-----Il-- Bu yW q: Vmobei, h#ag, in AT THE eof Yi. ple aluttera ta the Led pe, aaerd hcuytreeépesnd VI 4GAULLFY, eatOict.:% o cau f extelmiaC tm hle Canaa~t~ a enlcraPo- duat, vrltisaga Iura lacoruth o< Ptri tan and under the o ,ped Profane. ty, under I * eiaerpppnder j oesarebuko auth. al Eok yn di- vise. Theo peto tf P n~ arta- cIe imi e»hse ntecaen;ý o Henry WeIrd eocler Oy,- The oaly vay o exterminate o eCanada thistle ila au at it for tJaOmpad EOIRG - 13 B lOVVS, propose ta maie money ot (rf n.- I ) e'"ýptac -tmnad é Thon versi ill gnanm ilbac, tiitil rb#l rd'ru wth lame md te bite it, beft'os yl bore 10 upiidea vilI ls eea Jà m -010 r ton âx auitil, birda' ii pick 1, lict iii- "ý'9 lý ecoucliit, raina viii drova la, and mil. Ha.s unîdenuMezbue Improire- dcv blighCt ir oter it1. .1 n~i ~lr Th -b.ugs, beetios, broC, rain a1rd rad mid*oetemmmesooed. If t' - ý1 thb:ulrO e areon a memefr creegoy kisd of grain or êet-d, Qed HO Liufor qarle a gooI and meRn mured planatre defeîingStock.,, - ewelry, SnobhàasatOment is Efrdeeppr in ils Whtir aRIr e il,t r-cta Lo,. toma thsn a mce muresar, eaperînlly an Mr Bmcher'a furmaEt Flelihili lu mdll GEORGE BURrOWS. kmomu tu be cultivnîud viClirefronce Miltun, qOemts,a 151h,1t.69. 1-m te maklmg Ecy." Mr Bmer,vlio liies aoClig bet WILLIAM SLOAN, te tc has dafarg viCh anuauagoniat mho-expane hinmnf n reruleuly, ru-i prm it.h aperlantC gond humo ns hia et ~ - BeTa&aunaquita l'If mildev aM-. tukau y grâpe vins.,it is onsaus crsad fer Ccd; and if'1 eprisile viCli sulplisr TAS gruat plcueiue lnfcrasag aIrs an a rcmedy, I pst brimtose iste Cthe 1 lahabi iamitand au,,,,d. tory faceoff Ood's mescenger 1 fi oitytaImhsomnne ud ICi.a- Dot rei on , Cd', hes tgucnrCatlnhaWemnedhi dar?- " cariltadare tta open à i WACajIl IER JEWELER, baaPhlus umbrella. aud ,plih n lmIsU5UI&UhMlcialoer*tet At bis ahop rth.ia Wlieu a eld iidtatWsed. by onue of aGoda Mcsgera" -mesoes, ern- Corearrof Mas cnd ,Maria Streets, Id1 Ah ru terua 1 H Op- stoMr. Littlt'u saditeru sIrop, icro a doetor-os PpqpiAthÇe miglt re- OW thueDevine mesengers ? PRe'ARF.D TO EXECME -ALL WORK fmi eEntrusesk- 10him, IsottIr Cili sud desjrateh, *ni #o chepeu tha u r baforc donc ta Mul- Eu b las nom on lian, (lemmon ad ana swaunras u e~an"Sharp Topped GoIhIc 1Cloeks,, tory Iantleliagu Ami mili gt afMes Sr lits catomes anwOBIa aOna.g,"*E rsqirt mhes.ordrlard. elO cieulantetcEau .lUnoe kd, Wo etr a ord te nse osn uh - opentnB-rrheJt ccor miona. Ney, oh e reves'aad gsllî IGIISLRABC CCICM hmaueen on teay. i i sportuuysEGIS 1ý nRWAK HN off hotleulCnrai impieaye , Ulevcery Finger Rngq, iReal leeescharanad luuar bue in âd plaaiemedsed 14Root Pipes, e'bot, hs A jobi lt or 6. gdti i Pteeýated Jo mr. hchsOIltheutd suputs- ira totu' pIte iogty uheop. 