Thé C..toerat llia Waie s eaU tO l*tJ LLL ~ u.'vr A.agemants ame on fot la Ldins-t tunegli fut n ,p"augcolunmètalifl ( f the on.elsndredth onsiversarv of I thse 1tisAnguat.1771, exact!>' twolMLOedu inH to onetfti mmiuncamete, tthe votîi on, é apafp4lerace< ofoi4a1oeas T h e t t i - werf v gp t b lfur it, ain pr5a h. Stock MsdI scanhood a tsh mne tilme. iýtheoa teanyisland cf CrchaaniorffflIi te atisefoa y e1 i1 cv ~IRIDn miter aittl pthe loge of fonlaggth.ait b bapoleon théseword-Sct .lla hs .h&l lO af and Napoléon te desoltai . ~ Iliai maasy have been glatidened, by ~~£~' U wu. doue by Napoleon liee aptr e Prfumes, I oiaCjOI Il al tns,59foamea pla.slnt SkiS Ia the. preemut .crrcvandi humillU on la libe... -1, go, adylp a Y.0Us of 10 YVIta s hi .esda THe 4BGEST I teanplatng shat vere andi~SRPIN LS visat they sae ml ~ ~AND .1 eie -o e 004w THE CONY romaine.1 Senteen sonf ththe SolongS cf sil te0i t a g" .as c an 00 omstenlty oS Napoîcon vuaceleu th f vltbunanal pomp in. the, glttcrsag -lia n ,lamm arth-ln 5he capital vhieh nov ctss.bles le-Machins. , ,.ic neath the fit, cf th (lennan siagé- rtcîD~iocno.W ladselebration di - sa uS ,I inugt t.HmtnrM But Scctt'nbtrthday will long ie grate- jsider hat 5h. lk5~ fülly tomnsemortcd in ail Engliahi 0F ALL COLORS. -l.hw uln g-tu ie e1l ap-aking linds, andtheil, apptcacling - hu-- - 1 mtniloeraoofiinhen-And ailohe "al.C .sIlw y f.sdn d a i it. l,,andi attend Stu &I esPussn 1 for Talc k-- e~dIÇ O().5~$Mnlssn.5 snt cm ppi,&l ta A.y dd,& tive Cityc'it op iage au ioer in .,t More. 12 mattie bunebeuh. epMl Thom. ,ho tbkhtcd lian sma na chino -Tepn. yAeRiceleulcu nthe hityod. Atr -lt ;""tO t ci M, inanidrthelin omad, l. J~f 1a staSU OU. ii'icb, tu ny l mis gPooa- tha te ieortil'W. LESLIE. tien. AonI BLEANINOS SPLENDID AS.çORTMENT ~PBIHDB A mi1t t5hing-% nitstardipl5at.t.5 , OMILTON, Kthsn&Kei Qucen Victoria yl l kciy open &flR1R Pasljant posonally. SI&IIEREàY AID IDIS Iessc.MAIN ISTREET, MILTON. Toronto hal 353 more crimnlsa lst K.solu"cteeedhie Grand'. idfing 8&001 tTooýit. la-FA LS O , nov thsa DriilBihed. tieihso A Toronto Delilalibuagsnte trcsngls SifOHOL BOOKBMgIt!so asqmr*iikA [I{DIE FUIIS, liquor prosecuttoonenw..Tj'5 7RE claclaton ofh. '"CHIAMPI i soo.bth tONMUlO.0) ClLATIO B.. àt~..iv~fl5A -~'s i is~.&s a UFFÂO ~'<S \IiIa*TS 5k ConclclWtiio f &U theparlent, LATEST PUBLICATIONS 8 Coala Poid for Rac li rte Mct.di.ig lsie ocalconloinpooies. Mnd J. BASTEDO. co.coaotly inotounsg. Ther la onc htng vwlicc n lwayn . ROba.. sisMOaE! Mie. 5505. r - b foundat ant is ait te. on haidancontailty esotived. fI-àD WOOD LANID FO.ALF saythr paper ta the County. Wls.n vomen tomne to ci a ii te Bu art ol.oot lîf ot 12, in tht5t ltiàadnittilolex hn.1 dà to ethe n jur'y 1boxpooihl> infns may g DRli. 1 rFbSMIot.. c-t noi-ti i.o 1" iiepaerin ( si. b. ttith. Dugtet c cc4i. "Blacl i vt% aisvpsc lie crie-.rsinicO tif-tse1o, ý asc np lyt" e me a tili.s.. eith abMty and blinety ail le XtAiYlit.