a ~ ~ ~ ~ T vo ut nh otcddn ae T ir. lrrilnAttheofiimaIe 'I (rn ~<I muniLEO. te tadireft. J nohne b aere AtIA.NWAVRTSMO' kmalct proved toganst th patent lpot of, Stewart callcd aetnîy Carrig ~P ""~mc aamraesoju ah dn.silîap. u s me ta go wihm d The cyca of tho morld arc at preent the aaanunnding poal tien, thae benety Prinme Arthur didu't shoot aà cri Ichadanlond TOUdTjtnhomlier ne fat a- Ftsdetic Charles Drery shot a hoat an Lot 11, Xr.lronaag. htlonaa ahavea s Itos. (Lauglitt.) W mtnt OMILTON, OEPTEOIEII16, 186. turued uponNapoloon, Who for the lu~ta obut notbe r ia 1he@ona mmd cat nt d anka the Ceurt te llow up ta W alIlacl nad then mnt te as-- ~ yaehnhl ahntdvdattn u ohn ltbIhv 5?ib a e.o uhr est be canet go ta the jury, ith luetd' fial;1 u nwayportion- tev etehnledi i niiulpesdm uetaiIL nliOO 4 the Defendent la case of an a4vel r r a onn hy I ent la llasodo'e L"W KEFOBIS. contrai the questian of pence or a t hat a iberal provision in made hy tht The Inteldd emcevnt of ttotpn itou .enit- ta mo nl eufor a non I ffica. anima it mon that I was noetereeted 1Lcgilatnte for the puhlie edcatin- 1Canada thin autama hns heen piatpead, W in the nîoney my brother ond Dr. Dio- Europe. Thje hclth af the Eraperor (hoar, licar)- dChat the elcuenary Pater Rcdpaih gave McOili Cottage lit L.danp ntdbathahadgraa adod t B ed.Delric htant fifty yeara the pro, le therel'ore a mttai of national imper. nehoosarca ucrosly tîendcd. It Lihrary 204 voues. 1 Yta uetonoîtaiaedr n heamiitrtnothiinltana.g e 'htoreatChose whao lold Iiglioffc, la Lord Ceci is egnin precehing lu Ot. "uta as ta Plintifs cae hainghen tqutinfIlf.aracditataendselioiatrationoflitJrimetînal tancjupie e litîanaaind linaoacret ike thia, ta fotariand promete tome. .1vd bnthnordsaitehoSavelde xpesart anted ihim s int tio TSle Jutie han ta a grectcxtcnt Iloptmrc than tlrec score 1yaoro, nnd iv edocalion ta tht Damnai, bath la the la- Te tht surpiseaof evtrybady Reffen- mmm atotesu tj, c arud iaglow rniplrosaIthoectma ec epuace ithi'Ic8oadvaniog ideas of therefore tgardiog vitti onxicty the teret of thie indinidauland of the Stein lias rctarned ta take lie trial. Bamnw an întercoitcd ilte i aoopaid inin iege ;bat ia certain particulari echanes ool liii oaucocoeing hLmenon ftic Stale. Ihv eadta nuitierof- hýnae tie nMn Barsclsgeto.to Battdo;thia maa in Febraary or vtîietîve pooet nunrt oeImperisul Thoiheunxpectedrin ceof Nmu egBrnswiifomidi cottleuet EV)DELNCE 5OU. DEFEtaC. propos ta eoooeratotOOiO Tarona. he ce-oticnîo Alarch ;I1dont owt Stewrt naytliînz flly, tilcre la till inhcta laomfoc tara of Ithe Empreos Etigcnic froinolier lgbut aattîcartn cud nersng Sincoeoc labuilding n Dow Baplist ata Mtr. Bntedo ; bad hcn aa tadent botter ncoslf.1Ilîua-.onvcroed an amedet nti rvne"Ypooe atr olidctsCa bandathn hr 7wtbî blunaToronto for tmo Jeans, and thiv tebjeet vith William Berger and persan mlîa la oîîfortuoal cenaugla ta hctLe aleli of the Nupeorrin procariausorable iîîdepaîîdece, if nt cabsolato Donald McVean mes dromned at 01. bav hen iacit aentavr tar beS.i~tra iaIbianoaa.brooglit beforcoaur Judgeo on o criminal le il;cetain that a fow yeara -and pas svouldlb. lid saota crercobhatliteith'toa ai, Tlîunn ly. (dasedo)eauence te iociet;vao JOHN STEWART ,;Sm.