Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Jun 1870, p. 2

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1h, ty éc mra l a Nata. MILTON. lN .x .1870 The (Ecumenioal Council, on theï2.d tuai, came te o eca claulavug cth. i,,fmUblity ut the Pope.. Tus 14le t mut, importen t dogme whieh ha@ beau dolded apon hy- the.Coanui, and cru recognition was the chief cause cf thii gvet ,ècletccmatiul convention Lig iiekl. W. are tld tuat,li toc a long amm sert debte, the 29th im0àt., St. Putras Day, Wu, llced -uplon as the. dînle la thetidogme huld b. pro- ciimed, and vcry catenaireupreparationa mmcie prqremm ta celebrate the. oucm- ies, thi.eplundor cf whioh will eclipse muy demonstrtion of a amilar nature ecvcr wituemed la Europe. It la ei- pctd thm% thoumauda froua uvcry part et 'Euroe ailb. precaut, ither u speutateca or partcipants iq thecers maies on that occasion. W. bave recived trotra the Immigra. flou Bréiwh f ithe Departameot of Agri- culture and Publie Worka, Tomauto, a circulelatter, with cipy of an official circuler, dmu.d 23rd May, addismud to the Retmsutfmch cuanicipalitie au bave net oaaplced vAth thearuqurut con. tain. d ia the. Comuaiemoer'a circnýar of the 31at of Jenuary Imt, Iby mailing la retart a of the. nimber of immigrantp .hbum requirmd tue tiiee eretpeutlve amielpaltciee duriag thia muon. Tii. éir«eea teathat m largeamcbr of iwmamate bave" ceymcvd m the idiciosmm rthaft tier. ailb. an lmhi tte iPruvinueegreatly iu excemu ai aoîouayeamaEvecy tmility mold li. alod.d for theo prompt distriution ithe uueotuermte lucaitica ahere tbiejelabur wahi b. lu demad, and this emnt b don. la the absececaof the ceumired retarita. We. hear of coca- plalmetm trou. formera cf the. crity of labouers la thi niglibonhood, med dentition a gond aumbur cofluhe immit- grante mouid gt ecipîcymmnt hure. W. et tiecfoc e vqeeMed te directtii. ttemtium of the parties dircctly lattrunt- ed and ofthe ti.pblie gaurmUlto tIt. ororma ftiommatIer. Ticre are satme indications f aufici- patew nlammecoby Riel md bis folow- m a hIf*0 tt mcmDou onheir Way 10 a" re r ile "Ncthwaanmd tbe ioputfiath. uepdillum actald b.ome 4e1 pmoe oulyc appear to bu prumtae, ItitlsmdiRefict te forai amy meurafe opiionu to tefi.tutre intentions cf -lie Prorhiona Goveammeu t, but enouph lhustraspired ti, ica that attempta mare ag mde tc -.iirop pepular dia- catiafiea ifb tic Mniibail~ill, SU&tiattbregard te uhe pravîieon rslmting fe publiceIlands md eucose ic outaica mclas.. glveinguveni àlpar dou ta thon$ .*obc .t. wça th u »"i"io. ýt l a allt Ri.", MielI havelit luutâ a tiione.ud mus, c..u tomémel ta tih nueot armmc d imred te thé. fatigues taddagersuofa anmter'. Ils, lth the adof aicu h. miy op- Peme Unioutnc of theu Voluiecnanad sive ecendecble .fcoubl..Frotupru- umt.vs.s5 caeerve uamot blieve luat bc w111 bu au teciiurdj as ta mcap -pue. that h.-au ufur umyeffccual re- Ditance, ta ft. fores ahiuh aauîd bu saut taerclubihm, ici if I. mare prou- bable tuat hoealîl see flïy ilu llht. lu fie ucaufime i. eppuira la b. cm- gageAMc tàîc .cgenal 'oceupatium cf co"l.1thc mailtat Witpiprg and ippuopriaticg the ttmuds cantaimeet je Un leters; mnd if im qucastiomable ahefiier thi t idoue cmcre foc the PMuv~m o f peciding imett vith fonde aima bs seumete tue United taies, rtfior tham for .xpendhcg the money te Pr t..litriat foruvair. T'h. cxcteccut ucuoecetby te Fui»anIrruption hem fer a mshort ime itat ,actsed, to a ocmedrabîc degre., ccc atteuntion ront miaira InthbcNortlcaest, aed tue pramput f the expeditica Le k uesarely me oescmcboa teudmd ta eutiwe f."miu fcinidgatict aith ahilé ithe tIlou aes M i rai regardeti lu clmaa. Ifta i o, lt ci tecoutry bu bilue for cool relucetion, ma chat euoéimg IitItb doue ruély or ioamld- ecmfta a amatter cf 8a unmuaI tmqor- - t " se car iattltery desluage iti the Do lrovlo.ge, basf aishould ot foc a moment ilica cOurmlvea - te trg.ftut c4pfa g q.ýtUa. ua duty mt clj ta iicruslbst tastje vold af lange, lu the Won* of jp>leo 4tuin"ot dipm Puiac1ý ui m n timo tratera ah.. eaul~il~ice~led the i.Queaes em*e.ygr iiplmg.indp. d. uthéfilite cf emibir »bmeijeaii&e samd tuc bis. iliyl. Il*, dqu ofisei.lmma as- ~ i~e~g 'p.mh bac lI Àe paMim W W44*Pm 'I wlte mlt lu*0I. mut * î c4fb~Mua k.