Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jul 1870, p. 3

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,'0 Imîperial1 ha. bail lub Lncwo te Cborîel by coq. <ens- s id 10 bav-e iog on tbe Derby:- 3.) èIcg ueo becu' Mue, 10 miegbina West Vi- inio -led of a 1111e boy A~oof Loolceý, I Unsred cnouoone- b-e narrisige. IýO«)isrn capcoc- -i. the Africal0 1.711 mentheo. or bu voloedi g and nonsense fat me', Nosw o dlneberged for lanced ooiy 2510 sico a Ntional islet-oIia yoeus cancomita a lbh toahog the sec uoed of tho mle, tensoible gent.- &AÂ cbereh, nia, -jvc tho pronober le i0 Nen- York oy la bote), oend ong hiq cigare oend hack-. 0Oreiv tsa bis s ladies appear bo volgar fraýcin- onet terme. ysain eCicago biu congregttloo, lt they Wni go tu 0OTitr,îktbe cibldutb-draw- y id -kc ping a iný'o'-'aneposible. .reaiIloogu:b, o Gergisonogro boên c alceccil t) ietprisonont for te -oc-pl; 1<1, dofi- lion <y îabing tho cr U tho trann tire bon jut died je sfor ha-ipg onea iselect prfy of îlb perroto' longuet ta for, nlnding <o kenu t0 bo bnricd ral, miye - ' -No ey le bis body eau alast beyond the 01 awusinglo- dlieg-rooa door o: ,Metnbers cf" b. table irt ' aed n. Rowdieo andl mx wnththIe Con- aol- té tell one na, arrestei ns a tab hd a aregula, king glsus er ltotl Hol reanrked Ibet Ma, it n-siDot te e semel out of rai. noon, Julyl,int-, eepo# ofd yoomarket, 00. It am seem aeý 'onoOen n-ablind ohile thy folI te e,. tprafs, fnitbn tbrnl se 26'ie,Mnnon0, 5p. te 60c.a eI, s ,nn.ame mmbac, dl tek, up aon ooe kbet ai onc.hi of tbeoo ià eoeything lieor, Primoubefoc -"r, thoisooed i. ' .t be p10ug fera 10 blly ontu qanter. 10-n-oms -Al have thnoquarter. The ct of cotirâtion, a lut quater in doan- ?'th. licesrbocb vea i onot Yoods ng thul th, àaine, tahe sors of itaecff [Md <rom Etesaid v.e-shaulerq *u a .n of tassdaya Atoorlen hopi.un.- in Iistmarket ane, firme,îboan eeato OELL, Trafalgar Cuneil. BUSh PMiol 'errk. Thc ecaccil 01 piOoîlît 1te djou!TliThe Nen-York Sfttanatiit-<frthît- menton the 1b ITîl;Jane,' 1870-_ fibcDicens OveCn-orkOd Mimef bqth at î~~el l bohi Membepment lie desk nnd oh tbe piiofor..,taIhig, R' ,.%louss. Aikîosoi, RbnoCeclbooiee, foaoanob fatigtuî,g czcrcîac, odDr. Bock. Minute, %of ltmcii- wn-lOnpripatest Weald bavc be nAn oe milanad confirmol. A --oamr uial:A frotnHnya l rd wsrcio . -lu addition telhie rdlnary untoiad»C1 for nacetificalo thoppiccolo1tansoofer cf laboors, Mr. Diocesbell su 1ocusIban C! th aenlceoissec.elaJolitVan-t- irly litcrory -nd frieelly cîrcutors-DU Alleno;a '0*Me. Iiastelbrooob, aik-lsips, 10 wbiohbcho tesîrd n-lob Ibe Fy ing for n greolt for tbhMintebnnc of 010010f,, wich, fos merchanta brlag teoG JamesN Miee, at proseeclio tbe bospi- 'beon ntheir tîot porsonal affaire le tI. Mos-rd by ,ie. Bock, eccondol