beaago,0 *B. T luOt' aoye.yk Waresde aG reek §h a Ly Olaacf é.lttle a wn tud and lamecla m lte a, va eday -lait, Tho d- stocd; Boit iph el Ce.. UV-ilo, R. Bla ksau. leti-Rt tad, Ria Btock; 2ade Ar. rm-g Ta-lot, R. Wad. W e;laed in .e orer o Acanatroof, Lh MilCan, W. Shot- etanenthe nsat18la. aa aery le;iln tek wy4 rus- bo t s1ta ra 2t5u i 35-86 1i fa iatagb, awl 13 WORM LOIENQES, . Eaertain anit afo reraeetforvarma eln nhitirea atBat. hteoaa volt andt metaarhaly fart that ana grot. som0f draft,, amoag thittron ha frain GO TO veu aone, ietranot ho ta&, deepIy tm-. pamed apon the minda of parente tho aiaintyofctoietrv atchtng therchtldnen. N Ir a itoing and naderatanadng tthe rymp- i N bmand true eaase of tie diamea, thons. KO ams feciltrrn mfgha ho savetmcraar. N VgOavm.-SOraTVU Oor Woaa.-Tlie fol: Meo tmfagârrafea at the very rameront F. gaptima nidtimaoci hich anoecaana 8. For BonNiTa. Ca, hy venu ; eramget appatite, emanetatait F.a mâtaihta, offensive brrath, freqnant eN ttihgat thaeriningaofthe teethN tking îîeep, andt .ometimea convulaivoe »16pai the bradanid etmach, an- I N s ep, antinga, teemblînge, eongheo N on, loy spirits, frigbifal ireams, aiagrdaitai ntga.ayat bah. They 5e.»itbe ad setf-administerrd ta the dOitrhvooU 1the vorma thorangbtly aillet pain anid ompitily cleanse the dmph-theretydioig-aaay aithth le mwty of odmiitring Castor Oit or priSapisanat athartic.-Earh box MI" he acfasiaite ignaura of Nor- àl'& Lyma, Newcatle, Ont., aho ara ta .ai propritra. N. B. Ank for lilovay'a Worai Loaragra. anid lakono i'air. Salit by att fhe Driiggisi in Mit- *a,*a i ediina dealere crywhere. BUY YOUIR * 13 B SI TORON~TO MARKETB.I H Jane 29, 1869. AD A T - Piiheat ......81.03 ta 1.05 L AtB. F. MceKinon Co'i. S Uprng Wbeat .....O 92 ta 1.1)0 A T Oase......0.152 to 054A Blrey ........ 0.80 10 1.20 D -Fea&.............. . o ti H3 Ptatoe........0.50 to055 E S Aplsper bl....1.55 to 2.00) .. ..ecvt 540 te610 a. . . 0.18 ce0ý2D .... ....0.16 te 0.20 ..........o010te 0.11 ....... .4.64 tato 00 ____________ l0e b..... .33 t0.35 -HAMILTON MARKET5. HAMILTN Jou ae 28, 1869. 'IranWhat. 4095ta 1.00 brig Whtat... 0.90 to 1.00 GET YOUR ..... .... .0. 70 ta .75 =-hre............ 6. 50te8. 60A J" ePuelb.......0.12 ta0.17 jA po ............ .69 te0.70 K K te........... ... .056to 0. 57 LE NlatoesPer hag ....0.88tol.25 T Meper ton ......11.00 te 13.00 8 At 8.F. MoKinnan&COS. *"aPer load .....3.00te 4. 00 T baiby the alde ....6.5Oto 7.00 LE .frpar dos ... .0. 12 ho 0.14 K K Fi eot ........7.O00to 7: 0 1 Il o s per]b .......0. 10te 0. 12A *Whlpeulb ......0. 3to0. 35 NICHth l t OL DT 1-ivyi, Jane If 11.. l8. Ot List of Letters 1ItlDnNGtaiti. Grorgtwn Pmut lu t w1îJeo mi,16. -e'Slhaqin Jilion w M 'Z J B M0'ha M iiFaat It H Wison WA l ~rm.Mths- Wataraon John bLenry Walke G ieai.clina fr ayet Giaboya lttera aa hy are aitrertiiot. F. B3ACLAY. David Littley AIN.