..ç..,, eehaloml ahWO NMILTON NIIKES3EW &DVXRTMIUE8< Mo1TNToOB"BEEE& SPEGIAL TIIIS -l" LOCAL INT, Nov. 30, 186T). 2 T'a isaawa-duhe«U 'oreih.ie the ma- oop.1 Charch, in th villa-e of Paleoaaiwil I6.33M=1ov19, 860* Z K T m auM1br v@dsrve»Ie a taho place (DV.) on-%bbai. .lU-th n8xetCIWhât rawieparo bih. ...... 0 95 b'd byJ aZsonof OZO WO t(i * hi foteW .tuc tiv -Sm.., cpewe BfION:A 08 Rd ... " tu iporvde yBraier whs. aok w»on &M l.i, hy 1k, Nov. Jame irr acd........ . tu*0133 deofDlem&no uo saBaaclFrntW XIUUOUsIIà e te utuinia Eiiîti»EobdL .nicy C.oaiîlnri et Kt th-Coua 1i*ii.htoNv ihe ooa * 6009 wy riteihohrd. . PRESTON. 1.141h î*»L. âai n.a i dig Eldr ofthe St.Clair Disticht; et64jp. T' thy týer 1,2501tu3 m - u. the Rev.2 Jae Corte. A rollectiroNpon do. . .50 te1 0 p y .7 90189 t, t o-,Eq Nov. meeting.8M19.m th.. m, bu enknipaftor achervcev, in&id of i .7901où3ta__or,_ * i h.t- obds Enporîm,- aM1.h id t tre . the Churovkfnd. A Tea Meetinog .ill ho^. 0 u 0 P.aeg. th Coa., Trafalgron theOheld in theChocthr Monayrvniac fol-L lt b181t0 20 G o .9'y- BE ,AIFO AE î~ir~_________ loing. AddooorrriOil1hr delivoord by theBtra.î, iubl ..303e10 haTiteALEFÂM ORSAEia e od&a ariuclug *W* ,~rouerMeetinW. 1.Blakok, M9ilta on-ev. Oinarpro borli 913 e ulyaiata0lreOiy104 f th afitîWiadejaa1rnea"ani-la f i miniature, llyiveietIera10on0of1îeff»randfaimé« aoid ruelierenia t... TrePr th.ja RevW . W. ciiOare V 91k- pF .,Prova ...l; ecrdytl h ht ehv utoee pamnlre Neleoi, 12 Miles from Hamlton, 1%. Soa. f eai rc, e»~rn, , r. Ra.\.îr akvr îllebag101t0,, 75sin fL SORM badal eai»iirmrOnc alg.; r.Mo oro ropauil hrro .CaenlgA LAROE AND BEAUTIFUL SOMN ih truslet. The Be. MeS e w lraoi r.t o.Gra Waerdoor, and by Nov. 1%-uw Ptat b.h. ... N 0075 pacortHaypco1a. .900190Ccaprsig everyihigin the DNY-GOODS lire,ad eliitauji r» acy rapeaca rf0goa eTWOIIIINDRED ACRES OFEXCELLENT LAND _. and lçXy _ roperirdtu0 aIhora»M,. E dîca. iWairdcvoaMsiic %vil110buOnr 1cr cru. 8 15 0 ndim. Tua.gucd#ieaof rlivatiira. M1NIK A ) fvu E 1 th. tiu. _diti cefree juislANDb a0hoi. IIERsope Ifa obt61arrîiaOalini i Thof cadmision0cents.~TOIONTO MAR1KETS. \V I CE -yS.- 'HENE aboutcra30 aS«oaf FaiWheati Or aad&iaOd îot he ia. <a tcck a erce lmente VnTORO.TOc, foc. ,18q69. Arithro loir) ihoee rhap Winrey jut te haad. rahinhm i t rlhori drahi the luivaue hiin ogt e ORairil4de er ae10», fte ndiii Lr rrlia iiatandlaitc ibt Whstc wi93tt05 triaoot~1h gramea.rd la, jîig-ham a geod Fruee lerotUwsoulireturmOfdhg ,m cat fJcvolry, saarlefo Crh tms uBar,-e ntiaie ha te rNorn het Vrng .e.... Wota( 0-chemake lem ndHad evrCharria»n Cerhé N s asi ingiad $ci fPinsrof of tIe " ly- ic Ty, laiigfooîcSt. Coo~cSlaI t1-.1 ..... . 10 t 095 à n iute n iefo h wMei ivabtiara11. Lodge, 9Milton, iteiratod 10 crato threftes- 0-tlr...... :k o N 000,32 pu £iflîllflt11lfift91~~~I~lil1 1 1 aaraorm.ia»10 r, illa foi 1h i TIME TO FUEIISH YOUS - »udarZtilval of Sîi.Jcao nt eoagriihichf(.lis Poan . . . 