POETRY. HALIEilT 1iIA.NXKSUIVING BYMN. BT ele-. a. ckat), PAL&OBO, OBTr. lat eey beartnuoite o* rSB Thasksglvia o He is Tievogi aIl eur favoed land, Lft alp )eur eps anse Th bismisa ti Ri euous hai Rats posed go fullsand re. Our vlley, psain n iDbu, Vaitisgldlens feitage Bise; Our gsioers wethe rilis efilin. Osr brnis fresafi-tissais. HeOUemsoy aselen ofCa isIbCBty mil dispel ; Remsssssy *aiest eppremed mith fosr. Witis gratitude .l.OweIL Whm m norm tie&a ill bat go ooI55nmfsieSt Ged of tie harvst praise, Rie g.sselsssud peCtaiisi Lt eery hat uieto r" Tisaaisaviag tR Bism« THE SMENT RIVER. Ounlise deiry shoeof therivr Dcllsts 1Ihaveroglrsed forlife, andgassd forhesaliui Paoeils mter, msud.mwre darliand dssP. Ad Ifnlachils'er my airtorp. .A 1maited lisese, onu ht iamalhore For the oaimate eanad heur meose. Ashbadom hadflaien ahumm a As Ildanedis thselisht ofLile's t day, AndIfalt a prsseue o eodanet ses. Bat il made me passe us my reselesa gie Aadmy heactmwas fliswith a duILi.dp pin. As I aidssed say faem Beallias bih plais, Ansd usarsd thli Sissof theâlesriv er,' Whom waes fmlowod and sisl t reer i And 1herd lthe dip f the boatmasis os, Aslth' f ried @nulste tthsehers;or AmidiÎlaght a aglisapseof a diemihite 01the i maiage olan aga! romd Wh ewamdlig here onthe ohsoside, For friands miso m om ialsaarsusa lis ide AnddI1lirard, as Pli sar but oncesagain, ÀAmoudsrtuthiliig, heooip aisrais. A rant efds ea tuss th.erlhsd Distant l st ousMy spiit fa, sly misa olyacalta ci a Thm bau"dc g e tit u s f Aid Usaespsay dashasi sp ad islaxldmy ighs, The ut ins slllmelninoslu stifs, Ad I souldas= . Oh, I:.. frlfr Thowtmalssa a daofrlsdita. Thy are à14 &U hsae, thanis Cm, forhihiearm 'Moo tisa asgl foras liaI gleamsd on my sait Not a mo esi sfor, la gamoula of ligit- mo unss, . tbtisabonsd formy beed soul T, bo aer etheageldeis gte. I fer ifs.vUhàfltaisgistah- The whard. el- - B e Pa5yva Tiepljwogg ila cesiad by tisa aids a, tisaroani ont a, thiok valar, sud op" as i ielfssaam npllyvwogiisg. Aftanbholjeigt thrsugh pollyvogog lascais.op hie min tthis liii od vua't md for pohywoggs sud 5salis., lasg yauhù»'euothisig hav,'sdtel ha oru i itteoshua ta biggar tba- lu Reuaisnupe lite vus thse ý av wWRid u atuddylog tise ,aisi -animaio av eisa, b.houma Re Cv lia kselusionsa iItisaeiest thinig ha ans do ila ta, bkaisa asa. Tisl isaeVal tisaItroga fut aue t«wbe made, end #oiiywoggs loy ha lat ThI teffygg nor havas lise Valer, sudspeud a part oftbias mmare upois land. I*b e issm tahie ay hrogi lite udgoiosar Is",enthe jump. Biug baltar et divisg usa, ha la ai sdgslag, ha oftasa ruse is sd agiasti laikem uenastisaithse boys tbrov ai he, lut his; tvmueotel 555m75ira thse Permobism ansd tisa tip aikii. .TbIYea4mislaatiedvllb bhis ldée, lý@t lie mals vahlov bisa I.Iaenamm tndtima made by lis fe fg mai tie saý the mais. after lie frai "A tli. tag nts! dm rilst. c ~ ~ ~ ~ s Ifh esga nlyrmacaeui s sud dmla mese, for tisa masSe Sean a«l iT parionsa, bul