Pt7 'ViIi AND. COUNTY 0F 1ýALTON PRI'D-4.OO ter Annum lni Advanco. - THE PRESTHE PALL Ji 07 THE PE0PLZ'8 RIGHTS.' p.oopota mu omenouth. VOlLUOM . MI"MHL N TU J. USN NU syR8. 5 JJJAOPfl, .NTY OF i UR , SDAY., DECEMBFR 16, 1869. ~ DTb.TDONALD MeNAIR, THURSDAY MORNING jcouNrY AucTioiEE. auga.y of emachmc, t muta., Balon Coaty, Ihyoe #prnu Ontio, b, .saion. AUorde ptat* d Prpd e.Nessgaweya Octôber 7h. 18M0 18-tf gFFIA-ON MALY STREET.! J J. WIliI*ttî. Tmx"iea-St la adiaces ter iSSU 88ER 0F -MARRIAGE LtCENSP8( eee-mutb 10,m th date cf euàt.. qýmain Street, Milon. ý5-26 -If at sno-pald $3 vili bu chargcd. W. n TOUNG, RATES 0F ADYERTISING. xSSUZs or MARtAGE LICENSES.1 ElgtceteerlmeurlefrotB.?il.,UnIe. AcaeOakcille. Ont. 7-3m B.d two cents pet lise for euh euboflqnat Jae A 'rm inserti on. Bsieu Carda f igt lia., or leu $4 LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE P"Z.koe Ccutydcf Hto. . Ridnce-Milton. taffleumbea. l.. to mb y _a___male_______of-I àlid B88ie eea. y oa.~ Wllam A. Agar, Â-ioAlb disctnt alov.d on dvertlae- MBOUSE F» TrER, GLAZIHI, ANID FA- meèi4àmu.ed oir eai.oded periodi. pe Bouer.Shop on Martin Itreel, 't de': .aovîbutoecl.iur-Mlton. Ordere lefta Thom paon'a Hotel 16 inniclod 9111 forbid, «ad charge4 - viii beateadedto. v4.nl4-ly &*y SpedaiNoion, h.abjet of vhich .btwatApel iedvioslcçm<a,,teb. oeldeedB.BARISTES, Â?FOSNBY, AND )SOLI- -d ade4ounecogdcrigy IterilnChancery, Oavile. Offciai A- igne. for th Ccsiy oci Hate.. SURGEON DENTIST, WEL- ~ Miei, 1He , il cou- P OASURGEON 1»aAC econ à- ecd ý ah ot.ry Ofice B.d 6edldenC*.-Tkm ate saend R llet l Hdy e Aoeat otk 1h0,Oat.O180. 19."7 Welingten S4ite., April 1d4,1869. 44-ly te D.1im ~ ., et, Île, CIIOWN lifiOtL. .i)jUATU OF TRZUITSSSITY 0F HOEESY HAST. UT GEORGE 'GztR- licOil Cliege motrnmou 10, Ont. 7hvi.n . T i nw cci,ýad i ltted cp office niSuÏ;âelona kmet-Ons .1.aa %Seuias cf Hotl!in the ?ot Osce. Fosier 58.0.0. tOecccy. tcodsiabling. Ec.ryattn- NUtotc4 Sept. 10,180a. 14417 tion paid tua sors. 2- T. IL wima .- eILe W 422ob=zige c>te1l aRADUATE Or TUE UWVBSITT 0F HT -1 Tomante, HEitenclie, 8*oieay- THOJL4S CLARK. eocrgeown5 Ont. Oqse &"ud S.odne-Tb"letalyoiy 00-- pied b, Dr., Lobocteen. Coitto Sto &B1885lemd from cth Saion, rcgui De-YEvM y Turulay. B arly. Every attention pad tb th. Numgaveyo0lNor. 1,1le.". 22-11 traveling public. Gcod olabilu and a- JOlI DEAIiir. ictive botiere. 3-5-17 JOU>tcIDEWUbRmtire, 00 ?oiry pubic bu., bu,. Town Hall, KU e o3LL U~iKlma ]BARSISTca . Se. OFFI--IN TUE lero obr1t.186 0 TonHol, ld-o..Plri.(eee 7h Sf 0 Mllu, A0ali iam ___889. J. E. Lnno H T AFOSNEY" AT LAW, S(HemiCTOIN L Onteru. fonytehuor.Tlci. KLSD. Co., Aeg251.tN '~~ 1-ly H T I)TlOUw. ooETCLESE, commis- a kw stx. te»QoasBeach, Lieened Au- edomOmnatebe. D MI. Nuoogav.yo Aprl,la«,16. 