Uavcl5B ras. &FffUS&GGOErFWNCanipbellville W oolen M ilis !'LJM13EILAND) CÂ4RRIAGE FACTORY. bei trte barley lm e vs it in standng se ils rcas than whee it inN cut, and less whee it in lying je the K 0 meahtlaaif itis boaed or raked up. KO Barley abold nover bc taed, ie iis Mo N R B R A T I R E country, aed in btter ta boe put sway F.&RO E T H WO NE visere it ee urenivge t e be3. Fer DRY DooDe. Co. in olclooO c0,octeh ,L , t eccnomcetecc nc , clcto cccoindtlcm ancd con bc reiicy gtcatthat thyeril, ,ococll cccccilctheaio-" i ll' , u' thon inM RO fST EE , IL ON barnme ttrasb il out as accu ne erlf et F. & 1-i, 'cccf, ci, ,,,,i, the o,,oc , A'llry ,tt, c,,, ccuo ancdlO M E CA T E T IT N fi ever, fr il geaes'lly comeaneda tho a*Me N hco e eoo i,,co,,,,f.,. o, o e h ei wl vanio 0,tc, c e, divin0-o , a t cal g o r soin ti E G iS tecnoinco i i lie bst pri jes nth lailei wile tbe snounou K heticc cc eo i on iiie 0,cacbdc l-,acl coceieB ot na gtion lasa. 1 N Tbh.eimtcu be ja oeN D,%VIDS-ON &-,Bnos., Extending aIEstablishl ment, an thse berry lasoeljd, aed tiese nraw tunced t a yellew coelnr. Tbs generili IJLVlEl )OILEN MILLYI. Tnnilcsrncdnadonfeci use f reapisg miesjeu omeeners il a 7h 8.4-fT ette nrmddnadfrhsfvrt a compsratiely esey mater for the iO ltISd.49l fermer-lo no manage bis work s te et _______ _______ _____LIMBEII WBOINS, MAIRKET "IONs, AND BufiGIEN and carry every field utfmIet as fuelsas ji ripene, gsentba liere jensoexcuse for NTF'(1J 1T~~T5r T~C1O il dei,iionz. Csl nainniafr *Ocusivoc. deleyiR agisaret eperationes nday long 311 LIe N M7'00 1,EJý N ý l1UJ.iJX 1. «rtse ta na sssutely neemary. Ien_______Th__ re Wood-work is of the Best Description, & well Seasoned. lisses day of prugrèeeà. a frmer wbu----Alwokwratd takesaus a grielteral puper. and alceeaL NAlecicunecd R. HAWTHORNE, tise market, sens the lare il je tskieg, L E f~ ilî,,n, Meglili, i1969. 47-if aad oftee ains il profitable te barvest, I i trSb cati sd maretbis faîl wieul M MÂtia McKaeeCon.W ïii 4qi'- aloses; or if behbaa crop uf Borne i v7- 5OY G new ariey lugel it ready je geod L E XY WG-. J KJ.I% ~ Z~aLESILE, EOR&ETiu IN. liae odispose of foraoed bufrre secd- L N iag time crmes. Wbemee t a 'i ut aIt tse rig ht period, as ime ered__ buos int e aitisg for il lu dry ot, non O F IE S N »as lu h b eisvl, as wsld bu tise cea w e tieuinasm-pe tale, e- Doninîteilcc )io l ii i noc ad c ol 0 1 Pricvn. liig aies a nenceiy for tise crop__ sansding outtjentise fild for a-lengtli of_______________ LOGAN 3McCANN. Qon filma, ai lise riuk of bccomiag ijured__ se .Miltoon, Mayth, 189 a se, u t v. eatise comrsl 10949.5f etbed're t fit tngo ialulthebareor Otto re and cas bu cul aI an earlier G ( JNZ~3~ ANGUS CURRIE, - peried oflipencastissuoliser grinment 