Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Sep 1869, p. 3

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&L INTELLIGENCE. Nov t:ek. rrrgesif Traito. 0WADETSMN . LOCAR and se the liew ltock of mallol.o, NWAVRfSMN te nom. atoiog mInooines,,lis., it W. Lesi% Geocrge- The Tlogioph, ia ite valuible Ilre . Watine' ajccusarit. in tona. Michines delivercd, and portion con.flysiitd . port ci the progricas of Toronto," mhich a~ aV~a-1 1T 1 ~ T S T TAT - rira m. e rigade. -occoipioo fiorobolumies, Baye: nonhm how unallre n porsanoouf thec notion hy the May'r, Leiviig coat of ciisideration Il pab A TER a long aid carefoilloiuar, 81gat tht Manufacturera cf Gret Britain1 ýXcmr lOonieeher o hii r îo tm neefe n h ilcýflebuildings nid publie improvcioeit. tlietdo of n-lOch are 1l Il pîye~îcîî,T, gnrllm ldto bl orfrc VT. C. WATI-s bau reinrned tb Hamnilton, aid le hippy t a fot bis leag. __________Hat, ou F.nday oeniaig l. hI ,, il ooasbt. Tire folowiig table shows aiheriesa saîlomera, Ihat oiîg tq the dcpreîacd iaite if trade ln Earopa, mensioeoribedi th lnuiot, aid the folloig'Ibis moît dal:- aid lbe aazlety cf mafactuera entorealize ci stecks, aid heep thair mille ~ Sit,. oîli, oc baa otf ora ccccbctc Rihar JecaCa1. Hch o1li~ l8m. 1869. geig, ho hau heti eaabied te got oie of the urgeaI, chaii t, aid besl slocha 00 lll.SL«.%R,,,.ûû tan; C ari W. lotLietennt;Bric buldigs........ _141,000 $408,750 le and celaOi xi; ho!, W NoluoFrteinsoiot OOIl........ t-,, oio,mof Dry Gooda, ltillinery, and Heine Farnisiaig Gouda bvpr imiport&inte TOP lo' serlodid aticle Honjotorin Jono, 2i, doo; F. J: Jouea, SOç ore. Ilo li t do..... . 80o,0 180,760H toywon',no-r o.itoyooy 1.odn ,il, a .o, 70,800 i amilton by a Reîsil Houe. Haea, with the alunit cnfdence aay. that Branchtaa; îî,oedtB-acd, oî.qoa(Io. A coin- 00buhis steck Ibis Full and Wintcr miilhbcoieecf the Cheapeat in the Domnionic ~go-lo_~Ole.'iOl Bnohonitt iootla, o lt dt. t andi- yoo or1od.i300 000ivg iNcw Godî dirct from urpe scamhisad ' Tooo ff-. Botloc3k lo,tc. e îs',,fnic1yovtcîotoO't $410,(:00 $7.5180joi o ai ecvî uoe acnai )Érl410,000iii, ia a foney s, Itave bisassmeaientcoaiplelo, mhea bis- theasads cf m- wfoe1onIl'foheoie ting', oUh iM l lhl o Id .ý fmos aohc aInoît neih Ilmur men aroe-011 o[ ooisudI hooo lcotoose.-TweiOy yards of Grey Coton for $1 ; Good Foot Colored PriaIs nt a York ~o,hc,,l oî O ndIrc ono 0100 tt otooto.o Ti Efollowinooigioootl odvrtisemcit shilling; Cainad ion Checked Fianîcîs, over a yard ide, 37je., Ail Woci cmrblai aednhei. by igiIi.g the r4, f,I tti'.nCîeko h pdooj tke.rcc ,, Ca,,adia,, Tweeds at baffa dollar; Good timeoply Cirpeai frein 50c. op; Engiisha le, bjsiu ociaotnion, p'POOi thOZ ie B it.,,Cara-Fleur Oil (,'olis o roat five Yo-k shillings ep; Ladies' Bfack Cloth Mainlest S" ag~froa. S125 