Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jul 1870, p. 3

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t mii. Onémsl 0 a.The ma.ad id haoilaj tile t0Sbeu 5. adda tibe naratte e Moel»ad m hi tem. u Marihal sele at liasse bei ha oreard te on the Bkini. ,mt t4 Cbeehnu titi is Hamhrg ]CR Gcr-lse s tbe deaib of a ntive of ip of Caiedois, Mr. MeNab. Who cRelsa, M. P. P. 4,aintlcd mer hors, litbel, la tila sud pe- abie paremâese, sn comtryme, h. &Bad foer i iuly knoma airn ftuat. miqake clark in Bsekli mau av-duasi aid Wfesrsted, but sesa te ine"U p. Sqaihs. I Wly eis hava peeseiha 1 Rxtrer and 1 e4 ave aine precription, but it seis mmr henufal* soes. Thai mtu. tbaS tie lg aliîe 'ibbopprearaids. e in -M muék eses ther, wei tahon la dam aimai s "ho ad et lmi PaIai% t a.- - db tEe athlémn -fbis ivam ad aaipely f iis ndus ,il ii îLe peeple bava be pies ad tir t thy mes noS mes tkhéeaet Bias Soenàcda, Lini 1 Wua isici tns. 1 Mât ma *$-au*& - a r"- it.e. t. àl h iad» aerao pC.,N. S., Irak 10, stte; 6 a*.o iiad by J. 'Omall M201I& vUue q oaffect ebateese 1- am S dute pah.- lo bel i 4y-mm :ta eld m éatrsie "a»'nom ,f sy = gond -grand 11 11 100-aiu e sabe =l~t 11 e b 1, sa ofi tahe i d d= 0" 0 uqpr a M*OFsyla.Usrs fI W LL. for te ,Lu Lm o f M* tg 1909M Vas. Insolvent Act of 1869. 1*AVI T» T haee. Iobeanoîcra -P. facur bD am ertaiaked IN TRIUE Co COUIT OF T"M Cous ,8 L e snM atofd if din a avery instrnctive voume lately rr OrFBÀr.ToN. s. e vie il*a GRAND WEDDING. pabliabed a rancaesarsful "esai 00ss hresAloamh si.A(complle flouai tudel dosumeats) bad elm yiaageet b e or "c talIHR ICEL N LR e hsdP îel oaselivuofi hieh King le w n &B, B ' l mas made of temcinlalires of secea IHRDMTtL AC BM ~5j,"c= Euroeai mars. The Cimoea r aiwa «iim rprs1 l hebnd h 1 Ç'h m s ai wn LA.4Trra, Wilia cfPrsi tath Lii.Th fI. ie tairn:lumt i4t, tts htoave seat 784,900 lires Ithe mte ite iidiof H ieU909 j Fr 10"vsulllaoll et flMau. wmrin Italy in 1857, 45,000; la Seb- JAMES MeGUFFIN, Siasliowlcal h iid cf %ho-M B «d.laimig Holsteia, 3, 500; the Amarl»ms Il4T 1%jt ciaadctdaltai lalr ais.IB th eà aIOYst Of a ielgtJa itaofà"c Va, 800,000; the Prusinual, 45, rte piceation f te md aainhtis. ritt a d ai t d @tosriautceuo r seai llOsdio, ad ylt lives0 Cr I W" hnou 000; me" a e dChiai ,00- md aed te Writai Attach- it aaloi thclia rsabaa . .,itu tàe » 7.à pase l e I md makii a total, h.tvmIBU183te.1866, mr~ee.a tatrvtime amrsy ys ai. uis' Cute. Wiei? rse55»é55hm~ c 1a50i00 uai ai daestaieae a and thearespart,nair ath. ai the Aibayboa a1811. baiMartini, «Icina.pIm flemn tci~a i Olcri inaire, 1drtyi aSe.tih eai StAEL eresil, arn s.Il c fadstc îeOld ot md iiaias.liel is..eieir"0have beasful and productivecaaiaess. durSadnadIde,îhMmstgAE gris onphine ofabicatin, h aid maly