seiisa!Ussbieldisor muais of mihap$Wn lau qperieaoe. I90eiparquaaavaz maise a mass iap. aiuuj4bava hippluasa ta sal, for A sas ctism a sppy Pisalava viso asv*fialan uuyuItisig (sol aveu lhe bite o aete oly ibroug tise kissd os.s I»BULL BEAD. Tila e$siabO haut otprey dvalls lu mliipu ssud srond puddlas, aimas 1 tisa0roai. eu liMas 7»s0y9nlis- RiyIf i s"tos tiaimoths, * sd noer spt ont euuyliag tu*t they Tisq iba@ tva ulyblaak thorastiek logaestonitheaidsov thaie iii, aud tr u dangarans0ev hidi. nu a six hi Ls d pecaisf, vlK thebladessall apoa ta sasit. Te areliseas kt; jasi bavea fol ta skis lie a th"ramlie i t la est, su after tiey met liscougslyaokai, if 70aoMtelte.avla lis e sopioard nactl thitgSsai, th"ayviii iagisa lite sas,sui baamae as cmv s a uleasi. Tisap vin ir i sfter ihay are dead, s l éjsu sipealmail ma is. Idat sviseeuy usu ta faisfor .Ni-sid bt if yu tr ~tiay Mmsuâl5 th$tis001l testt ai Os do i; Teke a, derk, bt, drscly ogin ltlie lmo usnJse; MMsaioat quitiy tram immé Iii otlisyuoare gaog ta lia bd a s 5ean thaisos, a esteg. outliS-poud, milsoeened in tise valsç; dluMes 0mutarisiean îd Vater. à saf qi bastisa kg; str$ddie the SiurlakW u it lu tise 7Sev jur ters; hait ~r *e s 6 M» Nipul p lb. bal- b5is.lt amitbMb lite Issaso, lie hem ft up ez mines«i inryt qt op tie MW. ï -ho pore vil. à"a*,vsthli a temi GO TO N I N For Boisille. 1I N BUY YOURt BDS S. . 1KIIO& cOI EOIUOI r EB£OBET FENIALE REMEDY. I N Job Moueis' Periodical P'ilsa. KsN Hi naluable mcdicino le onfaillig Mo N HI'ntsiu",of al liioso palnhîîl and F. & dangeroua djocectoe hich lic is cnais S. For DRY Douta. Co. 'censtitutîîlnia u bjuct lt moderates ail F. & xcesa and removes all1obstructions, and a N sp)ecdy coro may Ru ccl il on-To married Mo N ~ a ladii 8pecuiiarly suited. It mlii lnaa KO short lime bring on lise monthiy peelod i N milh regularily. N 1 he Pille e!,ce'd t e l een Sq Fimai daeieg the FIRST THBJIRItciNTiSo pqep- 555Bi-9, as h'Y oarc m eee R rosua, f isar- reie, but aaoi;4,tiertieticjpareoof. In aIl Cases af Nervous and Spinai Af- fections, Pains isthe Bacis and Limbea, Fatigue on slight esortien, Palpitation o! tise heurt, ilysterica, and White, thsce PiS vwiiielfoctaciro sehenallother meana have faiied ; and aitleugisa powerful rem- edydo net ceniain tr<ou, calomel, asti. mony, or asythissg srial 1n tise constitu- I Fîsl directinsoun tlie pamphlet arouud L Neaulipackage. mhlc nsloioad lis carnfislly L R preserved. MOA TC. M AtS.F.MCinsOis&CO IL .y These Pilla wers formerly put np usider lise nameof o- pur James tiaeke'a Female RPilla," and tise very greal celeisrily lhi L E lise altained, lia Indued uuprlssciled L N persans te prepare base and srelses isa- I ilalien&-eepying lise style of My meap. pers aad malter nf my cieculaso eeoseiy F I have lisereforeeeoueioded te discard ail my nid atyle e! mrappers, circulara, te,., and in future wili put the Pilis op un an aistisely niw and diffeeat style, udrmy oWminme,slhe '-aaevïIT ZALsEnC R aP, JOB OM' PFKaseBî(L PLa F "& Ceues-To inaoe gelting ise fenisuse Female Pilla, oie Ihot each baftfle lis Bay nme, or lise lelters T. à M. islewn lu tise glues, sud mrappsd un a Seat steel plate tise mord-' -Tussan "TFEanosa Eso tN Jeu MeisusPaibnresPîr.a," aise my note I Net bland on one aideoof the moappos. K OOB on es, 55W 105 ons LPROPRIETOS. MoN $1.0 ansdl12cetsfr pstage eclosei F.