Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Mar 1871, p. 2

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'efge4eedore, and there arm rumors all the principal officers of the Imper- ed the H avrne. r u i asoD ehelgrtosvalontenIdalarmy who have returned from Ger.. o. aw «th &àQof gi" i i e o lray oe 1, ¢ptte4. Wp asi shostly many Mre ithout exception retiing to Columbia. and reviwed the ris and proving in this respect, that we cmnhonorably iow with certainty, sasthe petitipné private 'le, pro gress of the Confederation which Oppose onenigM hbwhnwe tink hecis0 agisny member must bce Bled bysaM was now to be extended fromn the At- wrong, and yet corially conaut with him iàe 11th Of Apd e hope .that lx a few weeks the Banks will conse ]antic to Pacifie. He then explained 'ta rmtino wa eeknot ber. wherever, and by who«mever, an at- to Isse notes under $4, and the Pub4 the term f the uion.The sbsi I 1trus tyb the oagrn luot fr temt t ene t te pdt ofeleti Wn lvet e o r change upon the of eighty cents a head was based upon local politie. Milton huas llowed itself to get bua ben made, full jusice will be silver erelation and notes, until the a population of six'y thousand. The beind from want of railroad facilties and "ptdot to the delinquents- Government ts prepared to issue notes .oino .' srviepeson t one robL..If the ret of the weli, and fo raymd yof smalldenorpinations, as arrauged temaeofimo w hh sof the f e ei&y ourneighbos, erecontent to d M. Ndtiy, whe iistermato S tiner fthe Banking Act of last year. salaries for thowselis oftheconywthtthee dtgonaswlashy, ne. odo, whn miste teSt. Slnybut am the opposite o4 this is true, it follow. ons' wtit6 BitshGovernment' hcgo ti whose services wore not regelred by that, tu keep op with them, snd do the best tessBesaknad by me Senate, By bygough ogGovernment. Thepreset tarif old in sur power for oumelveo-aswe are morny thi t %@à b thprens ive ther for a db"Of $0 a eat m remain ne long ai required by Biti" budtd-ems r ohvi odl, -e & godae piflil freonl ywiting an igamor diaphram, Columbia, by which the th"o..ea md ndep f oaato s 46he ir ttoie«»pareM$Stat, --maeti, w hred»Medthé vane Exchequerwould receve a lre e hy.Thi.is emntlo theosprt f egeo htheir over seventy mil- eu than by the tarfour goqnt towna. Wthout this It ainst de. tive and Reformers, are equaUJy intereted in them. They may therefore surely harmn- ise in seeking their improvemt. Both would bu benentted by thi. 1. Ilanthat in former deys, politicalmatagonism ars .r- ried to great length in this community, and fhat our rondo rwe sugfered to lie unimprov. 1ed in consequence. Tho rival and opposing sidea evinced theirmutual hstiity, by re- fusing anY Joint actiOn, and by striving to de.- font any masure emamnatn from those whom they rezarded am adversaries. If go. it is to be anting iMr. Barber among the oppons- mnt of the present Government, and we shal onutinue to regard him sa =Whuni hie public acts shall cm. Tiare as to the contrary, T'am new law with respect to mu- tes"e elections is likely to be sOo practicaly tried. The Judges have promulgated rules to g overn the mode t >f agi e R e sO F at ute I •Te xav lme moi ea longes Iwitet it Pwl tmm un bug moie with the. the aoith each l an Mye W OOD I WOOD I THE FENIAN BR.OTHERHOOD. PARLIAMENTARY SUMMARY. RespectIng the Canadian PacineRoi 1 have oftent heardt aid thateur farmen The Eletionl. 5elu nDe". The irmprudbway, he said the Government me oppoëd batoa ymal bu& am eM H orse B ül- s, en'lde ofwod .in ta t heirpmsbeFe1nliete On Wednesday. 22nd inue..Mr. did not intend tobulal theraway, which roadi, because of the taxtion tha. the eh.» We have obtai a correct roera c so Tig aa Egat ho pa ofsubSiprt fer I" Heathen Chinee," pe lodically comtes Tremblay Introdueed a Bill for ballot- would oâ a hmulad million dollars, but t ýrof blet oudentahnNew t P inedi teiOSla-of the poing in à*me electiolu outa aen W Ir soi lainopublie notice. No amluntof re-ing at lParliamentary elections. The wouldprovide lndrantt@ te etn fslsns see n nyhd hsto fMr. Sherff MEiday. TW totalElhBrdinay eret 01les e odepreIss them, but lu' let to namend the Cantoms Act was dày.°ur mllos acdnamfeth2,50mua, correct, constutes a Tvery narrow ferai ,f sad.tractive style, and for number of votés posed was 2Mof comen«ttOheM ,e ie arnea 8.. MJ 2EayL CO., S7 n asther ufortunatte dupes p ay, -end a second lime. and pa%*ed through cdwhibilVl epca = * a ühnPe leu. .Our agricltnri.ts are boehr.wd the lowest cash price, *'h " . Ly°n receved 9M, and Mr.; telih inher Park Ror, errork, and EO. P. or ambitions politicians brible, so lonh ammiit tee. On motion fOr fthe third 1 a lmiofa ou nsil 6 o 70 ueî not to know biha if they hmd thOimproe Barber 1194, leaving the latter a m&- 1té1 . . .r RWWEL Eté CO., 40 Park Rot, er will the society lat. For all thet'readling, NMr. IHolton imwed ta ifelibnBtis oum orwih ht enst hchIacrfrrnan nain tte ha pO "O-Teiy f25.Thr reob0vtrswsdm o etesh rorhae Our ae Agensitha i fA iy. frothy teloqune whieh id spouted by referred back li o ca:nmittee ta repe ad vince w oldriv in frewturahunrod they migtht occaionwould be repaid i hninn heContlàtason lmnsvery gag ad UAMUstria and «Wo autàrized i técoaet for hend-centres nditother higr dignitar- the duties onl cail, %wheat and fleur. thousand dollars per annum. 