Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Jun 1870, p. 2

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,I>e uuuliua(IIp OU, Lest itirday'e Gasme sianeens Tiore emm te he-ccd ceuse fer Ils iy s~mlesoat e ~ thai the Goertds-e.ef cl bIseauien llievine tiet ilhe troubhle ntie'Neti XILTON. JUNE 30 1070 pl, ea eappoint('lihe Bon. Cbarles oet, cau.ed lp Bice rebolian, iip Tu fNfltUe « lu ME ee--M. - Tappor,,C. B., olia o ucbeofcithe ce mene soecer anu ed mse coca et We are plesceil te let bî he~î Quees Prbcy Ceaneil for Caniada esud onc lime ieeinîd taeibore. Sctt, oie eihoflircfSmJohc A. Moacould basPcmsdeel cfthie Prisy Caauci.'The f the rcboi deegttes wonoce no cor- sa er e-improveduthtsho eis Dow mle in vmeîney in thie Qeanil cmi ceermieneutdiliy re.eiv,,d hy car snpor-oyal Gev- imieeerlaee-eerece. Lt epete1 by tbhe ppoielmeit cfblIn. Arehibalil toe eement, rriard lnt et ek t St. Paul stl oabut tiezler port cf xeth e ecithe e-veroaeiip f Miobîa. Sir an i.cay blale,,and wcn tiece ho je tha boutthe atte par et bis e m . A. Macdanald ba eholy but grad. said ta hnve deîicd liat bc and isie-. Ieo ciii h able te jain Lady Moadonmald e etmi . umlp improvien e lahl, ut itera ore cecihuen maseted incanditlcnnily te lhe romea ébat lie may etien, fer a mieao terme cf tho Mlauittba Bill; liat the, DIOTU W tL«» CLOUMO itlutesfrOiPubitloleO-Sic Grarge M.haut no poWr tacdo se, but ly the, tere The Êerl cf Claredon, Msr bMje. fCartier woond ihen prahablp ho ble rue- f thei n bsrnction& ocre elieed te, re- l<pc -Serebarp cof Ste fer Foreignc ocsnr ea, Premier, anid cher change. fer ilt ticir Gacermene. Dy RirIe AffIre diil n fie 7hiIce, t elltae place is hie Cabint.iltproclamation it le cicar tint Ibo 4soattr a lict bhcec. Ti. doeee-d ~ ~ *prcvisiceîh Gccernent obc ie innba 4o, rtr sor ilnu.Th doowà oUuIe- « e- s i fiti. etaliiahnd oilcet oillialy acent ta Havi cres liranohthe l2îi cf Jseuiry, The Uenited Sqtatra autiecitie., becine- tic proviin@ of tint Bill ,icrc mcci 1806, and blid- filcutanambot c diplo- arresteu terah cf thoeacct pramimleut greter ceececicce are made by Canada matie end eni'theâlidl peitioe@, sme' ,et hic Fenian efficeri ece-ageut la the -ecceccsjea la oici, if cccbacc 'ml cith tho exception f a dhort intormin- ale raid upon Canada, bave bailt hienational icuor pet left ho proerve,,o ecce, ~ ~ ~ ý lidbeltlepotcfFdeateierlty le prefr indiciientese-gaist ciii ucter suent. la tic moantime, Beea-eerp eilee@ 1865. Bi marrie§, in tiemi hfone tIe Grand Juryecml Icl ccvhsceeaameîeJci 183, Ladp Katheince Grimaeet,elutet 't nta hl n oatesaemeigw des-iter f thé Endl nf Veculemi, bp Conacutagus. Ataieiamhte.of hiemi ebtacle. cinteir jouncy cbic netuin- oie h ed bre- ccs usdtoc--Stisce, Plasiix mcd Tbcmpnn-lrue but tîcir perceveriug Lcpiriîad tic ilsu-liirsbclio tb;f.àrvive ' liiùm. ie b a ivme c aen u se-nginaitie meuy recearene cf their brave loader ildau -s het pub -fbtillc. Ivera thots, equaah ity iht h tiesc, lie celd evercome, badcef Fenians, ciii ktaioad4pbIsl iieaérow e f aJury bave f.tind eru, ils-te allege i lcîion cf car, areo ivcricg nar tic «t"v. m maawitienVer of a essone liice-tiat tic cileees fnem border cif Minnecota, rendy te bellp the sepebc- oder Hi dctlila eivr- Maonst refurbu tlae-lac evidemice cui lrebeis sieul t hep ciffer rrisanc te tic MAdevceed - oud jutify tieir beise- palt upon enicrac f ccc troopc. We ticrefoce trial.i hie oe heva Dct beiteteut' tar ihaxeyw tte e fu Thse SpomlaitCorteebaie opîtdla Caueilfea f thie choIe Smoi-Moretas IR,itrgdused tee the gradueul enan- top"ltcd i ulsery lu the Coleic. - BmatrOmtellar, hie!eminent eater, -aideàpecrf an ad eqeet epeoinj laer cetmueeediafe aliolition, referrlue- teuIeslwafessons emimciptice pro damese, but lis enmodet cas lul iha ob etf4 t78. By the presti Bal Wed.mi. eltea ta aHi laves cho bave f.gtitehie servcioof Spoin,,&al im meors axty-five peere f e-e ced eAcilemihore f slives ines186- for meelid cf c he c (veramont b, ta rÎ $ 0SM,-e.d an been alear tireme. ie- ef the Act aie te o c c. Furtier a asttcehie Bin Waa- pc.tpcned untit, l bs Ceiet..uaseembie ou lei Octabor Tiseceisseo epec 1 f bu ezeut question se-ale eceplce- publie allen1 cIel md ce-eghe l.sitîlof dipioanl lie&.