ap; Cfifdrco,'a BIackCloib Maitfoi froas three York ahillings p -. ~ao ,iom.The Ber. "PaoO ONOcax îICO. Ladies' aid Mimes' Rateanad Bonnets, hoth icoit nid eheap ; Psioied Deijioa ilitee ,Pcý f luia york shilling,anid pie of aliethcaredijoieas iom-whilc hie stock te se lp00oa n if-totIo thcCoventioi EoafrB!,Ta.l nd Thebsc lkoestio Oport0large aid noried hat ha nosu it ai], froat tht riehesttta tht p0rcas. Re-a- Great Britajo importe £101000,000 ntiy of' ioflring is oj nuacrous patrons member Il Tht Rigbt flouae," No. 10 JamcsStreetî, noir Kiag 7tretî, D*slmIiao. worîlî of tona a rîrand tire publie in gonorol, fithatihobhanHamilton, mhere yoa milgaI anoe et tht bout, sheapeal, aid prettietOueods I-hon a hal i stoore ha asm juot retarned froin a professiocai itcur te ha had intanauda. obd 0 s Cinabas500,000 temple ies throngh tht Scathera States, (andcr. t 0b stsit m Milon,. sod lay toc a long aheaut 3.000,000 idole. o ,a,iht, but wucia dmly aoslcd ley boken millo n deire ta beaefit the pab- T. C. W TIS , -ho thitonhe Nem York acionaies a cenmamuie- lic Ibreugli ibis inoprovomcot in bis pro.-5AIaS îrrluuatddo ean ehiOei01 aîi- leb 1o ae fenion). ilas-ing tudiod and impcovod Septeaiher 5hig,1.. Oic cfsasOe 01Litcrary bdy.sn atclier" ilant thsmdccthe hot mastcrs of the art, hbc C« er .Norfolk lVrgi,îjanc clle Mra. Sîowc. cloios. ithoul ogoties, tu ho net enly_____________________________________ Ii..lle te t37 thoe nol-1ly P. M. Mr- Mlrave, flic nomn Governor of Chamepion, bot tht oaly Profenelonai vna tocknoobof 1 .: dBritish Coluombie, o soon leainarry naIlarbor in SbGî,cnud il preporcd tea JS plenoideda0 h dangloter of Cyrus W Field. aeI, odlioligo rnigc - Ft Ccolcry thets i o ha1192 îîîî I-ndics' or gentlemens hir, ihavnug, <C t lesthen ever thcy moct ald. om r ' shâmpoooinr, curling, and bthiog. la cn e cording tea aconnsmebiob hnsjaol bien 2prfsoo-r--e,;? nIlog ~ n ~ ~ R si lire., and w m Te eàmanIe Inke inth R.h tublen or largo or cmall partieso; con o O $ m'-E 9 ~ "amote atb Threis mn o,,ind i te ecaulonor laito coco of plato; cloonknivcnG"s z te look ot fur nottohk; but teoid Co., Ill., jsii, for atcsling a Sun- and forko; binaithalete, and ehota; de-. ~ mouiii ai, bolt70,11 go tis, meeh, - dey SohocI ibruty. liver messageand parcls; boit cnr- GCD ~hq oa eOtley ao tI les mrte Tht Hannihalanid St. Joseph Rail, 'poete ; cloa lothi, silîke. satins, fooîhcra, G ~ ioiêxl li hfaeoh a sor ay io Miesouci bois lidraine angincs I&o. Hoir and enlolkers dyed al. ore s,., ___________ wrocbed in ameck b>' renniog cire t nlioned, and lecturos dcliverod on tho0 o Elau5anloi. ode. pr-escritand, future of ltho South,, eilloor ' CD MiConoty Agrioobîoo-oi E.hibition mii _%In ehnge crî-cclyhuIns flhat Van-iîfOout slveory, lcînperce, or ony conD ~m te lt lh and 12tof iOtoior, h dcîfilt'n objoot