Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Mar 1871, p. 2

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.X. fe -TEiAAle vo., 37 THE JOINT HIGH COMIS$II0N. -PARLIAMENTANY ISUMMARY, " LOG ONT -g TE. MRON THAT "TbO» mF myý ar-1., ýrek ad E.P._pap u ugb - i t yAfton la fraom, Monémartare, whele the danfrtevw1- heO. hn ibery =• -R.Parl id ., 40 JYerm E o r .New Nothing of importance has yet bee,. On Wednesdy 15th, petitions weore Mr. Barbe', In Illeprdsworthy and Mmentk ad in«easilempbnadtun in eionur en dwth*and- . Érk oeer oe.geinta iyaccomplished by this body, thecy lhav- presented in the House of Commoe» enterprising missionary labore ta con-. veydeor=ennot T pbki .iere ufasued a prc ilmb d tîîe in-Éat udn h 10LO rd a re auhrzeffa oat frbi g been engaged prinicipally la dits- for arepealtof the duty on cria and vert the Conseýrvatives of gsoa to TheregmetwewwSoresof publig ex- mation ap>aing to the remaon and sretsh"'ld o Vr"ie i w th eato -dG adertis i n t urln«re t rate. Caning preliinary mattersbefore any 1dolur. hMr. IMorrhin ilfrthe lpre- liberal principles, without awakening pniueoeérodteeoto fprarotism . of b mayienso Pain-to thet blv of endeav at oer- tis fzesem a & at AVirl- . ý ~~~~~palits havibg a direct bearing on the, preIvention of framla in ralation to the the suspicions of his political iriemis, thc Gorernmient, such ae interest and rerme orer'. fnensyofh Mson- aw.he thbuie nn h- sit to- in way, omow at ý 1 - ~~. -quesitions ait issue between the twol collection of thet,,rivenaet, w.t.s rend a adopted the eshrewd idea of insutig charges on the public debt, subsaidies 1mtrehavepia dCorguns o monoew. mGent4an a endatthe mnesson 1[ t (usi R (.[)gMpjoQ caonutries shold hle broughittup. 'The third timec. Sir Francis IHinks lin- two différent enlrd, one asking atothe provinces, and a few &mllefto' diblish the dwellings of thir on their sodand wil m m mdenbfeiter hof a "-h P é- theony skaBornl i EIt A nmerican people have been rather troudneed Bill% relating to saving port asthe " Beform Candidat," to Items: and the other, the, ordinaryr fellowcitizent. He declares.'that by Lox«ooc, March 20.-It is tbodgt afor settlment.Thi M.TNMAlC2,181 iistaken in the anticipations they had banksn. On the resolution giving be addressedto the Reform telectors, services which are under the controlfacts Du ree ep e he revoltionary a et oMr. upaårst, =era MILON.MXR[i 't 8n. formed of the course Great Bitaina power to the Goverant to trnsfer and the other claiming support as the of Government. In the irst year aof bic anied by disorders willuddL"andeeven to Ber- ine"tbut &Fre h1 TH E E1.ECTION. wouldl purstie in the motter. They to the free lit, ini their discretion "I Independent Reform"l candidate, ad- Confederaion this latter classi of ex. lost He s Cister th e -Presen deaux. Thoe r oeneten are o n akem - appeared to think that England came crtana raw met torials niel in Cani:ttlin idressed to the Conservatives. H ow pensez was $5,516,0U0 ); in the second vraet là e ub led a ndto lates a renovil to l'Ours.IIt in f mit. n While on many accounts we regret'forr%%id with theqioliivbmnchaextnd-x M. nl fcture,3Mr.HMltmnaobectoilIto ell.he hasunt, deden pulfingthe e5,634000;ain th third, $6243,00n; atht.