BOOTS AND SHOES- a ptch nnty boy cannera at freittttrce -- . . te foot dollarsa osaand. The rrop A--1L THE-SPRING STYLES AT' b not. considercd aa exhaustive oe, ni . eu"% maa Stavat, a t.s. thouglia o beo'y crop is a:cmovcd fron POVISIONS tuE31SON e fild, chu tact ai' the berricabon EiàIIIIIl Un d MW aboy ut.uSith'a.j inctentha mter, and the leaves and _______________________- Ind rmata docaying on the ground de. à<.LENJDIDASQORTMIENT ,yO -k~ TOP IL VAN BUY A FIBA. AlLPot or miag WiaaWII ut.dh -YOU VAN BUY AN EXUELL. maaatfntO'aImm a0 t70 cents -V C.VNBY A SPLENDID zt y -rmt Whlakay, at Solilla; -yCANMIUY RAISINS, CUR- Mdner Frits or TIltAIL TO CALL AND J.PiB bmpet PffanaBouts 'n mat -UMNIU THE. DULIGHTFUL sidChina Teasala&te tG. EVEYB!Y18 CHARMED 'I'31C 1EST PLACE TO BUY IN rmr M May Va lth, cles. 4atf PRINTYGt B USNESS. rmanstrute Ihînt ch. soitlainveny ltle drama opon. 80olargetan the pradoot.oatterries, chat PfInira ara cnteutaiaed that à gmot uf the markbet Muy enaa, bot mut aà prapir .enbiaation of ch. puoduacrsanad the mhalaata dSealrs, by mbieb aewmamu- tata ay hoopcned up, and the increan- ed cosamptian of frait la citics, mhich ia yoarty golanoau npeoplee hooc i,&vara of tha aaperiority et fruit diet aveu 1mb ainthea Banner nousa, an ni- namot inexhaantibto eand wmut ho ontoh. yIiahed. Airaady a sciety of puadocora huau oaoganiaed it a Okvite, and ihay muânet a. btchair internats lie ta oontiaatiaonandl a oammuaily ef ae- Sien. There milite ewem mahuda of diapouing oftthé trait ahoulal it hecamne t0. plentufai, anad a faitlanthe priae Wiii canneincrenanal demnd. W. have ne doalot that a profit enulal t a mde et ruiing chen ta Bell an ite or nix ecuta mhich la a large inargin undon tan nasta, th. price chia nsoun. A daticiona mine n.hoe pradnaad ftra the non- narketabta horrica. Synap, preuurisg andl cannina miilaourb the rzat ; se thutatrumbeurlea mwiàho aàtaxory net necy for Jane andl Jaly, bot for ail the jar round. CBAMPIOBthe The production thia jear frsm the ~ ,~ ~ ~ frequent raina hua beea enormoan Mu. ____________________lm. ______ agmaualaone santa my 2, 200 quarto trein eue cf i. Patoh«nin une doy,ad <~t *aabai(~ itp~t.on Manday moot ten îona mre aont aval. , Aa the sana ita nearly a bMILTON, JOLT 1U, lmi. nonth, me cleuiotnd thut naaly 125 tons mera gathoreal. or about une tan uuguia.te ttc Bra, mhich t 8200 a ton moeld - bing iato Ontuilia about 825,000, and Wè Un aome f pl.thisO unotas mmie pu t ch.figuresasanhigh as 830,000. on te aow lac. Th jorce te The nakisg ut boxes and alsktsta l Banal.station, in the préeent excellenit alan qaite an indutry i. ch. intor dosatof don. ads anal it gead n1. sa,,On. Great perfLtitna laDom ut- Of às[a - e Mui. MautlI à taineal lu thers, nue basket taiag. mode Jué sIng, ila acM lesat une, aI tmo piease, fatened mithont naila Omp ana loot ealhtte,, -Yollita by tma traps outia puached t ml bg loalgealby tlb.8oinday maraing a machine. Goual mage.oaanem ta b Vigil anal rataatorni-. Aueapprasch- made by mating thamnut