* ~ *~ ~W "3 4. tImpor 'AND COUNTY 0F IHALTON INTELLIGENCER. 1.D, 1LTRESON, Propriotor. 'THE PRESS--THE PALLA¶DIUM 0F THE PEOPLEIS RIGHTS.IjY TEINS: One Dollar a Ttrja Adna.e. VOL. I1-1 MILTON, COINTY 0F HALTON, TIIURSDAY, SE1'TEMBER 3, 1869. [ ND. III. t tiJnainiau IMPSuRpiO 13nelinces Mirectort)., ' T. J. WUEELER, tii rasLasDuluxe TIUSAYM R MG I- DONALD DeNAIR, WeO THUSDA MONIN [OU'flY AUCTIO-ZEESe, Nsugaoeys c îîNA parth vîre, tMltina, HataCecsty, PtO.,enciog bcd@aveu ymmncopuriaci, ' Onario, t'i e fltattr ftissiiaesciruttierh. uit e.saiieation. AU ordees pessept>' tted, Prop te. AN aieays te rounad as A. attrsits'c riet. Znunceaweyo4 Oteler i, cer. li.tt C Stop, IhiluBcretrrf.GOGETitNpP, FFJ.CE-ON 3MAIN' STREET. auere te 1s preparedtoi epair ail dîstnijj- ýTsx--l yarinadaneoritin J' Bs Wilimetis iosiof Watches and e7osslinssu a mane - Tsusu-$i ayuar a aitancor cfteraarsce vit) sitarsastisfaction. aid ai prises mntfontess thteedate etfesusiiac, ISSUER 0OF MAIttAlit LICENSIbO, tjat vihi dîr> ccmpsliies. Jcwlty ascii> If st &0 pai, $2 -i i c'gbrgrit. Manatrec, biton. .20 epatrut!. RATES 0F ADVERTISING. W. -ILs YOUNG, matgtoes, lotast7.lilRp erSal. -gt cts r e fueib the isrettert, ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES,Gv ttOSe>i.oc. e. atiset e astenatsouuu-tae rai ceolOS -m J. E. HARRISON, 'siueuss.o eist Uesbil-. lees a4 William A. Agr, se.iusm mmeum? -Nom. ss1s-sma idrver. MitaisOrdres leitat Thom peca'mRatelal li of'thiorntoY etUrinaUCol Aliteraidise-St atauet enadette- viietatteuded tti. v4.uf4-t>'teegs.nprepserd te atted»eat! i t linaf 838e1i ,rted fot eitiuded peisets. sofartii baier animal@. Hi@ Office.fur the Aru-rirsewti oitiînstspeetbe tanstras- Robert ewaiit>mAppeibe, preuîaf.vilt et týep 5ri'r ofdiesrtratoer eeiai-rtad tilt frbit! ,!dcisgeut a. BARITER ATTORNEY, AND SOLI- Wittliam Harrson, idiagly. Auj f perilf Reflue, fhe ojet)of vbich cer inlaceet>, Okuif le. AIOiI HABF-Ta-MILEiSOL71fH IF M1110O te pusmeite fhe pecnfiry trusts) iras>' -' Trrssoderais. Medticinesfer Hrses jividuai or roserias', hte eositined u u James Batiedo L .S n as,! Oe aii oan b and and erdere vettimest,"55t eargiet serardlugiy. LD 5 prempil>' attuadedta. - -SURGEON DENTISTWEL. Mi))i.arei atet. 167. 4)-If - IfcimaSqsems.Hssiimsn 13u~iu~o~ ArLILU. "-5~ tnnu a rat vrils crer>' FOUNTAIN NUTEL, KILBRIDE. seond ét a)Monda>' in ement uit. - S,. - sElainOmadias Itite-All epeiatieus W B..Street, MuP., WelligtnSquare, Aprill14.i180. -'> W. F. MILLS. IigiàCiINSURGEON cAsDACCOUOR.---LORI LRSN ItTR. Office s an edouesc-That fatif' GORE LiLKON LT OF tCAaLSLE» tSueped t.> Dr. Creter. BEUS TO AXNOUNCE TO B1IS Kilfhide. Fuhenary lti.t. ' ictoe. 1. et a-t>' uuserooe trincds hutbe bus cous- . ________ IL__ .,__C.__IL,_ ecacet! business n futtcCommercial 'n~TEjj T IIO 1TEL. -D~3 lbertou, EuD., 4 Il., Recel, (Commecia Stniree ie DIIJîIBRON I LAISOATE O? TItE UNIfVERSITY 0F attendt te h uctaofbsutme. UsQW Ceourge. iteatrenl, Mitons, Oat. e i utara J rh8 ) r ficer sud Rrui4e -Ose door Sonths Of Mil ton,,Marisýl8tfe, 18)8 4117 -PN t we sj te Pet Ofire. Fotir Street. E >tO .IfheCnlaHoOkvk) lISsept. f1, 18t3. 14-iy o ax e t 1 FnsnsfhCaleo15),arai. _________________BT EG o eesce te hie Damerons riads '5B. linmi M . . TIIO.ff.S CLARK, Geoueloen, Ont. titetstetdCHURCH'SHOTE'L, - ~BIONTE, sitsre tes h,,psi y traiatctan- pAIUAtEËOF TRE UNTVE)SITTTF1to emei niune ffre ao :Isiaoe aiouitti, tsemwaaeya.- BITSSES te sud fu-ir tte Sttiton, regut.- iaeete, Macks'IlS. 186K. 40-tf OSse asU! sesier-TIseft atVacre -P un>', Evrs>atention5 paf ta te c___ iortby-Dr. Robertson. Coulatiotavelling putli. Go dtalindai - .a. T 'DU.EryTbrei4 Lctvebouties. 