01010 09 rahicir iheir friends. maleirad <valo. , cl,I i utte,, kedo, , . 19 ta 20B.R G , ougl .11pae0 h onHalo &tct h ghrei o u' uvt à..... *3t 24 FLANNEI-S AND BLANKETS. Wellington Sqar. yoda. a i 6. ..Pl A ktanHll7 aoavio Toohionrfldlmth . Pur1,obric .... .28 50 t.29 00 3fna.a .0pi i7oackieopr, ad ilbramnfollo :-Ai 8 oclokiP. Lard perc 7.. 1la10u 17 Wr have rai oP«.d» e ae .SCANLET IOTANNEL, ad mer eueCORNWALL Wlligtan N. 1,80 .t aeie eyratrg, theY riill bha. iiad hy th . dor 1 oforiIrllyBr oaEggn purvo . 2310 24 BLANK-EIS, UOffl thrihiag- foth prat weslîerîa10rihweare alnffly 25 Par cent.N vi18. -f tA bon Cai e iv ool a clh a1e~kviaafrniocriria Weiliillraasidrr tire ids, cf riting ilt ifI, e oel forriiserilwill bucrrd jr 1kvhe vEW AD)l 1RTISNliENTS. Taieryio talsEET1Nlae, n acngwl L r hie Superb and FasiOnal1 A aeetg f ie arsrgaic aiB.eic aro thr aui of a fai cryQoaomeo, . PUBLIC MEET Alookrt Stockoetlésar.thair Mnorfýtrcra a rdai et. for 89 ad $10.Good T.8.11.5959E. Ci, gAeh etig afte conrég h haiionofr1 Bad. Thea 1ocllvbc aoi o wscv: Gco. OS iv 9te 8 $.Evaryhn llr i r o porrtiona Our 1 L. «u se Chnoah i.rly. Thn rajeri aillhe loaver e cîi, for îhe dioaro c y 91.00 . Oc1 'oc r oro IBnlty nu1h thr uairamoie rirefuserte for thc dirmr and hall, gntlmena -82.00; BUILDING A 000D ROADT tive apthe e hy f ther aira ahi,,roatil tlroy l14 BARCLAaitrYrorn hiî i àrr5ved frota i abil liy, ri payi w eaîlilin 6,thM e oo aroin iaino t oiî 00 1 )(1 I buencl ut roiko'yii r'ert MILTOI DR ONTE, -'Mm oh oue GortO rlmcraIo nodcvl rjoyal ilcaieever, Iva pralcofnnth]rusoGoreo On"h . . fat oe al oe» ein a lre ailradaare. With a leinvir 10 Oahr arilil e lrld ai lat cr1 . r emi 10 nrre in thre Dranaina4, rai a r na sc 1 ti ia ri onearrei. ih oP u aO haurteaMd a Goe t Mes-ore., A & happywueh"ti.gî*e Oqhâvera *.Pae wilyi24 l»p Oa'fer.theCutHeem À0 HaolaaWelligton a.ermo IMPOSTEiIS AND DDEALEES IN à tm ivi r aua mmiee. e rie&i- A ferodayaa&go ihis aaaailly que oiîORProfess r R b r i~ w~ ".k ~jaehWeU i he-anresaiof th-k,.pe.#y fraca, inr raicirsc.ikoiraprm .,IgFoea adCttrI -~LE & FANCY DIRY-C iocy o rr. ail thier atailr iaofrnkve FRIDA-Y, THE l7th INST., DPn=bWia9rdn-e rara»eIn10erm1IrO Goai ad'eBiLwrtiuia Ar ftiand theifestvvec ci oly Atc1ov P=M o thmughou Cnaa) 1MASITTACTuIIEESOr ",SLaw oi.W ti -Am amd11uumnntey A 2'l P . GRA LLMlIIG SALE-OF MI I e'Ma Te Meea... ChgmAir illehu, Cenrray Th ua lisb u et nee prvîa rar nm ier' pa ny bem, trvvIvaon, IA Funi Meeting la Requeatedl. P . onyLnOtro aaa beroftha igbl PO* m Pha- Ialivecviieof raih olo dvatu 10a lMc. BlDcl. 