Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Jun 1870, p. 2

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County Court and Geueral Ses- Renham1 dont know wh re he kept home. I hoadnot been. drinking any Burgpr gave iftat me as collateral Commodore Vanderbilt and Admiral t 00IR(I#niR , sons- her. that day. security. He did not tell me partkacl- Fisk are bidding for oattle and other - The only Rebrnseurnal in K -ite. The County Court and Cenleral 80s. To Mr. Dewar--I did notconsult The Jury returned à verdict for the arly vhat the consideration for Lthe note Western freight foi their rival railway sios ortheCont ofHato w r .reiediaw until after the bailiffen- defendant. wa. Never asoked Elliotl for the line«, and shave lowered, their rates conu siens fur flic° Cou • . ato ee urd o hecl . CARSON V$. POWELL. monte. Never thought ho was good siderably. Their determinedl rivalry 0 MILTON, JUNEL 16, tro. hela on Tuesday at NMilton, His lihnr, Joseph Hustler, sworn-Live in -A. cin . ae bogtb for it will, it is anticipated,. indice further ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ Thomas Mliller E, presiding. The Georgetown. Was present when the A cinfrwae ruh y T Mr.Waon Il erained not- redluctions pa 9 ,P SCbo d rdaBen ad Samuel Carson against the said Powell. th - i erg. DEATE OF CB.ILES DÉCKEIS. following gentlemen made their appear- Cooper'bsan n SatBudaambenin Mr. Laidlaw for plaintiff and John mtnh eoe.Brer Sm pro hssoln r1oe The death of this celebrated novelist ance and ivere sworn in as (Mr. Matheson objected to defendant ewar ort eendtatnt. fThencay as P.IM. McKay w KnwBuredllrbhllemofla nidtoouand rtenil and writer occurred suddenly on the THIE GRAND JURY. proving the ageney of the Bons by their lftote rbraon fFiaygero oln"s It nr ola bls f at n tse, ad r t is own statement) They were arty beallum, D. W. Camibell and James belie 7syfietI oud e the excitementthrtmteTesry 9th lit., and has Cantstagloom not, only - John K. Appelbe, Foremian. duk hrewsajg yn ntheMKele who awarded $278 to tho ele him on Cath. Department at Washington, where the over the communaity with which lhe was IlI .Api 1, ne ,, dbottom ore sleigh. n n heplaintiff. LAINTIFF -8 CASE RESUMED. robbe-y or the-bMunder Look place, mari immediately connected, but ioher William Bee-forthi; Colin McliPhail James Nixon, sworn-Live niear The following lis the Grand.Jury's Fi lay McCallun, worn-Know the Advies from Rio Janeiro of the ever the English language lis "pken. Norfr.eKow1te-plintff.eaw hm PRSENTENT parti to this suit. Know Burger. 23rd uit. state that 8enor Haranhos, The profound regret expressedl by the Thomam a T,,Jhn F. Or, in Norval after thec tradu. , We were in WethGrnJuosfor vr-ionl believe hlimt.Have had deail. Commissioner of the Brasilian Govern- 1). Featherstole, Cha-.Peer, a tavern. The sons George and.Jerr L d the Qn Jrc o u Rvr ings with Elliott. Ho did not deal ment, returned to Assuncion, where heo Londn paers s ecoed cros the al, ' hi LC ea- fme in, and Georl.e told fhimt(plainti atnbglanenfrteCu bono ably with me. had signed a treaty of peace with Para-. ocean, and lis fait with no less poignancy (harles Hlill, Thomas Willmott. that hehand I" sold thec colt to Mr. have carefully examined the Gao and Jo"0 .HtosonKnwBr uy h eoltoaymvmn n in Amraica thon in Europe. As the (Werge F. Lewn. Noble." Plaintiff studcied a while, andprmsso eCutadGdhe ger. 'lis geoeral reputation is as good itios'and Uruguay continued. Timies wrellsays-"l The ordinary ex- The Judge charged the Grand Jury, then said, "l That'8 all right. 'lHe clean, well kept and in good order, re-a h vrg., The deserved punishment of twon andthe si udefnde eaeswere named a price--Sl05. Idinopa etn muh rdionheeersn Ge arge Elliott, sworn-Have known men for an attemptedl murder in Ireland preons of regret are noir cld andtreadteasofucatetotoheonrain" hr ~eef Burg r a long time. I would believe hastbeen secured through the Irish convectonal. 'Millhons 'Of peilple feel William Thompson, sworn-I boughit W e lae ut Burge r on oath. Cosrcion Act. Hlad it not been for this . te prsoal eraveent Sttesen CoogER 1'. BENHAM tecemmr fe h a odb htwe e e ttach no sall e i ortn t ' M ri J. G. Scott of Toronto, addressed new law, they would have gone unwhipt and benefactors of the race can leave no Was called. 