Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Aug 1869, p. 2

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0 FFER n'b thepublic Ch. flut Seated t3tock of OILS,> PAINTS, GLASS, O LÂSSVARIC, * GtIOCERlB$, TliI'S, ýUGARS, TOBACCOS, SOFT.SIELL ALMONDS, WALL PAPES, WINDOW CURTAIN-1, WINES, BRANDIES, OLDRYE &COMNMON WHISKIES, COAL OIL, LAMPS AND CH[MNINE YS, FACTORY COTTOŽ4S, PRINTO, D)ENIMýS, TICKiNGS, PAPxEi COLLARS, &c., &c. The bet eassortd and cheapet plaleet lsy in tewf. raum Prune taken ini Exchiange. GEORGE SMITH. Uil.. Affut 1Itb, 1869. 9-tf M ILTON. AUQUST 12, 1869. Wv c nnueeeed iast vecit a change in the elitorial manageûmCntLOf the CIont- yoos, inee then we have renived fruen t'je fornmer editor(teu lote for jaserti nia our lat issue) socse nadictor>' remarks exjliiag the chanze, and expresing bais wrm feelings of attachment te bia friecdc eibtis ent>'. le-eYs: It wss frnm nuoiant of publie sup port tat e socght au extension of ounr ditoril labors, un the centrar>', me have resne be ýdecply grateful te the peuple of "Gloriusu Old Haiton" for tisa gmeroun ympathy nnd pratical auppet tliey bave etah iltimes howe themuelyeusu reasiy lu affurel. WC nabl. ever cheriis the memer>' of unr mnny friende in thFl eeuty, and lok bnnk lu the fine ycacs pent in publie juuraaliem tisero ith pleasure ,nnd de- lighs. Like life in general,.it bae been a chequered existanoe; Warma friend- ehipe cud trong enraitieu hnve hen ecx srî" idaring the met oentful cecetion contesl ecer held in thin Cone-tY, e con - test whiich was pl.sned onu a purel>' per- eonnlissue, nnd which mon cunied on for twebve menthe in thse most virulent nanner. The miro friedelsips evoked durîng that couet nstill reuin,tbeetroeg eumitachavedied away,so thaîme dupait for eur env nene et labor vithout, ns fur an me re amre, lenvien une enemy behîed, enI lee.c, meeanousu>'for unr- elves, thtIeutbuahrber nu iii feeling aglnc a y mnn, but, on the cuntrîr>'. twil bu glad te bear of the prgsperity and aenccesorc cl me leave bnhind. «We have net removed nu fr that w, canantuletum frcqnentiy t e sllun, and We trou ofecute lu-ep tihe hand, and gane on the nId femilisr faces f nu frieeds j intaIt eunty. IVe bave e eili bigiier nmotive than ak Iseniar, une, uhen meuenk fra eontcucce of support for the CUAM]É rioN, wieh, under ite cc mannnge- ment wiii, me fel coefident, buc tli mre furlby cf the public suppor,aned vii met viti ctinuai emd ieereaoîuj A ouceepsdeet eqeires whtber or et Bey peealdac neimpuned fur eing voigita.net tamped b>' the leepector uppuiti b>' l uCnty Cuneil.- The daiu, o f the Inspector are lerly dî,sci hy Statute. lie lu required ts attend,,5ntt eeer then tviceeinje ti mct,é dinetid by the Counnetl, te ex- amlet »d eumpare Chu wightecand mecenrés beuught te hlm fur inhpetiun, and u tmp tigefeidorrent. Oan menths naise ef the lime end plues app.inted iu te bc giec. Hier>'ture- keeper. hpkeeper, tmille, ditiller, BEIIIAI.T H E C R OPS. NItîs OF TUE WEEL CANtlIERS. fSad Accident jen1thé st. Lawrence- Ducag be ebeiin l Ih Uete A OUNIFU H RVBT. vAîu.London wsnlu a publie peck. PsIEuCoTT, AnIgua 9-A vtry Bad Staur, ahe nu l inir he p itedofA-Torneu csbLins re nîîl onaPAINk..aicident ncurred yeieedy nfteneeon, Stte, ets-nîeerbl priosomr tf i. c.