eu~Wz~r.PEAEEATSEot.~mt, N«. Mir. Lindmay, tht îl ain, d'842Obc 2à -I 3 ow . d 41 LIi:m1 OFR' 8 ALdet - , gi ro rgh udune______M___M_ A YEthaeand beleof har. dry 2 il M ----NW. r 5 W.: of space in Our lia enu Ige pré gr ~aue to ork te ~ a ~iOtaaPtEL E.A «"om-Mr. Liedaay mo--à mde IW Baadap S4l 6l iti had wrjeiadthe whioh Preaideol Grant saut "dot 1 Mr. Caupb helaat h' psý;n a1 e I~VàALLEN. ah, ona pa~a gilamo wîbredo 'afdh. decutoer a baserabrbao, Bris tad Niagara Bill, sMd lbtvu alti. Coage .M thibe Oh lemai. Ile u ex-. lbotibisopporiuuaiy et à - 1 Mloele. ta Ue.5t roe ataeld edca b drna e 1n laid îdouetM ce-sete fte dUignin enaa-iMdm fore pmutiner iaad haifhl aeWard th iIbuflOTeacher Wsxiteda ¶I~ g ébb lu b aea" 10t hodn. M . Blak e uihdres ia Bil d colunana of tbéc Globe. He reoam ia ellce darlmg t ei tyenpr-Car-! Taay a~ m h t a. c u iioie ey lm ty d o uu, sd co* Iaurt hc h ad u b ipr u u - im ACHEI WA3TED for S .S . N oa , su,5 . mm ai. hrc ei ed obs Qoyer mu lé abs ublgila io ih a.- The*W oudeeaddraiad tbc Commeit!, 7u l siv@tabrd$ y ta tnf um ha alàbva inutae.n are Du"li te cainnaei mnmnaaty aiethe ~ i~ . ~ Geoginnestaatre ehagl fidaboo oaordCuristiii oblidays. for ito tn esue hc oeclugdrdouornd repreactatîcesandsud-oM him. 6LIU?5&U3t w ou 21iil 69989% Apply ta .....,..l 1610MQUOA, afierwards dialtosed. and mo paciag uaited aiheras ho ara diaqualiied.- Ou motion tha Couacil adjourbed. JOHN HUNTER, GEORGE BROWNRIDGE, rd« the Boana lu a buuiliaiug poiioa- Th, Naional Dbt ia di.ou.atdoinme WM. PAI4TON, Oeupelaageeaeingln ah DBY400DS he.ýand moct a*I rrY inapoi- Of eoodà JA.LOS MMASTEB rraitm 'IaAU ~ Ths ÂAti.Gecral and Mr. Camerou teagib, a the.reveaue la ia cocuidein- Cut lr.idra, mbr5k 89 ~80, T.~fbI r epiid. Mr. O#' vdaeAgitb. exoeu afethie xpeadîtaare bo îbinks tatla 1Techer Wanted. TE ,. pumd bhrougb comuitaeof the th bhote alibi eouid b. paid in tom TrafaWaotofrhun d* 'VUeffI nd.whCh nwEhu dut h 'Yvlu'n S., NUIO HOLS IOBA CO8, a vole-altbough thi ÂttY Conerat OP- yenev, bat tudo s3, woutd te ioo Lui- Ford'.Iliotet, Poalville, Sdi Des baara. w taon No. 17, Neson and Trafagar, a VIE, posed i, and muavedat la abould cou danacate b ah. people. A -gradua!i h Curt e aiatb .-Tohrrhodingaàa.cond clouecoriiSoate-one tRN18 iste, lufoce. twa jean oeil. The reaimpalon of asece paymaila tromg. Thjouram teut.éir- A"A )gP lII IVIIiIVPI lULl~11l~ latterto EISd ta ta oumctRu àAppty, if yà OLUTN<~MNN BK[SAit au make bttar provisionolfir reani- recommaude&. Ha adviae alv h BreàuUre lau-geW ama OaUior5iitwîTH03Mii'UiI98lil'U tatia i. paaa diiaa Aâdto;r C mtt -li g dlt trom h laadî of dcueoad probiiig baiks reeeivieg depoaison oquMemapeetua ent yBb LfNL N LNOS.o HMSWLJO, CO â IteA.. Moude. Wi- perametsipawaed aàmseond readiagua. id literent, an h maiue oencourage apecu- aîaCtmut i r ok.TeaDc tbO99 l. I C NEW FU~I WMb Citoi.ali