in gong te Canada ta ufject tloot eil intco et heoisIFs of fie e4 oftoocheos lrertileodto 00000 ot mnrcîod mao ta prcvenî Fisk rtons .o, exiraci, iecîli eitfouut 70____________ mn the 131h 03 ),1 i otonel Ooe d'y suiîg oal aa injanDtioî. lrcoki.nthfOcjin; cl tItave nid lay>>e Tjacheci ndthen oo.ineroteoli utarots o rnsnnl trm. ioI Ih 000kThe Obserer, Bible CLoitianaorgîc tnllro o ecttob&Aoro.m 's-O 0$ rets, sthe 11ecbilagioen te PinceAr- d IncrO ojc, ad tlle II ePrnc A. GEORGE W'ASHINGTON i SîIîri. e ~ e thr idtik oamore snnible 'Simooc, Sept. lI, 1869.' o o CD=~ Gto.'t, f So.ocobay, 101h, cotaie, àh k-mal o- etrtonetf, ion fololoreligi- proosotien o 101hHoltoo liant. ouly dispood peoplo could jon, niglot Phytltkig IBories. CD ~ ro.on ., Olaache. 0.OncoCo-; t teaokbat'jPre, ihe d.Mal'y PeFs-ntopfoyoic ofir hor8es fre- C C:i saigcd EobeîX .oioiooo ul- Gle)o 0 uît nttre n Pariso,slthdeqnily-e4peciu;iy cory npriog. Thiles resgne; Ei-m (rovsinuily)Daw ltes bale infli ne sect.c! c oIc 5âafront error, anal onc ieb ba -gnt., vceco Stark ploootee. 'Tho White, Ct- ifrodoco 562 laody ocaed ho Ios cf oin>' luble hors, ~ C petformt-r3, nod tloe drocso c ftepia- n ployie an fi lea suolly gicon, efeon nmal ttooio fW. 1)& 147 A.aLco ,000 ganaf l. produce infiamaf ion of thbobooîrlewhieh Q 'vecrcd, rirdit iho beondithe mot Tloc Dooocrato have jeot carrica a gecrillY proonefatal ;it alto meakco E CD in lb, Cooonty. Il cosista o! dry Staxuefection in Califotnia by n con- the hbrsiand t11,0enrtolro biat more :-:::-:. - C 4rui@ hrwae gare ndcocty iedrablo a mllqriy. Theo Ropulbcons fiable tu diooooo, or io blo le fhrum il 0 _______=_________1:-4___-_ne sirrsa su iol 0- o0 f te fral qotlitc, coulis Ihat the vcels,7 as enon by ai)off-lItIis e rced le a Modicine - G -o" o. . ."..e sl' On bcpoioo oanoaponIot gonio aop~oo pular prejudice.ng-ainst theo mb ioi ut rcale gcntly rnpou the how- t$3OOO iPl - lya.immigration of the ChLiese. ole, anda ct opoloc ier ad ungo, tr-,. The pubioher of thooNcor ek- Drto 00007 o obstuctione ibercfromn, ce oruf bai orczaninod s corps cf frty prfogîo oododoobig aIlia 0"0 a aKIay-hw filied the ,hop Ojoeu't7 newsbeye mhocarry nu pnper bot helorfoy oOoloi i hevloLtOo. E5o '0'0. su mdhoe lo b, lon ioMlton, aud afler tf ia ic nesor of 11fheo, ox ulot,,es 0»lic 0400 of 1-D oys Conditooun Pomicesi ta eml thertoff hcapcr tGisevtr the old Fircht Rovolutio, anid paeand Arabioot foeuvenoou)dy-it is ai.. dcin leibi rty. Hia storecinthom 84 par wme-k-. '50bl nlOfoi.6 ~ -wdtabl cl-cc stce-hof dry-_lto- lenbou Rcooibr heo île .10, ced scc ll.ot<îfe rie, rouer an fcy Lono lic !co iasbeu igboiy signauof -oulod & Co ison enclopack r enre cooero oi ony0tooi. buîr.d cf ateolo,of,roVa doclobit- o1 hUOO5Ii~~~~~ the Amoricon Roilmo> Kintg,selcîod lat . 