Ç itw d lwu » irav u n smcil. Oucr eadera ail culleet tua cite, the. trial of whium, m*bot the biigiaaimg of Mmrcci, exited tmrc mué interest lu Euland. It vui iajtutud b7 Sic Charle 31ordaunt fe ubtainu à divorcea trou, Lady Mordaiat, and a quemtion urcaeu ute the mmuutaècm cf the dieundsena, whioh watcicd before a apeusal jury, whose verdict esacliah.d fthâmsis wu@ insane, smd chu Court ield Etua ne as uaamequcmtly incapable cf amcvwcirg la her caa dcf'ence, and therefore Ibohueu caccld proceud nmu turtbcc. Sic Charles ~appealueI igainat this deciioa, whlch, huwever, ha een upield, and nu forfiier tcp con Le trien ile usuit uctil Lady ltordouuut's u amity camde. TUE MN tVlOltit Duricg the lace abortive ttes.pf 0f [tho Fenians tuto cke torciblu pusearon of our oeilI, the Volatcurm apturcd a foin prisoucra, aho are ovsat!y lodgmd iu gaol, mmd the questionaraieu mu ta teir pruper dibposal. Son.ofuthtii Iading Ameclcu papers have lcueady cumd theu Canadien peupe acome vetry ecellent homiliea un thic.vîtuee ofmur- cy, and oleculddIhat the. loves cf thu unptuced bandits b.c parud. Advice frcm cSnob qurtutu vould Lave coca. wltii a btt:-r groce, and wozéad pcobably have recduved clildue attention% if these mame pmperm laed ot, îctii sarcely mn exception, ucuragcd tii. entrpris. by ail thiemeuni in their peiser umad if wac not cut ftcr theýiigloriPuatcc'mia- tiflo of thieraid uhat tue muvumeat roccied the ridicule aith wiueb tii mutrly rtrcatu, ONçila force& hbu bea &reeted. Comidurimg tiie cammur in whiech.y ppluded the. uderta&- ing and thecaa coanceutud aith it, a. emunot louk upon tho pruceat diuu and cmtamtcd ter leferfucemewith cur affaira, nu mytiing bat »m urmrccmted pieu. ot impertinence. Canada et th¶a timu la canvcioaly trcmg eougii teafmford te, b. cacgumimoca, mnd v ao nw t me- thiag lu hitory ahich cIho. Cauadiamm fa Lu bleodthiroty. But a grave ques- tiou rse-whcchcr, aaauming that the primoueru ahIlb. fcund gcilfy, thure wouud Le amy clemumcy lu makimg amyi disiction leabtwcca tLe puihmeut which shcould b. inflieteci ou thorma .d ou amy otier tuIons Who have ommitted m capital ofrncu. W. do know, boa- evcr, that the Exceutive cceruy ahicii avcd. ch. Fenian p.imenera, in 1866, frein the. galba.s, ao rtue from hcimg ap peciufed hy the Ameriuoa Fuciamu or thir admirer@,,wa loukcd upean aa prouE ut *umkcesm md ticidity oncarc part. Tiiereila otufn0e ciaiutoc ev leacy ahmch the accused con mt op whioh cannut hocurgeA witia equul proý pity hy auj othec télone. We do mt au., howuvur, that thecu lu mmv nec.eaty for orgeat uppeala ou tleir iehmit ut the proeet tdîne. W. mec prepureci fe demI wth thuca tirly amd justly, mithout pcecipitatiom md uinluecud by jre. judier. Let theca h. kepf la prison mtil the. Fait Asisesanmd tripd hy h. ordiaary tribumal» cf tue tint ry; let thoa haire the eaecf mmf aucm a usa thuy chouse ta reculnancd sncb protec tien sa the law chrusasmoud tie muuaad; let a jury, svuru te do rigiif acucrdiug (o the uvidenou, pronoucc upca tir guilt or lucoe. If immo- cent, li tiienut once bc liherafed ; Lut if geltfy, let the segtenéeuwhiih the. 1mw justly pruxoOmcec for thutr crimes b. uarried oct aithout heitation or utropie. Tii. tact of a t.w Fenians expiaýingefheir offencucaou the gallisem ahI show',thelr teilow-ecmpratora thct wra are in erust-that we vil] au longer tolerate thir uowardly mnmuitm upen the country, acd thaf whuu thcy .olest u. they camne -cm itb a nope arocmd tide meks. Coctiduratioca utl tuas nature are the oly momsma h iob ae euuhope tainlucee.th, under. standing utt chs. mon,ad cauvimu. thon, that thein pacudo-pctmiociomm laa grave crimeu agiaut hrcmancity. Auy tuther exhihition oncaur part et a ton tender regar I foc those lu Cor pouf r ulîl hon kas anmeindicatioe icher ut ueak ne« e asympthy aith their dusigata, ad a fiflig aich acattsemoanIsmd bincca cffee ospumt tcrIasad our calatence ait a parct'cf tht Bctiab Empire. EXTAr.-Follca.' Compouud Syrap of Hypopbomphites rentes fore ms.t amumg the cuuedie oedA lu lueipieut t Pthisls, Cicouie Bronu- hitia, and otboc affections af t ho Cboct, sud I hite no hsatifon t. tatieg if. S. .ARLE, M. D. St. John, N.