I i Iforym. BautmWe]. <Jdsp.d tetis -bseeclat ldy msd isc mWas inl thelr oChniaai ont. Tirs ILamisuero te iemehofa 'h Local Leziaaturesdaeg tise pro mus amim ize xd eto44psr dal, if abloaly8r30dajr& undaàlump ma ,et 6mOf tessmeult lcnger. As athe ftusm lii h. prercood lisent oCbdmtnia, 60smm"eashora VII ass,.49 maipqboir anduoisi abIitra, te maosI oIralcge. W. tasu Oat Jehn boq rgsà.bisw anmuai000eue8111 vvbýh Jim .a»Ùlàii Ua~ '%boave nol m muaisfait tos *m4 " hfelessit oer, su oit >sseago»wd 'tse mbe. BI sil 'o~lue. ~ LesiateraOral lu fLiat- oealesud asineai -thiaitdisby as av mashst am le dos isile wgicg te ma rttbi@4 ùfl'as*ilufheasasbut pqid un 1m0 s M-d se.!,. Aigre- -et m- t.10-t. pr.s bohm -Wusté, ba le.e, about as u ~ bexpias..- mPasiy = %m a iof <le. . ma, M ly rallmsyab about tue Maed6It dQ@*t 1le s ufi ite ohe 4e serons. - W.les6" ote h ie1 OjPeaigs.mriai 'e cbjectot 4he tt ts in the Pravice.nusasmore tavoura- bIc finaseil ui eiin hms Hilton, go tbat tins proportion of the honus for minicth tisCounti Counei wsaid te a"ke osuid ho ceiîfy pracurea iot belg appreiiitty flt by the tapsyeri.1 Ti ambsata te h. given hy lilliton aid O5itvilIe onld ho roiaed hy tins issue of debentire. beanang 7 per sent tise toveri md stop litasse fondsofs the tve tono.. Ssoild tise Coenty refuse toanes r aMy bonas-.,,,! micis iooener tisers je itti. dat-gi, -mwe hoieve tiat tisere jes1 aRifolst publie spirit amenget thisno- habtait, o! Milton aid Oakviiie and lhés tarin&long te lme, te tuild the jm usi it.a s nsotusle houcs &~M each o! htio sns. Thison osfarinero coulinut voli affbed o. gine 8100 for eeyh- acresaiomg tino routa, aid vosld h. iasroed in tis. aieunt he gis. S of a!thie rond s Isy vsd elapse tef4resoe maniai bé eoneLld by god roil olta iCampliclvilleon tt sa ii it]. ot4.t loinsrTrafelgar, anal Esnuesiag -.c.otter. Afinortise lapse o! 097 fine yemre jet te OonY assume the rond, and moite lb J>*,- gbvlug thse Company fMteen par ceati advmno on Oh. Coita o! coostrue aoaemiiaingmoeda,nwasica-aaeona diiielos o! 44 oS 28.- Me. Too msved tino second readnag o! te'ico BU]OS meud tine gaina Iawaanid explained tmat boa sijeet ou tschage thne tirse toekillimg gaine froai Novemicon tii] lho 1.0 Joa- usey. Os motiona 10 oserefereed toaa ipeciai eommi]Olan sd a suter e! other Bills wers rend a second time amd referred. On Fcidanp, tise ne Drainage Act," latrodolen ly tise Goverainent, osa ratn asecond timo, . oblin nauhorizea the Govenmeat to drain theo vasO sasmp lansseais differaît parts o! tins country, and render tisem fit for oultivatioa.i Thte Attorney GrneraI noved thenec50- sud reedisg a! tino Bill sonceenisg Sisae- ifi sasfor Onxe, tine objectte!f shirit1 is te cure certaiu teohuical ioformalitien in tiales Shtana-d at ouoh Pâles. A!,ee eenty. aOa thno Onlreolat;on tons innougintap tino Atlcrey-Generai mcc ent usn a:docnt Ihat aillthne vendeater .t hat" o in te oand nesalatica hoex- poogsd aid tins fallcving suhotitutent as On inc eof. " Tiiouoseergnia- aug tins jadicious ocleelion o! tino na- ordsieso oaa teicn tinsGocernunt have causa- te10buie eethmie Provin. cie] inst tu t fi' ar siicn appropeia- to n ce ]d iy te Ligielaturs are o! nee tînatthene lesn ac ces ioon te juoîify auy dooho linat tin s nouspeu- dence au respect te future selectioa o! antesn ouîll motfoi] me ho obseient.' Tîne imndaentoaas carrient Ona Tsdaj, tinsDrianage AcOtoand otinen Bills oore tiseossed nt a onnaittee a! tins