8pecelan olddereebytheavng f niml nd id' A lM M paeel o " adaeeriing et Our knieetrmite. ies inthe organization, it is evident Thia wa.qopo dhv thl,.Governi- opposto to the Gýoverniant scheme wer@. -------- - -- - -n ---he îminheproperty in difeèrent illing sub-di-2 ohasey £M2,000 nm gm. others. Mr. Mackenzie movedlan amend-moe"'*s M Ptel pllelgI cosy t Of these h"'volig simes and thee controlof thiemoney chest. The dtis assow ta e bieen lin- mnt ino thee aotthat the Houée do ànotinow the farmerlnlthi" negborhood can choosm x os-Teexmintion0 Bonemretan300.te veyOtra raisedthe tâces fknm 1u 19Jexiles lately arrived in America from þltrious t a the ccouintry. Mr. IBlanchet anmg e jslf ti m mý.tteeof the WhoA ,their own time--can aord to wait for the en.Schol wiâ bu hld onThursday, April 13th. one qualifed were to vote. The faloM - te £æ sin dus&ayenr, heb n Io..' . ¢rm aalta H 4ten British Bastiles" have made a bold n :oedan mndetto the namend- but th"tit in of opinion tha Canadas hould conmodation of now ro"d in winter and of ini the offBcial return. mfeely the p«etnta è trike to assume the chief direction of lit tha..t the daity on setal and ojs notlbe pledged tu do morebthan proceed with dry mod in dommner. Even if this were w, Acrox. -The e---ainn of Mr. Littles starXLTON. ra e aao le sil .the party, but thu would not slit the bc aigo repealed. Sir Francia., amidst the necmesary suvey, and fter the route id mnt ist m orthylof goo an intro)te lg elntria.) he xritaes wilbgi ;e yon- betu, adM . M. ARERS OSTIN. plans of their compatriote, vwhoahadl.soaironical cherts, said athatth Vhoughdthetheon en , apiubplelagraedirear f hea.m.rm -- ~~long manipulated the gteenbacks On Government still thoughit themaselves instiy, and that thefurther ennsderation of .g e e ral w ea Thsewhaotthsmatn~ era Sa'w . r Tnal orth Ward . ... .:,«201 13lag en m. lu.anothereclumu Mr. Johin Newton, this aide of the Atlani1c. Accordingly in the right, they would necpt Mr. Sb@hellidterme bu postpone, with à view tn. nedteeme ht htvrtestonext Sunday eveins'preah thefuealemo ELsON. tet f eh, with z1i of e0 as a Consevtive supporter of Mr. lie are not surpised to learn that a Blanchet's amendment. This sudden obtai ome m Odinon thereof. At maid- tMmtra eetofacmuiyehne of the late Mmrs.Rper. in the M. N, C. IstD Iisio.....,..,... g0 68 blood, were expendedon te lkirber In the late election content, few days aga Savnge, In addressing cag i o utsvrlmmesagttedbt a doread the tevalue of its property. You Cannet eenchurai. 2de .....t.40mnof the Prac renM n ends fault with us for lasing that the Senate of the brotherhood in New who supported the ministry, but Mr. BHllse robe, ltan au uruafi iitpe"teP âML-eOepele t emMM l......23 53 Bouon s. Burk e" es etleman with the Opposition. Hfe York, did not spare his powers Of vi- Blanchet's amendmnent was carried by in th e lative Assembly of eye, wiütutraings OWmode thair monetar G. A. Stak, of E^jMg m od a hgly ESQUESINO. eo this 0 r .gnet lissas his superstructure upon the tuperation aginst the dictatorial 103 to 28. tir. Hlolton's amended N value soething Mme thn it was, ereditabe primary 01amination et NMcGiiH 1 Kt Division .... . ....... 59 10 Burritt cmae h aewia e ratley sllitfoundlation that Mr. Bar- courbe which the new arrivass had at- amendmient was still trongly app ud Nova sentisa aBill has been mnt ouced It in à atriking fant, I balise@ethat the COUee Mo orea ,» ek 2nd I" ............ 32 94 a consequen;e of it, to a great invia e'n the, polling day et Stewartown, tempted for the purpose of establish- by the Government, but was carried te repeal the Ballot Act Of lent "esion, price of land In some of Car newer countie n ----- Q0 3rd .. ............ 42 4-km enibe that apeds t de " aing ýthe statatement. " that ing a secret directory consposed Of amnidst lond cheers fromt the Opposition and, though etrngyOpst.l iha n the Conyo atnot .. .M2 8 k Iv wte0,0 00m h e à not. w ant fthe Conservative , them selves for the custody of the by 6 g to 53. S rFr n i s i l t t e n pam ed. Itna r wy e c ein w so " n ri h l f ish e b dngof ,ex ellewnt b e hel n M ilRton on F urai 2 St A pily 6th a . .. . .... .. . 