-Brotlîrr cf charge, la aura la reocive evcvry ronald ibly tînt a fom motllî-may wilaes enc e ould bca ed s taned , ntha et oni Te IayalCsda aatoee Wv -'àmniartany pnutig Ra utee ' irsDafte ueletahomci cquinled iel rîan yhiieb hia positiodenmande, etho denise af Nupoîco and Do onaotrn e nudhaindiidusead itimse- o nt ,00aeolday.ndth *q ottypsigbtente;Lis wriing; siature la net t)anoaa nîolan each stiendntenhl etine th ia t prduced ient ia Botede a mil-îla botter CIl ionsiînouevet and it io;nametiues mado a malter of can forssciee lteCliat May arsete ndvancemnt-(cleor)-nd maay camp moetieiz nt Grimsby at Sundai. ïrdting ; thintra it la tee godand rci- nomLieua vite;nover vrata sa rego- campîint Chat tafchi tcniençy ta trai lis deala. Dii sna, for mbava laaghî b judge oh und toke partt intht Street prenatiets md a mutu discas shao ta prisoîn lioeey 0 scsiale bas long labercd.and publie affira. (Appliausa.) The nafe. ion in Hamilton an Snnduy. T. 0, MÂvATHSNnixtealtod - am net Mr. llarrison proced a tomber cf malt nadmit Ibat oui Law lbans a tlic vhvoe educotian has beensodulosly lt- tyofa oSlta te stson tne clîghtenmeat Mj, h oorouoy a nt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ry fuirmtihstdomtigDtan atro lihmamido-sdof there aile particulartîeaded tC,appeari ta bo a boy of wakly ll f Iba peofe.t en vedaxio e g nsPie.'ar enana fipri 1o think reteipt ionDot bj5omriii.g. tifieu, asdthIlon producecutlie dîvpaled ialbayoptesul of ibe onioma inhicli nouvunce, a d -- *je .Di "on and 1 feraiedaoparc- si-nare villathe reript roîscealmut, lan ovîieliih o ~oaelyfor- fuseadscal on.Hv oahervers liano e duled frocs, heo EtaAy injutiebyn dKly nTtn maip, me.nd hcl1a utddwtBistedos min ailn aca ad lac tliaugbî it ws otenila ocifsî prnsipîcéi Es-ry pl'irc apIcOn onduthieEmprass i viiiofipublie affira liai tIno grcateut 10 Alttoî-ac ely aTo-n I gtîc - ta. diad iciiconas-quenceoe a mloing a>inn. atnagut ie 0,cnP9.:tapersoasis ensidered niaceetof anyeriaao prohnhly exocise joint influence in l iue ovmt plamohe gsal ovutiqulî- puats tpnhciallyhat did s lit Jistt STEWART, JR -La nenpliw cv uavilîuis provcd ta ho guiluy af bavisg control or Cie Empire ta cose oftapeena a eera lnsi sa intoe tve. ti roia.I -sr ~ msu.( auo.liltshoma Cbat A forger irou U. S., nnmed Abert on 4tli Match, Stewatt alled onamea et atbomDfs Commitd it. MAiiy oneuncquantehd withEmpmrren dcemac. But il isrvoryipruenmciithatie isherust cf Cliec on- J. Goulut, wsarrented in Tartioan ýmd L want di hlm ta bMoGuffinaoro àta,.. Aftar nme oue nversationi, Me JOHN WHITE, M. P-Knov 1m srprtcbaoinerassltassonadbleienhs bilerChyosli b rîîav. ndtebliy hi utret ?Taody ,g4waoail, taStewar te ameous th i b"uat;bavenc bna uwrite ; thiota s i- pteauaaii .tht pary oeused 0f iniy ahle taîstrolCie fiery mementa of re-thue p0ple. (Chicot ) Ilileie 0- NIr. Eecles, n praoieat harriater ai hlm .0cmIn atue bott hn-teatiunacrilm e hobuh laid tahurtanod oted 0p- Si. Cattiarilien, diod an Sui.iiay. luI.