~It qeiCtr, murcc ltens end more lbnp peste ôtieau I am. Btntthcp wcre *enL,, e ad' a litele girl te ber I-cherc "euldn'l il te acfut if somebody AsuIJ goet Our choof- ,Mistz:sP IlYes," ws cetienrepîr. -but tlion would't it ho nce sot te km teasavecheel 1P lTLroe'so toi rupture at Moit Vociforen's" aid Mcm. Partington, as ahe pnb don-n the paper and put up ber npsoeeIe tloq paper tells ns about tihe bunuetg latiler rcncing down the me...aln, hut itdont tll h ow il got Thsy st nylcn bbe dolo mat, while brighty &hoat the me-Gn, l teetg te *i0 1naec that caessrfrone e- er 5lscn. liii mtoly arme amnimd ber bWae. ther Uipu teekisses met, ba wionl& Iuýve, tilt thon ho relflyen 'IIl4 i, w'n t the CroirePrince O.-tPsmlac la deeler.d te b. as eeelnSwagiermetbhr, thse Quena of Englmand tibeigù10tly SeSitetIin poted to mv. neariy a million thalecs a lem out oftheùi inern. T10Iaimabsriet-bhe dlaeoveayoe Il ~iua~, aitoese afe; it Wt iamgrlbIe thattth eaiM me ~ e md ?*sIA$ prenst 11, - cdéteti'dc.ê,*lee.1 Tbl.* e«Aig' laOi»a sea fhisssc a esdy tecrepée in t4e con- Isuptien0 opium in that country. T- ChiasU.. la taferior te in -..mnsh"e la theeefere hikely tu 1:>145tib.ninChina a~s, an rtle of àw- Tisadetegatesof the 8.. -ZzLE Imtaeber cf Commerce, Whbo 'dent apte Yang'ft tin 1869, stateel e~ f. the popular beltef te that feue MC& I iaîvery flive, amoke, ad ont- Icenany Dr John Hall, etNewn Voeu - 1-2tMA thtic iuAinerteana bai *I . aura à4 Prime of peehne" Ira fle.ag: issa.Dr. Tbcmas C-îcitsvcry>eithy: -.1M l=sttn- !&y I.LzbItand la drensl oZ asci vwih 1[h Dest ttewithdaswasiof the Vidcmewang, the ficattet a cheere as athat the. risngtlient, gsces . .ù ensrgy e( car country may j ~ ~ l ikc mi.tneefetrty cf the gosel etfor niAne grofessns.n.A scnsulicu aààintes,3nc,' Mastteir Henryy nayn amkes aascandaoan s"ittry.' Ând 1 w! lgaes yW niTer equaytip et The. pnvety cf o'ta~ée ff1 C davelop telin tehtpcverty cf t'as plpt' t1 have n dcobt abq.6 Gentelsipscerty, 10of"ich meý minlatece adoomed sii, ta Mlhef~ gmesst evils under thtehn'n pisseàa-mn te crencetancrm nè la expectsd te ogneceacnd Isfaiietee bopenhi budnswee a gnd edcatten, to brig teni I what la Mliigenteci life, aciitstCîièe ebi te ics osa f dinga, lac soogis. n bu for mmy 4mBy mortiflcaions-msettng, more prudent sife abonid fecer u uen children», wl,z, hie heasel licet the Save, a ni" o1 clivated mmnd'ned r deicalee asaibtlitten bas trtals 10 bear moi PiO&4à thes prvations ofthe Pm- .Itb alier eecup, andi mp beatt bieda hi brethmnawlse have Iever tald thir bssrw., ceyalieig cier theleak tic. fox sbaeaws aht tr T HE CHEAPEST à ChiefEn ~ r cf floFire DpartmentMANILO. .t coe le a. 