ohole, wvinaMn. Carnernmovont tine Houe ito eoanlteeou tiensCa amen Scinool Bill a very lineIy tenaus- sien arose with respecel thie chngae in etpiming lina Coasty Sup.ninntedeta hum tino clause oas finnal]y pnaoocd. Tino Attorey. Genalo's Baill repcîiag tox malea oas tlinadieeusoei, andntrîportet seitn smaimendoacuta. disfesms 0oata roferred ts a comamit, toc o! tine ohole House. Tino Alla-- aas nry-Genîruî unoventhtinsHoussin om- mittea on itis reeeolaioan elaisgte tins ailarY c!fte Sspaeipr Court Judgco, by ohichi l ls istcndsd tOspeovide noms moana o! exqri compensation to hm, the previcue Ast for Ohis purpoeo loy iog ben dizalooed na beyoud tins ion .%dmctoune!ftino Local Legisiaturo. Thce esoltinsia iipasd vithout ameud- mentS. 3Me. SîsKelar eslet attention to-tino fiet thaï;thtie Publie Accounti Cosiîttee iat netyot presieulo their reor.itit wais tbem inominont far ~uuc~munno&j, ~ S ie.. J itin Oue estimation, ta se e eter MOsdsy. d« O"1d h of-mastdnsonbd raai, sud On XMesaelep.M. Baemoyed tua luios E.py~aed, i 0111siold recins oh.eeneat COn- fehieing rsltos *e. ,eot~ s$,sn. '15 idÏoof O ue readere, va refer to s Ttt tise tenure, by ma-inhrs o! tii - 'er osuI. i i rve 49041ie emeatrueti fai !sWoeacuRaiway. lons, o! omppymnsto!profit luntthe -eh è -anid k ete.c g. Huiteet, a pratoicat engimor, and gift e! tite exeautine, obhesnoaub Ml' quai:I.atOgfe RuOpinio:nOnthne profit bc or be mot payaleoutcf'tlo dize40 s lé q touby aide0f aiUtels ioprasont Sesion estimâtea tise te peSiibitet. Imib PSaAi asrsîp ui rt liug bMIsa1- ccut for rumniang oetrain s! 100 tons That the participation o! membora of Wàyo.1 1ame boas Oeedoctrinuet th . heroundttnp-i engineer, 3; 1 tiis Wsunse isn nttefor suppliestO <Iissme b h thb~ e ttisC D s- irom i l 5 1 0; 2 emiesimn, (81), Provineisl iaatitutioms, auataimed and elijof ttas m., tise lameâs"laviig 82; 4 oordm 310. oood ($1 25), 86; cenurolleai tisosgis tseexccutive, oil l&o adc 111. »î@%. & 1). M1, Md the oli81 ;total, 812 50. ltunuimg ex tend ta aubveet tise imtependene cf the &@M inU 15 end muià oitesemie iofoi- Peumuem on a. i2ja. Vot e!fituidig Momie, aud shesît be pesiiloo. Iaiag ate:s sa o firrate tbe 0 i* ThaO the -seiettion s! sitea for pro- TU I. 4oMai appuis!tcfé lb. dini Piae, ne large bridges, 84000 per vinnîlal institutiona, estahlseî bv tbe trlesoe . .h.brudlW ie .l mite. Esiiing stock and ineideutelo, leglature, siouît te mode ailcly lu ter i sbt, le mhih ohé patinaîii.- 81000. 8sY raid aimplete oith nlliig tise publie lîteresO, addaiouidt mtbe psualenci tmatou mag etpoeplse ro tit, 85,000 per mile. Tise aboie, te te iny Citant depoudestonsufavornoro ro'mdiutioientisoiy mâai .on, he*0eoi ieah a fair asaoecitimafte, publie opinions prenaIent la the local- - q# siNa pfneu u pree.d sanIa ont a rond ho buil, oea ve loy; andt tt te matee loso dependeno porlly t siftw t ha#pcg.a- tonedeubi hmo the Great Western oould oulI tend to impair moeality anm tte uh- lot 4 nl-tu Md tise oquip t gratnltonaly wioî O neslm, & vert tise indrpa-.dsec eo! tiis Homse. et se Obsnsle Passger a"ditva o igiso ciii, tic, lu msvimg linsfiraO resolution, Mn. il$I*4o owma arg nder tao.ceiOpanY Blakes reeroed to tite case e! Mn. Smitht, tT~foesIaesaattsa.t-viiel iouldai càltth Ontrue. M. P P.,wshiall bosun appoitcd urbi- clm Of *9~tiis teter iu a maitor lu whishthetino sero- V*g. xlàwq W. lave mas <e. mngceotieus le mont Ocre iuterettted, aud Me, Laudor, a . Tb* bralo*lI ty er- epem 'e smesê hge that samle atOve stops H. P. P., OIS otaltecu appolaîrd i b" . Othe O" . mi, s.