-0 iithe b..k Jpat Ithe auei orCa t ewl nniciewsuldreceler the retmient duc bellion vhich art nmuldering nmang o tbrasg-hsuîthe Dominioa, te couti. tiRclae o nhju t jctmd ta, go witieut mrittog. ta an ioaiugct peroon, but on tInaco- the French; anad hieh tiane but the tIci bappily crcunlanceu t s, a Ilt.lavsfr nlado bus maQfn sotd h wsuld lot ROEsaT STEWART-IO a Son of trery tlup-eused ih prntically treateutad maolo a ull rt t ltnei isoy Ceesy)Saîurday lot mata England on. M the ppta fint, and tics, if Dait. Saw ia filborand MeGuffia at anifl ic mreguiI util Litailnucehd Iatesacoqaî.In nas acareer befont it whîîeh, I nu ThaatutWcleyaa rliarnh 10 hting £ ph.,h (Ine) sltuneldhopoaHao a1hJneyls; petouadout it mmuu purola naur autidetlarged. gubio.S5mmItbaameutol ti Me. Detma threteieg te sue illGaffia ; la etabliioed, by biug pacd la the §IRJO .1 Lt G IN N BUNWICK. tofoîy, nal snly unmsolad, but ilh Ren. M-ennrs. Carroll andut ssell ais SafimIothe lia mes.1 bcmrd N-McibGuffinsaid lho .tandocument af criminel dock, and thun beld op ta the ____th'aenuamptlonod l faile paorfal rcviving ttgensoî. 0uSd m: i1 e jeumac vise Batadaethat othet id no tanoaend-seorneof tho publie. Tin it John 1 oung snouts ta have had a aeigbbor, Ibo Unitatotenutvt The Methodistîn aiGnartaa Village mutljlieho, Bmart id: Iaignot odi ancthm h atmtndthiesupport snid appîsuso of 1,inu bb.iow eGaie alut I (Dot ) moutd bh olrr Doit, salut ho mtaa endts l nleatvry entbusiastic receptisa in St. Jobn. andutoe Europe. (Gireatcecring)areetîgoeucb Vo ~ it il umtdan riisg, sud Il as net aftaid ai any document. on men mba are beld ta ho guitltes.- At ficbeu-jmiamatht follaving speechies Thteontry bas ait tlinlemonîn of Trait intcnde ha take n nun traugb teosItL" Sholy ,ftsamstds 1To ArHariot-Mtr. Matlaevaa Ve ttink, therefore, ChI atDna hould vere deliverout. it John Young alut greaeo Everynluoeathe scuas and icascida lm inier. B.mdStit t sayig;it ila aforge a, mnent present ; tîey ocra togulier be sabjeosd eut Cii eotsmenly until thie lanutleem vill eome libliie ieauitvloehuappbta !,petm agantt ,' andut ey thon about huIt an hiur; iid neo tauk of jr lbscsnrmnhv O0l5 C olmes: I urubgr aiesnd y be a ved ,lalad oy ti abui"ano te, erin aCalnv-k.sidyonI .1à e othetooffic. Stewrtsailute10 mueha rîne ; NIbGau nlut dChatti ooe lira.Lde ui te nthen ndrr1i.1saiudolme i000 vitaiucneai.very vechi .me; 'li clU .mar-iepubli,anad Y"u Sheriff liait vonteutfilm (MeGallua) a oit Lire o breaker oa isliceontry'@ lava. pinuso sitIn wliei the mentian aifteheni i t hluit fcelathurso îu li0- 23it. So Mer.. athenea, u t arpulta. bo a ibrasiu the uit la DLeeiner, Anaîhuer malter ellisg for refarmu, is anme ai Lady Young andi ao aie ticshanthue self teliasce tout hue pomocîci- -lyllie dislillmry in egosasaaile TuexÂn Dxo-là a lomyct la andtthat lho tfaei.