2 ac k he boo thd v ry i d s y yot," ,and ftomthat jumps to the flands ; nor that lihipeech was loudly Governmnent must yield to the opinion Cmmtteitfopnetsta ga c ated and beautifully itusated. 1 am next. On the .am day the annul lowing NossAoAwEva. ofitevenin nfaa hgtyeclWUo that the pledges we applauded by an enthuiastic audience- of the Hounse. On Thursdy, Mr. vantage of the absence of seve d .tota t whle forty dllar. per areis aked match will lbeldi. ItDvso ..., 49 .1cntss trehteu-p n r*red ta, as given by Mr. Barber, At the evening session, the Finance Blake moved the HouSe into committee isspotradcligfra v-adotie ntefretit-ws2nd " .......... . 74 15 that once carried out towamPeu&a ars " mythi"*l." It isquite likLelytatCommnittee reported tht the books of to consider a series of resolitions re- .on.wenanadornen,.asmoe,..aou a8mchs cn6e eAnddinth ntor. Woessaiani. M zuE.T l3de .. ..... Bl1 ndnoanniti blive, neh yi.Bre ddn aisc and a long debatte on a question of opieorsmy bu assured that the state of Apil nmber of "h publication i. before ne, TRA FAL.GAR, better than Guïson. Thm ewhoe st .! abrwou ddn ang -ha the Financial Secretary were in A sat- specting the conduct of the Govern- order ensued. In the meantime the our roado b hai uhto do with this depreciW and, am muni, conain a large and varied lot Division .... ..... ... 46 47 PI"d thenon-tuerfermaierP sash stateme nt, at a timie ton, whenl isfnetory condition. The Committee ment in reference to the admission, of opretofheblt lieadto-anmun of int-reting reaing male. Ad- 2nd ....... 77 nurany, t isenow ged tKgle th osraievote was al1 Ja- len Foreign Relations did not deem It Reperte Land, and the North West opnnso h altrlid n y hnw uh oedao ans.<r.,s .Wood a Co., Newburgh, New 3rd .. .......... t7 65 look at the d"etbtat isJet p tobitt him. but Our reasns for advlaable to makte their deliberations Tertisad ecrnghtte the Bill pased a second reading 18 taorely ed the evi ompangf.Lt t h davr e% Yr-4t ,.......2d 3 nent soiaing X. Barberirest on a mach publie. Efforts vwere made to form sanin-doense of the Canadian Parliament 15. d he hrd jreing was hecarri byfriend.of the railrod push il by Ial honeetExAbrrsivON OPr inACon .- The BOard 'OA xVILE ........ 1 196Sie cainot M or conemipt âet 4 omstoeth-a a-eelection ion between the orilâlFeuianu Bro- shold be taken before Im aamiaemdriy; u beutp eelles oho w whseduty litéiam of Pubie Infernesso tiscounty WillG EORGETO N, . ....... 13 115 fureign service. No emdsimo tamet. terhod ad thlat imprtaton tyl-Legilaton ws ased.He dnouned ru of the ballot expect thas the Bill amicipal slua-y-nenymeut #Atthe Ton Hall, Milion, nna, Total njoriy for Barber 255. nation or teolition could last l in 40destplacethenwe be to e- igutheselvs the"e rsh Cofedea- -will b.lost in the ILegisltive Council, resolve to have goodroade withthe l'east po nTesday and Wedowle, the zh, 9t nd'in ng more th 19,0 M 1fet.r. Nwton ad others similarly tion"*; but the latter would not modify the Gvernment, n oe h oue 3BilBal e inth atterancl ofthe renowyour opoenb Nan e hâgd o e w 1 t y for the enetinationorf" common u so «neWesd te Mr. Barber's address, theirplansor alter the dictatorialntnràeto legalize the Manitoba Act withit Legilature received the three monthsl, supportée, an<l winl thank you for what you Canada and the United $tates.con he cotDn vbj aceux.å whomin wl lh efnu&d-the fullowing. of the directory, even afusng te admit ostigPramnas"ihutoi..Ahuhteeisatogfe- have dine. As toany rivalry or jesonay F.icr.-It inthe inte.rest of every fre f i ahigotorepnen fsrieOti. Now, it i ased whacon psager,-Wy:polit ià kiies:bavel arrpresentative of the Fenianst, adoprece :ent, without parallel, without igin ¡e oltry that it should either eme obten plce nand athe, Iastferin-en eaiemthe t - ,ufiy to know wher. the New York Journal of Commerce, kind of foreign polit noum this affi- •• «geelittle or no chma ice*I the union E@« nteet ccoplihedld•e'riniinthdcoieeanc, eenMilonandoakill, et oobncafgilee bst omle oi he ltmony.-ia a ettr o te cmmecia i-atry biltyhav ]en dlelhretretry •"wai witho, u teepeinc h Fnanidinnta h ret-ecue, and withotpalliation. 'Sir bc abolished or 'made elective, it was matter be viewed na.il would be by a candid The Mammoth lHon.e, crgLonis h ecus fteUie ttswt u rgrthehestrglewg ette coGæ vestht•George E. Cartier attempted to defend thoughit better te defer any ••ction till and co)mpetent .trange. iwell known apot. & etM-.LteAr, 'Anlermo" Canada. After condemning the policy France and Germanyyg:an whe. -m(bpast r my ireta ment-which their honorable fraternity the Government, but withouit replying aifter the lect-ons Yours,c, & Co:'s new adveriseent. Give thema a of the President in recommending shoud such a policy begin to sett " we should have Party coer»meat, hal received, passed, without a dis- to Mr. Blake's arguments, and moved. ON E INTERES;TE D. cILl. non-intercourse with Canada, te What would the 100,000 Engls troops "Rseform itf Possible, but Conservative senting voice, a resolution that no %IItn,'March 29th, 1871. - - writer :-- The British North Ame. do againt the 500,000 of Prutsia&MA u sether than Coalition." Again, dl. further attempts be made during the an amendmient declaring that a draft CORRESPONDENCE. -- . -TuE nocrLwooD TRAýoi).