Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Sep 1869, p. 2

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NEW 6001>8 ~ve na ~*~s g* U I1 ~ UEE O IAML ulEIRMON. vmw UaeaiIIOu Saineday lie EBrperer premided I - . eà a encil of île minisir>. O~?b ~Thé.]provincial Exhibition juat h.ld Thshe elon ofti is drtiagslashd cPAw. at London hmbahea in mas> respect s su Cloquent Prient front thc Ciurei A gret popular demnestrullon lu fa. t Seen à~SSU*8~the mscmie oes». nd ever eld.. Tic Of Rornela screaing a prsfeund @cna. ver of tie ltepubiicasi orter Senor Prnuscf . R. H. Prince Arthuc0 ion througboct cthe religons vold Caciclio vas made in Suragossa, vien putecehe addresscd au audiece-o of 20,000t the Goveruor Gcacrai ad auite, and iFor saime ime Father Hyacinthe b ru gtte rm.o PÂNTthe etier dittinguicied publicmat, ne undouitcdl> el hefcietuipitre sucongt tic question of tue Biaiepo takieg tic i GLASS. deuil monleibetell in ne umnl degrece l iiretieru for forcesand eloatue o th cf ailgiasnce tote Goverument.1 GLASS ARC, inuIngtic nrgîateudunoe. Tic te. uo uit riur nd wynu mauidcred It is sald tiat the ic> vbiioommpelicite GEO~UE ~ indcin laro plpi ortortube it. Meetings cf tiese lu faror et' tel asimbor of tiekete cf admission seid one ofthte irighteit crnmcints cf tic n Bepuilie are hid in the principal C wlAS u about 60.000, ville in lamilten French Cierci' Bis dcnuucitioes dcies. At Barceloea a figit robk pince 8 SUGARS, ls er4,0 utogtavr fvc n&lfre n mdtalbtweeu tic reguior troupe ad soe TOBACOOS laig t jr4000vutoui vr f is sal osnnd ninialvolantesrs, vbo pretesled agaites tic 8(0'T8HLlo ALMONDS, lreatdus.cames of Society arc mid te have itounresi of Gecerrul Pierad. The voien. WALL PÂPER, This great influx of visitera fuit> de-1 met sentiing, and crewds lvnya tru vere boaten. und 70 takei pins' monatets tic tact thaitich communi> gcthered te heur bun prceiig. Hia ers. Tic Gentrai vastatoc Terre-t VIJDOW CURTAINS, at large arc bcginniug te appremiute ideus appeur te bure been lvayâ lu gesud tieliepubiieasetien made0 W[NEB, ceeexnîteu otr a greai dcmnonstrutiou in uis houe.-1 thosAxhbiion bttr.Tihav aytofpurity und liiertybut ltelytie> Duriug tic exciiemeut and dlturbanoo OLIEyEbO'MONWHIKIE, id a god effeelte enourain an. ur tendcd marc treugly te tie liber-wvilci preoni!od, tic Secretary et'thtic OLD -yz46ümoi W ISKIS, rc te impreve thir stock, asud, îy al an agin8t the Ultraseoutane porc>. Gosersior vas i bib. Mas> uarreste - ,,GOAL on1. b vnigtemnfcueait ope h meit as ftescsi ere made, and thc Volunluers of Liber. LAMPS u.CBlIMNEYB iigsgtc anfcueslaecmo.h insdaecue fceuesia ty dsurmcd. Ou tic reteu of Genect I4O.TORY OOTTONS, tition, bave enabicd tiens te binag udr in oa aceuet efthic umgruit> ietwtmn rai Prim frons Francesn cabnet meeting1 ]MINT8Su . nmanufacest te perfection, corne cf tic proctines cf ths Ciurec ned van tallai, vie it vos resoleed te savec DENISIS, cie doctinues of Chiitianity, au be un Cuba at ail hasardsanid te despatch T6OKINUflWc exirnt frens tic London Adlee' aetopst i saa.Tcra ' 8PAIBI OLLARS, isrsthieDaimes of Haitoainu vlan bave dertanda and belicres tbcns. No a el tu f paia v heIsilcan d STetreuaf &O.,rO.es~d offprs. ternative vu ileft uns but te eprnite in regard te Cuba, are becoring coma-( praa. int ersctiroll frorn tic couteci cf bisi ceaies. pilaied Iu eaueof a vur boiveets1 lrpetha m teB5hd d eIaputpet t1.e>I osstefloin rz wreltnipeore, ansd î bas t iéeoetoseo o ueiriat, Spain