the ue Si-sidandad-ije- And boide& ail filae, tre mers ah. avdtytaas,îtearHaa drimke ~s.a is fisbi alas M i"D Bda ftis s.unitY maae, the tait, aid te liad, uta jatte lavi maMles, ainStae sut H7a,aiy hi adapiad <IbIdof the irai Napalflea idS , eSeManl bi jals i I n , la arciitiredocr aalte citions Of Hiltai, ona aidttsaatcfsteragiagEsperor of sle oMte illy iatteniona aith iel sshi Europe. Sncb meres te cfecis cf tidol Y'te. i aiais2Ith day ofail aL. Wr acb. BoftheIis ay nci veEm_ ,d ari. heq iaintai tata Mofsaigt leue- . Jie'mriau the aizctcenth ccc- A.D. 187o, nS tenti ath e aacici, me Sforthe î th, j'French.i% cg siadymPrinee Sae5hjeas Chaxsa.Aibiy bu baiamu îtld. iîaibetMlagil btheas euamM ti».M.Leroy.Beaalieî, la Lia pur aId ofappivnauaig ee teIthe es- rea. HI. meobd so i hines boa ausa a bwrt 1110,01, plais a da achlu se- -,Rechercesisar 1leu<Guerres CenteaaPî Dle e Ccah8. tiaaaai dy O a la 1866, aid nom raies diut,inbcil. Pesas,). aupplied Domo veay curaoua THOAS MLLER nation Usolm ai erimtanc mVi stistioabsaout theuot of mr. ei .t dgjaC. iHIUI. peniit.ie Isdesonic, Léopold, bera resu» uarprsiug ta sec towm mieLmon- ila 1835,1861 Ils Priaeai Atoiia of e» in spit for every mans killad ai doc W. J]. STEARN AT Partugal, 1a yoUagerlistcr of tbe field orsmet sus» la dia or bis maceda reigaing Portugummesarelgi, Dom or cf soare iclsaif et o camp. The TIN ANoD STQVE DEAIERe Laisý. Prisse Leopld coaequanti»la tiag mwisdanc itt caoprative ct.ap- MVin tho e ayprime of lire, buS anonin te Cianamr, uore a vut MI LT ON, thirty lire yeara old; lt. bas tdrse nmber of amea vaasgoS sgter aS ysigblidras, ail soia;sud, tbaigif ver» close quirterai. Betwee te BEGS te anounn, that lacin prepar- Zr. %s ec oadatauae n ainsancd ftic Allias thora mare cdt alatrecyqsI oR E D C D apecial brilliaaay f aiiad. hoboaiaà maretantree quartersaof n millian fsirrepaatica a a mll-cidacsd illod', eahOf teaiaste -pece iof NORTU'S PATENT lilUM IIEATER, persan fcràPam nead a titular colonel £433. On tecoller band, te a ximei if caair» n daiPeamin ausi. -ofoeutvmi esrced an ttc Anerican Whiah arc tte best la use ayaIb His matrimonalolctision iil Farta- -civil WmIl. Eset aneof te 800,000crtificatcc I'roca ,rtirsin anll parts of* gai mouid atareliy mets bill acB - , deuat taughtis isla namalI estimaie, siteationfiiioc>- or ai,,piciyancda niwdme te. thet.partisans et ai Iberan mc atoald imagie) mais parclaaeed by erctoin e. icnnot b sattnsad milce,wmille lu la toilgtt and indirect au ci xpcaditree cf £3,345. The cCaononewin iai, 5 oasao b ar te h. leged lai a -dcso- bjilosi ut ADbelligeriate la South Amenias did ttc tte publie far soma )-ar, and aider- bis candidature hythtbs cmim of, had1oit bm hi emelo ~lra.lne saudwsi horrible buinssmomre oeopi», sot gone saievery iavcrc