Ut AND COTTNTY OF IHALTON INTI MLLIGENCER. iphxoU-*i.OO p«t Annuon laAolvaflO. "THE PRESS-THE PALLADIUM 0F THEEPEOPLE'S RIQETS." *200Stnot PmM u Oas Psiêt Vi XMILTObN.fllITNTY 'OF HIALTON. TRIJRSDAY, NOVEMB3ER 25, 1869. D'ffUZVI TÉIJEDAT XJOENXNG COUNTY AUCPIONEER, Nu"agaey Ontaioby A orenipecmptly ttencded Proptier.Namagaaeym, Octabr 7t4 1W& - t-tf OFICON MI11' STRET.I J. B. WllImott Tuapi-i a y arlesalane rvihnISSUE a or'MAEIAGE LICENStO, -sTm"t a emis lie dtranc tblag, n Main Street, Milton. el Ifonîe paied, Si 'li.ta hre.W. Ha YOUNG, RATES 0F A.DVERTISINQ. IISSUEROF ItÂRRIAGE LICEN EJ %kgtcoelptlme for theeîrntlaaortlcu, 1tUnin Arcade, Ombilla, Ont. 7-3me Mdl iv coear eiaauefoieeah Snnbaqnt William Aa Agar, acainmaOrs of igît lIas. oc leas 84 BOUSE PIIcTER, GLAZIER, AN» PA- per aaemm.pr tanger. Stop n IMartin Street, MThésa of lion t*eerobcdb Milton. Ordesleftat Thom psn'atOotei *.0agace sceupieel, memuiar y a oleOfai' vda e attencidet. vo-ai4liy _gdie Bnvier.» aleltadrto- - A tibirai"a lo navr- Robert Swiiteu Anceibet. mut&laertol fer milalol periodé. Avmdrismsate ultheuLt apecie laistrue- SARISTER, ATTORNEY, AND OqL. Moaimlsrisi titi fenil, and chanel i.citola Carery,O1atvOilr. Ofilci-dA- usilyi. algimo for the Cmaiy eci Haton. Aay upeini NutIe, fia.ebjet cf attel W tl e amOte.the pocuaimîr emil OfaaY lame. Saittede. L. cc lali uai or onupaytta csilorel &B SURGEON DENI, slvrsaemetm ali barzed amerllgY. MM =.:=,cme.HTle ____________________ asle rait shilleeery jhlUZtiitgD ~ wooru. asenad lut Moeday ineach met.- Boccu im Canadiasa ate-AIi peratie _Mareul- perfe&l WciicgiomSqcmaoApril 4. nec. 44-17 Wa.Us.ltrofft,,~ada ?r]3S8ClANl, SURGEON at ACCOUCH- <CH0lIN IIOTEL, sua. OffieR. lRedeacmc-Tbatl5tei7 noatNLBY EST.,liV GEORtGE GAR- occuplit ly Dr. Creokoer. v9Y i. Thàin e eabon", aed ine tted ÙP ims, Oct. le. Issa. i iny teas minfmrtatle a nsinucer ans a o iliii ____________________ IbcCcety GodStablieg. Etry&tes- 1%Ibfýtwo, Ia.,P., C.Na, i Ibmmpaid t it ulra. 2- MgeOSilIs alqe. idMa.1.ilon, Ont. ]W=C> xWC m= teu OeaMiitoaidece-.Ome donr South of BV the pst OGlace, Foter Strett i M4 .ÂKGegtwOe Milton, Sept. ï, nie. 14.17HOA LAK-SreonOt e' -- - TIES le aod frtm the staion, rerem Ta.DcWls,... 8.9D. B arly. XEtry attentien nmid te ttc ~BADUAE O>'TEE UNvESSi tro'iavlling public. GQed sabmmee sud md. »AUTZO TI UIERIY Ftntivniaaéilein. 3.-Iy Toronto,RaLtocrillo,eeeavy. - Onça e md eînco-That lat oly cc pidl D.Rbeto.Coansultton IRObta D olm agei Itmm Ovea 1e. 1, ie68. 12-17 MUEoReOF JOH M MChIiI.Ulll LICENSIIS,&Is Xt..a.t. i..5e.. c.. mTown Hall, palerim.(,tober î7th. 1866. 