-WiIllghy, gjcgg Provincesgand poiggeggjong cou. GerMany 1These ditions a li- the Convention, Mr. Barberpl;gizded senit convention, or until the next offthe proposed Imperial Act had -~Kibie colvho wa- tried ab the lae &amizei t Guellph tain an ares of at least 3 408,38 portant One., ad ansete, , . been submnitted to the Honse, and Wz do not hold orevsaseal for-. for the murder of his wife, wras fou-i " not square miles4-more than in ownjed by may save En gland a many cures fer the votes hie had giren contry ,rto conrention, to unite with the exiles. met with its appoal. The debate thie opinion. of our crreslpondents. Our Col.r n z Mie f Cionpzwn. guilty," on the grouna of in.anity. He Iril the United States, excluding Alaska, which shle ie now, receiving fronta&S hisparty, aduad tlmt with4ihis four So the linge farce goes on, and we mnay po Umnm are open to -1n. . emin in Guelph )ail bo await the (;"ery, and not much leus than the whole of palrts of the world. yeta oaprntcshp e rol i epettoherofth w bachs fwas continuied for @soetimte, and DF,%n Srn : -Knowing the inierest peme n ilpoal eno oteErp.It id estimated that the each enestions came up, vote alto- the Liberators oflIreland hurling te adjune at csinto oeithe eing Edtor of er' osaon. out. ou wleoner ayouor emnabmaiysyu a okwo. ibtarly e, t J e 8u dror adH -ril gather difeèrently, and in reply to a anathemas and interchanging reerim-- Hudson's Bay, comprimea suffRelent NEru, Yos, Fhklay, soin, f=reh «f, lait qes=tion, said he was prepared to vote inations in the style to which, by this 8"PPly- Srn.-With retèe nce to youlr edi.. giving the following a place hln yo r iIr.REu Mi z -r e have received territory to makte twenty-Ave States By the resuimption of navigation on "nncndne"in'the present Gov- tinte, they mest be fully aeccustomed. On Friday, Sir George E. Cartier, torial of last week, about the election, coums the April numbler of #hi. otandar Magazine, equal in sizle toallinois.Cndahs the udson between this poin d 11oualowm t s awrdortw 1 yesterdaty attendedl the quarterly, and find il, s areMa replte with the cho)icet contermmns frontier with ourselves Albany, the recept have y in" y ai**&.bath before the Coývention and AFISI RNE h ol oea drs oHer While in Stewartown (on the pol ing comints of K de mnS, bunder tche well writate,a -arehf ainteting nature, famertor Oregton etee hetipre rbuan beerl haIly vnd einee it, tat he woul notIrunFastheE. Majety, praying ta ilrsetigdai a tte om yadzno t o wo pa whle he i@e redi. attr ofaha rounttries we have no great a vabrietny accmulation of stock&. dhps o&didqt d. Tho i." » fo hl. hav thn t ll,,ità nho I ýial more voters, both Reformners and Cn beue Cnec f'i.e rdn atrk façw f l n lmt et ecpbe fhv enngetd ht ugae Cnsiervative can iate, and on bis election cards he asked for suppport as a Reformer. Privately and publicly he urged his n-electionu pon his many private friends en the gre:aod that ha wanted p eemhis character aà a RefP-em- er." Ur. Newton hans 0t- painful deluden that Mr. BP-ber refused tou .-onq the inn yoke" (so he metaphor- 4"aly descibes Mr. Barber's refaual toe vign the pledge quhmitted to the catt didlates by the Convention). but -an exFtytfrom 3Mr. Barber's " Election ,ftra" may lead him to a didferent eo elw in. Whatever capital Mr .erlyr an&ibis supporters may have t «daot Of whole clt. It was Dot oý ,meafgnt gthe prinédples therein eninei ted; it was not beause he woud .baie been pledged tO vote «U, orof cofidenceg'in the 3Ministry ; liat It was Slely on accont of its binding him to give the -sominee of thatconvection bis hearty support amd vote, that Mr. Barber refused toe algn the' aammosat If Mr. Newton .Adobts tMestatemsnt, let hfim rerd the «nMa srctfrom the ffrrakPs Carfigatr gate on roand toe heffa rne wthe Convention was placed, x uryasuit were, their to show that th, was over, and, that they ha" fast to render their i-eiet-•weighed and found wanting' Hlow qey came to beprepared with .eir verdiek withouthensing any emiam et defene May be eady ,nesoo hethe nature oft hir D. emnns Thesewere present mem"ams g four 'llitinet parties «M an '0o its eadidte:. and each c beobig tht VfUr. Barber was out d e ther". M esma e Was u- #0 *mn Wthout ay real coibina- Mm o bewen te seMi Prtiesthere *,usM all*Meßatmal eombieation whisk wuaoud"te Mr. Barber » dcassewbpbwver a nmms==tmo *$à ou& - D