teita, tut bas ci- pejoei.Wit o i ma»ma ehsncb asaim nal -mps-. Fladisa hlm. sipsading mort.thon, £900 par mac. ucasbeen triomphaint. chuesaole"M pcntheattetion of salibaaid hlad m ait 1. ichaseaofihe iiiv ars are gesrally otiy. Ttc l'hie ire paculiryadapird for O miauO the kiigia sT F a>paia, itmuajriom imiecia o, waais.raeutlishe uesascaDanimb wmiecxtgiited30 sChaire s, Scheele , Halte. .Their i1-ft'~TF R T tnhalgdat Prias. Leocd ébouladsndea lv iith. ai e alady. Hi assîtaicatisuc&iiof aboaut £2000.?ffecta ire tuictly feltilaa more strik- bvbaatbiight ofnasinieà"aàdey- me, lte m aw, le aapurrd; lesh o t1 Thecampaigu hct cadad eaS Sadowm ame r in large rooma Ithtbave Bt here are maiy reos for Italie-oe -d, lte mci. >lanhaeserd acfte aId ms ho ecakoned, aonsidaring its short lare inounttof fel.t wteyct a ued ins ihbLi s oinationmcsd front the retyme, duration, ta have hoca ixpenive. an osery descriptioa of Siovo, eooking firt bave hemu ibjcicd to. soidathesobe Themsddigdy ippaicîed mw». Every lif aelnalY£1,500. It ina im4iollas ters, cnd tte oites ire informa u tasinlunom crjeeta, by dia Tth eddinc tdicnproidid; itraige poila» hiat makea abviized adapted ta eosia lehathey may bc me Great Famer ubach Spain la casa- Aidain Tbaisday taertlhey marsdsly lcinid meties nspaid uhut meuld ho a casa- required. pellid monSt ariffolytsaiinidcr md e gtalirntehbadm&mfwO.Thaefn-cen frtatia mainteance ta tres or four Stove- Pipes and Tinwaî-c pdpiate l inbr chtonceof a imonarob. uns ipprcari*tcn t Mid iin letchS w- McanuOn tce destruction of ana. -TJRGE ORDF'RS ARE NOW B Fl. relationsa halm40it.Pessigo aîn m cenramiad a paie cf i&d, purchased Alvays ô laind, cale factureas Lndsinh BeiSain fer Oie priace aid migLI» tisiaid is Parils acm te esablishmnt etA tpBaia. LC V IE XO . sncb diat bis ciccoin mold tro openASep ala. ZA>Va»Ztt:m the Xmpeee N4pleoetdéions, iSb- ifA ruilmay btsihena catruoied lu W. J. STEÂRIr. oittianriag la iai te&adanstages cf Biw & siLCO. Pittsburgh, Pi., to carry pasengeru ta Miltai. Oct. 7tt.t. 188. R-tf nepiltism. Europe oud criatt teThe ide w rsý,, ch tolette l ad frasa te top of uhît la kaaamaai masteroailleTuileriesit itrigair whiand-c O-n-h tûs. Ibo ae.ahIt, ofCaiill, mhact ovrlooks the city sud for t.eelevaties if à Bouaparte, wiewie aiw i dmtablere t te coaatry aond te a grecat distance,. Permta mn pofil MMb» di. oputu. mbiln aas, mafi acmeon a iter, v-aitt Ttcplaie ialocsted tmc taindred and 1%4 idueof aim i~Charles laBon. Stna dsi hfatiSaaa an.