204 "Y 5-tyrian Idu. nu-u TROUAS D103, w H TE BARREItISEAT-LAW. A. OFFICE- Lm je1Ithie a ea., Mains. r T. - - iîLBIEm. Co., 2ie. '1Th 109 l-iT. m CEE T. Sa UUEICSGN1 s L H T BEITE&.OFFICE -IN TUEE ]BARa Mil Mlls Mii.Aprii iti, 1lm. ATTOSET YAT LAW, SOLCITOR IN M T> .O tAimy, Convoramcsr&c.. ". O O n5HF. uit tctacltar bpte infom thebt.et Ot*m Me et lmcatiasmnefai qm'imid -T l u ie t e bshm veta nebis ue ieln, ~ rsmtoie. mu die crer cfMuminamal Brovn Sreetr. Asi. aer. m i e tiol tevait upoL. tii aid 5Iihl 505 catoe.tre bouas«parelnermbr %potn, - S LeLISER, mooreats ela muisat hlm Hous a . st 8. R. LSTERs caniotol. audalail ie laver biln ati meir DmiVSOx COURT CLESEK, COMMIS- -patroncmeeviiitceirr evrry attentien. sgnae iaQneeaa Beach, LîcoeaolAao. JOHNt WALLACE. tbome, Accacuàtý eh. Dttscolect. Miton. Pet, lîrd. 19t4 rS.î>-is- eln ommisson.- Naeffvsim April ,1nat4. -lt-ly W'. Barber & Bros.,- James Ai rasérc AFKK K.INFITkBtS! LICENSMD AIJTIONEER FOR TUEE (Istya RlmL sd..ia-MiltoO. Commety et Hait'GIL si11-ly CCCZMbt>m= T.e1utn, prliluig sud Wrappîag Paper OEMIST A» DSUO<IST. SEED, mtoyonldm aet re. DY.UItnfs Smary At. XMatre, Cat-i4nhdcdmd ~edr gomorgnealoâ r o n h hots ntc.lynRri Oie ahwie rnettîýes t theïr sate O)AKVILLE. qmatiyvii oai ie am fetotmfr mmo ih f al t preistcash pmd fIte hetel hanimi"1y isen tomialy -'< rmfmiailmus 1tonitc idotétm5iedta C M 5ai Zalate. Internat at eeht per ma i VentClou Ronas -'0 cent. 0- iqw ofthehembrad kpt i- Apply le __ G' Lqaca a abstes taail epiai.JOHN DEW -, wayamonhbond. SBar~ Ar Omkelllo% Jutlais îtSle. - Milton, Mars-h ecth. 1nta. 43-tf BIIELINGTON UOTlMM.WECLLINGTON am u.mut na mcgestet thîs i -xotn'I'noei.ls tcard: a vs r smtse iaiatnim stlor asmisas.laces. W.aian Square, Ot 24.,1887. 10 Ir JOHN ý;TAIÇALLES. FROPSETOS, Iat os ubaakteaais »-@»w e- STOP AND SEE, Wi a Bs lag remarkhaun Tutmfdal bis humlns' cla roti.etu style. BaSe aat mes r«tlda rym boudess. r 1 bey are ten, nndeible and Pai5n.0, OtQ4,e-thc Most a eptcal thast thtetirent Mdicai = ulad, yeuned i r so, la sea BEOS TO AUNfIUNCE 'TO BS ~ mirffl fiends t u on GREAT SHOSHO0NÉES RIIMEDY. Hob, su tetlBCmi, tîoFor ])Immaocftles Trtat, Longs, Livon vîcr ho iFsbo tuai vstnemi leDiestive Organe, Kldarys, At., se4atl ma atted tedisvia.of hssuasut. Srofols, the vrinSi teDise", Ru- Mil tuMraidi 55. ai~ mn, anda&Hai1ssses atteleg item Impur- milym aré Ish, ffl 4'W iiloesblod, vo teidly statu $iaa chfia nétaaas CTi <nei ttedybus neyer busen qalltd. -WlCVWUO a W etuten ever aucis a cuemisthat imTM BSIER 5505 TO I"IOtM la the penson cf Wilson itrtsm cf Brigi. tcpbleO bulhm ha as Bs abe W mltom, . W., ef Cdnsomeptmio;erthabt of 1155m0fera ,O vhe li hntélPeter . V vMliq, of mEeoaiOIi.. W. -O bpia mmVoreofytbelmObuéic. G.Conasomptiona- or abt cf Ambre.Wtcd,' TB. and = etb.mWou in&= osceon . w. of Dyspepsiesnd iv- 555uAs.O. taiSteE55#5l ""?a.eaiiate, si Cpotantetiaiof Jotna m055Y, Of iLt, L osmaaaué>', " Impose.. .O. , ofsasaiati.. vhuiba hi. s u the MOUai amtemcf ba on avtohea ion yua, la umaglu idisOs.>'i~st Nepsst of1i ai rmolsaet hrettemd la à"le m ed laagiaItarorlig dia tet t uu ol. oomof aisacscs tght bd aiIaameu e t~~ sui i sa ectlooed bal vo agce. Mdlir. Cit ai tic Drog-aiono al<emO-culr UA p UA oL.. f iunqoeo»bloétie~m ou tise r Atn, M" 1914 1 m- 38-11i 'sbosbcarem Semoly aldPllsanmd malaf _______________yosemevou. VHJUTANU@TNL IILIUIIEmmisstitisaensIy, l.a lae mte50.00. For " .by a&H lrugglstbmlandeniers lao inedicine. Agents fqr Mllea, . 