-Quia.o auraetc lie pyeeo mlcbsl eiia en recineu t1h15 numetoasandanutoce vbirb fit Clentfo r self-gasernmeint bren seiceu by Ilevenneilrs. IllIten; tasacBatada fartwtceyentis saidt aat. fi aaeto itess' rm dbrilliant assemablage- I tender My Let -and thus fruaiofgeveennien , cane- 1 w m a tudot lahie offce,.nonu no This eluthe defonce. eates. -It ila vIl oooChaI thoot vila aeksnosloutguensfor the compliment flle anodellot on the fret insttutuions Chiathuamo s, 0gas-uavIna ha ip- lcm sud a tiafhie partaer ; I havae 1 ' îF' RPL. give tetiiuony 10 civil roses offeciiog viclî, fnr mYself. I 8nccePt lan 0iscofoEnglonit anut mild y thue beat linctla tle 1'lîuuu beau fflanted iti bis mttia'-tinesCh ouniar loteretaIsl l ense, neo ffereut ta IHem I-clyaRep visdao of British and Cassdian Stuen- Me. Purteor. Preienraofaithe Grand 186~ti t imeripuel e ttiio ike JA'mES 2MeGUrrîna, ecalled-I henitard esil aliee iciithe Dominien (cboera) ; men, eeloseninestly ml Ou(ed ho Tlus- T a.Il-i tond isnuus sCanuada. -Jnstecdomwntlrbutont thilat it l; enitence ai lat aiLsees ; tbe convsaoneng-geain itigoiioarc esupeosateut that Donminion af vbieb youat Paovincaro otavndgive soope îtIse esergies (ulthle The lPel Unîsllion ecintimeneutta r al -a.tay of Batadon papota ; 1 tien la nt Corieeygirna y ast sit 'for lcir lasa of Cime, andut tho mpensea of Newr Brunswick je an lalegral andt people andita10enlable dirîcu tamuho the drill yenîentatBrampton. inSmliét ot lin auuing ta Mathcaeonesa: Iiid 0 n t hnLAai ocmet hicha Cley hava i acamed. This la as imuopsrhusntprt. andi l sîneeluia most of'îthe Inviolu welb of nature u i là"ciortApili, 1869 ; Bnid Cho notanIltin a tInosuit aginsatme. morcly reasnable-the purhy wtîa - flIowo stiuelily, ils industries Onut larget plscit nI lucie disposai. (Clucerta.)If. dey. Pid uian hitta v.bo l ncie h lfof terheeip. a a BsIdns Ireorruttas i Mrslîofîieh t an itsîl istan 01seluvaric e co a ishavhiy cha-N cardsau t h s paceed t heSn mol ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T cm3.1htrn.lKide, a T -litoern-I onceaplotitl-ceise loh nir te, aidneo tsa nea ? tofitadblsleuhltaifoîcmvaicea bt ausa l.npî il> ad Kniecaribine l at use e a replmeonuth Easutl ' tflhcea laFebrumcy. 106; a reeeipt of Goeel Schrani.syil Oa soimecaentogtia, na acMerucynlieruuermrepoutalilluerfrasaaîncu btndou talletan ooiait obrandîhrok temea 1age&ols ied rut Âagant, 1868; never net alaved; ftit roasos Cht t Iwas 1think iit equally toasonablo tîhat Socieyonu-dieu unit adi nîuaîent. (Cheel re)povo truc ta tL.aevs uvrun ta eclu faeureut. m 1" tu11 b linJ. P., triat disllaoed waChat1 vent ls tIse course osuththour laid out lior alier, Ilue> cinostbu Belliu ec giesi A mun in thie Ceuni> ofimuce cltires Gpu7 -n.tsawbol reclptwtin lerta out ta Sclramalda Ch hia seto eup etom 8-auCon siàl on-c D ýmuo aBjdn't kaow chu enutoutmncn obasbîbc amo siscut)-peasato ôrthir loso of aCitéesoowmca1 o rn ntmahh e si do taiaîr.odo n ee180la ~bauelt o padtot;mie Wh o uatuu ntrmoa blitiSibamnosiadividuals vhs aie sioaes frtsieCao sueac îhasI is prtals asai1thIsoels~na~ejiislsn, M î , comucasml1 tokta IcO bunittes