- hm d mientiy»fesl must of te Monoglai sus- Adj rue mit-ro mails bu hy no mcis beu muIai ta w:7tponabidge. The roadmay itcrting mats*kPtFois 5gerfur Ski s*ablib- uce nat ie einse ainth astaaind uitfroaiCCmestreccîcrams th SeFa metlof Priacm CLarles' tr e~ m ahe .i.tstuitadndHandis Rilrced,anid raches the face MargThe tradiainal prpucfeofcbasqu, edged àaidaute ain.u Fichu f fhi billhitctsat Ibis point iueina- ONTARIO Franc@ ud bns fr ta Sillisi ic i te- ceaoiicciat» fat aboya the level of ttc Pan Hau- - -- -1é Great Bargains wi ivsre ber ameutf'te So fraonbertheA. Cifare, aigrtta eufoersBaatiedbRîllroad trat) b» motus of an iron /aJcklIIfVJ/orIkQ month. ofth Pre sd heRhne Oeling white.tombear alIll St h.ttas : bideof hidrai and iai» eci long. sèraof t e Bosa ugdie o oB oln. etehguai. Tlle hegidiaicalcti medan =Th.bidg s uppored b» teninicht GOGTW N IAOVLE Luaiied» iab4aasiteeltcaked taâtsiteqatmgnificnce, rcocelesmeiaP c'i.olon, made of wrought iran a quai-GERTONADRNEVL. parpoai ns thtiaide f a taso. leIndeed, se taifiaitc" &ipasae, didteAs-ter cf aci laeht Sick. The vertical wuld ho uikngtoc mach ti expet swblaeof 1 fir " n Ad rav mn" height ofte till ai ShIa polnt t. thraa E. N. ORR, Proprietor, Sa F. MI'KI IlitiFranco mli mille preosp acquien peronom, tht a nano hiSe "ainmsht'aidd dSi»fgiutha W OCLD renpectfuly polart tose te eu i es eis.ctablishmnet if anter *e YW ack S ai aieilna amtplace a lngtof six hîndred and fifty W nacot il înythiug in, tteMactair icroere if diheaine bos os pleaide fseis n 1edô,r. a-ne ediilet Sthat ttrr fers, aand un inclination f thirty tva lire, ocleahlm a coal, wan- te aret~cd te of t ePyenc.es. S tilt aomettia.g muaI degraca. The roadwsy conista of lia gise a good aed clcao auatc ,le aay bc oncforSpan. d dnc ti tc. t iileea littho. -tructu ec ie éalfetgaiga, viil, m ct a ntae ns, tcving aeeaauy,-leteit Te Emparer Nîpolica nota'the tc etMttmdris t p oast a, cr-n scdngwieteo hin macefroiea tc St oaki in the Georgelce, 14t Jone, 1870. b. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tb daafrSaePi os uct. -a au ot. " d, ite,- crsceiccde tieSeot n aited Sttes, nnd viil ontinee Occvi 'crialmit it bhis favorite propositioa if ac =10c maiaa sS.cie ae died.Tcc-a iîa t rdaatînto.Hre nhc pecio lonîgues f Europe. The abdication of itim"dad sqireaaaiinid kiigt; are yrllom pine,,neveui t»serai fait, asment'of li indi of Maeble fr mmIbabels bas tk.. cone.mi Of M e tittatMaadIb fan-ir, Ttc strings are ilac »ellow pune, six 1bflMosaments, HiaeeTcitis difftC maioutlfstherain.f Sob ata- ad kùtteieon tbaianien of P oto, TaleTops, Cîintlcpireer, ced dibihi ai c St Wi c mah ac»- -dtlehs iered aith mniiveen cighttfeet, and ttcthe atce eeyhceacdl îtr gresa; aid it la b» S'a moelle improb- Wht plu-a acC.v ~tae suoud. thi trîck igttfiet t» cigtt ted. îA.ecyhnnme Bbab abe ftecnddtrrfPineLo lwp ascasa'ct,inlsosasd, pisralcg îu',e frein tthe ase tte ERN. OlR tAnd badiswor tapn«Georgeovi, 'Mret,,"l.lth,186.009t f poli la picesaoin sucuent, thtBaichita TaisI 1is Ou f c __aab t- top cftch jilie. Itilu dres