1; Wr ol-o., cmmncCxtnsveraaatoq nyu pemsstaarrate, OrirrMt ODRirIV EAYMAE L prmen enker le a» .»rP4aiOemaien i oloi, Pro rov So1, 109-M W tel e ri vrai i ch u a e e ied onirclo ain outthe arai ti ra i in r Cac out o a ila.Os, B D A-ID X LFS AftVILI4B dY. ralilhaiteaire(Lif I ing àe.lportaitf the ht Iyamrniai 1c i tIr derd f corvoyanîce f or trat«, praiv Sockoilryar îeioiout.Ladiesioiafot tkcharavrcfince ofiaOnarior, yFHaniial, 869.e.eeer pattke.lId.treierolaive fanah lb ate bwoîrof tire praperiY -"yencavoYai tv F O R S ALE..-Stck 1vfcn r aaic ýjailrr e DDM nt.rTi at etiytâ uigte Paicl.ekr, lryL.Athe u" Nuoderwma. ivclro f oly the r tinrlie s, a ae ihawans f 0(y rsmon o ei is-ls-S plaer., ,Ar.,-P ise y ,LG rlv aly pocaiiaer. udrondnud Faiaod . fc f irdry 2, l a fITaat e!ItS tI.eii9t of LrTîtf10rrtuacwiiyk i ialoirlirneitremkigdninFrtC SS Fkrailkie..Poie-A .mie 4 nee icfBcDl'.ha, ifhIhelb latro Arilticî E lUM',BEII. AIr, r sp ~ y Itb riei. ri 1kv ofral6r, erakîch g erîialylieir and veiaea .atuO ly rfarrd 10 gi, ad the arcvv LUM*,BEli WAGON, rlandi&metf u Bavro aTFATESFOIESo p o n 106, nd I 10 aros.,a eSoal, rcs ___________ ory ili ova~v acl,,j DODSLEtGHS. BNNT, haS EAHES 1OERc p ir aiy <dp, b ailî roaarre rI esoatupîcS Uttier'a1v ellplgeIe. crrrr avr a, ta udrnELI VocALLEN ialoniaialriaiarrlliltis Wd«slen»ererirv4k l aaaine. i %%vbhfor ermynrocîolv i0.Dc7IlOS 0 fachair. [ovealcaitrwocyvae air« w.ralivedrs scondnumca iltn e. t,6. ralee annamigronair, ail after- eih o..ho to&owit el uai "' nardloun nglit meuicaclaice, amplay- il.le. a ngaaineraichom arii . imkt anr0h M" o 'mino , ,nu , rc a Pgu oaiseect unia rane ifor th i. Tnir.nt d.feraiu sirl t adareilân tai-deil Hoaedorvaréent a plrrdid npprrtunitY 1ig, a idfféraat tiaira, tirardcctrfor ail hèeioes mri t anri scelradainnorrang n ntrnteby he ioilircirrariad u er tesilrrrrtse kirdarismaspareraihoilicies f dfféentraaakercried y1809.er dira th.iaifyriri..Thr pr.e (3U.S. 1MalV8. rail offe iarary rorbYilofeia. NACItEII WANT,-ED frS S. No. 3,crie , lau ai of oavait. 1 vratijo 18691c i,.rracy)a ay lrratb, paper is of srla bdv', comcrierai a a ypve foi-T .ian~.îr'tr . 'c..~- O P N , girc, alrra.aiirai.r . DuItiel teNcommencealornlnen ladooc ul'1e S.yF.leoGaraiNP& COMPANY qaBiiePe»rfi»~ pei-c.ltaciaaodYat~lvfflChristasca. At S F .-korkroe e ody ly eradrrg the cr@ PEoriTO mme raple a in lra eerpt oi e a25c. out ito thc alcl. M. ol l, haa oyvoi188, CiIciiocan icteoidetheGrea AdrsBnai .Hthok 4BerI- f tiiefat f li. ouIra éode gvvi trust-rg torat. GEOIRGETO:WN. perforraililaaapaiphlrt. Atitiiiai.re I ma»Stret, Newe orYork.e erurdaly, immeia»oiOly rsh o ff tuOthe JOHN 5tJ%TER, lada-bagumrtI rertiwakuinai Myr paitoilftrr inity. ail havino prourd i, lae JAORE SBROASTED, Trste. .Pcal 1,102., Ie.. I kavr tala» lier brtlirs ofthe IIjIIA 1~ !TRAIDSO W. &ain».ei mrn a »e s-e r ai armve cf bisfrad es&i a .aOoO, Pvvai r -, 1809 .0 3 DeOlrîcar, 10.S h N ee.r dy and lioersari ithe M ILT , th lct ilbth e rMrl.e uado f