tes, thon allBruae. àa n israsinhthe ripeaes an aI aa cnt, ur.d as theycoaa ha gr «thearcgc hjeaa"ypperceptible. On nanal aveu anal over again, tho --1.avllgiPaleuro, the mcii kaomn custotiche quart baskets ia infinitcsmsl. Mta dS u i Naludram ta the ir Of The mhoia chiag in nom roîlacea te a aMproestt oy%," namiadeal an chutperfect aytsn, hial it ia piauisg teObo- &n uGlers, Pions undl Immorbal terve bbe oralcu and diligence dioplnYcal. UMM oft King William of Orange",' A nanastando in the contre af the fieldl W ultg cnearate,] un che 12tt Jaty. i mt a book, teeping taiiy, and tIno iusdolà* hueia tedeaca ot Mastor picters, motty mamen anal ebiidraa, Evans, Une palanr. bau- ara appeoneal te ibrir romo, tico ta ench hsg a o- noe anal happy" Célebration ait rom, uada ttey brin1 thctr bakets te iea'tboaavm the tand, they cuti chir Daumes anal the A ]Bruate WC learacal thet au Eng- antar thoy have pickeal, mhieh le sot- lié emigrant train tad jnat pasneal np est doms,undin thbb evenisg lhcy ne- mati laiag thepasseageu ut B. M. S. Doive chir age., ahiidren ornine fer- isais.. 0f âthemlve aattYaang ty or fftîy cants, and manen about a so smen Ipt off t Branla and alkieal dollar, acudial to Ihir diligence- abw à"a~ j miles np te St. Aung, ro- One wmnarnel, dauiug the liitccî parsUnealadom Unedte 1f' be~hr%, boui. for pckisg, anuverage uof adat wibi4 btamn uttyêd bly the im- anJ à alfaitaday, at a cetà a bko, tanm uboa.auntis Sprnta. Broute hisch. vaue gluon. alos Bellac lutothUnsSramterry busnies W. al h.pleaura ofgCoing lrQngh jeut Sp.1. Gme genteen a ting aboutth. noble ncisarsi of Mu. J. Bagian 4b Mr Mat' on teu rea tht. Fait. andl Onpl. Obtahen. mhich, by the mny est "v4 gea Oak" sa tation, mu me tat wmcka angned by aitake, te Limuai ois inte ridit of tth M. W. E. Bagamni, the meti tuoma atmbcry huit of Canada. The rail dry gouda merantt, mhosoetta mcdl - bSiline l g rbu fut c09. piat mortlay cf taieg plaocslintahttcfiaest stîoapty.Coin, endos th. igt. building ta Oatviite, se, t lant, tbn ta- ofth bUn draallg thens, anal the red' dia@ auj. The archard lu questioncana- alaU ua ofM. Cras elda oppuite iel. of about torty acres, ptaatad out *thqleog i t a laled fthUe daa. itb 1600 vmcli naînle il apple trae, luMz. l tha ofetCnevrsation tac miiet are in a ihrifty tate. Baverai metb," vUnis eatibrrny. analtUe aoemare plaai.d mith aBisok Cap" »@*Byta milcit wue va ting rima- mtioh glu a audat promiuset 0.« V lg Un e l& Wnmcfq ana nry trait. Imesiateiy aajiciag itla au i "s is ma.e POPUalailubefly oretard oftwtenîy areu talaagiug tactha engaeA I galmia lia or mai rit, Rlunlestai., moitiég a oonîionoun élie tmo basket umoe, Une Prime appla*yord cf ixty accu. mes rcq"etly tadith horat Ou entering Gati ite, inatenîl et tho at rond a. akt.We vaattedaumu- «din of bta' incident te th. 'Tmelfah,' beet Ue patalua, ana"ttuidlargat> me teard the oomu-ottiug ofthIe fan- *,. 