- Itis msslt Mr. Nouler, United 81teas Niuiites- tàeaet Biitale, lic a«t ha moedecasi -<teacticipoteut, tee'a s- he i aiiiin euisptte lie Icuehe te Gavermente, and thîl àýi w llbaionl, rmel l. M. Serre-( tee-p FM ih aboutie retire fccu Pres. - dm 7 <IcaaEe.Cabine, andt senlrepase. Mr.f., tey t-ibaCotat-f tetS. Joues,a -1 1 il hu npeetmd thebhcuinpiracet lucre tigSffl. poniey thue )àepioe-C Mmwçe, Md bliag t hi. ebjctotfhe-0 -Ahi.., a" toerccsma. Le colil h eul l e haveIis icitetiutg mialerý stm md bie qummilcueof - htera- tiseal lpo and citis i evu se i c lise he y nfoclucete ie poici. Pueusmd toard the Weeterc asheneca onistiseliee of Itnetasetto 'év'oeeuccthle tribu, TheeniWon fi 8.1 Cloul end plteut TeD te Waih t14e-lue feiut toeomieee thie.oiefi1 ta »feU justie. voulutbch ued ot te iand met hq lefi tle Federal cpill *ith conealterble uisatiefactcuon. r tage- lilaabsece, chihwumue-b laie a tli, w autielpatet hir brave e-tlired togetiior t Fort Laremie, andl aewatildthie e-hre eftÉheirchlaeitii e-oice-impatience. A bud ilf BoS 'cseelee thBe oember cf iaboel e-te hale,-tatsci.d PennBufont and kOlUeial ry mil th cocutchoppera cie-. Tiey aie aIsm sumblbae-in laeinmbloere onutetier traniier fort,.n lIai ce ma ezps.h a repeitien cIlgae ngs msare mnd reprisejo w hie-h baet nfctusateiy distice-amîtut th Auericam ipeemi f reelmae-t1h Teeioc-la markeut contraseh tte ebu- ease andtI Disianpolie-p puecueuthly Sciai rilal. The tol'owiug te inbar ro..e te tise poition of h Prt!eeien - tlicin ceCnadea artehaen trom thne Repoe-i f the Couuittéo on Tmssuce eed SOelittesu. receti, pre-aet a hei meeting d thebohamai Aaàeuily in -Torno. The tol mbeafcaaomemu- aiineete soc umbere 7,152, bise- un 4L.meec-erllut yr f 1,596. Thé baltshgi&"ls iai- eut30,126 pu- plis, imi e aumr«ose sp none tIse 2,W0«wth r olis celuu7M lu IdBible elaseatièes Vers 8,606 .pepils, hoe- se morese Mb71,5 ser lhe preeutlae- Sttes Gcveramenh bave een, t ent, verp remtee in thein elIe-mienu te s friecdip power je tbhthc eFenian buoineas,,we admit cith satisfaction tuat thep have le tomie ezîtenthangi t tic lest bout, ben mrouceu tota a anse. t thiir des, in cpturine- ad briegine- te trial nomeetai-lie leader. f the gang. Iti thierefore the sure ta ho regretleut thiel, jelie coco cf thieo nteriens fac- breukiceanut ocuic ho munruerecd, tuer. aioulat cSur a faiimc f justic-for ouh nel u prejnhiccd pereca ciii re- e-rd tie diveuerge froentcdy of the men. Itle Dow in the pooce cf thec Unite-d Stte. ta 'putlaneeffecttiîi ntep te an, future raids, iy infliitine- thr ucet cectre punieimetct chici tliir municipal lac pnevidee 0an lucre cie ate feand geuily ofts cinfractione Bp tues it woccluth clear, eteta the duii arideralandice- af tie Fenianse, thnh bp intadinge-Canada they iai their liberty fr e Ineci cf tle law cf tliueadepteut coutry, indt lut tir1 bcccno longer1 lhc protectioe andâyapputhcy cfthIe United tsee Gavercmenf, Sari e eme, if properly inculcaie-, illi doi mre te uxdcite the ignorant fllacers of ONeilifautixpose lthqros@ fAille sire f lie leaders, tha a nthtociad piper prolamations of Presidet Grnt. an&t wocuhutshw te tLe cvilintu occlut tlat l a nsnerm e ie sttemp4to t crnaI thIe cidieguiseut and eainge- 1 spin.mcj. ST. ame-vo VAlUeM L The Globe f Stcdep boit trane-iy auttecetea tic imuediete compietica cf cur internai ystemi of naigation frcm Part William to eBrlble, lp tlie con sivceio ci s canasl an tic Canedia aide of tiie SacttSt. M arie Thisin sa cobjeet cf paremient importancecte Udr andl @boulut ct h haloceu totescape tic earcei atenfion et car Gererament, if cre reaiy droirte o tîidepeudînt f cn eptiond and jealoceiieboca an the. otl i adf tue laies. The ce elatielip clici ccc coc han to the e-cot Ncnhicute-ciTeritccy,andut hIe s.uqunt"eedp increase f ijeeigre. tiac tu thiiporion of theoDDminion, mmi, it ct only hie-up deirable, but abmbaàteiy neciaacy, tint onu en, et emmuication $beulut depoud on no othere lut ersecire. TIieUnitedl State.nonn daim cbj a eontemptibly amuml part of tle great ehain et tanal& trefehine- frosu Lake Snperiec ta the AU&tiel e~batt hiie. lit ce laide hoan b tuot pooer ist refuine-thie Clicr s passéue tii-c tee- ir litla canal'cae proporti.