- «m «Mi it chtaises ity estpublie mun, trusteo o! tinoToronto man Niplmsiag 1 sot1 c«Îdy h Miltou %ad Ositoile, but Railway. The Atenney Geacral re- léastboâ -9 OUtlw«e*0mil Iboc Tratal gar aliy. Let s pliant, ridioaling te idea tinut iadepesd- . ..ml U ese.ssm oet oas emode, and eut mesabdna csld te tengint fer mois VIde .rq ad a detminatimon outho pltry considratiosa, end quoted E. g- 049, ouf ëmlintièteoctdta suewed, s lîl fltprocointa on teinaif o!foiseGovere- - Mbalas s ferate tonai, ora oodeas1 meut. Me. Smlit dededhis inuoct Ma*7 é lte, te Betete li3 -tins msUr, andi avsvred Limseof soi!! Drj1 Thne DBil Oc asendthlinoLauwta! En- dence bn ciil]ca2s. introdocent hy lIr. Clarkte, aod uhicin seul probably bc- conna law, efte epealiug ohat port e! ose prosanai Evdcace Act, obicin pro- eludea punties giobog ovita-uce os tieir oon boinaîf, emants that on thne trial o! tny matîe itiner in a Court o! Justice, or hofone anty persnaic-virg aatboeity to hoeradreeivo evideonce, a"the partie tineesto, and the peeaou ou ohoso heinal! amy rnela sait, aetion, or stiner procced- iîg may bc broogint or dcfçmdod ohal ho competent andcoempe]iuble b give evidencs on bobs]! ot itiser or amy an! thne parties." Tins Act doee net ipply te ciminal mattors, nor ris the oltucus bc sompa-ledt O sercequestions mi,.- inatisg biaise]!' ; uer ire a hunbnmd ait wiafe compeilen tetogino citeuco fer or agaiso euochinter, An exception a also motoesOat thne proviaionast tine Act do sot excte10 i ctionis o! mauleey, breancino! promise o! marri- âge, oe by or agaimat persnaul rapeesea- tatives. Ve hoe Onsucne ino111puase, s vo believe tiat in mauy insînoces grogse ijaallcce toS , ohre oto bal tite pntiea theanileeaare cogaiaît osI tine recolta-ma o!fOnebanga. As1 long go as 1851, the lame Lord Broug- haiose îuccss!ub i n ryiagîtsisa lar mmeoro i. Eaglnnd, rad t i la me uuvesally admittdtint it inca beau protastivo o! tin otso icificia] esulîs. Not SiIy have horeet mou bers minIe to Me. MoDougml ad tise North-West. UllRA1iST GROCERIES Tins Toronto 2c]rgrajla Biaive h tino a . y lollovimg as ita aentimaents on the Rot River question:aAt]losrs sbaniaLae taie Tino terst Gorerumeso Bil] inleodoont 4enwn n&Lrý tko in tine Nor-Wcat bas baoudofeaton-- Bil NlcDcugall. Groceries and Liquoirs. Me. )lcDoagall once tinneutenen tet alook OS Washingtn,"eand o ui t leot lthe linrootlias becs earrieotqu. Tienorde time tIne rebellions bal- brîotn ho tho North-WestaOe attacnent by greocinoppero, seo ubbtter let minrm hep. Stnouild tho bol! breeds in tino Nonrth___________ West romain ou thne 000 patta,vsec mny loch for a spc-dy reductica h insheprico ofi wateefalls. WV'y i. MeDoogal uns Ises@ 0- Because ho is peaiittcd oaly os look acranso tinoborder lie tinhe pronist Consmdring tinal s many people' wsutt e . McDaugalis scalp, 10 ons istY TOUR perinopn ulse Sa hih part te present al di-putes mbont it hy krepisg it imal!, bnasdoit ehicin hosptebably couitere it ia sces] thing OS have il oitliabisa. MOr. MoDoogailinlu is tiene ru for sevtrai places la Cionta,'and tine other ý day ho ranu for then aset piano an tino Unite Stats. - W . De & ]EL A. Lyon's, Immigraiton for November' rDarng bast msutn tithoa arrivnt 930 f immigrmants 0 in ie cioy saagaiaât 1,070 duria> tino noreespoading mornho! Iaot yeae C1868). Tinres hanta-id aid soventy-looe o! tise-remaiaed lu &Canota, as iganint Jour inîdrd ont fohbeoy turng tine came aieatît o!bast year. Fie inndreetant thirty aux siont to Oin SOtites lik Notoiner, 1869, se oguinst six boandret ond foesy in No- veminer 1868. O! tinose obo arrivent Phere lat montîtn 0here vere 370 Eag- libh us ogairot 235 in November, 1868 ; 70 Irishnneasagannt 145 ; 30 Scotsch mu agulias 1M9; 3110 Germons as sgoist 390; and. 100 Socedesaist 145 Norwegians lu Novemiton 1868.