Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Sep 1869, p. 1

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j A 0/ LIGENCERu pRICE-$I. 00 per Ânnulm in Advn.noe. THE PRESS-THE PALLADIUM1 0F THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS." $200 Wf not PaW, lu 0m àNontb. 4VOLUE- 9. M1ILTON, COUNTY 0F IIALTON, TI{URSDAY, SEPT'E3BER 16-, 1869. MAHUN Ie.oRLeeE IrnTDONALD NeNAIR, THURSDAY MORNINO OTGYAUINIENr~ry et ect e et Milton, Ballon Count', 1'.., ho,gha1, eoceyca. oco Ontario, by ho flatte.o himcoif h ýn th.o-,-ry h-O aat4ucti.n. Al l o rum'ceptly tton&'1 ar. x>- .xm w teý Proprietor. 2Nrooawecya c-,r 7toh h, 1868. lsAI! OFFICE,-O.V 1L(L.V, S'REET. J . B. WIIIMOtt, Tac-Si a rear in alvance, or within'ISsUER 0P MARRIAOE LICE-ISES,E one meontis freu the date of subscrihîng, Main streot, Miltco. 5-26 if fnt so paid. $2 oill b« charged. RATES 0F ADVERTISING. W. H. YOUNG, sightÇemte perliseforthe firetinsertion1 ISSiJER OF SIARI1TAOE LICENSEFS, snd twe coits per lino for each sobsrquont UinA,à. avle n. 73 Bneuengarda ef elgh t linos or ies $4 Wliam A. Agar, MpeAum. BOUSE PAINTER, OLAZIER, AND PA- Thommer of lines to ho reckonrd by per Henger. Shop on Martin Street, ~b pace occupird, rnesoorrd by a noeule of _Milton. Order left etThomupoon'e Hotel enid Brver. - rulibeattcndedto. v4nld.ly  libers!diseomuat l owcdon Advertlne.- - __________ - -mente ineertedl for extendrd periode. Robert Swanton Appeibe, 0 Advertincroonte withoot specific instruc- tinse insertad tii! forbid, and chArged ae- SARRISTER, ATTORNEY, AND SOL!- cordîngi>'. citer lu Cienrer>', Oskyf lIe. An>' SpeciAl Notice, fhe oeict of whioh le te prornote then pecnnimry beneit ofmn>' James Datede Le Du S. taudbio r conopmny, te bu oonidered mnà edretiennen.en rhrgudmecrdini>SURUGEON DENTIST, WEL. p __ ____ e%&"chagndactrdigly dmrcE . He edU con. ____ _________Oahoillr ever>' second and mt Monda>' in rch ronth.- Bugnce ~icetni.Room in Canalinn Hotel.-AUl operatiune Wellington Squane, April 14, 1869. 44-!>' W. B. Street, !W. D., PHTSIcTAN, SURGEON Lyn ACCOUCUI. W Cbbo ina c> 3 mc»to EOR. Offre aad Rgidnc-That Itel>' BY ocnpied hl Dr. Crooter. TROHAS CLARK, Georgeton, Ont. Milton, oct. la. 1806. 19.1>' . USSE te nd fera he Sation, rge D. Iloberiçon, 3. D., C. B., IBar>'. Evey attention paid 1teftho GRADUATE OF TEE UNIVERSITY 0F travelling puhlic. Oood stallnz and at- MoOili Ceurege. Moterai. Milton, Ont. tentivr hostre. 3-5-!>' Office and Rsidrse-One door Sonthe nf th otOâkéveFostCr Strart. o t o m g Milton, sept. 101, 1863. o t D lm g T. B. Wul.. IeLD. IRIC 0RDAT F TEE UNIVERSITY 0F kLIRSS Teoeto, Halionvi le, Kasgay.- Ofice and Reidene-Ths at AtI>'oce.- Palermo. October 17th. 1866. 20->' pied b>' Dr. Roberteen. Conenlation Dy-Evrry Tiereda>'. Nnenegaweya, Nor. 1, 1866. 12-l1>' AI 1 W HU I JOIIN DEW1tI, Jr., MIJL.TON. ONT. T BARISTER. COUNTY CROWN ATTOR- n, NelAr> Public &o., h,. Town Hall, HF. Subsoriber bots te inforrn the Pub. W ATC e.CLOCK A)E C AN atwasbc fouaeet A. Cet' C.Jhop MineSteetm, OOuitO ser, h-.- leprpaordiua reper aild lices cof'eîtchrr and Chiche le ,vrhj ne1 a oiui oeno,' amtiefction.andi lijai mibI dot>' osepetitiouî. Jeoerir oopu.oî-d. Watoel, hclhe n»d Jeer> Ver grougetuci. May' i7. I64. -J. E. HARRISON, Goaduele of the Teronto Veiris: loeeim pepered taoatenail thera of 15e L.oor animae. tie Offre.1 prementwblibe ait terrrjdecuthji Williame-Harrisoe, ABOUJT RALF-A-MILE SO)UTH OF 11 Terma noderale. IMedicine for1 and Cattie aimnys on band sud Iromptl>'eiedi to. ilton. Msrch 2liai f. 4~ FOUNTAIN 1ITOEL, KILBR W. F. MILLS Eilboide, Fehouary let, m1869. HJIONTE SI'V11NIN Dol fForrnmrof the ?'ueudioe Hotl Oct- thathh b, nteîl jbU ItCH 100 ii iItONTYer. rc ohî,,oI.>' vooat lion u eojt aeuuîlieaneo f f,'oref Broste. MaehIl. 