-. . se imî. It nasid tiet Qneess lsanelle in dis. Tr, t pbic resiOn nctreil opposite Mititnd, Ont.,,entend dia. efîr . - Yoneg Indice Whoisuay roquel r' bylishe espiig of e euil bet, b>' micîs lue Pence Demorate Isldi>'advanced rmpOsoedtn nb. a nfvornofthe Prineknovn asuImeidenail for luwn. Me. Fred Iledto ,of Ibis Place, ssold the idna, that hu obligatiunc of the Fcnt ceCsestedse. f Airins. Tise SpnesnhGoveraseunt lien. Dr.Bunnaarrived je Torontohie bretter, lMr. Jýaes fodgesof nation te rupa>' the immense nmonnts Ie rder tn kuep ounemrladers feu>' Ibasilfecdtaeil Cuba tulise Uniedfronts Sotlessd, un Thurcdey. St. Maryi.Oui., meel an entimei> borrumcd un the treegtb ofthe ntional postcd np nn tise inîjent bahve tx. Statesei stern ei. Thn Cerlisé A lad barmud Stergeos idrevecd. denti. Tho young g. tinnsen and a lai fsitb nbeuld lie rnpudicted. Iednnd, pendud snunse ime end troable te ayc>'ie- mesaos lenaniset died out. TheinjeKineeardine, Mnndu>'. uend Luny e>nre -etnrnsrsg aitlra mme>' short sighied politiciens uf the ne fore tihunt fuiland enthensie repusse Curteiii assemsble ieOctobor, aid' Mii Rye lis ni Niogera, the guet of eeki fioing je the, vininis>'nfCieay. srupulons Cuppcrhead geus, bul nc the diffuirent perts ef this Cest'preen mt c Kig1 IRubt. N. Biii, Etq. ton. N. Y.,ad ered luisisin cihtî miles cd, r delarci tbcy buievnd this nenv uf tls nonaltebaede>'. Ourinlfor- iA dqtructive fine unnurred te Potuel e! beru hizte boutfrieenaieon eau,, wy of p>'ig oddbe h ny arv:matsue eusses fltesapruetisal monu, uni utAleT atTAN. lp Mna. Lese$25,00. tme a o nie 'bn il ngte vs~ ~~~~~ nitedduluiu ninsTI.-. oio Iord>istieLet e »n tie, e te Frd, ise lion for the cuntry'. Since the close wmiseeopinioes and judgoeat thu grtst. s , riae Th rsbtranSbat coo fynnsgnr bretiser, ncmtdt en of~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~n tiemrlsjnjn u at-uc n eieum>'b ae> lie.U-meetssand deidcd te bolid e geecrai Brampton, Ladl e pie nie one Teuducahore fer aid bot his sterccgtfiied, ofth athen, but s Ie tat eslt teibneesh bli et hi pae yen ni'Synod t an nriy day t o nosisder ftiselet. and bie brother smars, f nS te tcboat lune attenion, but a the Il binied til te thebaserbas aonceiser>'rktofbnha-sdusRinethnryPribco Are n nee miiiArthur e learrive i Hal luisi e mbi senecbusbuFendetbord dieoppcnr*ndd buadholere"nnd espelal>' Ioseennilepart of thu resuitsmuet bu loft Ctnmnh usder Prescnri ireamslssces. about tise 216t. Tuedrbetnstenssmu foreigners mho bai nuppied tecliens- t ajeIn btm as onjee aibser e taen isequir>' resectisg Asrosrmunîi tNaeaareand fera rte tent in lecuet m>' wth malses, Whise truggiieg ithi t peoper tu give iheae ecreinl>' formud the bonedurie bctweess tise U. S. aedone Seturda>' niigt. hcamoersailtndissesýpsakeuThesoy a gguniefeubav nvîy bue s anisseet ent j dCanadai, r. tmavrepliud tiset th' 1 Tenders fer fane or file etfnenls mure scpLiedbrin.-had gineppcrcde.btu bey anpiaty guud mark fui- Ihee paii nimeosat pennrîthterliet pvnaibie land quentionu ralesd> stted- o ic tiercnia ilviionoehbucldver- ditdsieea nAsrnt is esialgoût!vsemandr torthe pblin er>', itelgeue. Wtors t nînliep;iase With regard ta tise miter bouindaries, îsedfr- bota suce ontAisce scie iétigurswhopaner e te pbli cy, ntelignci Wihou exeptoninEnri RussellilLa, je 1560, proponed i j - Seth, Eq., B.A.,btu e rssgs- accident. an.d masde iesvu>'ber(, miti lue idea lins eefusered, and the thiiaCanai>' ee>'kLad e! rup je e eue- rtisat tise mester Lete