3-00-17 THF. Sutecrite-r tegs ce infam the Pub T. Eut..,[l, e k ho m ved ta, hise ewHotel. e tbe corner cf Main sud lBrewn Streeto CHEISTAND) I)UOGIST. SZEDn, ohere b. vlib. cit! o vit spot. ie oid 1"Ost>y.1Ditteec. Muao Stree,5cusoemr. leesu pnrod neither pan G.rgisa. _____ li nor .npeaoe le mkin e hi,.ie .a irg- --- lcianHtel. and ail vho lace, hin vlth thèîr Ir. GFOS patronag, vill rendrve every ileutîln. BUBLINGTOM HOTUL, WLLI1<GTON 11>58 WALLACE sqnatr. c.mmomdbeiiPWgta,&nd iiioa-eb. 2lkié,.lMd V3.39-17 tnnreaitilag*te aila e efl« i 0t - _____ fiotélsNoez hes"ïà r W9. Barber 8& Brou., au 1007 5i"en5I a ,o d aol loe V.lingtmSter10Oe18«SO. '20lx~e4~4nc.i4S PAiLute olO10188,YAr EEM'11109W~ icna.oamfor tband matin te go Ï tesehnceBss hlb it'u oqnn i.17eba u ee dr hite bouiesslat t-eoo 0171 fl*i brandset uIlea-a .t #-dego ami,-WOOL CAI1DENG & CUTI DREISSING BEGS TO ANSNOUNCE T6'11 - aamrou.friends that ho hu OÔcuternt tT S tp as6soed buniew a ia.he ommercial tr sae neeta lh e Rotol, Commercial lfreet, diion0, e.. vh.r. ho *111 b otd erer .eady o Jl OHNIS~SJ. -atboud to-lb. wania cf i.cuelomer.. hIDWÀtil. loltea ar"lilsth, 1868. 41ly Mlto. Match St10 S. 43-tf lb. pau bib.le . h és esnod heu,. for a "oemd oblatuau"uaie te oa . .crd t cdo the bo tad pOWOB5I4I5EIetb.101I8-IvelN e orvllr m d try. SO N il JAS. CAMVIBELL. TP N Acte, M" 1uh lm " M Mcloigremarke on Testimoniale - --T'offmoot vee.uderfal and exirmrdinar TOIANMTL ILDIIIDE cinulan Caaa-by the Grt Ientm edy. i boy are steme, nadeniable sad Stiracoatestibl'actIS, offceaite oconvia,. w. F. MILLSJ the .mont eepticei tha th11e Grent Medirel W. F. MILL$,, o e a iter fr agnt leaevo ("Tu or C&LLM) GREAT SHOSHONEES REMEDY. ilibrido, Feb.nry lit,106. 34-9mna oc, Disute ef the Threet, Longai, Liver _ 1Digstive Orgeno, Eidneye, te., u ellslo JougWEaT, cofael, thie verlu Skia Dioeesee, Ha- FOHMSLy OrTHEECANADIÂN Ho. -orit&,I l daeamarlelng frmImpur- n.L ~~ ~4 M"- LbiIo5fthe bioo,w vo hodiysclae 1thblo M~,te teste .snnn . I , a g estremed y bac ne,, ieq enled. Mionde t"lib. bu ao ead WKLI W.r. bn vrsob eo s8 MOTEL, ILMI0 CORNERqisikre b. la tb. pusia etWilson e deem, 8« 8.1gb bnpOb, aret ion te aà ue- oaautinC. W., f Censmptoa; or tébf liaesCf fonnmàferor. Peter 0. Y Milier, of rouotevu, C. W. Of Trfdager Evmh lib,1. l.4088-01Connaptio' -or t"cf Ambroise Wood, cf Consntent .W.,ofDyspepoià"adLiv-, Brat& < &t tad a l. og r ooupWnt.or tal cf JOhn . Oeeyof 't JAMES McGUFFIIN & CO. TO THE EM, P.O R i TUM. DETESMINEI) TO îELL GOOOIS AT DUiS IMMENSE STOCK 0F GOODS HAS JTJST AR1RIVEDI WHICEMHUIT BE ULEIEflOUT EN THlE eOuiiSsOF A PEW WggKs 1 IN OULDER TO MARE BOOM Coma ono, tome al, and enr, brgalaa 1<lie-e ua rat hfore purchmte .Iacere. Ton il alvw. yl gico Yeu Goods Cheaper than you can Buy tbem in the