1Wacs Md J. B, Viliil tt ,oieSao hi iNe. W.Fm MILL$» ipLaamîvste (t.s r.tdes4 idetie nNi Chmio. 1 Iiél, Tto yli 8. 3~ JAMES MtGUFlFIN & CO. TREMIENDOUS RUSE TO THE ,IC~TERMIN19D TO SELL GOODe AT OUR "IMMENSE STOCK 0F GQfODS HAS J -UST ARRUI-VED! 'WrHICraMUST BE CLEIRED OUT EN TuIE CURIISLI 0P A FKW WEEKS! IN ORDES TO"MAKE ROOM FOR NEW IPOTATO$ Coene, to, me Il, and secere bartaa isO1ro emsamelibefoes-porchasinge tiathere. Yeu vi i nadve viii ive yee Goods Cheaper than you can Buy tbem in the County. LADIES' DRESS GOODS 0f EverygDtaoniilaion, '(90tons, rhn, tic~rzRS prints, &c., &c., at aBaroaiu. WIOMuI Ix EVEDERD *sn Us-T UVERT aTt07c $3,000 Worth of WoII and Fashtonaahy Made Up, viii peslcsrely ta WB HAVE ON RAID TUEE Wliob will.ssbe ads Up in Firat-Cias Styls. We finl It .paasltoleenuerale tha literoent bleds cf tiomdo ulch ve bave on band, vo ibereicoeimaiti tht pubiilo l And vs oiii ael ithem avay vtisi lafl vt ch. Bbngaiam ve ah 91TO tdb,. or ]E. kw mad RE.mbOW tiePlame 3AJ«e M NGitFWIN oma M~osatct sun, 1855. £U JL M L-%J Il 9 %JIJ V.&I L JL UFJL JLAý-. - 9 I , ea the 1 - . - --- - . n lr4 -",à 1 1 ___ __ __ __ __ _-tva et a tire, ihailoi te tbe station. mid vaeu; vbile àdb. aime eto»d.vasa LITTLE TO'rrLEF. ad kbold dis traluit dlegin tavarda iteseola. ML .75. bisicdg u. -the oppesaits sids,ý Jumping dowis mp om o atine eus r fis laou. cniLb0lahoo,»simuraoy, on thc lino, I wu about le crois,, vIasmènerai thlap ala is sot n t eat * LL lOWhOPSlW a ois mrcd neflt to pais befors the bein visible bles.te.ttrsscmy obsst m.rntuM r engins; aseoringly golag rouno-d thevto.A snl fitaadmi T aaîr.a lorsac1 lisait cf tetrain, 1 ncsnted ths odise bcitls tood in eoen -r;ote tueoo V.«= ýb: " platform, and plasma nmyhab on mtht earil'. a rmilwsylsemp, sourga ii. HE .d Z bby . l ca, ageddor, wu about le open t. ÙIuesumd as«Ummml tsIg; bove thsse, ai batraine " by is lime moving very lovil on a show. tim res isy hskig bock. Talbgeaoddat fSoU*Pn'W îair1" cid the porler, IldontI inperchaientoverts a oue mi s1.- Ever tataoisuheaaed; yenss the train le in motionr' 1 hottin, sis.quili psu,% a sbi e7 Bo 'od bardly thiak se, Totsrieccra d . à dtcvbock sud the cattisgsc on pipaemntolasoab-z Aun nplsanst mitin o le , . and on; that it appomtcd mc if the nattrof cil -d lmile à"$ okend (anm vc.oa; serdvas ecrosng lnaemd f mncI auldno . P e) Of spirit par- Xims ad eny f lving; n scmicg t II*ouabcrfivaded tePlais. bass, viti ihe ex- ill.g tss~ ' ehind, I caugbl ai tbe dcor,bmdle ception f dis latter, I abcmid bavus os- Fathcr cf ail. oh 1 guideotileul, neaest tenm-it.u athat of tst lest Poe umutville. Wbau i êt The patterng littie et, carniage. I ve ov uet the sed cf the cerner by the donr t Ituvasotsesy le W b .lctb sy a r a the p -i el anro.nde, B the bmdc hommt, platfcrm, sad the train wuvas 1Act, dtet L m isesMd' if anme- Acd