fred ta arbitra- cdoies staina Iciroftetesdnwwic frwade ltr tiae.Tie n Uited States Goermseentc ensesies ensre L b u es iitirvacpgnî polin>' uf diohoneut>' applanded b>' aes-nhing' jesafaiciru. Tieeeoîd, mt egreneeta ibis proposai.but ,,cgeîioions i mrSioiasBep en o u nce te wt isi t's rFeIect certiaialoeeof boith politiniana and mcîbher0 i tre mont emrkibiennmmer, vere intcrrupted by tien eeingout of1 Inna npaeeonififcen da>',,nigmennctdoih cLettebv nevlsapems. The cfforts f tihoubas prevedl a biessissg instead of a detri- vor.Il, (leteber let tue AoeninnnIthe lent of Juiy,lise Monîreel poliice ccybei-c, and.vea s Vei r>'pmiinc vorttealsa ba th naure cient ! f ecd inireîl>, -i Ooes-renet rese md the proposition fer -kilied rover 300 unileenseel degn. y<ees n Mse, enivcrsgiiy ikcd b>'aili- wriehaehdtentrlefcofment ta tise armer, ad nily eabtain n onin ma n- Alit)5co1wa tb c b W Mn" Juncoedtms , u etsev. lovuring the veine a! United States tise vboie commînit'ancd eme al> cd nisicli nov avait. the ratification Of Casie, nti 8-nisnnekhucs, on Sitra elro tt otolBn seceritien in Foreign markets,anad on- nov cîpent tîte etema f nthe muetthn Susitc. andsini fn1et pnted te lieu res>',Msy's, Ont. Tirsetauer Precai ecqunil' hve -adt» ">'batand a lrge Part>' of deciaseda friendui Ceunl hu peuple bv bi ae uýpikun uf, btseidoo scee, lgond itAC. Caleb Dandywme c cideetail>' nus to cPs thiesneoreit srennvnr the bodis la the ehaeuo! discounts, millioae more 't-II.' Tihamidiger iLet terrible Eugenin viliiisit Contaetinple pienea b>' m respieg nanhin@ in teiieîsssif psibli.-Lnsidcc nl re .1luýet the a giiculiuraltet, bas nosti jei. at ek tirat wold hve lcou cquil ifth 1t Irincxpecd ihet tise Enpnrr iii Tise periloe bliglet basa de ils op- MIAtcze'TetL - etbey about 14 puchisca f thujr bonde had nsua i- masdeisa ippearanltail je meti0- Boesiueca msniinuîo, onneussetsng, ns perîsce in Kingi Ceussa>',Newt Brun-au ororensi Robert Dergi eral>lutsked mith sonne suspictons calitie, and in othera je sceea est>'isn te mt une t fis pranat goeritnet, iet. 1-incars e e, errssglfe.,H Thm the gond felaithtone vose pramisesajment amml nunhurs se tu bu ecomset>' the dedactiesn ofne-rtistaxees and tLe - Theso yene Cssnsseianvisa o letiCa"son,c Ie ,epriy sondef$1C.adH a TI te~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pi'ts> cuhyn.enbtntoio.Ts uttrtîi'cinsne tise edunstienual systesi of ande fnr iLseUnitedSttles nsuet -o cs ysecsy ile84 c ag tn nny hjnnl rbu rniedn i nte,r- bea beniitint mssTLe eaemo mdFsane. ent eteunsion unreannsehut tei rinoMr. tRente-st Ie waa . 1 Fiancet.e agbes.]seougiel heig oue ore tise - Mtyni- titis Mers- et iiom tre speechseof Asd> John- 1lb>'tisee nd t' fibis veut, if tha fuiji- The U. S. boeded moi-ct Insu in PLil- r aieo oadTws iandganveeteep te iedbuthlicrimne, sus-loto Preidet ni. the Uenited easser contisnes, sean>' ailithe gi-ainadephia, entaiisg 40,000 bnrreîu aiof r.KLnti sci-, nbitl off TnnvoeisiOf stsd iso e pt ing, t nit ucseo> $ae wh ihu n shwo ilb al scrd heancite Isevaue e tn o pen opitelisferk, oeeof tise pronge trinkete and tise eniolynent ef as nenl eei-np.u e ttm nI ealljatios for a Fo u xhngsw cr htto einvessmillisendollars, sburoud ronning itaiseheurt. - proen Ife wasco eneented fer trial. ettepi i i-as ur euheguemn aretist tst nigit. Foer nilidenesmre tiiind A ruenrur ies gnon that Il. W. grillosechi-n