County. LADIES' DRESS GO ODS 01 EVery Descriptiona, Prints, &c., &c.,.at a Baigain. *30000 Worth of Weil and Fuhtcnabiy Mde Up, vîli poatW@1 eîyb WE HAVE ON HLIND TE Wlatch wil ho Madeo hp ltnt iraI-CsStyler We led il Imposibl.e 0enamocaet hea iret kinde cf <bots vhIch vo bave ca haad, va tlbare itit, lcePublic le a szauwa n :u~uav4> r4 ~4~S.W*UV&00 ~ py -," X I VnvaO.rhiU c c o The Ameica, Otid fcleoe uhua eb follaviag vevy trao iclootionu:,0f ail Iho avila privaient amonag Youag mac, vo hiev noce more lighling la ils moral affecte Ibm lte epeak lighticgiy Of lie virtue cf vaOUn. Nor ie there agptbhing ja vihie ong menaorese,0 fborangbly mibcsk»an sthe lcirasti. mate thoy forme dthintagrily Of9 vome-nal of theïT ovu mothero andt eltoagbut cf cher., vbo, fbay forgot1 arm som.bodyoin's mteros ad miteru.1 A. àe Doneporion *bo sirrindor te1 this dehmiag Lhabitlei. <c h. rustdvilh1 -o an nerpriseraqniriag inagricy oai coer. Plain vcrde ah.ald hW bjse« on Ihts <jsc, for th. evil im a mon are soemeiiffethSieva ttathe1 aaiqy of thonghtlees er levt vome, thoy have ne more rightrto mesureo9ail ofhr voeas* 'vat tb.y anefttbee, ebsu tbLoy vouW4 jave te ettimate the charaeler cf bÎ& want reepectoble .ii- uene bj tbe derelopmeie cf crime ln ou, PoliosCorts. - Lot or joceg mea ramember Ibat thar ciot hmpiaau in lite depocte upon Ihir afier tith ln voman. Nc varldly viatom, n ne. anîbropia. phillcnphy, ns goqeralînafmcn, oaa curer or vonke. shis Ilendameafial tbath. It sîta ilLe tha record cf Got itaait-for if iea ofhiog lau Iba,, thie and ehîci t paun Ovrlating mal apon lipe thba ara vont te ipeak aligblly cf vois. It vug a juticions rwolcti.n cf a tather, an v.l a aMcitplesoeng con- plimanit te hie vil., whca, on hoing soLe,! by n trient nabab ha inleu4,dtle do wiîb bis girls. h. rapliad: "1 1 latent te apprentîies îh.m te Iheir mohe, *ts thley mayle... athe rt of improv- jiog ime, sud ho fltet te b«oeo ivoh, moîbere, he"dets! tmilie., mat aaefal mauber. et oeit.t' quaoita hi., but bUlltry poeWu, vas the nmark ci th.le ggrhuset o!àavain, a* & iàu of tcog up god fe tw101 ay mod'io@Me ocf the. ve ttofr ootheru azmp' fntrcltie go-.gcft. I 1Hlmfiato- iaag it ot o st ptaétîy sitagrtn, ui . is one re.ene1gsnciyeen bi vho thed toher viy ttheisfpetue, cu Lieea n eucail fslc. fra m hitem b ernwd ih . abitf rer 41& acs~.. holara. At lmeuhoh. eare t h. oit Umm IT. iogo gohagi1 He turnet bie oye 1 - qaîokiy apcn the yocîh, vhs petIot Scm(L labreaoclbaya tho .lVicÎgoauezulttitly, s.ho dieplawet n'macoet ld lady vsmrae a e v i I lv: muter, Iep b boae et Bavges; tLe polios vatteah darned fltt enul P' fetItl, aed COUsout tbit cpon a»y trace of' Ihe mneeu-,. The police.afflua, vhe "Bombe, vhyanc tei n* o"e Lsd charge cf the cau a.ksd permiesian de bolt oh do boss liko