andtex- caulu t irrite, andbIa iIias ilo lad, Qa en. ou theIno tulary, îowcvor, vit-people ani thIe conditions ai tise vansofaieverge tie, isîtelligcsss,,)Ci îirs-i-- ? imC a tblns o le 1 qw tuè ice. i o u isame a ese rio branches ocfitede.The change musela aillions. (Immensesa el igwhiili ieii,sg u-sssy 1pInot ls iihs visibos, h aihm pickedsud hmo te writîcn h Iaaie.lurepi> taMr.'efrte. prosvuitio iiainaî inha -en effeccut a Ihase provincecs. as laîbautfor unaaid seondsa nîît as i-ni lsicî s laasnouacuta binois in 75 »d hékel as tht outalde ; 1 coul oa(witncns) task filieeip tC'eaies Liave tb tcurihoisitl uexpcses- efreocee to theo reat seheme ai Cona- iuoed sp b> tiirccrenît otonllustiosy, sas- imd tuaclî n a e Fnirtfor IteGuffia, Schrams ond efa it thomo Iut shat, 1ILfattiviieh oflIii etadtera aitotoses froua fédersisien. 1 so rect anditof s grc ieers let tisa Gevvoýr Gis ',pro fise villazecf Lihomel iv flnunil sil b! mmed me ta look ti1f It nv> i atsa uacslietl oan ar atoif> 01tIno a -u.uitluthat il raonot faitI tolian eàsclb> tise Chamberlai,andout lrcee iitheaaidst cf osoi n t gislt î -nlcOhksuafouai;hgo ahrou'sfe âsen t i uiot o own oradtetsif ath e tiu.ilieiPol -«etCako&n o tny eo crt'frte rece minai-eu -h aýnyiteicota tavisse -tci sae, ilntavoolferous if Pansible, I-nehtihleia- 0, facienies, ece. in âcoula asel& Uzo'a; i A tisfinshd he vi Hs m .ssonof rimes.Gise attention t np l iriie slntaucots,an LdyYug rps yM.Aiet A.uki-cled finiwso- màn slccnts omamoaey madeafrntaiLonuthip acri t hiccrier ta adjor tLMae ws tcedduai . tc1tahavse onuoc i.tuitrbanceris n Oe0triLoekuiam ielein SI. Cathiarines osi Moudu>, on mtealebffl ud csh itcincu rou Stem- tInt Court uIt nextm lusi fter -Assizea lut veeta, vIesthe case ai thie anoîier quarter, but I mas giait1 sta____Und_______ a chargeofaistealisg n rom. al; lit wmsnaecao pittandai that it mn as ain1 cauiiened the juasoànCt taa putainQueen ncoiasî Stinsoas calcit. Oao thatIlave mang Choatevuis momctheX.Te wrSOhaofctlan plI fau Batto te Stewart ; as ta ay poiso about tIne mater, non ta ulînnesse Lboth~CIe Coant> Attorney mont doubtial oaitis peley, lte m as a NE4 Or TiUE WEtit hcemr 0hsata aleuu taM . Sa s tecilo, Stewart andt allom 0anc le ai speatataCla o. in u' o elta aS lwegraving udipstion t0 accopt tht Situa.--2,68S nhccp trouaCanada aI the Cnm- , ic;eim1oim; Startakeit Bas- TIDDY naYugma esdhgi arna w tien ond t motta lb est finly aut GRÂT OIIITAISO. -bitdgeîCata >Market.i J C 'E "1«,li aony-Bamtdo sailutbch hutilIES DT. O ouait averta10 il5O colencetagaisrt loayt. (hcn) G oieIee Ti Bao IBt a oisu Tho Cilsîvo New Jr!s says ci-est la -lco ut mresalut that Bouteoto hoahit TIse Courtn paneu oa Fila>nt hall utfodant, aoci vos couapsloitetoconte arcexoceptions, but I hlieve that in the Lai> tealmerston, idai oh@nsloto Ilîan yl Dtiancrage uoreCthon imen- sltIice ng, u no! o otit no $on ho pst ine anut th-, cane ai >teKiinoy v t %Ilto, st onl>bihuagon sfatrmin and mithithe valt uajsrtay, tho Lotit Palaamsonss b uoui. n obb ols f« loc.d iBasteda -salit