4mauiyecf Unefruit, of mhiot, rai tatI5 eue of the hutheca, Mn. Bnm- âeon* dia e"dn tthat il mai sel -Banardi, ftrnerty btet eeper, pý o lba. eoâ-u.Thoemat tavini go.. ttu is bang homo. With Vq tu yidag ilte a. hounarleal tanner andal aom-rend, the pro eguqpyWd , amionaluu fteth ch cht, anal chance is b0,Wmi ced mmtgLeaoem, anal ma ye ,qrit Wabdta latmc vaandatetccemecry. Thapourmashad ba- Una#lamrsa, aeanadorbiamoub7coina blisal hrsagt e"e.bpain in'tbo *Âàà &m ' nthUe vieiuaty utfte baud, mhieh inaranacalta snab a doge tgha. M. Jobta Creas, *rmnely a cht muoansudU enaol nl ocputans ï« «mo4 o maUs n I aIe& enalte i.sunffrins. - Un rM in myqaatittp.,analta ra- Osenoftche institutions mhich iaaalcstis- e4d)u* theaW , mtile mocklag aoie h edta tuilaluOP uttkilta iintae cuac- AuMelenadaet Une Fe&%, tran as dîona funadry 50 long under the man- àaulsa a mare Bardeon, and thcy agment of Mr. John Doty. Tha olal àamaà a poemtibp- ein.9busness, ~fouaaary mon horst lain 1851,analtho mw é Mt. Crusanomr rteu on "oan. present anc built tu 1853, tntutsnthe -ThaiOmmcea e Us it venture en- breating ont o ec oitaienen, SMr. - ao ne nthèownomultiva- Doîy ramoveal ta Hamiltonaanal maul t lseaéudbe.»rgc ia. dnse.- alnoaO apecaliy loto h. naohincry foc !l~alpio t~oire. agaman, il andagitWmalta. Fac nverai sen ~B.Glilsaan.W.S. Jamea. Capt. tce funudry tn a Okvite lay idhe, ba on 31 ~ b . f&dl, J T. h.euoltapa et lb. cil laterouc, Mr. De Zé0duA. Mat ounamelotets..Thety etuaauinea samin Ontvitieondolie »14 rpda-t a.v a Wiliono'aAbany, aunnaait incoaaeiag i. traste. Datin1 uA-bIun ,mUilliaroiranal large h.enmmer,wmisilaitie tockentî cme S. Uic Wss8.VWla dertade ih af the yjeu, ta omptoya 55 mes, mostiy d»emns, bat Une Meuicn Uv.rbaar. mon ot tamiiy, anda aui1 c hu husy à&gVUmil.ts &"nbotecof etearin asn, n very muat targar saffo at tbn di éelpa meth aceveconecuntonance ih required, thenahnaao sh aop anal th. uwq*iUo pau" seu cd Oakvie. anue mort sioe n orhing 0mon.- L m a hamtag ut the fret The abiet mrk dsta n i an aimat u ,la satOlng ont a ptat, the ru- anal marina cagins a nd cher machin. 0 scsmalaatoued froumvlnan ey,,sian a nnpatent axie of Mr, Daîjis atiOueinvention. ,Thisa azi conaiatmetfhbu tp *Mni ua ana Piea, ttc crama toing formel by tbeb hulesanthor patent machina ut M. Doty'î Jby *Minag t. plut It hu alarennly btoincdan ront repuae 1; ailida nrem. t aceoby n pivot ouste, anad ouI, Imo pet. arc nisibile, thei nain nnd triggor epulînega. We topo chat theo anthoricies iii loek into the motter, sud choc Mu. Cosciy aMay to- dive te romand et hic peuneveusuco aad ienenity. tHc inso slîed as a pateat reagîntr toren ater vbioh ouid ho paceod uadeu a buggy sato. It roojauro but te be scecste bu appre iatcd. Mu. Celoy ha alsoonSa hnd a machîine fer prninig on boh r ides nc once, and bus noarly pofeatod o aboli ta cocsist et mnny ciaumbers mhich ou plede stocccssively. Bti mcmuet dram env notea on OaIn- ville te n cese, an the Ildcvii"sys ho moants no moeIl cepy, uand the patience of untr nandous May ho exthaustol. 