IMM O3OTS AtN D SUQES. PARLI EN rARY COUREEPONI,1rrcent, which wao nl the London CO1tRESPON0 DENCE. News Items. , HMLO KT. S. F. 'XINNON&CO. DENCE. Fnnciol Agents could get H Gin it.19 169 td - t~~~li tcifor, proccided to itioke ue f WC do nlt hold eurscIq'es respon- The Viceroy-of Egypt la on a tour HMLOMy1,16.Haveranh plae l incInernaes: t LL TITEI PPRTNG STYLES AT (F,, npayn,-,off avuricty of obigations. Fullbîc for t.$095 te1u-00ne of our t now UIîoubtheFule OTTAW, a 111,l (". Si.ig Fitud pidoff 8681, iOooThe Daciah Govroteent comieain rley............ 0.80 toi1.85 iiidigaflba a.. > P reBtter and Egtbu) et Smith& 0n Friday, vmo bcd the Budget 001fttc 0 lirreltait ban;T,1leiiîurî,f te Chaooiîoî-tOt the Uctted States, efftr greeing PotrOperot .... .022t 0.00 on0.aoUt .pyf iIOVISTONS PROVI000.Oth Gve e$500t o îeIoOc w - oreode lcn ut eeet h oade t hmsPa........0te 0. y Gtils-Jet rlmp ave b Speech, wtîte hlldbeen loocli ci ih &083 $,00, te otgtBako it-Acrepnntlvgint hs he itOirjiîS.po Bmopattu prt.......... .0.22 tao0.76OMDrty Goodlyt1v haab StrPLetDI ASSORTIENTd ceve more titan ordîunry ititencot, cs it 2lotrril; 85011 a0,debt owcte ioSlc>crtowo, and iging himseiffor $7,500,000 je geld, tov cegleet t Ote............. ... i te 0 -52 ~" 1 NVidew =&siedu,. ebp(r eh, eaIL;: wou betieueol MtRose Led ut a very the Ontario Govonoicc t,anid $873,000 "Gc;e. Opinion," hou dccutcd it ueceu raîrry-out ftie bergelu.[Iyprtn . 301e140 DaGo _____ ieti.fctory l'tateseof things tedcloso,'f rer centbonde. Ho lad Ile-sn. te0 ok yonr publiration of a most FOulliberty je nov proclaiied tte CStruv prr nd .....3. 00 to 4. 00 orte. DiD - ployed, ine rdetsptiono cf debt, $5808, gaerons k n eY OtY epe fAsJ En e lf ndBe h ad. TyOJ'C)VAN BUY A TTP TOI eand thore mou a eaturcloanxiety te keow 0(), mOl>, ldborneniio otîcoet oe looosotc nnvr otyjcob fAeru n c iodBi thed...6. 00 te 6. 50 LTm forr$t.OO peitMi t Stath0e. mhtler Oc h*ed te bc able to maLe> 35 o00 f the blnce, 81,500,000 and Ligbly roîcoird pocecu., I woold enorgy have beeu iufuued jutothe na- Eggs per des,........0.12 te 0. 28 l<AN BUY A FINE BRAN- the tWO endo mort, cithout rcoortnig te "00ploccd on il Btikblo f' Slotrcîl t caggest, Mr. Editer, ilnt tlîesignatere, tie. ites ar et .........6. 00 te7. 50 iucrehtaec cen lsý r ie 290,00 biio, b ilirwn n lo.Calfakinsueterlb.......0.10 te 012 Povtne ime, t nof already tîey bon 4 per rcnt intcroed 28000'e poo, owtdau n Mu ANBUTANEXCLL doe f txaio.Sr. Ronose pokofC lu astijliIle l:i id. cfithe London tliot of il.S. (Prince of' Slandereru) AIl maIe cilidren bore lu Franceo on V bo i tc rccdtC lc lce n I m On f~iler Ith cf crut Aungut-the birtbduTE iE NLSIitUD Y*etTes et Smihftlin W , Oe70 ointe thrcc bonne ecd a haf-hisoMaerntnit fclfod3 ho b.d aocijiablu fot ',rc- 1coold bc a ooefitticg appelTtioG * - ______________ ofhet'tcfiueucial position hei, c ccccd co,- ; 'ti,,vo loeeitvitThe passagecin thc Itter referma c