a chia 80 b l de ta taike peesesic cf a pratplittlS dog 0e« 1" IlI 5iee.s. UPI -l'tÇuue uhloh tb. lady poucaed ; sadton me he ooaloati geoulif it vsm'ifor te Das vantet il, bis request wvn granted. htch.t' 1 8Som 'laser ha rtired from the The fenale.o!fcom@ocf tho Intien frce, au ng ing athe market pCite trisbule, la ordes' te keep &lignes, lit hhelr day wich hie dog, a market voman, vho menthe vlîh voter. Our vamsenI kueev that the aaimel bat heogedtu te oire viibtee, aad gaeip mone iha th. mrtered lady, ramarkot quite aesr. masiiy tebhi., IAh, that polit lia An Ameu*lan ppr ma lisp have lug mut hoe@'. harket lîly, l'Il var antocde. K. 0 . inlb. UaîstagIes tous, ito ha e vilîanawu mordoriag -bugig bu ho crefeesra teBethe ia poer mielreo.' l' No," nidt lb, s itaue&soK.igbt cf ibe Cergel og. ex-polioemn.., quitte off hia guard,Ilho lidtcf bark ocee 1"' This anover wu~ A lady o.k.,! ho -,ardonor.hp h. at ocrocreporbcd .itetha pabie iorsecu. vaedsalmiayo ouur;wv sud ioreret op te, Indte mavossrreset; cn-IShe lover.' se, aeoêhe .cieaice.oricke, hs coen tat hhb e sotitmbrfth S)bu ve the sacior cf b. rme#,anotwv oeil olep-mthar cf taa &Owen." mandemmet and ezecutet. Preismonu"sotPcaste-P.loter IlWqalttseirs te ho e palnes, ch 1'" Motlet:-aIl Dur. iaeoaiu1Iesther ho As .adtetr-nobadp te oritihioljour vork --a,,,! il da'!.mch malter vh.îhet Hlabit ilecvrytbiag. W. hbrveh.Ilifs kili cr u.,." 1 ýhenidth tory dcfe.mac uhco lept Au ait ledy gave thisa h.e id.. of aboyrea e akerts ocla for îvaby lents, a gepaI mas: -oOrne Wvoialteker&l cf thon changet hi. iogie, but lbedtho his letîtsddrinkMite, ia ets go b..Ok le tha ovcn beote.ho oSicitfh@ Bibis vuibouî apellimtthe vorde, aI.ep. A cameillcieustig thOsamO oiet 5à0thoiner on aivosh day primipie le repriet in Ohmo. A City vithoat grmmbing." masu, aostomadte l otgoon one of eb, What le.41. ditarmua boet van noielestsîoreata, vsietnà ountry friand. sud onolt$ 1 d a l Sir f Toc mach qutot diefurbet his esa t tber biugo' eally, nigi. Hia fricsditeltfor hb is tesshav &A sit ho vouidtIry sud roliave anep mt. - a Aoecordicglv Le ve oal e ahbor*aom-svs. and proeulret a buas.drsim,. hsch ho w ieBu boat under Ibm gueet'a hdrosm.vinoa, Whp vsauabsu e,.- .ast ballmis by rnsasasaking vhoul. et .$o1ao.u.ll ou.corthé harlr o p stddovn n tce l.pe0b,-pmdtU'hie*W fouào vbhie svi lliyOt, thé piaocjot laresoue.t . hie eaeanst girl is- ooh& tbeii*hmmon ber door wItb topeN a lu e-umman1 -, i.l né vos ao au lthe*toS. vmsenebia te sugtov0en, autdaalpboue itrarvqun i11111101111<10 - = I 11e te sel v 7ES i I STEEL raIl 50017 - - F~. - .the '4 PO ET RY. ça"«sUlf.SUguhIê A HEllO, I have etnddsd Oenta oluel ffr Pelagoe Ioe[izig m uîcUsii ii P PO «0 .,., years, and bbaéud glisser, dakted tier om .tbig rate 15 ithof su m eCap. Ame.of giot eiht, e vild alate. Thel hini got noo ale iien. I SSlb eiedd.0e. A varrirt amer ouffen id; vi .e n ie a0 n eok*& ...qtiein A ehmpien for tLe rlfbt, @haden i; they pwl-orso u i ee" 0Wbe t e wo b.vrld ges; cetiu gthere hoat friende.