fieStigt sagnas aimay he fuaidnccaass» va Tot lov ya ic m m nesauf its, asd quise fasay. le[t a be piîtéd, &vr oeaadmare msicrons A ssd.tciiane ltiernatesn! -Te rails ire of the $240 WANT D aeinofs ioiz ePWOi Tebt mide rm h huc i . pten adsbtnilfastcned TWILI. imy 12 par eent. t. aoc pe-s, Bacepees blaor», te cilice f dis resdeneai the idagn-cea'u hethe, mhei tethetrngeri. iledgsatwolaandlredie.ltrtyd.Oceis SpalalSani.maa.-N.Y. lc4c. a ,-,enhe repset maspaeid, wrune but do -Te cirsarsc e Uho tceled cp b» naeoutil tee c,d ,- tte yeo. .ne - cty immase imd idpieag ...usie, ~vira ropeansd arc provided vieltacsafe- gaveec__ m imesecrwd f lar cuns abro eAddneacu 'sL5c113 FIs Slverulsaue. &aions tceteh aiglinajusai lnhappy pairt&y cble wtcch rai di ap îLe.ilier euisaneacluabsted, nmte uddisac peacesiin pimed hy. Atar cf Ith ruige' Of the principRalpef, Pet1' 0 n~hso5iaichty ai taes li pis e wtsamddiaa breakfstaie ne iily dipasai mte iadrimabotntut ieht hesaifct» y I.n eyOt .t £uy golW my armfon h budrigadvint af .spàsed te wido beaming enanaisu. Tisabridge, tIcs prevetinig the occidental 1 IiamvntlotAfd 164 nd 86 -foresught on tdesput Siracis thast oai" The adi" sa" uan-epacdd totty deaccent a .-&"tiie Amesicas. l - ýC.n theeS _____________ofthe HM"ainn ins, Whouiihtea" messirces o pca castainaido u italisc t îl mssn ac, t -Cmof IRE satn rihor wuud bllfa ea o tfe ais. t. eAmeinisilier voisiesc, b imt and esceingi» wiSy speech, stacis ul üuar ftePki ascePROVINe 'NCE 0F t.' 'ou Lt S, tisaSte tasgoS hiaUMil ta edr iboexcpontation tetAnriau ilier, hc elicatsd Blis cf angliton. Tte honcres dcuntire beau reoived b»te French Mie- soUre Y A TOa-aa, ) of Hcltaa. up orauthtsaCUSTOI WORK Sunte Wc tecnte oaseqail.mueatesupi» i@e " lis l'u" wme. dit» sbnuSsgnd b» ier if Foreign Affaira, sud te om- In theo matter cf Wiiam flux.(4DVGRLS SIN p lacwt a safficent qsastii» if ciron-te Ziaimcasi crundaadof thdo.A-in, monder f the Frecht lceS cfft.eaous ger, an Imslvent. RD.G OLSSPÀN G cmmduete f ppalirar whelst eonuisa Mofte Coassanid Cis- if China il Saite eargetia mesurai ta fN Masdiy, te lti day ofJuJay ,et, the COLOfi Csnslaa ccl, ad bns. e bar Oaa, icI bsiitpruvid i mUowa-luiW plliitte Chicse.. Suct a course, 0 nndseslid iiuad ta te ua i jlansuetros eoves»parS cf te »enycse Md felig timnitse M t otsin dos the London MarnisPottFauts», la fi'1? AIdca t, iecd tt cdLîteuun-,sanifiturisc aoffte difereat s. al aeiaS Th Bik se oSmidiS t ofthebiliatanid gay asembltage, norod b» the Great Pomri of Europe. WM',. BURGFE. Ta-ing aaamsiitpa Alsi cu tindot ?ams a in Us fahaidue-de5eh sadi-mater n-dao diisaid a mmtns5ipie - nle. I Jo Ia,5.virions descriptions, totoc sud foiCah suallontan four dollars, bois. alliath act ktcisa. At ut Satashenflerl abr~ rsG C baige, uober