'T'G. Matheson, Plain. thle poundkeeper. I would' not take the fact thant we have no criminals con- the jþry on behalf of the defence, and of justice, es juries. could not agree sueh Void; they cananot like this erat tilff counsel, stated1 the case. This lessfthan $100 for bher at fthe present fined within the 0 aol, and, as a matter was foillowed by Mr. Laidlaw for the upon a verdict in their cases. was an action of replevin to receoer a Lime. She is a good, strong, r,,ugh of further congratulation, that no busi plaiatIff. The Judge then charged the Several foreigners, residing in Hava- noveliat,be an innsate of every house."ei rm h eenat0 I ae mare. Frank Taylor boughitlher at Dn fa' ~nl aueba enl jury, #ho then retired. g1 g Prolhably tno riter has made hirpself I1 t Mr. Cooper purchased the colt, the the sale, and I bought her from himi. s of eriialntuehs.en ad Th Jury retired to their room,and Ma, have beetnzarrest en tedng a su universally popular as Dickens. and slibject of the action ; twoe of his you, g- PA IFSCS EUE.9efly shaortly aftrward returned with a verT e ar tth b few-have had greater powç r O, the s ons to,k the co't to Georgetown mitted. - t 4rte psintiff for $190.84. discha eod, and the récent arrest ist in- feeins f 1çr mlltt. ieid a d, when ndter the mnfluence of drink, Edwar 1 Campbell, sworn-Live in) JH KnPELE OMISON Us. SPARLING. volved la te y feig oftir.edr.Hsieltýadedii tetothe defendant for a cream Georgetown ; remember the night o ooano h ;adJr, o at rtwsa inon APPELBE, Th mysfy.doatonBil n characters became living impersonifics a iae.. Andr issuing the writ of capias the.alleged trade ; saw Benham drive MFlorn o thue rndJuyCo- lt. note was n t inloiapRomisson ry The complsorh e du inBl n tiens, exhibiting the virtues, ceentrii- the colt coula not be found, and, a Cooper's teame up to his own place ; 3itn,1t un,17. "an r yWl bno edb h n&Ilshe GoverngeCnt capas n wthrna wa isue. A- Goie Cope wa nt ten uc th SEONDDA.iSo ltid m Sparing. . J. G. wl, iis sud, receive the full support ties and foallies of évery day life. Thoecaterasi rdthe ot as rreturnsed John worse foolqur; B enmuhthed SCOD M Sct B r. Laidlaw for plaintiff, and of the Conservative party, that course aafumloees of his creations, his quaint Dewar and Win. Laid!aw appeared for fthe colt and put in fthe cream mare;- ASO s LLIOTT, Th . am es Bultonvrdtforefenan taing obeendcddon at a rivte humor and the oese of his style placed the defendant. . they drove around town and back to This was an action'broughit by Henry tf od eun edc o lm etgo h osraiemtbr. himma a nc inc he i onttank ffmoern eorgnCooermhedpaintf1,aworn-eChte'sJI soke aohJeemi that teoWrson gaint W.M. Eliottet recv Cort ajouredTththe2rthinat The renc Govrnmet wil be noelss.Atte m f isdat h oughlt' the colt last March fromt Alex. time, and told hima he was very foiolish er thec amount of&a note for $--, given, when à case in to be tried before the asked to explain on the 20th inst., in ampbelIl for $80 ; she is worth thant. to trade ; 1 do not know wabt unhar to Wm., Burger, and by him trafrred Judge the Corps Lgilatif, why theynolect. was eugaged lin the completion of Ed- Thbe two youngest boys, George and cnsedl the colt, but Benham unhitehed to Mr. Watson. The defendanet pletd e d the interests of France in ps mtting win rood in periodical nunbers, and Jeremiah, wient with mue tu Georgetown ; ilt ; Jeremniah wars a little the worse of Bd that ho never mode the note. Theo ote"°*"'o yPuss wte- 8hoir00 signe of exhaustion pither in Benham asaked me to look nt his horses liquor, but knew what he was doing. first witnessenlled was OWS of the W eek- land and Italy of the St. Gothard Rail. . m an trade ; looked ai the creamt mare, This colt was boughit from My fathler Robert Ellott, sworn-Note produo- 1w ay. powýt eer - or phymel energy• but did notIlike hier ; iii myl absence, for $80 ; I would not gire $30 for the ed-I think the signature lis in the Wedtern crop reporte are favorable. It han been definitely ascertainedl in IcThe1g68ebadl been ill for seime dayla the boys slipped away the colt and cream mare. handwriting of the defendant. Sevgre drought prevails at present in Paris tat a convention between the befotre bis death, nothing of a serions another horse, and, zot drunk, and To Mr. Laidlaw-It was about 3 or William Burer, suora-Lived In the agiticultural districts of Franne. French Government and the Societe du atdre was apprehended. On 'l'hurs traded the colt with Benham for the 4 o'clock when 1Idorw Benham get into Milton in 1861. Defendant is -.broth- TheEmperor of the Frenoh is suffer- Cable Tmns-Aflauigue Francai, for da h trt"• . eam mare. 