-eamoly coetemptilîp mal, meut centreole cclunfevcrmbly cithithe eulie-iitesd hthralif y olitoich v lavc a1cmla ebibiteu t teOur ceigibore. Whiic ot have cithitiheretest gener. oiiy slîooed tbleinveseli qelnipricil- e-ce citliot anc c, ce botebasmel cWitis a potyi settuof .e.oiineme hitwocelu cimmc heJapacese. It ls tlus tliîi conduet et this cet ehaulut ho .lcppod, anut ohile wc noesilDot adoph a retliator eyteu, w. e mboondlb m uecet regard frceue national bonor ta lot eue' unaîraumodatine- ceilire anderatenu-seiltiat diaie.hî-that tiiey, anu t l e, re tlie patie "o have ta tai foc favore in Ilils uotter. Lot us have ah cîce a canal on thie Ca- muian iide of the St Mar's Faits, aut ce ciii l e es',o tatehip*a eof Uiteut Shiea effieiln d their impoer- 9 inentinet ference, enlIadcc,, iii in menthce mnp devcloe--ceful f:-cd an e-cil le tite future cf tie ooTri di euemnet mn OtteerM108ea, IN the Angimcan Syneut aoW mocei- bled et Toronto, after tic dicpoeîh af routIne buainessaneoaithc clergymen, nîmcd Carry, made c motien re.peetivgi the Ordinacce cf Hcly Matcimoay, te tie effocbiet ait niaulu t ehoceicîrmi cd rire-ptinje eucee, cor beice partice oe r itier one or betiiuni bepîlceut. Tihe rceiutioa le one obici mny ho regordeulasme vry geou andu neceecaryorce smnetîrofindifférrcc-j oitb tic monta ofthtic motien oC hacc uotic et do ; bah oc mention tuce icujrcl te ailiattention le tic folowitie remerkmbly pce1u liceut and pliacemiri seech cfthe ccv.iovei-, chich wscaclip frcm the Telegrutpi cf Tnccdmy, lie italien boire- dan on: Hec. DMc. Carry, jen ascen te en etermenu madc by one cf the speakers, fitba auyoang people ci e very jeter. elicg e- oiodýof ubeir lici, couici te nliecated franc th,,Churci, tatrd hbat oc the eveaice- cf lit Dominion Dmp, hc oas emileutona spenty tecelae- braIe macriagceieca ento jouai prr- son@. The inernded bridegroom i on cemeobat aider tliceluenceocf lign~or, mcd ithent alludice- te hie pouition, he ,"iad chat ifiec oulid Crme th e xi mocng lie ouhut ecibrute the core- mnm, ccd deepito maoch ienportacihy, lie pesitia2.lhy deeiicod te cosrry theco. Thce reenltt sris tiat tie ycnîu mef dam,, le hinc lbe nit dmp, andt oid tiet b,, oaald muner haeladt 8500 &hanat bch bail tbeen marmiied. No, arge-acthe speaker, if a Pruty-' feriaic cr cauIeLfhdigt daiie h ico oe thugs ccaparned', I£WI2tLD BAVE nIARMEID TUe-B. mnd ho cone0idgecu that lie refua] recicundeut te ilh-ecdit and presetieeof hhe Churcc." Amcy man, cictier elere-yman or lai-] man, woewenid laces oaetoniy cndes. vcr ta etst eigma cn tee e-cent reli- e-toue hodie., bavine- me equel be-cls statua, iaut coalainice- aicace-ul udr misitecs mei ef rqutel hwnine-, tea aid picty ne Iheat portionuet he5 ehnce te clicih h elcce-, cagic te ho crilîcu deca en ceu. fTue medme pharuenicai assomption cf sueririty, obiri ccope cnl eceesioaei ip one-et Anelican mijeiire cf ceiintellctlje aitegethr uncilleut for mt thie time andt je tua e ountry, cicre ne State plut cinrel reste Rlre an bnombu eu t he edsanee monttof religioas freedasu. Lt le tic dty of the meculer piceu te prcost egicet idemi and epecco esnob ce to. liave qucteut. We bave i,,rd cf n 11ev. Mn, Carry, ciace ceiduet te bis, cife te cal te tavce been ce bail liii e catigîtice tram bic strp edn cia neceaeory ta brise- hume fa& prcper codaieofb isemarihal dulires. W etiec I. indth idme portion c. tic mever cf th reoitica, de do net ino; bal cue siiecldutjde-e front thie eilacgeut Chrnistian iborality dieplaeu in lis epeeb, that, if they are difféentl mdi tiuili, thrien je te ir datures, c. oel as in hbejr onesm, e nemeaielomei- D Britisht CelacmiaLe (Frm flcth e "tb Tslcgaph.) Ourn Ottawa correrpocndentatsImenlta tiie terme of union .ubmitted hy tic d gt«s fi-dm Dritieh Colaumbia lave beemiýàe me-ordtebyanc Gavcmimeni oilh fmsmeaee-lit modifications., Ail the im- portant fe-ilures have beca aceepteut, mmd a repneible local Geernet-wliie ethe eoeas-e icndly clamong for- yenerTheismaveàtotal et 89,032 lihgjilte saieue leece, anc o cuetDcilfe estahhiaeeutgcemon au the Pro- rmpOse vclitesiéce fo'tieDshrofb e galtsumbor di cy cnte in"acouelaie the Ucioc. Tue tariff Pli». The avoeage itiput pmid c b onrt eeee, ooo hpoiFneeand ust il regnaticci remis for -eiistni as 691 hie- ga tcidcd lthe canisaîy oa profitelle te lie-mi. future seuleent. A plan tac the cen- tiscees irthi. average.d lust. yaselsI..'A proper uttpimi of epirit ce mrutio f s Paeific niloap la to ho Tbière e- ltege-hien 140 mnes., 01 orpr ilsedlyso r ctoarreegeuthi cur G-ercitent. hbIi Sfbacla eeli i lt dcringe- i.Isniclsuuijhoi ulse We areasie ieformed tuat tic Sic pm lv. 7.5cm. Thb#eoueh ocnlnibu.o. aere-ceve hebr hat, llatite i5etelf eJand Beandîi-p Quesin hm lsbeen tli- tel 42d« Igàt i eanfan ail puepses ah lcaai, ce have Ibe advelse-me on our ead ever bhe Pricy Coueii , ansutihé cee 841,1515, me tlicca -Fce id. dejalendeiveutetmwucmi thta jpn àbw ogdJergatioesl ypu , m.8359,.ttut mtter miut be settcut hfoeane"ie fuS-dm fa eshte etthé Chu-oh, Aceoi-degte a Bmnpiper, Gen. esuver@ Islacnd beteaepint f the h4^006h 82 fe elisr baevehotpun- O'Nei. 4Nw YoikFeotn inende are Dominiod. t wl cul héIcduhy f cfms 515ýe8.