'thoraaire nevenal ebjecte of' inteo aahich me have oisiteal, and troua abs naitiplicitu etfant-jecta toaetned epon me ceold nnaefullon nny ene, hut me yull reaime thern at an enuiy day, and bbc citizesîs et Oahuilie miii alwnya fiad1 the Chaîmiio,tas bise Ceunty paper et H[altes, rondy and iing teasonit i. dcvelepiiîg tho matarial intenesla nI their fuir toma, toeaino bool of ita hum- hie nbility. Sbsaid unybbing ot inter- est coeur me hava ecuuad loeal cores peadeite, mbo iti prompty formard the tidings te us, but me invite any oaa net merely is Ouhuitte, bat ta tho Coanty,wmobashua nyîbiug taasomuai- ente fer the goncual gsad. co mate troca ana oan rcoiumna. aES O F Tan WEna. The Prime Miniater etfllnvuria, Prince Hoheslohe, han ianued o cirdu. int te Foreign Pomans on tIne Eýamcni- enl Couneil. Lin marna the Gavera- Moneofutthe prnacipal dangers mhieh they ought te guard ageinet, and par- tiontarians the doiion mhioh the Cana- ail may unnoancein regardteta h. in. tuibitity ut the Pupe;te disosition *it may mute uf the qustions ut Churat property, undl othar polai. Iihoty te coma op ut on easnaiaily pliticat charatt. Ho believon chut ail States, baviag Catholiie aubjcto, oaeiaîimuteiy coliccnned in the preceadiags ut tha Council, and onght ta take o common attitude. lHooggenstatueit oigbt ha moul for thec pomers te hoid a conter- ence, aad net leava tbe Council la doabt. oftchoir position in regard te tbcir de. Ia Cuba, Gea. De Rodaha iaued a proclamation sating thot the insu-. recion han hoon rednaod in exteai and lu emv carried on by Guoriltas. Par- tics arrcstod ter rehhouy, orson and murder ara te bc tried by Court Mar- tial, mhileotoher coseso ublibe tried hy the civil tribualsntond ho dacînrea chat the nccasod oMay roly apea receiving impartial jastice. An nuder ha beca iasedpemittiog nempapers te pabliih oficaine . npart. Tino itinensanre moul pieased mith the action oet(ho Goerament. Genecal Lenea bas takon commaand et the centrul dopartament, and hua commeneod accive operutiono agaist. the inaurgonla. TIn* Caban partisans ta Washington have uduicea mhioh ulate thnt thera ban been no maveacat of a docided oharaeter in aither ditrict. The Spanish troupe have bootsniaforoed nt Nauitan, anal ure thno cnaldta recoin possesson et tise rnilroud fron chut city te Puerto Priucipe and gise a nucconor te tthe governsr oetche latter aity, mbieh is bhroatend hy tIno Cabans andor Qaosa- do. Ln the district. etPueuco det Pa- dne, chers have been severai akirmiahes. Thoeeaith of tIno Caban nruay la re- pertoal gond, and bInesoldiero meit or- gaaized. ;l A terrible railmay accident ocaurred 5* in Mexico. A train rau off tIno brnct s' killing 23 persuno, anal mounding uaaoy ,I mono. The VotcanaotCutima lu ta full aruptian. 'uta inhotitanta ufthe )Yviciaiit>'bave taon aumpalledl atenuav. a Proteotanlti lu ipercuaiag la the Re- R-public. Tise resigautios et tho French Mia- itry lu cffiiuly nnaeunmd. A doupateh troua Parisansnouaccsa messog,,otrenmIth French Empnror in- îi-edocing ismportunt omodificatieonsla tlie Constitutien, caccading the deiibcr- aiico ers oetche Leginiacivo Assena- bly. coatcrring on it the ceacroh of thIe Budlget, anal creanin Mininteriai roo;pon- Shbilicy.