& te Northreop a Lyman Newcastle Cut., genral agent@ fer lise Dominioni, mii ien. S. For DRIS8 GOuDa. Ce, Bure a iselie, esistainlisg Oee Do0pilla, liy F.& cetuen mail. MN Foresalie Sp B. Watson and J.B., ll K 0 mott, Milto, and ai medkisne dealers. N hN MI li su1i 1V-«7>»ncry iM]eP, .Marble Works eIIOcemposod of thesmet S. W. 75 cftise misaI N. W, 100 acees of Lot 21, lili coseasisi, TOWNSHIIP OF RALEIGH, COUNTY 0F KENIt, Tme scer ss d. asd theis VrouELL WOODED. ithis a milse1thtashosraef theo lais, ad orrouadodliy moU cisserd farmo. and 11miles b agood gavoi road te ChaI- Titli Indisputable. GEORGETOWN AND ORÂNGEVILE. E. N. ORR, Proprietor, W OULD respectfsilp slîcititises te noifofetan7thiàg is tise Barhis lieto gve him a clesasIo iprepared te glvs as geod aend chrap ais article se asp In the bussesa, havng pesissalip ariectesi Mas marise ierathm oi et mrestutise United States, aisd iii coninluestR give satisfaction. Havlng oe anud a opIendid aserimout of al hinda ef Barbis for Mnument@, Headatois, TomissRura, Pos, Tablus Tops, Maisleplccea, and evrytling named ln as blise. E. N. 01111. ýTERIS EASY & VERY REASONABLE. Ceeýrgelemis, BardS, i71is, 1069. 4v-If1 ROBERT BATHEBON, Preetoeir MlIsa, Apeil 7Ih, 1869 43 ti ilUGil M'KAY Gênerai Grocer and FIOVIImi iC lTi MAIN STREET, GEORIII'TOWq.l A T J AI.F. MoKiuuon & Cs.18 1'Kr trevhing in tlio lias hept Iu A T arases I H E S' GET YOUR A -J C S t B. AI.F.MKionuon &Co'e. -L K K LM AtS-.oKaokos Q T I N MoCo. Y, fl ow, &jlo16. .3 J. BASTEDO, flA¶'Ffl AND PF IIJIER. Gentlemen's o«.Ilk and Feit Hats )rcsed. M- lne Higlarat Mrket Price paid in Cash for off kisets ef RA W FURS. April th, 188,'44-tf Kenry J'. Baker, STUffER AND) FRESERVER 0F BORDS. sels, Su, Reptiles, A. a.. Raviag Wdover TWENTT TEAI'PEXIEBIENCE Ia tis abaove busnss, asd Seinq mssidered Sy cmpetent judge tobuonof elh Bot Stuffers in the Dominioni, Be faussconsidentafgva a oIe u fae in u z = o t aIsIoRleecfsâts Cisauesmsoederati. HENRV JUBAIER, Loa 2, i.ehore, Trfstgor, Cul. Traalgar May 5, 1869. 476o officai J$Stgnie WM MI EECOUITYOFLJALTON. T E isadeesigisesi isu een 1wduip ap- Tpalnai Rt the aisove offices. Aidresa, . . APPELBE, Cakille, Cis. Ballon. 27-tf ESTRA Y. C AME Re the promIsmes of lise saliocriber, %JLot 9, lad Concrssa, EaqueFisg, isn lis 211. Augest, a large BAY BORSE, &bou a pam ioid-sehod ail round-Tisa owner cem have il Syprpovlng pcopeehy ansi paying copenses. PETER CAMPBELL. Auguat 101h, 1859, 1 -3b Lit alLetters REMAINein utas PatOffiS, aI Muhisja up tote s1$Butasaia. 