0 fro ynoo owaîc nu te pncete el norncdotdhecOct., propriotoco for Canada. Solal by sîal uMoedicine Dealer@. ' IGaoccoes, Wtinz, CsOcgxnn thor day no lbae impotat n persooage ___________o Giautnt, sailly log-hebs o n George Frncs Train codeceonded -adochoiesock mof Dryfiocdo,an balop oerraid dis5et the TecumsehB REALTH 18 STrncantI-To prevent > os~ ,eo'C_.o _It DUM nGeOUDSteal havec srrcalfin Houses' The foeot ciy milI ho for tver or conqoer dinast isoune of the gdsîd- ri a 3Z W" wbrl bdho ul et mslfa, fanoStu afler Ibis. est ttoinmcntc cvrr imod ntby mai; - utsesy nher bonne in thes Cunîly The corno ccop leaà pigmy, iflje a nofn- nod Brya's PuloncloWaforo iii as * '~ ,i sugohw fro om fcr e od !cuecuhglqtikn nte enf îeds aitle, it io a fraction, naioambog, n fat.îri cr oghcls lasu" s b " -EE ,s bU5gblytten, a hoibrespt. Erybody acensa îhroaf andalpulooonryoomplaintsas aimr Il: lehkm indetnhted tsel Ibt G. timite 1a have pIaatod tht amglI yellOm k-lad, Cno peo. nc.ml. .srs.. t.ee. geasul took of hecta anal thaa in aid, aseemblemsîi o f ila goncnpnes il n9"i O îîîo esore ae bepormhifsyenbas ely~ cil 'a marig tt cc cfallr dmono-lad 10 incurable econsmptien, and theco foc yoox»c liero inc ais xlastlieg latcneii. It ns more appeors binube lcogho b iroetac olei ' laccierprioee tthon noy olhcr tlosh. asd tasse!@. Joseph oet dO mould almkc e 'gbcocd. The rfodicot ual hest -thesCeoy-Men'stejalbuts, 2 Z% sPouirsaeor buyrog corn Ibis ocng o""'nek-oown foc fliocceor c(îb oin 05- A hsree.-itc n epr. poainto is Il Br>-uos Pomotole Woafcroo, C EsyIug abol .-iolesoin spallr. boou eihatbvo be ifoorougflyicvtied for _1 ~ A rol àsu i sidt hvebeuthc laittwIeol' yoore' andaveo, nererCi oo c ens i%" Lutylre ooberoedlwo crlooasfroen le an rxamnoctionut Camubridgeo.bee,I kbown 1 o ai. Singers anod pnb- E OSM 007Q S4 J. Bcooonidgc, f Haltes. Mr. liffe moes, and al Lseoo luhboesloonra fromt tho use cf Ichai.. ld by ail meal- to om500 einoi ory hsoy baer, anal fins hiumcalleal the coernn:sar ef the Re- joesodealers at 25o1,. pot box. la5e~.t05 mret.or ad, othoe niesieur ~Tort formationa,anal that bbclddicalVicar Bm C - H Raail ton. mhccc ,reloue epcprattd, cl Lntccwortlt, uuomortnd Ibat the greai t---4L-~ C oc teirrot todLlù-fia. ves, Reforsmer mas IlfuomOa time editor of ______Elîii ' ii 2 - thee orescg Sut, anal thît be died Vi- EMERISON.- Atn 0.oocobbbr, e the 101h isoto.. o.. B È- G car et 'sVaefild'Othe tie ofAulotaew o ason 00. .ouc MASON.-On Otoodnr, il n mt.. theo M V hetonloo~tetosc ~ -A Rsleigh edilor, ddieîed foa îmok oUc cf Mo. Tho,.o. oo, liooLin., shotec f ts nuai lteocyasliot ,cespîsin s âIl' oar pipe babeua Trafulbane, of a non. c tou pat, es ccs lsgte~,< milord aid heuîd ceer te appearntbet t DE the< muin, a endarsnbaag iemocil t ext atiig ef the United States Court, Ibicmm. -Asf t oorst, we as e bar ietht min mho caned âthtasî. RrrNWV'S oOo7bbln te risahriî ancorect m pnssibls. tien itglcctcd ta Pal a stamp on the BOit.'ol'ol'ooh sDnoifti NOoorI _____________ it idO b7 000feice.