-beteg me ie-ncae1riez1te catie 51l5,000 in eider le Lapeinai autîcciies ta pou upc îlhe pceue- estpe~ etSS8fi8.U8 Ti - bteju i retemefrottut a ol etaier- AmerîensGotremeni a setlementh cf b aaet4uelletlb.Ciimno -liDgoe. Vt. 'he Geeal la eidetll,-thie queto. W. ouid net tliieliof ~ukue te Qel..le li oveuue ot aîvery pepuar, or lite tiend are nt anueimme-Vancocuver% Islandsil hei 1hWcl~upafertii lstSaiuiinvr e eîhbly, sae ceip 0,000 have baic postiiceof thie humdtry lise lu la dis- 44 pM eennei tise fer. pute. p f 0 a t t c t, u t h z ti r 0 NeWs f the Week. Thie intrductIon cf Gerae Iilors LOCALD INTELLIGENCL 0.cm -A cVaryla u< p-em ofM Temy.s, ie oCork ii md.edte imi îplaceod * crick e wplmyod tWucoemidm.lmaeecd Irishi wonh.nem té getrike," a ndulgo 1 INLuc%. -Our ccmismiporary, the Àirom#, 2th i etween thse Narva raimoW.htes th isaetle ow girca up &ll claimin te theat peessiofor ighting. Tii. police Je revelling in deliciouso etrawberriee. Cricket Clubs, and reasW n o f th M ti , GreatW ipenesh ubroce. rece re îh ondccl ee pa . latter by 21 runethe otcal crel o- . lce lips aD Elere peresona eto protral.d bY dii'îlty. about tohbo bale by the. Wa.eYeM Metisediat vo. 05 tie4lan, 7ah e sw-oro i lelt.d lie boat in New York on Fridmy. Theii. é wiicli teck plaft as ew bdyinOBICvile. pont00;for cnai@bo it . gmya hvýmeower sop-eu w i tl tho The yellcw forer is raig inhe ti.deys go tentCork veocifa more sert - tain, erhch loft the.ground Y torwt -dl It-.uiigi. Wet Indice acd SohiAsusiea. eedeepto u ifni eotd tulmmi.-Mr. Jonathan iHm«scrtcraed rendered thse bowinlm leeffective thsse t ae,ina fine.f Hormce.Greoley and James Gordon Tii. eo"icb mmd, a trincreicPotî,ceta Peleemo frant Anatrml, afier me benc otirwiae mile b ave bc«. 1regard b wltl Bennett, 0&e,, cticu e iii beai. tathe ceavlry acd policemcny of cofeauly ieteci, ycoce eoiicg hale and mîu~c tFccrc- ceie tdvipetc TiiH. t.Mr. Tille1 bat. loft Ottawa whcni or, wocnedd. hrarty. Ethe DirecTee F he Mce Actingmlofmd facta.ii. a for New Brunswick. Trcw ag n eioioi SecaerOîlmc-iii.c th e eactorsatein fori.iclteaiand fate. -Thm Eigt erccowee aneruk e Nw 1blîc meeting ie the St. Patrick'o terries ocre mshipped tram Omkie ite cra.PueManch, Namneaceya, Bevrey, Boet mmd Prel Pau.1f York Suerndmay,wed ocee of uhesu died. em~, Montreai, Satnrdey iiit, ta 21 tomewoene hlpped by Mr. E. IL Skelly ce Weestlilmmboro' os held mt Freeittee ly, decription cf Tii. Yale Collage cec oat tiie .ceSider tiie duty cf Canada and the Mondmy lat.-.dipao. et erhieli terraowu a laren edmm, nd A.ts tr Harvard crcw in theanuel iboat rae. obligations cf th. Imperial Geceramicet Pi-it.-On Saturday à picosatpic-oic the accoral townshipe ocre oeil reprmarted. da1 upctheutr Ti.Dacnlesec C bmmi n canneetion witii Fenian Orgaisaiitionsiac, mheld si H. Macatneepe grea, Boyar, Tii. peix)ulept.ce VerT enoougine-, md dprelm pausad e blli mhlihiag epitlipunimh- ento United State, md t3 diseuneo ehlch omslargely attcndcd. The deypope.ed bld fair te aenanst l- ,t e at de1rtldsewu metii 8 otnta30 her moteiceeucectice with ithe cff plematly, mnd thcmc aiiending but a anecd tOc&sion, erielinre mnd caler impie- tie The lcn. Geo. Brown inleade îeking Ionion rtids. gced tm.mnet t etrdCr auuleoiy m oe feze î~~~~~~t~h Corte brioc a i.euo ili i.0r as adopted the. Bill for Dounnon DAYicOAîviLL-Oakiîtewill trocu okorsey u Ypma, Ou psyameutO nit Deot h mown frm, Bcw Park, ocar Brantford. the grmduo'i rmanciptiec cf laec.Ijecelebcaio thr Fien lc od style. Tho e pe» dollar sîtrocce tee, but cteoeplcmiT.*u.w f Dr. Nedai, e ditinguiehed ornement tcecocet c tei. Fredenocee.oicedemtiebswemth lctese, rtclsmmnectrd e iebnsdmif Unîtcd St Slvestesav foghtin:jnucping, herse rmces, ba c4&ewer h. Assocaticu. Ample ccmncdtmu agoldiee iftcMd .Cirh o enleuc b ntfeb i caircmscccii b anentfore cxhibbition, Mr. Keemey, cerdnc wiuli lcnd. ~~the errice cf Spain; nil wbc re or Ifestival iod a grand concert. c i rrte ilhcieknl r mideabi t.d ler It i. prcpeced te admit New Mexico ixty lire ycare cf ega, and ail chiidrnn 'o Sofnac.Tieeea b t th i e Fe f hieMtare, mcdj rygreont elictmd 'c the Unioen a etst btht aome co rr fcac cc 88 c i f per 9Si ccci hmo ad he niorica. ft ofnhetichecnc e, uem art,ý ira aroooc-dMt dortd tl Tieiic. eoftLods Siale discecmed cic t eecca eeye3cIiaracberp plants, and thces-Oron ecI gcanismitablc and convenient. neii. t donatiie et Ti. laetc ccand al haro mfter the pîceDg of e glwmy. c e oet ccan mu thn crcp fl meetine- et thc Dicectere taises plcea . e-proammddi the Irishi Land Bil,,soi edoptcd ccveaelîasre te bc free. plcamcermet îmcndmeatc Order bee Dat pet tec-a rctcrcd jein ae aîesaeic eee al. lykt t onrrlt, an Saiiday. tiiel7th mhsî et Ttc Privait ce Methedista cf Irclaned Crk.Tic ricîcrs e te mcateth. Feour ItÂrme-Tieas oms niderble es- day cf Septemiier, at cne c'cloceh p.m.