- LORD CROaL. Wc vonder how omy oas eam ouder- laine te aster-rate anud ecny tine use- fulmese o!ofbtieReformer. Tno offerts o! amy indieldual for tine aneliba-atioi o! seeieey cerOins relia-f o! mental or eseponol infirmities oili ho sonner ce later îppreoistcd. Lonktore iistance at lice aoquniifiot asd aaaivoral appro. batioe o! tino Griot Sbosooees Remedy and Pnb:, for tine erre rf diseuaes o! tino longa, affections o! thne bIset, &e. For Sais by mi] Dnuggioto. LJVERY STABLES. MaILLSTREET, GEORGETOWN. esînhlbin dcaims, setici n oda-r te lndîtTM eear aYseu-coud nt bve eenbrogbtte HE ubsribrs ete ciiforse tha einnaii syatsa eoIt oO bns oombrogin ts tant.noliGaorgetowen andtciityUnoatth.y han, paarhuaa-teasLaveey Saescoraierîy trial wimin ana, hopeo!fsuoxs, humt10insblouing tODcLanaiaClark, aindhaaiag anten bu dtered isbnce menfro brng-to he ftreriestck srer»oiaicllat oocra ina deorrnt ishttet mu tsm trig.aid ew nid comnfortstle Trbiire, tUnyam r .ig ap feaodu]emo laiais, or attimg up noopreparsalto furnis the poilic nitin Oin csrY bout aiaeeyoncos at reaaonoahhs rats..-- fititioos tefenacen, The Hugliain Coms Douable ant Singale os«, eCacalueuCte Ora, Sîsatte. Biddle refl, ait scrrytina mon Lau CeaiBsiomees, ina their aa-t ats ecee mln hrrtaots aiud neoet, hmVer:expeoed oheir îtroog ait un thr mut moerato tenu. approval o! tino measure, ami bmve oh- JAIOVIS O SHO. airred obît "naontis e tino coacun- Cergtooi, AÂagst26, lOtO. 12-01 rent tcstbiony e!oisth eicii, tino profes. Bot ttinEtl lion, mnded icpublie; the uro ho i la ia JAMES HALL. THE TRÂVEIL found te vont aomaieaby, and te cou- iug Puic woi5tid qodàso"son aid trIbute ilauasemiseat degrecete the id. "rT attenio purm e ne om Set. Ite btofsns,tilquoraand cigarsa kspt hm.e Miniiteation s utie'BraiteSfovemait, n , 9. 2-3os ICItEOPEtO minois ammose. T. aReInotoc. Co., L & w E H T S TOAYEII ath , b aaesaiec feth.n sab- c-iini, Coaii. .n., X. BS eta " e hleih îf. W]aanca ci na in - n at.oînataam ni ill caito e ic -aa.aoay anil] ha- noitobly ai. d nact W. CLARKE. Tatigaa, Inac. luit, 1869. l5ý-3t ALL persnoeas hera-Oy iacbadrn to boid or imtitate (lioci Pea Bclnaairaa-. arnt tliva-ice.orctheyectlbe la-aentedocccea uoc te Lawi. HORIÂCE CLtNE. Ta-folg.s, Nev. 27,1t869. *25-6t c AME Oc tic suaoacaiinccc peoisen, Lot 15, ynin Ces., Nýa %e ar, abinot 6o-ceins agi), une Whte Ha-ir. Vi ner cacn hase Wm. JOB, Jo. Nec. 29, 186. *2-3t NO-TICE. Aslniial meetinag ofthe BRONTE HARBOR COMPANY VOilha.ha-ld ot lina J3RONTE 'HOTEIL. Tuecday, the 21si cf December, T. AT TE MOR OFTWELý OCOCE,»ON W D. &' R. A. L YON Hiesosninnd ai sstoasirStock cf' RAIIfUJF CKIY HALF PRICE. IlF YOU V/AISV A OU ROAD& PAgrLUENTAEY SUZIRAIT.. W *NwtheiCoalition 1 TRE IDlVER IPICULTY . 4 trayed. 