18. Anserson Oso Bell Donal.d Clake BRB Cook Jas Disacomas D T Bolirasie T A lercsdq AigaUt EsasieWR0 G <i) Lvigstoaa John ieDonaisiMar J Prastioe Tbosas Wlilnson Francis Wall« isllila Perssas caillai us, orfthelisabc"valethar mii pise. sml they as asirtlsas. W . DLTONý Psalmas. LTMBER AND CARRJAGE FACTORY. VE 4PRJ.N'«G 0OpD ROBERT HAWTHIORNE, MSR.BW&RLIO OOMMERCIAL STREET, MILTON, Dxtending M Establishment, To met thiireasod dsmsdfor hisfaverite LEMBEJRI WAGONS, MIRKET WAGONS, AND BUGGIES Ot f Hdsciptieus. Cal and examineoforpyoursricss The Wood-work is cf the Bout Description, & weil Seasoned. Al mork mseeasted. Milto, MBnp h, il». Rt. HAWTHORWE. 47At W LESLIE, (I'EORGETOWN%;. U[M' RESTOIQ BY ITS VOIR G;rsy or Pailei ],.Ir is qulclily restored to lis youtlidu color and besuty, and avitl tise lest applictions a beautifual glossanasd doliglitfut frsgraaee b givon to the iair. Lt will cause liair to groar ou Bald Spots. Ih viii prom:teluxuriant growth. FÂLLING hIAIR la immodiately checkld Ssii iy ail Druggists. Prica Oie Dollar. Manufscted liy IL R. VAN BUllE /àCO. Wlsolesala lirugiati, 3é Barclay Street and 40 Park PIe" New-Tork, and 266ilih lollors. LARdea. Ru. 0 N TA RIO Direct Importationsa F1ION NEW SPRING GOOD)SIMAN.iCIIESTLER' & GLASGOW wreat Variety C ANADIAN and EngliolTwed very cbîap aI D. D. CHRISTIE'S. FOR Gonsd Faclory & WiteîîCotteon and Printo, go Ro D. B. CHRISTIEIz. if F peo vwant tli nîmost stliea l D)roeaGonds, yen eau get tises at D, ý. CBRISTIE'S. if LL Sizos of Hosiery aud Glovos tu ho bhadalt D. B. CORISTIE'S. IREN'S OHts frein 12J cents undi upwardo, t D. B. CBRISTIE'S. ClALL and gelthtisanemet stylesaiu D- reos Trimmiags and Buttoset a D. D. CHRISTIE'S. L ADIES' snd Gents Collurs and Caf-ali aises, eai B. B. CHIRISTIESý. TOUE Sesansd olespeat Lacs Shisi D. B. CHRISTIE'S. A LA!RGE loi et Boots andi Sios ciseap, ai D. Il. CHRISTIE'S. ~7OU eau get a gesuiaso articla un mTea and Tobacco, ah D. . CHRISTIE'S. Bf E largoat and ceeist stock of Silkis et a D. B. CHRISTIE'S. A Great viity in Ladies' Hoanad lioniiots, frs. 25oeanu pwmds ai D. D. CURISTIE'S. A&LL lithenet Styles n ibbisr, J- iowors andi Feathers, e D. D. CHRISTIE'S. D. D. CHRISTIE'S. T BE laeat and ob:mpent stock o - . D. CORISTiE'S. T HF bighe:I pilcesgiron for Botter ]p. B. CHRISTIE'S. ACALL frontail is reopcttsiiy aliciresi by 1). D. CHRISTIE, Miltons, Af ril 1809 40-tf IMVISION COURTS-i86?0. Nains, - 2- îlt. - - - lotis Calivilie, - Ii- 2 d . - ld, Nassagamepa, 21ta. .'.- Oh. Milton, - - lits. . - tis. AcRaD, - - 101h. - - tti. tlirgeiews5V Ita. . .nas Subs~be or te "~anipoÎ, We D. & R. MAIN STREET, MILTON, BEC R amusuate tisaI Ihey Bave Just Recei*ved a Jrell-aelecged stock OF NEW SPBING GOQDS, Wisieh theS, m idisoeeof a sthole UStTUALLY LOW P CS SURS cf Gentlemen's Clothing Made np ini the Boat Sy~ And Satiastion Guarsoteed. A g eed misstisa of \ BEEWB & mALCEI.. COREAT REDUCT ION 41 -IV Lb 7 m AT THE Thse grier shehs Rto nrni hi@ cuaRsoes andl lhs public geuerai that haole Me lilg