papraor uaver, reqaoîca PROM Sthe pruaisni ci Jet,. WsIaei,'MianZitheee.aBarbere &cd lies fer Iasinoa palpasses blom tLaI ducc- taiig pair eme, miced aa inau Unai.tenproises of etJohyWalstace i. imm4ma, Jne MANU69 aiuiilci mai ho sppled b tho.eZ- RED) AND) WHITE COW, tain-y i mli, pHURIS Aoy in-in ,eeenaaf t y inSho a. evsasen, Bt he AmerIeu silier hietanarll-cttaar ~~~~ busmelt sigL dlaappeared, uldaaut teiug na aieaaro, eveay, aill cStabely rewra-dad. e r 0 O . r.plased idi a, ifficieit quaSt» JOHN WALLACE. otber of QiermeinoSes ci CejadfianTa snaylthe tenaym ntsarM uaS, uteni St. Miltn, JuIy 14,1870. t-StPrlntlng and Wrappîg Paper oaigo,4 aidbue ds opaplileta oomns, i epnimal rue oif misd in utict mhlcb me hbave caled il seofea. o Sir hi Caiad hmsalC. is.tsan IlOde ta Lstn V LL WHEAT PRICE FOR ANY Coitaitly os hccd ald ade Va, orale- FraslHicke la bimeif the paeoienseOnsai,' mict hc poposeaOeaMseaituraes X tesctity af- df chie disouliy, aid Laila tia l iit ein-e th- laid, te ftersoirnfCGlasgow Spring Wheat, WMOL CIRUING & CLOTU DRESSING asm, au melisaansa budred ctîere uiatemabodie te ftloaisa hiltul ainsi- Bilteiaca haeoatSendaiIte ahosss tht hoil uteri unft telie t m»t1ý-Dalaner nt Mthe LomilII Milta, On. tte ahotet sotice,.CatonRaga nha î, E(aty doa terýolý %Abcm ihtof a mueten:y0= =i Sosteeho21i3,JAMES HARVEY. ancitity aiSacaina-ctcstou Pajcc sit Thrte m lia&ih--fo Wo ~~. - ~ ~ ~~ ; L inehsIi$ agatbdwi8te, GEORGE BURROWS CrWtSPRIN( We u md"y ppM ta he u t- eeaig th paty mur&H AS AT LAST SECURED THtE SER-THE celehcatcd ftaoaagt -red l r iZatainoo importiatiof Chiatu ada arge amimelsnumar oftthiretrio*&di visci f int-olia n ocstoe- Wbaat malt te 'me7. ,Oui raISw. lu.sa..bkdueath.Mtlb icSmio.s, mtss duet-IlT uhtn, h Du 55 o jineep-tm s re figmspssdo i nSasyaStnW ATOH MA KE R a Wil raas, tae "usai o 180cina Ihi- eaay laWt tepi"a" lea nghl. WaCaale tin ofathersoce uaQdrehB-&a.*der lTs.usaS of mict tis eo~plef iltoandad H.tcspne iouq o l ccao i gcitnrVEIRY LATEI T L m"erilird su".-4 Fe eledernhip etfMa. Hsgi MoCallnn.suudisa countrae lrti tca . Hâ CUI- Fort ta-a-a-danaoasmt d et&c., seta-ndasi hac .r d.v.Fa, ps tlcalca-s rfluaon, &v--coi husdtall 111- (lo ---- la-In'uW" ePU. 1 tuaise. ia tu.yst W.l» ont l iSa imn- uý 4-tf JAMSIROWHITE, .&Ilîîaid eamine Our §tec nnoe. NOW PRICES!t IE FALL qAMË.PAIGN. BEING PLACED IN THE MANU' cm for their avas hein-. rjîl be given for the nexi INN& Coi, aom tLe labaianitsuofte .sumsudtigecsu' irning en-der sala,.aîd le pcepaca-d tldo nhrn Linaetathe Manay ho ured mittucbas G, FULLLVG, AND FIoa-8HING,ý URNO, &. ood tok o WEED AND FA144E[ e r euitingi fer WaoI aS Ste ,acît pnes. t.e bic eemîy. tis tst. e e einod trie SSTOCK, ES IN STRIPES 6 CKECKS. wt befie-purcvtiig alsembere. SaList. ol Letters My ESSAINING