flons dsouvered the " to peeeent hi ta M m d t &Z a- frthe candidate& IlaPZ - heh able to con- C r5alf the view taken # *W& could possbly be correct.' Heore the only (and true) reason in g øs Úåde teirums aabove deald eae uite justißed in necessary and conducive toe con- fort and happiness of eivilized man- There is no reason why the conmmercial relations of the Sates nd thetPyo beneficial as those of the different States are to enc te. he suetion than we arc, for the with- rawal of the rec'iprocty treaty has been far more injurious to them than it has been to us, and every day they ar etin thmoread more. At hmrmonious basis of commercial rela- we have no doubt that witlh the actr peculiarly entertaining to all classem of redr.We can heartily recomend it am tb, ,-t ma,,i.e f- ti, ; le 1publisheilin Ameria.1 a year.IHarperBro3,,New, York, ipublishers B,)ys DR 3if ,En.--On Friday, three bys, two sonsof Cyru4 orof Oâkville, and the other a -fa of W.Bromley, of Milto n, îwe pl.ying nan ou.co"-atoakvcille, vwhen,un-. fortun aely, it dit ou n the , n1, being very leak.y,cmenedt , fill r'pidly, re I wop ne r, ; t e Ch 1 to tàc but umtilre . The b:Ai- cf the two untrate I21 ren were fte r.waràre c,,ere.- ic CI bi atoed: r p a ftwit1 in range of 6 an 10 ets per bOccas- ionally we hear of smsall par"el but tecpi«m uite e e tio, and nrely met, owing to the seurellt of âneh grae as warrant it. The ex- pore o th Int to weehaeen- purchase. ShonId thtis movement continue a few weeks longer, our market will be pretty well cleared of old noice there is not the anxiety on the part of growers to realse na in fonmer seasons, numy et whomt, n- obiatosto me the ret dyof April, and depend upon the nmey arising fromt the unie ot their bh Ie shwsat ws.ae m o hï possible to them, growers seem willing to X their chances on May further decline iù values, and hope before the summner is over te ex- perienee an advance. R leceipts of the week .4f2 bal". Reem oer-r-ic wek lut mseit 4210- A =a TOa c espcua ofthe n i, Wassab" C" tl b, New York State, new ............ 8 Veg i Eastern..... ................... ....... 7 8 1le wiftor""ns".-·..···..··· .··-----... a 7 9 Y ea. i g ........... ................. 2 3 4 O0 d ................. ............ 2 3 4 EMUrE' WECLLS, No. et rendl st.. N. Y. U1ýVLU, - l« servatives, that 31r. Barber, at some of the gathierinigsdurinig his canvass, had said that *1hle did not want the Conservative vote." Am a Conserva- tive, I felt a little interested, and call- ed on 'Mr. Barber to settle the dispute. He d1eclared before the whole crowd, over and over, that --he had never made aniy such statement." Can it bec that those mythical pledges you refer to as !-aving been made by Mfr. Bar- ber to the Reforrmer@ rest on no better foundationt It see:na to mie there arec but two things bearing mi the matter guite certain, frat, at the CCuvention hIr. Barber refused to don the fron Toke. and second, hie was returced by the Conservative vote. He goes t:, Parliament, therefore, entirely unfet- tered by the Reformers, and if hie re- presents anyparhyat all, It mustlbe the Conservatives. How inconsistent, then, is it to exp)ect, or seek to per- saade the.Reform party to expiet, Mr, Barber to be " found earnestly e' er ating with Her Majesty'sLoya pp tien." w'th ave f 1"redeeming the caracter frconsistencyhlitsprevious parhiamentary career hadl endangered." For myself, and I think I may say soa of the Conservative party, as our memi- ber, we are quite willing to treat Mr. Barber as a gentlemais, and leave him unframmeled to do the best hie can for alpartismn hecounty andte whoe country. Our motto la justice endpro- gres. Yours Respectfuilly, JOHN NEWTON.- The Roads. Editor Champion. Dn=in.i-Our romd&, as everybody know"' haveoflatebeemextreMy.bad. They will .oon doubtless bW bette, and w", like the sailor who, whenhh buscapes the dangers of the storin, quickly forgae t the, unless to help him ia spinning a y ma ry likewise in à very short time, beee oblivious of the inconvenience, noyanceand ma» eof re- proachcaued by untaward locomotior, But Mr. Editor, we ought not wo to forgel, and it ia to try and prevent such injunious oblivious- noe.s that I venture to trouble you wvith a few lines on the subject. Now that the election is over, the present mazy be a oeasonble Qie to give attention tou Our roade. Both politial par-tie.