19M\G. C.ise Ka.c55 oly mitisot injuiry, bat mus manifeal IBNUT (J IN 'aItf 4 a11a1sRR adveantsgc, ns lbey arenet unI ase pe- 0o10JclTlO 0113 ilIlJI elirl hable te ubl ut fros tise MeoN lia, joeceiednalorge and clilcas-' ffl "11 ie she t ful -rpe, but lhe traw ~ Bruc's London Patent Piefnoro- ntoc f pmtealarger perectage ofsccba- S. Pot Daiee000ue. <00. miGn OTSAA mO rime jeice lisa n>c tiser, visiec uebu yOOSAN HOS ie a mesure reaiacd by.carl]y sutting, Ma N SWIG AClNS f idneeicsctitlccondmiiM HIE thbsstraw tbeabcing of more valse as SWK OACINS.Ofl ertios, wnotb oecri erlnd SEWIN fbdder for stock.I Georgetown, Sep. 2511, 1868. 17 if for enesh. ais Âueralietdmebulk ut tise bey N____________ ulsal tbe hedleg te bornes a is e nti Al -l Orir Pcecînetiiyl e de Ioi1. AGENT fer RUS. Wiltnesea' Organu, Mciodcoono Mi ' ioc ino-Covces, te Md loves in rende fruse sala cufe W oon u ifiietl, 1869. 23c4ly A Unie lieeuNl 15 ctao i nou ty5liMlot-n f-c75. PIANOSU ocf aIt b i infulbilsbeItenuh at imeJeea en-'cr*e ianwen e (icar e& tlnler'sn i 0ma luS12clin-cliieleanod 30 la ranboceorht seglieati g au anadmixtureoft blfripeeed grain N OT CE. lec ochi,nsanodondtail comblete sloeidlnoi u c i a)njneoocie l2 i neoe vils liseICEddr. niec cacli AntocoleinilifestMaelenO.OIlNeodleoedlieeecl. U:esy furmer tises net grom gres___________________ Iitntise larmiersorfIlailfoa Gergetown, es Fîli 'Ic1869. 37-if esongis perbaps, lu mbke il vorlis bis have loaag wustci. viile te parcisase, or ee u ses a rcap-__________________>_________ ing machinei but tise introulction tTofÀStce& X M B W S A C AY & M L D thsse, get laisraviag implemeete h at Sccs.-vVM.- jS esabhes tisewmoeeddepouel se manuel labur lu secure Ibeir gais JJAR 1I oo0 l,ci,1,0 f bc Oof B RC AYlyM ciD- crepi, lu gel more ut it lisa-tiey otiser- GO TO lac. ~,oc 00 ~ ' c vises could, and b coeenrning tieir 9 ANDRSON'f5rCr m",lby .asaons one ahr..IANDERSN'S c sta iesle, haove tont un bourvnlfeldNl ~ ' N n te~' CrE nric- esmerine a shor epece oftimre. Ie Iis !- àtoge Iros tise employaent utfiorse- F eNft5E'~I ~ c povrer in barvesting, liscugli they rnay S. For BoOçNETs. Cc. ak 1 et thmevsmkedrc s f .&R yckeCnbnd labor iavisn sdunery.-CanadocoFar- 1eN c',,bcoOl.oI f -2 n mewr. K Oin .Ufl cOolcJfi,, coo'a 08 Priaciple ban ils pîsce uand ils remrdC, ý W ave in ttheuorld. Tise tollowieg in- eideisl llustistea bey decoioa t aa Éeed ceuse commsanenrespect,conste, amd le atteaded mus advuntigen. Thiss incidetel efiad fIatnig as n veif cm Ibepnosof literure, and cail it for Champn cueaier. It le Ibus I'Where did yeu fine meet witis loir bride ?, I saiel nu a youag rieed et mine vbs badi jvitail me te bic med- Bis reply vas: 1A yer ego I wue eune of a lrge dieeer prty of ladies ard getlemea, at hiicli o yuug lady vau noîioed set en drirk sny ine. Our bot oserved iladsaid : A gu ofine-ils yo, mis. 