--aidhirer ttcln re cccidcricg thice drisability ocfunit- bouse tops, wciieotbcy thrcw dowoncitemaut tinltcraby on Satardap eeiig, the Eehibition, cciltbc ld thera enWcdsieae- tub cii ihtl ihdiEpicroal Churet. enes ccnithe iende cf tic police. ig ntoemcmefoot race. beime-cocnte" c - dey, ithe 19tbdey cf Uctciier.- -H.eeOon A Cosmmel Inaite loe revico, ttce Mark Lac e Tiiere wne e gellant figbt for thet teencalnîrnre. Soeavep e-ced time Pionce. took biseoqumu tepreis olesc te thc eccusiocn tsposession af a niict shop, but the cc"made, and ailareace as coeected. lier peture tea he Englimh h ieelt rop la Salle. dimciplleed ecîdiere preceiied over the encer.TcTeafthecfahHAT . ice s. ntpa A Crque toumenent"ope te he mpavzxzýT.Th.T faten o Oa. HATLY-InMilon, te iii.of MJ squpw t aiso Caqaci teernenîi caMate b cecgeeiîcd mc iier mceccar ae villle bvaccid tic ,t en ing. te Sta, Hrtly, cf a meslon.in ofdte cfiml edondmeetinibis mlca fcidctic cail etinge je îioagrancolet. Tbc ccciihm,.beeoncc in ________the ceytery ifteWiheociein iipn. tho park mare permiîted. H~ -le sacecedongi Tiie report recoivcddic London cf Aà peumacnamet William Gc8d- av Ohog ne n il fe ite»r odv, smumillaMc»Ilokedactetii ho iatended recali f Mlr. Met!oy in nccl ccd, ce Strdîy mraii.g. ttaelcivimccctravelling mua ,-etéenad. Disraelit. mtoeuied -t .reditcd. M.Mr rw. epcal od W..A oa..Nd-tomeerpin As it je, Mr. Goldwie Smi lih - erha cd.AtI Ucoel Lii.dsity bi.. in apmpnei cîr M.erk Brione rlkpeadclfthintui pWoei ebcmaAcofi.-iBe, e opt denc wit we regret te gay je a yery inde-cenboiti .c erccd Liai eacri Deylcja oc ecepr cf Siee, Nerf e in àlfie h om maypocadt o bis i ac clyca cf ee, unwise tinIe. Mr. Disraeli wu jentho eodignifccc at cccii cf the Ircepe in the Lacer Pro- c e! cae ha .de eefwob a lctCothi cl ricus rccg-Mc. t3oldwin Smithi wauid ei ot m ems vinces. ~~~~~~Thecocrceere jury retuned a1fai dericgaeto tom ascm. u nbu hes verc.ict or f obîful mimidor egainetGn h ot ec sorof ao Eie ltoiad ep i ave bien there, and ban pet himmelf le eoeieue lbies A tialofrenin mahies fiand, wcm je in geianmd wili ho tricd -A-gai. a wcnse wrocg. Me. Goldwie Smith, came ta thnoe vrnuepattera. begita icar Paris, et tht cemt nuiisc.Ilie caafom.d bacce- JcLî.Ticatitc c a od ee, aeshieoodeoended te spimter aid ttat eidla ar fre asuc24izJu 200 ian committcd the murder and eajd lhe ccld te the idvertieemectcfnitMr. liocrocce, talk iacciieree:ly.,H. o ey$tut Mr. i le(islecm[ mc cffercd ta prienre. g kiien* to c heenho oehnmdeee1adiia ehi tc eDiermeli*a, affrontis je timgleeo aned nthbtg ubon Twocmore aereelocre madein la Pri@, ficcied w - I tireeh-hebhmmadthot ho additiosgttebtsOsmockcofe oa Wcdceedcp eveineî of personoa h ochee mtebeecmc a aae c evc.c uii dcec efere tii. ccrld cith uppsecd ta h. eecaccted oitii the plot eTh]ten ast ce,.frontFort Grry, icot-via . oteimeim. Al hic e okdwli h ickfaeeind mcd ecidetyl ret FI80 ut eoncinee tt Eipeor.tin hopoolo cii oceem cî caracod.piaid aageîp. And woce, mcd micro Cheil&fY gil Thie St. PalPract, cf yelrerday, Irdepe BOThtpere c pon sssire d OicuaePmic. tcccer o ehoiy than lietlict'sehbut a proontive cd îlcee iaIcecralFeiac fid ifiiSt erer. TbcN'et ,cic i eeieftdtival for the henefit cf tie Ldice Aid ieiety 'dcoard,' and about Mr. Disrcoli flics: Toike ta gete ile fo ra enf nsa Woclof e. itb ih tic, appittient f the 11ev. Mc, oas held in tic Agricltucal Hall. Palve, 'anaoeriig for hie word,.' Tisin jealcutl bies, iCteu fo ae f eniW odsne. ' Arehiiild; mcd tiere i. a trencer ci, Feitay let.Teaiirpedof cycelem.ib aoceilc-ag uie.qrte Tht aoc, Goveramect of Veavouele ipeto t eettt niaaBhplreetly, tbooch net us-1li ttendcd as for co cii l, c aai cBt nngt hace prultîci outrage et Duteh citi tc ils ontiretp. Tic Veto Nation cet- Plecetvaanceeal e. Gio n etiit caone cfoppeOn ceBilt lag et ze nda eDuici frigaleehicsiccen senetemple te rjectify tbe icl cee cfa Riel aedf ot tenorc ml eaain the conrset cf licProviciceci Getern- COccvv AcaîccULIcî.L9SCIEiv.