'AM. ~ c D-aanluebe truteniY" -"1know -W. 1K. STREET, e(6.mee h-iatobe tfflt- A debating society hteiy concludeii thal 18*rweass4fttufl âiN" Ark, hecaune the kangarce went in Xîs rt lsue nforngthepublie ~ ~ Euantatnlemsnol ho basn>aularge sstockniof I"ident of Quincylli, rus nd Chm'cesS3 IW D CUN TIrhy aey bald PRICE S:;",OR WITU COVR, $5. 1Theecet,,ebouset ;L!,cPtageeett De'srerfr eteenw, tîe eceet en &,W -ft cialariy applicable to those wbo nike eehIlccoeient 1eeste themselves miscrabie over troublen liteter and tat the tecgel. NVerth 810 to pam machine. Icaci Adi»Sn eeectctien iee e en t forchanlin.qet te1.g fat,Athct etteere eucaeU tel heUengh uthot eceigthe mcshine. ~~cn~c~rged.'witke),>g Toate eeieuto he c l«4 wu naked ifhle tok itfroe bsin hà I K y qcchi ne, _yferose nd talLr. " tlieekflo.'~f5dipi~~ ~ VIl# w eele in el nece c"slje thee, in other * O aaeeeeat . . he lieeçe t,>dc.et i eet -e ,ee,etidor lies ~ hever 1.-r, t.,f rilnl ccWth. Wout ibitthtebeteceeceemuceteceehe telid A traty f bcweec ~ uaciede A r ctyofromerce we n>Il ie.gh te eaveof iteHeeceer and Wanie ai Pieccia on ternes nccorded Beidcc thet thece aretike theSine 'c. tu tisa fv4 nti a.,.q-neo f u4LFAUCOOL > It se- wtoIt front the heeetst full deth te f tihen lid teet secehe, cenetin, licencor sile 1 detieechimchine. eeccfelly ie.tee't let ue iitl'fe 1* love And &Ulothe aetitl«teaeely found in, àdee n lei. toe, nsudattend to Ut "paicn grti. for ,j~,Je11ceeee.o N 1 2 month.. tIeý gre..tst teeuece, contentiet; Maelierecct onaprovaet.to se ddren. Ioeý. hothieli of bi)ying eaeccice techi.. the -roatteat Peoceiceu, heltb; the ws' nocect eheje ewn n iterente l'y a trial of gcttt et eound nteep; and the lienauu.Aleeefteeeacs eoef scs*ebt, 1 cendeerthe ltaymemnd, a tm41n,àtruc fened. bhpail odas, thén,,,, lai ehensp -tr ttci MarkIL Taieneye ,I have secu ALSO ÀA tled sec. Stineetice .le el encguerae- atcwev prople than 1 amn, andl mcrc . W, LESLE, Gee. Agent, dçWLersto peope tisan t ame, andi evceu SPLENDID ASMORTMENT lieGcete. TRI PUBLISHED BI IWo+.aaoe.....A, Weseliin.ese Tenpeca nPc er Canada i e h nienBncj &lUsBUU.& i~ULee U5 I)llÇ It hmnalec ea , ongolden aî,,ee'e. cd SIATIONERY ANDI LUURUI dg17lntt~1 no f eceIdb> -to'e MAIN $TREET, MILTON. iighec c-eler oietT-,cîc-eece ,tllece-e ircn .11 Paru ofthe crh 1--Itcotecehly nt. e icty t l -hce. cn t, eet; ety neis ad e, ech 20 enta- l',ctcge lee teecce f. r ,, clbofe-eety, éBOEOO, of fif'y 2 ,eechtC, ,ot one fOeelre&5:ucth ; c1dof ,i ct-) c.lee87 n-crth. AdvetneeeeceCc VERY CIIEAP. lforc nt. lOc.Feice t-à h, -c-ht to. jet,,eedneel.el-cteel by th. fient cf ApeSI. SecS tee e Ire,, pecme cepy. Addr-e JAMES S*I R.