'Excuse me, air' mid eb. - 'WbalI sxene ? Are ynu a tee- foaler ? Wist 1 bave mc gel a tee- lulalerbhere ? RiH a ia1a tet,talerl1 * Wby do yeu noyer drink mmce? Neyer, ir.! c Wiy ol ?' Proueprieciple, sir.' Nolbfrg mure mass nid. Ber deci- aies ut cbrectr decply impreesed mee. 1 sengisl ae introduction lu ber stin- SM 1tisaIunosnoabiprieciplu vnnuld - - askseaegood cumpaieu. I becaen a tlelolaler mynel, and Dnw sise bas jast Itecorne ry vite. Thaîn mbhy I niarrieiier' gote tise saad tise gosd viu tbeir revard.Tiey keov ilnt. Yt the obaivan l eeê detet ncbilily of nature larriesi lite etîcu begea ils rus W»dl and, maa.y m4,cadse mus Yameib Tisalut verds ef Mise Baa te nbu'di4emdavoie; 1 au 0. y.; tai*eU Deriag thebueutafrsbel in ' Cea- Bo"ui, a waterbery effitor telegrapis- e< anolier ai bmheemolletofaction. are tgehe gond Taer asDo touin smen",' nidia ladyin lamsany. 1Tbey are lIke mu- mimai Imeruements, ubjei sosund a va- o - ulqof jsio.' In olise mrds, ma. da~ai' aetober lady, a you belve mau aau e ie Sai Lord Johis Bmeu Mr. Hume, aItaàae"al dlmeer, «'Wiat du ysn esa- muder tiseajet et Iqislaiieq? 51The nremlg"assilu lie maaitelnimsbe.' lVst do lyien a he b.greatet nmer ?, satiaumefibis lendsip. vBnbr ue, vstise pomaptro. Pli. 1Il mal bua aid geaecally et buebandu as tise mem mi et becs, vWse ias aisied ber, to-an l a ueWhobute- pesasiealibertfor marcing bjse-Ta buerns, Doas good àa b"adaes Le sngisllo 14; bulbe ie'\ peectul Mr. Ksaay, le japer« drasets la~ drxkingsagîes ofemmle, ifleaîet Il sallal esi a s1 mimeW m isieb î ad.$h*. ie..A -i.S ing b e em a BUY YOU.R A T At S. F. McKinn diCo's.. T GET YOUR A -J1 0 i T AI 8.FP. MeKiassa dà <j<oe I T c T H 0 L N OAt SF. xcKisiaoe & os L N O 1 T 1H I N Me N Me N Gmsrgtemn, Joly lot, 1869. 3.Iy JYewotYle in i0Ucoc r BY ITO USE Gm7 or Fadeot uir oqicl rmstared toi uc yculbfnl coir mandliauiy. aud witb ilie firt application a beuifnl gicco anidliglîlful icragrance iu givea te the Ilair. t iii cause flair to gcoee ou Blid Spots. hi iili promoin incuciani geoish FlLiING 11.IR ie imccodialcly clickeld flold liy ail Dcnggi.t. PoiefOne Dllar. Mannbciîred lit f. R. YAN DUZER & CO. Wboiiule Duggits. 35 fBarclayt, Stret nnd -40 ark Pinc, y.iev'Terb, and 266 lli*illtboa odoa, Eeg. PROVINCcE OF Geononie, IlN the ',,i C,oity o York: 1'cort ci il, Contycof York, t in heinte f William Iantel Shaw, AN INuOLVENT- Thi d- oi hm lcefie1-dccl f coco pon -1 nol ,coebnce, eoolcd y ,oý treioce,ccd . Monday, 23id of Aulust Nexi, Mie scilla ple t.tienJOdgc ef tbsnMid Court Ï.crs conllrnetion iliereon. Toroato, lth June, 1869. WILLIAM M. SIBAW, by