NtucuIvceprct iI 0RJAR LREg _________________ XrO1 CAN IirlY A SINDIO icly fuît ecnd eppaently cndd tlemwc or ýIingflcra''1- cu Opinion" are by ite je- consent te tliei berig tO come ef CELEBAEISML PLS uu<tt Wbiek il etinei to b, e74d , 000 teniosally miscontrucd, and tîjue, in- Nupoleoe, vilI be taeciunder the Prere fr"&a o c, occ-ipic of Sir J. Clar, fo io e aii vi1il nbnso odn Agent', tcndcd te inislcad, pacd e or Ouroei al ro etionof he Geeercmecî M. D , h u e etMn cn -flOU CAN BUY RAISINS.,CR. thorouglîly discuosed, smmc ,ill bc dis f,0)iiol , O't Il. ciiiii Il ilw'y cadere. "Ile icoîiicg cf' Atlîc ortibilcfxigîher [ Cc ths el k oi Qecn an mo -Lnla.Prues. aed ther Frimto vrY pced te dram cclucios frote Le t ', j$3,251,100 : B'a' niko ntirrod te is îîs plain cus it pcoibîy Acvertiubsfxitequiti onvct aOcore.mndîe eetfr.te- t.6os prmic cmdbtdifect rn loo iotu t.ouo,11i) ; 11 C'ipts osi' cold bt.e Thesenen~ce n lîicb iecactioc cf votelieu becu introduiod by mate Difficltige and Obtrtions, fromt * ON'T FAIL TO CALAND hedrcv * Bati fntreC..î81,50e1$.iliOl il1.,c i gctstnlctc o 100Siroî esvaler catheug hpirf 'D m nth char.t Puelle Boutsin Miti tmbc i Miirîol 81lb1,liO. TIisou ct a cc cas, asdcnîccti islibtdsfut rcmcdy, thcy centain thghrtu te%. At Smth$. Foilowieg te exampbcet frcm tlîc varicos actn,,bc sic rou i te ,d in tIiý a total changc cf Ieniiig,and thug ini- The notorions vliukey-in fomr_ 'te the contitetion.& TXAMINE TIIEDELIGItTFUL plpit. M. IRose, assitcd thec onder for'i' tc183401recoupn ablleigoi f iobn~cii coocdislow Mte Ple, cfaTistrts-ti0'b 1-c bef e culiar x.ited.SIF. M'KNIn a&shoOt -.E Cr.21eyasd Chies, Tcs Set, et C.. standings of hie bicarcre y i i clîcw bt wee i.cecccîcy fr ccu 1g I ', r ickioldc, O iipy dcly h oieMg rt f tOut City, ce c.tje et i r ao n t t e , thl eia gwteit v. poe tetinttorD tuadiecru udo fotIicdo>o: .miog te lus fourih lc 1-tîowere, "1'Thercgisers nbculd bc sup-Cime ilGeedoDeatmnt, hc uttilesdviii os icinrnc.Tc ocsewsudsdcareo unutvthmtentto îeaîe. mett it t tcltetajeaaductfé JVFRyl3oDy IS CIIAIMEI) Firt-Thi ficoncial rsltsof fliocol .ct f îî ciîgycoî SIc. plicd te flic L. Supcintecdent or grcvions bodity haro. He ejît pnob. 'bae rP"I' e. Noie r (ee fkmvlfa efailtibegnsfrpig onauu J th the 0.. oeetet tteitb'n. 7ycorc t(iqcprofaccd is otintiaicu on thlin& TowneClerk ,te be distributcd b byb oîmmttted fer trial. Litereteoirvd n< bo u. naalga ta' T I ~~~~point, uitli un rîciorciestiatenicO t cf y' tLoing arudocrb et' tinte eqeiva T ~iva Xio1IBOPi.ET UY1thel-b ibol n albtaco lcvicv c toî,.(,f' ttcprcesetcondi :Ioti ta beocre the time) of tOcehe h e eiv Ashton Oece on, tOi evly For futt paîttoutaîni, gîtBFTPAET B a nl-hepoal n nlbtacpamphlet, 1«4 ps iions owaibh. dum tiloed resuIte if tOcenornent yccr, îii oed rcorcsof t(ie contry. ilc', metitng. Thie vis ve.teroagb ecder- eeted Biuhep et' Montreat, je tit, fer, i the agat. ha SEE.N .