'l'his was on saturday, the sleighi ; George Cooper was in the er Of my late wtife. I had business ing fron au attack of gout. the abandonment of the exclusive priv. e ws e iinga ine-paty2nd April. On Monday I took the sleigh ; there iwere a good many cother tascin ihhi rvost ht Genoral Pri ginrpdiaeth ileges of that Society, was signed on at hWin house, when he suddenly became mare to 4Benuham, and the boys took it parties about. 1 mttioned to John Lime. He signed the note produced in re a rmaanrp ste Saturday. unconseious and fell baok in·lis chair. with hin. IIe said he hadl.sold thle Griskle that I was sure there would be my presence. Note drawn one year .Aport e ât a tora ise a loua in InteH f Physto ans were hastily summioned from colt ; ho talked angrily ; hie said ho " lait scrape " over the trade ; I did not after date. Defendant neveir paid it, mric. dy.er bowkofCouinons on hurs- t could have the colt back again in a want to knlow anything about it ; Geo. I gave the note to plaintiffin 1868. Itf On Friday there wers extensive are@ day th hk, ëorig t oice' London, but their skill1ras unavailing, week ; 1 woùld have nothing- to do with Cooper did not go down to the stable, was bcoming outlawed. 1 needed in Montreal, with great destruction of moved that the money raised by Canada and they pronounee i his Case hopeless. "the cream mare; I got the colt baick by but Benham took the colt down and mioney. 1 owed plaintiff about $600. I proper trcto o eIera9 a 1 Hoebhad barly completed his 58t year process of law ;1 never traded or brought back the mare, gave it to hi:n as security. London preseiited an address to Drs. way had bee nsprpraelw. ai the time of his death: For the lan authorized anyone to trade for nme with fienry Ross-Rlecollect seeing lBen. ..ToM otTe oyo tenteShl adLnc.Tlduatter 7as d nied by M rMonse ,aroprithemotio few agehehadlied ar fom isdeendant ;-uever intended to trade. bamn on the 2nd A pril last ; 1Imet im .1s 1n1ny handwriting The signature also pr4sented with a 1ol wtc./ was withdrawn. 7myâe" al ie par rmbs To Mr. Dewar-Some years since I and Mr. George Cooper comingl down le defendaut's. It was for money lani. The P aris poice have discovered 18 Lietn .ooe Pnt hs P vifea for some reason never publicly traded horses; my sons never traded or from Chase's; George ouaid they hoadednt varions ties, I gave 885 in more wheel-shaped tombs,. which were piutent C loem anet o seo.p7 divlged, but had the care of his chil: sold'horses fur me ; .I did not engage beeon trading ; Benhamt asked a load of in 1859. I sent money. as ho wrote thrown inte a canal by the conspirators. Ditmnctoe sth rfiermm and ofNo.h7 dre, with the insistance of lms DiCk- toclame in and trade with Benhamn; hay to bonti; af terwards he asked for afoittoVcruCle.Ibugtircoersnrofcrcaedhe .I.l Betibam hoadtold one of my sons hiebhad load of straw ; George said.i no ; I then Elliott's share of Is late father's pro.- o a dvices announecefthat Lord resignation of all the Englishi speaiking eu' sister, worbe poused his side of ,eamr otae;Iwntdt r i se ehm fh a oe;h adperty for 8100. I think lhe was about biayo vis severely hurt by a faillfromtvolunteer officers in Queblec nd one or a Iomestie disagreement. Au exhaustive mare in harness; I tld him she did he was; I asked Cooper what his price fifteen years ,at college. Never Lold his borqeernear Kalkta. two neighboring counties, hias been ro analysis ofcis genius would occupy fur not suíit me at all ; dori't k,,oo when was for the cuit ; he said 3110 ; I sug. plaintiff thtt not was given for the The iuccessful removal of flicnebtr- lieved, anid his place fiiled by Liet.-Col. snoe pas l.a amee ewsapr r-my sons first saw themaec mine was gested that bie had better go and seec ifrnebtee htIhdpi tions in, the ',uez Canal wa announcedDuhny, iele ~~~~a fancy Colt from. " Whalebone." If I Old Mr. Cooper onl Monoiday ; I should Elliott and what the other childern got. at Cairþ, Egypt, on Saturday. AletrothPrsfom ebna tie . could have 'Rot a good stout working think hie was very drunk ; 1 should Never told Watson not to write to Bir John A. Macdonald contianues tosaYsfitatnt the laite meeting at White •- - borde I would have traded ; don't recol- think George was incapable of doing Elliott about thec note, nor thatt I did improvè, and it is hoped he will be able Horse Plains, the buffalo hunters de- A DEUTATON'fromtheStat ofHiggine asking me if my boyé bhad any business; I wasnot very well