4 Ga* , Nechtaees@- araemlcanpmmrty. orera canl8o , ' Oitclug thc gentilu.. 1Id @emt icfdn d kOinthsI had a article and Mdedéptiona. pecimea af fm hUi(f.'ýÏpeiesoe vitli ptrs r- Ure faunetahiÎýW , 1mhich in ta m acli hoROl-, *F«t . z.......... êbWlédW with referme.. . . . . . .int, .... .... tee a suei, hat if i mui « Hoodn-, :ý :.. . 15'. bute« = ~eWn a farais t Fishilîl, Asni aIl crer mi-r e J6proportion. luImw MOU mYýef on Cle trightjeohan ia tnomab ftoolathroagh. ,l aylte bamiotaicea, bat it fthsmeGeclishnae 'bo aaéY*ý te y&, ufat W GaatnaCl. o«uyM .Ch -toip d cWM. 9LOAY.- rene hm l 4ÏWe la vun t' -umeseesgern" Mlton, Ang. luth. îoUo. î-3in- eaC supmsil. Bat. unOil n v Ater . . - - tbacmeahus h"tin mhà ich lie sanda defawbâuutymma, Iftuiyie. maiI, au tt ther illa l e lt~ - ge~~drITi -II:I epl De.aiO.mud-j miner. 4lttla mauaeC ,. lsei in b.d.- IN rsiatbfsfllt -cf the, erg-A *dmuthe 1. g-The penalty .d tgouadlm seup Peel ou tlaepave. vfyaCu us A"lian ied? là pa he mdimgEt.. ~Iah"d lii. te o yom où," as .J"EaBUllMMalIoch. atonal Icht. loba B.ir Md Barbara Wolfe meus Manuel la Nev Albany. There troul a braia/ MU - ho 8usd ai mot an a cord cf Irsel miabe. te inov f you cher heend a hai meti rov. .- Why aeusr.caliiêfxiende sapa. haleIbydisatim sa? -. BecSsu ehy 0flOBpOiut(mcver aet. À PhilBa.ph-ray fautigml mals a mR ousafeur, tl a Iuuing for e W01108P mi h camaouil. tont. yom et U seautcfi te bite, try long pesuasieapaveraou a oraM dog, Million milIho sera te anomed. A Nem York papar BIJB Tom Thamb dit&if h. de., lisi mite lis et feïîe"ocomlallon - lic doecsaeahol lehY mePharh's Iaqtér ic a iulsBeca ohé de. gaV hOte pro. dna cM lady heard mcee«"sy hat ah. jManie ore. arcegm iie, mid l- Iidtmg amy o%4-s, lot on inatte ai 4bm Ws heutifee té la àpalae LiM-. * 1IAIDRESS( G11 Fdl d le qulekiy rutedto lisyntafiI Clr and hsauty, . aMd viCiathe Int #ppiICtatn a beatifigi9 MIdeithtfial fragrance praWin et. zetUet gra Wtia. FALLiNGMaàiRùalm*d'iatliy eches ma na es o fdlby LTmA2DR àOW. Wialeele lrgleb 35 rd b-iaa O Park Plue., 264 Un Halori. gdon.au. a W. # T~aR, TIN AN]4 STOVE DEALER, MILTON, IIEGS te announice thnt ble prepor- ed tOmanufaCture'Lny quantity of 'ORHll'8PATENT DRIN URATERi Whiola are the bonetila he an yroved by CertifiCatea frompArties in il parts ut the Dominion.,For aitp1icity of con- ,tutin efflcency an bsait and econom y a uel. 10 eanaiotjbe aurjenmnd. It Do 9nDe thingbut bas bebfore the public fur nmes yra, nnd under- guad oe veryaceur tenta, but bas ai- waya ben rin ahat. ehyarcierliarly adapted fur Oluee, Scbo-a4H 118. &0. Tiair aiffec are iackly futin a more trik-i ecg anarin large rooma that bave becsdiffiuait ta béat vithout ra tory larg amoulof fa.]