t=meromil ewerss, irg morcby ipleto ysythîng îhinogScovèd. Afterome miniatolaid" Kece tbcimpulse bicot, i -ici Acdoe hi creycmdl uae we hus e mlutesslspsed Ilmant forutard te mus dis mye. Setior, oh! givc thonmat. carringo, and hcla en, lryieg le linbtotry, and emgit hold qf vIci ppsaored d IC~rti n~ Up and opte dis door-tia, oving 1te te b the folda of soiovsrcl. As I -TAOChVm> riIs .the narrmvnona cf &bc step, Ji vasunu did noeoonwueàmlittie sorese, nidIla - abitle accmplish. Ths sposd vis vis ovideat tdat 1>md dlsspperad se My ~hokIn MlcavcntlZt.rapidly beomiag grscattr, adteon- onocnhiding. Deferssmytutps-iisb - gins vea givieg teady pulls onvard abatsd, a seramnbling owcrhad ania My tret vacation at Cambridg--* vhith vers distinttly perceptible hoavy diumplipcn thetlmfoottis vun short oas--is jnst ocenming. Tht Lookieg forverd I saava putcf talla ontcids the dont aà»anod %bâttte lent f My cempaluiosea amat off for lan my vay; giviaig a loup vhile tic>' snciy mwu. W mia i o a* tho reilvay station, m h io cdOSje ts isitane. I vsu crrisd juat ai vs ta oa -Md sc . d cou tt ayh avi tadentp fonuofa mor ythot.mfy, Thon I ehuervsd ta tiise jMcctrs. III Io T1"hb. abami vhith, fringed vîth &b-oxts, mwayed thaitbhetrain vis rnhing in by a val sa, "vbat'a tlle fWby, Vlaite - ftcmn aide te ids beneath thm emiegly -seqnitting .y hold cf tht stop, aud bat ibnb ec old get mv faa'ibo, a ueolinxted veigbt cf I"mn" and lng mruing bard aIl ttc tino. I antceded litls girl et about nos'oce igt jeans gage. As wnceatthey vert gene an ein ctthing the ced buffer hoforo Ii cf agi rac le bhi.fiotthditrserna« 0 verpo ering feeling f du l e se cam e psed M e. G ra ping it, ith b todi and h ld - i , b > i s sont . L ooki g ai over ne. The coual hostIe and excite- bande, I van nov pallcd &long at tht e m angrily ' b ked,*1 bvat do yu mnt cf iienity life hmd mddely bock cf thm train. Tho expression vant hsre? wusn i ...Bl coassd, and as I retcrned te my recale "rcnning" voald cOl eonvsy any idsa what'sycnra? *laht' vante to kcov, ,and pnmoed tbrougb tht grime cld tolltgt cf lb. exorcise I bad te nedergo. viat ye e hsca for." gale, I fit like one friandiesoand for- Stride, eridt, ttidm, stride, stride. my Freinhb& aspeetlMdmdiannora I nov naîca. elepe beameo6I, t. 10 foot loapo in a aav' thai, dongl anmytbiag btiflp- For son ie i1tesct brocdiog over moment, and I fit ny logo fail ns as bie cad beau miint ht sly, and tht fire vith ny chic upoe my bonis, is7feetticerne ioloatly ilacontattviti vwu bout on isielcl Tbinai dii and aq fot upon thheoscf .7 gralte, tht ground svery tino. I feared le lot conciliation venld be dis boutecoarse for tili thtetrane cf thc Ilgyp," vbo, go, bot I could net keep up at aech a ne te adcpt, I anavcred hi, evlll>; vaitieg mn me, inerrapted i* mcdi-panec eige g oju-a ninn o iei.that I vas, bis pemisger, end ttie-', Oh, ir, aboisIBog pardon eIsvueg myneif bietath the bcfftr, villing le pay ny fats;; sesurs iahis ir," tie tegan, "lyen