(The overnerentwil take te terfereIdPa&AW'ha thle result of the election In this coun- 1ed, prepared to make any concessions gvn uhpwrt h xctvwo vrteee f'anyinnOcent in the fourtha-the ya SrF a i Ianonf.mTheement Whin toledthby efom thfrein apis.Aysthret an m at d qod ma*h t, them a*rn also cannes for congratu- rathier thtan disturb the peacefail relu- bt hlis n n niit wm trejectý lon a ' victims is shown bythevteo Tes rat took charge of the dnance* dcevig oltiiassek o n-gaby'eeGen ic a ed fi te po- ifan. á "aton. Althouigh Mr,lBarber refuseâ'll'eioswhich anow exist betwOeenthle division of 8I t.) 37. The res4ohition day, and his marked success warrants 1018,000, and in the ßfth year accord- ofthedeplora ble H s Ge. iny avfdsete itof l tetlemet ofthe =tte tO bind lameif m writing as desre-d ,wo cnoutiez. They becamce imibued, allowing nn.chinery used in Canadian us in recommending the plan to our ing to) the Finance Minister's estimates, dfoings, showing how the reiig o. 2. esac n q n by the Convention, lhe has, in hi& -ith the nlea that England wanted manufacture to bu admtitted free of friands who imay contemplate engag- i ilrah$,6,0-en ni-commerce of the city his stoppe n ote"ok" rmPrt-a eviiýO1»eqm t lierTher oth.les prmtud addiress to the electors, as well1 ce at any price-that elhe would duoty, wma aopted. The Mlinister of Ing In timilar benevolent labord at ecrmaein lime years of 45 per cent, of bhosderd.H cntne: says i :"Ieuno ots hotd the purdhrmng the rigt of Aaserican whete asMonmany occasions fæmth pat ildtalmost any demantdà rather Fnnesi ewspeae owti oefuture time, 1whicha 30 per cent was within the last 1tents Will etu euCoi uty a h tepa-1ild t» Iuh er aothaigth aco-Vnthe P lied en wMaite tioy aCtnlifuWs form, distinctly affrmed hois intention, than bazard a rup):n 8-and tha't in droaw the proposition to place a duty1 twb years. T his show& that we are1 goûod citizen@ and obey the lawm, lstill Complete sgpathy ia displayed by the looked lapon Msan Mode. aflacting with the Opposition. and order Iobtain an amnicable adusit- of $1 50 per cord on hemlock bark. lunhigorhno nohe ea ftwitholds oresto proce edoutryOfxbare ois. No resitanos has ben t,âeet.n thuer ot thers gave hisaWord that, while lhe Would ,ment * if the diliculties, àshe mus"t Nr. McDougall twritted the Govern-ICORRESPONDENCE. extravagance, and that too aia aloue 1.a n°enm;" u i i e®s ndtu o ÉfLe Cote and'geTo.aTherder- cetan-oulr-en mn . no ive pothe rsental gtovenet"ns. c l le downa" considerably. it ment with being liable to sudde .. ~ enwe must sooni,in ordler toperfect act when necessary and deliver the petrated by orof H cottiGanba i.diferen swit Eno d Ajr fatospoiinoalnsinindotesnt eemto haiveoeccurred tO cangsi terp licy on. Mr. Ottawa 0orrespondence, 1the schemse of Confedteration, enter 1the principal@ over to justice. The, Whodirect» the -.insurgent».s. They icans ingtemgsin En oiy -Gvraetreisontecooeato wr tcti hegrono uedi 1T a i MM.1 whc apinilews nove e hm ht hi "gea ndgorosTapper ininuated that M. cDn11 Fr -- po vrelrg xpndtueonpulc nmntrl s nt e o-praio er soti te ade o Hede I settatn tr e esg , Would be foundt acting with the Re- 1country"IIwould have It o knckle"aa{lerOr inCorheondet.) worksn If ever in tehst fti en g zlu es t ldge wprca- RseeGn † a eigdth epniytraynte g hl" ad acted in a cowvarilly mannri h -; itr ftoncnldswt hs od- vigorously, but Garibaldi ordered him of a cosid rabe for theied , forts Party.lHe acknoývledged th 'tridie.also. So imnbued are the mass of, North West, tat gentleman was! On Frilay last the Finance Mfinister Canada there wax a necessity for an " After this morning we shall proceedîa be held against a wall while his ûsh frever in eCoadian a&te di in Pariamsent he hadl given )ai the American people with the spirit abu orpy hntesekropened thin budget and disclosedi the economtical Governmnent il, is now. but tfoce poc, it necessary, at all body was riddled with ballets. Le beh pop"la with the Ameries1,e vote on the ide of the administration of egotismar,, pu environed are they by ainttfere d sto d utnacilpoitonoetekontyrirte acs bvesttd hoéta ors •Comte. died.with thetatost coolnesr ,i opd owvrta tPCM- in se i wic, wthth.epeiene arow udce, ndsoroe d, and tpped frter re- FbLONON, March 19 (3 a. m.)