3-5-17 W .S E0 N Nm.egubs.ov aie 2-l obt. D olm age TIN AND STOWE DEAILER, .< C.OUNcTT CbOSliATTOIf- suza onI LT ON, ettysftl A.,Ae,.ouHal,111RRI1htIG LICENSES5 K , 1 EOGeaeaunce tha) lie la preper. îe-ty e.,aaa Ce,! teaeanuacture csy iiucfiiy of 'c u u~iii~, slcroOtebol7t iBlt ifhp ORTS PATENT 01U1 IlEAIER, A.LAWtnH, Ar. OFT- ý ATiIrgI'S 1 W lOTIT. Wirh arte b ts)in use as pred t>' flhiJIUAUII iglfl U £111rttticatcs front upaties in ail parts of îT'tb. eta. 4de it lO N iecDeminios. For srp isit>' of cea- K e-T N.O Ti srutîce, etbcesin te' î,g an,! IFte,à G. A1HESONI, B. A., R flb> fiber taugu ta ifom i e."Uo!tcy la Fuel, il cesse)tbc unt.eed. Ac is. yFCE -IX THE I. is tht bubuemed stasbi ar t euIliieeo lew tcbt bas teen tvisne on abs corner if Mots sud Brounseruse: tepublic fr seee-'s, 55 uder- wbireti viil be glata te utupu bis sid ranisBmaie unr>' severe tesla, bat basnai- - eoetUterp. Hs bai epatd erdiebr paies umys bren tinant. s K. Leauom, e-5seain m aingbis Hstse ac rsî- 't bey aricui arniienî' netpttd fer aia ee1, uiiusastnuttieChitretees. ,eSs, Hulesi&o. Thcin AT LAW; SOLICT'OR IN ptronage iii niseirienery atfention. effrite are îtuirSly tdf in a more itrit- 'CavyaniAe, isOctvei, JOHN WALLACE. iag ni siner it large reosubt have Meus>'te Aons a l arnd setMlt. Fit. lIed. f8te V33917 b hes dfiuct le hetee)ittea) a vers' omui;sale ssoS tend asettUatietyea b u hamese. tesramesee.'- large acîtunofetfuel.'tc'caeus! iete.use, î-iy W'. Barber & ros., unser>' drscription cf Steve, reebig __________________as_ vul sos there. ard te sueare IL_ LISTER, i1Db f dpit eqirs,!. earfsQians Beach,'Lirsaee,!Air- &tt coCoseseisulia. nusWgaue>', hlyrii , 1ei4. 3.ee.t> JmoA. Frazer, Priathüganad Wrapping Paper RIACil BROS., BRONTE, Ont. At thelfcsiive may be sad DRY GOODS, GROCERIES I G LA S SW A ÇE, IZARDWÂRE, GLASS, ZWILSI Spbkoa, Roese PUTTY, Ott.m AND MAINTS, O1C11ai bste CflhllfP. TîEA-Sîli d& CHINAStUl. SCIeool Books, 'SLA TES, STA TIONEET, d&s., &c. PIIINTSY Celtomo, Sblrlngs, TI1ckingR, BAGS, I'OIKS, RAKFS, SCNTIdES, brseths, CRADLES, BARLEY-FORKS i Pe'.affetese, SPAOE5,.5HOVELS, S&o., &c. BOOTS AND SHOES Ia gecaf uciet>'. pest BLACR AND GREEN TjEAS COFFEE. RICE, ,SUOAR, TOBACCOS, SPICES, 1 CURRANTS. RAISINS Prunes, IARSIALL'S AND WILLIIIY'S' CELEBRiITED CHEESES Alw.yes o a us., r And ail FausPredora tatas lanusebseise. TAILORINO DEPARTMVENT Ver>' sempicte. Sutemude te sr!ou on bhe preiases. Pier) ctft, geaecniusd'and) att o'orkeneernid.StockeoflClothoatesuitthe cmciit aidios. MILLINERY DEPARTMEC'T IStcrte-Pipes and Tinwrare Tla dîr teutile sseeiatendunceiet 1 1 l. - - - 1mi A luie'eon bnd st Cautiyiambaefm alm at!.te audi. W O rn rr-Hi ie i sii- OBTIBl.EII AUCTIONEER FOR TEE LTUDIESIGW. J. SITEN. 'k 0, limy tSaitu. B0idrncc-Mi1eu. OOL CAII)I1-ly ' Milton, Oct. 7th. TO6. lt-tf Oatbitshortewt seicae. Cotes RuesT inae> - T.5 Ruegen, qacesti.itbc rsceiord a i îu apnM T. fmon qi:,.efore Rlghtsprsssiaeuatcd *F£iTAN»- DTbIGGteT. REEDS, tr W-1l LIYERY STABLES 1) D'.sfle, St. dcur> A. Mn sa trs)t, - Googitvfl4a->'MTLL STREET, GEORGETOWN. ~ epHSehoritee teete ifm einho li ta aistastuofsergown mcm) viiitcttuey have puctutdte Liser>'Sabtte sumînt> ci. -- OÂYIILE.'F ili A5.ielnise ta Duncan Clarkeand bcvjegnddid the faesesetéck.ertelcetHunees IAE8TumuFBPiLOPDETOB 1IDstIZCs. adset!suran)cateortabis Vetires, the'srec - i.oir preaessto rithe publie ihithe li* hotu bof aelai>'hisu eteustvl ebe ovu-f>' \Ž i&tamnuheiatea. iOiemd an! ti asplett I tufoialacdte t[i~F ReTeN, OTICIIDubleand Sine Buggries, CsuvjncmS, Ca)' stt pTri ae orse. - si-3fmj I -f. bre-tees, Stigta, Sadire Horses. aid vere.iia a rirbo COIaRT OTER, McorZlias, prsvidsd os th.uhoretnoatice, U. Liqur othse st braut!tsltt ai- b xim hos CO imetmdustiiofa ,w o %and, and kKRRE~Iasd GNRLJARVIS & BRO. Oivilt, j'uu>'ta"c. 4 JAIL DiIL Yft , and AS81ZES Georgetown, Aavset 2e, lue&. tf and NISI PRIMf,fpeu theisud Cetuty 8c eGrM, o HltM A'ilil tu G. Ce M 'KENZIE, MULîNGTON BOTEL, WLLNG'IdI ~r.