vcuidal "uareslie folovig bisi osu ilanreure efbiomot tertill loue tiot Iland. sud 1ir Iais tkeuluExuane. Blond hoes - Boni 3 yeurn li eibsmnotr i etre ebspruinhi> Porte Rico-ile tic cons- ataflicu, Jes. WiteinuoExchSngt.2faihers bouse. The Frouh aiperc meece oi the United States voldbe EORG !SITH 9-f yers ld talion Jas WhteBrote.regard tcils na agrecereligions and poli-ierrupced, aidiher chipping destccycd uaw l eFifi IH l eeioJs WîtBet it is hovever, net probable tint the Bist ticreugh-bred sali of aS. iticul crot-for hle exemple vil cmu oen-n fGnrlGatwl i SWhite, Breate. Sest yearing fi>, iciden manu more vie seerety nicro furtier luterfene in tic rebeliou of tic Jas. White, Bronte. Boit mccc sud ie conarictions, te decaure tiemselven Caices. Oi thiu unjeci tie London _________________fou, oratinfactory vdneta os p ai naois ihteCuc.Stadird cf lie 22ci ucayn:-What, bubenraie ciendente itas. foulerThepeol ue iam iti cie horci cthe a gitinsate cinrs e Cuba mu> ha benrace tleneso, u.Whte3Te0.le iilm.ualyb'oî . ~Spain labore 'under a disadvuutage -Broute. prieste eidler wv-iose cars tir> have beelin asiag teproecueteun inluface et le ï i nu nmuux. Rond or Cunielugo Hrses-Rond' accastoed ce ho, aid tie Niuoteonih tice ucepiiilitieu of tic Anserican -tro carniage stllion, four yearso li cetury mn> vitneuc as greni a scpnr. people, vhil c oeroeIf is lu a ounditi 1 uter-orn.o f revoticu. Anserians aenanot The.- altWt6g eie os made te ad npvnrduB. N. Oie, Georgetovw.n -aiin fron tue Papocy sa u t inugu. iui for anyiig eiae tiuu thnt Cuba dlsesvr the f"t et "Iai ntigalthed Boadslter, 3 years old, G. W. Veil, rated by tic Monk cf Wittensbrg.- cmali ho free te ciesse viacior suc le. qgleeemcdbàSmncpsaous na nsfcr- Tempo; 2ud, W. Cucningham, Druns Vesterdnys elegeiphio dopteini- mules iti Spain, or beocone an Inde. totats pI qgA) - - s dviiqis rR.&E Kli,~ile. forma us ihat the cmue vill ho uimitted pendealnc pnbi. Tiat materini as- m .1u bvâ c< i"78,1a#ie.te the Counil cf invetigation,,andai ntanco lu ccadcrcd te Cuau.tirosogh a aesollWamSflokaBar inuran v1,7it86,i roai hoPlus.mn tihe yrnptby viici Anscelenus fmI for Wb" â yus od v tha bcwil pronbl bc x-cmmu ic e, canet ho doubted; but if tiose qmoi" s - Misbiffl onthapol Sufols.a-Bor, yer ad nerted. Ou tic etiler bond juins id tint sympathies oiouid demnnd var, it 2*dprieJd&Manlraalgr.so v ould ho tic montanottalc sud ex. 4a .Iaiu ou lis y e d enJs.MiTrfla. boa, e ilii hodefendadinlutic Couneil by înaordnaruuy cmetici evan cmen. pla.~4iaI a ie w1~ euandin 1 ycar, Jas. Featierotoee, Credit. tie Bishops cf Avignon, Rh-ms, loil~~~n~l.L emae.Bceediug se, on ycar sud ovr, Ju. CaeaudSyo SWITZERLAND. Nii, Iaalgr.So, tis 1yer, hpon an Byex.Tha UnivrelnPeace Congreou in lu igalnsiduipms an , rfagr.Sv aes1>a~esion t Lauaeee. At n bauques àti é lt ietasr lis181.mdJas. Main, Trafagar; fiad do., Jnams s1%9se3Or TUE WE. given te tic delogates Viter Muge cf- Iah~tt~~NiOrceuli 11. eihrnenCredil. -féea a toast te tic United States of TM 19;GW5IUU,îlu 1819 des Naiex and echer amoll breeds, exlu- GREAT HatTAîN. Americu, sudsaid be feut uure tint uae~pc~ ~à.ss a> vith on- ive oi Sufio and Berkira-Boar. A large mçeticg, ooting cf 6,000 Europe vould eventual> bInconue n fede- 'at iis -is yeqr.tead oser, as Frd cve republil. Victer* le a btter 'o t'W Arate an ', a orDrumqein. persos mcnvcned lu London te pe- nevellul unau tatesmuet. 