%TT N, Oe'ecc.el.tnt. R 33tt Pclei,r o heeelteîece ee, f dm lai,,e otthe 'CRAMPION" ALO TEcTh e,,cetHtt oMINEDCI atohRULATIONe- 1£1 LdTST PUBLICATIONS iNSOLVENT ACT 0F 15471. de, licgice -l et tePcee. &red te I eectactly inceeaog. Kep o had ýd nàtlyre a fd. Ite natter tef HFNI? Y FF eG.Il talse so .nn eceo Avcnnthan Eepcseaa~oeaeatyecici. îCeecùocllre jeinter ('eenlyeq .eyethercpepeceent.. uec.nty. DR.STRI'r ofic wmmàferAn Iecelrct. Ittie-eteitîeetenetailhsode tcob ent eS the D-ro tee -t1ncc.paper inthe Ceuty. hie. ett. t., cee, cero leeelt'c cecti- aih.ý f ' Vr- It u eeeth -bilpetyadbreety &11te MONEY! MONEY 1 MONEY mi ýt.WE ! eccUrer tepteneetlieday, q80 0T ON. APPLY TO rceece t.ceetn c -f scsitest,'- It cotai,,. the tlnt nenin each tesue, JOHN OEWAR, JF , o ris.ltts 187L iie)t t he hnneA giag to pense. 44 Barrellne.&.TcnnMaIiMiltcr. R355-3tL îîoeaen en mn svaiancaific ___________________________________________ aper in e enie t 0enfalen fu u eto t fatl tien Ceacta. sot ginsibp Rayq t ter paente t se CeVt. LIVERÇr STA BLES .Qayt.Ppit.ony kW eenuicclea hag the leesst. oe ouecierbo o moSthaf ho hse pnectaeed the abtn i Isnny tE ahm-nase esats tebut apdinn Ir tw .riee Sumiy Gond ltp tbk aUl hoe oy 'Eeqnfre thea. on the ShorUtsiNotice. TEAIS FOR Tt19 ACCOVVODATWON Of IERER.ý\TS CUlllïLG GOOBýS.1 @I Apptp et hie Office, Eat Wicg cf tien "Unvtien Hou"," 1Mitten, Janeep 20, 1870. JOSEPH WETHERALD. 31 ly NEW FALL ,POODS! BEG le an.. eae e hete neneem ueee, ted tien pelie geneeeiip. lientleep have AssomLment of FaliGoods, eecuding6s1 tihe latetst e EcetteiSclh cMd Canadien Treed& lobtiensmand, e p Md a ltenslps., ct I tt 51 neentcd, Mate e n e premae, hie em t lemcund eete Bews & Ha]icro. &»~T 0F LETTERS- If Npeu lave c hcicns. e ssipnst. dccsttss il i the re" CHAMPION. " Ifyce sac! yenefiàtp evotei e kep penteet uet.ieeuthe wcetd vffl,seitpland pctiti. catty, cobcihe tee the "CHAMPION." ONLY ON£ DOLLAR A XZR IN 1 J C I DPARTMENT.ý H VN AtOadetd eaqcaetttpcf newtet r.n ilte, ccc eecadeteîceiveincrie of Jo Type, un ene peeaed, walli deceseeftciti- tien, tc doeey decenptioc ot Bock, Fncey cnet Plaie Jch Wcel in the.lent style, Addrrese, VaeIl Pro ltant l'orme, Bit-Latte, Caerd8ofe ce esze, y liUIJ' op UOIIFBTIIION !l Osiecifl, Dececnt,1870 W.E IFG. A Startling News FRON THE TIbe sebacribeerievisg a wube final ci IRONCLAD STOVES, OF THE BEST MANUFACTURE~ Id inform the tnhahitantocf Hatni aep ncinthe 'ce.tyccgfelt.ehavctn f ti nc W e- t elepeoteet hie home andd f eeoitp ,ce l ftenoeeus anmy, " Jek Front." A LARGE LOT O7 33 > r a lc 12imze1c»lr tc>nV"Cm Wtttb la sudetc vuy mati pececetege cecrcnt. e" elp ifypue vaut argates. . A LARGE STOCK 0F TIN AND JAPAN WARE CONSTANTLY ON HAND CHEAP. North's Patent Drim ine ate,' ec.e n ceband end madle .erdec, AtmHOWLE'S PATENT STOVE PIPE DAM- PER, the hent in uee, tee ,hiete huedeedseaeuete-e.