~,siuetusbae~.sd O rT OÙSE, J AET O leu-claju Hel. The Stehfe..nd Ï808 IN THE Bruce's London Patent Pro- mei ver>' uti a ndeia csntfl Sfscer s1 - W in attaudseS,-' 1'C <>m ,-Weilgtinu Oase tSe)24,18et. 20-17 :?AIIîî HUS, ALItOON SAW4ING MACHINES. JOtRNe ua sisis e aPRIe maOR tuWedmdayltheb. Su eptembtr, Goriroetovs, Sp. 25t, 1868. 7-tf atrii tmathas tab5tri55g asbe ai teAsseure tbrm LaC th. mI4lfiîousutapit utexb, at the bour cf TWILVE OTLOCK, k'arm for a le, kmbtinauel t irtelmsuye.foto.i nou, of vhtsjfalJuts f tthe Piene . brad e ttiquoand i dgso ge0191l" eCoroner%, Coustsbloe,Jurons, sud*"ai IEN tteEst utiof.ot5 ei e tt Ungad se ssii stisi tsties. otiers eocerced, sare qired' ot Ose Ces, x. STrafalgar, contaffiit 100 sesue, Psleesao, T75 acres lsaru) ibuemmeineur ietua PaOmoct. 44 1867. 8-7 notion sud atend te deosut! penfenus&H U reviitFramst a ndas!Bars, a Young -- -dtlos minci apperteiu tote . Orstard tiariar tru-it, se) Tue Gos,!Wtlls TYRI * M UOTEL, G. CAAWFOËD MuKINDSEY. s ths.rue-ue.Itinua corer-i loteat EAST B TBOMA uoa tecdisg reset Sems Streetsiett te Luu- XORYEST YT HOMMC. Shriff Co. Hatea. ville, d csneseisai Scoel, Pont Office lait, This inasne. beasadm-t!fittdUP Shr 'OlePssiscvitat issu ne e atls au Nsi su iy Bua te r 05,ad) uChetesTitte jîdia etatia. Ceah e a S - -.Erevat"t- Milteit, July 2tth, lit9. 7 td Pneo s vn nteF&I. Feu-futtc tacStr j _____________. prlsli t pui> eALEX. MeLEAN, to, vtorK l-CH n., (Am inàp'>ctu of etthe ite Audreer viaif u Bt î wlDuy tiottie, A.u Ourrie, rn rtceP.0,ony _____p___d MoS ecifst!, or teT DIXON. Basrtee, ROSSN M SE, CTO. .BOOT AND SIlOH MIXER, Miteasete cU TESUBSCRIEMR BEGS TO INFORM Osons . s, tePbithhobas the chOve namet! Hm jus) ecsfred a large.ancui!oice as- Julv Istb, 1869. 7-3m b00osles o tma c tisiue o ithind -y o = mt e . omeit of ESTRAY. IlAN th"BaIttentionotOlad Co.. dmffsagc 'il the ~~Of sQ dertifons, hich hi tanduut iîlAt eiabotdbt>6' Iu,5 ' s nthe mils. tajtoB,, o s i" p~emI ve> sheap, seibe>' vers puisbssedt bcy'masoe The oune lmriquistau tot ta sPffpest!ir psaite a bt tss tircsiprove proport>', pay ebaiges, sud taie bir et ,jtt as.nd tabie.mWne vl uaa JAl,. S A MdBEtu. 1,U rde PaUy tini O.) wy GEORGE AGNEW. ýA« m 180. 1-.7 Ihlfutn,insl aitf, 1S. 13l-f>' Cmpbeilrlle, Air il, 1f9.56 -4t ty and atylseet tsbisupaussed- INSP'EC'rTONCOISDIALt NoVITulO. BroeeAugst , 186e. <"m P. M. M'K.AY W OULD Wsut)rerinetbs tua dean Vtherpattis geraei tiheatlasbas in 4FIIIST CW.VS ARICBLE 09 ail Ikinda. Csme audt ty bis AUtiuli ta sud c) the umatst reuaaea- tlug preit. Bis$saseunSoctei kof STYLE, QIJALITI AND CHEAPNESS, Canntet tat)fanMilton. The tlghesi prise militepalut Cor ilte,[gor other Produce. Bîieg s LICENSED AUCTIONEER Fer tii Couat>', and bts abiltif s suebe hoeinusWil krusse, te lmseepared teîttcud ail Baie#committed to s chau-ge ith bbc) prum ptuesl aund satifactin thabvwil pisame tath bayîu sud seller. ;m-~ Gir. hlm a Cafitbh fure gstsg elsi. where. -P. M MîKAY. Mltoneu, Jn>' tb, lie6, 4-t <aterilie, - - lîmut - - - Sud.ý rNae.ugavesa, ittth. - --s.1 Mlton, - - 2iti. -- ti., Actas, . - loti. . t- fb, Ouirg~5,-3otb - -- au. 44-t 'N- P O ET RY. "cenot daily to the farmîosno. Tai th te mke-ashi tais.cersof me vietu I - .-~-.'