-Si and 6 postage clamps enclos- DaT GooenEMipoau, eagu.a g** G 1T I'S. 9.Tiidly-Tbc oleffcts f 1ost broaglit foîcord narIce c f î'îltic, od by yourncorrcpectitennehre'gsntpplot religion. idtoauy authoitedaget, viti insure a titite. 31aY l2th. t '. "tf eittî titi-sdcviocfnnOur icganîlotpoIlle os b seppciooftaboring undor- ne ttark vorlce. bottincontateino oer5eefpilte, by rtum eretw.Maas der oilto ncrfnc'bPoîce uiî'eric, ydorrcion cf cf tOc --delirium tnemens,~ hè cuccce-MyrFil fOtwded on mail. mlwom lione;and Forthly-Tlîc probable rc- triîdc, o"iig ta cc.,,r-ii.portatio, t'le cd le producieg the afcrcccideltundcroee Me0e Fuelet' Otava, dt on lB MOSE N, Y. (Il£ '.c !aniaîiil 1)Ilaîîpioi ,cipts andxpcnitue cflthcueroit ooîî Ilms e,ieo, aî.' d'and coorilcu, 1ttak. I ate bourrer Secasy bet, Sîcelt Norlcn-Sir Jame Ctarke'o uom.ew. cÂeAnwo.v ttdiin i t t i o cep a ir, fin o bcc ,bi Cm MILTO, MÂY ~ ~ ycar, 18619 70. ctciî,cin ourcis bdte tiecoeegin ,nitcty pbah.he c-A oubliroft'the 20t0 Regtmetît ha FcmatrPilla are csteneivrty CeuNeiatrr MITNMYIc ec.Wthrgadii-h ca nci,3l,1 :nlshW.nui to, naue ilt cowvc yor Tene. t ncnuohure ahie aeof --JOB I AUt teorcglY.03"in th* D,.W,, ____________I ' iy soL fcicty dter, ecen ncl'i's idit mit somo peopie biena tîtd in Terito by Court M51cr 1MOSES on îach package. Att ether aiel Joue. 18118, Mr. boser CI -li eod ta il e iî 1D O teuîitictic te bc d'>1ricd cf ilargumient tr oe o i il o eeteud satecced te 2 voithlenu. Goarn aforepJeei ah odeitPcte ccIesocpctee O e îi eiu lont in- d louder anid abuse ;nnd tueo, tliet ycur yeaîu ivprinieet itthurd lao e rlatsr foa theCaad evastti, at., tic rplet ,ctiraFiio le hoc subti1114 te ile lb usc ain S , A f l er ecorecpodcnt tLas ocentepped tOche dt h Jrkdvibte otee.Mil y t e a oneu. B.Wilmott pecrocce ras vec, ulyci 5, 'pe 'anacî t'u Dctefcrt &" ta bcdarkedwoth ttelattrD._________H._WasonanJ._B trîligbisncdgticSpcrof'Oftle,2 id0Apenl e'ýIîîî, OC'ds, Ion ocl,Cis 80.100.50 bcuedc cf ducecny and gnte nl bi aatîSecl f lc2i-IApibou oronf,îc ti tî .onjt cducl. 1batcmo tc duiotif yeur The Spectards bs ectyuefrdIltitclocy __________ eet. _____ 1868, mbco inr M uthîs' f ithe yeuin cf t>. c rentt vcon >3 00 000 f corepnetm 13unt ie I.gvrldoet ttebad fLi a Tue Conrt o et' isin for tîis!bcd lapacd oaltlîuglî bo hall bienl eis-cc ie> ' rciccciced tare to tfrcn VII.aisorts eiCuaeu. O utae'tt a a I. ail, a revc-ueof 814 565,-r ad tien atn e t tî n f avce gie len the Ton asbenPotPnd utl arahe frasia i oue f h 0aiS.(00 e q-ui c eticeird nolpenditueo l2t, Verse, c coald nct Lb o e ncdy [WORM ZE GEi mennowev eciug. offvticb aib icteresîcdi lie tlîcciiited tOc gcoeo rcccpc f 814,319,000, lc.