10100.4 W. J. M à RN, TIN AND ISTPVE DEAL MILTON, 2e-l on the corner of Main and Hecen Steeris E. uanuc ln f sp ___________ ______ e~here lhe ciliiehoguail to enit epo. isii G t eoae ta ie; TIONA DIXO, oetoaerr. Be fnh a.rneoluiecopîîu,, e cd eaufachureay quanhi TROUS IXON, ont expeneeile eaisg i se ire otn -BARRIsTER-A-LAW, &c. OFFICE- clame-Hte. ad iItrio faesrbj uhimt heir \RI' AETU[ I. = theVallo Hooo, M"Stree, patonagewilireiveoery attntionsil.T P IE gnie te etnEoe oo tet sloaei JOHNI WALLAOCE. Wh'iclî tire flic bert je use as puocu 11uibs, Mny' BIh. 186. 41f Milon. Peb. Phd. 10640 oO3-ly coi', 0 oauliucci T.Q.111 E'1,8.A.tfic Dosuiiib.lor scil, jityof' TnG MAI>ONB. ., W'. Barber & Bros., sîruobjos. olicioe>' alentinug BARRSTE1, &. OFFIC-It THE ucou> eFuel.ilt cuot ho sarii Town HM1NUAMilton.l ! lusaoonee-tuioghbut lus eehoub se-sai sOuatiaSaJeite 505 heîublie for saine yeurs, anddus a Qnsrote er serere tests, botlilu J. E eeaOO~ 0o~gOtVV~.. ays hbeca îriaa,îhunt. ATT'ORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR LX '0 h are iariîly mdpbd t2neeytnnrynuir, &c., ho-, Oahri1 Prlntlng and Wrapplng Pa pt'r C oco 'OioHls. ,î &c.1 Ostuis. tons>' eInuOn ra cffeto are tailb 'fct ijea onres &Uboniseor cal ues of land eslotiteil, Contonîl>'on btonde-o mde tc ordre. iug uaumorrie large 0eroo i,'t lainusesbenese eeeas.d.becs diffiocit 10 lieet illuut a A1119. 2ti. 180, 1141 WiOOL 'C.lDI.NG & CLOTU DRIESSING 1urge oiiioutofiueb. 'Iho> ccc o M. It LISERener>' ldesrcition of Stove, ce, ~S.IL LSTR, On theRhtbrtet notjor. Cottee Rap utjenas ocecl ceothers an eaubbsiscs DIVISION< COURT CLERE, COMMIS. qnontito i1hocrceivel oh thir Fel-oMIt aspite r oinîs leno-licl themo e &ilor ia Qaee Benoh, Li-Susd Ans. inretersfre-h Highmt pire inoohi)meut equircd. tionser, Accoostant, ae. Dsbtm cosbet- tcr Wool . n Gemley Al51Ba.. 6-yM ~c» e tý'C> o>i Stot'o-Pipes and .Tinw Kenngam>'., Apbi ,~5d. 31-10 N Real Entte.t.herent et clght h Ab-ypcebndu Jae .Ilrzr, cet Appi>' b LICENSED -AUtTIONEER FOR TUE JOHN DEWAR, Jn.R. 'V 'zER.ZCBEM Couat>' flWeto e ednaie-Migun.laroteo hoe. îî.î>' Milton, Mnoeh 3lth, 1868. 4d-tt W. J. STEARN. T. £min, L ist of L.et teis MilIce. 0e!t. 7tb. 1868. Is CEEuIS? AND DBUGGIST. SERDS, RMAINE N G luthenOakeifla FouI Offic TýV B D>'e.nfsffa, sltionery ho. Mae Street, Rnp te the 31nt Aog, a869. Georgeown. î-ly Chisinohe Cathorine Hoîrgine Mo LIYEBY S ýàB LE' Oa~~a.dJa~~~ H BoisTho. iiebdon Miss Amy' liL TEE EREizW B£>9oL ant Wl irt BHoe nsHeur>' IL SRETGORETW Johnson Capt We- Locher S Mn-, gogt iféi tii OAKVILLE. LcrghtenJaruea Nuls Jr'an>' Sbsole tTIFcou ,i tests s of ret) andoic, oiiiily that usee~~noennnvnen Oiphant Mms Sarsah Thom-son M haoe meerhuod the Li.coy Stablotes= Vincent Misen YounogThon holo teuJig te Duncane Carkuand baisa aonoLe-ngfVrBlhvu. partie olling tor s>'ctfth. ahoslee ttofono to-ck evratecellent H Tir hetel bai launl, becs uibtenvely wM Aphee, aa>-t heye>' noseifli. sudLwan'! d co-mfortaiiIe Vebicesî, theý rofitfe4,mand the proprrêtor laiieeermon.cute noBAMER plie pero:iteforoicb thee1publicsit] IL BALMER. , ~eece t ooucu at mie IfsàPitst C" ose . neP.ntrvoD:Uhto n(ibSicHivneg . m, juo-ioo, gr Liqanra et theflest braul hopt ai.-"-tcu-, Sts.igh.,SwijdtlirH-oo. ,' ovocc,, waseon baud. N OT IOljE. ine 'îl iner, proisilon olthsbortett n Okvbiie, Jl, lot, îeees. 4-tt nloncsthe ro-col -dooate torooc. ALLnercanno ronsagisnsnt thr JAI'.v18 & 0110 9.-eGarao, adorni reif Anrsqoeutto e meutthe- Osrgecelcs Aegunat 26,186M. la IICSWBI'U* '\ te J. B. atheson, Cs.Amnraoa Office, for psr_____________ BUELINISTON MOTEL, WELLIINGT5 e-ni su al partisidetltesmî liqum. Comfeet, mederste charge, s l- pieslu'te s is&Moent nf thsir m Pgo.'