of iaith, boldi>' rucena- tise enlire Provncse, and me mu>' eufiy hlfalitug bricks. IScot,,Ni. P. P, iii b Conotsioner Gue,,u usiea esaifer Au- mone he outryterecseto DO>'ifsn ute DomMion bas beens nesuati>' A ýai ofMnrdnrnrs have fir ae l o ni C Lando vice iclisareln An>' gant appea or l ndwti v, jnoîri de iste. lan>'pîa-su far ase bilseudseyjea mitlsi onttdotres L imn esaeu si hre eneoet niietan, cbnnge viiltechbottr tiraitnoire. abilie aeto si] rcn me con leru frm thenteicgi-cphic ru- fer it, icore ni tise itubas-l, a n ad 'isluec, tnd anteuilher uf cteset'uf Judue Metiieeis.Cont>'Jud -ze fer tis'hef -ig i o pors-is Iltthe bosd halldes e ' ru b funaas-e - -, - riy isttpltece isave ises scnrdced. Su3- Leeds ndGeneilie, fî-r ithiudtis tseise lte Loiivin t'Ynena: ie orllruad>hv'benmae. W e fficen fnr eer 25 yennn Las ncigned Hwarad lci 1oýY lt iIe, ale dy alcucuasnif tht. intemet tnv npeicg for es. las Bone di2ticts mel ssuesi fer ciler paritie, batin ane il.(neI OC"b iesil oii0 oie afev >earomaaid psy botinterRt thle midue isu spynred, and ijet utienru atunpi taserevutintcrathe Sterif anSd -set ne'b' t sss es1sr and prnipal. Tiongi me duoaune tise gi-in aLus l lmach bodgndand Plen eru sot vit orgasedresi,- Tv lBritisht mur veeelurecentl>' Ttc latter n s -1wuooo suffrae soz f il bu duesl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ne.Aleradeoperîtu iglit titey - neecisolit u tnenedo a esi iesns ne î am lienu Ilattis i esy wlmti sote o s l acdebout b>' tise nurm 0, buCtise er e ocedtr etire. mt tva mes làteannd a & sunober a scrinun tistegmsifuin tesond lu th mie tee tise faut as ireubelienjetise eigtceî'fersthe cpriis ni>. Ttc general kiied and eerai veandid.finhisng greunds. ttc pime er ttc Geent pnr ynucsasd te degi-e enuged b>'oneuvia Las ihld pa tanee th tuprieusviliieLu TURKEY.A ansng mna trine-I isseuc areni uowayestnte dollache pet teboter the igh position ai Chie! Magistrate easonabyhi'igit. This 'Ilenm jise A d1H 'tliasocre Lbteotls flegs eutffid, age ei6 puai-e dnfiar ueg e teu tnvnihrec e e atho er. of the country, in a ignifice tfilntht i c ticebLie fer tiru large imomigration iresuelimse l'cie aed lite Vicecre ' o jnosi y isie l-uofft> t f-ntieuin eg clus.iSon ai-elffente forsse o i-en fil teaeffecl tue alun ai United If uheu GiS XViI ccdtee nv e ,y pt; but iu n a fuir oea>'nihsof c -as euyefene.aiiguO Ssit snetfreu- cannta veu nr - e A Canedias Siegetionu viiivieiie "cepe A"des , W V lisne>', Stale e ueilieu, and talover je tise coreaviii find food nugit and t s feiyad ecal etld rneEwadIln hs ott oedeo,0 opiniton!tise vai-Sthîe mrai chanace pae.Ttc taituing aru tise reports Aitin.~arconea tise e înnssniils admisusionainte ora fpyia spare. - ~~~~Afaia nJapan ai-neneunseticd, ihe Densiiieis. dsn l iisjset f>iei ter o the eople fra c urrespocdcnte viinite fesi tnd seihsneliity liussenun le feresIessn, Tise, Répeetc suys :-" A Icite va8annud smental Calltr mc A s ejest uss nccnt.rcetned. Lleis OuII gel op, asd ees- ei Lie fosn ensi g crrect. tlEttgiish memai- in Cfitieseerceeecdin G-otionsWeS,Iets>' Isse1$tstains sieeclln-iiie ymd ugp-sTi.Mts.;ov-Fall mieat, 40 tu 45 vaters, haesee eestnedceesi leaYeknttu nddnnnsed Te iten EIliefret Ilt cal ente n -isel ni errt> ton buoshliaper acre ; Spniemsa r inn e, n-e ogitsngioullsce teni 2tOet5n' iu y ci soen e-f ,ieptndse. Tei-o, The cae ofa!Reiffentein, the erb ik ~sssgo preef viseal, 30tit»35 ebotl telce, fhan becs ordered ta e elaite il e h Fase S seluece miso afuer emhclisglarge amnuents ut do ;bai-l>,Ovni-40 do ;ryn, istrdi>' main. Capt. N"esbiti, nf tire 36h15Befti. utMasm. puli non>' vs ditndtabatan an>'ne noter, 50 te 60 de ; I-cl AneTIt. Pcec, recined en Mcssday, rtu, tse bronze psuple mtuon, fndieredi>' bailndtie i-ps, megifltha>'. 