îitï J' ôEÏ VI ..vEi,ÂRMS. PETER MACPHERSON creant lopioa cf h day, Romas is. aasytte dotic ith th ~î,ln70 1.cgainsefroni $M) Uarad., -t I.r- f-It oontathe it nein t cai FIiser>'Queatison adjctmaent. nft is, ouhc-ccd'cc lyz50 op l tot he hoc. f ein! , pt. ..0 The adis o Maiel an o feýt BEATYCHADIWICK & AH Tie att, c i eics re s.crIt BE ITI Sotasita , ss.c t otasicoto rlocal norvéthan n"y ét a"taie cf Von Molctkse, and pre oit i-os* 58 King Stree'st. T na Jaarppt h cc Emprct William isisa laurel .t' totanfci,.nscfil oi wrea5h. I m mfn» ors aclpvshy .ycthe pps.t. Cocty. The. citera ins Firida appear tSe ienho, th el formidable aimnae. t reiareittLIV R Y 5T BL Z'7 vnsnio mec te cmnage one te teath n Lakeo7oh afth Harris Il J~ ~ Is c.IolAtioubdlg .4 d e..l, that ie hmpurcb»d th sbôv Livey 7-b "tntqssstly it la 5th bestnatcm fravri the nsersnage f ithe rinceas le n speae oi h oay wit tlige uite ail vhs mzy Esquire theinon the Slortust lotie. If yoc havs a hoind te support, adcsois th 1tsef itzntMA"@ifAsiP<f A Jva raýrý COP-' .If VocnaMd yccse f&AlY niaista kcop poteti Aosaereavi~iSeig5Bdfi.M01AUN OF MERCIIATSCAUYNGOI).scSotmodCgciiydpti anti vante te meue s.bourtin sons. ll,ýcsccbo lss" CHAMPION.- qelA1taassiy. p-l a1;OU. n Wn f k o.tnifco"ONLY ONE OLLAB A YEA11 IN It i.nt tisa tîlng n syateJ9SEPH WETHERALD. ADVANCE. eicpnng ii ex DII IlIN INnsTEKL A pbtt.aielpliia %el ent 'Ir *tea* UPl Sce Dynetsc , Painlai ud Oil, balting Bia.keithls BeStow& andi Ceai, Bct Cutter sud Bug. ~ ~.<,8t 4ffrpoka.,L' tasd Page, CeaI 001 and Lampe, Whre's yasr filial te ~u J, MOTRES WBrNGERS. STEEL AMALQ AM BELLS,' naughty beny? a TORIES, SCFIO(LS. CHURCHES, AND FARM beenwitontyMidèérýYLCALI BELLS. Il catione aiid that a 1.-N fanlly liingn th T a-iftise îhoetbrtsns. Ged1fafrNuaelu ssolecfda tn;p While lhankisg hiei oa ses for th, patronage extendedtet mil o, angcf; 0 iesu isthe putthae b.ecubr invitenibe pnulie tffi sIpIdaaimbiisood fansti'wu. Plong, andt hpre vo Y ma.enîal iaas .b a in fnily 5ivp lo-tis Vanta ni the dli.UM j n-ie bspr eeiO6in Jasi. Stlin Pt. .0, r 'lJsa'onotc ~ !Ifs, ergfoa An Irsh piper aa t1h51. la tc£ J O S absence MAsT BLitYeX,-'tnover ceniti Rel~o olire1kthenibette," ,'- to Wýmrs4sudthepcic grnssily,Utntthey ks aa.a.hg Proitale piopo- padek.tsd forvattetuthekiNorth 9sortment Of rail Goods, Thse Lcedou Oar aesppose thar tise Coiemca eEb.iouet on Issladiegi i.lta tl. .lss45d aain Tnsoal. Clt«. ad. sp ta- ».o,, ar N.. teSOMIK READY 1A LOluOTiRN* SBews & aco JOB DEPÂRTMENT. HA =IGatsdqnttyt. etar.J Typa, vs mJs.ead, WUs tses.od faolt- tin. te .sâsqwdsslBtta ofBook. lmiy 1uJa .ta thesobutistyla, oaL Y 0 1. Eeytitedons ta CIM STYLE AiND AT 0117 PflI0s. eeey p!'.of thesCuntY. or0,dm. ky 3 M il it' .aostcs - ton".n A5s ua.55sudm.atlo MAESO EEIO KPkusa tiPe Nysit [M INETTES, ANS, K LUSTRES, ED LUSTRES, LUSTRELZ, IANS. FRENCH MERINOS, BD FRENCH! MERINOS, K COOOURIJS, RED COBOURG%, K SILKS, RED SILKS, S 00DB, ALL STYLES 'AN SHAWLS, ~LE CLOTHS, T8. [RT, .Eq. ALL KrINDO, E SHIRTS, R RHISITS AND D)RAWERS, SHIIRTS, FAWlIY4 IIATS, RIATS, lmATS SCAP8, AN MINK SFTTS,ý IKAN SETTQ, ~E SETTS. tLO ROBES, rvery detscripion. andtI al ot tOhe vtsy lîst- Peseen. W. E. HIAGAMA'1. ~ALL CUL AR FORI8 D. D. CHRISTIE & C0.9) Importers and dealers in Dry Goods, M illlnery Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Provisions, &c., Main Street.