*' Revenue felfowem , stllll ln.t.Louis, boMo., te.Oorsooe" oa-coar an had ,roromît ieli mccc subjeot to toxo- douloolor of W. iclitoIVt<,= DCC CotenDI tin a befcemns oofoe Ont., f,rmerby ,of lath, Eog.CIQ00QDCID "1 Mena adl iobpoy $400 license for ccci.PRSTO-Abrilcoeforlsg- toc, Tior. Cunoinghoam, z-îo Hornbiy, Ion Brf.aiennsalng imxaasditin te odag (Orood à lt)." 0da10, - 000., faetPesow, ýt .. ..ci..l Mtlile de-e't-iu, teacumule- TtIs boc sdmn fts Of the late 'hemw -,îooo.it the 74 ycar C ma pllermahis.Thyhae-se Te on asnc ad an o iew, of her io-ioolca-cI eof theo.. .. '.'..* Spaper o on thes bacsi-s-of tht mbcrtnhou ta of Dr. L ivinsnon,îte. coo ilrlient Ea4o,ing. eta c4m. lisw ascUfct ntn5cWo-Africai traveler, haro gives rien10, o.ta ,ferst4 psatiesof 100 ela .'doabta ef bis heiag am.Cpuî NEW ADV-ERTISEMENTS. i cuamità8tuiecsih lkatht Burton, tht Afritan Orsyler lje*M lb.e teantses. Tir dn0 nsfa' piioste ' hat thn Dr. iea apriaoner ta thep v daii- "htn, av 'I'oc oîoaf Luseada, th.espitliof ths, u r îuFIII~~ . Uaadiiccsaaam. King of Csoasbte, aid sc lavorabI>'mbas8UTIIAI Ai IS s AOdd.0l. jthoopînion booen roceivod that nn expeal- Biliob ?atant ale Ti igaiion ia tolked nf te nareh for hlm. Ma a »ZmUwescapefoth otenr day. Re woc The Nom York- Worfd boratea its VICTORIA GALLERY. outting bis Sprng n-hct--oliigntmuories... ferObig f un.a-Ir [Oiteo1hIo.r. fos is offilael, tc1, 100.1m sk iiM NE1W ADVEILTISiE16TIL D ISSOLJTION 0F PARTNERSHIP. Noi e hrabygirti, thît lte pactncrhie hcertofe s maisfisg bstmsoi se teioder- signsd se rl ou ndaera. nt the owenof MOtos, in ths Coîsty ef Hate, hma teis daY baindiaclrsd hy nsnlnalcnasent Dia4d na Milta, Ibis lot day of Seplcemher, A. Dl 1860. Wlflesi: 1JOSEPH I1HOTHEIL. D. Dzmun. f J. 8, HATTON. 0r Thtetojaires milhoreaftr c arrioerla ,oniy me, aî the sane plac.. 14-3t .JOSEPH BILOTSIEIS. STRAYED F 1ROM6the penisea nf bbc subscitr, 'Scotch Blck, t Opolfeal Oteer 3lys ted, 1 29ters1yearsalad, cîreawoite, aid th. ether white mith cul acc i tti y. nid Hcifecî, i ait white, thne ahserd nd -blte, aid oit red Ecar!ing efeff cr7oi of the abe, rceptiag the whten 2 ycoid hclfsr, bas aIla h ef a Anyper min drue tiformation -thal miii Ieooite bbcir rmcorrry wput bc iaitahlysnmirdd. THOMAS HUME. Scotch 8Bk Sept. 10, 15t9. 14-tf Wanted Immediately,. OFFERt tethe publIe tleB liealeiad mo:sae menti OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, GLASS WAREH GROCER1gS, TEÀS, SUGARS, TOBACCOS, SOFT-SHELL ALMONDS, WALL PAPEIO, WINDOW CU RTAINS, WINES, BRANDIES,, OLD RYEa& COAIMON WHISKIES, eOAL OIL, LAMPE AriD ORIMNEYS, FACTORBT COTTONS, PRINT, DENIMS, TICKTNGS, PAPER COLLARS,. The beit oasorted and cheapeat place to SERVANT GIRL. boy in tomn Aî'ply t Fnrmi Produce taken in Exchange. JOHN SH IATTON. GEORGE SMITH. MiLTox, Sept. 101h, 1869. 