-veefketch minea. n - 0.14 Lil duel s me ue" o it Win l Tht-unfauIl he; lau ihey are hnaeiry. It abu a .oom'afr.. Te glorygf0 boeexploite tth l re ogood te mua jie t sas- The. ïlWil 7.v for e mau te U08sl I.,gvmre tauhre. sage, but this in a grest miefke. 1 bigléonud.ta iPmifer ihot Inotden ligne ahere bav been îld av a ou.ssaeoakrlhbatI L The cslyvalte maimiela esa We s acb àan, I knov, they dcn'l kompere wlth doge. There oharacter lu 1 te dsOOMve l. Il il saoisi Hoenut tethehcttlouided il aiceething m$r#in, Uaep ara vary anx. le correoit car feulas tho le obaeal ýylaaliun andheow. tî. Toc velîbcaeadcf Alax, icue t. live. Yo misy fur o one insisote et hlé o -hav Of Frlcm'o vent mn, eut, m an g up by the tili, aid es Li&fo a loooh b* 0m é And cf tbogrsod Achillen, ac e a1 otc iglh iiba o-dliegO5e dvasls Whena hfîla ee -manage te tara ra bhock omret nlas O hscy dd their pogoo te ihe Bu nertule a hosto tit rouhn10d awl4e in a fdmys. Iliin tiblervolumehnbe achsavsabohaliha Icq cita another thieq, very hald vrk joIoneé a cal. If ose vW51h.g le have ma sImmblod mui a f e becrna k. 8tt gela carried ueh ina Cbag hi isltelle a read. «e lihe f.lloedut , grt vays n the bonir, ,th vo't aun Thle in oIOOfOin t. neso od bo lat Whoeamerne ta ho cnt..,, lest enly a sort'lime, hut mois apperIl:lme beto T. instai ms Who'oil g l by hi.e eensoicce, Mk h niyrap t . s Ntby ht Othone do. ta ah h.fmi hpy Mtht. iru1ds may etmat i..or, td bat prceenee. Oditlatale e y fond cf vhioh ries la aploaour gmay ut in .And yen may beca hem, cea, for the reason, I ouppea., that ca&#. glcem. Te fr'e.svrld. rer aver marryeffi boy bar evor no. sio Tae ho ogogtle gond td fuel; And cid yccr bsttarmce. Chance. Tbcre ia ene fling Cgbouttbeidl.ispoauil wilhellL Thsy And theuno bhla.tef trampet OetuIoc't like; if yon socp. oatheir vho egaodauo a loyod, bastlîhy Touen rete..e àý ,P-1"e,,. taillehi entraidaent aey gelrmnd rite eph woe epead heu lime iZva. ,ro iee Witbhe"telt tenedelitiets mnaind vil breethe yenr naimn@ sud mkoa railouabout it. Tbcrueare idia. ___________________ i another îhiag whieb ,mokas thora a '7he itifibsca 5D'bond laàline'e lici Scene ia Woding-Tha Il Bot god inie.laieat lor punir folike. gpair man's engins lealohi.& cassis m= , ][n"attsnu te ide . of escia viii ield «eh y ot, vithoul iogen é=oa ,0o .sohteIel auiyooallay, Boething hâke 880 per bionaseif, visliroc.' fer sone an h. The Port peConodian ys tiret ,0cetIl . a vsry siagular fotibal. No, man, vho i lsh'or porea a coup!e re.idin athe rurul district. catgs do't liba a Mntl;padond 1i vermalle or reutsaMa gu idnd afl ai. not fer fro. tova, voe . ateîy engugc<à hic cne t., get drovat y aaoissietqt imala life, vilhcud diivo 'o aimable go ho marrieil addveru ' Illed" f lre Theyloiv cre,., bas ifomitale h hbiti- of ponelnblity andt lmpergeo. fignes in ana cf tLe love chrche.