--Events 1smoking a cigar and refusin1 a band- mision, afer a thoroughnonsideration - laequiredbyaàfour years' -apprentice - they toself adulation, that they haveajormn ofteHuM. clever In manipuilating tlgnre,po)its were entered into at great taken place lin Paris and the situation tions have occurred. Th Povr-lion ..w-emuua y -shlpe ln legilation, he would now bc succeeded in peruading thiemselves IlIcDoug11 avi gh iüf of the but in word painting he in a dead fatil- length by Sir A. T. Galt nand othero in 'as houly becoming graver. The Gov. ment hasu telegraphied for 30,000 men factory. ' found giving his Influence onthe Other tat they are the greatest, muestper- dug vi noms re., Hli& budget speech was the driest the courue of the debate on the - _ernoment following up the roclama. at Camp Sartory to comne to Pari». 1-. ý, side. Ho strogly affirmed his allegi- feet and -most puissent People on thismrtpnilproceeded t t t ak therecital of facts and figures that I sip- Bzidget. Galt wound nup with the fo- riIq a3'set adtachniemnigof t o Psath anso 1Dei w mdASProhto"goe un.. »Mosto the ReformParty Of Ontanio, earth. and in co nsegrence of the bila- Governmnent fQr leaving haim in rthe ps a vrdleee oay Par loin 'amiendmenit; I" That thisi and yen d'armes to occupy the pool- beyond 400,000. The city là full of Seriopohcesae antfoé bre madhisacquiemenee in the principles tant nonsense which they hare in- Hucuedof t h iment. Faney a financial staitement House regards the continuious and tiens Of the insurgent@ in Montmartre. Bonaèparte's agents. Ilhv ee uhbetter afiter the facts thuwarran of good goverment which they have dulged in at the expense of " perfid- ,is assigi.A fterOne htour and ten minutes long ; rapid increase of the ordinary ex- A co rnidelaenumbher of cqrannnThevram Coenti, Rorhlned ad Regn iefoet.abbme Galanawriin t ,hs hog no meaetly striven to mlaintain. IHe iotas Albion" meeting with no like ecrimiwnatie on an outn-ic ar eoaino ht enwy')isý ftGvrener chrges e roe Remied40 a snersgen 'tmit 1he rgientsfo ransmedays ilhat riedthMa d a u'Einay, highestn .g e e- etwen heGovrnmnt embrs icd erortie on ht ispalways piend of thedovrmnan exces- mode somte 400apionerds n thehave reeivedtavle furaneidailythonlich skeh e e word ast ueldein&s' eache has. on more than one occasion, sponse, they have interpreted lher si- and their former ally. the motion to conere h otipratsv n mldfrnd Believe vmringeatheMNtinal Guih ay nard f ssupse1o efumhefyrhoehndred yoenas. equeis wornds It is plte hmslfheril t opoe -eeastiidty hne he ae om-withdiraw the proposed dntyo a sec ftessin osstn fa htuls esr onomyn« be filleil lerà liemarte, aithmay getslfomg" oeaofand eiqutesanhowa. . ewY that vicioussytem of admiiâtering what ttken aback at the intention that lannouncement that air duty sann, o f )50a ob.erved in the gesertlotlay of eOt tecned sodTe the hear i- nkeHabrived lteinth Hue. nge loverof anumi thow an.%asimil theafir o te roine y hic i bcoin eidntonth prt f heI ek o t end rnes a od is the moed o thelckbudrkt;,coun tgeat eils will eteifo. itdon eG o . i uey, foraein all O nkvi H rrbacis heHous. orndro ouyen w helmPrilr 1 the Ezeetiveare enfrusted with the Britih Çommisioners ta yield no- a Bill ta establish a uniform currenc So mch wfor the m n rm of hebuget o."te Gdoecrnmeth ralli sed tei aoredovmnof t forcesol had On Frdidayn Stir ria Hcksote Chuicned yea r e shallresedblebut to m" t dita:eof the publie monre, n-.thing for; rbich a fair equivalc9 ent in the Doiiin eea eaesIosec o o h oe m ratsipres n< fcus hi mn-the d acordo of uitronps antemovsedo thatone sday (21sit) ftehe et C hieeeuch more tan we oatra ontrolled by the restraining voice of receir , or which the demands of fon oa Son.wSheveral mmbersti part, the subsitance. Sir Francis hmasnment was voted down-the vote being utrailleuof Motmealrre iand pand o nshoe do go ite nithe fof th pre sen t. eroe will bne. twato vey eploy , ffromeNonagnScotia wishedunthislnot totofa. àg mi nspes atettaprhsand hiontWol)e-to consirthnefolloing re- distinc eter'ne-the one.thatofthe cato Barberwill, herefoe, befound arn- Aericanpeopl have o longnursed. , i hda eio fted. oi-pópeiyascendiig the)hill. Thte battalion Of authorize the Governor in Counil tO ¡ th of the People. who wl edvdtba estly co-operaing with Her-Majesty's thir griçvances, rel or fancied, faut- insteadt of Ikt July nex , but the .and the resnaitlhas been alarge inceashlcinmmtaless ee1onsroneb sl n ovytosc at smy ewe he rfour sects, livin* o P " loyal Opposition in secuing ta the ing and frothing over theM, and ven- Governmnent refused to accede tothoio- in the ordinary revenues of the' Thte fllwi; rethetunaauar a ti tie ist rbed th e willngtoerch ae the saenr1ýPeýu and e mygoele with bceach othe, orea ' Province the blesings of good and tilating tifem among th.emselves ac- Thle louse then wvent intO,ýcomm!ittee ¡ country. Sir Francis esitimates ai as we hae ben abe te the m popeead fitwanter ntniou nfarmtftth H on erus n. o more ne. pur0e oerment. - He will by this cording to their own ideas of justice, of Suipply, when a numnber of items revenue from all sources for the year ý MILTON. to massacre themi. The soldiers, Oakville, in the townshipof Trafalgar rich. ignored and tranquil. TheePope ourseNUly redeem the characterfrta he aiadyrelzlh ac eepse, the Oppositi ci-edn 0hJn eto 1.0,0,Lon. ab w sen nked if thwyimeant to ti-e on in tle Pr ovince of Ontario, with the' will be nothing more thlananlillas- eondoiteney which his previous Parlia. that there May be aniother side te the pe d gofture tannual increase of which will leave im na surplus over-,- thoiW ..... 24arl0e7. n onil salalthoog n rv es e p.-an awamoe asenarycarer adendagerd. eequstinhnd hatEngandhasnotpar- ordinary expenditure-tatisno Nouth Ward .......201 13 a e ele w raer allg owed to draw thertilli eramC il theAc. at ofta heyporll doinionsbit by at.hryr,1, oppend the re-election of M1r. Barber -ent her Commissjioners to Wasing- mns cluding expenditure on works charge- " n tl ailleusîes a4ide :1a1ml ced the Legilature of the dhen Province of will bie large regular armies on footOur au the ground. thathlis pasnt parlia- ton to grant whatever concessions the on Trsdam..y, 'Mr. NMcFarlane's Bill able to capital accotint anidnot tore- NELSON.1tiit "eo mpanies of soldiers Upper Canada, 4th Ge). IV.. chap. 19., and but hittle a ghting. The troops oB mentary carleer bhadforteited the full United States may deem lnecessary in to prevent ratilwa opne rmveu faot$,9.00 ee-ItDvsin....-. 0 63 Nat ionali; gnairlinig tecanonat il nir2ttta i e.t 1 .n.fo d.raytn e , comedece of he Refrmen o this rder tat shemay sill cotinue o inakng ruls by wich.thy.absoved.pcts a4urplusnext yar ofobouth.majoriy 15tte r lssess n.hAs resh toopanwich thy wereto becme vetedhinorhbrae ; thylwilhwear rch uniorms, ersoa 1 1C..mty. This want of eonfidence ,was enjoy the friendsjhip of that nation. themn.selves fromt any conseiences $300,00. The only reduction in tax- 4 h . ......m 5.3 t I ttitheitgrnd tetwopIIeAteCowne ad fewaundr e hat ispe all.hothe ciemoere niOfr e- pe.edby the acion of the Cou- It is not ant acknowledgmuentof gltri ing from a breach of contract, ation he propose& in view of thm; se UEIN.and the orler wso eye Ar t' et of t saI., capLeg4,land 3rdTatars ha is taythe prine who ,vention in unanimouly nominatjg on the part of England in eeking g wsa e scod1imWndreeredfatsmi teVddtina fvepe cetIstDiison........59 10o'lok . . heNaioalGurd hldWilia I.,ch . , ssgnd y il pssssPoan asi, rusi, ho * W. D. Lyon, Esq., as the Referis eau- ettlement of the questions at issue, to the ilIway Comlnittee with two duties imposed ltant session. The coal 2nd " -- ..... 