0)ceas maa-' M*ltmase mu* f the Boar,,nader 1 jear, Jas. Ford, Druns- titice Gorerneet for tie reieef thc W" of t1olii uakaovu- 55ionai ch ui.Feia ' ionr M.Moore, M. l UNITED STATES. Mdu'*. Fenunu pnisouers.Mnhowatt abWo ure te cireulele chie veek tic ossL O li ixlsullhb ievassh The .Addfrersauyu cf thil e dpant t'on Muyo presided, and reseieiionc veee usici iîiems cf destrnuive ftees vblcb centà Juglad x ic~>eus udment,t usanimousi> puased, uraiag tiecoucon- dcii> dctroy an imsmense cf prcpnrcy sýttcrSufsoks tho thos of Mr ditatal aes, c f "theic ' " No nlu tenegiiceingrecpuilic. Ander- undtivifm u " WBote ufusk tnutou M.diisn riOunzepînee. sonoefounde> ei Nasville ves set ou jaslnhce~d cm oar jauniey cf Mnin, of Trafalgar, btter Seekahien ditucianceu esued. A deputetion af'1lirendee 4,0 otcpicn ~ uvegtien theis of M. Roac, fRHamitonu, tervardu vited ou M. Gndstene. vl-O veo desroyrd. Iu tic ceaire cf lhe et -ras:imprtane ad Mr. Fluher, et' Hyde Park, vers prornincd te le> tic petiticu bafore the businass pnrt cf Richumond s fiee ce- whle teck eandoas, if ever, sbovn ai a Provincial Ques; but refuscd te pluge tic Gev 1 e- leu over $30 000. Thero in àqo-iuo&e,«vu shhd tad Exhibition. Wien you have oui tint rnrent to au> îarti:ular cessict in n large lira ait cie Stadard Oil Woebs, ~e. à-yt" mmnseof mnesec bnave teben the creeuesoff thipe hl s DilRecmms n okte tic vlue e' $75.000. aid' t Sitsg 0 01!us , 1 , m *M w k bho departaitnat. as tiese gentlemen vere thie 'lieo Brili snd French Goreramenin Sicg te the value cf $50000 vas da- *a 1~. e s of the Arode chier' exiibitorc f eli> gond pige. Su havc ugreed rin cicldig tint thc treyed, boies othero viici vo have Mt ,un h won the ttriiins ieaae frigitc'acd people krerent Garerumneut aid Exeutive rein cnet epaee te euumeeate. uglsa Osl.iauiabaasmades a fren rasiag pigeI More crnpc>spoutensceacxitiag betveen Turbry and Gaege t'onbody. thoenweli keova do iesu.veser f Mgi hepgqare ianay 9ypt mauet honsintaioed, and ebut pbiioutbropiui, iamnde a fartiar do 1bit-g515 10051 esfca u i pqsrcien an>- dfth :lgydtic> viiinet interfère beiveaSpanunation cf $300,000 te tic Pcahody suaa ,Hwh ers clue, Hanm acd agg, bacon and und tic United States ici respect te Inatitute. Oh. hai Aemi. à ee, pork and hein,, vc foîcy, vriii tic Caban revolution, and American Sonator Sumner, lu is uddress te nu9h, alateeos etut dîpiomac ne> uMadrid, the RepublilanuStete Convention cf où ew agiil l b atd teooewetutor Tho Pope hue sent a commueication Masschuasets ead that tic day bad îur~ai~ioiji.t ~ formais viii mt grov ditnsuisged la te Caurdinal Manning in rcference te come vite tne sovreignty of uny -&cpi.ralt.hic pnoposais made by De. Cnmming frigu Stete aven ita colonies en chia ~ islIt.50te atteud tic Ecîmecicai Ceesicil. Htecontlient tunt ceae. Witi regard te néad Y«ivk,,o. WL.isppiiuW Mars:s.BarberBras. earred off te stic invitation foc Protestants te Cuba he edvised strict ici intervention, flc~ Y Dms a Lal 'iu teloiagirut primeo t-h piac" lit'Winatendwac Dt for'tepurpose cf disannd vcuid aoc euk Engiai for a dollar IM1,i>hieis nsd ddrotensatiet teeived;. l pianof snommer tvee;madmioens, but te profit iy an opportunity ocea vord cf apsecgy fon ber compiiiy bred" 0spo d beih of -the 1 piceaf fetin" anne; Oxford gray to etunute tiec (isrci. Great excite- lu tho lace Sotiere rahliiots Ha Oé~ .i.ieoomsGom onS- dii;satact urnal a'zcd lament bas hoca caused ameini ttielRi vould ieave itte tian poster open duo coh" Md, EWW t- '10t; Of'n*; stDe, w'ed'lncualiitbteb huPopen leiter. The> ouaidenatioqtooffer ajesiteoulpes Ni ~*f j.