-.B aidamusieS.' MY FIRST VAL'EN'INE. Yenunregettiag icely acquainted Whcu lt vas oettlod that Mad vas - ifb Mr. Hildriîh, Mud; boy do you te go alee ith Mr. Ilildretb. there l su Stetitruesud rdes , nd lke biu ?' ais àchanze in the programme. Set!- A teookIta.1 leer'd i my srictauesani., 1My dean,' wae the anuvîr, ' 1 de net di herses verte ubsttuted fer tht oar- ia pages ailllied sit molles and tise, bnow him eta al.' niage sud span. Feith did net ride; Aid sareestt t flice,)unase goe. 1O, of courue vo do net knov mach Mnd vos vîrv fend of the exorciai. I teesd, what once. te my yosighrt semci about personou til vi havi keioun Mr. Ilildretiî brougit theai freim A btifte) iibete in gil&ed h4U,*e, andthem a long time-yearu, la noeo emre. Hie ovu berae i mgbtha,. Thesghnth e iilttonsocres tnaii h se)case.' boeuRichard Wadî's Don Fulano, but Asd ee'eser isy ters rame dreppice deva. But thoro are thiago tent ve lrete the sapple sud shapily chestnut that At theaghieft hat sîdon ims. la a very short time.' 1hiaIcd vas flsompercbly a ladys berme 1 les,' assvered Feithie. a fittie -froc, getle,-ad brui tha the grse« Au,) msserey bar feaed tîv tpaist cloady asete lber Rstre meesiug. o if hf.. Mad vagrstiied, uc b.- AThe hsp roncei,ruiteir, sodas Wuan auhonot mue selly ossh a rayod lber plenour asu ube came doua Beigýht. irutfl o ye, and ,sa.hrosr baie, miracle te blsd that abs vu neotviii- the paih u'iritbe@aigacious aveature, Ansd hirareitol, vissiof uayu. ifac te believe Mr. Hf ldrsth eue, ies u atebing te sec viios ber rider vas te A lth risc he hi,) gies to em- alfier haîf s doues close intervievs fa be, tarard her gracefal îcis, sud. Th îre lU1 hîa orsohuri- hinb ho bohaîrd viteut represeh -ai cbampedhesr 'Cbîffuey bit vith the gea- Ticriiih isuiesmilarnud- a loe? Fi p ever dreamo bier tîcuf bis) if impatience te' be of. And) ,ccy ass-e is htnd htestiwed, aloer Fth And a crrf ist b is eiaie. omati ssuspicion. Lfttle bcauty,' "Bbc oafd, sofly-. Ou the iiath moraigef Mad't'tay, teacbfng te tevuy, giiteufeg mame. Asd onceihosen me ibis daiy virai; came s nota front Ructoreve. 1 '1Yen liek an if jon vira mndceof Tue deo e n aarme ea; 'Huughten gins@ a litcli party witt gal.' A ho. sud qaioî, as rpe set bbc heaid if ie aunt, Mad; wmut yen - Tbe Countemesi.te yenr 'plaeurs, Te pierro the tender. , itred hert. , a m-bmsd os the satins pae, go0'Miss Stanlielo,' eaid Hiidreth, at lier 1 Why, yse.' aide, Thon telloerrtihe lises I tbeegbf se sweet, 0 f course il vili hr quiet. butitberi - 1 am ready.' 1Twa" right us a sta, an i rsi)'neic i siovrry- gos,! secieiy et ifhe vif lagc.ad- The n) tinstant the Counteus van iBye cusa baud," seihbis i ,d Thsr d mv imm tee. ue2ise l au invitation fromtBesetueri mlvsys praucing deiniily- nadir bep gruceful Siîrei,'bao vowd, " si hadicm."briaga the people out inuesrrisgeliode,' bardeon. rui te Winibrop'o raie. that sel,! Faitlie, wvue usealuay-a afrai,!-'ibisthb usiness of ail bosobîful thingo titi'irscneseamc-ee thecoeeieui- bbc Miad wuad lbeborsd. te cîtibit,' Jet obodient f0 the giutio Aidd uiide e rpaihu mad yîf My> tri s'ltrili'r iisi lare tresse, 'I visb our ciseperoas veent quite. reeraint thaitcpt lhor vuibinirfor su Wbl ie ss> yse adoy giesa, gosegly,' she sait!, patbtiicaily, ase.llhinstast.. Hiidrsib uîouutedib e bigb Fer thiars 1I uld sett5forge- met moditatiag tho eveniagas arsisuge- irunîg, somabre biset, sud tbey vire Se. Itedrd-ttoch morre milysee - monte, off. ,ytisdnt priaitai o, Aunt Semantienii soi thieaurai floagtton Hildrcthe bandsome cycle Amd ight iai ihe ce> e avy l bloe graciful voman I evor s,' observed 'gliatoard ocltpleceuro selho obstrved EehimpeZla ise . tia>'eenchciMnd, iaagbing. us abc