-T a MILTON, te ~ *Commercial l1,1,1, ~SBta anomoGehanaicemmmat e~at Gi, above tad, eryraha teyprl=utnea nid attentioin te eit etubfP&tthparAa«e. vIl motodt Bd idi. a mudisa Tweobd laUkUIyI laI11ab11 Ur Uu't PnovNe rOn rene"1t10 IN the Ceonty Co.atyaf York: fCortcf ttc Ceuntycof Yen,, iatheomater of William Iantel Shaw, AN INSOLVENT. The ndarigned m fboat o dof corn. anio d discha1)e, roecoted ty tie =, aionida Mit. THOMPSON s i tiinah. pop.IWr vili.novn VICTORIA FLOUBING MILLS, ex Mt hariacumptoyet a ompt mu Mt, rait.JOHN HEWBON. CtMdntOaaliiy iaovaleracodtof tarmen oo, . tioi. ith ir.abya iii. e aa lvtifeuent Mûndy, 2rd o Au~si N &HllhboOvor hti ith GRISTIfG. Bichait cah pnIe PrJaAll i"daOf Moti torconfirmation theef. Toronto, lUth Jane, 18691. WILLIAM M. SHAW. ty H. B. MORPHY, Hi* A.4îrey,od lite, 2-9t Chiancery Sale Ei ~c~~tr aES Q eSreaninG.rero maei cueo Onnamicovulla, April 14, 1869. Direct Importaiois FROM MANCIIESK'TER & G-ILASGOW,[ Appeibe against Lirlngstoa, XV. 1D . &; ] . Aiid berinacdte th. fifai day ce Apfl bawt nid th. aighth day oflu ne, co.tat, ami a'ith tie appaîbatie,, et Aadcca Norton IBonl FeîquaeetheaMarin aU aary ofthe ýaid Conrtthe f le vinlandsand prcoon PUSL[C.&sold[O A.JYON'Sn Ara nov prapared ta AND William Walker Hoe, MILAGE OF GEORGETOWN, A UCTIO N EER, &t i.i Anetion PLcoma, in the raid Villageofa Geretwn, on Baturday, the. 3rd day of ~Ju1y, 1869, Atithe hbrnof Tm n oClk in tuea/lrnoan, Of DRY-GOODE evar imported isfo ahe Caunty of Baltai, et peli.m ~T UER ORAL I CNEAPd An Inapeetona la la mo piar ie, -Ait ut tparce. Or tract Allo on had of tand aid . b' nd pofrtanco a nid k.. a aithaOoaGi bah 0ftha ,Wmt hall ai? Lot nambern iamty, l in-te .ghth Concessin .. éof he GROCERJES1 LQURS TOWESHIP 0F ESQUESINO, INoyaMCROCI(ERY, L ~~COUNTY OFHRALTON,1 D A E B O S & S O S C A .Nann N &oa Fzft11 Acreg, More Or 1£88. And eycrythhag utaaîhikept ilA aGein' tore. L N Therraenaan olitliog at rmae hon d T0 RaoIt tdrame baran on the proetY. ralorfng »One on the Premise T 9 Th. Lot je ituate -ithiaa&bout t-Omitea 0f thaVgetr o Groretn i ii r Tot aOao hI t G t e0 il nBy that wadI knoovaCtte, hIMR.CLOUSIEN. toua a depoit inii the p=aorin Cra .il taim tifor eey meh.hanttdla,0 ii _____________________ porahar monoy t the Vendon onhar Solcitor, A xm .T Oa ait withia oaa moth therenolter sal pagy vitheat interertai a ion' anficient vtth Gi gaht depiit t malte Wnp me OoontheCaGir eryadacr agixe panvhaaaioney : thebaanatata iecuradGalaladeoabgant hy moefgage -nthe prOPotYat the. pmhonhi' sapoar pyailathremial i n tal.ul. meteyeath day o0fsele, viGi intcent *< ~ A j yoaly upon unapî pa à-betà,Pe cant j i pan paymt of Gtahe efoath r012Ze N ebummâney. andiri the mojte - ~;MitanApeil 7th.i1869 I. S.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I Fo m' Aa o h eeaigcdtiteciions ofleo ieonî F. Tii. o"dtiona 0fsale at nd utber ptirm Siye r tle, STRA Y COW MaN lam 0,b obtain theI irLawa aroa tryd r1toem K O Mnra iain Parn.onanitParkinson. at 0IPN MC or, nu~oto. ad William T ai the prermtal of John ItGgir OBO> T fei Lt14, &h Cm, Teafal- N. « n, ad ofth Au lo,bout th.e ltt Of lOars,&BBAY 'ganA DRY Cow, 4 = oar ari Naat.i.