~tdrh. Ioatede m sMrs cli frons asrisoo s, ad fBd tint Paeyiurnor Ritulrc vii ltea. Me vas ccltain ât souv e bi imieaidl u e»isnw l escad je assormnsof volca lotho. c, net do, for tcime vie attend the Coun- hoeld sec tic viole land joieedunader laisse',mouj.s N ersWset a iyvi wre h dpriai, cl muet bloug tote s oly Mother tic govraeasiof tie United States. I 117là«nid onDoy o. akilw h Rigit Heu. George Paton, Lord tic vient ia Illinois is tie storm cun- ais& 1mt Marn e fl9OIliv'gavsrdud lie Let pite.for aàvesgit Ciicf JucticesClrk o eot cîaud, Dao th c is50000bneo n Ju> . ~qc fa lmgortaira s aile. countably di sappearou l bei Meida> nt cv ins eth a> o,00p,600 uuhieta.s ~sas .s~h ~ "~~Ti.aesletinetinba inu> m. Noshiag van beurd cf binatilltw irsothbacopnrheu 4 lOtetiàsabb 0 Ti xelntivnin u raythe 24tli iiat., sien bis body va Tiefurere lu the Gold Boom la New 5Ul5%~ç~U e. fIMette b les ral> describuicnisthe Cumelost, fosnd lu the River Ta>. iii a terrible Youk iast veek exceedcd aayuiug et bave veUs an s~inlformed tht it haslilgil> eut in be istrent, t is gecernut> ho. the iad laver vitnesmed ila Wall IStrt. ~ ~ .h~pla fSa t $s pokn f b ci Julgs.lievcd tint ic vas murdcrcd. Thice"al" d I"hoaru" vent fairi> *8 fourspnkeoffohi: frht lils la tc oc mda ail:dwti emiternent, but business Wýte'«o o Crryngof te rTib guaurdiuiniaffirmas tint anmmu- couru.- àunag- scrpt inLond Syrua's eva inndvniiiug - c ~g. mm~liai ,~.ithelisle>~ai xtr L iam- olIt c opreduced, uttliag tie SEC'RIN MEmxNIT O.-Prapa Bi a vols s si h e grietrsi impetra vsin us : i prstTtc oncf trode isn one oet'hti iosi darng attempte at se- *M g *bici 111L47.." si vorkbi gdutndipemn a & sireta denndingcg se n-csing a mernento cf tia Prisces visit éOIi, mc et Km.Ir teho sîrovn.ot atoa rts, i clsou nto.Tic Tcuei tri butes it net te te Lonidon,wv a ode ou Frida enru- -bssi.ven te hbeecudialovcd vant f cotîsu, but te tic restrictiont put uici e i ti c close of tic bal, iy a i WAlÀaiâu~siilisahsoncacommerce iy ticeretrctive tariffsYounag masn1sf tus City, vbosecnomc ve hua ~ aic av Mui tàIbs ssal; but, vo arsiafcrrnd, ef t' ieremuntnies, mcd tic consequsat do net visi te moibe publie. As tic bout â.*'* ou »k lisduBut imodifla ied ue is nthil ro- decreasaia trade. Joseph Wiitenrti. Prices wu ieaviug tic Cily Hall at et i lýsswetioles à'to 999 ndU5ie itn t esfti h nynorfh clbrt Wit-niehon apelmnltiosdhe e e hva le5oeae cctconecled - usion cf tic hall, or enter- 15k 100.~uutev Iti erlimale e li Mers. awîaae un, and tic dsegtîuguiod engin piing naie buntcr made a boid dasi psc lvw5~li-btr. 0.O. 1 aBslaila vnaaceer, Fairbairu, bave heenCu rcted Bar- ticongi ti'c agek of tia guard on du. Whs al . tàçn theaiwers mwa les lie prise aveu netes.ty ticre, and ssstehiig the baudkcn- flu v nu eteu dladvstsgress irosins It lu proposed te lu> a nov hec of iet' vibchieisRoyal Higincu ieid J"fd'UW~5.~$0 umeq. tasies. Thelwe vo n alt aardel tho telegrp api ebboen rciasid and li bs bald, ha dxt.reusi> repiaeed it Niu00u~ieâm e atvos iat4c ai.a i l'oidi Exhibiition Nova Seatis. b ac vfu . The trieli vus se ~~IstpiIlse tte rvsh ye m rof tis iadchit,,d 1111r -&b » ilt Bu inlm 16. PRANCc.. eapidl9 ou cat lie Prince tbsught ~P; tu te, dt rava b Prcearatioau for the voyage o e tc dtnt oes e andicd i ,npsd Im th~0~Iol il isse, vm iRMm . Esrut teMa ae cacm an nctortng iltoehirn. He tiaceed~ uni 90p iW lslbvd, sécel - eneed. Grsataexeiterncntibanheea ree- the mans fr biasnppoued i n acsau" @àà $",@iosUla 1 l.lssy. enncsa> o ut ie ated ioni>' in France but tirongient pssed en. lie bmd scarcet> sc Zand Imlo- ei nci. ar ounes ive linlatle Catiolie vorid hb> Fter Hymintie, imeI'L mLonigevin _ciev voues ou Ordered Clothing I Optenul ti s. andla,1&%-raout> te ebousl uffl . - 0»"»sla Vaeaoela "111111r. aulalL Mi. joseph Little, lite of Southamnp- PEIaliAaTHuR seam te bave don- ton, le i.