e. not wanit Elliott troubled about it. to appear in public in a fortnighit. eddt rinuhtesmerjrey " gone N-fOMte taeof ' thruh"Bna o 5 f uitdwt erDid onotconfrol note at all after Watson .to the plains, and hold themselves in Minotahas gnone to Washington for wld hrove l et imhavehm ar boT r .80 D1 uan eil waer-Tig wsint.ea.got it. Know George Elliott and Robt. Cha r kredftinat the remains of readinen to colist fo>r the Provisional ,the purpos of impressing upon the I know Nixon ; met him et Norval ;• ternoon ; there was a smaller brother Elliott.Relbt, endorsedl a note for me. insterii family haviburg es- ovrnent , shou l tdeie orit Federal Government 'the~-necessity for my son George did not Pel one of my with George Cooper. They did not He never endorsed one for me with - h xeiin hyep esster - borets ; George told me that Mr. No. make final arrangements of ilhe trade in George Elliott's name on it. G. Tice All qþiet at the Sault. The troops wilingness to oppose thec advance of -the antervetion mi the Northwest diffical- ble woud-ive me $100 and half a ton My presence; Benham was~a -little the Bastedo wsteohredre.Ko were bpMsily engaged in for warding exdedition beyon.-1 the L aIke ofrh tient. It las repreented flhat Riel will of bran for one of my horles.; I sold if worse of liquor, but he wals the Fharpest Gerge Elliott, of Acton. He never supphes. Wood-, if the Governmient requires d 4ppose the passage of thle British troops for that ; I had been taking soute, but of the two. endorsed a note for me. I have no se- Joe vion won two out of thiree gamtes their help. new,on their way, to Fort Garry, and waus 'not drunk ; my sons never made a James Marshall, s.,Yorn-Live in cout book. IHad a conversation with at bilbands-French caroms-with Ru. The Armny and Navy Gztte of the tht ini 'bargain for me--I would not jet them Georgetown. Rtecolleet the day when defe'dant neaur Palerma, lately. Never dolIph, in New York on Saturday night. 21st tilt, says:-The final decision as in ileavent, compl ctons s seriou do so. Benham traded for the Cooper colt ; told him I huadhis receipts in my pas- The Ëortuguese Govern2ment has de. to whether it is desirab'e to retain the t ronId arioe that the security of the The plaintiff's counsel i.ested the -was présent part of the time whien they siession. Hall denlings with Mr. Clady. erec amnestyl for all political Crimes 18t battallion 60th Ilifs in Canada st frontier would be in imminent danger. ceere, and the defendant's counse] wers negotiating ; they were ail pretty [lad a note in My possession made by and offences since the lst of March, rests, we believe, with Maejor-General*'id This IUd o action on the part of the objected that no "l unlawful taking" tight ; I know the cream mare ; $lhe is, Claffy o 30 aeitt .17.'L indsay and the Canadian Gvrment. b inhaitats o Minesta apeaset u b atw t e cldFor thedefendant.he I think, worth about $500r-m. o t3 orggd1rprt ou b r. iannels, one of the English eaq- etbn otinehn to be wholly unealled for, an&. little lesu Alfred Benham, sworni-Mr. Cr.oper of the plaintiff ; recoUleeted being inElliott's pr operty. Mly wife mortgnged adt ives ta hn r d f theiSpnahibnal say nt hetflcsul-t tand, therefore nof than a attempt at an inipertinent in. riet spokie toi me about the colt on Georgetown with mny father on 2nd ler e hare.I o'thn 1 mortgaged force. hteps have been taken by the Quarter- turerece ith our domestdeaffaire. Wednesday, 30th March. Hie sald he April. Benham asked me if 1 wanted five shares. N ote was made in Milton. Mir. heriff Powell ad 3%f,. aster-General's Def artmuent for the l haed a smll horse he would trade. I to trade. Benhamn brougzht out the miare FOR THE DEFENCE. 'il n .Jh removal of thec battalion ta Nova Scotia,r abjct ttiudewhch he nglshsaid 1Ibhada large horse I would trade but hbegsadhe would have nothing to William M-)ore Elliott, sworn-the Rochst rMrHletlasi, toetecome out nrfrtebigo oi fte8h pasachose to assume and te fulsome This conversation look place in Chase's do with her. AI ter we got through we last witness is my brother-in-law. I agamstar.i mete present M1.1P. Rgmn. pisnt betowed by them upon Presi. bar-room ; bis twoe sons, George and vent home. Afterwards we hitched saw the note produced in February last. fou o, at the next electio". The Queen's birthday was loyallyt dent Grant for hie laggard proclamittion Jeremfiah, were with him. Mr. Cooper the colt up to break it in. Drove to when I was served with a writ. I Senor