'FOftTHE SNOW. Wehbave onimore tinait oosaoccasinoan 0,lVriay 0 tWesctitioDof Mr. oio auamenaint for the tlreemmenthe, The di.a*eted itlf-breedo, 'aor. L O DS. st 3r UniS q aistis eeia 1rere.te thete sbjcee of Ronds in the Blake. ta gond an addrocs Oe the Queen, Ihaut hy tineAttorney-Geocral wa5Or- ding tu the latnt intelliîgence, are dii, ALoInt, tie, aboautjtheo, Oalac county o! Haltesnoai w. eond"a on h Noya Seotia question, piaoed ied. lannoviing his second realution, diibseding-ia faut, 8o mssy of thaïes i psytirtrasYesr Id H r btase. andO. t orl md Êjltfee ns. .M.C.Cmeon wo aayhaguthu-d ooryeheusnenem oil aou iSroatej«.ra.Tie 'AGO theer~r Ion. ~the Gtvenmeit in an swkward posi. Ur. Blako copecially referrcd te the lbave gone ta hir winter boni. that lt,. theaerias~inP sudOh.ineess ofosereourmvcd the six smonthslioist to the hor for Mantou by the Premier tatyear, Sootoh sud Eoglhia laf-inreedo were GNOttirrory.DNCAN STEWART. ___ ~ ~ ~ bv 9"»~~,- e. .aehip aaroieta h wiole of tino reslutions, admitted t s sreported in the addross dctivered hy disgueted with tiho cooduet o! th.e l O10h, lO8S. 0 SS et5U0@¶abject in loeniîsg to Laits hotd or tinsr abr ehscntiuns h a3 one of tinein hailcaericd, tenecce etrena ngyboo a it. aud refusod te jaie hein, snd n a 018 M e1 publ ~ icgOh.stndi ngdiogeraienor hisar Atore eea uayhues ry acquence of that resolution wen tino member for Haloosvote o catwold haveLtaeo p arma In defense o s-o ietters GIOCEEZES AND LIQUOIi, u oO C.ouuty hson nlong lai, mn1 logislation ta carry IL ctt. lie had op. dus] represesntion, and told i.tinsheGoversor MoDougallif bho iad REMAI.N1<G i h olaPit OfI i l Mtcs. '=-Myposcd Conféeration finie he hegin. <oveesmeat wano ooiog hia lankets and boan properly onmmiaaioned. The, WVa'rm sou wliid t e W p t tlmtDeosmier, 1060. GL o toit piase on h. l7th ins., at nnadhlivdtc s wrO htt hrforti hoeooght Os vote with aCuneurghaJas.h h. emve. metsgis dvrooc ppe m paroiîoghi isa t hefeedatede qerwuisl isue L arett, Chaet tc Hmon Joahsn . A ouCsenTh ont GLAMSWÂRE, Palerno, te onidrtomttsosfraddresthey would bo rcferrod, as No- him. a iii it h ocon ol su aneiaî haps tc ain Wn John .M JOhmi T1&8 uidng a r athewes tspdfova Seotia bail ccs, OSto eDominion The Attorncy.Generaal oat hat reon bis proclamain. MlerTho Wm ) Johsaeon Walro' TOBACCS broldnte.Ths irond ssîmwentMiltons and alomn;yt avoudc trtnin a joke. on the 10th Dit., tino Rchl Cunil op Moro Chrtother Nixonil..hc WINES, d Trection, m oeant a ino the ig Hade.lon NMesses. Richardsiand Me Bloko did not helievs It wai a met sud djoured tii] thne 2sod, at Tinompas Don Watt Aue.caMio. j BRADIS, actiho abl, ta devise aime minime ahicin John S. Malcdonald isspoko igast, -sud ne doint theolHon. Attorney- whci oan i ras ntoiotd ho bo 1I>R b lumeyte~o y are ad5vert o sl. a OL.1 RYE aoCO3MO()NWHISKIES, wî fetiî aryatts oti-but voicid in a fvor of addrosinig lier Geoerol sûtothetnsstool of repentance would docide te disbond, so thin ail '.W. Lt. LYON, wll edooctMejesncarThyroutltheicnostieat-icdfor il sext nocrutag. prohaiity Mr. MolDanagollis Dow in stat. 1has~ aas1'.taXna. -- ILW snmeeary for ne te reiterairohe o 1.ply diqgeacetol Os briog accusations ~h Its e isAtre ccotogOOi of ol oesiao is(oirs. i E.CONT List of Letters ICHl lm Oit aOh eumisinfnr fshetr~ T)actrsdaey, Me. MeKelor moved tis in agaaîoeî a pivate mmier oftoila hi. topssttea 14 en"eosm asiiheacs isdi.tattn Hoce.it cmi t he,, tnoHoues. ,11was unfair iand unpsrlia diae teiincs,Othe Cnces id Boîgeis, Ocre EAINGtthGsrooiPs andth bi eooutin ee.in t.th.aou. t menary. COrder) opposadiote elnsurg at. Ofi. os ths lost Dwcmleer, 0009. ssW_;&11FnetFaim nPi- forrent parts od our County, sdOehsrslto eoîgt isnnuît e lk untmkn hre oonr~ooi ftn a~sCaa ayJn oesnJis gie-4 r Baewuntmaigchre i ' DuailcparJone Mgnleaa .furygsadladan",i(t iyeotnigha patd hy sonresident onrra f land aganst lins Hon meminer for Heln.