<ouaty of Brune. bai aettled 1ced vith aus nausail uiber eofrnarried at High Bluff, cour Fort Gaz'y, and on!lin propertioe-osingle ladies aet the the Hait of July, wrote te a friend bai l ii London. Tis. ouid tend te show tuat hoie a ycung gentlemn of experienoe of thi.eeontry, an extraiS 1umture (lites. Ir va rerneasier rightly of vhieh, taken frein tho Bruce Llerald, bis auguet brother ieai.ed ratier to the~ ns appended: other prefereneie, cboesissg the buddieg flover ratber thoan the fuil blown rone. If I have rented a farni for Oeilt jeuru Chacon a son gent crop. I give the ibird buebel. 1Oeu Anotîter oattio diseiae bas broken sov forty acres ot vient neit spriug if eut ie Euglsnd. It hau asuurned thc I cau manage te get the ueod. Evory foini ef the fooet am nth disua n d co thiaks that vheat viii ie prettyîy arnydn u aaet h high nezi year. nithongi the crops look che nlrody due matchndaoge te mlie Spl.ndid. I nover sav auything like Ticov n awlîhspiseLa dn Yrik- them in Canada. I sheuld tiink froc, Thiead la e sdal eo paresda York al pparancco liiifrorn forty te firty setnd lEer sprieg i ste a enerb bulielepr ocre viii bie net6ing extra, the Evhoiter tupreveau tontageiobn but thepeole here are taîbing about a;oiîst rvn 'ecnais podng per ers gadad câb btt erana te bc vant of esorgy boidtug thoir yer'stbeefderdero, bombutothora foreehad, se if thhy do, vhent viie hickarnoagn theardtmperoin c hr aI prctty gond prie.Fleur ilauuow fifb- ol iaepr teeu dollars por barrel ; but I tbink 1 TheoIl ldeat man" la Indiana la dentd, have vbat vili do oureives until the and they vaut te boy ths ose va have aropu corne off. I bougit eigit iun. beonn ureiag se tendery n> utue Pro dred lis, je St. lioud. I bought a uew vinles. utovo, and a eew piough and scythe, Witli ail ber figues, suiedjes, smordiers epude, wash-tub, chetu, poilu and miik and nacural deatia, Buffaloeauntflet diables, viudow eobes and glass. nails, aboya one hondred sand aleety fanerais , powder and rhotan d sevoral otite littie par mootti. things. Ton and sugar I took froc, A niiuerablaoeld bucieler, wio vould Oven Souud te sereoun o yoar, se tho net uioery ereii e,,à breucit et promise ncat thîug woe boy vos I te get tiem sunit, uayu chat 1'it lu colcuiated chat oe ail into thoe o2tlornt. I fouiîd my feaue, eîyiag htWd ail aigil viii a moucy was goiug foot, cvorytuing le esa brobon hetet, viii just vuep eue tes- rery doar lu the Status, but cet ever spoonàfi ef salt and rainwater.' haif wiii they are here. Weil, 1 coid A Teneee editor gel avauated tea Ma, maouey vas going fast. I uow I tintes, lu oec day beonuue lhe published coul net efferd te bey a ucv vagon. au article entitled,1 Bew it fecin te ho I couid net gel eue for itou tian eue huug' Met evecycýUe took it as a hnndred dollaru, and oxou eue huudred peruotilanuît. and eigbty. and I tranted twe rove, wbinh 1 couid net veli de, wihut. se1 A Rock, Mounaul bluff baibeu hought tue for eue hundred dollare - uarned afier Bail. Wsde, and Beu. sayu and I