l ___________________________________ pilla, ail I amratireir rertord te ealil. eje eaaelylI er W MrlyP nd rai îly 1roavlrinia pycrer h erroul tIre 1 Ieverrexprvird té gel lete, lb uipiy caiMaalay, tr le delivered m t*.iVeaýiniva. Nora, aivîl ,f tilvavme.arenov rod ece ane. - i 11 ~terillîrhe mrdiviare.a srtofrfionakrpa THEfatr C onra thel1uirYihr nrrd lraioi -RO.BE RT T.1H A0 MlviS 0 N.F iThilase ofrinae. asnta private are i.ye. aie»11 evairMiloecriervma th rme bç du ;.ue ,ithbu a a hrow inail aiy righlr ad L C K Er A ai»Y ra 2)thL r.A. titin prabalY tIr alY cOP- » irmaaira r an roolicoa b trc, ANTED, IN UNIONOSCHOOL SEC- sdteehr ihwaeu"m adva i N.1W N Trrailfoalgar a t ie îavru ra n ay oeMtr . Irn.] poesety or er e»ilcr aiohea r rnautns r I rlo u aa0o aylrd. T io o . 17,dia l so allnd ooifo1orahIai 7ive <o ralIn ca r cy ratheoit Shuhe iViehaa eebu l . - 1 casécetifýtý-e emdy 1 eleveif illcue yn. Vc aetefre ebparin thaeralre.ofntherivpeg Tor he Cirrrî. deroa, wralv .d cvcgl in coeboaanad, îciltnarrio eto oa ilrcllayndadcovvapdcnill l Ba i;,)j clui ~ vlv . A.ilib bh a. 1.h Seetd for oi roO piecrnsroil iii 1 inate tIrl;Iidlcco deficocc, ad or THOIuS -1ILSOPae, Ior 0bir i iMda rnya l eaao. F p "d tbe h le Mi1te iitnrelraparilY. Our rc callag foolI vugoace cgair.rî ail wno'ziraro. Hartinaga, ti iîiidaynofFrbraary,180569 so-e-v.- r ery~e~ truatie.. efficieiip ysadennildoadll I sr0rrickets carly. eliuco ai thia machl of lic boc.vav< c.7h 16.*26-t AF War,JP,kr, SiEWJIut t1LÂUI1Nj9 ,aaoay in Fuelitcai an Oeoaf theaiacling oob-iOOC<I hkrrchy eriify ilai I ha4 nr'ur karaa Ifoin le ne w ti»g but mmf a m u-e le ibi, a.wel tte - ithe.ouco dMai-y A»» Drughty frur eiest.iflihirathe publie for noea.y Th Uirr etn fuI. thvMlto .aélv hinai rdoai îctlaonoonW A GO N M A K IN G.- ANKS hir.r naceror rusorirfor helibcccrPparocnge fivn i laiforoflic var - abr je aaa nmo ra ai oly ailda BY Sourgea nome .vary meuere The Bible Setray, Mbeliai ai the ilha nairgebvvthadoril Butlc v ica -00- .Llw.tFPOLi0EE2i VEARS, and haiîtrilh. I haver laaraaber bhorrrilaetag, ways been tplali TonHalmt-mrrora (Foilý vny)r vi, tIc-j d,l-tc lycr:cîeI î,pitaicW, aauvr for'or cirdo.0,1rtlîr lotoWr,. Sctt.haatiria i b ruino IlIr er narilrrard is nB w na1 o- forts aa ttnekoly fe ne»e»enain at 7 ecto. AJiree ielhobcara'trody gacrder wo i dayicofyoo ailllb oncductdlb i os il.uadawsdcae isn omn&109egoaaeqikyfl dlivred h IcNRe. .