-At a te. Iicmtcst h e itee mdccmcy e quar t-frfa cI t cefcea eapa rearatce. ment, maintaiîing thot harni preced- cent meeting cf tie Cecaty Agricîltra crctocet titeàetig elb e Tht Legllcure cf Priace Edoard iagccr, refared upcc tiicm iy lic Society, iield et tic Theitpeea Hocce, Mil- aout n duel, or tie pocibuility cf thon tc moisis; lanecd ian hee diarolccd. The cciii- illeenI ceiduci cf certcin Canadie. tonc.» oms ltdlte heM theannelExib* rellice- Mc. Disraeli t le tcoact jnthe horse gaee eut. natione ciiittmre ploa co the 11 th, mcd O edymtttwl c -e esivmlîrcaatn~ field Mr. Goldoja Soiiice net, w Perle wcuti On Monday lentrthececie ofnar. tdohonnseîf ta arecel- ecdearcdhee"t he riectioca na the lStii cf July cccl. Jehn Gnnvire cf Brantford, e-ave irtii md 121h Otoer errr,.ere at cc i omatie, ied tiererevo-e ciocca ed u The'ilite, Mc. Lanevini, CB., Min. le fauechildrec, &Inil ciformcd but nry aaScc'e i aodv oead thnie iiiak tnt e ie e tkng tefc,'e d ctnr cf Publie Vrke, ba*chaiirge cf diminutive bin izer.Tieo e tho cboahuti, iecitenco hat Williamt May, nonsense cciee Ibreat, ne- pistoe.. Inmac or lady cw ho l'est Office Deprtet dtriag Mr. oece tilhcrc, end lhc cibere iiccd bute wiilc lougbicg fer Mr. McCuttaey, Trafal- fcur, nc iiadrtertnicîignctciidiv pl Deapicis iceco.me ou. Tt mlio jegrticgcegar. -cee preeiraied by ecctrohe, an i libiscotued mttr. Tic ceaner ce &il leeves thconpro Me. David Murray, lfor caesein ere Dicny. cnidriige- lintabout 500 in- e ccry ehor rt tineeced cewu acntice cf fore-el il tic botter, nnd 'aur regret je the ceganer, s ccsidcct cf Guelph, bot mccc recetîy qulitir. femler, vOfal i à,eoreEegland, ccd hiao e lar l atiintigSountry. tiict tiere ic ecytiiceconeeed cith harae duricg f ýIùsutegcc, ilici., remmitted suicide tn ccd eut cf Mr. Garvines reidenc .eceally. oe Monam and Ttted.iytele ctlie BAL.. Oc Tieeitey i.ut tic finet ananue Mn Gldoin dmith thet w.e are glatd tea iepicl Tic LeadoanSpecaieî-, le et irticle hebie. We thini tuein i e l igert hall cf thec Omiille tteeicg Cob caccffli n forgt %e wi hec in a very Tfhe ele vs Coîcdion mff.ire, itreaecnely Sadinthine- in tie baby liitccoe baveicurd the Town Mail. Tic halle-i.u tefoflyder- prhnicusiesnik. ibis, cee prlpforgetse b emaetet cale tice cticuacte ef Briîeic's cf ine e li em ticg oceccrerd et c,ated, ane-ditabott ity.fivecc os ere chat je due te gaad imnte, andtho otiier bet mmnies ColonialEmpire.MeunttPieiennt, i is ue Cay, about Preccot. owiuM ote icc. cml eofthce ohat le due tegeaf sennethe tycical ceme afo A London paper tdof ai cpeer man ig etscc e. Twicsancd tilesqnudreband hoc ile-ucte hae ccoaercmtem orid je cpt te augh it-t e e, a&md frelng ea (ce wonedr ic cas pontr). hlngig te ccfoone- urntco n iece ic c To.,t, i . . 1 ste gcccu t miebc it tic c oher, It ti ae. c.Maypf - alin ar omo-btregret, bat ce cnnct coder, c in ee c o f oae cf tie aothcro Sbires cf Eoglend, rare phtetieaon. This ic eah-lthy behae a. cyceltgcgc.&fcie. nvi.tceclnl cie bad heon mrricd tbcicead beca part cf ch. Dominion.-Hameilton .Ti -vyc Doc. Heoco. M. Ocege ________________ ngt imevsina, hiçrceFoateraiilofigDickends.uBuros fmetn il a wny .1 ua feil ta tli~ The alaicafisicrmcn f tiue Gulf ùf TU ee'elfDeos. ec.cMiea ityytercyeîre HiNL e CmaE-cc-James amd lotie e ca S. Lawreceohaetiisyear hotualcand- Noîhice- eould bave beca nore eppro - re-rd C.r tiecacptueof Chiccy itlboea, Roca rdhie O c inobdtohî icOJ Inl rewerded in tiiir lebecro. Ascun priai. cr in better tate that thc ccy in cie citiittotai,,cclaryeon hi. jewercen. acy tich the fîcatral cf Charles Dickcic iablimect twoc orai. me-. Hlbuet le abot' itn th le top oe i n'ca e, mcd liebodandea eeideace it ie etotcd tial l.icpo amic a,, - M oe enld, 5fot 8ih ighan - h thue playiag munc, te proceed ihrougli ler drcepicg, bas mnt awy 8,10 baoces.yeclordnp cceiceteà îo LLondon. - -bare fco M ch mc clie .M iddletac (Missouri), aitheegli cern cf turpenting huene-t mnp ,10 barei. In a eumpe hearat, 1'ciîtho ticheasunicai ,c ieecli, cd by Prcf. Sexter cfthie done-r thi edaicflioied. A ceitmitoc bas hec aeppeialcd by Raglici trappiage, ceays..uht dccpetah, Ho mls ato h i" igro h i toe Imperiml Parliamennt te intectigutehnd, wge e a f oecn ecla ee ~bsls c ut n he rieht o.mon.inecred. Tibeoretocifile-ht, ci oei the roains f thegrottenovelst aide ups, theicelite, andthe cpnoticerih htrfesuP tlic cliareseeof eramee cuolpt ticenidfre ioeltlen atI iclaite. Wbcc let ihoutd ce beccum. ca-a ctteaeli, c i tpc ii,,d it, ic Fenianepricoecre ncw ccl ed ij e d rmteriwt tto e age feil ia, prccipituîicge- îtuafartn- soceme o te Bnritici eaîtiîe' Ciaciae- Crene te Westeniiten Abbey 0 i -n ei choedtced ee ate mienamnce i ons, che, befare ian taecci a itle i e-teraliy beiiced tict Ecri Hoc drendfal, io tiodnp, hoc ilocl!