tie tesave our tmautp .andgei peur cis"s rait largep a andwll Maletat stcis, (Oue Staple Department la mant aimpttinta CatIras.Lieras, Tvtlicg.Selsgs, PaaisPuss!, TieLlags, Dm. dus Cttans YumatBg.S Clmai Lt srose lnutiltaiseis. LtaaClib, sd nu iss Caiy Of Pistanad fM-Y Paptes A large and asaspiela mortment. Sitlun ea oui tatia L ace., Lacs C.dlàta. Cisit- s.ettét, sed uret ssit Hasiisraisanti Ttmmegs. ilar i wait stmi siipt.en. . tM tiea aurM r OU Partsaoft higlahi, tala CIsiai:ieet.tsS frp.u tr cis ORDLRED CLOTIIING. In tlitartin nt we rttnetLWe nctauly S ofauiliheot Cutteas o Cahelntitl aisti. 'Out Tweed»ti.d atinisarea tpetis lest, duablesisanti aiap. Hemeiossr va Hat HusantiCapelm. CclaFaraisicge, @uaIwoar8" OnfslCareas, Boots ant li eti,&a TO THEE PUIBLI06 rwsefarrttoisg ,tstemsimet pasitive at ous. Osit aud iotapcli u intlatta pra- *.u anti îimrýu.e a lan viSi "Yeiao. u afcnitise tet tisitiasfssetis w@t. ehave lis aigest, isut saiitted anti nhoupe.t astoce iespntlti re.t o ni Mea d asini mm t.e tslis ebe st îem, v. a rtaruitdoti osnse aetil gUCSet Piel eo usisurt ethumale itaCanty. Corne and Save Money. McLEOD, ANDERSON4 & CO. BENJAMIN JONES, w FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGG18TS CABINET MAKER & UNDERTAKER, Twe doma ustit of tiese et OSe.Ei Whle b-OULD raapccffly ratta ke ,ta itaanuinua esameas foc ti NORTHROP à bYMAN, wyy v«tmvepabon dkn d »=, wwveau idta oautiesaof Mte . Wil, & Co., Névessde. Oklv.tp.,4ngstu U"drlwueatcti(tR nsbCO auit". jt 22te msesam>smachai theatissCy. A &M ck±iese.for iraePs i WURER~Iy I O HIEd 5ossP"'# wfusipsl5aeetibc/et-t-es6g Wmdscior l V.terlnarylouee tic TuroslcVtherFmtyCe?. legas tepsstite saail tho aliments Rssukh s-Tbat Se oeuenid Sj Mr. PubsM Bali tarsefni Watwuas Droit aTermes ndersîs, me4tea for Hormec sud tattle asivy su hitui d nt rar ronptlysttended te. milllc.liaeuis2lot.SSMI. il-tf Patents for Inventions SXPEDITIOUSLT antiraeryce- mueetilasCaaa, tise Ucailta5a as rope. Pshntt ranlestorse ehampa. Sud fricr e uts tmtuiisss.Asey lu eciiEtc"HENRY ORST uSai. bads. mocsnial nri-ie.r, SilatialPiects, sud DtsghaM s. 35 DIRESSMAKEIR. B Rm OI l iam OS0l".r ut Slasand e..endlugonuuleytbait ie Staus l assyesli dtaisissgbesitaaila tOSel tiiisstsc ime5 dmad' Bsaey. tatis tprapsiratito cssue &U aid., vIl prmumea. asti ispsa la mui. a ShUl shir of tisaitpataassge. P"i.a ,at&a AM li evs atdmiea tdlebag is vPisi paiai sud ea heialaat prices. sti lI -mhrwed. ,ainta rseslrtodeur., a partea et W@ieWuerintdgGWond NEW $PRJI&PWINZS BL.4C1 LGSTReIS, FANCY 2H15 T1'ZftJ, FACTOIT 0CfOJtfQ. JlITS Sm2ID CÂpg. SEÀDY NIDV CLOTHINe7, 40 mwCi&PZLLOSI'-COTTON, ALXÂCIRD CQT2YJNS1 FIN£S Il d .......... ......... :.". 9% md d8 'BLsAC Tmt A .........&......* "*» . 5iO CISe lsli edyu d 150,sast 9%vl d ai81 di Gne GROCER, SALT IN. .....9e sitS .4 <t Mcleecicc l te111118 cifaus q'I bâ, pecetis In Gedoneral oiGRo &SWOGERa W Remrte'bu. iaglatheat Dailar 551Ta . S PtIN IPORATONS '-WATK1NS -1B NOW DAlLE 's stuasS- Imtatl"-peeo-UlyasSecld b. Mr. wesaias.H.amvamagu 5tisaRIGUT ROUSssaul mofthéilseas sti meut attre @bock sasciDr ledMllary, Man"tiaad H«»i Fs2eýeutisuEt isabanut t aau tgs Risaitdçdai ithmmisc tensd w e hiast tiapatoea isatisaItisy vilSRad maimmoissi moniaats 1aow mtptsçDua oueds, Site.,Potllnas, Jatusa is use5 geasesiDry Gud, MisUiYM-s.a, Caepoto4F, Fac Wh,<iuS Di umis. liseaaso su «te .l sa'izs tlsre PICug oml atsay issule«alta esisseti isatiie Penus agt tcauS, tocn aseu d a Tai iilhag;bis tayasssfitmS,. muats lea aYorsiskls;bis t asert lse ci. .sa io= OS ncUUby saatlsCi an e,ti ess isa by vtit OS Cii7lO5S uhie Ibsi 51u55is57 hi tati l.T8BNTa anti M.i.NJLES madtlaatraiisatahstis, and RESMEMBERETHE RIGHT BOUSEtNo. 10 JAMES STREET, NA IGSREET. THOMAS C. WAtKINS. Hu-imton, Mao toi 1h 517140-bai GRLEAT ATTRACTIONS!1 NJEW GROCER!. RI St MIR@SULTS Osu dor rut o as ..sai"ie Nt A tD )QUACIE-à VICTIJI 0F R. TUTt'IE, 75 Nnahuesi,N.T sa flARD WOOD LAX4D FORS SUE. Bales put dm ania Lota la theOiah Cm.a w Rausl.atltagbNa.. Sesmor Lon& The aiat-.tauistaWra raetid vwu PETER MACPHEMS MONEY! MONZY!1 IONEY $8,OOO TO LOAN. PLT JOHN DEWAR, JR., 44 Baaits,,&.,TovaHiilMitas. NETFW. SPRING GOOIDS. Look Out f« bs dvertument