l iashepioa«,.sM Millas, th.i nýp t eiî 1«iJaiy17& IAP- H= . m aGias At I FainasesTtei D. P ,yta Gaiduer John WmSmAIt.J. ~Penns allsg tor anMtbihaveitte. Wmin plaies gay lIe» sure 't. I W. D. LYON, ctPt. i [Ai 1111 1f! G-EOIRGEToWJ-,.a i4l ENORMOUS CLEARING SALE! EXTRAORDINARY DARPtGAINS!i Oige Hundred Thousanid Dollars' Worth of IIILLINERY, »IANTLES, CLOTING,- CARPETS, RATS âA-iD CAPS, - BOOTS Ave SIIORS, To ha sd aStremoudons realactlicpetaLy»Sprnag and -sammer GuI". -irrespaunima if t psffiag, bloiaà d= maain aiartioccmnerpe~w are tbe lAi1 ho=n ef Daltin. Wb» ?-Bcsunem e have ilt=args iok-uil te mntIgocds-itnrs che mesS variaidcnsrtmattud the And ieltci is bipeesin haLe Province; and cintiî utasiansha hli ie idi car fessas, repititicninlaslliig gands as advertisadaý Ladise and5licj iL. Maormnons inercase incaurtbuines tiilait sasonfmarrate slan as= i furdoci effortin leuaeging aid incressisg tesaime, c an o amy roi» n great bargaini, au s sah tl ontina. ibis gesacle t111hacecfl'etive ciesianesimais. er We have in Stocli a Beautiful and Varied Assortment of Fancy SIlk, Dresses, together twith Black Grograins, Black Glaces, Drap de France, Drap de Lyons, Gros de Suez. Celebrti;iand uisarpaiied in Il oîr manaifaeîuiing depeutmeSts. ocdered Chotting 1rtlinar», Dr-m aid Manthe Msking.- BAKCLAY M 1 E 1» M~NB &PARKER THOMAS YOUNC,ý DEALUR IN BUILDESB ARDWA99,'BARl IMON AND S18, "aaa maraai Points,,and Oi, Bltiag, Blaikmaith's Bellow& and Ccii, Bon& Cutter. and-Iug ci Staff, Hatubeand Spokee, Laits and Pop, Codcii Ouaad4 Lma, WALL PAPER ANS WINSOW 8HADP, JACK SURE W8, CLOTHES WRINGEES. Tern@ and Tobesco of tha cboieeet brandi. Goodi marked in plain figure. No second prise. Wile tanking bis eatomen for the libeus] patronage oes ,ded te bisa la the paît, tbe sabecriber invites ibeo public teoeali aid anamie bis geoda id prîcea hefore purebeaing elsembcre, ai bo i. fali7 pcated up i the ats of thé country, aid no effort ii b. munting an bis part te giveifetioa. TrHOMAS 'YOUJNG, 39.ly oIcn~r et, Geown. NEIW AM AAIOn oxo ELLIS & McMASTER, LATE T. F. ELLIe & CO. The aaloe imanaaiae ntOeir elal iieata, aid Spthebiac eày tat tie lve ~- makingfextensiveaipmetatteir ~e hîroL d avie ialu lmmni,iholet cnd trel i.ticwtoickt ai Grocertes,-WilOs & Liqtiorsy CHINA, GLASS AND EàBt1li!NtWAt' rurcthen, tan-y have iant-ci cp te ferm aterikof FnrCmtutillltatiai Tthe paisfie ut ely thSe on-a»beailue-n iair amoi.»in esot MiiOiie as thsietae gfl a:l Lnp-uai inouthéi Mdmaa Sagenuteri«-% h eda et enacttuThn-y ba mm f fairCl. itraightienard adced t ldaiR le umtt hiece aud pcoperaeamie of pubieipaSasust Corne jaila"d b. Oonvlncqd. ELLIS à Mc48ASTER. rice iadosialler&in. Ie--caav~svuuis 7t1c. 171). June, 223, 1870.

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