- A rumor is carrent is tho Unitedl StatesMaiss office, Newm York. chut Col. Rysuan ald bigmcan ucecealcalin resslag tue bieckadeoff Gasrincr's Is- lanaliasO nighc. and arc an their may te Cuba. No efficial iatormation han been receiveal, bat the report is qaioo genor- aiiy crestiteal. The Grcat Han-tera urrîvoal off tIno Islandl et St. Pierre, oanbIne 131h, asnd ltho coUic hotmsooaFronce uad Amonina mns spiacal mitIn che ohore unre. Cen- geacuaaory messages mero tormarded tram centinent te continent. dI3.lul ONEwi Ottama is te hava a Protestant Fuench Coliego. Lerd Monck habeon madean Knight ut the Star of India. Favorite nir cf mammas mitt mur- riageshie daughters-Millioaires. Gait han a grandl Temperanco Con- venstien and Pie aie on Saturduy. LIon. Win. IteDongaîll taabout ta vinit Roed River, WInat goco mont ngainst n formeras grain ?-His aomiag acohine. James Dot7, of Campbeilford, frît anden bIne cars ut Lynden, anal mia kiiied. The Wellington Bottaion nuatars,] 545 atroag ton chair annal drill ut Guelph, tant Frlday night. Maruying mumea for chair taauti hs lita cating a bird for i. ameet siag.; iag. A mats numeal John Knox maa tounal dromneal in the Don, ut Toroate, an Satardoy. Gan. MacCleltan miii note a tour chroagh Canada anal tIeNo rth Weat thia Samouer. TIneHailten papers aduocuto the parchaae ut Duaduro for a public tport. Hon. Mr. Cnyley, of Toronta, hua heon appeinteal Provincial Auditar Generut. Rcv. Donoald Fraser, ot Invernss, Scotianal, doclined ao euh trou a n.s treal C. P. Coagregatian. Hagn Doasohly i. in Barri. jail chnrgcd mwith murderiag Alexander MeLçan. A paty otUnitoal States Senaors are te make an excursin through Con- ada in a tom meeks. 450 Englinh gouiguanla oruivedal t Toronto, on Menday, masciy mca. A 1large numbeouthIna mre atone hireal by tarmera. Roiffonutein, the detaulting Govara- ment dort, mwu sommittoal for trial un bIne 9tIn, on six chargeanet misalemeanour anal touoft arcuy. -An indomitobl o mmn lanJBruce, huving a hsbnand soal au. ble boalin, Pbat lany, perforsned tIna otatace tabou.ý )That wmaan dosorcoo te vote. c The boiler et Clarko & Davidsousa n teaua griot miii, Woodscoci, expiodeal os Saturduy. Firemun bndly turne,, but no livea bast. Damages about 83, 000. Street prahera are having a'- tivaty cime in tIne Qaoen'a Pork, Toronto. According te nu noaoants they dot ahewm uuct christian charity te oaa aniothar. y London objocta toe cdont ut rapair- *ing tIno Palace ton thc Provincial Ex- *hIbition, and al n ncget the big asmo chia Fuil. They threaton te go labo the shom businesseun chair emun g- ceasi, 0O TO N *IN Fon BocerZTa. Cc L N N BUY YOUIR E E SI i D A A T D AT iE S B 11 GET YOUR A J C I T At S. y. MeKinumco Cs. I T LE iA T B O0 L N AI S.F. MaKionon &Co'a. L N O0 T B N I N Ma F. For Mzo'a F. lia B AT. i m i or Gtonetomn, Jal, iet, 1869, 3-ty 1 Ju. Holinrako's ColluDfl1 tien, oo that a largo trado is doua in The