~~ asremftesmrktheu ffl et oftl ea ssais, RTMATI4EBON. l. ils BntuHeglTetmilemnbYrde ls aton.Agot22ird, S8,OUM tlî esInl i amer«> teane, aud s canin] BoulIer W hepuliegesersl> that h. hu Welngo SeeOt 4127 2.7Farm -for Sale, l'ALUN, ~ PLEENO bc.oaNG teee..nuialf Of Lot 5, in théebll ~ ~ 4~ RI 75 eeecieued-te reoinlo atîru' LASIRI #OR* VANALLENe PROPRIETOR, becedith F..eesHoue-neutBaro, s Yce leuenneifethashobte ia sureee enSeu- Orcbard bonial; fruit, meutTe-cGondIl. tomers for ethasppamrornge &dmeillue on theresian ýIl ie a corelot ituàeei ftaunre thon 01.0heocfIl l e onduct on the ieaing reail froe- Strorcarifle te L'o - G R 0 hW ieneces a tle- ecleeaille. fBut vitle,meut o-nvnent te Sehffl, Pogt Ofre C RI brande eoflqeere and clu-ar, gond .tàes. anlCbneohee. Titie bouiepetable- lînu-suR atentie hoalet..P ionicnten inte Fhu Fol]. Fr te lingamiattntie hstljàart uoeneajIy te ALEX. MeLEAN, Of ail hie-bn, Ceme andl try hi i'aiermo, OuI. 4, 18e7. 9-17 EQ(.Al"-iatrthe laie otoAndbero Mfoes'a ettel NantiaSheP. O,, Ceasty GKORGE £LIRKSON, M is, teor te T. DIXOi, Beroter INGS TO &NNOUNCE TO et HaMil ond, WM. McLEAN. u A maoaefieude that bhou limecn- Ooaoo P. 0. -ýunacud beineai in liuhe oruereiae l .Tl301h, 1868. >-3e- A il mliebusold at the snalest reme, i-Jotul, Commercial Streef, Miliou, 4£ t bg profit. Hi.seue-er ctechou isere ha cliihofounuegecruoady te Ialolveut .uAct of .186v Sattendil te u ante or ie eeetome-eu iJltofn. MarchIe St, 1868, 41.11 AND AMENDMENTS TRERETO. 33cbOtu axici Iio TYRONS MOTEL, In the Matter of WILLIAM WaRsBT RAff, 31V TgOMA BoCAL- PK WI.I'îîrr STYME QUALITY AND CIIEAPNE 111Q&. Thisum»wbosse, mi laifitteut up PK ILLt.uV , f uthe bu &ro e ain Town of lîton3, County r.inuo cbe hat In Miltion. Thohigl b-aietiaclith-" o Bee. Dry i1ue of Halton, a n Insolvent, premlhopaife -rje 15es ho. hPtcoseantlyon unn. 'T ECREDITORS ol f' the lnerent ire Butter, Egs or other pradui " 8VMCMieullc ACTON. T notiOl Ibs h h aloe a&osin -OIen B 31H08 B«ýTo ItFOHM Mont o et e lae nd efflete, nailerthe ega tise Pubile thafhob he 1.aioen eme beve Act. tu ee thseunuderaeoilAs- ho;air fesa gumA ae..hiehusiail sigiirowqd ithrcAreqird tatoraishe LICENSED Ati'6TiONEE'I-A ;.ta shlolmd f fis Affi 8Santon, G. githin two eonthn trouthin dote, eith eaà IMM uefn «i.sPuri«.rola-Botol &t thir liss, rpeifylng the erorit>' the>'1 Forflie Coînt>', ameutls bu lntiersos sa à"muamsbut tit ametoint.old fA>,ad the vlseetf i; and i be~hing weouîil ose, hdo bpropqrcil b att W@ tus.hef eu hgriot iion ts o e taigtaclet; the choie atteated .1 ail'. acoe-eittei to bscharge o-tht il, l ml hieMOU obanmQua on the01a i. tder oath ile the vouchers in support peomptees. anut satisfaction tlintoil pbî in teemahe Caaj>' Nelo. NoM"Re- act eh ciaime. ahbrai eio e q p* iit 1 e-thsmt ahil, ehAuef 1t -Gire hie-a aol b. fore gclng ec - w he OU& B. S. APPELilE, chers. - JA. CAMBElzL O 1 f digs81nou.P. MM. CEAl A40ps FM. Ikola it , 3-1>' 12-a 1sA iM ilEbton, Jol>' tb, 1869, 4 MIASSIZES. godie Doty or Coules; eow thoin 5mr. L-idlawot office-The cIstspeid by teretfie adoance ; I bandened cehsf*d 4 ried by Rec-. Mr. idliott, Toronto; a Sieril ta Laidlaw more $64.86. morîgege agninst G. MeiGuffin e heuses CH Tire rode s o tiisCourt cn ecrîiflce iv crs gie-thi.î is il (cortifi Jocîî'îVosî..g-osocre of c.White woel i t rttle with him noie. the foost day have brou airc:dy report- cote prodoord) ;mitooss jo a 01100es taC. wmu eWhite v lllcindsy os toil I djd nbandon ;I1hofevemp bon.ther' 'c. d je fuljen bot mookCiI-i.MecoN. ceotjfleote- >ri005cr mccl 0t'o nted Stewourt:tt trial nidjoe 1 enderstood) etateseent that the dctf; e ufe fr» KRState stiortty oflor marriage; prisoe thot lie cxpoted to go! hie coll rete. the fin I altered booke in 1la; fia. -~ - TeTUE SECOND DAY. roprcsetcd that tire parentsofo botb h lli uuacrote wae preod ta bo 12 p e bettel ruorfgage mas ab!pdoned uhonlly TéCourt rc opéraid on Tlîursdoy, portien voro opposed te nîcroluge; pros- cent. rifler thie ; have been in buinen 16 Ti)W L 0tho9tb jest!, ut 9:30 a . cullr oppoarcd oldor thon bis roc! cgr l2o Coneon.