Ëflldoaiuuk. lIahal ara ia ebr of lha foce, ai OIOJ~ ci aIa-Ee,.ra nandBusiness, h ndd. or elesvcaI inow taaIirîr1ile hm mnc movrnyare Agi4etthe Society, ad bythe.lbv. Messrs.iiaaoioatîrideof makiagacpr a isoyvo"norivdrSCTT RGE - l"6 y forih Suniîror Naiaiargetovr]Businessu s. boadiffilel entea c Braleh ar trroa T, hr rarUlknrua rii hia la, grlatly tlhracv l vf uO ISCTliOh u heia, Pao. 811, 1 9.1110ITOrOlTmo lre moaofru] Ballynhepnar aitritoriae trdOo.rleacand11.I nt i !t.St,1G9 263 amy ho thr puoliar properoiie oi il,.o» gury d.aerlptio» abilsy o th qes an theintreuttakn Hedeý4 an eeurin hi, thusthiramcane, lorne acl c erai, tinle . e 1kou éna; n o aejs Welses otirsr, ai la th Scity caghi te irrinlort a grrd forth cat jto teAet edTi îleack havI rillly ight-. nciase, maed la h Dihidctheriraeoa arill»...Thea lIaiy tIe r ebeai toilotc.th. . .aciwat ea .851 arrof a mialer . F rr vnnadaptail te roei audience.- ala i v ih f iyi g m i . T r a me to c rB g eifr i l utm n a dt ep biee ag h tA .W O ,J .R E Tr q i mon eg.Iýdnýabthe ia airoose, aoaS ala 0roorei iivhvociood1pvlcilivllWarlraocitla Crunaiy oi Hastiags, Peov- MOST correspondent inGeorgetow.») comissivo a s it o uflc i.ar incoOntaro, Dominionaof Canada. E u )1 ,r-Terh o,1W - n .Ic SovePpes ai short pppng inlai or PadaY iht To rie Edinc,-f te Cîcrcprcrn. LWrAGNEP. &rCO., As WeD i te Airaoaa 1 len wm a" fond f tavlr in s ood- Sit,TIr ninaoflthe cI In masoto gcr alar, MicIAILL TRE REPIRTUEITS IRE NflW WELL TOCKR H T XC«q teecatchaightrofa aaeg feaale witî a iguérileIo 1.rd hlIaiahd m ro ofeoîl- - Lost or SDlOefl. T. 8.11.551E. Coi., M .Ont. 711. i8 .nnia frrnadlesvin the proemi ta f".. vy every iool-i-crîr ta erirg 1-:o-- IITIL L.& iaal ABN Z4 2.fgit. e. gvecaebau I .rrerdrd i geratin. N a ,v o f tI. r oaicf Prailr, WE IYILSIiM 5aj a w a rp.i be, r i t Heaîonai TIrHigI Scirraof n Otro are dcniardl ) i nirligonPlaie Svc.îBleseTiW aireerul ld drpprl h 1~efllir e lba lIr. f earn inialforo lIalargo ma-a (T,wu.ip Eut Fac r.Wmtain ovobC.) 7 1 raatie arlr.Tt aornat? L tuedintrumh thhi rcoerd pe- r .t-en ha ad h--w fme1 f&w pryrelyThie T. KILUEY ty, d is la elailru rorraerlpae0,a thoicllteoig irii <t u 1joriy f tI ai tI ycal cf Crad, iuaivu ýHvl . LD' ODWTÎ ai rvnb h r i o t I re iens a i d a g t o o cf a Il l l o r f ( OP u F c od , di P a t rn t L v r ; a inol , G u ta tI I ý T » * T E G O!T _______________oerlc n i voicoliaova ffrfh l w a m i e . m m e un d.dit ogir a c î miore Pi h ' l e d itda n tgu i i l a o f c oT . J . W I I E E L E R , -L ar ra1ei oI u Oaci i îo toly oad.ilTIeach ar amuirn Unpro$Cdenteti Popularity!- Th tir 201110o» lea» ienfo r îba a n h oed t yi n Onthv aricliip ulibena un d if ta fr it ivic-W brueitotMiton Ibn. nttt fi-éuatioetrl il -lf h- n.AXe. ARE OPFBRUEOAT VENT LOW PRICES. ave bIr e aiaaemfut h t tiy ave becoe»e fo r aY P .iiinr i f, aand lira» ahv Pas Addero. uciradirtle, C O K N R ew ihi a tan di h h r i ei t o» e ala ea i la jm a il p eap ié irgia 10eio l lIra gh cora Ilg I a l i aa if ih ry d i r . m iss C . . F IS H E R , b u b eau% w rn . Ic ba ir te Pblicn-.I I T ( ~ J kapp la »»ai nr tkat hee e . W e]L rie.aa tl nr i ryenote1 r oa sbld rouler tIr. a A alratm' n da tb it,3&à03 frveio ski aihia apyt .thh etI, afNewm I-Wort porgr