a. Ai erpoing Lenctbtah-luiou10ah.doibmutcf egaimtemiautes of tut meetiag sera rend aal W. bave litl.aad e ia CABLET PLANN*L, sud one cm .CORNWALL _. i '= Paia for But-ment of Publie Fuira. commeclibuainess. llferriagng t ru . hr a-e0i0ll.B uaialigotbp.oiarlarsac araatn ulllr et G NG reportrioonthea, idcf al mo. tea dHF tualaam ofWagon Mnltg, borato- oAgah.F-Pu-Cà Tro.yaatédrporton hé N&- fora honoyéthepedpenadhytoia laGÏo eOR0006Mt p arée BUailBil! vu. referrd, "idcthe Unied States cuaeraaiu the "lae o Plrm.The miautes 5 vx m »5 ~i on bcardaac ythe .lut@WmltSctt seaîaoupo.t.back tthe di. omitate ub oocidnrcd! wrm tellugsa nd syapathies tavarda sc hoTvuhpal atala uatteuded lJ4at trïi ius. m nt c ianmeulta. Mr. Mrrayigh e wy lber, Lut tdei eaurguae t m cnt et iDn .lo u rfiniafl.fra inOvero" a in. veeytbageldu Mpeapoaiaoa Ou SCOTT BROII. venseisdmeenarfer North Luredmwteck pstiontub. refliedanhbelligereun. _GALLAND__________ bipn.Àogbe fBd ee ad- W ith on h Péiet nr-of a tuioa BSoolSection, oompriimnaga e.a,110.n6t G L.AO, bi mnt.Amaite EaîvidoiceMd.Wla a t h. oe c trPelatinsdteat -téWcthaires cfLots Nos. 8 snd 9,Va LIE>B"' luGrtteTu t~4ISbUInItPO a uaoalaaaem i EieuAr eàa wtortaim St ra . S., cf Trafalgar, aaid ibe eziaing ffiIRadTi _____v__ave________nlet____ ain Mnai liE miOIn aveAg-ta aSalrY of $30 p-e7acon. tas81.0 _________ lm_________ vhCb agv jeail mt nî am.d, ... aam" . Sctin N. 13, township cf Nelson. ***.. kà. IVoiycaoioe tortaaid Omnluge '-~~ DOEIU l.I1f vninCu01qot, wu "ilpundby34t'0udrpted Mr. Sumeroidésireapeeiag Aptul ram Thos.Eva a 1y ~) ~ t d pupeui0i, or ailesana tari rA e-iioncanaimen.ta ara our ses scaderful levai- 1ga.n 26 m eiaGomermemi th Alabama coaimi. shite ha seaake for h reief cf Jeremtnb Douglaci; linowseiond t oat h aano.lid v. are & a flayta itatelIth" e have iicur.d toi. A ddrOONs Waoni h qaa".tbeltesauOu ridmy, die Draimage Act vni ~ -ha graeo ro tenusiic tianln m ta abn rysdciaiaiiavrnMm. 1 n&hER &CO. arcam aa tim. .k. fla ~ --d .i..L. i à l a ast aiadafter dscuso. The Billte 10 « nsauai-aiun be ta itiueua.," fo h. relief of Jhane G. W adie,,anald-- - ----MchiMa. Curnte and 1Fi. Mme bdWhikeaa. xe fin- -,hca~si0pq, le" . hepMai- lus NSiPlI50 T5 .hlalb-moi etnwàab 4ir, a*W.h r' diogvomsFi"u.afil sut Im ~Iduc~sI.i ig-bs detaai *ihrp«ittlMepu.tbave a émik ice th be*Ma, anadaithe -8 terbd madra -ibpa . l. aroi el ing b ete çio le cit a iidio, Planat-tbo~ ebp.s tna bidW mug .tmin à8 ieu I. Amanu.Bi"Antnnr Dm tgtheeu mt wmrNcia h soeeai t met ~menant «80 £1 , *oI, do . ta adie i Wqin iIpte adal v eaa5 .*ss glivi dd .. f b is roeis in s-emal eMuia itmiemmio lq- pm Dmua@wudesbyNi Mièm li, Dmek bis aeug.