3 4t he grouind again anid prevented aillway of mertgage h le renainder of an . command the Baltic and Blackhosa dIin the late content. The vote though there are many in the Uniýt-seohersreaing o 3r lay.Tend or uisare t re. 3d ".. joity1 rt the e lir a sros oniGn te saidortem oththn Rcever Sa fomhains fthlothwlem secndredig f r.Harion's Bill main. The G ' a4t "......... ... 85 41 Geea ftesi rovince in trust amasrmanls cowardly thanwhc ,etn Tuesdv ayflly vindleated the deel- States who appear to regard it as anch. toG-e overnmuen materia 5th " ........ 2 3 ict occurred in the Place Pigalle at for the Crown, as seurity for the sum those of the Sgth. The rerminnn oti "la of the Convention, .and tunmistak- We are confident that the beairing of t . ex tend the righit of appeal to ask for power to place. raw 6th " . ..... .. .. ... 23 72 the end of a street leadling from the of £2,500, lent to the sid W. Chio- princes willl under the poli=cnsm abyshw ta i ruyrpr ntdth riihComssoer.il edig criminal case, was postponed on used in Canadian manufactures on the NAssA.....w 2A . 7 ie' t ere iua rtilleyinen ansdeaa- holmbtoacomplets the said harbor, and matery of thàpredominant cabinet.lghal àUy âbum Cha fi trlly reraccountthofBitheh absenceerofwltheiePremier fre listWEI b, sedsCwe1eylgry nowd duen andY owinge to Her MajestyMaje England:: willl sea herselfe fromo theccwotfthaRfote offalontneedanabm.anetatifth goudst heworeBillfro .iâe y a simpe order in Counci 1]stDivisin . . .... ... ...- 49 31 mobit who acosted t hem with shoutswith1a ta inu for interest thereon. Euaropeau Japan udone from Chin. Oth iletefom voe, n ofsHln niedcoa in aebd na ftegotdsfoun- ils respect ng Aliens were read at any time they may think it in th n ..... 4 1 f"g gthehePrssan"Aan d thtt si aead ovyneShte Wilnit esl wt mrcaOtp teth wrecat orMr La, f e ato heA ll t a second time and referred. The Bill Public interest to do so. Tis isa dan-3rd .............. 88 16 lieuteniant of chasseurs, while en-shold e msae qitand cea te o Dwichhe il pssstheAgreaeet n, meian gt u ierespecting the carrying of dangerous gerous power tg give toan ncuu TRA FALGAR. dleavol'ilig Io clisligage oislor*e frin sait nmortgage, as wyel as of al righits part, and control the commerce of 1 elSept iMr. Barers permanafriends --strict justice, but nothing amore. We weapons. was read a second timte. Jous'ovrnletth it Diviine.... ..4F7ihreod de ab e Hevas and chaims; of the aid W. Cisholm the remainder. There will be desp- inad ran eogton M.Ba-aretl .Gp ta apacfl outo m.-ent, as i gi ves Clemtcon- o2nd ...."..36 77 ins.tanlty rgdl 1ý,jfrom hIls is hrse and anldlhis representatives, to the end tism everywhere ; butdespotism Willo- tive vote, which wasunanimesody cast able basis, and thalt the questions pistol...5th.61 3.S wouinded; but the fighIting ,soon ceasd aeta foeadrefrtpadawy"nteinepeaino l fer biz. We eanmnot say ttht we, re- which have ýcaused gs o much vexation On Friday Sir Francis Hineks moved pross . - --Th odir onineShI$pot into the Consolidatedl Revenue, Fond laws. on the couchnigand leight of t he p1- thatltheuHousekgoi nt committeeetof A th .......I 96anamngem thleirowcartre n ict ate s eette hr.wihtegetamwl et e tOl the principles of Reformer%, and allied thosiastic oratrs of the Butler and Oakville Harbor. Hion. MNr. Hoe,itoe of expenditure