-coumen- Tere la reason for th e"op tat Manitoba be submitted toth e mperai H the insurrection in Paris whicthi7 t Government. Hie tu virtualy P ened another Reign of Terrer, isn zow acknowleded the correctness of the 1 virtually at an end, as the elections resolutions moved on the previous day I were heldi on Suinday last. pass üg off by 'Mr. Blake. In reply,toMr. Holton, C without disorder and follow-1 by a the minister of militia, said the Gov- t prochuination offthe Central Republi- ernment did not intend to spend any e can Comumittee which rs!ined its of the fortification loan during recess. functions and yielded 'te the newly The iiouse went inito commnittee of 0 elected municipal gov ernment. The Supply. Mtr. Mlackenzie and other r insurgents allege the r they feared that Reformers complained of the extrav- t Preident Thiers was plotting with aganceof the Government, and the t Bismarck to oV0_:rthrow the Republic inefficency of the work done on the L and prevent' the free expression of the Parliamnent building&. A long debate f voice of the people at the pulls. At ensued on the vote for the public L one time 1.st week there was the most buildings ait Halifax, im the course of grave ce au for alare, the Montmar- which M,%r. Savary attacked MIr. Blake trists >ccupying a large portion of the for interferring in the Ontario Legis- City, stoppfing all railway traps going lature with the a€airs of Nova Scotia. to Versilles and threatening to exe- Mr. Blake defended is conduct in a I ente the Generals whom they held s telling speech, s4howing Mr. Savary's t hostages, if they were attacked by the inconsistency. The debate which P Government troup. Business was increased in warmth a gnerated into t stopped, the Bourse deserted, alarmn personal altercations between Mr. A.-t belle and the roar of cannon broke the P. Macdonald and Mr. Mackenzie, s stiness of|he làIght, and no man could wh;en the House adjourePd at 2'clock' conider his life safe in Paris, Many On Monday Mr. Bowell introduced of the terror-stricken people sought an Act to legalize marriageseelebrated refuge inifight. On Wednesday the upon the ertificates of the isseuers of 220d inst., a collision occurred be- mrif licenses. In answer toe tween the insurgent& and a large num- questòns. Mr. Langevin said that the ber of unarmed citizens who had re- Government did not intend to buildi mained loyal ta the Government, The the North Shore Ralway, lior toe rebielsoldiers fired into the crowd, abolish postage on Agriceultural papers. killing over thirty, and ,makling the On the debate on Ruperts Land and rRue de la Paix a pool of blood. Be- Manitoba, Mr. Dorion's amendmuent yond ti, there has been no blood- was lost by 77 to 55; and Sir George shed, with the exception of the exe- E. Cartier's amendment to Mr. Blake'& enction of Generals Lecomte and motion carried by 78 to 57. Hion. Mr. rThomas, whose mutilated remains •Anglin strongly condemned the cour»e were buied in a ditch. General of the Government on striking at the Chanzy, whose death was».reported, constitution.' Mr. Holton proposed in was imprisoned, together with Ida sis- ame-ndment that no changes should ter, and treated with eruelty, but be made in the Confederation Act, were releasd with Langouireoux after withouit the previous assent of the ithe elections. The Prussians who Parliamient of the Dominion, which were losely waiting the devlopment Sir George E. Cartier t once accepted, àof the movement, at one timté seemed and It was carried unanimously. Mr. albout to interfere, and plainly gave Mackenzie denonced the conduct of fthe citizens to understand, that if the the Minister of Militia in accepting Mr. Dpreliminaries of peace were not scra- Holton'sàamendment, which was aPudously observed, Paria would ,be diretly opposed to is owîýresolutions. streated as a hostile City. It is rumoer Sir George E. Cartier's resolution asn -ed that GeneralRaphael wa assin-.amended was earried by 99to 38. Mr. sted by the mob, and Ducrot ghot by Blake introduced a Bill tu secuire the s ion bl soeaeldiers, but both reporte lak Independence of the Senate, makng e confirmation. The country generally Sentors ineligible for ofBee. This nbha been on the aide of law and order, was warmuly opposed by Cartier, and and although attempts were made to on a division lost by one vote. - stir up the mob in several great cities h pae no e h eep le the conciliatory policy of the Govern- of the Elections returnedfrom Manito- ment proved auficienit to suppress Y any n eat a nprge st serins iots Th venrabe Prni-whether they ouald be entered on the dont Thiers in entitled to much credit Journalsof the House when on motion of -for the conciliatory spirit with which Mr. McDougall, the gallerswere cleared n b h hsendeavored to calai the Pas- of strangead nofurtherrpr ,e sionate and unreasoning outbreak of could forterscrtbno ie eprt [e the insurgets. It isn oticeable that Oo Tuesdy Sir Georg Cartier, - .114,1k. _411 - -,.1rgy- - Of the junior department, taughit by Nliiss aynes, I cannot speak, person- ally, asI was not present till near the A wt 1e ud earit i inbut f n promising condition. Of the senior, under the imir edmite care of Nir. t 1 PieIcan speak from