14-lt Milton, Alignai 111th, 1869. 9-tf THOMAS YOUN09 DEALER 1IN IIJILDEIS lIARD WARE, BIR I11ON AND JTERL, aoits, and Oila, Boiîing, llacemith's Belieme and Cool, Beat Catter aid Bug- ey Staff, Rabbiaid Spokea, Laits aid Pego, Coal 011 and Lampe. Wall P.- per ia great viricty, Window Shades. Apple Parers, Jack Screws, CC>k..iiilag Cob mimzr1cr tv, 1101112 OILS WIBRIITROj 119K TAU 0 Teao nd Tohodone of tht choiceot brandi. Gcess market] ln plain figures. No scond price. Wbile thnnig hie mernera o the liburni patronage exîesded te les in the pnaî, the suboibcr invites the publie te caîl and examiaehiagecd and princa bofore purehaiing elsembere, ant ho la folly posîed up it thtemoate lbh unry', snd ne effort mili ho mmnîing etnbols part te givoisaiofiction. Murcb 7tîh, 1869. TPIIOMAS YOUNG, Min StiMrard, Geeowes. ]Blaxi-zmxz5 m NEW STORE, CUMMINO VIL LE, BANKRIJPT STOCK! "WOODSTOCIK WM behofntired il [oss than WhoI8saie; Raes! TIe balfaceo /f theGoode Rcduoced in ordo fe comspoare lespoire. do. Cailsad Xamine th. GOad zaloo that theco fa tooitivciy ne o mhîg. RZ. TK'OMnON. Ccunaîiesrlllc, Jtly 101h, 1869. -ly «*m[O»CIW ctiqtcw 3ENJÂMINJONES, ~I ~ndedaker, MIRES te intimato Ibal he ham JRCIIASED THfE HEARSE FORMERLY IJSED IN NLO Anal haofitg itl ey ndchis uetro trot, in pmred te rmi ah Faunerais on short notice, and at, îower rates off charge than heretoibre. mimziumlwNoI-o*rUet i'eJne lOrd, 18. 217y tilababitints of Miltonanad marra WATCNIIEI à&1JEWfII At bis §hop oa tht Corner cf Miniand Martn a tc Oppselte Mc. Little'@ isddltr' sibop, a he là FREFARE!> TO EXECTE AIL WORK Estosscate t esz, anth sili aid desatel, andi oheaî,ctchaît eci hbefore doetn la il ton.i, hmbsaemonaband, ocminssi Md Sharp Topped GethIe Clocis. Aid mwlii tl atchea faorPair cuotr mhea oedoced:* sfaoaite Eclsg--dsrf Vlkife i l 45ui5W" h CAiî,a VoIslSnits ooMat, Jet hrmaie. 119k-EH Stt-fRPtIERT WMAT-CH CRAINS. FI nger Rings, Sce Keerohiestaand Scias Ilool Pipea, Fastes, &c. ' A job le# si Plîteti Jewey. mhlch wmli ho acd arpris Ing y cheip. Atam, lisecklumasCnt toarras- nýroty aionctilie tht gcnia article snd no, doceptito. apecîmea af tVaie-OGlaa, PIaf- --................1c.. Cocouo ...........l;- - - toc, Aid aIl oihec morh ln proportion. lif, basbongbî a isa att 0f toiithraagh- fer haemisdga ofhim basiaiss. ;Wa- Clive bin acali. Wàt. SsOA.N. Miton, Ang. litit. 1869. 