2 tens do ; Duinuse discueien ci theise ne s sssdelieiie ee n-sa..tise lDomsinieton i u w13i.ne D .tof this esapdtete renl soeso tepeut, 30 buabele de; fi-ui-tep, gned. istsu. in tish eîerstBcrnes Xee IlMaSîtchle t Liprairie, tn Sepîrsober 'Peen, Ile-s uss ie stssck a esseepri aeigltboing Repeblin, is exiting iedig P,£Ettmuo-Fýalmieal. 35 busniesin eet siS 51van ssatasi-saute pi-oise let. asseite(t t of'DeIl -1,'tIf- f tise en>' temnt cnnntsfile whisavisitprense ni.-Ppr acre ; i-priog vîseat. 25 de ;bar- teacoelianpeucenlor a cersidena A Brastiolady sS>, vise is sceunleiatbest ejueity, -ste'a t1 s-sl, et veny Cansin. rhuttLc basbeesni-tey>, 45 Se ; peas, 30tS; ote, 50 de ; lengho i niie ; Lut lieexcpnessed auts1 -A-ofSertescritnunset s d,ise slntin lwIle t i îe sele o effei i uareesnesste ne iu mSentInr - es>. l. tons de ; fruit etail tius, a opinion lieut if nu yen oceurl d -Ciiesego tcyiesg le gel a cdivorce. ILt s e>' Stnilfil neee titernî carlesnes-t us th mide eaSrni z >' yeiS ;tientc c ep esermoss. tLe nect four yess, tisee ristsii le ctagss.;d îlsin li itbuelsif' il,g stteeiesnu, ni tsy e-en pIci.gel- Ldiepiaynd ia h aiuto ft heu NAecAo.ssEiY. --Feu uLct, cf' ise peule t Europe foi- a long ,Pe n ie earceude. l mone> af lie countr>', ltaa fotc iins30 te 35 bbels pr ocre;' ntnd beloed moncenîin. Tien Stý Thoises Dixl tei, ' truc - calotbhodened, and miici ie-e Sprieg wvient, 20 do ; sidge preof -* bloc"eoCnsecenstee, carot sec tie se Se ICd lV licat i ScCd 1'"11111 greit disenudit un lise Guvereent, j nuet, 25 do ; isriev, 40 de elîn, 45 of lre-cc tatet. n ise Ceelities t eei pest' ' mhseolrkvo tsu enheduonscyite 50 dSe;ryc, net mucit eeve; pîu, fre nenscet-et Ottawa. Gens- eabout q'i sssi-s >aile- e- i5c0l-hie unuentctd or>'sm aa>stmaic30 te 35 du; i-unIcm>' lents emli. W en inBnlsTigep tise ,-druS i-csue t laeeccion i? l.te leel l i'e ese, s-'e lste onuneecedfr easa yseatc OAntVtî..-FOii visean. 35Ilusoi ene facto aed figues c uLeLshowvtht lIedIRivenritel s-> tnheurt uffer-nc aceeeeupiiferieg. Naiieg neil uâise- esper nre ; Spnisng ubeun, 25 ti roasi unrier the managenof ting îfieSnosgîeî On tise ltit ,îles,- ~letn fy tic peuple of ti country' bel a rigid -to, eidge pi-cofilleent, 25 de ; bar- Mrc Brydecs, ju ublaieisg e lat-gu und hoeeser, tise>'bnsaute ncopioss how ands namniolg invetgation ie Lthe le>, 40 do; Iteas, 35 Sdonats, 5t0Seo icreasine amusoattofisasinese. WîssenaSe1r>iigletSilgil A is t o L eS t te ls muisngnfli nds asiatîc dpau.rye, 40 do ;te>', 3 toue do; frui cnp, n Cospn> sn c tetnihing cuop is excpel enpceiail> wokig f heaui ad itr epr u bonanst ; Ilt trop, ecelent.-Prou tien ast six ynuctheCmaybs c f thec ouilais. Il tEszIeel su in e edssil t-est tltiec meolte o!sthe Goversement. Tise King- pect iu eter lisse foi- ten yers pase. pendusi£150,000 terling pem unun, Kenaedy, tise Seotai Vonlisi, pas(sc-elei 'ists en Nesca of Saturda>' nys- Ail tindo Lunveoled ai-nfutaaLue te is isspnove esents, Lsidee tis ei-g5i5i- cd Ibrongi Outescin, tll Motedu', et teei ic Nsi1s is2)e lu niena s S hme Lsumbnlens verge 'sud. uanodinen>' nîpeediture. This large ecate farcester. Aeo h in eeeu s I,,i r Ce W s O8 jn erti deprsments rOtewa have Nct.ox,.