that, itLhaut a Stemstmwas tasusiti. Hnil.C. b oea uasiavshrbtv truc practicut npirit ai the Anil Saxon Rev EshI. Burtet, A. MI, pester oI ta insu ct; I asacutahi-nyheiag rou toithe utbc we aduteaseabth jury1racc in showiog Itocf la his mtter FRANCE. St. Anure'i Clunre, Hamilton, mns me. ipaol an it; unuers oteoinig for acci nu heurt follohot >Mr. Hr- acluohi> coupelleut ta puy hin travelling They are taklng tacts ft actocanomit Tht heaithi of theEmpoaitr le repart. prentedciîh saoicirand sautaofa bl tacen poi. Tie uoaey wmaode chos fat the pliiuiff, casaa hu oensho aaatiIhin eIpreparno te at upen lbcm. Tho> ri tatoLh improviu.g. menues, by his eogregatiaa. , ipby8îi 0fu nGoalu, $75 rouGo. a heu. Bas Lardabîp Ibea coument- preaume Chat i il yl ho geacrol> ae- Iaallance forthai bonet uiffot A felaniubhuricanewept aoierthie Tbe realasntionapponting Tras- io, aumdIltic iemandeurf rou Stewart; cd on tho ansittace ah aut lasugîhiad Êodgdtntait in wehr -enicos ofopiaion, anditrespect unit oyu nseîio als enecsssding aaucha ziuaigtec9, uni tIr:insftrri.ug tht Northi West 1 B ea uttut noSlteep o pritata cashi thejury mîireit ta thoir rancuot 12.30 kobigu hn mmn btirhnpathizo sîha chose vhs tenu> are affeot- ta the eropsauasioler prapint. Tvrritsoey la Casauamil srtly lbe bock mite I as a poiar-I ktpt tbe P. Mi., Abaut 3 otelackthetasjury e- ilg pmfenýona or Cmdecac a afford teb b t he chiango, but hiy e>ootirough It la rumoneul hat liasEmperor Se, putliolsitd. bola hootf the fit. ; theeare ne Cariai itho aarditefoi Ihi Mail aîlf bsent rnu Chir places of businesa for tCeciaignofsthsse wvi ay>seek th ouscontenaplates aoh aig i aorent Go snday niclth.Ras lfa,, t ahanat Crois- 5e ol cash hooka ot IG S IN.ennaoshort perit af itlie ,unit nstraite opon grievalnccs ovIna sbtrup 01.il incaly'lfu wesc, a ,fiudrtewno M boslag beta pull, trout11h ta KINO V. KINO. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Price or riol. our ceuseai-I ila i I unitu tisa waiitio * M A c i ; a b a t r s e o olli n h s w s a c i n b l r i gout c fa erb> a o o a ng cbv io ars ta o C o r elius o nno a s on the nlif on Il là Iý; il nm'Stan h>thtre- mre noa goniatbis tatber, Rsbt. I. King, taeauopal, anothiar ta atteni the Court au Ceafoitotionu (lcers)a)ond wsoianmg- 16,000 Ilparre nsv iltab taiRueBlevl, shape$5.00 ibit. an hbaifA va4 in Kisnritine Posî a commet- ,,e".ti hMiishp o etters rraaiver $,0 a n a nota. The c -s - lfwtisaut rencunerato. GOnIt> eoaty pressure andt iscanveulonce toiCuba, ossdt24,000 ueo n eta bcio en lt ea ohal h t tWomle.Ta no Èntedu rtlag. icet pitadeittIahaliso boutthituten- Donsounut pineipleecunSciety oI tahcsoaClit thie>Maoy Liave o botterantîicle sesri. iaut ainhM aron uste nioleg a t oion, nia vlich os> mof g~ rievnîaeto ake ta Cie markettin dA bolier coplodeit an the ErforRa. bear. - U...tiTO-lm crcfl in l-111 t proecate Lonfor onitonneta fCi andi he raouieIcern nit A b Par ot onthoEres . B.,îLocal 41-tu; hm atnma Btesbo'a wtitngfo r rprssure of tasho bout givea teIbe Tbe hih ny cornert'l wi atonerae