Castelar will give another great celebrated at Fort Garry. The ev, agreed to come and see the mare on Georgetown saw Benham. I don't never made the note, the signature isespeech in the Cortes in support of hisNfi b as poblishe.l the Mlanitobac aaist the Fenians, might naturally Friday morning ; his son Thomas camne rocolleet anything after thant. We not mine. 1 borrowed 35 from BEurger mnotion for the , bolition Of slavery in Bill; but refrains for comment.ItL lad ta the &opposition that Great to see the mare; henasked me to keep got something to drink. I didn't re- I never borrowed a count more. I paid the Colonier, of Spain. looked with satisfaction upon the re- i Britaiuhsbunk toi the rank of a third the mare in till Saturday mnornang. colleet trading until I saw eream mare the 85 back. I hadl a smnall share in Senor Livaro, the Deputy to the marks of Sir George Catier during the elss owe, illngto eNve hedie Mr. Cooper and his son Jeremiah came on Sunday morimnz. I had noauthority my father's property. I sold my patri. Cortes filom Porto Rien, advocates the debate in the Hlouse of Commons ona dmtio of the ng re R hebl 'Ob tomse the mare; he thought lit would to trade fromu my father. 1 hitched uP mony in '59 to get means toelucate my. passage ýf the bill for the abolition of the Manitoba Bill, with regard to thes tutonof heGret eipble; .but suit hien very well, and wanted to drive the colt merely to break hier i". self. When I was teaching school 9lavery, policy of pardoning all the people n though the prenant radical government lit home and send the.colt, but I object- Tc Mr. Laidlaw-Don'i know iLy Burger wrote me for thec difference be Count Bismarck is again in deliente engaDged in, the Red River Rebellion. ut has sot shown. a proper appreciation of ed. George and Jeremiah Cooper age. A ways worked home. I drive tween whathe paid me for my patrimony health, and has been ordered to abstain Information fromt American sources th rlaios xstngbewekth dov uIo the gael about six the samne my father'a horses ocessionally. I don't and what my other brothers got. I from a ll|wvork, and if possible, pay a states that the Indians are gathering Motetthe evening; they salld they had the colt ; know much about horses. 1 know Mr. refused. Had a conversation with viil'tato ngland.' rnear the Lake of the Woods, where i MohrCountry and her Colonies, and 1 aske if thle Ilold man "I was withy Nob!e, of Norval. Never helIped My Burger in Bireh's twoods two weeks ago. h ueo adah aegga i iel's pickets extended, in order tofi. has at le"s appehred more pusillani. themn; they said their father hoadment father to tell a horsew to Mr. Noble. I He said it was for diffoence betwee ThDueoSadnaiggdin oppose the Red River Expedition. f mows than the honor of theonantry -them to trade. I traded I" even" with only showed him fhowr it could go. I what begid ne and the other children CeD"pletrog thyPotug ee ciet'PrinceArthr s St - a" « the boys, after tome discussion ; I was not in Robinson'& hotel aifthat timte. ~ t.1 oye mde but . ot, nwhich han been deranged by the recennt ce ir was, neSt d ay h denËnds the hearts of the people are helped them to hitch up, and they I know James Nixon. We had the Vylife nOnr to Mr. Elliotwao nen resignatiþns. t erof . atMontrelanvSt ergwith stisound, and the spirit which ani- drove off. colt about two weeks. It would answer t Mr. John White. The other The total ]osa of the British gunboat tyHe rde of St iha e nS.orgen p Instd or &ancuetr, still stire within To Mr. Mathesor-I think George either for farming or driving. It was children's share came to $2.71. 1 gelSIaney ià the China Sea is reported. is oh Exceey thecioverrGne.t the British ntion. Should he be magl helped them to unhitch ; he brotaght about four yearsç old. Never saw the $4.34. The commander and forty-three of the fron, Her 3ad et certseal w rant t.he crearn mare out and bitched hier up. ereamn mare before Saturday. I refer- To Mr. Laidlaw--Went ta olein crew peýished. rom ayst tocofe the honounsran fa r. enough to oppose the trooips sent ont to I had seen the colt before ; I intended red-Benham to rny father, if he wanted 1856. H ad no money savedo ao e me Telegraphic communication by the aDesptere cdontnuouslrin, the sre ws itoba and guarantes peace to ita inhabi. mare did not suittme for the livery; have anything to do with it. He college in 1859. I agreed to sellMy " breaks, ' however, will be soon re- was filled wiLà a brilliant gathera ao i tante hoecan bc conquered wrbiout the shie has got the name of a kicking mare; wanted tò drive th i mare home with a sallre to Burger, I was lin Knox collage paired. ladies and gentlemen. The hellmgasoi on Sunday 1 drove hier out ; on Monday l'Oad of potatoes. WVe had not the colt in 1855. In 1856, nt Victrae h odnShpigzteatic- S 1 g - was n oig hru . assistaonseof any foreign government. 