-FeslI misat, 35 busels .te iono bcefaniion LI.siofiseeobieiCeces i itttc-niJ M abaron ie the habit ut leeing eetibs - pr ecru; oeidgeui-cfhet, 25 do - yp aenntis t cusPoatuin m îtotes, tct rjeicieeg in tLe puasestion -so -s- leaiuil iie-.e., .i inaone peuple hmieg Ltricoolsith Sprteg viselt, 25 do; pou, 35 deo; prensng thieisuiiesing ni tise rond, pui t oftre or four vives i Kennedy gaove Jc~ne. t1 niclse titer, a. a dee thseese oft'eltars,»40 do; bilc'.30 ;hes>, Il -tees ing in e greaentusben cf seenu ieepruhiie odO elsasnoIuhusrng I'os te ise pacleli nuen-uerau ete snoins me baerk la ngypu foared do; frin il knsaodn i)Pcbuildiogsandssi are-Louse, saeisnt tlise lujetjof peilzyn>, btthtiso IitAtMEii, heir cyeemmtisd demandai. Repet ternes, extra ;ranis, getcanli>, lr'Cma> r ncidmtgnse sit 51qsuitteoplonsti>', sud be Lad teas.eeeue easerises te Reiffunatuin the ccseipt oni guellpropect. cte nbis vs>'vitienut aiesg an>' - hsne> dsueeuciirum e certain fiennil PORT NitLsoN.-Fasli wvitet, 35in tu u> tdolisebsitees of tiseconatiry,.eouverte. ES TIIA Y. intutiounîafutUpper Canada. Prenait- 40 buebuis pr uni-e ;midgo proof Th, >"irgIs-hnea: Wnuco îuIS on CîsseISentAn s c icesNtDi. tiens tn enolher dnpnrtrmnelae sansi 50evLol. 30 id)e;Spring visesl, 20 te 2515 The renipte f titis i-l ,noimis. XVtt[Ce oI 8T-ttc Do?"-It &coinsiet thi. I lbe depeedtheu un oiseqau'c or drafuadrive jcdene oo!aespuriaor eficr miso d-ver>' largengreain eandlong st-av tanding tise datinesa et tradu in Caca- iMc tcisffentuit's inîsenraîterieudSeru-etesutesse esosfeee s 1 thet- infvu o ulriu ficewoberîe 30 do--grain pinmp ;pecu, 30 da. are nom inermitget tLe rate oa idnsiectiog is Iu piendid tnspstulistp ningiet eesstssfii.sss-eue1ntt g ohueupea eccmeosdabis dupe ta the do;eat» 45 su 5t do; ha>, 2 teus - about $20,000 s meit, ain lherinaietsnomwa>' snqaii-utise sympatte> e tseo -ecthe e,.î.eet;, use ctsgee es, Iltuke hc oasasderaîiue ut Miisters, Thisa e tbn eeecy.ihtadn 't ab iti ob ivtfi rostafi fgnra uIi. 11 nno, hy -Y ()E1I UIý van e ha h oan er> el tei eaîutnighelt b iti ut tsttiegoe -fc tgnns a8.I-3setLe'n>,.oEliTC Mie>,n alaliisaGotheemepitlseulc;fruit, ai il kieda, gond cni-;tpirtIe line u ring mie pi-sons peur vilI a saoil tiing lite hie, wmisitl o Ago ri Oi.Ot ae t jenroute, grlpromieuo! as extrate . rechteua of tetetetet0terlins brak ow fi sa e itnu ar eaitoilie natylese aei g. rp en ie sseensetnilg ,n on ? 'SirWauted Immnediatellv. legitmato ncorm s isislere, me be- W ELLINGTON Squ.àauc. -Faîl vcal, or about $,0,001I sas rt dfnnir"Doec ere ,ldtilal h jutere, are ignorant r bave Lbel lue long 35 basnele pen sre; Spring sbl.' 20fytnn te knum tai uhe Grand Trak inaseicen Me. R. ereseesithe St. Lawrence, A Ianaun neiodteits- L ignoan o! tiage imeglarilin. We do ; i idgu prof, mienî, 25 de ; bar.eecy ean borbiag mre and mars nf ihe bsetteion a ver>' Ilsggcaus.l andsi E1si Fss n eîe y eeyope It he Reiffenstejaie- le>', oer 25 do; pue, 25 de; onathîe erryingbsiesof t hiî cauntry, positive1>' delinca a tenl ta blsIcod PAI N T 1~ B 'fairvili expoee the miadoinga ut publie 45 do; a ierteolus; irait, extra eeape eippers une nov enaiesi to