- B. I stcoagly cucommesud fi. usa ut Fuloua Compound Syccp of Hypo- phuephitem ta ail ab u meteileauy amy tines AI..s. or aeahuof tue longs 13irceehimi TaLe., or gcmrl Dbiiity,1 J. B. W. SCOTT, M. D. Gageteo, N. B. Prie. 44.50 a baffle; 6 tac 87- 50, SoIA by apofhiearlesand lay F. CuadIi à Con., Whou" se amtw, Noaeai. AlmluxATow.Freqeufaffempti hbae mamaie te eomvume Camdiea thst »-euf I..to tu eblueimg VOIbie CIe i b le tamaiila udufge. tucr e -e-unlel Imsref Hftbtiitie amme fe uiijod hbu omtlemm te tii. petii tpMdOntide, if e t cnidl teete beri Msb .UMPUity.sak.8aldpuls ~u â d Imge koyue A News of the WeeIL gr Johin A. Macdonald lm nid byis trieudata b. ouf cf dangey. Reformas of am importatnaturemr promised iy the. Di. uofSactfnhm, and h c. Potcgcnm ccretised. ThoIndicationsan lulteuwheat growicg districts la Europe 1usd al ta suppose that tiie copu viii mt ha more tisa averagu. Certain of the Greelatsdmy tmat thure wa ny collusion Letweua fie Gcuek politciensc*and tre brigands who camt,,ftttudthe rourdura nt Maratho.. Capt. Vtocr and hicslHome t3urd& cre te huavu a testimonial offdrud theca for tireir gallmcfry t thueFcesu Hill mermiuh. lite ulapo rias cot vet Luca decided. The Goverriment ibms ciirfcaed the crryiug capecity, for lwenty fieu dayn, st 8400s a dcy, '810,000, ru convuy stores ut Collingvuod tu the, Soult. Aother Fenian la eid ta haroehec ucrrecrcd ut Eccles Hill, urd bu Leen lodged ln Seeethctg gaul teco in a eomro* sardy her. Sevuretmi mnbu,.f thu Cabinet et Ottawa continue te dicua mwith the delugatea cf Britiuh Columbia the teus open ahiuh that uolouly iinoerathu Coufsdermtioc. The prospecs et au emrly agement are amfd to b. good. Lutuut reporta tramontCoinigwaod, SnfSte. Marieanmd Fort William, do mt offr nything oniart citinggnature. Ail accu esguged fa the aonk et for- wàardiug suppies, or iii rocd makiag, su sa to gel tirly mfeted on thu mmrulf ev.ulmsd au mua au peruuit. Tii. trenaperrs a 'mr nd Crocodile ame xpcctcd ut Qucb.ec the latter part ut thie monti, to taire Iomie chu 11,0711 Actillocy, fie Enginecro, mmd the Firot Batt' rgou, P. C. 0. R& Brigade. Tii. (rocodî7 il airvg oct tireu hum. &edwonhmun froc, the dackstor ettie- fftuin lacanada. Tii. Volacteera cf thu Ottawa Distrct, returcimg trçm the front, accu ectertainud auta public breskfat, mt the ktiug clir, lu the Capital, ou Stcc. day orriggg. TheOuGvert. ou.Gergeal: mue toutel, acd, lu ruaporue, referred la ferme cf pulse ta ttitulcrity, loyalcyad argu displmyed hy chu VslUeY*O.r, ,pd impreesau upen thon tb., importancea ut econicg smlful .machomen., A grand conuucl ut Indiana viththe heada cf the departmcata cof the Intu necr, thé. Icdienu Deprtment, and ocher hîgii officiels, uomcccnced le Wmhiug- ton cn Tcedmy. Ou the Oruc ef Joueuthe Muican 'Cougrea. ltecdcd ta fbeuniextmcra sesion, laorder te ccdc ch. cou- idericion cf somte constitution reforma. Lite mmd property wucc miil cutueure lu fiat cinbmppycuntry. A truight train ra utthetrtc of tue Rome, Wtctuwn md Odgergsburg Rtamay of Fridmy, neur Cupe Vimuent, md 00 oucilute wu thucnanh.up thuf It la estimmced the a to the Company wll bc 020,000. Tii. Chicago Fenias, ta the ur'mýlr ot a hundrud, tuvu hecu chrecîcice raid ou aur camup euthne huct Thcy eam. up ic a etucmbct, Lut the lrm vas glace, Col. Bacttoc and macy ut hia offiuers were el ay troc, the plenuesof chu dance. t chuhoest ocf Mc. Simpson, M. P., f0 prcpcrp le mccc tiememy; and aUnecerurv preesautioms vere tahren fa guacl sgair;a acfteck. Thu Feoimmc, licovever, in view cf the preparationa tw giru thuc a a wrm veluome, thacght ir botter nottcnassume the offemivoi and chu proplier iiavimg tuem oc board la mmld la have pruuecdud tu Duluth. Tii.Fenamn xctemeuf j'a Ecglamd letsclîl ivery caciderubie ms the polce have I diaovccud shat the conu 'cyt mauch mace extensiveitan mc 8emt aappomcd. Scuermi mceta baye Leim made. .Auttrelitanad Newuatmlmdcuesto thc 4ch cf May, mive bcu rceived via Sac Frucciaso. A tod guud the Ioe of mcy liltes, mcd tkemdtractice et i greaf demI cf pcoprcty im the toaca ut Hillo, Wincdsor, Vect Maitieed, God- brun. New gold diceovorks in lech ditrict of Avon hvnd beuc repectud lu New Zca1Iost, affziaj es acu iokimg bi " hte,ahough thu nattves hmd defettaut 2tiic cuu of the Gouoccumt on thc Walutitrat. -, vn Al Vin. Lcim Nmpoeou is ccefecicg tront motec cevere attacb ut neumaticm. One iiuadred cnd aevety-thcerpar. woua died le Paris, lent mcci, frontemmll- Fox. Nemrls igbty cf the arreafed pecacnm have beun iudiuted iy the Ciiamher utAcoution la Paris tocoucmpliity lu thec plot te amsamiucte the. Emperor LUuiu Nmpleuu. UPA cff, TItu cambcrsofu the Cortes have pe-. cead ocer tac le hir ele c f a VKtmg ast te lacdly oheur a specch ut Scuor Rivrca, deocaicg the Bourbons acd cvucyhiag peruininK ta loalcy. Tube Crte. hms ducidari tirt King ut Spaiu muet Lu lectud hy a majority uqual te une-huit outhte 101cil oume ut DlgaLtes,; aud this, itlanscad, ai radcr the defeut cf the Duke et Montpensiercuertain, nU ho ceuocgly commanad 89 votes. ahua 179 in ueoumary by this rrangemient Tii. adiecucta cf Espîtro n huv .