pIersonial( obse-rvation, and I think Iam insmtined ý in stating that it will compare favour- ably with any sichoo)l in the Comity o eminent degree, a peenliarly happy t auethod of imparting instruction, t while the excellent order which he 1 fi d C, tA maintainst, and his thoronghl system of fihn n te usin.temte teaching, justly entile him to be Tut" RoAm-The or.Ils throuighor the wl conte ader the consideration of et.:uâed among the first teachers in the C',unty arc at reent i a a depi oram cousu-o m es-mity !T was mu-h struck at tte tim, -1wzt, th rent bil, 1wther and facilit display,4l by the scholars in thpae cnn, h ch pvetsanything The Emperarý William's Speech. ty y but rticlarllainloneto rmedythe nl.In thlewhol® - ln the various classes, btPariu ry Dominion them L, probably notanothercoun- [Fromt the New Ne Evening Mfail,] f in the history and giraps CIasse, ty where the M.1arsoittely nget% The speech delive ed by the Emperor 1 i ineigthe ut absZ- e1a0i,* aw-l 1-s ambition felt t,rendier t!-,r condi- before the German Parhiament was 1 dinfcl anseto.Wing é na trmcale nw ake intox-a characteristic and noble ex ression. - dediultquesl tions. When all di x-cosier i heweaIlth and comnpaetnes of He first gave " thanika toGofor the ceeingy wllit ay eeminvidiusthe couinty, it ý-rtinly sen trange that histonie success with which lie had t akle a distinction, yet I cannot r-w a clar e 3sthâwou11 bdi, e faithfülu ty of teGr fan frntmentioun g two wIJo the poorest and zuost unc: v ýJcorner, in t of thearies,anetheeotiond of thue particularly distinguished themsel ves%. landa, much more a wealthy and prost>O>u teple." aterthi d oubnftey Those were Jessie Lesliie, of Cum- county like Hlt. pmee"uturtfio;ugratitdhe 11 vlead a aitboy bythe .. . a contmuned : nmseofan a a y.yo__ lb __-- -h- We have what our forefathersstrug- 1 name~~~~~~ ofL1e fKlrd.TeB R T H 8. gica for, the nnity of Germany and Most searching questions failed to JOHINSTON.-On Friday. 21th ILt., thlefthe sceýLTity of her frontiers. Our move theml fromt their position in the wife of Mr. John Jobston, Milton. of à conviction otý'hture anity was veiled ; class~y daughter'th.the evel- presentpth amofhe Both deparments of the schiool arc KIf,. n 1,.nt 2 h uýin., fa Peu le rent the Veil. Whien the pueosyatd ed , lt he n.Fat ierland was threatened the .ntion numeousy atenedwhist he0BSN-OnThusdy, 23rdl inst., the wife unaniimouly rose on hier deflence, anà Interest taken in its welfare, both by il Mr. Will Iartob)ån, Halton noli.etracd its airm will in indelible Char- parents; and guardians, was clearly ][liton, of a son. acter on the battle-fields of France, to manifested by the n umbe rs who M AR R IED. remain a united people. The spirit attened te exminaion. IcNAUGýH TON-MicK[NNO)N-At the animating Germany h,, ler cul- attnde th exmintio. Tere reidence of the ride,'s father, by the ture and Moral; and the constitution m were also many visitors fiom a dis- , Rev. Wm. Stewart, Hornby, 1IIenry of hier power. Independent Germay0 tance. I noticed particularly three ÈÈuho.E-q.. M. D. Ei,to Mise respects the inidependence of others. à llev. gentlemen and two teachers. At' Ale nder Meinwnon q_ This nerce ordal of was through the los oftheexainaion ddr&,t,ý.§ DED.which we have passed ls a sure guar- the los ofthe xamnaton adresesD I . lt0antee Of European peaces.Powerful were delivered by the three Rev. BRME-Dowe tOk-ille, on Fri- and self.reliant, Germany now be- gentlemen. After which the most! Br ly i I Walt cr Wi5 mqueathàsto you the regulation ofhber i 1 and :4 days. '.own affairs as a satisfactory heritage i interesting part of the proceedmnge SH AW-At her reidenc, 5th lin..EFlues. To the especia gratification of Ger took place. Mr. McPhee has now ing, County of Hlton. on the 1th*inet.-manly, the CoInference at London, ina entered in his seeventh year in that' Marlion Grant, relict f John shàaw, a peaceful spirit, hma chieved the work section, and ]his scholars, in order to lndsed8ryath M. ryhrso-o oclto. show how highly they appreciate his McGIL LVERZY -On Tue.ýlay, 28th ns. ould there be ateriler, or less Vain- servies, presente.l to him on that J.ames tnly child o r. McGi f Gemn Ms n loayd 1 g occasion a handsome token of their mon1th,. ' ' the past marvelously evèntful eight 1 geard, consisting of a most magnii w ý months 1 The credit for the great re gn --- -- - - -- work accomplished so rapidly la given cent centre table and mirror. The FELLowVS' Compound Syrup of ito the people. The remaining work , gift was presented by two smallI H31ophosphites.