H.M. "l. MIfiY, Huoitcccnny, dcit"?,0. H3enry J.. Baker, STFFER ANDI FRESERVER OF BIRIIS, Uast, Fhai, eptilu, ". b., Bsuing sndccccr TWIENTY VTEARS9 EXt'EfluKCE Ia the aloenine, and lbeinq eonidcrod by nompeient inoigetaie oenoc thle Boat Stuffors ini tho Dominion, Re fetu cnfdeit f ejic Ii heteof Bâis- lneioiein alltecocbntcn e oiabcc. Cbsrge-u modeoinl.. HENR:Y JOBAKERq, Loi 2, Lolaboce,- Tc'nfnfig, Ont. Traflgar May 5, 1869.. 47-6m dý .0 0 To loanuos RoaI Etais Interet at cglilperceut $2 ~OHNDEWAR JR, Mitoq, Malse ois 186180. 43-tf Officiail 1.sjngnee TITEIN TMECOUIYOr HBUTOR. TBE nnderinýK'asen duly sp- Tpelined ta tise abonin offioe. Addrcs, a. . APPELBe, 274tf , 0akviice, . .Ballon. Miilto, 1-7t.l3 lOW' NE W FRNG GOODS Great Variety CAN XDIAN andot ioglioli Twedos ve015 li O p et D9 . DCIIIIISTIE'.S. F'tR G.cod Faeiorv & White Cotton and l'riiiîc, go to 11 Fvountt lb' novent ctyles in m. rece GGode, yen cun gct blînm ut De,1D. CHIIISTIE'S. LLSites cf lonicry uand Gloces tne lied ni D. D9. CHRISTIE'S. jt]EN S Hlobfrei 12ý ce,,nsnnd upenerd8, ai D9. D. CEIRISTIE'S. C ALL and get the nwent styles ine D9. D. CHIRISTIE'S. L IS'ad Gents Colleroand ACufs-al i aiîn D. D9. CHRISTIE'S. BHE brutanud cliespe8t Lue Sisnls D9. D. CHRI STIEýS. LARGE loi of Boots aud Shoco cbcnp, nI D. D. CHRISTIE'S. ~TOU con get a cenis urticle in Te Tnd lTobacrn, nt D9. 1D.CHRISTIE'S. Bl E lrgent and clinupeci stock of Silka ia nt D9. D. CHRISTIE'S. jGreat enrieiy in Ludion' Hum uaad Bonnt, from 25o and upvurde ai D9. D. ClitISTIE'S. A LL tise neyent Styles in Rilibonne ---Finvreruuand Feniltre, st D9. D. CHRIISTIE-S. F RIMMED Hâta and licnnces l- wayso nlind and madn te ordcr ut D9. D. CHRISTIE'S. TBEI lurcga nd einupeet stock 'nf Milliacry, Meilce, &e., le nl D.19. CHRISTIE 'S. T H biigist pries giron for Buttcr a nd Eggs, ni D9. D. CIIRISTJE'S. CALL frnut nil in rcnpeeîfully 5olicited isy D.0D. CUIRI$TIE Milton, April 1869. 411 if Adveâtse in the Il Champion."' ci Jz ccO bcn Cr aIl 0hZ (~u ni M >-o E7 m2fl oMczc GEORIGETOWN. T UEinlncciceymoud beg lcnvc to infocen tbe inhunhebeobo of tie nuccounding coien- 'OZU."i 0 hscc ieiMill in ooleOningor0der Ocain, andlis booeioaco-dto do sut, ornoli thc C STOU WOUK in tho Wooicu Line tliolic mny libc au-cccd eitli. nucle as C0IRDLNG ROLLO8, SPIATNING, FULLIXO, AND FLVISIIIXG, COL ORILVG, &lC. .1 Suits of Gentlemen't Clothing mlade up3 in the Bout Stylol, And Saiiwction GGon nteed. A c, I Icilc c f CREAT REDUCTIO N AT TIIE 'Fl ic ubscrilior wislicesta inforcm),!