gntstuatton uniese bue rene a publien Apîsi>' t tise COHAMPION" OFFICE. o ffilouesmad pt n effectuai check openni-uop ;rroute, loctvel cend a largueCisete peodetce d firciit ith greaier npoloagp5Rand is accordeS a ete sesuecf their oneâene in tathe future." quantil>' plaaied. regutarîtt iieretatore, and Oeruil - enton>. Iflise peues fumisLes un>' e te- If tia aememnt u teeuntupene>' Buioî-Ful mhet, 3 hueeis itb muet more deepalcis tiens b>'tise rien for the future, it in moi-e ta i t e-I If hi stteen ofou ctemorry ROTE-Fai het, 5 us e lS mencut ofconnepeece. Tlsnt tua 1>]ylist heovii gct bt.-Diog>' olitE N J 3I l. pur; Spring mbet, 25 do; baile>', bu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 0 en> a r h unnardnl am;succese maiel>' eieg ta tisa uneaighi e. le hLae bu mcdoie hsterriraicl oi Ipeas, 30 do inote. 50 dc ; Lcy, ansigesinic qeîs tAr he benade e bojutterste2g n tans do; fritofai nl tinsis, sgond Brge, Sousinestaitais danIjt TenLnoIr.igal, sa r dTteag tie peisosue 0L uIrmihuong i id ; rolcroi, enarmouno, hiere ia eo publie mes je Canaan îLsmtic eon the pnoposed aunionu aiBrillis j dmttngth pislir e ai wthut Asaoynv.-Folviseat, 40 bustesas Leaunnmuseeoauadi>'ebunsdin je r- Colunbia te tLe Dominion, cumrteks iIi 1cannultieg ils te Attorney>'Genemîi pr ouie; Sprieg vissai, 25 te 30 do; taie qscruem. Inst ulsacanuebhonjPurnthe prenunt SeaS look in tise ne-LUilbYar a o ule asa>' ttrne', neextem liige pi-oui mises, 25 ta 30; bailssiriled b>' then iadiag jonrlu u-tegttnu>- WLtilabîecd injsdiiane.It jatran hat y 40 do; rcu, 35 t» 40 de; oset, 50 du ;iren1ni iietho Saip o h nn, fi lai' s-ten etb injdiil Itli tucthtiepuehapa peu, 30 ;route. gosi ; ha>'5 2 tees; fe! Li e ofsct i mch ha is hele!tabes b>' the one Bide eor tise ctiscm sa m e>' slei cîd nerding te atiect ro fi-itloboks mli. Menagen.; miilinEngouaît, tnsogut- ccd otilhe Ivo parties îLe Colasobienu EIîI8eiteeîo e AINTICRS WANTII. Tw-noyepa nulesite bars the fBeltieee tie N " sot Ir, ced 205. Apetl>' - iosodietir, ta E,.1tAWTORPNE. Juiee.lt>'2lin, 1su36. 6-4t DONINioNOF C <ANetItIA. ntiseceee siNE V-tý.tt s , 1-lCeesie ceaitetof slnttn. tlu0 Iosel>' ie tien neuter et SNuIIIP. 010110. SCreetitetro. teieiengand ses Satus- .ey, theNisetis etu>'oei ton enot. tie uitt ,,t, t.,,tie.i týicisttie.nid CourItfon a 1)t.tet Milîtonthin 2n0 day et Asesel, A. t. ietcJ tieri e'. . TI ErO>' l-m 1iu A5ttort CJ dLles Faim for SaIc,I t>EINGtthe Eantiatt et L, in tieLI Ucott, ..,'Lt tnf.esttme.stinisgIOts MernO tlu soose.îesrud lienhe resýiceter nell-tisn- lucreS, eiit Franeo sus ese tara. teYoung Orchterd tennise fruit. an t i-o (;ued Wells oneecmemiena tienauoner lot, aitsalud oan the easutisg umailti-en 5treetilentetuw villreand nttenet t» Setesi, Post SOffie msd 1 tere Tille isedisp.t.ise. t'tesistn cien sntchetIl. eer tui-tstr5 prtseelr,epfflytygenALEX Mel.Ee-TN. nitt.letosestmýtaten eft Its tcsAssew leti.uss sute,)N-,tieetn P. e0., Steut su Lseliau-tnenetDIXtJN, O3sretgt.n, Mi o-e WMs. MceIOAN. Jsilt0l. lOi).I-es.,0 - SITRAY. i(ASiE 11 i,,tý, id 2, tLt (test, N.cst-cueeye, se-enîto ti, Aet seI, ueaety iTOHN HOsKINON. .isly M/tut. tSlLt. 7-lt. M". 