grai lcol andTail coetPrtievisauthg lin 4yom ; thiatathe mrtting la nottanut etaiseu thtintthientvites noS~ociety canaot nily iemanit. Thora laughton.)Esemythiag freua acnînet.aheToreutoneiosyhWlfean bm4iel auneipt ila sotBsteloms. ohtcflueaintn h aig o uglt ta ho immediata relamu n ho hIle ams lu Ciautesieranatfat coul t0a apartialnt -ammnmntwslidi Qe JE. cuaeo~JP-astaom t1cThisua Icvas abantonci t atthte failure is the ops, tua osupotiîion et An ttempt msu made ta nsnattia.otO bec b> ltheLieutenant Ganernot os t1ot ai to pea shttit ut enyiiag!pariaular, sud mc trust Cat aolthbc mon mitli voeit uili shipo toa a isii- Hon. G. blelistat U. S.- oînutcrtulaTiuunday. el nàs~ca hic ame ta Milton, ; ueà . iatre be mnn ab, eit meetigOaiOut Pravinciat Logisncho u baia naIereb, is bld lîyli, rieat PoetasIPrincer, us hiara-l uaaatht s ip t oue ng e ast noiuing citnls aandithebo aidenat mas, loa-o ethe subjec ilIlecieChat eou- t tiesauane deur. (lGtent hugttcs. .farcio? William Brem., OîIncon., ,', toewit ising daa e tB nistIn oapiniou ai tbe Cout, iînaufficiet ideratian ciich is importance ut- Thuesa-rlctsîu1int remnaitme s? imiliat CANADA. Sydenhum, Iculi froutea la siditpeinn and baedon - thé e tano a jsry. TLe piff. i a nsridiculeut b> Doans Swiftin hobe d acae sOi -Joute DEWÂZJi.-Ceoft itht mai ntonsuitoit. mantsdaiyn et Queea Aune:t FurtInirpîoceeitings lain hho iaw : esmI inaetnocn as Au sauit er cucse vera huit beisie tIn o Plicet Torauits Tslgrapic, saya peiit>l 186; Inn oituAnnauoant application iii be mode la tîisoWhomadeo 1resiAiuoan sd lino ndilites M agitua. A lait tiiieutJus. IFisher Hiaskaisn nw enstrciig a direselof 1 cmfu iîh hile critosg; cause fr a tom trialituing thia ensainl TH E CUIENICL COttCIL. pel hit ewcpl in ne ils uan titn-it tenuandif lb uccenetul, thie aune snlhbai ta\ ieih.hh-sns,însihirOtetfei iaIb outit JuionSaw'e fer at a cabinetsntamInd t$5000 n ia hbler thaa I mor snombien liitta. htegih on aga i t tht Spriog Assn- -h i . t lnasol-c ueoitfor 5 acres of lanuin Keanoea, 10 year. MWihliehic ake it? P. lt+ NOKÂ. Mhton--Hn a nown tesa.-utr rauou auebant I hinve nuipoiion ta toarh moolt nabollo leg leur due rodi aciautood Leedsshas usa aid citehi nueut It le Ie lTie. Bastedo ulute le fret i-l. Bottin,.Q. C , sod Mr. Laid- leHr ttPoehsct taplieshut 'thi tegatrdta te Union nifanCtnt rfroua Shows. Thisooourted à aloneta mo snsrat respectabe fusntuMiltoanmd k sl itngmfat pf, and Mi-l. Fiemun, Q. C., He oinamte te a ced a tha Brtih orthiAmricun Provinces, teoath go Tht deoutban beca recard- ansauth aifuilles ofChtbmtout> go DmefI bhnit t is cà rltlag. eamIciM. Sashi, for set. genciot Coanceil o? thtemnincat support- t Mu> expir lb.he ugisît view-thieut.ci M.Aleit. Gibha, BflrittIt ftnaehLa h o birtoubles tettîcut. JI &muaor-Aqaantd mtb The bnsiness of the oCurt t mnnfinish. ers ai the RomanoCathatie Chiaci ota ake a vr o oceysitClfmmsfi zuiui.I p Tho crapn la P. E. I. aie salu tatobh Emiaa!evilgsioee1865; wdam a aI b> tht Grand Jury binglng la thait uaeet aRoRe. Il uantflotehoninlet- af