-t7 REMEMBER THIE PLACE. ,WINTE19 D' Monday, the 1 Ànd eautessang i. N~EW TARtTANS, I4-VW BLACK LUSTRES, I<EW( FIIJURED LUSTRES,. NEW PLAIN LUSTRELE, NEW TENETIANS. NEW BLACK FRENUM MERINOK; NEW COLORED FRENCH! MERINOS; NEW BLACK COBOURGS, LtEW COLORED COBOUROS, ?tEW 13LACK SILKS, NEW COLORED SILKS, !4EW'DRESS OOODS, ALL STYLEii: NEW TARTAN SHAWLS, NEW MiANTLB CLOTHS; NEW VELVETS, NEW SKIRT8B NEW IIOsygRY' NEW KID GLOVES, NEW OLOVES, ALL KINDý, NEW TRIMINGS, NEW BLANKETS, NEW FLANNELS, NEW WRITsE SHIRTS, NEW TINDER SIIIRTS AND DRAWEUS'; NEW WOOL SHIRTS, FANIY, NEW SILK IIATS. NEW FUR RATS, NEW FELT MATS, NEW FUR CAPS, NEW CLOTH CAPS, NEW MINK SETT, NEW GERMAN 31INK SETTS, NEW ASTRAKA-N SETTq, NEW ERMINE SETTS. NEW BUFFALO ROBES, Togetrier with lot:; et N'»ew Good fe nr,l, riicandI al et thce vtry lew est rricese. DIwýq% GOODS YO BE SACRIFIC90 !- Farmers, Mechanics,-Lotei Reepýe&- AadHeeeechctdetcs i.ath.ehcstechance cn haeehad inthee leftles pemso l uset ne hecp Drye (tccd. ~5IW I MZIM3 a&MX S. F. MOKINNON & COMPANY, 1 ~EMPOEIUX, QEORGETOWIf. YOUR GOODS OHIBAP-* SAVE YJR MQNEY. GREAT CLEARINC SALE! The ubseribers will o«Il the vhol. of thefr New Dominion Store and Tin Shop, Main, St. ( O " X ~ X~~ &,Milton, Opposite the English Churçh.' P. MCDFRPAOrT. FALL CIRCUL&Rt FOR 1870 nT% n' 'ITlTrV Ts-n 6)1-4i-, 'pW1ýt10 M nOWY.187L --- ueete.Uc _. U IlI E5IIi' (\& U(). jkea tand, .Jet Real Estate for Sale.1GeeeLht, 0" wT at 0 JneCt Jer,, Importers and dealers in Dry Goods,,Mil1ipiery tjnnine.mes. MeEady eter TE ATR0 JIN egenne. Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Provisions, &C., Ceeet WltsecMoer ri~e &OÜONNRLL, PROMISSORY sNOTE, RECRIPTS, f£,e ~SpÉsAAu ns eeteei. Eeytiigdocl Main Street, Milton, and King St., Camp- lI Tissi Tlsise, Mns E T "OTICE sleQb ethet hy blvle Rlelacnd, Wsa Woedenff, Mn 2 N vt, - e nu m e IT TLE AND) AT CITY PRICES. il ta.Marist 2 W"lle, Rert Assgne fteethe ab., n= w ameelicneteect, 1Isheit offo-eieer ent, et eny-SI Partins ecllieg fureMy oethIe aboe sltteis retlne, Nc. 83 Fret Strete tie e Cit fT goti pe ey an ae ss dtstieed. ecnt- on THUILSDAY, hle0 T t, cTee'mrc hBopruit f")cflytnein u icr hnst ils Se ALMERS, DAVcMA1tCHectneen t"Wihue~Paetseceîei sinoe ou ut eecsondtie opprciny ci