turned the leaf bis csmpasioa. HiSad nevîr bado e Whsa 1 ban) rend myse>'uutia. ot bier bork. Ste red on -s pego, per of ubos e br seprouder! Tbry vere - -----bap-ubea, beppeatine le glaner ep on tcrmes of the quietcut ceertesy; bat TUE DOUBLE TUT. elle onu sncb a lceded little tire oppe tie bat! alwsys biea avare et Modes site, that ste iastauiiy ferget tohe bants, and! a litile curions as te that aiY trsassBERKNEI., taie. intact lire of lier ryco Ho looket! at - N'lad. it îmn'b a bit aice bore,' lier nev, gleving sund hsautiful, and (Contiued.)broke ont Faith. 1 Tia ail gor diferent uesdercd if site vould flirt. 'I loe omeboy nesi , Ferl.) 'frese abe)y-eu are used 'te. TeuI The hersts, ted b~ea ceolcd by thoir tw eraormeody onc e ub te eyeer came an,! se me egilan, 'th b.gilrop frutti Rerkmýy and pasaed ntiy be vs sbcdmac ba I iio,! et Mcd flung tse volume oerrtt ard ide hy ide on the utita, pcthly shore. lie ws a a mn, bu I cula net avaes iadiffernet that if lunddonl.ouHiidreihbhad airer scen bbc lie, tbc iî bm I uese anry-fe a iblethe bureau umong bier laces, grove and! the beach letkfluner, but sffctio-ib un gose ec)te bo preised 1 Darling,' este sael, esaly, outeb- ibut mefinctie face dccv bis eyes fromt bnt casemdseiosuatii Idi,! n eoing bbc girl fa lier arma, 1'I van) uoth-ny prolionged contemplation oethaem, bte ctidmns mucbive 1da net my- ing but yen, belcri me. Faithie, L'mlesud Mise Stasirlo flaally fl) bis cycu, bo clrts nndm dmu. He mude auJ mygoing te dreor yen t-nighf' ' nd gnvc s uitile amustd amili. boifs anr hpy forea ltteutie; mad e ' 1Wal,' galdathie, brigiite.îing np, Butilb vus a smile-tbab qaiek louis dîde selpp d oradly iaiîg tonhala oring 11ite a reia vît plat. btrhe-d neibher etyneeener anyance. dia crel- nd owarly hing It it t"sis or utile te matie Fiittio and a momns aller, Hildreth sacf, vas ncbausragli e ii hm gl happy-, a ver,,a glaece. a bisa, lied qaîetly, a A,! iththie air of hriag se- hudeay lac.bidne-iiie bigo rrmcauhercd tun) afteverde, , nrsy- iteested in te theugle) thés vere so4i s) i 1Tbey vere sach Xe vui' e ,cytaisgt. 'wonder ifyutnuhulrl wa cse n ri! il thare g eftheus-Mnd dresse ebrrsslif uiibvery- itpe as. yen arr looiag " forcsixdmenth~e I! bembit the d.0 sisance, and vitheut srsming te te Mad laugted. Fcif,î,tli~ ie! itiina oniigi fipsrtieulenly- iuferncted fa bersesf. (Ceerlcsel Ni.cc Wek) mihie ote di canlabin a fr ihm.ofPeab colsred sf15 sud eaowy- tlrade ___________ eve her1 c arlatne us k se 1lace, diuauoads and braids- ttey- yen hrsealGeet e- nlgs la.ve ~~ ursibeenm èey owece,,o esord tsogstisr semeou-h'ut Archis TePi alGzet asnig siet ef ife for suob a long utile I Bat rtcloesfeeasacswtee-inriakwsmdeahrtte don') mia,! me, dcan.' Fer Falbvciire oe ufent!essae nuit ea thmerS uct h u ni sther) tîe trembliag uitb sym patetie pain, aad licitade octirli cavelopcd Feiîb lu ber liansote teires itniat ouila mbe nove h va Mc ut fie) onirhl,! er.peruocel proeesro Mlid andi,! te . tr friraemnss a ao itwsMîf. ofrs otolelbr Crcole'o vonktwairo.' No, tl.et vn" eel dvacr in locomotion sléýe she selgf. o a-ae ed e ptdo, Arrb; fted my glove. l'Uai enday-,etsPheraeha. Tht mmeftisg ' 1 ugh ne tahavetol so pe Fathies hit ysef.'mcy lte sel,! ofthe proess of ueiting, i l uns v. ry viak lu me te craiplein,, uiir en ycf. iet la carne,! oa tili in the sanie acd rloud yecn bappy-hebrn, Put yrur A les) therthil,! ebord hebeerrth"' elumay- vay ibat it vus in the day-s if head dive on my lap, aad le) me ing -a lile ezurs'netîd l'iy-actd"Arrie the siete uo besrd saite vende nt te ye.' As,, iih ae absolute cus fergave lied fer beiag uiberly- tecutilthe meist ef bic