. They calie ad OBe vesy descriptions of Ste, oooking an mli ca chen, and the aines are adnpted ta rooma la mhirh thry ay bu required. Stove-Pipeis and Tinware Alvways on baud,aet * W. J~ TEÂRI. MU-ite. Oct. 7ti, 1868. 18-tf F.tI.IOt*.__ruif 3EGREAT FEMALE REM IMB R ANY rt' *141i4 ARIAGE FACTOR-Y i N J3,04 iNoues' iPerioicS llm. 18/rIîanValtalemedutne a al . N 'Je tr oaof ait hoseafaiadususeuiurn m i ZWaguuauadisuaies tOu mbihthe fumai. R PR>12IUI KH AW TH OR NE ,~A -K 'For DaT Deooi (lu. ttuCnte einbjare le tmdrates ILI' F. élBesanduuemoeu -ailuobstructions and a COMMERCIAL. STREET, MILTON, liepqpdy raie a Tn4arc' N0O hacc im ume ngos hu mrathly peulod duKnbooctu thBIS HREOlrýpý9 x e d rW stablishm ent, Lulons Pain, ta hu Bark and Limbe,LIlB~ IIfiV IDTIIiUll!C ITlDTI5P -L ;gun sltl C xeuloq,,Pal OMIS iilof JLlt), W!Il(, 111111 UGIE the sert, flyuCtr and Whituu, thezo >illgiili sfctarcure mhen all otheu meusOf aildeiptieo. Cau and examaine fou youuae :7. , f 0 Wood-work la of the Bout Description, & weil BSsonod. I hall ~~OIdirections lu the pamphlet arouadAlvrhaatd.. AT RE Lef eclopackage. mlhraaddbrcunruUly MuCus, May Iti,, 1069 47 if L.puuaervud. erueICuIrs OT. 1 Â.a8,1~ly, IlICos. y bes Pilla weruuformsriy putaup andur 914 names of getfjamea Caukea@ Fumais TilVadte eygra elbiy h;W. LESLI E, (IEORGETOWN. LE hav sulninad, ha, inducedupla lllvd L N eate prepauebaseuand mrthluessim- i llais-copying thestyle of my wuap- perranad matir of my crrulau se rloarly aa aissoal sara ta decrivu the parcb"adr. I bars huefore coarladud te dipcard ail my old syle of mappars, cireulaus, -&r;., S.____ and an future ii put hu Pilla ap t1 a entiuely nom and differ,-at tyle, under My- ows name a the 'GRAT vFINALS I .ica, C J01a Moa' Paazuu,,ÂÀL PILLa" =-- Caccveu.-T iasare graiar the crntase Fumalu Pille, se that rarh heCle bass =y_ Dams, Ou he lettara T. à M. hioma tn Che gluan d vuappdnad anaua saeel plate- cet, on 0"ni aaprittd 9fi m flgnd*. N C~huecta-aheG it aiSAI Ruse1 JsMosZSn PIRODIuCAL Feue,' &180 my note I N ab and ocaca, ide of hu mapperr 0 OnB as, N*env vaueÔ nôtipaRu. con M.N $1.1;0and 12J renta for postage, uncluacal F. 1"UkTW S. For Daes ona. m O- uesa tbottinec, uuaatag ruer go pil, ay : j% reaunamai MeN For sale by HR Watson and J. B. Wil. o mut, Mltas, anad aIl medicins, dealerua SE W ING M A CH INES. N - vvvmîmuu sss A GENT fou RS. Wl)iama' Organe,' Melodereus. Manîr-8tuole, Piano-Cuvera, uta. ORL tLiiidaIIotae iall Il 'DIdonfo $6.PIANOS of &Ilbes v.rp oi~. ~ at te ou ach. A atocli un hand oflcat Machine 011, Neude and Thuead. ]EN ops C h, aentCS. W. 75 Gocrgetomn, Fub. 2306. 