& ~i#k~al*mhIÀ~cf Wifuten il b 1ueiim M41b ~smm#i iampo m te',ba Vuta a & blz ah. Iml1W Am îb r ,, ~ptrc QWv-m&esgv1a palth Juge. of di. Court of Erroradtijras. reuting ta heUnitd the reicuation cf RoberrtDolmmge, a. nud ppol $ODO acbvanbroubt p, doptal y Genacomulimiomor for the village cf Palormo, and ApW sioù eh wu&brougt opStates hy the conteaotdb ra mrevd and poiààm a seond redinig - il ad- Bcisaaa deaug tbe sur. HOe 11pM, Mr. Cliiocala, accoualca by Mtr. mited dial tha Supeclar Court .Iudgs bever for a fair aud honorable clii.- BaiY, mOved that the aoc of 49 661 seret enR.iesly renaaerntlad, but a. ieianitclho pidDavidal asin to-thirds c4ulntu te wi. n lu vbthe..Go,-inthgest uraî i cpro-cu! traide@hah alue cffu u hcrp battai hy dee«a. Cure. Dr. Baab, arcoudeal Ly Mr. «assut' proponal te heoreauetheir Canada the advautaatro coulai ho ail au Robinson, anovralasathe repcet et ahe oaeis A oaana albale Leisocu Mr. favaur et the British producer, but e,mmiaionescf Palermno iide-valkbeL Euh su tii Aty-cueal naued mldi *aa»a*oen.cgccWaf b for-raoiead dplaaaod uothe minutes Blak andtheAttyGenral momd a dds.i-,;om rragentnthoweer, of the Couu.i;, viz - piillage cf Paler- persann][ a.pent. Along debata aban gkg rydaces of '-sesrilaintefr- m c aoua ituh îe Mailicipalty cf 4moW donthe Treurera Budget.. 1H. cotir« eeonf tientead Satesrand Tiafalgar, andal tuA. Bagar bre np matal ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ k dilaimla xjebtumfrah t oniaies of Cna,0Za Ma be d i iticommission«r laîtecal cf Roh cmmb.g Ysar vould h. $2.022U0, sud r ,, "Rufereui aumade tla"c eFrench D iae real ed-Carrical. raala3,0,15;ad loés Reprt of ihe Villagie cf Paîerao wiL. for the,02,8; mdb lana- marine ouble, aud h ecommeuda legis- Cocmleniouera. Vilage cf Palarmo liOIp).d dab, alo og a i lta t min taprotect 1h. righta cf citizn$asCo.aaaiionsinar a m ooual siîh the aeu1~35,00 'llr meudug it b.of th. Unitedl Saates ia regard tei - Mao;ràlitalei7of Trafalgar. fYsa. eueutpr, ther e refeis wa llons ctimiag rightai cf Poid Jolin Buck for pluub, $8. Ilorplus o . Balance on haand, 1868, 85 13; cs voua O an nt heendmudatee Surpus f ibpanal ton couveatucu Of iho freaa A Akuan, paihmlitor, 86 87j; 83,00,00 aIîLeead t d. o Mia aritime Postorsat proarna emigrants. euh front J Hart, puihubtaLtr, $ 7 00; Heensaity ndiacmauchtgalaiotialt. 8190; ta Lalance ounhaad of OunMonday, lit wva greed tdathae H amyavsssc eiàii R Dolmage. commiaioner, $il 00. Boume miou!d ai ou ýS*tue¶dryedring ai vill preclaae the eeslavemoua cf Robart Dlmage, W. A. Lairecc, ahn rematader cf îLe Semeeoain order te Lai u madi.h nmomf Coole.- Jos L. Suasca, aommaaioacra. - To BanaoîaHea beivcslree hiaga essentiel tu ie Dr. Buck, ocondoal bybl ar. Rebiacea, Law Amendaint cut A paimeal hroegh puace, proaperhay aad fnillcoîdevetcp Ne o r5 nalealticinraie iîhlau. Cmmue.. A motion of Dr. MoGîlI nt cf ihe coatry, naney-Striet dacien of S. Sectioa No. 1, of this ee givo he six monahist ta thedi tMtein lufillng Obligaioua.prO. Township, andal b thîe amne le Doaw Mdfinl Bilvanuaefctnd, analthe Ictic u th de perao anal proerty cfrnda nirst im.