àinomcrrnand flic public e enlly that h. tasili ling off the blalncenof bis FLELSTOCK OfSTOJTES COOKING, BOX & PARLOR STOVES 1 %'i~l i mii ccli tlat COST. If se ncio gmade jrn 4Ictioeng laIbm, ls SBlL l'LOUGiI,lc lei .c h'ern for 1I,ÇI r)icig 1h' cuocti, f, brrsdait oter aMI! Fl bierc tlioy ac nllgone. icecculd C.l uit ricnlue niintin tehie Large Stock of Tin andi Japin War., W'bielliciei]8(1c,(li olup y n tlc ic "oncle. l',cfldlensthut bny fer cmkseb 1 it,ccticir ude'nij,,',, îtoîccl,ucto'kc.of h slceîbsa owlifk sa lov8tCeity webclalc ocicen. TvrunCadlic uifondu. 31illon, Mcccli 3rd, SCi. 55'ljr IOEALEILIN11 BIJILDEIIS 1I111BWAIIE, BIR MlON AND MTEI, I0ciite, ned Oils, e, ltine,, Blacbeeiîli's Bellows uni] Coul, Bc",. Cutter and Iiug' -yv Staff, llubbn and Sp'kcn, Luisis anod 1'eL«, Cccl Ou nand. Lampe. Wall P&- pur in greut vnricîy, Wicodow Sbudce. Ilayiiig & li1a rvcst Iiiipilents, ABLILIIS XE IV l'A TEN7' HORSE FORR, Manilla llopc, and a quantity of Rape Sced. Toe and Tobnccon cf tlo ciociccst bruodo. 'oode nrlcd 'in plain figures. No second prico. Wliloe eliing tien usoecrs for tili lliral patronage exieneddte bie n le ocpot, lion nubscribcr invites iliepublic tlocall cnd examine biagooàdse prinon beicro purcia.cineclccwbcro, neslie is f'nfly pocicd np iaii e want t lé@ii country, and nco effort v. ili bc wa nticg on ins part t0 gîu'C satisfactin. THOMAS YOUNG, Marhi1li, 1869. l 'M » »L M 11r» 'EE]w- » E -r I A4 ffmnasfine ausrtnlt of The Best. Family GroCeriM- Wbo ice imore.decrsineditoaver te oi'l CHEAP FOR CASH. A LARGE ASOORTMENT. W INEFS -AID LIUT Pc u coiciecicl Who'esaie and Retailm Lileicoinn, mnunfacîncise ailthnie differcsî bindsocf gooclo niet mny bcsequiccd i ThI e fAfti ntu syucno u etrvlvf, iu o' nýcei frmingomminesity Atenon bansd a gcceticliof 13WEEoiOAND ]FLANjNEÈSLS ýonftbitofm a lcaocinte ci.ciic oryn oeynun~ enrionu descriptions, toise sold for Casli or echbange for Wocltt ieuuel price,. Cont bnn -Zuinrmen, Jone 2ud0 1069. G. C. CRAWFORD. i A DePO0TIES 5 1-liaIcd'ogcoceM-y !c " D // E S' ./VE w k0' PR-10VG Gooijj MESSRS. BBWS a&aRALICRO, MAIN ST-REET, MILTON, BEG t ianuncen ilint tikey Have Just Receired a Well-selected stock or, NEw kspBJNG GOODs, Wbieli Ibcy ecil dnpamnfcf ut Olier VSUbi LY 10W pIICES. ROBER 1 YOL. OFFIO Tms-4 'mi usaIsci IRATES aneti ona 1 mne"îon Snee ns ft. ajsC e oc aelldBServIe ments inoncit Advrti «" cordîiipoY Ant, e tg ltopromI U4tridctl Ic111L. Olb Oecipied 1, Mlton, Oý gjRADITATE 3,011 lCol e nit Miltin, O f tA D UAT I Toronta, pied loy I *Dar--tefe Nanesgftm JO' Pfeeacy t?' Ccoule'a Stret, Mi! TI1 BARrezl ,;Ti 1Miiien. Ms T. G. BA RiL I Mittoe.'A;I s- DIVISION1 - loiooer - linss Tht, boel ce5itted, snt 1 ÎSIe t oa Fi -i"- ique mays on ban Oaliriloe, J DUIILINOT -Square. C Onre-io'e lare cet, c Wetjiat JOHN v Rectureslh tnre fer 11% beoin iscand utc lang ande Patermo, T tues. l tis.CcoeoOc tieneocti,' Gcreccri- ROSS tise pobiio, within M), T.i., .o atcoo-.,- of o,1o j )OLEN VIILL. 1