îon GraMole Joho (2)seMorrion ames.~ of he noovenencs) e wichwe refor onter courses. Ro rx-uiaind tit It oasatino Attorney.Gcneral woLiedBBy Company, i. lysg vey il], oith n rceJh52)0f Iiii sEolGelSfieThS ttieicevisoe1 oiendire oe * MastbiW H Raf Joh >iiia. ov 301.109, sou olil oe rid ae n ite h od sgivo feico vie vers tino manetenocharges, and thiono. gootlope a nha eory.HatrWH RstJhw 1 Ne.amnlm u UjeeWIcrrod nt oore et aneiolat o îcdImaiprocoeded agoin to rond Me. Bar- ______N_____Haning Pete Khngston G prncnaditiona. These are patent OSeinro tatomoth e in conversation ne NRERNRWEETO.Weinh Geo W Kennedy Win a ewmeean-al admit the sroemiîty for i ss40îcntsper-nont. TinsAttorney- ferren to1. Ho conluded hy moving O RT FZ EETOPersn,. eoHngfor aiyeof theovo lettera a hags utoh. a n ae s tsaOneral, in roply, hepen t tat legislation hie resoluhiione. WM ffTnsasteo fr in rprsoaatoao!e y ar C derýLA afchnge tothogtfertnt one initiaie wouhd be cnrried on justly, and tino Me. Bicher tiosght to wolecharge Th cnetfrterpesnaino .BRLY ~.11 uBfodbcos Wsthenefre toeintite settler ,noald not iave the powegivena agreat eey vitin but tory lihîlewool.tiis Couny in tins Local Lsgielatuee, Vr 311.TN.UOEBE i erai. moîg e t tnore oO erte ha ofrn ioaneteln-w (Laughton.) Tins Attorney-Gescral mode vacant hy tiens evciat reigna. 175 cents Palrm meeting asîotthe gren!e me tao te oasfltei abns-fen te ra I w-aid iimself bil nta convesationenit!ho tien of Me. Sepplo, oho made oay for Bir raç-orrieLý'Gau Tslof ent. es te oel thei lands eAfte severl Bassin Houseasnd tinoformon heiug Mr. Mure",a httelte ih re BatuMqd lut, -e »aet15an orer s WOsa e ntiters hsd gisen tieir viovi ou the augey wttsonne onesaopeoitah]y did nt ay stntoolte iitW. 1>. & P. A. LYONVoa la làaat~h les iinal i~. tho t owing otat planes tOe OM Atoraov-aourilmovd tno more to hienthon he migitnt opposSic Francis Hinoino, bhoninI ai Oalalaoase bc disatuad at that seetig-or pe tro ,ntins titoeiieneral ovei elbyoferned bave donc. Bt ho wasont cdot. M. Docon roived a major, ivjs aoee ias.si tc iii!Crna Aitse eS. tse ctllopa ~iuit my ates-w w oldeengo a msjority o! 21. Me, Boyd mode ohoboatint ns onac leas uestified l îiIenag spneee voud ug e iniorduin netccng. As tos oinsblaikto-intasaitnolwOieltnconaooe <NAt Pz~edIawe i h itlk Ani. agoed menof !effetiug tieir objeot, 0 iiseempt intotede o! foies foitebrotinors bilad einspplying tino Asy. stml," s ILappearo that cveu in tine OTROComas Om « i h nltv u h. formation oe! itatStock Coinxmtth oetad ffmlisfenluaiwiitinrin for the-iattwoecivoyoars, patreiasainlo Coonty o oaf eu tinere ta Diarct frara thes oseoufitater-lover tOa .P lrl 5 o tu por. "asp 7 prolu ctionpaista, aid hat tise route of the pro-Issy oresaile os excutlon," and tho n d on tho lasteoetract inho ltenrd îincy aTowninip ohiaitsurpasses ill ochers ee. Caland aes. efCa- U o . S ea te podmresdq in the ublifraionwioindtcw hl. Me. Blakes thon movedfenad lost. Tine pnpeecotOraoct oa ssi Grenue Mito s rot oti haeriitf! isoinm ocudrcdororheuiptiong.issouloe orThhe tncrdnooamerptsu hcnan ooiisueriEOsEOsuNDOpeGEIaL Mito teBrue it sIrih o heth ecndrndn o bsBil eatn hy anay otinemanufiacturee, and an forelasieoTownship b .Algoae., (obiotMLE Co-. Mu 1 phes iilstispie pla-irensh eoadtos oivilte leom tjieci, Othe trial o! contreverteai eletiona.bimocitie doentht inioony o!finocuidso oainoaaly likoIlailigons, ah 1') 1Huain &ssu Me Ishaifzugà iei and Lite. 10hL bo enn estimated by obsie Thee oiniffeatoreocf tii Bit] is te have Goveramout )ntrace atahea by tis aid it bas a rouaarlnalle foculty of tura- E. N. ORR, Pioprietor, ghal mdfmb t uat N.