-Ile ecid if Batede yene oin Milton ; ru>'brother owud m decoji- . Tjh firstet caoloed o en r tho t thabt limc; djd sot sec pricoroerlifter 1$300 eben mru gç n an; e halld Iiccd ho mould bove ruade i l n! no h 1aml ht o vownt te tlho Staoes tijjthée oloooîg kri"hthe attennt if tiheiorfge; si picor T4E QUEEN vol. DOT>'. iprirîg; lie eisjtcd Oakvicejjcbut 0510 ht; djd sot sote thol it mon agreca is"et'saiviSiétatt2 *rite; ha"veone t. [ty Thioaîjachrg ofBiaA a(int saydT Ildasa Cd otsec Iiisghctwt*thm ; entounât of inlcrcst vins f6 egedb teat TIîema cchrg cBBgau' gsseIloyd f, oy.nnd dol noti b Sewrt r sale 1 ~.,Mr. Albcrt J. Doty, jormori>' of Oak. sifé;el leo os in'New Jersey-,adsno t ot4d. -1: TeGCort.-Don't know cheF cuote 51. -M ONTE, Ont. ville, cnd tire particul:îre of'tlh ccosesecoflijt ogain nmoif arocs! I; 1 ! nt JAS~. MeGe e rchiuî inMiltonSteatsmreR ako eep _____________ Irogs-ein the Cii.s'iroea f ilie Ofi dly wseh tloo f.iîmjy. d't asoo i 'a o id t teIl Mof!ineyflta1had n. - ~~~~~l2t!, ni., et tire lime of' tiroe ircgp - l'o le ro . Il.bownie meprofoeioeoly; cxaiijnod lic pupors ceipt ee nîrI e tl Wc,. Tho pricooer mue clod cou bia reog- pricoorevor miliec lie mcc bore; 1i c,. JccerExialo, ije allicron & (The receipt ena oedorsed IlD. Balue ýJ N Att.1hio I icy bo locd tizouc-put in tho doek-crooignod cct ol noagli tacroaocnibor wo-h e IDxon'scilie; lic lid statcd tlint instead o' I D. Stewrt." DN DRY *GOODS, OROCERIES oadpleided IlNet gulityY Illa - wao~soco 16 yo:irc old o-lin lie marredhad -iz4 z : :;arecip fr s&), film; pldt etd o 20t C. Corucron Q.C . eonduel'd lice prosoe- o ooo, eo 10Yootr oiîIyrecoliîetod $45; 'foadI bothere- AMESOCLARic-Knoce8tewerbber. ryCol- a LASSWARE, eNicol fo? héC o-lsic bcd bY Mr-'Mis- Coulcs vas bore tlth Au,-, 18:'8i;i lioc & iono ofebr 186,S9 le ,wmrony-in .aneeny 1868-fmeau ailmntm ichol ofBothell o ha b, e Prieccor vue in Oakeille in tlîé sprin ag esn &, te'y gfcave nec Bas. ocot ;to got Stewnrte o 00te h o th ll.RDIrARE, GLASS, NAILS t:îieod by the procecaîo. Tir l î pro'-oc-ierf;1811 gaveooutlibifty-ae-oo in reonwSJewrt; lie0nPuPor Y otio r mas dcfeudod by it. A. Harrison, Q. on a iit ta licr friensctIhero; lie 4,,irch roroipîs ; 1i mtiacareof -gct it ,for rue; mronlgs u adrawa MlI'ON Spiken, Hope, C., cud R. S. Appeibe. à; frieado nrc Amcrieuuo; nue i.9oa(Cana- Ibis recoil; Ididflot smention havingfor thntamolni te Stewart; I vila, I I lTTY 011.5AND PAINTS Mr. Comeron.injenciug the caso dille- ber futher icEugliib; belhlecr fous it, as I thoeght bMeKind.eey pnyl0peroeitti didÊotgetuMaeche Hore@ iucidly xplinod ta thuryten shradte oe opposed t tenhoald lhav it; ne-fan'milinr mîîh Bas- rtg. wamade,eealfed ougselegflt. Ot aIl liicds. lurec fth creirue of bigauy and tire ecoriog;tc ouier e ooe adrîu-hav-e no doubt thatsi limnefor uno.ey, but did cet Ilutif la eaigte it. Theo rst iluoso or) -unsmot oldeugle cr gond eruosgh tims mritles b>' hlm »ahomod it te thon caiied on Stewart; ha Mid ha ha4 CROC SIKERY. TEi-SETS & CHINAWARE. 1 eltu clled wese- frle.(ag ür)leol ty Stewa!îrt ed domn body cf reccipt"0ho meu>, bot that lebuoad a balse«aet forDerLochtorolIBookcsud aad bdStewaort if tirait mon lhiesig. a note of Bnsedoa d th. Sbhnr# tIE chîlBok, CanugAB Naoguon COu-rgo,norn- -a fIm days in 1863; he told ms e b ms i ms;ierho for i 8y 200,adBneosu y ,SA ES SATOER, f-, f-.Residos ut Bcthwmell; fcrmorly rccidcd ork inieBuffaljo, cnd o-eîfilsfliran-, 'tijare-ho raid em unr>; ' ,s a n otdisBeetedof mum SATSSTATOEY,-.,dcI utOakeille. lBce keome prisnuer for self for the UC S. sac'. body' cf receipt, ho raid i aaog'it16; athin cnsnboettelthamennfaise, * PRIN0.US, c ~long timoe. Han a ieler uîmed Mis-ni. .1l oao o>'(ie o f'termarde gale it ta %IcKindsey. -16;Iatnnd e mnilo lic Eugeuie. Pricoser vos cequaintcd 2) o-:îcaeild. bIolMr. Csies on-Neyorsaw StemartBaton Ie2bFbrurf8 Cotton@, Shrtings, Tleklags, mitb lier fraimchlilliod. Sue- prisoe- Mr. aris-econ objectsa b iîje nteswrite; e-et ti) Meshoo & Dizoe's To âtfr. Cae-on-I eaqied te Bas« or married ta bia (wilses') istor in hieg coor-s-celsle io thie laulfici ofie lein Fehruary; Igave ovidqnco toéfor thé e"osfland lbu nid hao el SA GS, Toronto, Ber. Mn. Ejliott, eleyas of thîe pricceer. Tjhé prosceaieî lhave about this -on a chirge