vert net at bail and tta let go. I was rcloed ovet and that hoa aould anet ciinodcd hy le day, ir, and tht Dean snt vrd cme ver lIke a bail. me, and vo vmnld it dova legedier ad bnoy vhetherryea vould te goiig dova Shonle cf disapprcval bodaail lime b. friedl>'. Wililvc ?" hoe reptied. air; y011 inat cIlo i m m efoe choap. tino beela .y eaut, bei nov I fait I"Oh 1 indecd; psasoges i Jaiem'a p se. ci about it, air." haîf tnantd. Srraistiing le .y fat t songr, anoyc Fasso 1 la t.ail?' In ebediencetulethe imessage,, I tap. as noc as possible, I tomntcce ta n, IlYto" aidl vhatimore do jountn. sd at tht Donna donr at tht tino ap. and iaitontiy fell avor àalaieper. Upta quite ?" " Mort ? Yen ia a dis-es- pinled, and taving recinved permisson chia I perteived I tad beau foiioving lot, I oxpet; a rawomly iarudicg spy, te eter. found that bheonlertinedtd iletht diretion thet rain hadl gens, in- pocee lese vata goiag oonm. e grtatoat possible objection te my te. tead ot oeeking tbm station-tut .y tare thia thi!d ountfrortm y von i Bat naiacug la lois residonce. Ho vas traie vos ail in ceefuion. Tht hum* no - it shantibe dons l' infrlancmag bocc, i t enod teome, ou ciearieg ut ai ery booneg leader, hooeor, re. the by lava, ma re'y700;sd yn ney ail the uedergradaates. ce an te releame called ine tesmuetuneouf ny position. m& vel break yonr ov e sck as aivo ne hiceoif ttc. tho duty of keeping hie Tbree or four raaivmy mec boa by thia tht' treuile cf doiag il. Ovor viti .vatoiful oye upon their duingui. I1citimente top, and mat cf lb.. toilaséd yenu?"'lItpoiatsdd i tel nemjse vain, fer a long iwblie, dii I pieul that ms roeghiy. "lCeint tock, jeu, air,' tic air le dis aide cf tic van. -1 That'a living ini the nerth of Scctl4ed, it vas nul thé man. "'No mnni ava>',ttc vay," hoe id; Iltakc it 1" a gueat hardnhip mococn6l ne te te- yeuvejant teen and mde ahnctidÎnt Tht traie vus nov, gang vos-y fot tutu teint for ceiy a ff# voola. Heocf yeurtif, mascosa as r jeyu coulad dovu a sligât inline, sul thera van no v as bard le ceurinee, and tbeuirh I vont te give il te yen ?' With thisonoas ithn osali Prsteadiagt, therfcgee had nerar iecnrtldhia dioploeure, ho I va s tehlbacI te the station and aOt te obsrvesabat ho boaijoint mi. I affeotd te believo that my unwilliogý confrento vit the angry station-nos- to',î oui .y paras aidi ths vitu ef di- n etu l go dean mutet eoed frets ter, peu and paper leinmon.al. Whittle verling bi& atiention. t-Leok >èe," ttc basenttoff motives. Wehrhnorn eti saarT sud aaid L Il"Wtat la die fats for ridiig in tbought I ted my eym cn thectoileagoe dlte, in a pompoonbutp to rter hia cnnfoamle va,. of luesea? Sîsuli piate, or vabat, I buta net. At lest te volet. "Wty doyjeuasî?"en.