*eanîngs. -cuuuy eui Vicoru Eamuel ta 1j5 TbýComnoil met su T'uemday purin. ut co adjaurameut. Tho Warca l Tuppec tahus clRue tule uCel. tcho iiir. Xemiera aIl prescrit. John Bright le cpidly eavweicg. Th* Cicci raid everal conuaica. Miobigan ic iuuadod by poleto bute. in1 Mazlii erevolutionislmg it Plumes. M oDougmid iatcodcSd a Ly-lma pruvl4ing for tii. oxpene..oftheiicunr Horace Gceeley je meuenaa l IIIitii vent er amd parc cf 1871; mmicg the tecer. 'euamiied value nd ceumty rate us foi- Croupa laEurope ail i ibctderIoam: catuer tiacicr the average Equa emae. Ce. rate. Thc Weciuya Conferemea meutu Teufutear_.8....2,033,151. 42710 te ccxt ymc lu Belleville. * Nle ........... 1,385,M3o 1,8470 .&......3902,125 1,2085 J. F. Boultoc, imcriacer, of Ottawa, 11-k .1111 14 0,100 1820 wu roud on Smucday mcrrcng. Miltonv.............100,B0<) 146 40 The (Ecumemici launeil in toacd- Goorcetm. . 6'000 128 00 0c. titii 0kober. 6,6,369s $8,913 92 A Sac Fracisucmc bu drammfimed Mr. Kerrc itrodued a by-iauiuvying ts aMoYarlad-RichmrdsemJragody. au miauumeut toc che support et Cou- Wlcitby heba ameentioninluthe shap le a$lcum m igilethr aum ut a bgnmy caser. Tilompaces Sauthere Rnilwmy ic fie excicumeet up West. Dieu beit Fauter ut billiacrda in New, Yertu Ly 40 in the 30>0 points. Cotainttuare made about the scareity ot Ccocdiau iiîec. Fiftea thouîocd lovely -Kasma iiaebelocm deire vivra. SevurmI cmore of tieC reujus briganda bave heeu uptured aid eceuntud. The Prince of Wales imiauda tu ce- BidueuIecd Se Baaya a mIte dicpmtela. Unitcd States, Scuatr declîccu te Me. Oceorge Wright. , teeuder et ,Bramptou, vol Itorccerci8311. F., J'or Pecl ie Ad.lent mcl. In Ceccateut inl 1860 thcae veru 12.481 fsrths, 8,417 Aeuthm 4754 maiIaem, amd 401 divocem The fiottc 1111c have beam--seuoved' franm Torontu, vcth thu exceptiou cf a1 guacd et about tvcmty mon-. Dr. Schultz asu reusnted mi Toron.1 ta aith i a eA atoh ud au illumina- ted .ddms un eSituady. Speoiah Secatoru aaet fa poapone chu abolitien uf rlmvecy fan the modeat pciod et 60 jette. A, Germntc ést hm fol da test au.delicafe *bat ane part et armeaju in milieu parts ofarIutioc muy bc deîected. The Noir York Standacrdchimietth. coacea thurr arc ne many muîtucheodv la existecc e , houau msccia umber ofebidran are «4 pa-et ltle iiamb." The Diifoenue-Feelma i0N4iI boe dama upnC.anCuada aith iaocertial charge, but Le vma t ackinla a mat- abat'& charge- t is said tiat thoEl of eDl1érby la te- mmry lhe Douagan Dmeuietc Saicbucy, mia mach. mnud aifs cf chu lote marquia. A mcm in Chicaca ha the top of Lis hecd loac elf tee uulicg amoter an alderman. Btter &op ualirg Au hneuirus devie ha. bccm hic open hy mmu misiead ique saloon if Williicautic, Coca. A «box ou the imidu pluada lu the viiar l inteuej words: R1Cectchhcîs fer the becuit at the poor. Wheevec patrauhuci thei box may thtu piorcuieit hu Lac graîim.1 GOmOTOl O'Nuill huvisg ureured bia troop ta) rooicg chu Cunedimu limea that lie mactd et cruront il acier. vitoriaut or denet, the queetion votes up, ha ahicth of the tua coditicns id ho teucem if, a tea minutes ateruarle? The acamer plainly im Vieloriaa, R for did hie aoc arcure a fre. ride la Bar- llcgtomu? SÂu.;FeîRtu#C@0 O BmuAK.- lie hoothiacksin leSa-Fcuccieccaare fer abuad , t M atercueesin Oieir oav#eluama oareti. Thuic estahliala- meet& are qaîte a luxury. Euery bout- irek siautoebhuila au openastoll en the sldeaali, ezttfo mihé bildicg, aith a roof te ju, oeil jeunare uatcd saeefour on fie finitbigh, uon uahioced &ecI, ad fucieutahcd alOhu rcfmcpper, med n gag poloahet cp and poateciupa theuni caum tus otul 4tcàarouetf cnshiouod mcm cchaire. A LoN( RNaBoà aauia.-Th ong.ug- est rmggemetoa record wvu .eeectiya turminufed hy macciage li Ketucky,1 fie licumme foc auicm Iseoissued oc thei tith ut Augumt, 1840. Tli iiuoua veac a to dmym icce ceturned to thea office ut the. uieck by the minlser ahot elebratud the énarchge. afttur a lape ai mcre thaue cwcty Ine yuaca, ita aoccrdauca vlit thei.lau uhicia requires if ta b.e retuned af-tue ixtiydaym fcrt tue meiage curumouoy inperformud. i Thte EcpccesetAcatdithut hermell tuccugh fie hand the other day lu r7. icg te acmot troutsheraunie laded r,- volver 2aith uhié ho won playing. The acoident gare rA3 ta a rum3r vieb pread uci ovun Vienne aith ie tLu nent feu heurt nfteruucd, lihut the ' Empruta ElizaeaLth, goade e fa adceac Ly the. icctdeIitien oflier increrial hins- baud, haducomuitted suicide by stiot icg hursacît tiougi ithe heart uich a revolver. A LAUCHaAuLaIRIecDiINT.