io hought a yoke and fut it ou ch o ceau play a& tuat gains. thcm on aheîd of the oIes, and 1Icon New York luns about Ive rmilionu et teii yom they vere of grcit ucrvice, fi se eery yeur. basides the people that huidiez choir helplag,0w ca, vo hnd arelont lun murriagen vice e-ne carde' more miitachnu e ecld ne aulthe arc acneued. rend, se vu got, aleug pretly veli. The Sevard vante te ho buried lu Alasic rend froc, St. Cloud for the Most part vhi ie dieu,andl no one wiii feci like le pretty good. sitbongh laneme places dnnyiug bis cool request. chers are bcd hales viere ve bad te Put The loteut lhing afier mirriage net- tvo taennoeevoguabut îbcy veru. ices Iu thc annouamement 1'No brenni of a mrnee trilec eenîpared vith the rond poie frorn Superier City te Sunrise, a dis.pete tance of ose hundred miles. oer ncb.- The firut feu deg flghc bu lobes îng bot a bc of mud We- ofteu ieft Place lu Troy, and tbe ceusea miy ne, the mark of our orles ichind un. ie delarod s fu7 open. Some doyu vue muid net get ovcr eight! It lu uaid thantch. renoe vy Unce miles of ground, and chut with bard Sa odu'l teceoguite Cuba lu beeaune lhe worb, ioýyou may judge vint a lime vo doi't rcnecbor bein.- iutrodue-od ce hod of icgcctiug tbrougi snob a wilder- ber. noe of 11rood. IVe hald scrcely roornI lucdeys umon ueed te go luto te get the vagongoutof thttrack. Tht the arena te flgbt Bonutfor othec people'& por horuen and cattie vere tied te the amusement. Nov tbey go ittubock vwagons, wit smetimen vory littie te moinsanud figit the tiger for cibher plan- et. IVe took a good eoppiy of ote pîe profit. vith ns from Superioe City, bat they Astreoers ire eciii punniing oser calon got telsired, and tiers ver oe the spots on tueecSui,and clhey eu,'t tien te ho get. Tiiore vas oeorcoly a utoko, out vielien cicy arc boule or booso on the wbolc 100 miles, but a etc blinteru. tieu for tic otage every fifteeu miles. A Frencbcau thinku tiiere vi!l solon We mode c great mistebe te ecotchat he a cornet chat viii ecnibe the earth 1in voy, toe I thluk it tout me uear oee buodeed dollars more thon it veuld lie paouge. Weuh. pe the eorth wiii have rosi by Milwaukee, and oece 200 otrike hock. ciles more traveling, oayiig noti- The muai sirtuusndoiiy uevspsporu lu, cf cil tic deinys and trouble ve have eoule te the cocclUelon that QUeu bcd on the labos. %Ve vere four days Victorice8 boys ureland boys. in Sauic Ste Marie, and Se dayo iu 82 persons dicd lu Montreot laut Portage Lake, puying olorage and bey. voek. iug teed ut aermoos prices, se 1 vould net advise cuy onetut come the saine A soooity bau beeu esînhiished le Cro.W hvb e oteEnls Lononderry ay workisg mai, callud Ch hte.doy,; it vas vel il iuid.bot '- Tne Lioral Dofece Association," they vero mostly islfbreeds. There viii, tue oabject of prevetci',0 ail, party mawre c fow vwhite people. mesiiy Cana-. dieploys hoviog an îieniey te creato an- Fdiane. chat bave cerne in chiesuemmer. imeii e movg ber Mojeetyn su@ajects. I thiok there are about eig'tt fanliiiec The ioemcre of theassitin 1 'dec cerne lu culs sommer, and toc or six it cf the oîceet imnportace' tiat snob n amen vichout fac,,liee. I tlîiok tiey eocioiy ilueuld ho caiid inte existenc b ave el] takou Op land; 1 bave tabou ce nrre.st thc poriodical diopinys beîd up eigbt buidred acres; but ve onout luin hot ity ;vhieh chey lubahr dan bud ce it or yack ou it hecause the crii,,asnu n mouairee sen ofrntitoler' Iutians wiii not aiiov Uc eniiiil t'i ue