cf pujary o t or ruye I martetaetlaleo ~ FOf6RS, RAKES, lletliodist Mininter, performcd theece-r- provîdthatthie foost morciogo o-ancolngaicst Stewacrt; dost reo,,leot eben esodpoiet; CIumortgae I l A ESCYTIIES tent o 'mos>' cetho lftb Deeemb Ir 1862; a -csd celrr ta10Es1hiehState- l twoo-ecme timc in Mlicb; mes! tis sacdo feno sd hec oeld get it froi seenfbn, crlifieo ms giVen-Certifeo:te piro- vlielie oosierded secs in force iii officeeabout tiioc e moobo eforo tri-il. twat; otaosetSewurt abouft i mn cducecd, idcstified by witnosesud rood tie counctry, by es-iihelidomaricage of l'rev-iens tatinte Io-:îcrit >Molbooon & nactif thon ;wceu 1 gala I monl go te CCRAUJES, I13ARLEY-FORlKS iby Mr. Cameron llie oilier oitces prsnsuno-.ig, wtlou cei,-nt ojîces office, 1 refcmeo ta adocument Stewart, BistoeeBnid 'theu Il;"1 Pat ta the maorriog omos Mos.O. A. Coites, iParets, cso il ; also ta fie faotcfý I boaidina rolorenee to ootiier eait, Iiod i mont to Stewart nnd hc toid me b - prisoser .omaoc! ; mos prosont i en ho e b Dolys being os Ameojeuns uljeet. and a consversation mitla lMr.Stewart; lis amot,;bc id Ic Bstedomeuet pif tjoods SPADES, SHOVEILS, &C., &o. lictîse e-os proeaeed ; tiîo perootia oc nu oiojueStuiujo8 ojUacoda, soe a mcprecî t. Tice other nuit en onIhva oef iadbeBsr 4ib:L, i8eeed the licence scld tlîcl proisoer 1ci 91, Sec. :o.for iu noie aguicot 'MolKicd4y and Me i's mille s bel-Ince of nesl tfis 1tton. I3 S ANI) SHO1 ES moatooyongto go! alicenne; prison - iluia nes:re,] îlottie S,tuc'Guffi. 1 dida not,,ck bila ta oame and omonot "WCclend insat Gonid 0. bd r0, 0e.n,,. r 40Ifîn grel eooiicy. font or ietloaîldthe Isseer î!,ot lie mue 21 o-cesote i force boe, and t!ith hé 'c tce Ilîj rOj1l.îe oued me- tuit in el c e e -ny îcr ___yearn ohd. Witiuen docs otuclkuo- Comuon Law-of Engloed spplieÜl, by stijllpendisg; tinot e-es lii lied referto Bootedo IiWbat about this orgq BLACK AND GREEN TEAS o-lien ho f rot nom prieouer, butthuey wohiob a girl cf 12 or a boy o? 1-1 elin c',le a n J 550cry ; Imet btilithe tootenfeulmete neB mere little boys togeîhor. 'l hic ejotor. be logcîly sîoried eîthîout consetirao'tfen & Dixon's ta ge receoipî je aneoer e>' u ight;' thene ciii be a beilaiseI COFFEE. >ijcnic Eugeuje, is rîjil olive, and ijein ubir parent or georil andced ceo mo!hr. Iliavne ucer nce receipt je cf noari>' Ibat nrueun. '*ewurt ni4 t'00; priscuer l1cR Coacd.uabout 2 le supeora cf bic opinion ro Fuge, 1 ws o-n acbte, as I leîrsed If yen den't pe> it 1 ila le fia RICE, ,S'UGAR, TOBA CCOS, monthe alter hie meoriogo ta iInecc' Tire Cort dcvidcd 10 necoive Itie cflersrds, ta put je my cl-irean ginseScifnce'Inid I1fmiet hse l-_ itor, aud snaloyoao-y esîjl ttî in d- ccidece ?o-'wtlsresislg thic pointi ido cuefrolrgoebaina 1 in te-o or three deys; Bontedo smid'- reli,er. CURIA S, *mer; lebeahon isiîod Canadd, hluover ; mlîîibor the foost nurriage o-us 1060! or hacd ogaicot il. Basieos reej sSear o ego le Sheril ne hd ly 01C R A T ,RzISINS î.rison]rrtrelt ahe r us ue -t 'r ran - lhbeialy loed(tleht jt hod gl - adShd je Ookviiic. Thisn mticloaid theo Emiuî. eBAIRO f t OR De>>'. ors-te st oaider -' Me.," and uddsot fendil h; titbaboone poid long eut9 Prunes, charge sgsieet the priecner, e-lic as Kuco- tîîepriser rstinc lroël,1 ditîe u racghl "G-Ifoeibtisre- seur roec pwblli o abs en nOakville, ced e-or orrested lenS. Y.. and miosarrjoui te hntun th eîipeoît and rould iu, riflcr Wite iv. ic e bee-hit il a;dîd not get laifia. .d >'~~"* OU nam~mn ,i fuhee hmo. hesprccer e-111h April. 