-Carried. mmnWWBil van dsusd vr iiznweevrh ayblsd By la% No 295 van ihea in,îioduced in waiîae ithout rifeiouam te originalg atiocala il'.. Braiy, nseal dlylMir. CIcm- eanendahy,'tke Govermueulviîh- ty. eligtaa,coler or pcliaics,-dCmanadimg cota. moved Ihat the folosiig hbileb drev dhir Bille reapeeing tdia um. of ne ai.oly hraiheace ta thn lave, anal pala via: James Baia for satiionrr, 810; mou chols nd r'amar chole. prpenraiepeoa for tL. rigbta cf cahor, .' Mthes,î for priatiog, -4 25; ioonlineel ana Grmma Sohole- ~Jamea A pp îLbe, postage, îravolbog ex- Taia vwu oving ta h oppositian vhh h mea-the uniou cf all h. Statea yuL pensea. &., 823 35.-Curried. tbny Lad met shah front die Houar.- equsl righai. Dr. Buch, mcotalcal y Mr.Jleaty, Ho@. Mr. Cemrepentepof tLeMr. m îot hat hefollowing bil e paid, Ho.. ~ ~ H 1f.Omrnl el alar erecmioeade therepa fteadtbu the RocvC lsune bisîaecquee on ,Bepa, aalod thal la future girla aboulai "Touai. cf Offic e . Speab île Treaurtr for thteiar, vis: A. reailvothe beneit ni the (liamr ag troim i osa exptrieace cf the 1lu- Aikaau, 41 54, for ter erectio. cf a Scootà.i. ir. CopeBil eepeiiag dian trauhles, ho dams ami a, holal ither bridge la front cf lot No. 33, Duadan ~ ~ cfSret; Jamge Foilartca, $6, for lana- U sie ofmembra vu an ids a legeltion or tLe coudut ut h. shite@ br furaiaheti rond division No. 56, anal aird faim eanal pamem. Th ceiiote. vho nome in coneact viitIthehudienuElijaL Moeartucy, 83, for n pump.- votr. than t" oa p, anal varionsaitume blainem," sud Lhanu taemptid a nom, Ijrrird. Spas"a allai dsen". poliey sitb regard ta them, aaml--ta nMr- Robasoa, smcaadcd by Mi. l'a... n.A n.....î c.a.e.u. I Oiuaaiy Camai sd dia Court .f opas cee pual nTuemaay, 14tb luti l losi, FLou..MNlter, Bsq., Ch. Th foiovîmg ganil o mpe.a ,baid Alton, William Oiin Dasidl Carmadi.. Beulecao Page, aJob. alhm mLu James Bolaracum, Nanh-uaaDan, Wi. Sheisocal, ,laeb lber, oSive2iF. Bpracge, Z.lmbrtmJoseph -Tve"l. Uin.». Baiîis adoaiWarene, iz; - iu. ïI. 5.Woda TisVu Ma a oigniaà me- vieim es ma sti ofr Jth P. cne 1h eeplnt of Emucb Qnby. uamilWi.liamWa!ae, focplaqiç oh- cson»o. bhby h. noe"aldasiim 'Wu., admfW na alat. W. J. Km Lifr eu.aL. TheOrenal Jry brthougta a -"inn bail" tur.. faeeibla a.iry anA alalti'? eglc im on NooMm, Geeig.Wehnlnr Md UmusetCimie; &Iaise, s ti.lli 7sue4h. me spefr-fan omii d aal îuy alanbrougb't lun heuý ue! eaamonstaa t 1ev Led- «tamehdiu . GacI aid premisa and fouad eveythins tingîiod eider. moattnV&T :ýuùu, i Si c -Tm u - an feog »ue d ceM tioo enaoft l0.foru t be lte yHa.