- agototbIhir religion lav întoh asep. God bahsuova aeel mae i iilne Oc the day ppintcd fer th, clebra - Cale md dog, have neyaver enanble î,, -eeed ocf .ympaty-vhae enare ien of th.e ereconyvhich wv u te'malle gra. outhe-mnn qeIilcbal boih virte suai. subloc. it buvais. Ihi tainoa lo,"thehnpy nm ev vcent lb. ufimoif aide.lin, The aie cf su hoa"etmenuàlife il - this tain on flesscuothehapphinuplif cam orne 0 1v.arrayed ici il the glery _ef ass.- t Iokif1couit bair. my vay,, ?i the bippineos hieh serveooeiy nov store Cotdion, bringing with îhcm a iheru voolndaih. enny more aste ho... himâcelf, l'ut the virtue vhieb leiaaafal brother cf the bridrgrcocln w u tu unaes thay ocit oi sov e eeriiflicf .10 te tharu. offinte as Ilbtent mun,t' and ho, tha ýgonMOT31moral kuter. Thoreln one Th. greatufilendotr irlàlelimne, re.clt procet, 'vas folly cnftlcid te fhat thing more about cars vhioh amm iev bar gr.ataot sanoy le >rjndiee, mut charmcer. Leaving the luebieg dem me te, h.e ail clokabtan, a,,d that ilbehc onstant compassicn as humiliiy. on! in charge ef bis brother, thc latent- smsirin inch a noises unCer a fellqrct vin- Those vsatnhi failih anthe inviuible ad huabaet adjourned te a bar-filo n ~ der o' niglte, atd than oeil il muik Got and 1h. faif ity, male ne oeant gef Ilaomethiog Lot" t a h ie eprIf I vas t., hav mi cigncsce htveeî, a cf prentsrt aduo.rome.. îl& u,,der the tryiag ccdeal t'argbcetand a atrijped egaaik, I vculd tauke vhieh hoiee te pars. Horo ha mot themale, bâtknsa I culd get rid cf lb. 66 m S M 1E! SEL' oome frirade, anda iad tLe congratula- Snake by letting him go. Thero tint tie itvhcbevae certaic n y lukili a cal--if you enlo aa a etl ii i e parteok of more thun vas necceery fe ewr ho messiaeosg, ndjn ad, i.%:Ne Jersey, the ogteroris- tLe porposee cf slevufing his. couracga to thiak yeu are ami rite, jist on litoely sig u o sydr the proper point. and sn ecbaue oh- Dnetihcy viii dam teaud tfile opl4 a lct wn ho sss lo toe, h and edacu Dirieoenl a ublucory olanters, Wel-cd i of es i îh Bsm. Theso are My hi. teieg a lente.. vith hlm, and-gave ding pnty, bride, practive doomcat!c vieve about cars, vther hnnflyj 'ýbere hlm ia rt. papar cueac laC'hi,ese. bioss and ail. After vaiting m recon- ta to mdi uta i euhThe yosîh badil aog iotenoc(tale va abis limne for bis re-eppearesce, his agin thon,, it l ouiy hokanw1 ack the u t e d epcl, and took the, railrosst efliasco of-the pnrty iirew i,.fcrnonhnn. frmsek u the siborteol roqe. Hivaket