TPrades' Union -Bill han baonse ru uo&c. EIEO I chat articlo aone, ail stylesanad izea of di.smioscd loy the Ifouoo -of Commun.. nue ar mdo aro nd 5 ovdey hvaThe London liane, soya : Alttough nxcsac ae ira adsawdeyhaetiho Bihla u ot.likely t pas, tho pria. N N sisey beasoekoown, that tiho Maritiamo ciplo it coat.aina iiiteorm*a banio for aI N proyineo ajaonc demand encuha te muko Govrument rauare ta ho introduaad K 0O a reopecablo buoineas. Thoy ara meld. ncxt Session mhich mili repent ail lava Moa cd y trp utnie wichlealo a toomkiog cembination illogal, raieva S. F. Fr .RY &De cd b a np anaer hiea l olo nP~ orhmen froie opocial penaliea froan o i Doa e tcnt of Mr. Doty%, and aeto an tha pria.1 Tradco' Union offoncsa nd bring thoir F. ciple of a bow and urrcw. A. about! fudo ichia tho provisions of tho Ma N ono lhoooand toua of iron areanually Fricndly Societioa Aot. Trodea' Un- K 1 O eo,îaamcd hero, and an increaao i. con- ion iii titi contineto axiat, mhetbori N fideutly capected, Mr. Doty contea- proteeted by Parlinnacat or cot. N plates aroaiing a uolliag nil On the op- einotae r fams àl poieaida of tha road, man 0prapare Fnonotagaar1falotànl occurrence in Galway. Copt.. Lambert ta mnufature at laea expona than theo mon ta.lly monndod by an assoain, acohinioca cf Hamilton and Toronto, mI wo maa oabscqacocly nirreatad. A an ho hia. the sanme aoveuieoao of matou riot oecarred et. Belfant on thne llt and rail commniacation, both ftar betwsean Orongenen and Catholioa. porciog and axpoting hi. taif,ad CU. Tieo notera more diopcroad and oaly pensesnla Okvile ara loua thon ln a CI- one orreet mas mode. t Onkuilla aloo cuataios an extensive Warren, n rclenoed Fenian priaonoar, tannory owncd by Thompoon Smith, has had oan interview mit.b Proaldant L N plauing milla of R. S. Wood, and svr 1Grat, oshicin reonlted latho Preai- LE il coriaga maork, lb.euaou. Petric & dent.'a ioaung an order dirating Soc.* I R Ctin'a noubla mrk., a largo nambar of rotary Fiah to inqoiro into the case of M Ats.y.moKlnnea kCo'a y elégaI dry goudeanud grocouy stores, the iaoprisoned Fenians. 1 aiso, a wholeaae tout and &hoc etab- The discussion of thae Àloaama L L N E llabno f Mesre. MoRobinon & Co., ltaimtasa been potponed, us lit mua and aaverat nama torea, puoaninent thea0inion ot thea Gavernant that it anan; whist latthe esabliahmnt oftW. Zvauît n teethe internata lavaI. H. cauag, wemhraaite 40> ont eft ha yod la tha question by abtaining froua 75Dnily. Gloa w hioh ara aold ia the discuing it at the presnt tine. The toma. Mr.* Young halan a very prov*nae of mora moderato vioma et fine farniture esablishmntn, and aot the tha anhiac in1 America la oiog to the oppoaite olde of is book und foriiînraseove= that Engtund milI not con"d deparî.mant, ha koepa a fait tock of bcyndacertain pOint., Ia the Bouse groceries.. . Of Lords, the Bitl providiog for the Thewmou! sud prouaca nuainens ara reation ut lifo peerage wmonrjeoted by important itein iii tho exporta of Oak- a large majoricy. ville ;no ena Ilion four mool havero moue ougaged thia neansa, bMonrs. Me- At. a Cabinet meeting held recentty N Dongatd tIha Reove. Mlr. Barclay the il mon ronolved chut the Governent I N Mayor, W. E. Hagaman and Cyrua iii noteconcur lun ny of the nmeud- K O Moore. They arc em cîiegsged ia meato to the Irish Chsrch Bilt thaO Ma N oeuding it ta markcc.