by ~fact, it btas long bee a Fatlar of re Mr,. Cîl..c5s, Thal thecoioaa of $100 ho mnrk aaong tbce Whob bal ri.uy lived gmntoil tbo Agiculloral Society of withbitem, ththie acecutet ni, 3-u Trafalgur for Ibo e eo 1870, and thtl jdealiption n-e ekept *otopper, pib, the ItecCo isoue i. cheque onsfici ndd in a mane, n-bîcb, 10 the1.Fu treasurert- laves-r of Il 1%l . Swilîe, - bocinous-like miels, n-in opeha Esq , recasurer of the Sotey, for thje.ihle. Thoso of 0s oui rail nhoPbaeR snme.-Carried. luoed hy l)r. Huck, od;olininîcood eue etats nl beet Arpri- C secooded by Me. Robinson, Ibol J. n.ciate ibis one occoipaios of bis 1fer i H Maîbeaona hbill-8ihif, for pioig- "Mo. Dickens probably on-tOh1110 bo pid.-Carried. Mov-ci by Mer. dea1tîh 10 Iboo Aaoerians and furen-elil Robinson, c-cooiled by Do. Bock, Tlot! esgland rradiogs, o' aosicar th ctaof0- h pidW,. la riso bing hi, iravel, bore in au usasual- beiîg îwo-hirds value of damagoiseus- ïstormnyviolco entsaoo, wetbexception tiincil b buti 'en one bheOp illoîlhyy1 1Ydep 6mon-, -bile lien-s oaffering do_ _ , ued. Mved by Me,.lIoL- lhrooghout blo excursion fiosma evers r bison, eili by Dr. Bock, That ibo'cold. To odd te Ibis, bois l,..a of soin of $32.25 ho paid Jooeph Cuaîîing. Cuercico socereonocue. Ho eosvr h bainoforisork prfortuol on Ibe bosec1 wlked les, lion loorleen miles n day ki linoeaIetMller Il ill, lhc mucicipalily of1 ohile a intis country, and ibis eta Do Esqnaiîg havit;0 pil anu inlt, grecol paco, villi an eshoustillvital'ity, 1o1ibdtatliIbltccve sscbue d cea frod 1in ao jînato 1tesoieh hocn-a. uni be em.-Coeoîcd. M1oved by Mr. - sceusoni. NMr. Field, of fil others, Robinuon, ccondedLy by îleCloceilo, cacot fût-gel lihe cegy-*ilk n-icb Tbtt the cota of 83 ho paidlte Jaïnco I Dickens oîorled on bis dailyl strol.' Ford for 430 fectof plak fornifsbed 'The ploasoro, thc deligbt of bis coia- e rond divicion No. 46.-Cnrried. Mo,- poinicoobhip, 'tho glooiag wralb of od by M. Clewtos, econdcd by Mr. frieoduhip mad eucatinot have qoite B] Aikonn, Thal Ithecoccouoolof OWilliamot cbliteoîcd thc rûcelleccion of the feel- iIcCrnney for 85.06, for plak for road 'ing, the dîeading meriso Ibat tho giann division No. 70, bho p al'olo thallthe miad w,aoodigi.MDee noma of 83 ho poiidSamuel bMason for la a re ssovel binself mina a atone furniseeiby bim te bul cul- îreaosdoua maebiae, and n-on biacoif verts on tLe tontnelin, Eoqoeiiog h;o1 cui. Mtr. Dicens,, lias, to, of Ilot lng paid ano equi aoon.-Cnîried. Iycer, ouerlcd iaalf te boy bock tbe Movel by Dr. Bock, soconded by 31r. copyrighte of books for 'tebe hefil of Ciomoalo, For loaveo o jtrodoco by-law his chldoa (ns lrifltog cfoot te 000 No. 302, te lboy os atoosomean oo,;euaoeuslcoed te business), and bau, Tonsnhip of Trafillgsr for the jeor A. ouI cf bis savinga, paid aucb larger S D. 1070,anid tîLothleaie honow -eins for Iheni ttbaa lic origiaally receie-ai rîad o fnl im.