1869. S-tf wrso h etN ,10aresof Lot__________________ ____ 21, trcouncesion, TOWNSHIP 0F RALEIGII, .0 O COUlNTY OF KENT, Tweamm.eaLvhcdaa,,laus LL I N - ~aodltmdan avrud earauledC ht K O - hncsenm 1. Fou BosubxTu. V0. Me N K 0 BUY TOUIR E 8' - I B A A - - T AC.8.KMarK~maen & Ca'e, A T D A I K I S' GET TOUR A L 1- -T S At S. y. MeKines &Caàa. il K %! T I L ' At 5,F. MoKliono CAL L ' T N N I K Mn ~ Muai. F. Mc K I N 0. - N 8RATS. 0 N 050'SiOetmjeily Is,1869. Co. Titie Indisputable. TER us îAn YERY1 XSNB~ ]ROBIERT MÂTgESON, Mlton, Apl 7Tub, 1869. 43-f ilUGil MKAY GenaeràafGrUo-icLr and MAIN STIEET, GEO]Et:TOWNq. S -, Evrything inth e liOa îcrt in Georgetown; idtli Jane, 18«5. I-1 J. BASTEDO, -Gentlemen's 113iIk and Feit Etlïsad . 7S fe Hishuu Mat-ket Pt-fer paf ia Cashc for-al lids of RA WFRS. ApritIr. iota. 44-Cf Kenry J. Baker, STUFFER AND PRESERVER 0F BIRDS, TWNTRaring liad ouer TWC T E ARue EXPEIREtca Intaohuinsm, and birq otunotdored by competcat jodua Cuobceueneofthe Bot tuffo" e Ii tlioDominion, H. Ceeci s mdsntuof =uthCe lctofate.- faction irnl mcci saen tatas once. Charges moderaCu. NENRV iJ. DAKER b,Lo.eh-c, Tr.fotgor, Ont. WITRI mUcouITYOf IALTOI. upRE nnderetgeedliainlices dely ap. ILpetntedlc ta bovo, offiq. r - ,_ Addrse - IR. à. APéÈtOME, il-if Ouhile, Ce, Ballon. STRAYED lOOthe premînea cf thc inlucrirer, F gerotehnBlc, i 8potted tsr3 r old. 2 0teers 2 yemrB old, une white, and the oairu htta iti raid sech; 2 tmu yr uad HeCeOru, 1iU aimete, the tisu ueO and mof u, And ose ced Ycarling Huitar; cb OCCeabute, raccpttng theite c2 yu01.1 bulfur,hlai ahole Os the IefC car. Aay pou. ses gtulng Information hat wmlii ead ta thetrreuoueuy il be aaîtabiy reearded. THOMAS IHUMaE. SrcotchiBlocki, Sept. le, 1mec. '14tf 1y8OLUTION 0F pARTNERSHIp. Ntcinh 2 ethaï;the itrtnesrahp Ieei-i retwm soa n Ce ndor aiged, an Isen Poundeue.s.itheliToma ef Mito, in th Cnéu.jton, batht, T)Ated t Milton, tht, taC day ut September, A.D ;. . 