ît a o ae . .ioe COLT--amatime , t3 e l it. d Any pic . .i t u ,' vmeh i... atnapion unit D", tà 0e da o JWNJk . ion- ,,givinx taformaton 0aite the hera.e-i w ii a mi inlaMatt ai Zbly 1ht~~~ IUL 34~~ shoateaf te ont it utIteuut1thly ravarff luhieuraltathi ait N.BUELL. j<mm MOGRRGE Ms.t~ItfEJ (;«tm alrl4Nelion, Joune iii, 869. e52.4tf Bomby, Jane Ptb, Ift. 3.4t J may net bo known te Haltonina 183W ADVIETIBEtEfrW. *int an'fficiai getleman ia maiing a-GR A (F A I TC Q Tt »,i."sreyofti CutHo la N ihat the Iarmea aor Hatcom E T L A IN A E ,-ai i ltltan and makes is o Mn ys K ~N OhaNelong wamtedi. emybhim 50 miles n day, and coiag F. & wVM7. BOWTES, uont liai? and dowa anotliee. lit S. For Div Doonas. Co. ba aacrtaiard tuai Milieou containa F.- & .]-Slýàh thei riaht of the Coaaîy of 48biksdsoc n 0 Odn Me N H an ufactare Whiou-a a aae, t 200 vooden K No0ANDEREON'S GOODS THAT MUST BE SOLDI *wl.lriht' aopa, 1 grist imiîl anaNCLHAE E AVEIR________ atbtiso, (6 lnechea-, andona ,unôey could furniati billtster 1000 AND auîsd 200 homses. - - ' ________ R ay Rake Oombined. Two qay%,'woehtn& o& fichI..ipay for , ROBE RT THOM PSONý ~~gr-McK Y. iy th Ita. .1 Gi-Machine. AU l oraîaiaetoalîy attcadedtote My Je th, le».at thereidenofa a o)o.eoedol e . brid' ahrGoiaMKy i. ,î,hi fitNyloin. akh., tri e mai EýtuFur pm.u ueî hleldai, Wabtear 'ett, of the Bay c Qirte ILA IOW , tAnmal Conefoac, t Elia o Aaa ILIAMMo-S Kyas 1 L L Milrain, Jonc 111h, 1869,. I 7P.0 09 AET ENG-111I EMEMIT MR anitJAI;Ea CLAiitKEa M ÂtS.F.McKinntn&Co'a. Y CELEBRATED PEMALE PILLE, R R, aving determined to erect a large New Store tth îe Qacnn.I voj yl kma medittie ta no impo. Onti011Bth hiBroitiiBac ito Bithaha1.aiSeai btanue » ai le remaity for Fe. o h Uj th h O vdI-Socktw oai ot, iithi.dStck DiilitaitandBitObstr.ieai oaaWou Asah ,« mm ovhatevrr; Bodtathoah a power- ONTARIO IIg miity, they coatain noohing bottaI t,*eODttton. va naneuam_ __ _ _ __ _. arble W orks El speentiar aiteit. la Il 1, . a short te o th motldyperod ithGEORGIETOWN AND ORANGEVILIE. - MP0 te 2d areroaa kai.r tBat.EN. ORProprietor, El ileamwbî1a PeianianBd Xlt'aganviii ta ,laarat off a 1. lmit patienlem tegeta pamphlet N TTOULDrecpctftilly soaicitt hoeta eof the agent. IWN V aid ai anythtng ta the Maette 4'.~~~~ ~ N.SantP.tUneap oce. lte tgohtm a cal], ashe laprepared to ý*(B-1ad6P tmseco-0 gir. ai good andt oheap an Betce a a By 1v Yae.U .iteiy athriet agent, viii inuer Ba aN ho the buatnesa, having peeîonally aerted sithigy L w a e bitossé lnimngavTee a0 Pila, hy reanmn F. hta marbhi om the hait voeu intahe.'O W JaOB MOBES,N. Y., S. For DamI Goott. Co. UntedtStates, and viii continuo t a iva àow Prop .,w F.satisfaction. Ravine onbandia a ptenit 11100AaaN -Si~Er Jamea Clae@ a' Mo N aftaaefment of aIl ida of Mai, foraemmm «tedvly ouraMo namntB eadifonei, Tombetonai ~.i.41D eztnmfoly oraa.eav.I K O Pti7. Tble Tope, Maaleptaci, ni s~4.gonine have the nana of « JB 1 everythtng namedin t Marbir. on 300acii package. Ait otheai areNEN.01.. r t AL u.rtiiless. NE .OR > i a cl t9rtrap & LymBo, Newcastle, Ont., GogtwMrh 7h 89 0t aralt rots for Gir Canadtai. oitt (ergtanlauh 11, Ot0t .%ony . WatandiiJ. B.