-Carried. fig Ian-el fron ic 1o î liloers asd fihet after l No. 302 was thon inîroduced and rend lsocnly yeore of unexnn-plîd silo. At i a irol fimie. Moecd- by '.%I. Cîcteoto, tb momnto of bis dcntlî, et tbe H secondoil by Dr. Buck, Thol thc by Ian- cagrostic.n of bis literagy fric-ads iu this Il jaoî rend, Io îOvy an Onossmenl on the country, hocn-no prçplrit;g bisintimeroas A Townbip of Trafalgar, ho rend o cocon d speeches todI odrosoco (al Most inlercot- Pl and Ibird ime and passed-Carried. ing) for publication." By-inn- No. 302 sirs Ibea renda ooccoil _________ andthid imono paool Moci b-A coloroil lad solo ie nosin, jail in Mi. Robinon, econdol hy Dr. BooLlHartford, Coin., baingbiccn senlîbere Thatel li Iloos and Jas Dow. i feoi lliss-ilI furie;cndiarisoi, lo o be appoiolcd coamssioes to stipeio , ucoî.li'S Ooly a tlrifle ovrlbhrce tond tho ercecîon of a bridge andbreoak fo ilodi slnn cth n-nIer oppo8ite lot No. 8, os thc tub At tbe bollosu cf encb cli door in the lc, .11. .-Onrei. Movoil hy àMr. Clesosata, seosadel 1<y Do. lBuck, Thît jail is-ao etl ouiloe, sis inches sido undi the suminof $238 ho pail And,n Bob e-hI hi--h, îbroo--h shiob rations are laso for ereollng n h;idge i, the 7tbph olt li esocs ii so cocsinheensloto Nos. 10 and 11 diehey crawslo Iroogi Ibis bol e it conco tatettoi eue anin neu'0 1 ithol;pool. ct e0000,and gles 1the ail extra Wsekon ,aid ridge.-Care ound f i fl.-ovctetr Moved bly Dr. Buck, socosadil y yî nny cli liec polo . île bau net yoi ntIt Rebioote- lho thenot of813 .20 ewtptedlu go li;eogb the bey fbote ofu poinsoln, - toe um of0$10b20n btic main doit of tho prisoo, bat mny tîMount of bis c001.001 1r bridge ut lot stedybyI No. 9, 2o1 lane, N. S., anddlilial; te A Doblon joornal of thc 101h of Jane Recve issue bhuebeque on theo lcosuoet- nnooneces: lie last ast ofibo Mexiconi ferôs ,same.-Csirried. MoyOl ho Dc teaedy is-aot t be plupeil. Tho Iefncotilcil y ?Ir. Robno,ïbat anoîtanate lRapt-coi Cartota is dyicg the peilion of Johs Masîcibroot. i.kitig unad os-i; Ioth eîsîowig icboro of lior nid or Janios McGee, no -nigent 0il,- fasily msts look forsoard le sîsîs ladt valid at proocîlin lawnillon Hospital, sudEcocueo cf al os n bappy ooteaoa. ho nol entertainecîby tlis rooncil. _________as________ the oaid hoiGee bas not bcoon aresident t,_____ of Ibis asoicipaliti foc the post ycr.