~eIM aaos utre carspaetste judge tinso titaclot per tino rils o! oonteoveted elcions b7 i brttnrs, ibaie-er received n siSn- i- o tianuo rofvotes aeaotW intetontago5.acron rin s ehi oblri aamam~.. f the Houewihlatrcsen a hapeor or,. Moit], tiaci. to odcrtOsgives inal, a o sprpre oCouity. muàly lkàq and utpsased, formai!7 bho$3,000. _Tino grsdimg recqired ns,-bcimtr y1ei ha 'TioAto oeyGoral ridieulenlthtinbinnf a dozen; baL os uecesary ocoani- givs as good ad îhaau article aisay 4peed l Or WMomIffm" t Nag-would hecomiparatively tifliug, sud thte sot proeoci itiofietory, as party spirit dafýe.nnof e! tnonocner for Haltes b inYss and fue adoqaoteo oasidration, i tatheibueiness, huvnupereonattyasecoei PoSsee ffll4à " h lie -Thorna s.a large aaeesud matai are ea*iîy pnacrask. i tea apt tosmiuîend tinhe enones, teinoetinhemiter tor Soutin Bruce, andntcharn i abefm h etwrsl h ahui st erizad ionas a getuitous d imeparti-oatereottoea Limes ftintat uibor.- CUnited Stotes,,and wilh coteutto gieeraa- lnïim or :ehllidroslu th. Old Couutry Wore asua àaimpsmy duly losorporat- sold*tim a trict]y jadicinl capocity, na-t inocîtonence. Darinag tinslaot content, il foliy min-satfaction. Havag on baud a atleedie leees«a"en dmtaiplcymmt, od, voe tiinnit iat tiney couid ask it hi- sdaaieIoiudortdoi s Alter au aniosatentdiscssion lion. tained ite former prestige, sont by thne Moneumentso, teistouen, Tominotona, Citerà sud moa tel isof ot W" h. lad te Ot fssr On!refusaai,ftint tinoCouîty ssd Engisud. Tino Atteroey-Geneeal op. Mr. Camecea morent, oeeooded by Mr.manufacture ffciiu oeptMr t'oO.TahbleTopar, Miutteptaeee, anal tetons o! Milton snd Oaitvilies siould proved of tino measure, bat tinoughilhWoodtinat aill tihe woens atten a I aoo!oisrta-sputMn.everythhîgoîmed inla Mrint. Otuce adage, a& lit c t "ri e s.cuSd by hoe atronck ont, andt atin ol !iowig Murrsy lut thebetant o!tins poil, and byE.N 10 lte sis kadoa ~ ~ e Is Ry.-ittoenOten roo itu ! 2,00should have bren left Os tins (lvers- vords ho iuaertied: Thît la'the Tusday's papiers, wus ora tinat the W7. D.4 R. A. L o uudsr lie f Ilil 514 4t&BSMft aitat- per mite, and tishe mnutod statufie meut te istrodoro a Bill s! ibis nature. opinion of ohm Houe.,tinot tinsinda-pen. Sieriff isas deoîored hin cîcetont He Ge torgetowns, Mare],e, 170k, 18e. 45-tf Br-oken il. Wwissu hased for adatloalabour along the routs. Titîst~te A onrindie.suioa eosaed, lice geerai douce otfitis Aiisembly in esffiieutly ouI a faney, oio nayh.Lgo n ivtnî isIFa Md M" toroiainig oser - à" c iess vit]. miielàOuontmunicipal affaire epinion heiug linat if siould bche eH oven goarded hy tie no tario Stîtuto nu ta -i;ow otanant.' Wiîoinan carrnet iy 36 latine honora. H TBee- sud placesi 'Mliib. pnoidsd f« taï odcisase, ireaafew CI until nexa2setioa,,sud tine aixiaouthaî 1 e abenaig hi iems dJeeseL Mlueaoai ns and y-p. »aid White Wma V en Leof Bogie. cooad Ba. SSsnolnig Toinieo. Cheaaecg Vcb-ca. A elan-rlt of APtaîsafo m J.% EýiliOLi Mlo, SOt w9 leehaieut oin t s lot AtoM rete.. àle-saauet «'azm f :omr a1%b. 