1 sold her to Mr. Mitchell for $68 and with as at that timie. Benham said be collette. I got mone fro B orgri ls Th eae Loo S in G ezeti n th sp e nly Pce.AInhgoing though . If hie is not alowred to makle Minnesota thé use of a -buggy for two months ; I was going to Erin, and would not be after thea dateOof that Dotc. In sesion Engand ; but the prospects of ofim oted ce ren ePne r T a n the base of his operatios, and the Goi. got-her ack from Mitchell and paid back thaet night. Don't remtember any- of '62 and '63, 1 got money from John crps arel not of a promismng nature. Sir Francis IIineks, who are Knightsa ermet ftht tteoberean e-im be ; Mitchell got afraid and body asking Benham to keep thic horse White.T Commnander of the Order. f fre the of a tal bsev n n wanted me to takte colt back ; when until Dight. Went home with my ToM.Sct- hn"Tet ocl he London Times American Corres. •ju foefi aws.o neutraity, t ere is. no the boys em no audyevnn ahradbotT eeib i ee in '61, I andeda obouron thcolpondent bestows his nmeasure of praise TaE following is the section of the s danger of theair being involved ln bis they were sober enough te trade ; tie not go to work after dinner. Hitched 30th August. I was not in Milton Diuo rsietGan0o iseeg iWntd eleurltaLw o rebedrank both before and after the trad. up the colt. Don'% know whether my the 2nd September (the date of note) , Putt' g down the Fenians 1 breaking which the Penians now in gaol ni Th dleaesah thtCaad •The sale to Mitchell was a bonn e father was at home that afternoon or but in Cobourg.' Invitation@ have been issued, it in or under bail can be tried :--" If any n Th eeaacarge hacnda in sale;,1I got the colt bock &fter the ca- not. I do not de anything without my Robert Elliott-recalled-I once en- Said, by the Corporation of London to person shal, within the territory or y eommitting a 'breach of faithi ; that pias in wilhernam wrès issued. father't consent. I did not ask my dorsed a note for Burger. M.LilwCnda outest competo with jurisdictio4 of the United States, begin D Misèe. Soott, Richot and Black wers .Archibald Mitchell' sworn-Resideftesleve.hichuthe coat. Jer- objected to this evidence. anil on" teEnhVoutersaIWmledn rse n ,o poide, o ryepe , io assaed by the authorities at Otts*a in Georgetown. Sais Cooper's boys in eihhle e ahrddnot see discussion took place ; the Judge allowed' A French Canadian named Nicholas the mueanrforay iitrepd to that no ore had bGeorgetown. I said I Ihear you areme .when 1 went away to Georgetown. the evidence. Edre1nte ot rvt o h t opnof th ' or enterprise, to be carried on fromt thttcofnce hal een committed trading horses. They said they were 1Hal no business there. Went across hi. M. B sed nm eas eoredaQebeeataloneeted Cmayau, St.thenceeagainst the territory or dominionth aginist Canada ; that a general pardon trading for fthe cream mare. After 1befween lotsNos. 17 an'd 18. idèotni.- Gorg Eliot's- amewasaftr. ari, asalsapriateoftheYaneeofanyforeign Prince or-Stae, or ofanyth ji 1 Governor MoiTavish, being asked hi.. PsR"Aso rviews on the NorthweSt afaire 'veà earI.Ck Fthem as follows: Il The Red River pu ls-, I rrister, fr ple are naturally peacful and ordry on saturday fà P-bgland, yrough but truthfaulad abb ' nsintends to $dtainn rbloodshed Bishop Tache, who in County Town rathe er nt I -cautions and tir @cog, has mutet inge. leW fr, we lem-arnde e nce amongd thîei-he is a mam of -oo retcrn. Ià tue Meatimewe nwis great abilities, which are almost thrown a pressat and påsero n . oyg, a-W away out there, although he does nos with minde and b'oies redemed tey know it, and yet he may be the means shorty &gais n+ tg the emie c of saving his people much suffering by litigions portion otithe commuai», bis advice and guidance. His constant Dzmongirr -7 fulry aBos-et efforts are toward conciliation, for bhe u•t'sMontMrl e' bhasan knows war would destroy the settle large and eleglat.lay Of s m mente.. .The discharge of-theduties f th ..ay an >my position prevents me expressing ay graving.,togeter mt it. opinion sasto the future of British ary master, po urmm.heWA Wb gW Amerios, and 1 don't desire teofsek' features, and .n el gasy M M .Yé Publicity in the expression of my views. up as to make it phasintry teM a q The tro must build a road au they saine. Demsnset buaio outdçe aitnU6 aveneCtu Lake Superier to Fort in abis rd "ofrer iaubepeie. Garry. The route is a miserable one, new and turo$n sr e in h" and the troops canonot reach the Settle- July num 1 whio is ler attmmtve, &o ment before midsummer. I have been which in aïe anè valemr. sorO MI much in ont with Riel. Necesar- prihted in eh•si¼ "lemd weà.