-A Keu-1 tckuy lady rcetily pc-ecared sonne duchat egga fier cuking, mcd plîced tbumn lna abureau drîvrr tac couvemi- ince, Wltre, le tuéenbo csmeu ùut oticur food, fhcy imy focBore fn ier,util, le faut. on. day hec attentioncwonacaaiced te thea buremu b y mu nuuuouosae chure sn. Upon pnlieg ont the draaer, te hec utter s mteimimeat. a oud three youcg docka bmîuhed oct and scratch- tug rud for fcredac,. GIEAT LEApAT Tane FÀI.t..-Fraci Thora. hi.curmlutird arrangement& i ieap fîom th.e npension bridget inte tue river, a distance of 190 teet, au the 13th uf Augut unet, the.duay ftc tue hores raaes tuere. Sente suieientt to aeecmamodito eai fii ontand pecplea ilîl ho cected &long bathrera.Mm.t Thora., vieudrtaad, la ta reoit, the nmmof $1,000 tac theue mdertakimg.f If i. guuurmlly supposa ithat ho ahIt cct conmebaifate lajtue money. A pueanmatch, ahiuh jla cticcg eomahdenblc internect moup fie attaches. ot foreai" leationa la Wmhington, ahI1 nome 0 cin aa tea day., Mc. Edmeumi DV.Fan, ,co of tue aeretre.olfi.e British legiticn ahvta made a mtéh tcaulkite Great Fanlof tue Pute- ffl "d béire, a diseliof. ci ltytatt1 mg".aila elgIt bouem.BMn Ticcuica,1 ti. British Nulter, inla luthe meu ettakieg IeegtVOISainatla fiemeurbu ef Washingtona uali eec ucmome& amiomp&M«e4b que or m oi f tue1 Mc.- Campbell meted, occooded by Mr. MoiGuffiu, Thut tie pears ea'm posin# fi. Board cf Audit tonriauditir0 the. secent1-tà of the Ccuety, ech ce- 3 ei.ve 020 tor oauh audit, and itâILh Trremeurer bucmadia bereby asatuoieci îte pii thu saine et urrtiisit. of tht ebauman cf mcld ifoard. Cuncleli. One metion, the Concutl adjomicci uottl the. lut Tuosay iunflupîcuha. W3t. PANTON, C6futy Clui. rThne Flmegau %Vma-. [Faom Vie Ciniceci Chroaicdc i Fa0iOUove mioERn, Wmo0 WAS 1001 WIier o e ONeii liali odvni lb! tm& g 0 nu a citai t, go dan i.t Le néen mu auec. Ho emt oct in gaudy arcmy foc a grand dioplay. Up %u tbl herder, le cugular order, machet tal& monemscuks, aulI proteuteti ou ch, fiaichu- Sklinmisiers in udvaaee, horuus ton the. prancu, fgas icig, fisucdcau ighlog, drums beauiag, British cetreat. lag, h.byouaca glistocice, mticle liabeuice,.Who uvec caa amugit te irim uys mre rhg. ? Waiv rg e c h, gruen, a oyaf bt 'île acre I ceieaatacfithotc hrmve tireote i. tbry soamededt ferc ile 'mi&bt elaricu raffi,. icen a hcave crier rude in bct1thlac., h. iamclu tatastu Aioag fi, lice lushouted R Chmcgel I s eeOi eaemy mre ruel IDccuimg hic glictes-ieg hîmct km ut-ged un tue rmid. Sarrecnedilby is Laîtalian., thici cf the capaeosllhmarehing fa bmoule ruith noise mcd ci t, t e e ed erdu lu their centre, Ithey permieta Mareimî ta coter; cigat Lutare tîceir cyca te capture thia prize. Jonc me taîr, big -uitb stute, vua cemdy ta descendl, andt blond, viti Pri-Aivalor sud Cacadie. paier, iimeapta tur nauO'Nehîls cnaine, tFomtuc seiuud tiomou nad the treopa ram. Thie.i cf il, aud doa't hc partial, for c emas uixed hy ltce ,'ttrshal. Mie army coolda't Lelp bien a Lit, for Fostar htbd a acit. Who ever L.ccd cf e fhocacue me, aLec on tLe borders of greuf disocdes rehitg bitemancedates aif a peu? Raldera bave tic grit ta recpet ma rit. Iumaetality hou ensy if is ti muaka E. O'Nehlshanjuil, ends thia Irihtale. An Infermal Cris. The crime chargeet agminct a mccn camud Lange, a dealer le itier frames lu New Lc e-h in eue ît t ould gie hiena a rc-emineuoe lunlice criminel catalugue foc diaboliomliuint. lic shippod a Luxilu April lut cunh!cc Naw Orleans cteamer, and smuced amc hueur- muce ou luof ce lLouuand mix huudrud and ttcty dollars, mmd tue box pcoend te bave lcea prupaced uith explosive anA inflammable material, muet mn enly preveolud fruinbcrcieg thce cLip hy ttc, amtaiiuleu endAcmtivity of th. captate. lu the. box vere vuasala ut nccîot, guclimie. amdtd urpectine, mcd lircon ippuauhnly ta hava Lueu acf ta the , y a cheminai OLat meaiet caplade aiti slight friton. l'h. friction a provid.d for hy mie sahatlu a box, mii, lu kamaing thec r wy out, auru ftelire the train tbcf mhtt have deîfcoyrd the shoet mlihercompacy afmea. Her, choc, ia, if thecuharge proveotzueýa man mia dolihorateiy cuatrieeu ticcI -auful, cetumity, fiu., ou a miip mt aes- cootrIvea tue ptsaible fcighfl deati uf cuccty ce thhrty peceens - to asure the umall: priseacf sixtaeu hundetedo dllera insmiraisue mcaey. le aiould hu triced hy i' jury outes auptaies acdsamilors. If hs o remaciable cucud--.e chat thie cric,, mu uttempted ugaînso the steamner Gieorge Washington, aicile rame yeuri iciea crime ut the soine naturo a teetriied ile e hipueuf et gonds ou the Mississippi steamer Ilîrtcu Wus- The 'Demî t fl.oeZ. lienloeiug seeeoe the deat h mcd bacial cf Lopeu ire glîcu hy a Rie di.