-I 7111111asf" dh- Witb one yieloi an ungreelous pttniuaioii-sub- quiirod. Wy? Bnose, air,yjeubadie he hd dua co., jeet te the foiiming ceaditlons, that I bmve infriegel on tho ennpa ny'a hy la coacinidlmav ay ebtolool the recomemndatienaseofny lava; I havea m macn alrcady teon. taupiag npoa tte eehltgt tutor, aAd iII net nis a chapel sut againat ymu, and yon arse'lebt puc.t ke brmndiabed hlm uer a bail, the ahele tineanad ferther, istod for jour viifl nd coalisions fte - mad hotod. -"Fifty that I aboul att as lcesn erader. atlsnpt t to-e suad tofora -Iomtd zaois >pasde 1 i orMoesuogo "For." lho added, "enuinuot net ex. pcoitiy rtpiy te thia vaguseoango à» a oludes- 1" pect te Pmas.avacation lu lotb aud dispatched diras cf mice capa .fslt. l- oc lnng tleni, mcd mîonns, air, and the college viii require gates lw puvat m n>e ta.Iulhb-tas-o, tergsed tien la bu the utaucat rcguleity ou your part." coinply vitt ail hie dematise istitber fboisbien ai Toeml hia I made ne objecticne; te ho dialogue in vtich ve mut of lieaome. and eprai* sntoatoed le est .y dineer regularly cd indigoation, cnsh teig ueatgus idhi h.e lgis every day vithout fail, and te efficiale tho othera ceeduet, vuecame mi e h sok. viti 'b. as roader, vert un punihennlete ne, Hs entered ny nomsei le il lémiulisbut egainsttthe yod. aud the ttonght cf quicîmer my mou nommons,,and grantel memciy a 55, svus a vas-t fsllow, mci satisoesil dia netocoeurtoc ne tili I te- wvblie 1thmatlened Ihait iflis e w u lut sfgiat. Mc bai fal avme" otivsd a lettor in tht ovoning. It came tht toispa> againat me, 1 vonl rIag nier ut. sed dis b. Insu. 1I ibeegit forein a clloge frieed aho bal a fee an ation for dsinnees for I10« Of timo, Ibat 1 I ad le mmaaed j uy templs daymbe on ctionoto.énden m&a., mI., thrcegh bis fauitt men tout op. drclisid; and1i I am' y fie gsttlig (eer lais in "dovo" freinthtJUai- ieg the train foen,# Se ut pasted. talion qvsry maisos. ol Miller of mc voiy) Hie style of vnitiag vas ThoDean and n fonr no'"elhail gesfor m feu secouis. Iomus cet lettant sud omeabat lacoit; it nov retarrd le ny thonfîte; it vas anzlouiy evosy pat cf mis vu villa ras ihua :-" Dear Ke-Ijonot 2 val- long puat tve, andlncu axionmlt i- igito tle uif tiersWouver sus»s. nable pupe? If mc,' 10 min, interview inquiriem I found tînt ne train wuld cespe, bat sov noue, adsois e vath me at Meliord Station 10 ,orrev te avallab: eotte six. vonld letanc ge o mdiai I ight Jcnmp noreing. Yeact, Dii." As I pasoitd . et athebmgele for a or miasater ont, dorave a. na gsclîog This souncxpeced ald tttainly troli, oeof the mnn seong impatioee leme of li. Wad a vrech b. ths perpltziag. Oc rcierningtoemy Btad- vnittcu ce My face, cea inlaau unIon 0 titet bisai lethc eataiacth nhav, I found ibal hitiferd wua a rosa- toue, If jeu do't mind infringing van. I loolci ove, ino1Is t-ls? oideataion ai bie fe trîIa ep h ylaambit inore, r7 a lnggage. but mv ths danger, Availiag ,ymei ped. and if I1vas te meet Dii. (Or "Wat's wthbat yen nay ?" I cagerly en- of momnat ta irmu treath, Isaont rattor Dilingvýorth) tioro in the mos-n quirti "I 1aint sai uoihing," hourom oSnb iaa tm lcdud i iug, I muat léasve by the but pput lht joiutd, and valkti aval. - m nitthe adi su le-ui tvon Th at