- GRIFFITH-1b Tenlolt. , i , 27Wthoit,, Carreil, Moîol by 1Mo. Clesteots, to i ,oiie . H,;g h Griffithuof,.a do"gb- escondeil hy D. Back, Thil the pcei- e. lien of Heory MleCreadyfor a transfcr of 5S1ID th1e licetssc or flic boasz beretofore kcpb IOSSO McolI). -Os h, OSbh nitî. aI thé bJ.VasAltos is Palermoe, ho grolleil, 0 ofleccc , b;bridoloo t, e8, lioc- hyJ. 1to Sqaroe, dni,,by tbe tocs. Laoh0 and Ibat lho reeiîc naceeifeate for thoe Tle, 1'b). ,osisto 1 ibo s. f. aâmO-Carciol. Tbo couacil Ibon adl- W. eey, bcoihoe io-loso'fîtbridlue, the lier. O%. W'. Ocus, uIT.oonlt.,- Rat,, yocîdaugitor cf tlbloto Jouba JOHN K. AI'PELBE, Mool .1,f-1 ()oe. Towonship Clerk. IIUTCHIESON 3'IcPHEDERAN On Ibis 211s0 oit, ut the residecco f the hidroa faîb y the lic. H. OVilki&,, I.r Colonel Walurly. I(, itohoou,.bcoîuer Hlocil Colonel NVolsely, tlicecomondieg Ml'c ocf N-aocwesya. effieer cf tbe lied Riverc epedibios, a a L4 iangificeat stuce. Aill.nugh bol îbhiriy oeen ycaon 011, ho lias ,ccs oer- vices la Nen- Zeelad, Caffraria, Iodla, the Cituen and Chinn, on nhicb latter country hlebas nrittena a cribable book. Hie bas bren five lime oa nedl, and n-cars seven modnls, including the Vic- borin Cto9ý. Ht errel n-lob îLe 81iL regient la tbe Bot-tacot ver of 1852-3, n-bon-bt reciccd aonedl; n-ns n-lî the êkpedition ibaler Sir John Cbrapo agiat îh fblieobr chiof, Mipoîo, and wn-severeiy noondcd n-ila loading the stooming pnrty against.tho cbief st-ang- bol, for n-Lch ýgalbaîry Le n-as mon- ioneà -in tb. dispatobea; Itelel in the Crimea n-lb te bs th 'ligbI infantrp, nha. hoen-us egagel ilu anatsyaiacbo, ad iequntly metionel in bbc do,. pntceo, anoI oceived mednaltand clucp; Ksigbl ef tho Legice cf, Honor, Fiti clams of the Mcdijidi, nal Tnrkisb modli; n-no latht Indin campaiga frîta 1858 to 1859,1 nod preseii boe th oeief of Luknow;~ the lofecocf Allnmbugh by Outsamandmdamy othir aiga. and eagagements, for n-hicb bo u -aepeat ediy mentineel jn e spatobes, brcs-tel lieuteeat colonelandl boosoel niîh medal and lamp. le 1860 Le pnofiei. pate in tbbc sauat uponT ao ot-to in China, tel ienil tbo cagagemenlia of libat campigo-reoiving ýa modnl and lin- cluopo. Ho is of ligLI complexion, nith montbache and gesen-ly modest sol affablo in bis doporiseca, adib t-eguded n-mb affection hy aln-ho mon- bia. Ho bac an navoun mananer that oeminde une very foribly of Qeneral Sherman, and ishie ca is ameut pre.. eisely imillart-e thal oaesa' craniuos so far as phrsnological docelopemetsu in- hotate. Hli l nencemplishel military ecbolr,,a poactical commuone mon- ogc. bsave, energetic andl eiing, aned prnbably is unexollel ie! tho qunlibicu requieclby bis non-field of luly. Tho Muatoaini esen ouja of im:- Heina pseciel tise officor subIte for n-oit of Ibis kisd. Tbe noîbor of ':the Sol. liera Pocetboek cf Fiel Service 'bas metu inis ie plenîy of tLe rude esliti.. of militr life, andl no one oaa no i me liers manuel i n-houl feeling thbatlis thsssugbiy uaderstands the aub jcaot thet Leon-ltes nbout nj;d cao, n-bon colel upo, put bis theôH into prao- tice,' Il i. Wt îLth11e