mijoteand,,! iro$i thenu trol if ail te ber uisbco. and uith a fui. Finally the ranniege rolied aey-, viîb icS fan a book.' Tlîin seriorty sedden chage tflastonilierd Fittie, aed pesisg îbneugbhichefrsgnant, devy-of it, end uls't can ho ,mort cambrons liud brote lute a aumoofh. qui e) refraina aiglit, tbc party- emengcd ai Rrck- or vexations thun rur moe of vniing. -a Veactifan boat seg-her clîlvaetuers.. la lave te metieg if laS, the mais voirs of powerad sweusasets ur o- bcd hed roulis- bosgt nrth'iîif ig of pis, bbe precising ot paper, priser te ber sitr. choc) Rectorei. She bcd uadrete>od sud of bleti imipuer or pausas, the lIn. Hildreth, on tbe gardon patb, tbleui l 'va sgrrd country- brase, tnt possessien of as epcrata receptarte for p uses, te liten. Ituco omeemomseratd nev imagined fia uppereire. blet int, the ronstiant iaterrupuieu et ~fore tie presentad imsîf. The tea- Ste vas snrpristd by- isaicr of ieuine the trow of iboagbb te repleaii h te b.il sunaded. autd AeniSemasiba ap. ment, Expra ese uatep) ahordineir flow of lat, the longer interraption ut pennsd, simlicneoesly--aad thechenge te teote, utile -te bigtrci sciîelareiip itie sud of sotie puge te\l hie i nug iurted te ena of ail mieds. Mcd rveeled ilin trtitrc-volnures le or rover lb viîh peaacc. Thon oserrve rertive, hlm ulthout comument if any- every- Iaguage bu) Sascrit in the libe varietles oftoteture tient May- bc %asvions Snruledge of hle. and!7Mr, hrary-; romposition of thencareni excel. nrdr, aetb eiiioeolu iildretbsab oie dent oses perfrCly arceaoîg tse tret msabon e ite The pas mcy te te,!, titi l a ma- b dlean aid sulrpoised. and îbonghî: piaosiand; piester-reete ef gond man- ha,. the peper may-ibc d-fou thia or ,Di,! ste irok iltethut nitauJ brotherbis, opmn hendsormopedeetals iii tte tes itirk, and the f.ît may (liSe ropy. Seymour?' hou aid daingroom-ad veultit, ing lisk) have a vili saeul, or (lisieepy--i Hi vas very- h udoren . It ueo u,îe preclîsmet by the suhtanti-ils o n nket" rmi tik n cosy te eo tht)lie Fîith wuseprend 'roîrea rerpet anid roerirood foreiere, Isuny-feocru rlb .in ibteu vith.i of bimn; and! he someldtisabî ow .eilver tablerservice and n magidrceat] iah tfîsepsibliie.rsateu orme1 ly ahie vue, in thot robe of white, vith supper. Hildrebh'u atteations te F'citb fresh nuisance furer f i rtesud inter-i thc tendril svine irciliag -overit. lied aut! heomeci eremariscd os f hsy- souit finces viîb bis csmnfîrt, a,.,!therîfore1 utceed tem eresuly, as tbey- teid b.. The yunig gui ueutirly hatppy-, viab the e aad effeit of bis compo- at tht gale an heur liýter, snyiag gsod. but ilia,m oold-vf.c, eame uvay, siftile.' i-ie peu leaves s psfbwuy- ut igt aller the fouhien of lirns, if aet yet satiefle,!, Ste wuse o jealous hlutue. the tubetu eesu te iutpat the sigbt smddened ber, on ber ovu se- fer tiir olter bbc) sule reasetet fiee mort andthebîpuper, or ha te bie sbalsenu et coulet, the feelngwase submerged lu bots courtesy uhicb Hiidrith seved bylie a ide asteîrosncb dip tate disu,!- staiatly in anoter-oliîituds fsr ber for bihe obher yousg udireslieder bise ueagi if ahieinpe. If not, th£ young asteru huppines. Thie Ru roof, uboue admiration for hlme vas vritifig enfers. Every ilis surrouuidod dreth, vif h bis peuerfnl cbîrm of face quiti evident. lis a rouad paad, andthe istoilef tii Va, and eooviy-wvs lho uîterly- raicte 1f1bave lbcd ns proof that I vili se- g'., sud the siber caudate Ilataera lapm Faithie ? Hi oote,! se-appecred or copt,' ashoaidsel, c erteif. ut'leidiug fieleiton of fuis, te bo dfseipsted isto rathenl; sho aimnti prny-ed ho might lie, the limida of ber hain bousde thc bed hrosd lugeons