- De,,cci Dec.-Tiecclcbnitien cf De- assistancae culd bcredcred, reicerene- clieever liem Grap!jîbec ilI cnccoed Enri Claretndonea esng eaevcry retional and rccl ced eectî- ,iciec Dn inaMMltens ciibi s tetimoelte. ed dctccciae- theo. Tirrafetche tee blaf-doie lih ForignSocetay, nd hâtMr.ment cf tir civiliîmd mind thec 'canatliger intle cbacnde cf tbc.Tcmper-ncna Lcdge mcanccc,, illed cîtrigif, dnd fourr imoeieg -pz Fariciee-n Screays c d ihet Me. ialEngihtap s ft4use-ml Ecglcch ici,-, and o-ue e oducit tut tice-cantie- ehers terriiiip Iceratcd. Professer divorce ie cri Ciioii,tr Frtoa.ail L uoic e cla,ii rpie ocf tecie r. o woferratireoceeittre w-cli ,.ihe it a, White, at cie imminenut iko i l f e ,, repoesibmlity. A eocy acdnt îrrdi ercaoin sneedo te bcrtanded. nue,cu. A grant CoactvTempencee Ccc- jemped in te tieecue, acd eueeeded______ A mlaciîip ccden ecicrcdinThe icarse ciit e aehtPlume,che -.enc. ePic-cie ic Celices geeereir, i inroîng tut tic bedica cf lie dcad Bilmilceten Bay cn Mondai caeice-, irses cprisaed iu hlack, lie meure- fa, a peocecaiec of cia dilireit Teacyres and wccndd, chen ie Ihimself cavu hp wh.eii t tiig ta tuee apcettice- cf r erc cith uhir hue-e bi,,dc end smerle, rganaotioce, and a Strawec-estivl c t caatnace thle memmti lion, ned leYn beetar hhtce dm-roe c . T anitcd &baeal[itht mte-the dolefal, tic Tonynoucce Hall, le tic pogeacne cf gave ocerc te the iyetinders te eboa Tel Tue fint metiee- c!thlicocmmission aulgir, propoclorone mulco-cta,, tic day e )ecdicge. Aoobcr of ceirbreu- the bouat, but net bofoce the Profeserc Tfrus revce ieBib. i bcca cd, d ero al n fvurite targe et hic Satire. cd epeaeiracil bc pr"erct, tic cccbrun asenmdwcee arriily ijurcd. ilarZ'Ln te reieteBb e s ee mcl adAnd i hue ccc ly hcaieeoof ticie and a citier of lady Mcd gntlemencamtur the goeccne dis tbe plan of ccci disccened. Tbecomee- aberdit and lîceir hideous ncortv-rity escngera ciliidinccrsea mccclmunedao, m d g -ea no eti)nandses ii, micio j t met e ic13h i ciltic and impicily cf calureauni- ime isexcpected. me-m in ebUmm Oelmnh h ne-ieTifca tutceiiierci r ise nem mnt, iceteoi fc icc ycoJ. vreci andinane. lie loce na opporta- Peîien Ccîav. -Ltai cicint. John Baker Thebiateatethp -aceen A Hlifiax deepâtels gcys tic, lice. Dr. niîy cf makic- liecepompa and canilien a-ut esralird by Cocstmble Frucer mcac iate-he i -.Fucnair Tupe ]u rrve a Hliix Te ecus h kewho sraaIt l in erai Toppr lce rnivd e ililla. Te :dicaousicouco c ico co oef tbrmticg te pt epericd entee t ce A Fat Mee @Qlal is beio*aaimed haplesa.u apr Cumberland ,lcctien ccitnkc pdace o oen ticp dcc en poo.d upnecllbut cf ie cifa, aldteice-droci and disorderly. in Mcmtreml.-àadcpdmn ceen se psibe, and iid Prcid t of tetic ei.cvealicr cacese cf Enelii cciety ; He acced tic parnern f htee byeci teing Londtn bouts 23,000 educaticaieec at ame-et1 Ceaneil ojl proabhavui ie ne oppoition. io eliPe tic cceity Subdtance cf theiccstanmt te ien. ad tiiongihodid cet iec cijdren tateeocqaare mile. mmd en.zm Goc, Primu Ibinke eaeencrai amecty cidew an e h bwuoicmadu ecantier tic. jci,!tcfrit tiat theitera eececeltie cf cie A ldanb, eme hefaeselne ânraei~ oouid jugehnoie indicate oeakîocg y the cumJidemande cf n fititiocse me ocilec for blood ; iooordiacly hc aied tfreci onter i die ilneo, is aey day rmthinnthan ciency, but promnises dcecy t cculd iact hem a kiîd ef bienslci wti nier,, Mcd va saiteproce ciinl i t ioa rad ndite ter ap pi graccesfergiceneeafor iii pllicol ica otroie upon bia meicorY te hcaebariet ciii tic ccvi cf ecternicnationcie hie cife Cir - foi t ae radIdu etrte co te ad ait e more nuitibie date. ' be cccmitec cbdodmalccilc oi nyt indn rlttorial mExhibitioen nSeptember. Primesromiain Liatetdenptedfrea. Fait GmTrrpIseowseof àanimtltid ad ridric cee. spirit, ecocte,nnd oaled îin th e .iet- Pelcoleum buheu rtccdiscovered ne fer Prme.itai se tat thcereport cf Patter Rîciot Nercoruid ecp extravugceoef ere- ance cf ticetfficet (%*etCoc.imblc, oho, Cape Breton, Nova Scîir mad pemtiec Iele .et nid Amînouemdr Scet t ha otta e b moalispecaceih ave edded thea niieieîvithsome litclcdiffliclty, m ratet tiic tio aec inkice- celle fer iH. ileu .aer e caaeideced by the Rcd lRivr Lagiciatare, ceai die-aclpte bis oitsitc oie ont ciofthin moem tn Oelle. Ho oas