- vo nc..euhed. ~" ~ DiZnfiaiutiEu.W.Laidav ~~a8 .qmsV. oure, Clarkand cee iaor. hi vII uaM tndictmo.t focuil hy ihe lr = Sâd iU at u eesand rta ,,JM Oedlaa.d.tlrga ai bo iti zTroessor £10 D8rL IUUnrle, (Whou aUalijileasawll baus througbont Canada), m Managing Foremman d Cutter in ti Dep,patann. NW. aasprprd tgarante evey uidnti turutômeme a. rrrbdore. GREAT CLEARINO SALE OF MILLINERY. W. il tat>cmona auv taaaal a arnc.t mort h eaaa m Zta Stock, regardion ofci. Ladioa. rmaaaber r (grtat «'Ikading $aitrof jIit1iurrp kas ý,1rtab eonmtncrb. BONNETS, HA TS. FEA THERS, FLO WERS, WiaU bowldatd andlmtahn What..aia Pricrm Thea aove p sroo plendîd app for famiaheuanad thm ata eupply thamsrlvra erth Oritmaa.msla S.F. McKINNON & COMPA NY, GEORGETOWN. Drarauber 9th, 180. 26 ly liT, f honr ~ost or Stoien. Jordan Almomal. vithmt l et f hH i. oonif Mib hIcf .oraabe, Coumon Alaaoadsanmd lbiA, -r hecrvthi mdofmheaai oaaf ranaqr Ittalaetet. andY'Ihi GLDWATt i - Cud and Wbcle, la Gingar Clnaa.M Opro Faccalte, ct atAmi. La;lD attI'IvAlerd Ppe d enq Opeha Clouit a. tent rrLer;aa awta. ach oeAIpoPpe n uuq PrchvaC ne etoril"idwa t. oratceinaoa, infactcghona iad tmitw Eho w lrstlrcmacd eed. the v dubgeamilao r.î ttb Feu hiiahly priaed mna git thon for 16. iotriaic FtàBtldpk. value. Lobaicrsaond Sardiee-th. chrapet i th. Aelerena immeeintly, on. 51164C. En FISHER,1 Dakeille. Pound iarnataaI-ad .,let at30 C0" 1 BEt. , - 1 pelr jar.I) Haverii.wrecciv.d ther K~ ~.F au ...j AU. .U R~ ~.F ~.ees 'F R.JANKS lac caleroLs rcatoniersrc fh'liea l b 1p aooge gven ic tl' h tonl }OU16ILLN Y 'AlS, cnd haicg Every Facility for Doing a Large Bui6stao.tnn. ">leal Bop te laforao bis ld rustome,, andl tha publie t large that Carin Jbc supassed in lhe tdURt MOlc»ansd Sya-p. Cider amd Whita Wiao Viagar. MuýaaaalSuger. lrefmed Suyar. Blroken Laf Sugar. Fia, Greaaal Sugni. Salace Smoking T.asco. Chemtug Tabacco. A lo.igc lt cfApl.ploc l'e e ut'Coel. J 'aOIE,. nitlt.iý.%a .f Mille o. Noa. 1.161,M9S. 24-la, givm the Society of Ftoiedi manage relatig:obfetu uoic apo tClishecole forniycaraolofaabefore menict oeI avad,ceno 1fav die ex- achool sectoncu raid a secondala id ILL TB£ RPIRTINTS IRE 10W WELL SIOCKLI parchaoieoraace _______ pedmi u a pravcd mntucal cil-- time and pasacal Carri. .. Milton, Octolber 13, 180. - 13-tf P'arzu2. fOfo l4i e. foi enpaprinicudensao hmbaisialyselect- oBy-lasNo. 295 vas thon rend Elcoad _________ nal~~~~~~~~~i oSa.JIea.y.H l uhird thme, paidan su igýcd hy sinfieetruvlh ebn y.ot îL aythe fBoutWITH RING pa rt of Lot Ho. 19, in thn Ind a ietOIi oh tcteetii.Dr. Buok, snoidel y Mi. . IVEaY TAB ES B Conressio tolO om.nja 41 cf ta a caveIIItBoL ES -, ann "aniof a racei o rbe for amvd for ]ev oinrd aBy lus au-i Octhoa.aa. Thriy Aces. muenet -- No. et6, tu provide for boli .9 the ML TEEGOGEON lr-p nathcu te adopt v!ahoua ntaalag nicu muicipal cîrticas i4 thie mu ipaliay Pl-u~m 5~Vi ~ Y~h~U f N uanhr agt oouta- Wl acei. uc 0ashb. Ehle Pa- itrf b 'eadicfnChriaumnlOn, saidforithe jear 1870, sud ihat thaaàmae l .fjIR IA f8et1I'.TEihaveUF V.