- eirc 'ocrrespaident ut the N. Y. Ber- c"Id, mmdccdate cf Aprîl 7, ma are nicgulmrly tachiug. le appenu fLac tiýc oral me lured tan ae mbunh a short distunce fromt hic camp, Ly Gen. Cusera, aho. upo eamrang the cutcc- iug 'coaditionenethe peorly acmud Par- egayms, peuceet eut a tcrrible urîîllucy lire ic.to Lapeze camp. The elmcght.r vas ffghtfui, mamd iemna u inutes 1, mu a sauvce qui pet. Lepea ait h hic stcff mmd a feu cf bit bcdy gurd, mmdo a du.perace mfteupc ta ecape by ewma Ming a streati located about tu miles traiomi htahudqumrta. le hia ligbt ta thIstI. ief-sortfutanbis life, -La4pez uaes aouuded hy a aurpormi f aiuvnlcy, and bim pruteccara urere ot idounaulmamt te i man. Whou he raOhod Ithe mîcemun, beyomd *hîab vmes a Ohiuiuet, bu tirop hmmoif Ion, hi. hure, vAcee t , bat *&vu u .aautsd that ihc feU laIf faiuflug ou the. opposite liait. Tcarm the Brasiilau Gemierel asomomd hic, te smprestdcr, amd cm bit atmfnkimg ultb hicI matrA, cedered hlm te Le di8armed. If aw uieI de, ahan Lupeu dieti. Noue, b, a ebhlia grie au dcg for hi but ou Mc, oLyaei ietm ug ingt hué 0i i bd ftheir F.sou, . Feamnias pai . au -alalu aiil. eomma dingmauemeurt pccteetiag Mca LOCAL LNTELTIGENqCL - IiemC, df' àJr »D- T 9 Muaoac.-lt. lk1Cair IcAge, to-ulubo. 87 i0@Guptuý i bec.bmlgihtsOcmuP~l<r ien, lPmvv.-TU M p oda f L 0. G. T., Iu Ro cAmOje ts. r. N.. Milton, will hol a gtaaaircy Festival on iFo" c* oi-ieafoot mm bea.eeu. m wBé i e~. m Dlmdnion Day. M i a ll~.ttMus,.Blagm, cd Mili, ma Bueb id x<i. ai,,Mc. OmmemimaQ. o., lu rdywià8%o.f Which am"levu wceU la -ur tft aIea ti ae a sccru, a lage coaad tatoupruacut, mcd isus Oo cru m ldiy l.ai imin" la -~~~~ centoc ,rcmtem-. P.m. mmd, la:Jcdie ty the. largeaMH-ou.beim " mm de FAL - ito icet people uha vifucamd it, asatil B., a ialuat' 11. G m im A.em.-.nligtOfthe Fmi] ul«Omdvmblea lutarat mSeg mlht-maemgaoe. Gordon B. , 1w iei t114 Lu turc ttcmulrat.d iy th u cdga. ThrIy.1 h. wu oremmmdembt. iimtt gou ,tie neampee, T « ào, ocnu aui Couir lWtaltUa cemmmeu.sutii 2tt, .rumi iet tbuammitufhad 1 e la d . r ha*tg 1Obtobar, vii.,tua icn. Mr. Jamust eotlmtiute Mmd book u" cfembavtaWa article g14,asma~leai Gwycmmht prtide.umiie dmfidais à IfbWImm."Y lmai Ofthfie -id aid o Mape m mm Mmeity foc wonatue a m rfbthe mmd iltr si sun lam 7cieeuu. It coataa.s ous emuc aeluir fce.ic udeau mm e sec e a ttniuti gta ooe Ga 12avrayatmýi. J. L Peter@, M00Brodmor, . o p""slta uflmem . tthuaaashurt dision Itrbflte mthéYoves g NuwYm4pécéMcer. Smiamtptoemuiv-ed t ace aosbl..tus Tiimpmurq BMuse.W@&»maenuo m"d uMr. T.Ah 1. ai tus CtAMUmm at office. *» @ w»t w »uc. edertiou and Mi.r. L mempuemm.I cormv<o eTuCumty court aMi d,.& m camait vasvili crUr. BIB. -ta abea caaf. Tiei mmdgescms -Genucal Seos lvl b. hid t Miltom ou Vuc y mahesOr 1 Leest, ahimae iaeleeldgmaeutuat!ncudà5aim. ift â iii, '0Tumday Mosc. Thona miliho a largeamuut uamtmetsdrace,lm ammgeW aim tag wabt c4acgd ch. e, m .lm~ et ofcivil Lainass, and if im ruaauarod tuai a &boutfao fat of hlm wmaufym&uem em ti orocuBrairabut -Xi.I, bsuluce K)peominumt politicimna and candidate for par- vlmala4 peut. Botu mest, a*hmuctipped. mgiamt th@ let. G - em Bu,. yliaunecutmry Lonore mili plaid Lia o eueas. pree*d &aqlmmdd puu.,and locilied t- Tome Couceec.-The Couil mut tut vOdèti Of sje$dý §« -authak Mr- Elcar SNctoumaay..i..TIa h rc.tf g Mouduy eauiug, and paaad a umiar of!oc bol a aigit advatagcet LMr. BNué in hie tue OttA»ia .iee u'i, ie 3- nocnta, aaoau ta 8to37. A ty-luaaf magie .1 cmcais Aft.thetua mautaUtid tclaaiag :u Iear .l eue o aý,dimulgthe aunait ai a rm ei amaaatcsubde, ilrcraacfdïipams( W@soi ctbur lé peeaet tmsiwym»o d doe y 1 ief onmeI0a13 mdd, onathelisir tuatNelson le gocuc tu mnu" mmutteM, ab ti cM land mmad uoaamiam 4Tr$ffau. championa gMcc.t tueiu m., mdl hta m.- aou e it mt a2 ,& imm Cbteoew.-Oa Sifurdar i match Wauu er- -yBeaapauted ntmi am#-ibdata. ctbititlèi. ' guai t u plmyd tOvac Oaugcovamsim Nem eliaSonne upuctà froama at.igbtesuag uaiy aca aprocfifcthte sn em tmamn onutiiagud of tiirfore, creultal indhuaamteu'month vid".eihty c MjorCbemtmui No IN ~JCa cnua loriuuccictcy forthe oNcu-lmm, fi àeau c ottewnebtwe te rMjre fN.1 Lueian move unty cf àm injarity. George a. tue tima made, tuer tiiccglffbor ta. 1.thimk, va mtf4mg e if uediamrf met ý ou clc.oeo.Laictnaoab5édfole nga 0ex ah.