whichi the Fin- Total majýority for Barber, 259. artillerymnen suffered the people tu Cýtisholm. Chose daoys the nllionaires, Who will tbez ves wit the party «f Liberal- Chandler stømp, may beset Poemn- ifreuheH t ne Minister charges to capital ac- remnove two mitrailleuss, m:aking nuoiHonl. Mr. Hlolton asked what steps beoOur ,mandae&&s.T yWill bie My and Pgres, whereW* ie opuiently at rea. -receivred atheeHusettihatte'ndcouant, and which go to swellthe publ - ---_ --- L cALI orELL GE CE. r a lýof egi 1 fThte g9 . adl ecn takien to ret eor the arrean ve o 1 n or rahe Manuftureil thîe fat l they *Mllalways ho found. *- - nomiatonhteantoaha lpse dudbt. Thenseare the Int3rcol omal Governmnent, buit were too few in wth treslution a dbor, thn wPlb- lorash verywhetre,as they Dow son see wM idobtless be au atteaupt on THE ELECTION. of qitlyon the8talt thseoiRiway, the improvemtent of the can- CavacuS SERvIc.- -Rev. G. MaDconneill-number to be effective and were with- liecAccounts Commîmeslast sesson. nIda"I the part ef unset plous journals to Thte result of the elections throughi- elections were to be heldi on th e 2ndithe adiion of r1 inf th orthandest ch nthbbe eoistNew Cnnexon at le l uln Siet sr F ics wsaid the nly wear. tnOseryea , heaEmare a8wd to d" imthe dfe" of Mr.Lyon as a Min- ont the country, is in the main highly of the present montht. Concurrence newal of "ranzdrameditoMntateentetarer was bysel the ar- ItÎ.- is near enough ed ito makees wsh w A N .1 ~~ aaeaugaH- satisfatory, as it in virtually a defeakt was taken in the report of the Comn. ceament rai ays in the oer Prvice THE Congregation of St. Andrew'#Church, ditrit wa t'iti . IIII eCly asez& » lai bytheGoverament oul tliesc demn.ha t fli rmand- Of i political iews of the patent combinatjon, a host of mittee of Supply for the assimilation' and aiu ulcwrstruhu will mleet for Divine ýservice, la the Canda ion of the Nationalst, the soldiers thle present owners. The object of ,r a mut however, render tos attemp t upreshvigbe tn fthe currency, waslread a second the D Presbyterian Church, Milton, anext Sabbath, Ihaving deserted. Not a single yen resoinution was to enatle Goveamment WE learn wisdom froein perience•ord Slthle followingrsupportlac ersoftenov-tm e, n the Hoswent iscnto Com-, ominion. Tu meet these expen- th. 28th inai., t 11 o'clock a.M. d'armes, not a single regular was vigie to give the purchafer a perfect title. When the complexion is pale or allow .Zob h atofM.Lo, The rnmentin th soteAssoebl hv- e, itte e Hof e Supply. om-ditures, the public debt has to bem -Ile. All the Nat ional Guards were 'Mr. White (Halton) was glad Gov- itidenotes vtiated bloodianod unhealthy Çounty ofBaltonhm been deprivedl been defeated:. Anderson, . Beatty, On Mlonday, Sir George E. Cartiertrea adt to radi Fr.Ishitrstfvryamran appealed deternined to retsin the works haed got so out of repair eicPound Syrua Of Hy phosphite& of the sericesof agentleman Who Currie, Carnegie, Carling, [Huron], initimated tabat the Governiment Wold .Ora yag n ehncmteCut oko hr their cannon and hold their position feared the Governmient would monly r- regularly, an obeerving te direcionsDel would hav eommandedthe unlimited EmGrahame Ha) Luton, Louont. like tolhave thesesion ended before debt that Sir Francis thought it ne- he can get the best goods tom the least money on the heights. The purposes of the ceieve a sMnaniaont of their claimt. accompanymng eaoch bottn for a few aet Eye ,y, cessry to quote- Macaulay as showing The Mammoth Ho0use. Geortown in the mnsurgents are still indefinite. Their Hie thoughit the Government ought to weeks, the blood becomes pure" h 1ahy , 1ecn-- ose f the Reform Party, and Lyon, (Carleton), McGill, Marray, Easter (th April), and mn answer to the inestimable blesings of a large Pub. wllknown spot. Give them acaIl. main abject juset now in reistance to make the harber at a valuation and secretions of thie body Weoliposeto. S Who would have rediected credit tapont Matchett, Smith, [Kent], Speaker questionâýs sd that each volunteer in lie debt. Since confeder the Governiment. The crowdls in and make it a free harbor. the skin healtiy the features assume bhi fr & the ountyho represented, Stevenson, Smith, [N. eells], Wallis, Mntb ol eev w os toteDominion Gvent Goosr's LàDr's Boou.- The April num- biMontmartre and Belleville, however, Mr. D. A Macdonald (Glengary) op- aboe u r app, e h earancefwhile andimoe-M We hoape at ome future Wigle, and Wilson. Cockburn, Ferrier, thoeuvolunteers who hadl repelled thle has borrowed either directly or in- betohtisexcllntmaasne s o anand Bnord t e amu i Th poe uchMr acouse.lpMt inoatetheretunho day to iasee Ooccupy the highpouf- Srne1wnronadTt i otFnaswudbec sise y the directly, by mens of various kinds of cmpar1 estorablvitny fispedcs ean meiate disolu-r.dHo. Mr acdougll thught he ri e $1 50 autte 8fr y 0 tion in whihiis ay fkiends no ar- dame to rua agaig. Three of the old Government to get a free grant on Financi Legisalation, the following ued, n tefmin pate up r on nd tes leti nof a new body um er the ntro f the gentera o &Cu.,whoto M dbyP.CmlU . dentlydesaired to plaus him, members of the opposition, Who condition of settlement. Hoa. Mr. sm:FomIsrncnopnismrs n xlaIinftefshinsaewAt hsix o'loc nitS rdPevening.. ernment should be uniformî through- tM*" -ogtr-letonae-endeeteLag_ si-ta cnratrswo$2,00,000; from Savings Banks $2,- fulland vaied,mad ils literaureisf the the agitation and unee 4uty cOout h oii - Fity horsesweresrofasteAive in the - ~vis; Evans, Boyd, and Trow. The had thrown op thir contracts on the 00,000; fromn the Intercolonial rail- chicest description, and especially adapted tinued. The troupe have been with. Sir F Hineks explained the factatof Grand Street Raiway Stables, at compositio of the nwHouse w ll be Intrcloial Railway hadntbelwyl000,0;Dmninsokfor the ladies. Oly e3 a year.r..LoisAd rotfamthe Fa bor where the hiucse, andon{earrYinB k h a ssi ohv " The reieng of the civilzedw rld about sa follows: Ministerialists. 31 ; relieved by the Qovernment. The issued, 04,000,000 ;. Dominion notes in- Godey, Philadelphie, Publishier. Statling faco nnected with evenits Acounts Committe6. Thre hmaSutybe eln gDie in am the retr of Peace to the Opposition, 45 ; Independent, 5; Committee of the Homme considered circulation, $8,000,000, making a total Of the morningý have becomle known. Mr. Maodougall aked if the harbor "-Peor Carlot mentala eh in go. .. dInenaidlà"det Fy--eebave seaey diedem Algoma is not included, as the elec- resolutions exempting from nta dtintlteabltesorwhchth Pvnu' Musre" MontffL.-The April Geo. Faro was surroundied for several was tobe sold for jalltie to come, thon e aei tl nie ths e w heiethe eweine ws re~les m tion there will notlbe fheld for saime duty certain articles, and giving pow- Dominion l i pnsble of .oo.esnuM.beolhersTc, .msca otl i o ythemoicMntate.H s t oe t h o eyutr y hopeles. In the dire year of. mmOhat ite haorhas a, and theclotry wes rt h ovro eea1n a epni $10000.o u al.Tecontente are varied and top proved faithful . Theycharged bol er inanity elhe neverUttered a Word inter wmmdm eiser 1%--9-- .Te0«0..9.ei. tt teGvrmrGnea i Cue The Govermnment have in various ways ecelent, emtbracing a number of popular and took Cthreebarricadest, using the Sir F. Hineks-Yes; mbjeet to an ofgpanish, btsoee tereh . n Ithn the' iconn hecosttecis nwhchmoe o edcean utenofth Ilad