uneasy. ant flnally en expedlitica va -* - atng, poyisg very liilo attention tu evganod tegoin eeareh ofia,. Thvy 131 aytbi,.g, h.ieg ecmevhist absiraclet dinocred hlm in the favcra in na- ith the thcughite cf Lie ldy-lve ; bui cematceconadition, and reportsit tat Young mn,,dit 70)1 avar stop in the rererlo vne sconddesoiy roeghl tu sn fatt in theiropor quarter. The briddedoud i e a y oecefu h a, h hqre np brunely coder ibis trial, dechirre r thi.k vbsf mieery nt vu cyc ed che aines ont e r u ker, .Iha thît ohadido'ters aàcnt, lha vos ,brought oupon your friands, vh.n yu eami lb fyiag. goot.for-aothiag, trunkei. vretel,, and degrade your mannhcc by gaitieg ."Coufoan n 1cul&nid ihe pcrsan @lhe vos glad tu get clear of hM. blIe- druk? Hcv if rings in the cnr orafnacm bhied, 1' breo I have hemn dont- over, abs vae rotuoing tule hohumbug- îovin£ ife 1 Hov if mokatho basre ing cey trai for t ieriai ys"mie.0at gedbhat gvay out et getbing c buabant -t1of m fond mcthcr hlaed 1 Uov ifaccouai Of chat rud iighbtt" ebe came ta tevnle o -bcmrricd, antdcruibesouf tha hope. cf m detiag fat-,- And ittsct if vos trace, for nef fer moriod abecvos detrmicedtote h-to ar, mnd bringo repromchsend *bhine upca hoint the ycssg gentlemanagiv a the firit man thsl vould tebler. oigseiea Drak iSus im os freight truie, and! ifvwu the engioesor Rather then se eb girl dsappinlad hie leas agalasi coma friendly houee. wbc hall kicked.ihlaihi. - The yocsg ahout a trielika lihait the Ibruthor Heo stand, redy te fuit labo the open mme.Dov go«aamoong bis Chama by the vhc came ta do the .bn s."bil oes t i .name cf IlotedLîie Bil.,t neu volsabeeredto f0iîer victim hîacIf. java cfrel, e uaoo vih eofa The bargain vs. oc adue,, and off pr n ching tehervitat,,vibteaf hoe otrtdtcr m licecie, returuieg in. a des tundiseingbe uri, aile a b "e flOlIbs short- lime, vhsu liay vare married but, aai they comae nol. He %i. douii 'AÀteulier of a country sehuci bea and eartet for home, lcesiag the other Thebs huehauthf paront, le dmota, Verymiachitioo anpil, vbo vos gym beintis. i ï a B ey bis h it ore.tos @poding hi. lime and i. gmyeyavhen oomevhtlaioseing. Having mttorot no ef hn coulkd. healirheserieu ea oitd h.ofthome. mtad eofa- a Cath in violation cf the saaoera n litle baL d a clwt hémerrimauf joying the conferis cf the home cirule,raien, ha osucrdtred tletoilethe longs, ama hs aquue ih h ulihsiruakl i He pending hie m«onand go ta the mrner et tbe rcom, ibore mudth f1.intendrd kuabsnd i. nov havie g je upr o rn bl ufml 0vtbabbi e ahh e rouaghin nme a g the vogo. if.rapport for broi, hilst isdra su ta osateoaà b nmaie lbe thefobr ucoccs- icietri for ea. -' l oirul ie npM- ig fould h gra ilp, heunibrsal. INTELLIGENCER. ul 01 tc 01 bg la 01 hi tc w fil di ki d ci dl ri hi el di ai tA el