% sa dly h a ways treated me politely. He be given se a prenismte ma, abeiS does not inspire one with a high degree Yearly, &.M0 A4dra., Domo~&rsmenu,- of respect. He ii a man of strong pas- ly, 8Ws mosdaway,!er y ions, b ut suspicious and cautions. If à speaks it -out at oce b forehages On MndA Roe1.#o«e g g mm o dagerou, an a tgives him suceshe -eyan and 7'Céannsba .. He is a man of nerve, and fee equal ia thi' towh MU M ed*ir ebuià. to the emergency. He is ambitions of Rev. Mae. Bhektock, Kay and hm, power and -influence. He keeps à tu a farewelsupp e, previourtatheir ihar guard of 30 or 40 men at the Fort, this town for their ewfieldh oflaborto wh c and has provisions for this number for they have bseu a * ted by t1sir resp.eu> about a year. He bas several hundred Conferences The M ofGoed Topi more who support themselves, whom he kindly placed thei commdi.nshal M th. can call upon in case of emergeney." service of the commisses, and whea * in ber, -arved, a tarifsaudiene Wu. in atteans.. The proceedings *ommenced withmad& LOCA L I NTEL LIGENCE. by thecharo.an, Astn Wilpot1|sq., ate, -------------- whih he te ' N"nBmrns and Mes. Fass.--Notices of birthe, marriages and John Dewar, T. G, Matheson and WlaM" deathn maerted in the Usarrgos fre of Laidlaw madle ah t but alyaotive " , chaff-.testifying te -"- cithe mmuit . MAOR's COURr.-On saturday Henry loSing snch mensm ýthe guestisof thmerenag, Fallin was up before the lMayor for ruction. super was hthon a‡noune anddisoedd, izing; fined 32 nd conte.d A . ft- b-àOrg Maehdà«n.d, AIASoN-ic.-Friday, 24th inst., being the the audience for a #hort timie, expressingeis festival of St. John the Baptist, there will bie satisfaction at the ovation -by which the regular meetings of the different Lodges in Methodist body in Milton had giveh evidene the ,ounty. of their love for their pastors He spoke cfi E.4QUEsING MiNFFEs.--The Clerk o 1f Enque- the feeling of unity which was growing uP sing did not send un the spinutes of the meet- among the differe itbodie of EvangeHa1 ing of the Esquesing Council on the 6th inat. Chritians ad of aeestem for the gussOf in time for pubLication last week. th eng Foo RAE.-OnFriay veinga fot Mr, J. B.%M t, on behalf of thé Wus. raeofovards came-OnFrin ak vine betf eenyan congregation, and Mr. Óeonte Brown-. Mr. C. H. Biggar. of Trafalgar, and Mr. ridge, on bel alf te =Nw ton exin RobIinsoni, of Toronto. Mr. Biggar was the curc h ae ow henhadd eamstoha victor.labors of the >Yev, ntlemen an pastoral, and ExANTrTON.-The semni-annual Exammn- expressed the unfe4ned sorrow of 'the congre. ation of the Mfiltlon gramar school, will be gation at pasrtinrg Wth them, and wishng held on Tuesayï, the 17th in., betwveen the them aill.Su and1 happinless in their new hours of 10 and 1 in the morning, and 2 and 5 fields of labor. Meure. Blaýkxtock, Key and mn the afternoon. Clement thel replied, and spokie of the uni. GEnIO x rrH in now receiving à splendid formi kind1ness andi good-willstat hadl beenu lot of sugar and general groceries, 111h of shown thenr durinà their residence in this b·ighit Pgar for $1.00. He insialno elling off town. Theyesaw with pleasure ftaniebers his stock of DryGods Booti and Shoes at of tweryde liut ith.townwer'ePr. extremly low prices. Remember fthat dollar sented at themsnae , IandVer. pleaed to. tes. me such a onity amng the.di««t ehurehen. FAaHEwEum SERMONS.-On Sunday morning After a few remarkè frosea, T. Jefrey, Rev. B. Cle.mt preached his farewell ser. the new Wesle ýY-npstor, and the pronsono mon in the Wesleyan Church. In the èýven- ing of the be*edctiýn by the'Bev. George ng Rev. Joýhn Kay delivered his farewell Maýcdonell;th setee broke up about twelve liscourse to a very large congregation at the o'clock. The comn ttee who made the m.- New Connection Chuirchi.l rangements deserve ge«t credit for the vY- THE Ili-r.E CAsE.