boredamarorroostinofth mloie ad eerl ieesof• admui b oetan alyu their way out Order-in-Coennropoiilonas the levying ad imri ieeof or German. ndcoc Y For somtme putt she e e bas ,ase edby the everia sdates of "thanusal interest .is felt in this Revenne in Manitoba. The resolu- svdu aias oseko h eiesfu ntuetlpee fcnie. ecped. General De Comte and tole. has afumedte converse in anythler . Europe, and the Assebly hms grantâthr« countyv, the folowing are the results; in tions were aýpted. Sir Francis country. The effect of gvrmn able merit. It isthe cheapest u.ie yo4ca done y ter mn hyrtu ad Mr. White asked if anyrailway com- laguae panish, which is the ••Mimmesfor the mm--A+-exPenm elof amilton, Willianiselected by a Hincks' Bill respecting Banks and hvngtisc 'aei h an buy.83 a yea. J. L. Peter, publislher, prisoner by rioter, and are now de-. yo teaoroainwudne- aentimH hrrltvea g . the Administatio, Md thereallemnd a fair majoity 21 vrBowteBanking was read a second time. Sir h& k: hecaal n hoe a smay 599Broadway, New York.tie nteCata oe eea owed to punchae. anarlotfalouies it to. proPtet the emetry Oum nImmenOy'ing minist«erilendidae; North Went- Georg E. Cartier's Bill to secure thenoe prsriybu Raturel was wouanded. ln the amorni- Mi .Hnk hdi h rm- lion whenever abecsee that her wordstt Pr-h-hriste o t70 frthemindeendene ofParlimentwhen the day comtes when, owing to Tuir MoorNovm r.-ehv e ing the troope succeeded in captur- atve.arnoudeto. ef thse u--t--trbainsgas lu gielaumj iityofbad harvests or any other cueo ee h pril numberof -"Thexmonthi in 40cannon m Montmartre. Of On Tuesdyn motion of Sir F. T fi@ facies Whichau true patrio.shad ste, over Peter Wood ; South Wentworth was rend a second time. It provides ânancialebramntinaptl.Nvlte"ad n htwt g t these the ople rtookt 5 without Hinek, teHousée went into commit- shrt b oatP es lf G w - l eoie. UMay of othe e4eer Who hW seved elects Sexton by over 200majority ; that týO Government shall not employ willhave to be withdrawn.theroult Win moreinterestint. The fact of it in, Ci.hi ah ng.tolae remainde were re- teOu the above resolution. The re- imaprovement have been ma on be unod- Garbadt lioen arrved and a--md West Toronto is redaeened by the either temporary or permamently any lbe disastrous both to the Government mgiecnannn netngred-yrebelsakiledc of and t he o utandw Bi t edfoand eelved, Iunder thelsuprint'edenceofGnba --- -- am b6 te'lameeue, who ha" the election of Craoks over Wallisby 1mýemIr of Parliainent. The act amend- adtecuty uhatm aing matter. suCh m the People like, storise, ofaitaf feewu a urrounde .PtOtr Wyatt. She .la now tted a. rt f11;Hn MCC igta c epctn h iltaad poetry, wit and humer, and me noted illu- and made prisoner. The &rebelsa re wnll platforms ta o ary six @--e un bone hs am M-M by Gm« m& t f 7 o . . omeron dfn fteDoinionh Isloied come when the country ha@ entered trtions, and ls entirely frele fremdflectures now building additional barricades in $mie Reistersttern, one bow, and four = ,two Feraos, Mid tam bu beaumessee ghtin. hasbeen re-elected inEast Toronto by1= .ihoDmno, alcei ve uponlarge public works which must and reviews for which 1"di carn but itatie. 1Montmartre, Belleville and the Fait-of thosle bingàAmsrng.This eavy. Many ofthe »Idiotr, of the flile ympathse105 m4ority ; Blake has over M3 060134maleaing. The House went 1be undertaken. and the result will be As the Monthly Novlette iIonl ..cetsa .bourg St Antonie. 1yi y, March 3.-Farmetocket. oo ammnt wit the get spedth wiht- .,an wy oricrae.temjriyoerSra; on-hsbe it omiteofspl. SrGere. tilgraerpuneinodetonnmb, »-pe-eaitsoudbei-tePArMn. 9vi ONO, ach1, t e.N.8 Taala. ice- mks.e

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