politirs esottvlng tht noua o? s peste that aid Shaw consoltedre an tn leellent condition , no accoent of ~ abcta oufffrabttwmSSo yeos; report, mter mhiah îhey ets Iisebang- ebn aoinaor ebi hotatesuonà-It l, Ithtainteinîcreat Dceubet, about faui> uifficuitien, ait tht Ippearnoce etthe mevit or patata, m a-kmoc a Esaela'a witng under cd. ofthe Provncese thousalves anisa is left aI is allaseoalsas gtvea b> Jouc nIiht nting cao tnenitn au7ésaasmsc; l cafiso tit PRSNTMJNT (cutenl Couocils e eo rnvenout la indispensabla, wheher tai thoitrul- Shaw ta bis tathoer, grantng biuntht tupeleit. in hagboldy ai reeli anet Bas- he ie it centuries et thie Christian ota. tut> attengthi autdueicace in case ofnna 0a ctslo u.Mr îb -Pt .A cotorel bsy nîat Hosun d Ill1 Oe f te arlestan Mot mp olateck, r or tCthir autaneauent hautceu t nte nnsCt Gîd@on amaIbis lcg brakean caîîting enîanîieat la Bodaaw--:--mnoClin lice tenClan oheHstTamer VOUNTY P FIAlcommere andnsteIart ofnnele.mun oleonin.1 -Vi.1 1sor utort be - Sbe «ewattal I 86 uatel sitana 07~ r empec1-;le aiicau thvone- nentrabla Oui eva cOanei- anstt-iolleas"-ontril -lsls oh rpe îe- 1as 868 tm ou atîttqe.at>e 4,47t luis: ut w io iesnti tue thoeaer comercial excOanges aie denlopsit their ponleroas meight. Theatts Md o malteen iqonhtnm., jlchd ing mesur n d mhtu sappitheuaions temoved,- A Qanbee ld hautehmota tutf ih mitI iket> ha ptasacvetb forfielahs, lie f '&IoHý7iidng l ut, atnd vm ill tay beore ortnlaern tho My vimt tteteiMaitime Provinces i cioki-chacrin tis nîher ley aS St. and thtetcincîs dilpoecl et torcraietî 1$22425,689 89.rimultta ni their deliberoatne. livlua cms t u a nthe ugrecobt iit te rlinbel. halle. G OR E OWN. NE1W ADVTEI0lqT À î LT eieOP NEW FALL GODS. isU RUOiggNIlKI MILTON, BAT CHAPES, BONNET HPES, FRATIhE1tS. E Niaaas VELVIRTc IOsiNNET FINI V O] VETS. LAIES' tn-CLOUDe. SHA'Vlht tht.5b00138, FACTeIsi, I)FNIMS, CANÇADION ianc FX1II.nlTWEED- i aVilIt -COATI NIO. FINE BI0(10.5' OuTuai CAS.SIàIEI>ES.I His)ESOtOlSe, VELVETEENS, WATERtPROOF& MloNTLJ# cLONB ort Onear rsrt dailam. A tarestocka of BÂTS in Fur Md sht, Mat sand Viatarti.nSol&o coa Md 5se usa-sack ai fltaebust ttcted la lis Counny. READY MADE CLOTrHINGj OVER COATS, PANTS AN-D vE$SS, Muta spcon lie pentsa ta>1aselps*ssesl Cutter, Maotag ofosnetent taama on bond. Posiao.Md otite. ti-mes! bia tlt aballIt et llatteaded ta, nd~atdo tiea gtana. ml2lMiery, Rats.s»d Bne Altarcalt- the lohcmh fa»huen hy tht noueapt omo miashoitoneaforasatstima e al, Sr Gonds mllit .sold ceonas JAMES MOnLINtfACE. Miltos, September lOti, 180. 14-tf . m e .landsalalt Lot hrh 0ssrme sk Tbai.a C'ou tiiaa oBashaauIt mas ganl WP5eý .5kino mo msloue ta ou oft' tusy bath sp0, noteh a. 4béesinthe iia eau.i anls 'on at ltho~ nd h- tuait îfm in h wmn- it Onul du tsaled -Esi à$ a gent, ou. ~W"ni lia OOd iait sts&ý for bsa ,,- bA& TIsa i.h ofbnsthta atI«U» irohi,st..A luoad tmaCl a i .aso i uIt mc(' Smrl.area Ï6 odnat l"aser »AU hIasm na, a pib m saof Cma* lm& mcOadfini ln ch uttgiys im ftrot flth hth naaîy. hemTo MI .y --L