on the pressurîeofthtei though lb seemet! a valu prayen. She opan ashirl Taih aos lready leep btifg pupar Thou shii.is if haire lu ba biddee score ef min; aile tiugbt ing. veur peu, if bIseS amours up the eadi' their hennie infeior te vemene-be- The tire vast drawfng rieur for Made eof y-sun fiasoir, of persa digging fatotshle lisved thir sresgth animai snd ihein roture te NewuYenS, lb vaesiresdy pupcr.or cidiag iiiceauuiy ovîrgrsy natures foui. Her lutile vild-roeemie' setiedt iaf Faith wusete @pend! thé vie- rpots i In savrd, the pet. ad is are tir- uha manu tbat i@bat! ever isueun tir viîh lber therstoneagtîiy autiqnsted, and fit fur e use fit te maf'y hiers-1 She fti"le There vas oae smonace et plousure pace in the Keningtoni Museum, laear standard o ent ssnsible sud prac i. Mud boad net cjoed.ot!. b as iride teantiquaet!Itaulienecaches. Who cal, she boievo,! it, and! sever lu ail ber ir drive about Beach Laisi, the phore viliitise ap ast! g vo us a portail vbicb lifte bcd ihe come ln contact vi ah one of uhich vas rqual, in n uuall uay, tf0 shahl do sul the goret that the peunsnd uhe boadresohedit t. She vas viliiug Pontchartrain. Ilbwunabout tue lis do, vitb nanastf their dratwtacks? te blieve hirseif peralfurly unforbu- mile. fror uihe hboum. an,! but a ebori __________ cate, bowverr. But Taithie, ennglcd distanceî frîm Iecimeri. Ih vsor A wy osntechc-enblt utile 8 ais ssfrc ta wscrn-srtiiua, rangea! thai Mr. Hildrtth vus te dclve lssioe b cîo.ubfr guilileai, trusafal pouing oua bsn ricb thalemou the day- prccledisig Mcdl i' gir igahel orsghhtthve er. rEeail' nte bert-shi wussd liSe te secetbf. partere.pslebtorig atteiiaint Rcugblsn Hfldreth teste,!. Comiug Bu) it ssifed A4net Semastha ta fa,, drumu tfght, the position is net s Date- tronm the fs.iiy- thet hi dit!, i vasi I of icis beudacie os that mema.rabli rai one lu vhicb te drink. aet natuel fer ber te staSe auy seau mereiug, sud Arch's gruel vue ait The Prieparf Iadrpeudet seaais of tai)h on bise. mailaiettmoine. aitb muni stay- i a chrîiîg yesng lady lunalint ciy He te ma good t' sel,!ituile Fsith, homeiand somo ber sont. aha bas in 'retearsal' te fcloiess i-s cîminie bacS, vith a blusb. , Let me stey-, Faithie, eut! yos go; faute: We Mesy sut havi copie,! the 'la hi ?'ll sing rebl songéntil ber heir prescriptioeeu sbatims, but linos, vs Tcitb tautad remorsefuhiy at the stands ou end,' sel,! Ms,, ubea Faith flttin ourselves, dune ampli justic e cela fiai. She ha,! forgottes, asnd pa. reistit! thie dister.1 the oubjiot. The driss is sf maure rsded lbon bappie belte lier master, 9Ne,,' aesaerid Titbf., «cerisial iy eît'de Orre.eYe, viti a long George -h --àe.Ld -.ber Joonl , - Amende, et...i ara _en ue a.ethat Fraucis Trait, frîmmed suouand fie but- ,SI Bythc laet Englisegdeemtural pu ere e ld that there bas bus get isprovemeat la thi.rpupcoe pct. Dry vestiier bad ai0 t l, cooned for aimedey sa ii o erop w» a.lghurvesi. T1%. uarie whoate ba s umcii i4nSd -by cou- tiuued wît cld veather, but thos fields that vers late lu bloominu niera turing ont bote. e i moto& that the. E.gIi.iiwhSor op v i ie b- [av su avoineo, lu- ci oIi lley' viie lattewore promlsnmg tf0bh ue ,in average. The wist arlp frice. vil ai8W i dlotaient im veighbt nsily wbile lu Iseiy, Germusmy sud flmgary. it veuld lhefkir, but mt squat to Iset y-sur in ylîld. Under thë ioleomo. of .tioe weatb4 prevailing-the rimslte risepoo of graim bad beao boekod. sud on.u 1 13tthe top Prim d of viin bio 4W Eglad, as 66 shillins opar quorter of 480 poudet, viii.the. sver- agevnus54à. 3d., or 12a. id.lm thm et tbe mains time hut yemr. To mois. mp for the dofeloM lu thie