-Wbeac mon a iilinlanny may impair the priacipte of F.k dollar o busel on Taeaday. total disendommeut. It la runosred S. For Daloa Honni. Ce. Thoro are four batela ta Oahvillo, that Lords Clarendon, Granvilltaund F. t and ce nc che Station. Mr. Teser ba larcingtoo, evineed a disposition te Mo N the Canadian Ilotel, nhiot. ta a fise yhld, bal more firmly overruled by thé, K O brick building coacaiisig cety-one otier mombers proscri. N bcd-roomo aud four parloro, bat sob h ta The Irish Curh il pssd sN che rush ln Sommer hat it could b hr cigi hearc i sofeL nIas filed taico suer, if al the applicationsaontird ad igithoAHoao eLr o, f'or ronesmore otisfied. o odynga auodenl Oneof he oocinguloo ccinna t a@ adopted omiciug the clauselpar- Onekofihe Ma oto neio of the ofmitliug the bi6bopo te retain chirscents Johs Coaly, the culoued barber, mho sud aise a provino providing reidances nhoec as patnc h has jua ohîilan globes for the (Jatholie and Preoby. Rhowd usa ptentho ad jst btai.crias lergy. and adeptiag thnepriaeýi. trea Ottawa for as ingosisua Rifla, o pie aof concurrent endommient. Lord huoacl;-loader. The pateucod potsue Derby puenocodei a poetaainotth lac. luen Stock ;2nd. Barrol acarod 1Bill.prlsag he h.psos ciaOOnu.d.g-nosnsg si i-J i-n oe 10 p w p cal i w w o lai p 17)2 do o H g do Fl- o o r0 'ni do ho 'Sa CD do' au ho ho do do do H I do 'e E o o o do' o- au aq ho y- ~a. o g do pi- o un o do J. do- eq an on au au o do au o o ou E o ne au o Ha pi o au c do o o Pi- o H -a o c.:: 17..] ho E 17)2 au do I cnq E do o do do au H Ha ol do do on au O' o H on o do l'a n4 e au us o do~ o- do au un o M M au, Ho c, 44-y BENJAM .IN JONEýS Cabiet-Mkerand Undidakerh D ESIRES te tutissoto that he ha. PURCIIASED THE HEARSE FORMERLY USED IN MON And hasing it sotty node hie omn o ntrot, ile peot Fuzniah Funerala on short notice, ana ut iowor rates or bmte than heretoftore. Milton, Joue 23rd, l8tit 2)y MRILTON LIVERY STABLES. THE auhieunhor hoga ta anaouuua chat he hau juat puchaad the abova Ad ia paeramteb auPP]goadaato&al whomraa:= traOtn . the w ida pra~lda a Dnon Wg-n, for Ansd &W fotean . ommatioa of Harehantae arrylng goost..Ondes. i.ft ut the ThoaPmn 1Houa. proaptly attauded to, Ea BoumAN nty mt", mV at 31, lem0 NOTICE. Wluut the Farinera of Hiton bave lonag wante4. WM. .10O.WES, ONTARIO 1 e, b ugl t e ccu f*ea. YI OMarle Irorks A-OERï0N1 GEORGETOWN AND ORANGEVILLE. E. Na ORR, Proprietor, w OULD aespeuteutty alicit chose ta se,]ot anythlng lanbina Maubte ina ta geobla acai, un ha la prepared ta, gdv an cond and c ecap an articla se any ltha huanens, having pernonutty salctea bit arl uh roua the bae t mebnlath. United States, ana llIcontueta ta Ive satisfaciun. Huvlngon