- Milton, and King St., Camp- beliville. woen.a. fthis ppottoity of m,,ctfully londoint c,,inere hh. te in ow conplet in &Uth dPtsnents, and wil ered dering thesojon hy frsh m. "*Oýiiu .hWkae,,changed th = = bmcd c nhcsdocîn the eld motcoditut. M woillonoloh octbt wfil.-11 for cnaho.y (r exchaffor fUSamot), nddîy thismenamw ilhbeablete Il gr"dfrom 5ase 10r c.nt. obaw.. th" mth* redit sysi.i.W, fccl ati4sd h"tOur stock.-mna.,hole, wiommfavc.sbly oc itaI ct f nny ct h ou n..t he lia, thiésemea~nd vs hae aI.. .,saladin proori ots< . Unle., vhich W..î5IS value,,tht enot la.ns beobtaine& Our~ mock5 of C" aPlaid Dm.Gocdà s. chi,,sud ,n.tss in Pric. Seto tMe5,pe.yd ; p,.d Flanaala h t sacOs Winooy. let-c 45c; Scotali Fisg..bag Tnt,., &Rlhades et lO pra=aiZphy "a from25o o.$1 50; &Illmool Tweeds, sc1 Bt 0e ryrd: Ribbons. FtngmLaces, Velicot. c. oM& . ,oend he noe ta the Councy. Wicis yucdi ec bpslon ia akg yca, s lctiocs selwire.. Reettsily youra, D. D. CHRISTIE & C. ottartlinÉg News FROM THE YOUR GOODB CH 4ND AVE YOUR M ONE GRECAT CLEARINO AE' Ilc Subscribers willmu lthe wbole of their comomnciiag on Monday, the 23rd January, And coiitinuing until the whole ia cleared out.- Broad Cloths, Beavors, Canada and English Tweeds, Grey and Bleached ýCottona, Tiokings, Lustres, Satin Cloths, Dre&sGoodai, French Merinos, Tartans, Blankets, Fur Caps, Carpets, Drawers- and Shirts,, Hom, Breakfast Shawls, Nubias and Scarfs, Tu;welings, Shirtings, Table Litten, Men's Cowhide Boots, Men's Kip Boots%, Mens f(1aitc'rs, Ladio a ititers,i BalInoralm, And Chidrens Shocs in great variety. A L ]-iwtumé_ lm - W. D. & R. A. L7Y( ON. 1 .rcat Clearingsalre TÉSE SUBSCRIBER Eaclng <c.. t.5c thse ltanrin, ic w. ith Mr. T. if. WïlnclS, vil diapmos f làk mmstofn $5.000 Worth of Ready Made Clothlng, &c., TO COMMENCE ON Tuesday, 3lst Thcesosisorber, bavlng n viclc teet tf 07 THE BEBT MANUFACTURE, Wosl alo.m *9 s I.isl t a 1 l min a the Cosnty cght tabacseone cf WsOn ts etSils hSmc Md fmâiy fri. l"i broosamnmy,l' Jacis PeonS" A LARGE LOT Or C>c» WIF1MRr WllShs catB ""aa, u osilpecatsq.terst. s a ni fynnsthrao.a A LARGE STOCK OF TIN A'4TI .AP'N WAtE CoNSTNLTO HAND CHEAP. CSATYO of January, NOW IS THIE ~I TO GET BÂRGAINS, AS THE WHOLII WOLL BNSOLD WITHOUT R9ELVE. INorth'Ê; Patent Drum Ilieateajl, ntie edoiusnlhi; ctr thestaoncot, mie Monti cm&% auoiapffcie Ainsyscmkanti antimatistaottOte. MAtI- OWLE'S PATENT STOVE PIPE DAMd. ]PE]8,te ut insu, o t mlihandreàdSniitastf.. REMIEMBER THE PLACE. New Domninion Store and Tin ShopMin, St. Milton, Opposite the English àurch. P. MODERMOT-r. J. Sý. HATTON. W. W. ROE, Auctioneer. Cr Tout attietion le reetfiilly cieil o ha tseaicsv..andl ,cns'attpailanie nt thIc acaot fail teresait t.eypur ienefit. aâ. tpleedld-losrpdgi lii ka obtaineti. i f -t I L~. t., , 1 - i