18G;5, by thé ler. Cliturl"cKnsy c os ld rioeeanrs'Iliy te tnretonle the Zi4dte te o? MRHL'AN ILOTS turuod hoée-asnseccmpantied b>' buseche.M.E. Clîcoci, Brokl .sotiig t0atict nu>'attentioe ln thin Frobueand 10rnlege>' 8 fr e fe~ n A- IIL N ILMT' seond ité sud te- c oildrcu; siluecu Mo. FlLtclura bouse. Mr. File! oua "'reeipt ; I ob it off alu elcf; blixonprdcdndaknodgd orfs ansd, , 'ELEIITED C~ HEESES ose- prisosnrurt Fortrese Monroe, Chos- cill olive, bel leest preoscuit; îod becs swu'sin]lis office port of tiue tine; 1ilsndîc oro> St.o 172 isford. Iu~naae. p- oie Boy n>' e1805 ; is aqaneooutceqt:istcd mitîn Mr. Dot>' for ciehttir,ukriveonhé e:o itic t tlufiie I --k on ococnt cfmde uote I.J.ckmni cloere o-jubmhnd wt poimeere hosderitisug, oud fbonemoathe pronieur tea niorri:ge ; Dol> e vrlereit o h jc -ttnet oee'o h akb andal- Aaconasbod.bit ie-A n m fc eeteerrsaid osyllîisg ofbiicfiret uu:,rig, l eoueidvered ta thé lie pr Ibd beon M r. Dio-Stecsntsnued for Mef<aee :13TJM'T IE cýQQ- M front the prisonor talis firstw et edoiilcess îi-vr c ard of' it uctil thé- bcpt trainthe rigliut omnoo ed as Iv o n Hu tri ecAudthferuli. OO ifor bore prodaneod. identified b' fl mt igltt of the erreet. tok il; 1 did set kccp il lcsg--c fol-d:uys hv onr eeertmlan~ c',ir An!mIFo rlc eo eroa e uss, ardarend ta tue jury b m- t- U ! T I couc le Tlîoapacu's Hotel Ihok Laghter.) Dises cne pfteeft but sat strjîoc ls olr.oi-og é aed, Ti--.odre.roo, os sue Muticeoyued 10e-positive mhe conveneric took' plesa. Myc- TAIORIG Dî'.RTM XT mre o-oit more in iso ;i1bavele-c cuijidres Iii7ieg; ot ; I aid te Stewart ta roui and soc To 'Mr. flarri'sos- $te*naidlthie ~J 'o o-t-e. oit, ncot :oo- e ll,e the style of lottere te o foe-ilior fieud Wt mallistrcdued b>'an (nord te Dot,', - a oper outo-y s1ore;lbe oailed in e-ith unsce is hiinedos asd thée isT; tisa okéug tcociome,. jo-foot Olo ouaoiuc--uaund!ia;;(of eiller sex,) and we cccot snob e olie u -s etacnvdcoee. Mo-Matlicon o fe- dayn nter, Mr. jpalper prcdeeod in like the oeeshos oure-o ,nvoh -aoeuo. Stobkof Clotho te euit tlo der effusions as tiretordIe dore opiotîe The Court iere dicootod air cclirittl,, Stewrtrt citrot mouid mt go into ru> I efore Batde. e-e. cn"lt lo.tiUhc. _____usuauhly prodcerd oceocaesionsalike tibis ansteflcluese i lu Ilt. Stute , Coulta, jpirote ofc it ojout >Mr. Mitheon ; 1l GEoORESo-roI, (mnor.)-Kne# ,lILLXEY EI'RT EN2'for tlo édifictionad amasementet'.i Clu91, Sece. 3, saoe 1, ::ppliid te toid"toio-t-ta1crmne i îb hmo firît, Betedos handmniting il ; hlier ilie Y EARAIN téaudience. tscase, b>' ohidi îuhc penoltiesfinhti e ad ho lcave Mr. Maîlict out, and tiure-riîing in recoipt te bc Bietedea p> (110 Ieauic Ih ebl nuroitocoocrcf o 21r. lereo,-Witoc co- , tendrlatingtho i2gaiy, do not Il x- after ho huld oves it hlielîtshce- it if ho did not nirerite tieseeue.. Ï7 11ille e trader he able sperintendece of Tasy. Iceonrdo)aa:urrussuges oedutascucdeclie iirod.e Etne-aredsec'lopd.nicewa mymootnAnoStecnrtaperhe bringr prideauodecl w iu1is X-. W >1223L:o. hors os the ilu hFebraary, 1811, aned coul ;e irovjuîe,by uuy oaluorribhon a luol i"ned it and bod forgoîlon, andd1 mso.soid ite-os Bstede's. je youeger thonsbis ojser. My Euoter suhject of fier 'Ilujool>'re'i:leuit i)tbim s ld lis ho go t h iirif ast ilike It Te R. A. Rîrrisn-There are po. lo.Who,e e epvin te h e rc i ouf-0 (e-jlcNo. 1) le 30 ycors cld; site crue Prorince, rad lceicg théule wo-ojh iun 1n i c mad il moalîl îacer b ho oen. chniiaP h in ?telte fiic .aui hu o,,,ttnc,, I \lc, o vLiboru os tiuc ftb Augeot, 1839. l'ricon tcut teacmmit the cffnce." lbeicu,-die lrsgcuo cl ia, enelos iD,"e intof eos l toni a qc>' Hale. B'n,; nl, s riinssdoeminquah -es sot se soSTWAR. uiurge- e-heuf be e-cc hesai i pof 1'a, tl ,, ,h ,c~ooi mcrried as so- ,;bho-uas more of e .OTOhT iach- ii iolo-u he l~oid er. ,tf ty nd tyl no tobu iiri.ýe(l ina ppearace;do t knosohosr Cid TIls actioe mos bosaglut endor bbc sous; o-bens loeed hMaI the bcd>' cf FNA - CAL INSPECTION COILDIALLVI 1xV7r'.D.pricoecr e-os wo-uî e firfot knee-folloe-î rug lu c ItN ove-b fiîr - er dmutd l, o l on cfHle Broute, Aeeoot, cx(;9. 0 be-le-; itnee-le Chider thon prisneor; 1801 ttlcatut G. 'f. ,stedo horromed prcobsilubld ie. nud toid Matheren tfy. .o dnw Betedeai _____ reme-bern pricoser le 1850; priacor fret, dujndcnt isaluti fo? seol, ru:ii-hnnrciptiuOâsidotf'ah. cntngi TeR A. TaASiKS MAINETII' wo-cou utile boywo-l iteshue-firet kneo- eituu inter, oh forooeyc:ur aîuouctld ho i Mr. onteorait nucd huelituiless ifreiposasd'e LctrOITENCRSCOU l l hie- ; Wm!