à a aqaiê- cuear, asd i. g-ieg tachave imothor trial heugn a eepdtt aéin af 1. CORRESP N E C .mifolru aMd t &Wcam it SP N E CEfroth. cIel, ci m jhec Ho..Sa Oar,.-Yu.terday Mr. Otiogosde o h i.TeCld» thm tellE c Nmu.m u in v. uMilieu cm mtlsaem m i us.vrmt. cftii hi. Th olii T the. Oac ofa&-mmih, titia&Uge, had te- Tat»e EcliUeof fthe Chaaspta. moner M ea u l l Ipricate * 4saa. thonb.hoINt iuodlgmmt, am4-*thel. mioutak"Paahoucsbdqgwtoi g uMr. Six,-WMllVoc alloa me utainsert inte tuatetit 'thmt Mm an u I.vmOtsm.Au thc oi. hem fon 5 te. as m dtuehe an a f«uremab ic e iier ami» e foira the magistate, mu doidr goy remué. autii'ep-ucmeaut ad pstops. cf tue.mitry ~d d bé Ili M bave ta malle util tus rcuitu of the trial in te tulm vieluityv Nov thtuai of aidmmi- r.fimmud ta mu, 1ieepmtlacg il immua. geston inlikaty te peur it t tulcountry, it imd Colonel Japs pf ii~s TttCU5tLOGtOT.-Tb. Jume umbcer ai thiemimght tc.Of idvbutm.ete duma to Oerectuion, mmd so don ctir..%ev. o austjournal o mci.eng , mfatac- tome datru ofatteUaile. tituated asma nateenibmd tueh fé io" cr hibdg a. iue and building is rSdejed. t contai.a me, off thin-Itofidthococuhfer, mW$5an MAt ped Amuair, talihrmpm. cRomu very aily mittec arttcles, and mnc te htelooalte ogetisr, ocludgerdby auch cifIccptat.adelem tey MmOlIu:ofinftekc sail isctheltiet patch. lace, rcrismm » Ho.drsutlin ctimiigh. Deiiaaf almer yce 0 tial PublicationCu tummy, 176 Broaidway, » a tatue ufhsc, hceccmacey cf t~thon Ne NaYcrk. Ouheriptioul82. vllagesconmthemate tionofet omccuiiacàiom tg carr,. Wmoocfealthottctloucfre lduand haveu sievclittla ieo . i 0 ÀtO~AU-hi ii SUIVEYELWe burca th atenionofpruoemntortayem, wil otuushave arug AIcn a, àz& f0 hIl parti« ocucruaclcthe tat hat M,. Jainsrlu - - _.pay i h em z u ve WarrnP. L. S yoi. ucein je rCeu- pt h.ilru.mcidmpmmiieua- it oufif tue L Ie eh. ty for a short t ,su midiug MeezAetae. pMmddnesiase thriviag commerciaml> c Ordteliy mail ta Actam P. 0,0. toit ith mr&Byvap rUfnatra«oleu. ktWel,lism f.koin -mmi ll W.in. aw E.,%ige ]fto litcgtc, Squae:uc itutd ou tus uhone of Lke fronm alaii, flueha l Of' e md .Eufaite iiu rOctarie, fit hmcboaes bleiita oroc oua uiglt, hmaM'. L5tyeobouach, *FinlmYMlcCallauc, (outy Tmcer, wriObc vua uctmmondtha lata; iteeccupiea meu mt tiongb the emc 0 eita yaera .1,r.u,ltly ttendd o Oc. aatifal sitaion, but peeasent »ummir- about It. Ou Waema inthé b- NroJrrLrO W, ircttoatocuciel vicmity. It cueridm un of mîmt mu oitea jibaym pp#b ra u moaiu l eaoc reactr tt4 al erotisumuat of M. a. ulcate, inhuminu mturo-greatoit land. scppci if ta ho tue tbr.et'f irCo. impd-rucmaumwlýrc.hup inthi. couclimnemauituout forceo idIcharmcer, fo ttche Maicob.--the c peia&hp Gad- il tomu. Rfi., C k incatrat-elaus arîma, summm tacrut, ratitota ità its tuty, pt&. Thbaceeu eof1c is lemc avmthe.- 0hmiu cauidrl «peienc in is hitu.and idlyeon theshe. In comastt ttitau hetig of th ~e theuef»m gan ho mut t,. aîeuya m oundm4toa ttend te his KilIido-a ptace fa d wmyeaza crutuor large pe U34 m lag tii. m. d binesas; t]. rubliec -Pf mbatiug tioir Hore o-a tud othisg cffie amoti and A10119tueh~ ii me 1 o" q lb. le cor ,ecdoe ramply and iu a wurimulihu gneefl aliveauauiu oatureeilotiomc um d liecul »f0m.- omanr..Hiasuhop o clcpoitc tie Milieun u ut;Wefflagta Square; tecumiof tushe .m <m~m- Hauao. Itcia acre-O icai aure liii,, us huis- ona vltg etu md cthéiehuemu eiu. 1, Poormua.-TRe enEijaUcugiccu cy tus ltfflu .tream, ccéaý mieeu pàkm by hre aC4heSliethé,h 8pupil. ai tir Palerina nigit choal on ut foiage. Mach et tiieountry urousemismametthue 1 Fciday vpuioc omsatteudri hy cver fou oem aduicy, but Iuot ou that acasat fM ta hudrdcarecaccandoua cy sccrmfcl elucted. Tifaut huNe.tone einso f ffair. Tic commniteraýliard the tcnctome aiea i tabunessmad, ecturpruse.Every.cida- aOucm.I$ l-.1 of02airrfleause.. Thce lm"g ttog fa itîci eior S auderoirutepaire; mo ctmwlu a.