coco.' This proposol, bhowveor lu settîci viti. Every oie is nt choir bay- aîroecly appooci hy ti e Onageinen. juet nov. Itl eOuot ranch trouble te At thiaoeouig of an Oisenge hal ai gel ha> haro, every one bhua iroaper Âotrlc, ouMondoy, Me. W. Jobuotov, and mever, and tic croîss b as bigla as hiP., alter eihortiag every Protestaut your bet]d it greve inlu e places andine Iroland 1'te doiermios, if ucceury, is rocher rouge bookiug, bet they uiiy to folowtise Oronge basner eues more herses und cattie fotteu ou it darleg 50 tia Boyîo rachor chu e vosboeld vinter. bavc Romîei nncaudauoy, unsa in tâa I thiok the country hs destinec lu hoc ommiion a bd beon seat ce inqoire inu a flaceue if il vas foîriy epeed Op. la the Derry disioancan, avideuti> Tt is the richoot coui croeîve a, sdviciticth foregee esseion te put ail fgrn'te cf nllkiede loobe mnci opiendid. end te the celebrnlies et' the Relief and Tt ian cee grpnt dravback. aid chat lu SIettin" cf the Gaies of Dan7y. They tic çoatity cf tirniar. There lu plan. tiad foreied au Association in Dccc> t, 1 t c imier. bowver, neur ns, und ail preveat i bose ceicicutions. T bey hmd uiong the bmeus of tic Assiniboine riv- boon told chat vicu thcy cbtaincd cel- er, and people ueec, te crevd iu by thi ou. equalicy tic dernutratiouc vende un mocb ns tic7 ena. Tt 'luaail vould cesse te rive affonce,but nosoia' 9etiltd froc, Fort Gare> tu Rat t.reck, or vere the Breebycerian eud Irish 3tint lu a distace of caver uccenty miles. Cinrebes diuest&iliuiod iban their damt- -This euid hoe a fie place for a min enstatione vere ce ho put ulovu by v ith a littie capital te commeuco stock terce of arec, if ncesuary. Iu youc .rniuing, for tiare is a uplendid pautuse anome,' nddcd Me. Johaucon, accd tic sun for as tic cye eau ranch. We vant nomse of hundredeofet thoucanda et' Or' 'a griat mail1]erv bad. An> mon takieg auge me elceviere, I iay c,, hand lith advaninge venld deovoll np here. titre upoa tbe Bible and dociso îbey LTitre àic ais cgcod epeuiug for n un,- einli neyer be pot deve.' Ho did net .miii. Ticre is net a bit of iecbor te cmih Romn aCthollo proocession@ put hob get ou amcouat of the vaut Of a dovu. but thcy voold stand by tic ment .Mill." of Dery. 1'nd, il ncemary. fver> Or. aiige iodge viii become a rifle club, aod <tiufuane Is. mnntheicles of Dtrry mesermorc. t John A. ai Otnvwa. li i Londsn effisecu fongit for tic bannr WII T 111i I JII. utof guodiug the Prince. ilGrent peeparaliesis are bcinpg made _________ 1ta receive Prince Arthur ut Toronto. uLseaul tom aooImmatmegPUbl .o taona sloet icdr auect Aluce aid eSmplcte Seeciý. DRESS MAKINO. a h spmer aad hat soieults.o HEOSIDETr,GLOVES A. nd a1Wars--meoptt., Scailet, Wie & Famcy FIaPfneI8 UNfE, TICEIN, souse-iO *gou.S1 liitla.Peacticl Deeu.Ualar, axteusvai> paresined. W, guAseansMaM, CARPETS.' rner WantcsGandu ana it sbaa1,SpmAlaotinciuleva ssisu TWEEDS AND DOESK<tNu, OVERCOATS, SKATING JACKETS, &C.&C W, coattetn tt a fu plitatct-We OUR CAINADIAN CO001 Aoc hoacic frm thie maafaelrnv; vspsby ne teedanne p cIt, reau Md dogis t t epshi ea.6ch. Cs1atgst tai RATS ÂASGesegetovu, Oc tO O i' . (USTOIM WOOLENm'ILL. T RE aniser ber voaul ieg taleas telafainsthe i btente or lie mroundnlce-ss. Icry. ti-t bu iantchie Rill ia gasul rassise order again, and lu preptred !oala any orcaitlthe CUSTO U WORM te tic Wolen Lis, tint ho may ha fatorcat vih, #Whs CÂRDING ROLLS, SPINNIAKO, FULLLVG, AND FINISHINO, - COLORING, d&C. Lîbevise, manlarine' ail