cerelrp, thei~eeDrop$ up brte bc beve au average ioliWh rotiho boey crop iv unuui ylbenvy, grM abundunt. sud 'root erope of i blmds. iuclndimg potatoos, lise,. movor pinmlmed or greai unsaboudaneotetoy àha tbf. your. As s omueo. ment. vbueh vau uuelly deefr lest y-er. l4 nov compuratfvely cbeosp, pud thones- ue of cousomption. in m o,AM p à prionsu otgruiu. Yet, ou the Î"io.. vo thimik that uheut in ton o e, sud viii go np bY the 1o.. Iu hope the report le tuat tihe uîop ali lie a very ehort oee ndoed. Tii. planta are bodly eflected i tii vermnl and bliglit, and the aldient ef dry wur veaiher messisrtber te have lieM thoan diîuiuiobed the cvii. Tiiere*I sj lbe lie thon huif a trop, sud that uf feferfor quality.-CecadesFertr (Fr e 0iew a uIarne.) Tvo yeorusie*i 1 sowed fbrty fisuris of wklat nt onee fiel d. The land wvu good, and hadl beco ohopped abuet lve yeurs. The wheat f6ifed, beiugaoR ente by midge, and 1I.ouiy sold about iaiy buhele of pour tbf stsuff, front the wboli forty acres. Tbis..1 thoulit would not play, and 1 determlned ta mcrd dowu the luat Pail un the. vb.st tulbbies, lrith tinaotby. Affir hsrrov- iug the atbbee vel botbwanys. I eov- id the timnotby-eeed It fthc rate cf about ix peende te the air.. 1u aR cme up as vil I ai possible, bat vus unoble te stand the follewiuc vinter. and nome of it dii,!. ln Apili, 111101- id ubout six poundu oft dorer, aud pnt up the finies te keep eut the sate, do- termfned te rive thi edoe9rY chance. t ccivvery viii, sud aient if tuie tiiuotlîy. that seesned dentd luths Sprisg. t hurlet vak tbrie fot hlh sud yfeldid about hait s ton te tihe acre. Lebor b -tb eZrt@Dacre and bey pleuly, Ikp h.,t' for Pulil feid. sud §ler or botter, 1 sel. dom if cuir nom, Tbisf. lly repd me the test of smd. Neit Jyear 1iOn. put teae eoe ofJýhi largoot un volt an the bout fields of hay lu Western Cana- da. I bave tried il wsys fbr seidimg, and would'mdvise evc'y-oe oteow en-i. othy sud clouer lu the Spriug iutend of pu. an the front injure the Yeung plante. To produci tho very but quallty ot minalovounov wlandesviors the. trot trop if grain, frou. auj esme. bsuscO boe uon or seeded iu the memal Damier, thevo le ne botter plan thon te env dir cet on thc uov land aisosgsstiie jrepreIit for the eMd, mevw, sud hsrru in witb ambuê, draggiug It bobli vay-e, leugtbwuays sud mre., O. Wan kToraht'suiktateri. Maris Twinin i.somuffisa oueditor- il charge of teoBufralo Ezilveom fl. emly P remises, I teuy is .1mbhal- ore partiesu holiog àa ilemlyIntornat in the prospcrisy oftheourmal tt Iaus ot ging ta hurt the piper delieratel' and imttitcally et amy time. I s. Dot gonug te irtroda. su«Y etartling roe forma or lu uuy vuy iteispt ta eso trouble. 1 go umplygesug te du My plain,upreteudiiec duty, viîi els- flot gît ont ef t; Isaoliworib dlklgoet- ]y sud heoti, aPd falîbfolly et 0ii dule and npoe 811l ueuionut, viios rvte aud at shall oimpol me t te el; lu Vilîg I aîifl aiayis cola. My- self etlyti te the trmatb, eb"pt ubu if f. iattendied ihii iu. e lmio; r aolai vitberiugly remise aIl ferme of cri me sud msomdnet, exoopt vbom commitd by thi parly iuhbbtlmg My ovu vit ;I #hllbot otmais. mme fiouc or vmal Dillpen a se ooie.or mdr ay iirsmtaneili. udsaoli ever ms poaiyexeepu lu dislmalg hom reot sud fuxes. limssd, Upou e0o-d tbonchf, I uflsot avoeu.mIft!im for if le umhrftisu, im.flst md 1de. gra.ig-thnegi, tea peas triy I do net seîfioalbouse ros, sud tesse ore go- iusr te hiedieou osi etb asaint viti, cet lb. Iia;i mot oftom iiddevîtia poltise, beo2ols.vo have sapoNt" ied- iter who fi alresdy eucelento, sud coil sueds te serveimterm Iu the p:iautelry.r N i 1 nmimou M.. 1 1 1 1 do