10-3ma COUN-TI0F BILTON Board dofibIic Insfuclio00 THE Board cf laibrietini forîbhe Ctttay ef Halten, mliimeet fer. thseExasinaite of TUESDATUWESWAY OCTOuEn 13, aI da 1 AT 11A. .,mIN TD - le TOWNHAL ITM Thoele odunetoe appt y fer liraf Oins oerrilOcatci mlii coquine e behopieenrt oh. Ihrcocdaye. lThoue Inteîdise te apply fot Secod Ctuas dtrdattcnd untit tha second day of 1h, enamialloni;aid thi ly Titird Claaem iii ho exomiatal ijie tetra day. No cenliOicaici milii hogriited nami 1h. day afler thtecnsnslsatinn, CertlOicars if ecai amoral choracler fronst oast Minister of lic Goapel, Itsgiztrate, Local OSpels. tondent ce Oohoet Teocbcc, hiomi b lbh Board asî bc Iniohealte the Secmitary on tee day cf Eaoiibon. F. TItEsOATIE, 8St'iy. Miltan,Papa. td, lOti9. 1.-bd> The o Cmmioaenîappoel afete0c- stratit tht Iintrsobonal Baiimay @ive PUBLIC NOTICE. Ihaltt>'y arc pre. paredl te reeeiveTenders for fine fartber Secftinscf tht ine. CONTRÂCT NO. 8 vullbcbin titée ~ onic f Qateae, aid extead front, t s Esî.teri>' end cf Cottîroit No. 5, aI- Rimouski, te a poiat aaar the Metin River, about 20J miles im btngtb. CONTRACT 80. 9 miii ie la lbe Provnmc eof Nom Brnsawick, aid ex- tend from tht Eniaeriy ead of Contrant No. 6, bovards the Tomil of Battausat, about 20J miles la l.iglh. (IONTRACT NO. 10 vl h. la tisa Provincae of Nev Bruasmick, aid ex- tead fiecs tht contre af tise Chaplia Illiind read, nars lie OCaour oe, ai 80ew Coude, bemarda Ihherot, ahomît 20 miles la ieigth. CONTRACI NO. Il miflha la he Province cf Nova Staitis. and aI i o- tend frru thueBateciy end cf the Eas. tern Extension Railimi>'te the Westriy end etSecetion No. 4, (b.ttiadiig the bridgeoies tht iaiqiaibRiver, e-- oept the westernabahtasosi) about 3 mtile la iength. CONTRACT NO. 12 viii bo is the Province of Nova Scetia sud attend froathtetasteri>' end of otrait; Ne. 7, ai Foly Lake, te on ucicon aith the. eziaoiag raiimay as Tsro, ahbout SQ miles la itîgtis. Contracta Nes. 8, 9 and 10 te le e'P? pictî>' fiuibtd beoestle. <rab del of J'ai>, 1871. Coitred No. il Ce ha comploteiy Infuhesi b>'lat Jaly, 1870. That portion cf Coatriet No. 12 cenît of Ful' River te Tramtele h fis- iseod anal roal> for iaying the truck is> bbe lst day ofCfaer, 1870, framt Foil>' River te aeiîc oPppéite the Loi- donderry Iron VWorba b>' tht lot Jasa- an>', 1871, aid the rdmainisg pertioa cf 8sud comentat h bbe lot day cf Jmly, 1871. Planeanod prfsed, miîb spciifieaioai and terme of esafniot, mii buoxbihitod ni the offices cf the Conmsninrs la Ottawa, Rimouski, Daihnnsie, St John, Halifax, Toronto and Qathçe, oaa aid after tht 13th Septdmbur next, aid Seaied Tenders iddoed te tht Coins- mianbonere of the latersolesil iRaiiwaY viii bucreeoived eatIhair cifioe la Otta- va ap ten 7 'ecek p. as., ai the l8th Octer, 1869. Surdties fer the tonipletiesa cf the cosîrict miii ha reqaired te solp te. Tender, Commiaioatrs Offic, Ottawa, 3sd Aignal, 1869. A. WALSH, BD. B CRANDLER, [oo w - a C.J. BRYDGES, 5555 a A. W. MtLELAN, Advertu!-in b he ,Ebfanoni" 1 mil Don N,.d- io to ed[

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