-NVe learn that thehorse Pleasant manier ia which everything Wa&@ case mentioned in our last issue wascoMmr- carnied out, and though there wau agendnese mallw he artes.Itwasnota hrseconeqent oni the bteaking us of thetles of tealing; case, but merely one of the little iends' hchhv o og1std B ificulties9 that occasionally arie ont ofasemdoenyte.ve e horge trade. 11 itI EEmo INGJOURNAIL.-We have received the, HENDERS N AT Mltn, on the 13mh irst number of a new evening paper to be inst., thj f f D. Henderson,]Eoq., publishedl in Hamilton by A. Lawson & Co.,. Deputy PAita, of a daughter. to be called the ELyning Journal. , Its ap. TURNER.--On Monday the 13th, the wife pearance ia fine, its politics liberal.and edito- of John 'l urnerl Esq., of Esoquaesig, of rial ability g-<1. 'We wish it succeu. a son., PER9B1rAL.-W e are pleased to learn that BEATTIE- ILLX8.--At Heenby, on the he Rýev. DonTald Stewart, formnerly rastor of adfot. h Re. mSoaiMr Knox Church here, ham received an uanmous both ofTont Township. all from the Canada Presbyterian Church at LacseOnt. We wish the Rev. gentle- man all success in hie new field of labor. Co -EvO enosy e = o SEnVEo H1r31RIoHT.--The hther .eenng, Hugh Corne, ("aville, aged t.n yeam sayoung- female was walking down Main adeee as ýtt, a drunken man-whose name, fortu- nately for him, wve did not learin--staggered Gleanings, op against hier. ýA newerful blow in the face In Swedeý the 'wr aile c was the result of his rudeness. with boxes o hot r und.ar STRAvED.--On Saturday a venerable look- James Go 4on lennettjr., is toesaiu ing specimen of the genus Yankee,, hailing back to Ametica.i6n his erva yacht. from Kent County, wau in Milton, looking They are g*tering the usoeguito «roq miter a -stray wife,' whom ho described an a by the milk poilfut down in Maine. .prettv.tidy chunk of a woman. " Any one . having such property in their po..e.sion will The Lowell Cat raer thinks the place please return hber for identification to the for lawyers isi IlSioz City." wneiir. A New Yoek erpple has.utilisd his DENAL Col.LEor..-The election of the erutches by nuock ng out bis wlfe a*js Board of Examinlers of the Royal college of with them. Dental Surgeons of Ontario, took place aet Tp- 'The Khedive's a hs rnin debt a mnto, on the 7thinst. Among otherselected million franei in aris, besides sped. were Mr. J. B. willmott, of Milton, and Mr. ing his yearý al 0 anoe of 200,000 John Bowes. of Hamilton. At a subsequent franc@. i meeting of the Board, Mr. wilimott wu Tbe latse ke bf .York ocm remairk. leéted liegistrar for the ensuing two y0f"-. ed to Colone W. at thé mens of the DEioREST'S YOUNG AMERIeAis eSparklHD Ithregimens. at the olond s .ever. TheJuly number, just received, jusa uncommonly bald,!and although anch air specinen of this mont pôpular snd boat younger man than h is Royal Highmns, juvenile monthly. Its entertaining otorion heastood in ore need of a 1 ig. The sketches, anecdotes, talks to.is node s, o colonel, Who bad 1 been of mlrylong respondence, poetry; msic, punies., andstanding in the amrviot, and' whose Humerous illustrations, and chrOo of th. rooto b be mbyno rapid, -eadow.iark, furni.h a rich mentailrjaou erinfo Medhs oyal Highness that his Young America. Addre.., w. Jenniass baldDns cul ýbée"sly oomnted for. Demorest, 838 Broadway, New York. luI what oser ?4" saed th" e dae• WATRDON.- ooresondnt mplimTo which Col. W.. repliai. i" By a tVstATRnws.--A orresndn c omp s hjunior officers tepping overtMy hWa. o u tht atedon i mch ited wt The duke vuas pleased with the rpy the .corer-losfer nuisance. In facthesa, that the eloe repve - the nuisance hau becomne w great thatlaispootnin fw ay. bebr vit. ind a VIa risnsie dTgy.Ros i T. (i"Tus alight tremble on h'.e so a degree i hi an, wi o l.a cla a roken )N oflà b reban in th , In latr er wsioino the ofBeaundiq i int or an bi Inster'Ieu& tions &he indu- ghove, espoea dated 1l2, WC lof« to hie miù ion of a Kin the Dake r. refer, begginÏ it publie. Ne it May lhepµ of facilityp, ts the wri MWr in Whb* bis wholai direàst (entirel & hedeham , the man. saan-liketog ted a prins. that we liave Walfo rand of purpose, Ma, not aveu n m death Warrent Motherly, liosl of QuenAnzi MManY and nnement. -Th vision ono -the ge James a "s@&Msr does b Mr. W r Chas. Merredi 0700 ; Mr.' J and Mr. J -s proporti of;, the by Mr. H9 certily to -t warren mo0 Ener, Thati Carried. Th R"e, in the sent. The meTed, pen Mr.as. 8Sr do their work --Carried. ecodedby gr tet byp.law No. 1 be rend the ed b Mr.

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