îse- ac bigger sdcie hn82SO, giciug isg cuociuy ant 'rta;ili - o ý.emdea fiai ea To Mr. Caeteese'Beefdo cwu m Iîhy D l;seom cfCua. o-Yoo piscor kuo-priocr eus001cfngcneouste-ode b>' liumel fand the1pciaI lattel e-crtg:îgowelu e-s sotitrue. mrys bonde>' for money. and vce in prbalr k; 'rs r a mto ae1the habif of drocing hie solr@lisumt, l,tvd, auti B ire amof cd . A.Iase Yor, wen rurrioge tenir pbaceo; kne- lh,,t tiff. Shîrif MýcKind-,ey. In AcPgunî, - litenoo eid iahdtknnmr-Tn rerlsyol i mn-u coody l>' Oîstsnb itin m Y prarticecuunmortfirneithor hie mer pricouers fether kbesofo1868, NMr. BastIo d,, d, and tfonote'cgc front, bic brotler George, te eccuro trjcd 1tabritale hnndwrnig. :caorn'of> , nuîd con Iluy it!, plcuslr,- 1 tlaemarrialgeceouttmpi:itod ; ho pre. e-:s rossferrocd taSMr. Jo!,5 Whiute, vica8308 joct!y dae Ilue, ce (;cargo. mlo Aohrrcitpour.b'Be v cr deom itou'ie! f the 'cos!ulcceeris ume mee p i ; c.vai îio -ocje uh5Br"d t fh'otug; f r ilsro f 1lie, o sue tbe cy opposed t i luIiý is. ultinîioiIy eoo-pelid by 1 lepuy. aqinpsrtu,çrciip w VnMr bWitjhoe, llgsuar>', bdat 23rd lob. of ujsoheesgsorsthe,-aeo f tle e-ois ofage o-lues arricd (iaucttr.) meol,! iefa1,Ice of* the' no te ondl cocsto o-os frujd ho (.%Ir. Wbite) cuid do- reory, 1867. u.;t- tino'teLn nlmaino ieShe moo 23; I mot priecuer in Toronto b>' ture Sîlierf, oc IItli blrclui îi-fr:ud hiiu. tlIiue Boie mr. l6 'îueol"ry itliuuîiiirinî. ced ccordieg te nrrangementta1bhonir. Saie t i-uc in Fîbrcury os t il N s a- lb ('osuierau thi , rsiibiîed Iboe-oob- D. McGibe, mors-Law studeot; foiu n lded rero. iorfilutss Brai O riod ; Are. O. A. Cooleumet oiîiîprie. ncted ll:ut Mo. MoGuffin di-covcrel gog,, uliueh e-ucfor sh<:ut $1,200. Mu-. poere; ns dooht di (the rceelp) FroototLi tbe, ih acerijh o charte. ' ocete bc hridce-unid. (Lcntghtr)- aîuouug thîe pipers cf NMr Bu.stî-, i oro- ll'îrce,,i objecld te tiîis bbg >put i1;5 Ho;, do. b it hérip).l 1l-tI Dr. J. P. Kenneody. cf Chitteucego, Mr. Dot>' soglvstidthotecet usr- ceîpt pccp rcîîug tbc lie cd by Sîr. ' orideici' ~ Y, c>' -l br îs" h TET age abold tuke place je Toronto;; Sicmart, ecktoeledging ticreecipt cf Pr :,:rcobc -Ir-'Ibl Toa5Mr. Caseneu-Fernaedhie .s..i....1 t,.bas1 foe- ir BctthéonTEeSTt f Mlt.oC,,o n .d uinoaic -ruiî;Ihs 5heietbî sul;. -y, TRIAL. anndnot bees scesu e-eoieg. isîjîs s oten cqie e . rayonvr 800fomM. -' - on bucto ntoneale e bookshe as0 te de. litmting; trot la begbsnth iguai;1agir l ta atoîiehing ouilo' f Iul-me-at1ou, e-uengged Il mthe ta eitncac' siseo; the note. fThis roccipt ics daîod oui tue fucaubMr. W'ljtc. "AIleLongs and Croup, ondthebo--Mro. Dol>'(NLo. 1) hod ns famiy b>' Apoil 14, '67, muuîchu o-onprored 1t0 be a- i hiu a I ,1iswiid ltonme ?te. B nn>'itla, ee ne. amen1867 an drfl uoee nthndjîgth trtrng pobonr; dcsî buce- e-ho irneed icenss, Sainda>'. The precritaction je bronglît 1bod bcen ohargeadta0liuebrotheraGoge-KnowMgîtedo's ad Stecant la . 1adpan& of Rhtthonbr. and reicci - ofieigmtnba.b ln lunereneoaffections. cîtitle il ?o nomr ploce chore lecuers of mu ws; le trecover t n mout paid ytr r-mb in the liait cf rieedles fora tbh e nos eest eiah priocnOer rliccuso; n Sherifl1te Mr. Wfijitei. y tue1aachGe org ot b>' bis brîher, boueloo itiieen eceI igt e etu --rplints. t o athird prty-e sîrangr-mun preset; Mr. Harrison, Q. C.. ase lrM. La idbtcr g e d aiir h-ut th(egeeoilf-Ta r.tig odSert ion 'M tewart i Dr A. W. Belding. ,f* Ecomicevi lie, smysoî n ae rsrnI L twfrPanif ofnM 'fin b& CI,)oard 0thsue f oa (cogqenl gaue MG sev Cuolies;.