ý1Vth. tanIn M tlorcooo nléorityauey L~ oBEt M, 2dCu rf1 angiaoina.gthiL.citizeee a dierevurd nov read a irai time-Iarri - bc aca. LCccltalkîc oraocc Miton, ov. iln, 28 Cea.rfatir fo amnlie aa umnihi !aîeaBy-law No. 2968wvtn b t oducedl 1, oaorcahecerul eccclrt'1fcaan Mu-aNo. -. ao ua ie n hergt fohr nalrend a irt lame. ansu cdco infaeoctale eVeltelfl, ihey ara ai dingeromi t epioety." Be ten ra- Mr. Cleaiemaam, econeedalty Mr. Rab- aom trelearee la fumriste the public mitb theo fe.90 diae repuonla otabo reîary cf icao, moveal ihat the By-iv.No 296, AND ARE OpIpErtEl AT VERT LOW PRICE». =DoubLe n iage Bet ao,Cn ram a. - eh. Aricy andl Nmvy, die Jctmateir jasi rmae pro*ding foi h holdiang cf tn laelighs, SoldeHerseseand al verytbaag WE Gems u e...., fthe lu mncpleleetions a rend asecondeeortlino, pcvdllon tho ahcortctic, L t«o.Droa h etalneerthmes&a.tiltmo adi jmecal an-i on the mont merae t eema. un L tartan. Dlargto uit na! ynbnel anaiel aîa ia u iae.Cr _ _ _-JARVIS &BRO. T. anIE Ci. suoatpo'ltapriluiaiotud BplvNo. 296 vas then rend a Gfflrgtcma, Augual l. 6,16 12-tf L *0. eepeaiame fdiiributhag egents seceona na hrd-a WpimdaalH siagad b thie Renve. H T vu $U,422,%t4. Dr. Eiaek, aecnaea by Nr. Beaty. E] l moi-,-Ahat in ucordasai vith tdi e .. M0R. J O H N E W S N. H T OOUNLT C0UEIIL. tiien etf !ahloceBray anal Isenty.iso L -. . calar, ahe Omtctf el) ogrnatctt T. EILBtIIeE. Co. Lpreeaie hreby forbielebn ta bpad MîLEca, Dec. 141, 1869. MNahlouBay foriL.,e a u'crt oet laanWel bnva tet hifaiere la the. e.ighborhoM, L. A rr&iatcliner.iPes arâ__ Coaalee .Wardc, au imlgei vai?, ad W E aotaLaaom.oywllli m- -oni mtprenanti aju mnamouec ta ba ghvcn bilm tion. ime ta H T C' Lw. HDRACE CLIHE; The Wardean t h. Chair. Mocembr a t,se le maly reqoare ii.-Carritd. ITeaflga. Nov. 27,180. -25-6t, Ili. prants.idi hexceptinet Mr. Kerr. Mr. Robinsona, aeeomded Mr. Has Charge cf his rist M ill IELE( Bry Nî ea ocîa ai nl o.paid John Armstroaeg, bai g tha .J. VIFLE1 limoa Th. Clerb rM a.d communibaaaade a frteel,. ion of a PI..A.'C, AMEtE . a ibaerlenaaern .M, Lat 15, cationfrtrmJ. B. NoGmai, Deaitanal bibL-e otha blét Linooppoite Lot Ar vl aeace.ttata ani ulmr.-ao HoronepWie Baipe. he WMJOlm Jav Damb luatulute, ifamilîca, ot Ont.,No. 14. N. S., anal ait th Reeve le- M Mgm t aifcio ealete.AI npaigepn 03 e aaigadfrté ln fteP o,'oe i bi hque foi tLe aae.-Careaed. CLocI NAKEB Nov 29,18a6. - naig i orupblmlcf1.P Me r. Beaiy, acodeal by Dr. Bock, 1 .e - ecmco _____i mo.e. movea the @an. of U9 25 in bore P. Lt.0 a. gn- r aa Iip ac e-.GaOI tir NL MiCE Ni MDugla ovdaoodalby byordereal to h.e pal Jôhn MoLean, Cu Pi aor ali iu f Grzlain lfl u011and Fbexôd lyg f ANaloeymho eeec1lt 1i-'llhcaOTICe' bigtebalanoe cf bis oetatn w cerc t-- C. pc,-par-el fe 5. aoc il (1I-cc -r. Linday. i un aoconalauce siihHelidaya bridge. &ato îeain if 83 on blaud fur si le. aa, of sl; aceaedaloca, i e ul, adc' àîaiatoutlou of iis Counait pasisma28îh for fitîlag et tîee mme.