'PEINeS lar-t cf Lot No. 19, uinre2n&i IJtiC'on-iecisEsqasacntn -47 Acris,hniac-es aiiBas ir and t ohs. liirty Aras ea-iera.id cc ine admi mlaltlberaaon hs raoaiaton. Wel sateresi. Pries5e 0 h00si,,itlr inc ROBEROT MILLB, Lo C.oitna, Traf-itl Mailton, Nec. llnnd. 1869. - 24-4t LoIl " Rw EuLBRItB. O. FeUeo-es-c aclaingua dicialauon E. C. THOMOPSON, Bront,500Neco.,l SG9 Bscoy O 2Tr-aie A ds 111 Lîmî 4;((OD TIRES HAVE 9101919I WMOICH e c> C > ID I 10 W la X- C> -L 'A6 ma ma AND CRXSEQUENTLY MHu aIportrd a lorger stock,,thaunuseaihia sesanetaaspply thetgrsaoins thi. muniarons' austeunone. Wr incite spscatteatupatOc aime ocf ah. Newest styles in Ladies' Dresig, Winih arr ild nrîly iny es, omitarr the hast hn Ihin arket, i, a CMeasatu IaBlOaSl Iaiota Po1li.e in aIl noiera, Cha Plid a-ee, &c, aOSaecy chcop. Dt. D. h-os ilai ther LAIRfEST & CHOICEST STOCK OF MILUINERWV, Haitlic, Itinhama Flevaro Poothera, Inssa&O.ainitowa-a]1 at losi prices.. Lt. LtCris- tis hi e olargosl ont cieapet âshaehinatonof knîtet bN cio -nnt, uana-t, iednast Shsl, Cos.Barts, Mecets, tafaito Jackeso Booteeafi mt Uoantafroi 5 n dOI it ao wo siohr n tock ail inheidaha fnt rga atd Berlin W caleBriesa Buttais, lrnagea &c. Il Yeuoant godnid cheap Blnakta gto D.LD.Chiastîaatiney aa rsalY Unshe *lçfo th inany whavcrrsaee. Cal ndeaoine Olua InfèUI &ls~AD& ~SS Fa.êtolable Suit of (lothes ir~ ista~n t it a CotOoWisCbni rra Oheap. Buy at V. llaa1,Au LTGN'85 Hilton, Beptemzber22ad, 1005. 15-tY Boots and Shoos ini Endless Variety, Lt. , Chetetiehàsalvayu or nuitgoont P!a oscar, Sap, Mcc.CureoO, Baisns, Taahai50 Bpic% &o., adthe him c is pa fnCtUCrto, En,@, ait cUner PrOaitor, o matou, OcOobea- lItt, 1tH.O. D. C EIiISTIOtSgi 80, Hm sgssssa d4slsy of lIE EW- FRUIT, CALI. AND SEE HM Y hojos Black "Od Grain Tei"ta Oc 0o 1.00 hCorn and Qatmesti =ci& sand Layer R,,,,, tats and Figa& s, Lsma monadCtn Pu an Ahasiada withoao ShO.. mnAlmaonds and Pilhras. SPIC ES. etd ad Whcle.O. Giag..Case tOies, PePPrand Not.s, W~tifortbe W I ueuU C 0a,CW-tm U.eehg, Jait- _____ .ia140h test Btockstook aid Kay h. meettneiÂt A,4 lGeore sBu - oa uder-atudthat &Mouanut cf Jr~ew - sutos. -Coi Trotdois EGe A eings- ft] te.es oH lthke eiuaY t 0.301 Mmnesvruaat, thne Boeard ef commae~ tva ibourde oici A Meting ot Charria, Eaqns .i upPoa-Chordah gjea op tins kay If ,s.ralired rd Tisa CSiy tha Paies vi. Milton, ci Tu la et o.necivil Thi. apcakaser couuty. di-emdel's Lady" 5 Thne pu]elishaeitO inaa- O thae itigb.i canid ehsured.I puileS. besicles platos, &c., &e.,i Ptoloap5ate& Pri¶ lnitbeetikas NeW i Wa havs reaeiu ohm on wMas5 Pageu o1 selicti0 hosida-' iota nca fte kr siilyai csavscy) in vqhy quihty -tin ni Aaiatessi, R.îiau osai Strant. Novw tins lecturehy th 2 ithhit. An ti peetonaty Oati diatiaacaechcd ear- tinc.Icalaae$f t shiCau ent neodeas alldan Illte a nas Thne oais lt,-aeadeBilel - emaiencHall a alli-.ea-lt'y tl, JO\.entstahaeat oiiity et th.- s»J in the St5y geeatleaaea in t l,.t sinno i aine.] ianassd his in tinsirie-t ot to asigtt. oafaliofet 2.40 galt. Ms ciptnugu a*so aaa-saiSosIad tv, iand hie tasiti Letureand c Tine toc - in-tit et Jas ha een se a stabnlish.dt rwu n.i owo hapy Oc.oceaes etof Milonaacntha Tcrat.iy, oa To proaenet, - ntin Vhs ohl4m ' tins ietane.i nin treainaex U5gtaa tumm ot Mîiltao sen local taiti.. icadiat.iandos paidnaet" faces, Eleatmaan. acut li mq atha,- lîttt- 1 IRE LAW OF EVIDENCE. 1 rv. 1 Ur he in ie ffi le le id -1 ke