-I mc t mavV N. Y. says-I bavc ns'-d ii je rarsiHouA e Jote-e Aoronetrcug il a1.be-er PliQîjC., nd . aHon M foreddIn lleCi') s q"oi, onruoi iuteenyritres olnî1k LE ooes cf 8îcicy{nritilat~ nd tfor tbbc cd; FrontstroTerltde, i 1ge DéftîuedaCnt dMo ahoc crodo le r o Il (;cargo tesear teoneother signaueuprednsad ecrît cassof ieadsnnd:le' rii-C emu amo; Dcl>'gare hlb ocu The firit mitcsae allcI for théîc lIE. d'usloGfe Sîhechaneartimde eom'loanbs ,ndnd lita Ue,ocr aclOe mne ; Dci>' paid foo licange soude; wasJOInroetATY tftoon-e, lim. a nd welu mrthy Ilîs noticeof'I sh.' d fokowwhthr lalen e, 66; mauthue goods ere for e-y broahero ce-n tedos bsnilmriîing fer 13 yurs; fhinks i'oooc:uscrs shoota cid su re sand akdont kuom o-hether hor.coisim lentWhtecoprmisd y eprisosorn u y for Dr. A. I'l nho sMag"otic Ojeiteul. tthat moucy, but lho han lentthie, mono>' hTeG. MatIoney inmhé -cton 7Mot . pocesumparuo la Wie coruponmesle.> roit rtenmsb> tedo. i , ri- eethat that the eorde"IlA. Toneke befre aud seon; Det>' pcid Clergyman u liicsirse>' lTle sîlSheifpid me' v pîi2 pui s! 0 le-; bgave e-e dior-e T r (rto-mi II Oan-i jnt" lare ce the erspper. Mhifes0; >rbo-orsid ta mitucon i1,adtr cRoudei of te shrpuid e-io 62112 t in uio64ste' inriiu- n>' dfferhoffce ; To Ms'. se-mdrtn-slu rfe No' tlîrop & Lyman, Neweastle, Ont., ho e-an earcisg o-o"coin 186'2,uad o-w edheocl ftIesi utuctigt a 1îîlniederunîhfr h;ofce ioedem"s hnndeBtng van-d Ge crul Agee-sfoth Coas udpyu for bisehoau-ade-lionme 4 S 8888; underted tient Siîcniff o-,cc doaîb. liec oftc n ried hie huî:dwritieg' o; rdrr, elkBseoem-t Lin 3îbtcn by Il.% Wso-s cnd J. B. Wib:. icrne prirsor tbok t ihhhim ; c,îo-clysuret>'onethue note; ce tue triaul Ibis rocei Pt ae rigid Ibas Bastedo 'B 1Ing. unott. aud îy moluîuedealers crer>'- licosse un miojsers baluec; picoser loft je Decoijubor bt Mr. S'teo-oth o-ccae-.ucool husIeoilisg; I mite a fair bond A ncipt in the handun-l o? J. lors. . ecnoysoti'ute hi ojoec led o;to aitneo- hy the Sl:'-riff, se'] oyà(lf; 1eI n v cotllir reson fsr D. Maîhecon els Ibm prosenteil te thée more- country shortly atrid ajn1T .stctlieholîiaoeccived rothisg on c on.1oeulima' , beore ieee ; e-bult mle-c ano ifnconoe b>' Mn.enouentn sd - - eceto? tue hle;hue ury euada e-r tre~leu,îî-'abo n oetaîsion >' btb th bm>' eythtigiit caIln. Ci. C5 II IIJE NZIE fao rit Ioitae; doltknoer oîîeî,or erict oftno e; e-nd uese-,icho-oc-O bjerclp.1 -'îio,îo, eJu-Uai!o risCn. 13M lie l~~~~~~~obstelîh or sot; I did sot v edc o hédOcat hchwst bsrcep.l nJn IF AGENT>FOR cocpse>' biao ; dont know e- icher 1 ,fîoro-,rds set oside,, cein ,l ieîu i Inu . acubeîl-iissi W.E.P Eco-ee>'Ck rc lenh hie- mone>' or sot; did mtIadvi'e îcrcd forthue plaiîuiff plursluo t ta!cavec tioîî,,ccluoe cuîli heu tiu-uc'r iIbo:ire -ntIfuujiar cîll Stcnrt' n ur-it. blii t gota ochstc; Iwaslivngroeelavc; do no, remember we-b flue 141h Apri.date cf receipt, e-os Sos- itng but have noue hi. criter; believe is SBruce's London Patent Pro- lj-t o1 tcesi;Iml iigho seujd, oshoao-hi t rote of«jîtcresb mon day ;hndaa coecersalion ritb Mntheson fa be Stewerte@ signature e receipi; m mwith ru>'fahr-o-ac aco areiegg e )bcgccNl. -ed id3r u aotdcuet;do t ' lc ta cdo' hni h bdy le nittea b>' Hua- bld nsotsoceprisoner once u~Il boom pb d î aledo o a bcîdseamcsî dout rebee dhf e out.îu ih bon ~ ACH NE 18612,,1865; ofter marrilgc prisa 1868 . lus(Basldos) pîipers moere in okdifmu doeen -s nb6uettue tedo SA NING ES. miblivcd ath bujofotiures, cel i,>' nj.tcrMo Dixo'e'neustody uneuil Iformod muOat goîng On; Isoal Ut ttomrî JO511>' VANALLIl C(eroalîrd).. Georgetown, Sep'. 25mb 18S68. 17-tf iveod utit ' fauberos; de't knoo- >'irtncrsip itl, thirettericla Si-pt. Cedllmode armubuko bCedid ust :k" no bocBaiedos band wrtirg Wcli; bsec chehur Di>, e. isoroodmarjoo;1868 o-hon luoyweobrouglit 1ta010 cf; Ithîsk connrrealion took pluc o nnetn sofSteceeî's; thisie Ibis whterDty r.dscvre ari oe;ffice; I acgod lul5 rocu e inpauebc front cf ns luc ;Idil mt est eo »îaomfung i >Bseo I...i:-à.of Lr ..Il s thisk Dot>'. or. o-ette tuuc Sitoale ler .i e,.ar.1. A..l 1.h-ilIadl frnit eb atd.sn ANDO COIJNTY 0F IJALTON INTELI

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