-A new discovery for of building up a homogena tate ins1 pupils, Masters Baker and Lesllie, after cuiring nervous and debilitating, bequeathed to the representatvesof 1 which Master Baker, in a clear. maily diseases. It improvas the appetite, the people to .whom Germanygives l assists'digestion, promotenasimilation, .the regulation of her own Mr as a voice, read the following addreiss- rouses the liver, strengthens the satisfactory heritage." There is no Brt:-I am much pleased at beibg nerves and Muscles, purifie& the blood, evidence ln thist or in any part of the slected from among ouir scholats t invigorates the heart's action, pronmotes Emnperor's speech, that he consiers tu7 expectoration, and gives tone to all himself to be• the state.1,it insI- the performu the pleaing tank of offering the vital functions. It is edicacions in nation "l and" the people "l who are lior your acceptance this table and plmonary onsumption, bronchitis, mnade responsible for the ilorious et mirror as a amoll token of the esteem an evu or general debility, ariing and for the proising uture. 'fromn whatever cause. 1 E mperor keeps himself in the back- lin which you are held by us all. 1 Price *$1 50 a bottle i 6 for $7 50. ground. The more hople for Germiany trust, air, that you may long live tu oby apotheries and by F. Cundill and te mor truc honor for the Em- enjoy them, and whenever you ait &C. ho -eaens otoa. prr besiethe one or see your face re- Mr. Gladstone stated in the house flected by -the other, you, may re- th moern tnt was o ip dt THE FAILcRE."l-Notwithstanding member with pleasure the smiling press claims agaiinst France for h the rea ucyo h oenet faces and happy hearts of those who ri: ilfdesh d ca r.hic oeans to-dMrake won mem ure. presnte ths gft, nd ho re ofld annonced that the opinio-, the new Parliament of Ontario elected fast gaininir knowledge tindler your the law onficers of the crown wats ad- for two seats. For one of those he instruction. versed to mlaking reclamations on wa chosen by acclamation ; and fori Aftr sitalerelyfrom Mr. France for injuries of British isubjectsthohewr fuyarsiche reiding in that country. obtamned a majority of only seven, hie McPhee, the Company dispersed, was last Tuesdal elected by 407· highly pleasedt with the whole pro- No organ of thoughit or action can What a falure! It stands unprece- ceedings. be emploed without the asistane eof th tie no u -w an polta a FRIElNDSHIP. ployed safel or wi impunity with- should in the short space of four years Kilbride, Maroh 24th, 1871, out a au 1of healthy blond. With achieeapsto fsc mnnea ahelthy= the exercised orga ha& been reaohed by Mr. Blake. Heois A w1becoe well develope, whether they one of whom Canadians, irrespecive Àay tew p re Àe excgange bie muslar or i telectual. By the Of ry, may well be prond, and that due to a Meth "ter and Hypposphitesthe oodisa i s :Lylàçelyeviden in the mak. New 1n ranm. Next time pro- vitaiszed and purined, and somao da appryMe hasreeived akt the bab wil 91now eog ttucpable of prod ing a souaind mnd bad of the people.--London A d- An English apr telle the ion story.1pG ap Ofrthe new otcards: - Th Gemn avete otcardse as Well awe, ad buse thenw in- stitution in about the same manner. At Dresdin à atleman received a card- saime weeu ago, conveying the following message : 'I110"tMy Purse yesterday at the Elbe bath@, with three napoleons in it. I dropped il; cloe sto the water-mark, where it sast lie still. Ap yoenare & good diver, pra go abathing with meat 6.' The gen- tieman kept the appointmentand was aupe toasee two or three postmeR go ito the bath& Just baera him. - Having udressed he went ont to the lucea" forin spite u othf sa hour, there were numabers of men there. some of whom it nce Dmn the sight of the Post OfBee naiformn in the, un- dressing rooma to prooaimu Post OfBe Clerks, for thiey were well-known faces froms the receiving unter. They ail kept neair the water-mark, a place generally very lile frequented, and took uncommon long dives. The writer of the cord was sittmng at a little distance, eV*dentally j ing the sight. As thtsdisappoin cetlerks re- turned from their atluati march they fond au inscription lit chaik on the fluor: ' Strict secreey obsered with regard touall postal communiestions.' It was&onl then. that they pereived tt theyrhad beenu mde ,he butt of a The éfibrts of the Fenian opnve ntic in New York to combine wit the recent exiles liberated fri ' Britis Be i eb" ava ,tly fied, as the the brotherhood, á orchag * "constitution" ta harmonize wuthe views of John Savage & Co. The Fenlins are consequently indignant ai the slight, and took their revenge by ado ting a resolution condemaing the Ir= cofederation touotraefa4. fe athecovention a »WD are thus plemantly occupied in a COR. test of resolutionq and officeimbukeer thy willPut be dangerous toan"Y e- eept the pcets of chambermahls and other dpes. of the schemers who bna mae "a&prntableuse of the crY umd et heolt -mry, ar obrd

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