-iebtro a attcudmuouehowetue lOgh ric otion t c m r b ranoh oaIntdOet.y ha hee i dded aferthe rstueiml *fiie.me tue waede mi. pcoclc taec aiMc. Fuo. the toucher, &M aincithen ier e uom a cea tareua aiop, uu. , eu mi smaalii uAee- mucet bre eur anic th. Atee tue timmitlgm ahboi, ad wagon-iu...kW. op, .m1i109 1010811, W41 -ad u inte ici EBgr entetaiuinccan uomtac atayecu toan .lar mge aud firci-cta os p@b~; mthing d emi l sJthtvdi* It ft *tiiouBt le- tha music cf thr Lai,-rucc, Qentadile Bond, t do for Kilteiclo. There la ao the t~u very unpreseuis uitiy h m codeuhcyed tuael,-os eOl. and bstcuntryastoecin Caucla.Mr. T. U amlkcasd m Zétu o l = o.ml WLite, tcy du edl o nrgy-,bus.sec- %a e e 1 e1 1 CouueorxAmo . nTueaay urat tue ruadeet le developfia go msbndàà & f tu__ 3friedsf Mr. 7. LW'bi1t- ictud th enter- pont,mhbich Lham l solId ta Mes.. EtÇcÙO Uinve 18SaI FSumwoi 1tain bila te a copÈtacutrydinuce ut MoNab A Packer« To Luire mytu'ug tf-km a Giaditoa ui s aSet. e >mcy.I 1Kilbride neo c- O ie rofae is, e a rcicg that enrret ides ccf theimmcnse tuia deuoc hy 91e 1tltden tl ciu plcer. Thiscimacsl dsered testimonial te tisfnuae wtautd tuvo e visit tetr store. Gcea mfts gt c hu ruoroy and ootuaiss Mc. WLite hau The ron uta encmal,- cosedd itu ton", b 55tis emhibitsd imu. ho ecomol izist na hoemdi.store fto c rto mi] ttn U yas. Saot im~mtumeqdu thut vilage, ruhich, pu-teipally tuaaaeh hic lectincg goet. tpm&taire tuera t& a.iiutug; Puliflwe mspmay-.aiima. eer-locý m, ia eceoa place cf uuuacderabtm maufstoty. mhure autnu a deume huans m Mitic iy4emmyWie b importance. Tierer ahl daosute m Oa ktll pfymd. emas1- ci âs.uvthetufae. y-&h targs uiohrinc ut Kiiiadeu tii. occamion. vcry tut ecochmeafrouathe psi"aacqtiilSu o.C& . .blmIahl i e*A -Abset i du, esll taisenthcsatmin Hamilteon. le ltiCa . h b+ . o b Mp fie "Sh luc y CIa. uas 'lie iormed i nrcamihp d oeadtelaucc. ie~itu m tudeuseavet.cycr, .trimed musa littO t airat mira u eastarad . & c ge.la lWoiia. Mteandis ar a ncat s oy mcorute mdin.iti lHamiltountcricsm.ba.ut, eu"cramdua-m. t eut oeauutocftacplay. and vitI doubtles. swon cuion, 1cancladnt tuait coud.migittbce otd 0cr- t y,1 elitn L.5 u up i he tuam emua hyhaves«anseplayeru luetire tha inàocity, abers tivng, ceate bigmith Thàie tul& tq t iremx diferut crack clubse in thu Proviner m i ce ctu.uec sméha. ao eir cvau" 9 !mYà~t . m i mhoiifLaiut servischesin im lucticge opratidcd a lagebumitacs. criouru tne habor.r, nom mumbee. Crcta cma t hae on etatutaiud. Cecfahulv. Kitbdc cwýa.àmurct GuelinI. t& M t *g0ti. . . altogather dimacdsd by threiciltecgui ti dam] te Mr. T. L. White, md us batsvere a acrlope gace, bacon tia ubîset i basealtLohey tcilcg eumpleocf cebat tue casrvy 01 ou Wiiaf au adin e car, milt en Mc. Pestan,,tie aeeeta. crihm tua efocrKf-bcfde wva Mauftcuer mcate clltbc happy to remtie ft4loinine tue. - do for our fatiawM. Se tou IMoi p. NteOei r rea«,& fti Aumrca Succa, .-Tm mm Omidsupua., cugii and uclavltg, but il it requirec grocduCLtb P«g oelitlmuday. Auticx Sowzx UeDewCa adin nm9fcienct enteeprim ce àist itoem tat.e mHmilton li Md 2u& 1lame cagacdicg Asmeom e huamen wvicdcire of calitaam. U0-6 outthse ladalinveil Sm- Julp. c ta auLlîiit te the Prove"e-Ofs m utat tura amru L., luthe Bo f Nai ew York ton St ig-nfd th4tEIl ardiqù>L Olat clamouscipeople,for tii reso tuta ce coudatuvcav utaa Icufr o u ii '? deotit ofaeitcfy parucent (n getet> et tue tod»Ustoniorp1grolle h a.clouaftu cwOtiiToronto muit c et . ascecto-aime c f tua homironsoor or81,00 e u ;e - uc.Baron de Ci meau hieloet ci inugealo. miOL twc Cp;audifflmecuttlsafor YoeM.s,, ttc. ui] valu uthticprolamu, , mtu su pjMgI 4.0â,,4c-- o 1iddionua l'due,1cftocfeiusutu a Csu ut Nalcon,,Jue 4.1870. iaiaM4tmIi. the ueré.- asoctu acloatiete t. cuqaired. If raquireS fer _______ APiela md- frejcy Forpiua ombbtuatuIdci la atprimsu ht é.Ment mu cm gue t aidame exlciitiog in Buffal, a deat t f11,000 in For theChtampio.-Mmd e.vclagî gl. ta tiemui tuas. tuée,itoiamtpccteiite MUatoIbta oumadem o ue .sc, u p.- Pnra aa lusiapced Tilt " v tuat chue. allhotemmmv Ametns ca ln- sisi hlo f 600 yNlt, 0-a c * o«euflub? 69hpu e 5.m op ~ e bi p N travellng te caatitnsOmmme. W r N 10, IM cMtue caa46 i tuem massif-- Màatons Couv.-Ytrdsby, Bugli M. hsa 019 W.W- W&,. Md o5 ubh iam by flue Tb* »WFealma Cutoheom mue iuuomelcaety drogaitbiderem.ar" ciWMW. long. frac, ioqemaluu.by tue gomma $,tubeta tua May., scud J.,- MuGeti,, J. P., iRav, M'A he o i. b tc m in matu aque n,.tomeaattad tue eim.gsdl mth muecltag, himeaafe, itcm,sT.eheqm duje aisd crisatuid o "tie Thé feiauEule e .. q i. mmd tua Duha cf W*ttletcm.l.destillm « *'Bdfuf Om ? cubieam" aiAdvm JobéOm eam i lll o m tue caa moutd itai tuhm.M attu a- iscil ai. eym. - icluucA" ofea an f ia-t u ia t h., degtu - ittie dcffieulty" al(du tu< isslvar. Tulm Court-rcau un deamy cocded daiag tii1ILWOBTMi-Oa Moudayq. f h lié, tuae mmdal sudsfmote mocatltue-uhid. ibm oer- ilot. ouL 90 e.,theilI proavi boum 47éfeg Wm.9% th. the aiml it Pppu téc îaay a fi Teal ila ThA vleu et Md i. E molits T'. la bar bi fi

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