the udifféent kimitacf gods hat may be requireul l te. faeming oammsoity. Aisenbandnagoodostockbof TWERIES ANDPIUAN14ES o variona dasocripti» euc slit fur Cas arecaage for Wmol a hliu" poces. G. C. CRA.WFORD. ZimaresanJuno mnd,1869 Ot IIIGHKAND !LIGIIf NrTRÏ IDRý_ID Iu1 ___________ Now intheUlmete laeyuuemaaus M SIRSte thiasi île nameroc le- -- For aoad-eitcuocsite sf DtF mess fie cve> liivsal patroagoeha- stwdo im n e est nomthe pub- Fall aUd Wintisr (lotUg. Osc 7r=2yahiyt o hminainc,'nasd hs ie tci ekesavr hieslcino verY metrnl.UR canrrcoe îeise Griscrry Deparlmen1t PLAIN ANDOPANCY rWFEEO5, Notlaing uo -:ntiag îos ntifthe vînts SUk Miatua,. Osnt*,noo, 'Ciolt, M., ina c >faml l>. Go« rcittoie. TEAS, SUG&RS, SYRUpS A[L WOOL M:EAVI TWEEDS, RICE, ~Frac, toc Yerk shilig. He kapsthie b"u cutter Matbn-Cosst>. Curran is, Tobaccos, &.,&c., 8 IsOOTi kHOEs. Cannet bec m n ithe Caeity for quai- Nite tirIe ebasyurusra Cruclcery Departmeiat. FPUllaod WLa0ae Beeféa aid Risc Semial teduemeut a i bàSe-hari Moadhe hast ivorbeat, cc16021e li begt a vy loosemak tee casýhe in pre- bhai mterial. Granite Ta Setof ul44 Ptecrs DRY 0G009i AND GROCIER1ES. îfa Loy u14250, Nao lu hie lime te belour Dr7 Osat and AU Oeticr Crsckeryite samas piopouetos. Goere s Czw Xaiuiche, UUÇ, Ver> toso, far -Conetanti> on mal Fanel Gisoda Ilepariuent. it ion vai ev wfuelthnt P. M. MoKAY BEST V.4RIETY OF FAYCY GOODS IN THE COUNTT. Coenadexnamne bis stock of MBITS, DRAWERS, ÇOLL&RS, N EOK T lE 9. CASH VOIR GRAZN- 1 M. S. ifecB&IMY. Broats, Sept. 17,10659. lIN Auction Sale!1 W. S. G. Kuvs, ntorGsmis MR. JOSEPH KIRS?, 0f the Towavuhu etfFqeiutet90U y80n tueates i- s,3 -l« uMo lic, Fuday, October lut, 86 t riigthih..of 12 luaichà TinDepueimont hban retentI> verY Leicenfer and larely incesned b>thc addition of - Lmiet> DERLIN ID FIIGRING WOOLS Adaot1 ýI frmr ht of- aII siadu and c4 lhsbaut qMUir. M u aoH1O ~ anPrebe ozpeete sioffly t.edmie a a I&gabnict af hem Bul u nRelforCVa STAMPING MATERIALS. a ndignapittd olIm a , I- Swi iS. @r aihe S» eteak ons nses hoatin hoDO51 émoOa Spee ten ation Pau . te it .ernamg.t montomabauns 't .,ynse t sii frhe, Qasipi, 22tt SPtL100 Da3o'P W ]Sfol& Co., hapocparsd ()TTIC£ id h eby giou tisaI to offesto thea publie stai 55. iotOaLn Wnllbu sZ.dte uth slid wbicichau t qd iesconatfii#aoOksnly teafOsPesi"eOf nt"1dsas mateeIsl-m iull lthensalu 04tftetes tu, eflel M,.M te is etmen aaena lmhe" pa ALwÀYCO vPAOIY.'as Os made viha mpeteut ia4te do all noanad ecomaey povesfor Ùw dIt -Y5 -reine.ailsof rosuevFnatwâ EgBtta, saildPF4= Predue to*o-îrncl5Cati. f ë,~l~CoIa P. M. MeKAY. t t,18 LaseRamu In t'iltoi, Sept. lIed. t1869.. 15-tf Ilrasitos 2iSetnet f KÇ BARICLAY &MCLEOD,l 1 EL~ ~ KE K E~ - IIIPORTED DIRECTY PROM BRITAI i PÀsHioxABLir, supEAR» 4.igazzip Tegeiluco iti auiruts.ssStock ca MILLINRA>, 1 1 Canadian Maufactured Gooda, 1 senshmg Os a rpitevii is llacel LARES, C~ÂESTAN BETIShawIB, Nautleg Tm" of à 9 'Wea £1October oq5g cMd 3101-14r 50 cou aeodmSof £rh. ac y-duitsa mi Theagsii ',sM b. he As usuli àSaion 8. o of tsaei %Wceineah badinge, n Mal lesf ttar»on takete touddapbut f MsM Osi n Sla liaI ai> ou - lis.thonsm tpeard bu licni, sie mipnuteulute ilealphia tu &ar, iad W0 igd tic a aihe tend th stop to It seul King, Os SatIM J. P., viti y bcu.ami t bacisasal ulbse tom mT. c. lahe Cho Tses T mnlfsaic xr. oLb. *Matlm"yI b> Me Ms« ls suarsaf the tuiren istttunfor1 satl lImceanad .

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