-Cmrried. fsuraftlaYnpttin -Or -1) %toamber lug, ah. Waralaianid Clark M r Clemaita, aaonded by Mr. Reob- cpiaiB EAO<< oryhereby iatiorincaianal iaquhred.o monmva tu L emo 15 eE. . »22LM - Watablmc, f &ai'a Jevelry Far lite Will bho hel.l atthe -palal John MaLa, lu part payaeat cf .-a-em0,3Cc' I bealf d the Ccnaaeil t aigu h. meio.blu contueto reol ave bridges, coe 1<0' -.7 1>64 - 51 rial te bis Excelanoy, W. P. BosisaSd, ounfthn 99h Linoeta Lot, Na. 6, anal co BI10 ce n I 0' Lieutaaaai-Gaîveraor ef Ontaio, andl iu ihe 9th Coa., Laiseen Loto Noa. 5 caaaainvile, Nov. 17, 1869. 2M ta th. Heen. ith eg.c anî,h anad haIne baance tu Le pond eubjrot tu W E Tuesdame the 21liloriet t-ce if ver of makiig mitable pioviidi tor c ne eoeai h ok-are.L peiardau vearothevcr.-ianied IT. KILORIDUC. Co-il Av TOaaMOEsuorTWELVE o'Cacce cISOre,.. tLe blitulof aatd Proviae.-arrieal. The Cncit i&hcu adjoararal. I.s t Ltt s M. YT 0'uN L îioraaahî~d JOHN K APPELBE, W ~Fer the purpýcf elieO iid N.NDu airmeiiunof standing JONKAPLWfctrle4ro THMO, ceumitu oun liaiee. oh p Ihir Towsahip Cleri. REMAIHIHG i tlal Onhe aP.i offico -H T frIdE ,THMP', &ia' hcgiup tbah. lat Dec. 1861). â2(.OO() TO)LOAN.Applytosilaye Teà Austin. Ail clin Arolod Jay HOSDIXiBroc - 2a6h Xc).. 18r9- 53 Idr. NeDongold moisi, mondeal hy 55GCIka Brasa A Cader Josephrcb IXN Mr!BaÉtmtteaeorlt'testn. iuSam uni aaman Valentino ilarrintcr, &c., Miltoa. i . c>ti3qIr£ Mn. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W Daadm i ooIe emm- W nderwaiovne-a- unde dr- Hend-aasJ Mad ;o ua to; ocmite n n"ehoa&te.-r"atuuidr-at nddery fIce l c.Wltla aaI am _2naib Milon, Den- Oih. 1869. 26-ty DISSOLUTION OF PARTNEIGIIIP. .COaieal. . fuîie4cf ihia Roformér.. The efforts Moore Thai Score Mia. AurauHEOCulaile.rDLK BOSe Nir. MeGuffitWmRmi0( tud4 fg ey idivialoal fer tho aatctlornioî lOKheb"S8W Miomu ub V, ntwEenPteaiaerp a foasce1.adladBa- d (eue 1 4LKB -o --rhreD airrm ill oase alter the irct d'ay cf li h 5c.', nii 2, h cemittisen o.V usy buitdangmtugbî o oiauy antha reluai ot montailr m obx-a - cW.em rat.Th anuo t heVllgJ~am eh. Poneat- W» o Î W W 1ltr appremiad. Look fer isane. Bamn Mon SmiahlJ ÂME ,t&bm t t h e .ld2 l oi COLr, M and ait il hV o o L Ovaued h yTbe 'a'tt, I sm thm hehav ~ e Wc bora e ThenowreW cm av;er npaynpen i fuflyboiliatad. Hum.oActon, a oîai m baionaaxpon of the.Greatonioluane.mMlpatronage lumefer Mt-et hlm abcu loèters x GHTct lî. îoMnall t«àe! cf o f d& ar-M P fo--Y ny JOHNa McLARTY, acdtbO ctLaSe.'ai aay faiil. »Wedt yaUOIONVeCO1.O2ethei. Nocud, i.ASM Ha.magawoyaaDon, 8ah, 2969. *26,i H.lan, 21hNoir., 1929. 25-lau ErquereiOanCC fU KE- r. ~n -~~t 1 - tan Sm uWou aruma talapPl elamo A- t he a aftma Apt Thot enta 96 for mu ban Mf Brillot, to Mr weu, in m ElR. for.h la fm F3oi. mai Ni" t'a ani C., Cc; fui Tbi -fo e