Spnn.ab brune bas beau ffresed by General IPrim te a Preuien Prince, tbougb ILtheSpnnisb Govramoat bolines 10 a' te buoname, Iis ail lb nifr babc cob bot thes Frencb Govraenî oîonogly ejcç-s tepn snob rcnant-ab'o inereaso of the pon-er of îLe llibcnzoleso '----iE H'oto1tesB,-ooclae# o all kiuela, Oozd and Silver (CSaina, STUDS, OC/c'ýRFRPINO CONCERTINAS. VIOLINS, &c. A nioetrlcclioncof - GOTIIIC CLOCKS, IIE b hie Icooship l Aocosto. oO ,CLCS thic 21h t5,/c-oc. ouei-, tho-Ad.G laa js epiign lod oief iho Rlto. boiolOtto, bý'in.gecnutl=îcctd t r thobn-ifls .f St.Go . bA -11 . rcfulis -lieitad.ARU orhn-ar- HOARRISON -Atthie Wh-lyuo Fotnleol-ant- acId. EREBR, lcgc, Hosilit, o Th.I;ooy, 01h al., ily GERESROO Nao croofOilis oeio INSOLVENT AUT OF* 186 CASLDWELL-il Millon, .a the 'thib mt., MNlllt..lgteof NIr. Wtt. Cold- RICHARD MITCHELL AND S. R. Mc- n-h nell . o nhe oud 23 dayu. ILROY, OsEXVILLE MARHKETS. JAÂMES McGUFFIýN, )hcyocirc,i f-,ctheuC-p>io: - yW. E. Hgo,, WRIT cf Albaobaeol Lus imood la Ibis OAîcbccn, lots- 6, 1070. .A O1O- bichl Wbcatî..... et..... 0 @, 81 20 G. CRAWFORD McKINDSICf. TrtwlsolI .........-.... 0 1 16 liherili Co. Halbin. Mfig PccfWýhcaýt 0 1 10 Milton, 22d Jnns, 1870, 2t Spe;ouothoatî- - -1... 0 110 b'oao- - - - --...............55 WY . .Barb.er &Brs. Bye ...........ro.......,. l 0at ..-1 ...0 ......... 35, 40 Tin;oIy " ...... ..... 0 c-0 Ptaîcet...... ......f...__0_4 Butter.....- -.... - a.......150 Fm ...................... 12jrin;ing and Wrapplmg Paper Ra .....i ...............Gsantly on band sud made. 10ordor. $240 WANTED. WOOý CARD1NG & CLOTH DRESSING SWILL puy 12 per cent. t. &.y peeson Galbe 4borttnotion. Coten Rugu in a%~ J. ondn~esotusboloo ao frtydcli, qunlteiltooecoiedst their PsperMi Onlil g lbentwf1, bunde adsopicteil la csrtuon fo, oni. 1Higbstprieoincàasipaid gies-on imcdiuOob- f* v, ~ SBRI oytu1o P 0.Subscribe for the"hqo" Mitton. Jayty -l, 18c70 . 3e 'mil & FAKIR ! tEW ÂDVEEliSRKmNT List of Letters EMUAININO tn thoPotoffies, tmtos, tp the lut July, 1870. &nderson, John Leqt. Mine Ina. lien, R. C. M ougaIL Mn. RobaI MoOdlon, John CL Andoa- McLn, Rugh (4) Clarh, Wn. mitOuo tuabgr, Chés. Pu .4,Wlha od, iCala PeinWlna Gardnr' John Wmatheald, J. sbiste, Malcolm Litof Letters Funonins. Mise H. Jobnuto John T. looond, H. S. MoDougail, Duncan Peroonclling for nny of the above letters o7 plm y hyare ndverised. F. BARCLAY, 3-3tIfUIW Card of ThanKs. T HE offiloas and aabssoof Royal Oak Temple, Hilton. bsg Irao tner thr 'unoer tanhoto Oh, ts w hn-au ki.dly noisted In .inoing, spsirq, &c., . e th entorlainmnogolon the ocening of Dominion Dgnd on bebnif of the Tnneple J. D. PATrrlRSON, Sa.. Miton, July 6th, 187. 