o! the a lnses of hie .FA LE s TO fK Of8TO TES Cousialiug oail COOKINO, BOX& PARLOR STOVES 1 WhiicS l e il utaICOSi BHebSas mode Irreat esitueieus lu tisise illSTUEglL PLOIIOoS, lie la nuliiug naffern fr816 dsehng this meunts, fiamers adi etier mIl aaril bce lhtby re f ail goes. Be mouid eau parlicular attention te hi. Large Stock of Tin and Jap in War., Wfslc5 h.iii seili aschsap aay lu tise Coserîr. Pridiara Ihatbuifrsup a wi liW it e tiseir adantasce tRpurrisase tiseir tocis et tise s,,isarisee au ha mlisalies t lomeat ilp milsouale picea. Tcrms Cash, ecrent fonsd. _____Millon, Mardis rd. 1869. 38-if A. LYON'S. MJILTON WOOILEN WORKS-1 Ar-e nom prcparcd tb a 2M -~ UT M1W où.-. AND CLOTH DIRESSING 0f DRY-GOODS îver imporiesi lite the Cesiily Ofet nil, at prieos Dseoauulemtmscada is no 1 STUBR OB1IlvL Y CHEIP.1 An Inspoctloni l IRESPECTFUL:,TL IN VITED Aise on band GROCERIES9 LIQUORS, C ROC KER Y, LOOAN McCANIÇ. Milto. tolay iati, 1869. -44 MBILTON IER TALS THE noisecrier e bg teaioeue thtisho Le liset purchaeeIthe aaiseo And s5reped tsup1jg. igeS&Io a1OSSo reesthsm on Sthe siorluwsO ayemoceat dý a Wagon, for Ansd aise for tise accommodabtioa of Mrcte ar sryissg gmods, fCen lbIt at tisa TiompOS Rposo prm,tiy attended R., t. HANHAI7 MilRo, Map lita, 1869. H4,IWWAIRE, BOO rS & SHOES, G O X JEj5cICN SA L T! Andi averthiii sauaiiy kept in s Geuerai Store. Tailoring Donc on the Preznifes Bp tht wSU lknoosn Cuhter, MR. CLOUSTEN. Cail early asnemure bargaiSr; at Milton, April 7th, 1869 41-f THE suisnrbe moild ieg leave R luo.,. tho inisa5rtqleof tise ,uTu."ding cosis. lry, ith% li as g.1 hi. Mill lan good running ordere oain, and i. preprd tR do aayorall the CUSTOMt WORK in thie Woolen Lino tit lie may lie favored mth, socias C.ARDliVO ROLLS, SPINNIAIG, FULLINGf AND FINISHINO, COLORING, &C. Aou=al a fine art-noeaci The Best Fiamily Groere WMha e issenes dtermised thant oer R eE OHEAP FOR CAJH. A LARGE ASSORTMENT 1 Pure and uadaloealoed, Who esae and Retail. Likemloe, manulisetseîng allie differenh kinda o! gooduiSal map lie sequired Sbtsyhsmho apucse e oterolsfr ,eur yeswe Pdco farming oiummitihpMioonlband agood stockiof TWÉEDS AND FLANNELS of Thesfaofhe mteîsyucno e etrvlefrYn vaelosn descriptians, lo Se noisi for Cas or ascliange tise Wooi attise usual prices. Couatp than t aI - -- - G. C. CRAWFORD. io1meruiaaJuac lnde, 1869.i J, A. DePOeKS of aig ORAl Taro pied SARIL BARR Tesm Aug. DIVISI tien. LICE! CmU c; BURL lUn Wel PArln men Hi. ill anl, i tis R thiR, 1 eorgeown, May 27, 1869. Miltoz4 April 14,1869. SEWING MACHINES. A CENT fer R.S. WilTils' Organs, Melodeas Busle.ltsola, Plaise-Coes, otc. OxL. Oa Taras i ail octave paise-style Mlodeos for 075. PIAN08 o!fail Set maiessea Suger's, Beme, Crever à Baiers, ilymonda 0$12 ciasi-stitelà andsi$30 niutlie.sachioo, stansd and ail complt. Spieidid t..dsi. ferRaymonad*$12 machins aI9010 eacis. A stock on haet oit 00.Mchine ii, Nerdies a"d Threesi. Ceorgetoma, fois. lied. 1869. 2-tf 4t-tf