1 wit»a -a t JOBEPH BQMES D. Dsvz . J. S. HATTON. OV Thbe busineu ilmi ieamftr ha umutod onhby as. atthueannaapiamo 14-3t JOSEPH BROTHERS. i ~1 "j o a o NEW STORE, C UMM-IN8V iL LE, IBANK RUPT STOCK! Wuil hsoffercd t Less than Wholesale Rates! ne balance of the Coude Redacud is orertalcompridpr-ete. PrC.11ane cauriuotire Grrdo s es Chatthrcci»epoitir-ety noumb.slig. R. THOMS ON. CroorioinIIe, July luth, 1809. , ly BENJAMIN JONES, ~abine-Makerand undeilaker' D BR ta intimate that hoasa PTJRCHASED TUlE IEARSE FORMERLY IJSED IN MILTON Ad baumeg it srleunaderhie omw uie; co ta ,iprepared t Ycrnilh Fuzierala on short notice, and at Iower rates off oharge than horotofore. TH4OMAS' YOUNC DSEALER 1IX BIIb RS BRDWIRIE, BIR Il1UN 1U TI~< Painta, end 011e, Bcltlag, Blaimitha Ballowsaend VomI,BeceOCutter andBa cry Stuffl Rabba and Sples, Lentsenad Pua.i, Ceal it ad Lamp. atP. patrsn greasatariaty, Wladow Ubadea. P.Wl Apple, Parers, Jack Screws 111511E CILS WIEAETED, ligi IIapst Teno ad Tubae.of Che oboieat braude. Oueds marl'cd la plaisn ipp. en aecnd prIse. While tiaaiiag hMe cueomters fer the liberal Patronage eîsedel te hlms laic hepuat, ah. subacriber lovitea 'lie publie On oeil and exumise hiaeed a piceca befaro purshaaiag elsemiere, an lia la fuît7 posted sp i,. ahe vand ouatry, and no effort titi bo vmntiag ona hiepart te give a maifaeta hien ia MarethI tb, 1869. 0l CREAT REDUCTION AT THE Tic aah.rbeu mIshes ta Iafcrm his rntomeue and the pabiler gsncually h olantbelî tmng off Chu balanceeof lit& IhL.L isTO fK of SNTO l~Es COOING BO & PARLOR STOVES 1 Which he loleut COST. Re bac imacle great reduetuOn, ID these $18 SPIEL PLOL'GH$, bu la selIta0 uhetn for $16 durtor Chi, moutb, Cuemees hh eanur aml! oaci before they ara ail gue. Ho moald trul purticalar sattention aebis Large Stock of Tin and Japi-n Ware, Whlieh be wmli eell ai cioap as any ln the Coat. Pcddlassthat bayforeusanie ii It to uhetr adrasuore ta purrhaoe their stockb cf Che usber uas h l e il 01taCt"a lomeneC cty oholosale prIea. Terme Caih,ernuit lande. ]P. McDer-mtt. MEiton, Mnrch 3ud. 186P. sI MIILTON WOO LEN WORKS! CLOTI-T PRESSING Dooctinthecusuelprompt mnmir, and at Low Prtcea LOGAN MCCANN, Mltas..bMay l8Ch, 1868.0,4 MIULTON LIVERY STABLES. THE sibercCes tennoesee traCh arrt purchaned thecntou And le praparod tae nu ri0dce teI h ry rre themron Che shperiestno And aise for- lIe wnmseuattes of Merchant emrruying godo. Oudera iefC attChe Thump.ea Houuopromptly attrndcd t. E. HANHAX9. Miton, May iSCi, 18w9. 021 G 0ODigiERIc» NIL T! As Unnui a fine neoitansa0u The Nest Pamnily Groceries Whiu heh.lamous dotermed tl hus suer te unl OHEAP FOR, CASH. A LARCE ASSORTrMENT. Pine and uadulteumtod, Who¶esaete and-Retail. Th aotthCiaMatter il.yoc ensoothut ttIralueion Yonr muncy aaymheai. ah. De. tPoTIgS. Gecrgetowrn, May S,27..cl. PR~ OFI Te, smij *la ie a saould Ad iona As lm ta ladyr, Mi 01 th Ta 01 pi BAI M BAT but BAl T. m Ar DIV N LI( 0T CRI Wb