3-lt Insolvent Act of 19~6§7 IN THE COUNTY COURT 0F THE CouN- TY OF IHALTON. RICHIARD MITCHELL AND S. IR. Mc- ILiIOY, JAMES McGUfIN, PO to' 1 h, npplioation ni 1he .aid plaintifs. S n4on rrndiogtle.Wrl1of AÂtoh- menaod rinuldthe nffidaoit of seevico thoefid lth epool, onde, onîbofci ts Iheejiff ni lhe Catt-ofniHaltoi. ton-bom the said orit is directo. I do ordr lhstna metig of the creditore of the abooe nosoni defondant bolhd aI oîy Chnaoer, in theCourtliose, inthe TooroftMilton, in tho.eoid Couoiyof 15 nton, on Wadeady, thé S7th day cf JuRyt A. Dl. 1870, aI In-olvo o'clooh, noon, forthe coopooe of appointing san assignes to tlbes tat, of th,.Raid d.fendaol. Dnloýd nt Chamobers Ihis seonod day of Jnly, A.Db. 1870. THOMIAS MILLER. 3-31 Jodgo C.. Raton. Insolvent lets of 1864 & 1869. CANADA, - inluthet.Coniy PoOVeCoor-Oi.ÂTLO, Court of the COUNTY OF HOLTO. Co. of Hlton. IN THE MATTER 0F EPHRAIM CHÂF- MAN, As IlOSCLVIXT. N Wedccsday. the tonlb day of ÀAnguol bnent, tbe ondoetigned nillapply tu the Jodge of lb. Rnid Court for a discbarge onder tbe rn;d Acto. Nnssngnweyn, Joly 9tb, 1870. 3-Il EPHRAIM CHAPHAN. GEORGE BIJIROWS H AS AIT-4AST SECURED THE RER- i-of'&lieut-clou W ATCHMAK ER, The wast of abiob lbe peopir of Mittonand souroodig ontroy have long gult. t N u» donithbut etylonit, a ny ',point- .-ot. The bost creferonon giv as 10 ootýýkon.hip, ho. Retor.aou -!ndon. Eoýgl.od-W0V. J. Hoop., E. G"nl oad Mo. Býnnot; Guolph-Robert CotbbeÉt. To ,oobe op for theo RECENT CLEAROANCE of Jewcley, bobs- joit roorveod al*3geand scil ,oleolod stock ci --I REWS a HALCRO* BEG to infora theio auetomead udILspublic gsnooally, Ihat tbsy havece oived Ibeir SPRING STOCK-) Wbtch ul ho fusaI t e hocf thie Da-~x'BcN ERY LATÉI'T STYLES IN STRIPE8&4CHECKS-1 CUSTOM WOOLEN !ELL.J r oE subscrihcr nol bog lane e Wlaiçea thoe iJbabinetio"f the sarroundagcoin- .iy, thtl h a& got i MiII te gsed rnnag rder taa, and la preporeli te do top rail te CUSTOM WORK in the Woolen Linecthnthe aay be facorrd n-tb,aucbtu CORDING ROLLS, SPINNINO, FULLING, A4ND FJNJ.SUING, 0 COLORING, &C. Lihcniu,tanaahuiîng ldthe dfferothndsof gnstbnt may e e nrtsd hy the fartaltg ooooaaunity: Aise on haed agood stock of TWEEDS AND PLAS14ÇELS vriou dcscription,tlobe sol for Cash or exehuacog for Wocb ai th e unai prîces. G. C. (I1AWFO]RD.- Ziciiaoreoau, Jonc bnd 1863. CQUI and oxamsine one stcok hofose pnrohang e-obre. Milon, Maech 30. 1870. 41-I1 I'Ni&FAIR C~o rot O <O L4~ H CJi ~ c 03 H ~ - c B 1 lu 1 1 L LLÎ- ï 54 e- -ï - -R Ê îf î Ê' ~ i:j 1 ~ a îrZ i i M <0 o o o c-- os <0 <0 '1 H 80 e s -~ 8e <O "1 <e H M 170 <e o os o 0< H -o <0 os os o .5 B <0 o o LUI I o o an a,0 o <0 B c H o H H f0 o w M <A n o o w P GEO0 GET( ENOIRMOUS CIEA EXTRA ORDI ARING SAE )INA RY One Hundred Thousantl, Dollars' Worth of MILLiNERY, )IANTLES, CLOTHING, CARPETS. - BATS AUD CAPS. BOOTS AnSHOE, Ti e a sol elremeudou. reductieci, =pe llrSpsisg and Shlnnues Goas. Irreapeclwve of the puffig, blawning a n huucasertions cf minos plaies, ira ar e À A1 beau ofS hiton. Why ?