banda lncdia asoorainont of aHi hinds oni betafor Mbonuments, ilcanate, Jumbatanea Pusa, Table Tape, 0tattspbnces, anti everyting namualInta Mrbte. E. N. ORIt. Georgetomn, tauch, nlth, tocs. 4n-to List of Letters DyelAININO la tIn.PostbOffic, ut Mitdi, en.te t. 1lt JaIy. u869. Anudison Georcge Griffith S P Bridager Mi"e jnhnUstooJohn Bnge Mr BA M reh R Wà Onnîîphnil Aatheny D McKausie Mnrcuanl Ctnnh MrH lR MeNeighb ltouhct DînhI Davidl Raynoitn Mr% Olargtbt Eda Mist Alwnna Stb Min Ana Gaadaa Jams mith Peter Mý Çrent Laudobin * *Porn acniisgfors nuy cf the nhovs inttaaa sii pcenaay tt&ey Arco aieed. W. Ptmaâe. Say Rake Gombilda Haatina. Aul ondnu. pua.uslty aoad or meainon as nsfoInnudosoiOIn Fecrbiasiooa addaaei WILLIAM BOWU' Mitron P.O. Milton, Jums cech, 1ae0. 1-I1 STRAY CGjW. hen 1n 4, Oths C , alj = waib, 'ibh ,tch aCa aIl fsn1ýP a bnst Hrbshg, Joua Bots, 1800. -. Apphy to JOHON OEWAiJa., Bacuistef, h&'. Milton, uadn30In, it6u. GREAT CLEARING SALE. GOOS THAT MUSt- BE SOLO!1 ROBERT THOMPSON, Haviitg determined to erect a large Now st.ore on the Otl dsite, ho bis-lhooad hia StoI.ur o dom aSouth, mho. chaeId Saa, a wainas hi& Ex St.a.nipa Pearema.anal Naoa Sc<mii ta lhoelanrasioff a Astonishingly Low Rates!1 . 'Wc>rd. ltO qC32o0 L3ad. AIIL Do sot ltthcha hnc slip, but eecenn'meof thecbnnoaisna theyamutandnst csja na hfsna gig iatteaNa.i tera. 1110. THOMI'SON atil nu the peuiuian wU-sichus VJCTORJA FLOUi3ING MILIS, And lias iog cou-h-set a caspeteut MIL,, R. J di OHN HEWON. long and i anuby baon Onom htes oiseneoctin n-ich thnnbx)e Iiil. Ho son us îîs- e mtisfiteut .11', scs rlýii,, IaTcNG. Hitseit cash trices ton Peesoco Al kiadis stFlour andsiF-colsctntly on bandt. r a pos DMiiitury Se The iods m MIioi îol i ~ idhôel la mliipleaa neit rd teOthewiý At'this seune ~yformen la nai JO lavaq dasiru roëlly goc am plus eta reaot MU, Draggaal A LASOSE lOt -J.. T.) Lloy adhortisea ouinp He ega, mtich ih addlvetdon't for nipg et ocU Boeam big trder. Ne a Rema Cath( tast auha ceai ho m'ahed a. b- -î Banad prü~t. etted thul ma Bible business SA SON ot Mu. lad uboutt oul, driviag a teaio en Wednesay t Idly round a o thrsmn frsm t.h gaerai ente s bit, alt.bongb i mot considcred, Ria meunds me: -Dr. Stars, and1 -Rcral. ABoouW midi the sterma anii for the puavionla thia neigliýporhi The rais Vel the ligultmaog I tut n friend1 dolngIl ycooa %lie eiig, v tbnnem as hein Infrae" Most v ouvercal bis ou taon somons-lat Violence tof the Tai moral i pie -ot Ztoî supes frein Ire oespauy si, ed und drilled ira englue,I Very licte cajo sine and oppaas andlthe nothori doue iheut. aither !etfthe- baad*s, the ce beia ouat cula1 Tua Anuite the Boyna, vn jKoraby a"a *toma mith banni log an nd ail tien1 ise Intha oelebrn - The lodgea uFol ,%iy theCon. mi Sleua. Meuars,1 Md lothera. wescouduateal emyand orail ONic Surdsi Va 'Wgivec byec Sahool rom of Trafaigur. T <fail presnOt.,i ýy fat neor!y tv tealitotrrante ed vividiy in th ?tnie e chl 1 Csssmiuville, Api 14, 1809. 1 . 1 ie e 78 n 1). te te