omnibus. New,,intning cthsP@taluld o"oTry a luggagc 1" 1 repeatel le ho eouid ttleoitime vu évident, tnt bc at that vsry tins ; ihvasetaI lo" mystif;Iltry a lnggage 1" and lisu dis train vsu lerng alaug ajealoat a lnricg ter..Il"Should I appi>' for mn bisaai- f abed seaims My minI, ircag hcawd.v, ai &ii omiof n exeat ?" No; rny college iter vas ai I tesl et t e vander toc ton' vuios vu binevafer te the run.z iii-0 snd lhcDean naotle le facecdagain frous the station, Ia about hait mshoatbrse. vis Ihlitis girl ? BIbaiWdis. . ibat day, se I rtolv o tessIt; m7 I ot.svgd tbal a laggage train Wla ppaaid-hai m* filen avendarie quartera aaupply of tssb being et a vot juot ce in; it vau dra up open a Ount arugir No fur" irlie vu iovoebb, Dmfl'a tait vs. teaptaig ; and .oling; the maen in oar was gtsaning gpeso; ml ec4iagoceotice qu aime; I saa I coua te tatI ain for hall by pisocf the vîrtia cf thc van, the station thonr a.u ut tisas frles-m, le luti tht train vbiob lmft loelfrd-oal at muter boai cuered bis offie-I amul trond M ihai. býWc esai, Mcd twvo'cook. try ttc iuggmgt I thon I (bonadhtevusa edaavoring ta lif Neiinoraingthesatahl bclcu t he Crcsing ever le the nma, I si- mOe vor te cge i Valaly 1 triiml.l Dsa's vasuetenmnled, and ho ebo"an Igo vitb 7leu ?" Be ternee boat biscf, anldioeosgi boesimti a absoulaie boon it o ccunt, ou- rouad, earel, aii uothhcg, and then tlov etmei us nov citbmo. ho vas. on aetdiDuif, wvasooa bu amy te Molha. rocmeî bis vérî. On mv repeties ,car and not nebet oaoungiole mrilo Stopping ont mt this latter ?lace, D te question ho ntterei a icelîrd nef viîh efeci. 111* objecot.vas te thrnv vas touai vwaitiggny arrivai. Hte btsevas eviletly inamaurly ind omeusoaci; My aio banan- iteraoon Iid us diat anecighbom4eg nobloman I left bitei, ieelviog le sut for inyscif. camlain letlinSo 'maIo provent , cquirci a totos- for bia boys for Ibret Paaeicg along te roi ef imita truck, I tis, etse1, if possible, le sgst a oisn or foat veela; Diii happening te bc rtactoi the lent van. Titasvas hat falilma taIs ticham -esocfh. ehon osn a vuit for a tcv laya, bal te. roetover. Whiio I vu ieaog it B13 I r iaksoveteIa~ O=aasaldedus. Mclfcrd Hall, t. a shrel frenea c ne tol.datv. aithal lai ne a lusipsil sai visocoiy tac miles, cf,ald ho atas-timg. Wittontimiag&amoment Itonrime tce 5 iyaslt tos hiegraeop. vould taliresme boroif I istnel BHe lambnteciup. adl avin;glmymoit ha At Iat htieosssd , lifting me onier; ucci. Evotythicg pr .Jà miislaorerY, iy a band rail, precoici leeexplore the butatsm iW iîdia 1meagadtcetoast 0 and hen, as I vas aciio e le ttUtf y inteior. The hialon portiomm cfthe devinover hM a d0 t ets 1took s fîsan tce tac ocol traie, DiDi aid 1, aflc va vasnet ceverol, btlthe front vu, bai cf ts lever part *cetlis jaceo, acati>' luncheen,st ont tcgecber for 1amd i.taas aise alcool up-eil ezcopt a aid tm-iult over hi. plin, sa lhie ibostaio, dnlain ac . fr tao cr '1-- , iAb twuama 'aired frei amemeu ua mcultt ia I, 'it-ly