-Beotngo n-i have tbe litogest k-isll thr mun oolsd-bîvo the mosvauied ausotment and the Aud5sdi the eapestilatho Province; dnel e blu occasioen-wo shalvie silb ourformat-repetation in .elliag 6oods au adverîlsel. LadIis nd gentlomen, the ecruona inertue la co ubmuosIis lutmaeu n-arraseinlemahing a furthes effort la euiarging andl ierenuiag the saime, tel pou mnp rely on greai hargpies, as eeshall conilothine great sile 1111 an effetive clearanceinie made. - £J N ý R:]IK-&- LA * ig- We'have in Stock a Beautiful and Varied Assortment of Fancy Silk Dresses, together with Black Grograins, Black Glaces, Drap de France, Drap de Lyons, Gros de Suez. Clebsatel unndnaaurasaoe in aIl or maeefactilg depacimeeta. Orderol Cloîhieg, Millinery, D d tlMaellefblakisg. 1%Juno, 23, 1870. BARCLAY &'McLEOD. MCAB&PAER THOqMAS YOUN C, DUILDER L IARD WARB AR81 IlMON 'ANDU 78EL, Paints, tnd OGls, Bola8n, Blacksmith's Billon- atnd Coal, BontLjuttgr and Bug- gy Stuif, Hubbn and Spokas, Lest.sud Pige, Coël 011 ted Lamùpa, WALL PAPER AND WINDOW* SHAPDES, JACK SCREWS, CLOTBBS WRINGERS, Teuan td Tobacoga of the oboicoit brandi. Goodi mtrrin l plaie figures. Ne second price. WhiIe tbanking bie oniiomor. fo tbeIibéral patronage ozlooded te him int he put, the auhecriber iavitu the publie te caii aid examine his gondisud price. befors pwsohiuisg elie*vhcr, as hd a . felly poeted up le the wanti of the oeeebry, ted se effort vilOlihe n-nting os hie part te give iatisfaction. .VHOMAS YOUNG, 39.ly maion Street, Gefown.. PROCLA MATI-ON!1 ELLIS & MOMASTER, LATIC T. P. ELLIS & CO. 'lb. above t4m announce 10Ibeir old fb-eodn i ipbi eralthetsy ba,e me tahig eateésivo improvemeote in lb.ir e.atabtmmtsudn d d ,l on ancne eoo and well seloftediltoohof Grocerios, Wines & Liquors,ý CHINIA, GLASS AND 9ARTH!ENWABlE. Forthe, tey bave omorte-d nupthr former stoch of Fore-v (todg nilth iil thueinî,.0 ana- i,.5. Alec, Sohool Rooho, Stationoey and Ociersi ULeraturr,&e. art l a n hoste, Young aa; iju.î stmon-et toppel te BapltaI tLe tinje forthie puy-Il -1 mnt,-of th1e moaey due ae bting loy e îfe lo-soorron-, iiti8lunet ready 1 nbnll 1 Corne al and b. Oonvgme&I .)e obigeri iaedintely tea ouiltoese un-g.sdpsproa kl 1pub aong oeres measureo, f " Ipossible I' cxclaiaed Ibe v00oîlgiSEELLIE à MoMASTER. nau, lna a c-opt-scd ad encitcI looo ; ilX. B-Pan-lim reqairioc Wins.or îiqoor b...,. a,.a. o u u ey ou go... titan 1'yon aro ocey mueb imiataken. Il islurt ad l n,.a rae jst due ti11 tLe 26th, h isson- balu t Georgetswa, Moait 11h, 1870. U 0ylp tie 201h. At thîlt inc1 sebuli 'cllfl'i e e e 0 o mu Sq o M e E EA qm

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