11. TOI NG, s tSiiEi OF N <JIl itiLIUUd-ni Ueneon Acensi, Oeln tst, -3i THE GRIEAT ENGLISH RIEIJEDV rCELESRATED >'EMALE PSLLS, riei /et, "n,,f,,t/SirtJ.etee J1 J), bu Pa ir. ande, et, Eiceoedsest e - soute DitistIti-. ndetObtut ionese, nom lt e,id-n, t it-' eesetaite neothiteg teertPst tei tete efttetiton,. Il ia Peete iasust ,d t ltti n aor ttison, btntgont tc neutsi> IenteS soitt Z ,sla ise ec ' ie,- .Vs For full paticseîunu cen n pamphlet, In, s oftIise et te t N lt.-$i usd5fi petetegesîts enc.n-1 asseettsse-tsgent, vei iitea JOB MOSFO,Nl, V. Fmal Pi! ý ri.. i t - i - l ee .Th, ,ctle ae i J,,t o oi.10er; MOSilES ' oe euet pestes'. .il uthisnse geses i eeg.s&tfeima, <u Ont.. 5,Idi 1I0IOLo\AY'S RE aiE certinsean Rft esdy focr wfln , ase1ieind nlanhiy iset thet ue eatn Uneeesieinttoeneg nhiidc,.sslasfines )ris sateo,t essetsbuto elisepiy irs- tee ueed uoustise miode ef parnshe e. sseueeity oeieieseie setusing thein hlir tiy se dsoinoand unestueding te. > 05,- touan use cus se .fthe dispse, ,hoss,- ende ef etsiidsn migite sasnnd frntcar IY ecuneS,-SYXPne ?48orWons-rTle fot- ,IoewsngRceateew t thue cc>' eomeroos uy inîtemnsoeddiseneu nuiichels cn, uoscd by ersee;n -dernged eppesite. ernaecioted ceecesonites , innie brteh, fteqect picliing et the une ,grndieg ef the teeth d scie g ie nde, oeet eeeims nytnnil.,inc fi an iesn the tirait andstoiteasee, sn- quel t esp. feiseieee, tiemboiiigs, csogh.,, indiesstio ni owspireits«e, CightfuecI eirm andiugsetinaissetngsneyoi flc.,h.Sthe>' a eisei-etsie-osiCeins.tand5. t.eh etiid--iin -ont tih enrstes i hecety r nithot pose n osdsenpiety eeese the steetenhi-tinstsby dieig enne>' ith ch,, ucecessii> efestssising Cese,, Oi tr osher ospics-osut estissties.-Es'h tee corluistise ttc iimite signaueeoetNor. ttscp & Lymnso, NnecastleOst., w ho are 1he nutle pnetnie-tes N. e. Ast fer ulis. Seid tsy ait te Druggioit lu Mit- 13 N JO0N E S s e and Undu el FORMERLY USED IN MILTON hie ontncro, in prepscnd te e, and at lower rates of char-go eretofore. îRY STABLES3. essmy cenesen them onthe stlstftcee. at>emoecat Wagon, for ta ees-yisg gost. .Ondiers tlet the Tienne>' nsn E. HANHAhI. uitl BARCLAY & M'L~MU, eédrnikî Cr ce tpe Cr CD CD0 P2 CD CD ~e5ute,et tten 'ih P't peaid M 0. 9ten.uph miteaa au i oion n A CtleaCMatd th.WtonmaeandS genesi thle lad ImmhioeuOsî. À biend from Na gdehcee and 1Mu .t t»itecFoeso vquar cOv U! fiakille,tee Teu-e mouton IaigWe eeghy, 101h ; and: cTIeseaiYn antis Wwe uk]lduetri teuleeSalae fHusul tg th@. cstc tt ftht ,- B.5urd.y ulterus bu eapect. menl Geerge. UIcnOMatut.a t tithessui *Mo test tht 0e wd alot-ttpo &Bclanin tLe ens A, hLie mnut veeklse mat thle vbe ha levlir.- se- Md ila cils 1hw. StuciWw, Ths WucttaeSuai- tmnmty-tousn eîme éit5 & Ce., MHeu typsesapticte nneîs d et.i vioe-yee-A Y-eue. Fier'iftsal Il( Tise Aunanit nt Psc eet.e aotieeopLce ieY 193 Onetdsea, Net ricle. The Pmneliý-i func d.tlteso-tthu.e-1 aésp, tb't essiu - tyghu. Isetaîetif tLs Cossty t-eseit atighttc.L abotsIIl " hem t. Oceuerres ieesei tie teet i We bavlu e n.h,.enrW 1e5esefiiced' The te.t1tonne s Csent, vnW& tr, Ivwu thens-che 7ie-enle but een r. liry totens, rel Pps5ca menrin lu latrels'xnd fhel. t>' aIt&II haseg tl ykied. ttnis '.P. S3oyei- tC.(n (ItbcsueCt4P. Ifumsmiut tLe tIses ,, then Cuacric lie pi-sm nsett-,ený *« mvestet.. test-ce lêsson, mbd lis e,. eeoea& ise Seses hmcsnuu til, e m5raaBdy ectelw usce imntuelit>'and-iAsie chdutf pine;oe t 'qWizaetl ýttesîe.l sotalor te a Has The tte te 1 *0 and mus and QiBeaer- (- - s, Gemtesthtei. MetnsalIs.y i.'., BARCLAY Mr-

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