ta ioear v a er e-t. CcaiXtC>22. ain Strart, GEORGETOWN, rf nool, GnrlG of .atn'n h Wrai fendaatdetwh'h ratadin aitsr ni fWatrlrî andil jinclairarc1 a iman - 8TNREGTR. sTereifth Nrt n nr obe nsiutonwil-smiàorý e raswme r u » re atiifrctliin, rlaietprrsB A T O I 8 ar n iy a qirei T erretry, je, cwg 1tr-e lai-r aiatciîatareaicor co irai a île A peoicro at w ili deiy iom pe iio . Jrroriry arati;BÂly 0 I I R haveconribued on o le o nrepectale aiie.r0 ato mad by tIcn-rpte.EAEO A AE ET cnet evnt,tuefgreoi aibirol of atietica ai anaeoto thIrai bec~0arcow'PipMaaderairocdLar TIc td r eebr m - 1I- Ir W S01-T ..o, ie n eelyFrSl premet, rae tik nI tuepaybei j, eri ,l lre u Ie.ap, oce arrldrouaI w iirrio alililion Inari u ciar f'or 8100 d fr atai 3 i ovand l\Geioi C I i , Il E V tONwafl, CMca 1, i.d 51.Fe-fa T h e i l ai a ie * » ta l n t, w " kl hi lfi e l e u , t ra Ih e r e' 1N r, e a v e m a n d .t o ire n n te r n te = ah eîrig e n E e y O h e $ c tW Q a t , A N s qR e üédine rqusitontu ppesnntchilirena aa»mlatle anaty, bai lIe fanl na ihe 3ojrel.,tfor 877, pâabln 10 Joae th mlectreleil <aie re mlye»10 sppceen iésinte os- n vaiéo tâ .. dAWeM lr now tIrhefarmai e lî igîborîrniTl.re on" 1 R a 1 rc rst isxetai, - <antrot pereverarce auaia th.Patlofpara»ts MAILCOLM MaTAGGANT. Wo E i nvie r Ia.H PRqardniaaG Q 4 _____________________raaini te the scalildof tcher n e eagrra.a. Duc. OlI, 1869. ilOl L. Foan stme biUYOU"t. twn blhe roil freisyr fth ecci iha rea BJEWS___&_________________ las Charge ofhbis Grist M iii T. - IBEiME, CO-.,à PERFECT FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. vrttgt f Milto .nuto haeS Ulo inene n ehmimepnthairpns trmieras ruia ES&I{Ls,~L.&eae mn1 lpelti.. la forereYeaatue thldifforeal thirtIr 10W or vilgaof chol , pcaT.1ok.umtme e n fte ereon 4h cndidate. raïsuri arizans, noaobily roiitinht theCoaalty C<cvil hl cia- Tbg-pid et f eigagait irn --no lg lIe o- rail e. dr iîtte 0 i. aipport TIr Milton fuig And wa lganonloeaaviica aII vortorror pr»drni'fir la erir te nn tin »a»âe PSi-IaIoir11a IgtereofrvitIr Ccvty. r*W( G. Co jy IrIIn< 9mvrarif(fl lmiczZÎ r.iraroracir octpai nat hrrvr eairea rvrbagcroy itumked MUJhao44 Wilm fr0Oreuer9 là AGEitii Kuerian lailIreeiiiorre genrailerfn ilr rp oter cr tr rrvraorc cf Ia PIS OLU iOir0F &OICICIIP il DEALER, ON, thallhe i purpar- re amy qaaliY vi aie pied lo Let; l a parie ut oemiaiiity of coui- n bearttaud au bece raraed peara, rail eaadce o teste, beitIram ir- arly adapîrd 1cr alla, &o. TIroir Ii. rmre Oeteul-- routa tbnitliai- reittoat a ycOy "%"Y ara e ui -f Steve, eeakiecî ad i. sàre av whiaI they aaia nd TinwalG, STEAUK. L868. 18 il T TE M KA Y icor and rRHEET, ra the lia. lepit»l ere. 1988. i.Iu' KË~NZIE UT voB a ]Ptent Pro. .m [AMILNES' T BE. Coi., T Omdmu m a liUGin là" *h embair-et., tut ror ?IJRSe i Nos. ;yle, and (iL il .EOD.