er f- eettcttycreeteicgcce nd d ieceartckt ________________________________tsen nUthee it. tts and intem t h ec e aclh etihe wtheedin tna'tcomnples iaO&Uthe dspatetantd cettt te rened dcee1 the cea"., bp fccsh le. cf 0*i. eti n t 1 t o eetd inte '*S gse i t e ase, peatutioe eryeeey tc tie. te. gerael ncatpeeetctn t in, hie"is an ltfe tee th uiuti t nw aecagdtemdeo odcigorb.nmb bü.nn tend i he rteWRSTUHAL' cffLotnucercleeeteatno egthet cM i erylff ntise l o utcetssem.M wlrnnobkacut@btwi elfrcshn Li.çi wofilettiqs s TWFNTYUN inethe ' idtCouee n f eryptofiieth e e Cu yaetUaoe-noflalncnamigC Dciegl r âre.aeeevleodue). d ythisnieane. hwil cnabe eeie ioei egom5t RE ANIGi tePotOfie a ito m e mo eee rcn ceà,j h&.on the cedileycnen. W'e teet ntistied thtet eesc k. aeiensa wtist up tothe I Marh, 181. Trms ad lur pariSl ee oi n ccUr eene cmii aUu eccive prosmpt st. copa fvorblwtisthal t tep ctienr house in tee tendetliteseseon, ted ne lac-e Bertn, M I& ibut% Jhn te o ce. aomv inpeeecfng nome ine, vkioh are ext elueeren t onenet aieeays le ebtaicod. BceteeeWTh Jahns5.A teedaycf nisOur stock cf ClaPlaid DeensCose e i cice,,ced vaeresenpriceon f8etoetleeer yard; Batt WM seMe n e TEOMcÂCLÂRK5ON, teetice. Eed Fintekonet eee25e ltQ; Wieoeys fic c 0 t e; Slteie Ficgeeing Verna, a 1dm Clateesn. is.E Ionsie tM TnuneJneesy Rnie îoîaaî e9gcr. xAdlesau commceunications t te 'fOým sckein ; Zopipe Neeis ironiSe2lto 160; att enecITw~etes, od, ant6e o ceyard- Chelee ecs rp e Lceleeci 3i-9e na tMo187. Bet s ue rlb; 11 lhn Sente toc 81. i teeleuetn.S t. F 0 , , 're eathers, Tracyce h iel luttee AHSN& EtN itieeons, Fringes, Luece, Veilvea&couers,tce ecoeetto e inthie Couaty. 'WeieleitS, eiom celuqfraso be pe te p oz cnfuienecnbetoen enAlingyccctce,en1,tcwieree. W.n D.LYNd. Aditiise in the Ichampo."Petlisheen and Peupretlee, teapertiulip peurs, M91101k D. D. CHRTTîà Ce Commenteîng'on Monday, the '23rd Januay, And Çontinming-uîil the whlole is cleared out,. I3road Clot hs, Beavers, Canadla and English Tweedsn Qrey and Bleached Cottolise Tickings, Lustres, Satin Cloths, flress Goods, French Merinos, Tartans, Blankets, Fur Caps, (.alïpets, Hose, Breakfast Shawls , aers atnd Shirte, Nubtas and Scafs Towelings, 'Shirtings, 'jable Linen,, Men'à Cowhide Boots, Mensa Kip Boots, si.îen's Gaiters, Ladies Gaitere, Balnorals, .4d Children's Slaoee in great vartety, - A& lw. w :F,-ém- m . UL -3v W. D. & R- .. ,LYCrS, i e-e $25,000 W RTH0F. THE LARGEST SUB- SCRIPTION LIST IN THE COUNTY 1 D 1 ol la * l - -. - .Wý £» «lý uq 1 l' 1 . NEW POePc______ N"w emFRESS OLOTM115;e ra( Clef- J: It~EW POPLINECTTES,- EGS e,/~/