* Wtt ti Do noilet the cha sip,.but ocresmaf the ogueithay mont aid viau ud J.T1IefllNII'P *rruIuy. hfara can ta attheiN.ý lia HoflI~arak ~- - oe ~ ~ N z ~ la ni 'ai G -4 <i Ci ci Gi a a o 0q .8 Gi i ni On Gi G ni ci a ai 'e e ci ni ai cii~i o a <n g; t~i Ci a la o o Gi i ~.ii '~0 1:12 o Gi coq. H <i '.4 c Il; o w W fa o i fl M O a R ~ p ~ ~ n a4 ~ AGUCULTURALWOWI%ý :~u E o o Pli o G o Ne a ai G '4 a o G G 'e a G a 1:12 a G a C-. o a fi a o ni G o o 13 coq G 'e e 10 N '4 la 'q G fi pi- '4 n '4 fi fi i i 1> n 3 i la Mesgrs. Brothers & Hattoii,, B 190 to annonratla vtrw of the prospertty of thoir Foaadry, and tha aeat dOw- mand laut aritnn, that they are prepared te tam ont tht. iaa'a iduaél large number of COMBINEIY REAPER. & MOWER, Wlth Self ind H*nd Rako0 e L¶'ES' 9CROW P 8j3mf They è.ould dréeftpartIefar attBUdUoAtaethafr IMP'ROVrFD H1AMMÉYRU11 STÉÉ:L AAIRI Thet ire tng tht. seaionan ImprovedIt OUfl<D IluAlËtIl ttÉ LUIYX I M TE, Laid *Jtâ tlt el, .hhi h lobaO toapectedit taohnowledge o b.ite dadiapro.' montai it aiido its worhmnuchemiter thau BoyFtqnare Faeed Gani,à irorhIttatemgth le." ]table te breatage. They' are itng the 3-tnch Ameritn eh itta, wWhteiaada ta the. Ught -dmught of thé Machine. Bayverai fàemèri cl' the. natghba.hoei have diedd ta hve ttte Imbpcý*d Guarit piftùitdtlheitr aI Bari. la aloo dtaplayeit on the iachtne, wihteu i neeib .int ta baimea ta ho apeedttit*- The Wood Itaterua] ta ait Of thr braI qnalîty, and thaeongbly uesiônai The Improted Gearéd T1raaker t Wi ab ena dera tos attiati iea etbkWôre w hltaMy minnftbd ua MOBRINSD' IMPROVED igt-BÉRM LOIRWl1 Ail who nie this Ptonigh natta lu gtvtng a htgh tesitmony ta tie miette. lianu1factured with WrouLght or Caat Bhar6êe Kr Att minore cf JOBBING ta their Iiié dôoe promptiy and an eeaionLabi. tenu.- FRIOTHERS &H'104 Milie, Aprleti 196iéf. îB THOMAS YOUNG, BUILDB1S IARD WAR~BA SRIlMON ANO g'gLe P'ih2ti, and Oit., Belttag, Blacinîxitha BÉellovo and Coal, Brat Cottér and But. gyStaff, Hubba and Spoke@, Lsaend Pegoi, inal Oh and LBipr. Wall Pu. per ia geont varety, Wiadow Shaden. JIAYING AND RARYEST IMPLEMN TS, A BRA M'S -NE W PAÂTENT CORSE FOR, Manilla Rilpe, and a quantity of Ilape Seed. Ton. and Tobaccea oft the oicst brande. Goodo maeked i. plain fignam.No iaoad peina. Whila tbanking haeoastomera for the)iberai patronae M.édad te him la thepaut, the gabecriber invitai the pubia ta dall m eaiiiapdid Pela. bofore paechaiig eliavee, ar ho à filly postedahdoin la tiaBats ofth ounetr, aad noaeffort ahi be anting on là part te gin iatiif6o"im 'PHOMAS YOUNG', Main, Saree*, 1March lih, 1809:* do.]i, BENJAMIN JONES,; CbWet-Maker and UndedW' URJICgXSÉ E I EARSE FOgiIERLTIJUSED IN MILIIO!( And haviag àt 9»14Y andmenIda o"acontralintaper at N<arnl"h Fmerab a short notice, a.nd at lower rates or aban» thmn hetofbre. oi, June lied, 1809. 2-ly TEM anhiehba ta announcthathot.Juit Pnrdehad theicr And ia prealiaitota Ùppk= Zpd t.,inwi0.ho my esqtrti mafie aha tat'aot»w. 'Aid a&Wafor the aSemmudim tliof Miahiate caming g B ra *" <hEutait hi T"omi Honia pvmpty attendit te.1 i: ltdtn, MAY 131h, 18W1. il KANNAW.