bneugtc. Tcmbd ciii deliver the, cralico-e V uoN; te bo seoicli, caiied tageiiîcr for hiat brce, iented iy th ic icvseî dnocof a foee ayo, che «' eni fon bien ote tomba cf thecocnfedenete dead of lut nIetu4io ptirpooe. choIe eation, fp the mjctica:Icsei te aeastet f82 amdconesor20 (laye. Knoxville. al dàma gute o The terme cf Union cndthue Cea- cf tetic niaobleat doad. lt idn cc s hcwcua OTedycgi reip-r r lopc-ae i.a psrtce- Jane stitatice ofBriishColucmbia buvete- ccrious cirenenatenen, adneawrtiy %t9ocokSme ceaBakmt rSi li gnmesi out OlaePe- ciced the coaideratice cf tlie Canadjaperbapa, cf beiag notcd,tldm1 tbic grotf inotelesi Sa,,oftM. Donal eciino gCrecin nmcenmbr iSetlts.mdue Cil>ect.Tbnc dr teheWvrp ielr,go emicnli ren fti f Gwee;ete5a, won, doedoiilohbathicg in 1,000 peroa ecre pctaeMXil ling change;tic Legilature ic te teceaipeople, smbald hate bten ithefirat famaco i ctush rosfMe cehBabrmi f1,611t ncen e mi cente-ole. poserd f ine lectivo sud ix ninanid Ece-Iiii me talaelaid et test le Eeg- damc. l'hebo owsa net ecoecrerduneil it haîd eboe.,. laset.elms memicra. I dseaeyVlalsneishsoi eni h aeý« how yeuedaymc < Mmcidylue-,es M. Geai-g.Pageenee, se aid reidet lîaeaeyVîoi,6c l jtrebn etcctrvem .The reolcf Methadiete aIl cvethe ase.. sain ee cf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~tgieni.e. ,daita ctciourl nliunity iaqactccuhebdyDe. Wright, Conccer.mc4hecudne fctUpir.mdalbfe' isdt ofthe oeanty cf Norfolk, need abou t hefrtiefirat tjmcbeen tiracnfreelyJcnyeatnced &verdict ciAcident Drowsii-.g. s tcad-bl Z-hoeam 80 yeu@, felu of t ic cee-e-n ohile opeutethue people cf Eeelînd. Thc decaaccd cas a ypeng ne- mof the âge ci Millions' t Imm. ie na retarni,ît bomo front Port Doer, oicu , 25ycan,seeters didacoeoiibtnd .4aeecieetb.ote hlieoti Oo the eligt cf lic i4t i mt., mnd bmoka Done iiati, aeakîce- cf Red Cloud ranchbrapectod by &U woewrobien. Mc aaly a c'lopoison," butes.i cf tise eeinecsq 1isd necek, .edî.a.tted Tait hiter kaon i la- cm__ -;.iI . n Ilien chai OP!ç mishe 0" It" 'salon. eh ta but th ve,b se-l rolibege'rpiir iiàteresi tea=a'l amrobtrat oseiebb et imisesti ce acec sucet e s b, 7in dié ma eoitM e. ell ervioeaba wug amielste*ll Pe ps ctlmt est;me- a eoely deceemi Dee- Kmryacclle, V&Cin hs. eu of t hâ ftisai -b., h. se-Mlig er bsec liebrfitB o aeibc ter, iiicmelop-s le cbuie face. Oile melrie et thisety. ttis taeil lod Inene a fe-odapOavo tes iee oittOs. Il. Te r tis th é ts final, Wieu tue olil Co. t ho vsb~olunetbgte maskieg emmmompinter. 1ie, due.hcee se. lita cite mandhg o tIs lie e-me mue-mnt, ec for suMilig mmiias itude bofore tise soldimmu glp deciei thé. oble, lhs apednmte Mmd ai#Iam eonlmica that as uebi.. il e equawenlnlaremd 1, cithut liu keovcs- it, vumex.e.diigly lied ceu-Tii. Joundaof th ~iafollocieg asi a ect&«ses ice toed hy ir arc. hecilfela at spcn chieli pour toc or cld citer; ltail infuse- pcMr thie c ise:e Iltt', end 1. t boil for liser Wzh. od it "e 0 NeBore je reneu ifthe sImli, let ilcac m t ic rritable bo ýii tbe ligaue, emely, oi the cre, the ceci, 1Net aa'y tii. goetle- c0 ide Onh forPle-alnüt he batimonthh. Il mptc rbono a wy.cf ia Iediacsaie ltehy d in s nel plisse b, a indie-nan0y virtnusu lio muet practicel mehlicu i1lIc on blr te a suent-, ber turpitude, resoved o an badependemi aid. icil ith faim bhî*ened puity nf th i eurté guibticof et teir pefios.. "Itnb"f tiele onu frein Andl soc a body bondit pnut ime nomta cei, identical -r!be-but. a m ci lhoi i e e ansare pvudesillp iminany alloueras toc . r te s i e db l n e u m en t ,-On.iamJouéofit e Pent fewor csae b"Du Le, Tie ravoe turi eue caiou eaiesd; Sol e np nlatu reac- be ist menuesesb- bout e-s ti se henits of e tecM he .nuar. oSeà svrm dmmtiu Wmc olictdieMeMime i. Mi. puetse z cpu tise me. edsd, setise> aiihl e D te V iséim îi~A ucpob f Y li et of ut WO nm t aise rtisa rMme-nofi10e. te iPe.. e.gr&i" Wmcl; 9&to 2%c. oa-. olth dies e it- smrI~ e te 10e. se enteect f r..ý aa cdérisa coi o ed Ole mccuisg v-7 is~dery, asM@0 op Yards, i eu the. «Rapéen of ruint , tisa feTh tis, dWuisle ,r 9is. tuIs clints puwmPéceg nteemene-f Me potlee- osfe-mm d e.oiMt 55dsle cou- trouleuisei bed 0MM mamsde.cru - làcfsie' " ils * ay itles -l M e mdn me. tels suet oit lu Teroad be. orhad Ibos he tise-or uoPlili e ne o o m er a8 te ihem el h the The dthe cin Wiqe c-m ohé -mil t le A oeil me. Ils neM, Il s Mde sel» mrdw enulsi te ndm kw- o(le ~ te idu. e-cl- -un ti ,m 1 , obUs - I., Be aMi

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