îcîîg c aurlas ocf tosladeor crdcfimc. Bot tiis boter Temperunce. il please taieenotic. $14,6193 0>1. TOec ctes1 cciibie hadl.2411 lfiis toc nîncli like> Satae cbukion, ie, A PRSDNIL DECLARATiO AfiREllacenaendmfdultect lu oi e YMKIN AC. A SOmRT'fmotaltty precails cteeng Occa 1814,322,000 falli> .lîort cf tho Alter Mr. Rnec I dflîisbcdlLIS uuO 'bI clectitOee cn c cucoyfo hta ra tOi cattle iu Trafalgar adeueacing. etimato by 8373,001)0 l e>iu pilOli.1.; l îîdM ce opsp,,a Bible. lunce lilial;boter euf hiiccileins tiiavrtS .MKIKNkC. ~ Q S~ masi oniiigeieral ciiiîicioe i f lit n ccc e poci. To Mr. Stondish, 1 oeîd Beieg atisfird frote obscrvcatiouscue nf Ocut amocg chiitren f enelaeie eoelth(pcroatmtiac Farmerc bave lest 2 te 10 bre a f bhminil dcc crbd a rnidl~y je Abiil, s . etgv;gtIe, j ,tot n eprec, swl a rn e elwrsîme eoce, il cct be e) epl DsietaW fl ou latetono Ml.ay atnd J ue, ci as t'a I boit tue os- ststell,ct. 0' cg tin ore li .,i'n i i s y (lis acutnc îm fr ti nrueiee s ~ a rt eia needsa h it fpnne ii OcLdo et.ruole'Mli e ion: ib 6J4,000.ugacoco pr"mi Iube, oaud is piinuo cuOncc icy t itîmisn,othatlyiodnt spirite, a au r . ged oai t h mio n aci f ansth,> ehL t a M aeda o.T Ic aathoota tiacr ctte' iluioo b 11303,00. Aguua l .A iic'Ots illceony. Thioce sii ne demibi. Sc i ima l'or a hetO crf aibltec 10 roîijt,) e Oo O utn iss fitmad tec o c tn I o aur egt h e! icc en o eleAta-ybaete ote Foi omat. 11110,Oc etiasîtcd10e rossexpodi e o cilr dici menthesmmis ot oîy beutse Ot beîfel Bp o go eg nt ueonand tig tO ,rCp. tactio 80vtheb leteva abahae FRTm.Cubbhog, tCaulitomer, turcoat 814.321,0î0;fictîîo xpert4,a 1 lr isi . c o'fileo .UOtrect scolprodactionsu cuL ilcst cotend tapbece oeUd by oteowpcteat jofedg.a nmigh beývtaefrntOurr Roeuse ont Bedding panseilgret dîtur anc o.$13 54600 fallîiîîîimsort Pmuumus mOii ien3r oe's SpreehiuNtiptrcemcflic hue eetndt0 rgleaOindertO eructiteoatjire icCfcoi-tfnm n. vegea5e rad eeela taiErm vreygotW.LsGeocrgetomnutte'li ..-eby$7Oc'O . i 'iuu, ocdymbutlthcdreoed usesîluciacd tOc boppinesse f!y ro eoly.tocc ae -Sanew o ne Wena ie.-Tt (et Sttockr merenfaatyvil onmcg înhio m MbodceDo of the cpacte l'rociil,c, TIc cli'- busile, bfocParliinmuct non pon 5-cen patiencJIuilh coceudc 'hul te youc mofteUe ttlb ias;nme toneget eppitite, rmaaciated Day GooDe Heeponuat, nu ~CC0iit daiuug te uuun Iecb in st bococ>y aekng yce. rarr crcaly-.trm ie o ffonsive Onath, frequent crev. 1, Ocecoltt inietol repr.eip e 81:1, iui mi it,..ibcli . ocp oO e.OIl ics" .oitenru tica inc the eire useocf it, titey vculd picheg lit the noee, cricticg ef the teîtb ereon A cOCIAL welît(D. V.) bho lcd a c bo Loiunpo p cc s:,yf or c1;7çi- l'y cCl.'i'>ui g epunil. Donr ccd -c o i o mlsot anisuto et o icly prommîte tbcir eve personal duii îeu np, aned eceocim&on vuolcien .835,1U ccd thce peuîdimaco0h 2 97, O qacntic ,ieadsci te intarv ut tebnft u h isjoiein.ep, bel>li]gunde mnsc h,n .the resideeiof Mr. JobsCln ,Nl-2tctoCuintp), ngi. pi.ut cb i iuyc'pc smto ceeso hm, j. tc e ccit o tcgodoorcouerat ia si n h en utStach n soearceTburndey. 27tb May. Pro.'$8612919. lbe cxplaicoed. Lîceer, asJe>sîesYH WMne.Wolisîoch," Id* ro Z cn.e, einccodm piitetincassuil eam Ths'y025M 11 t ithnlis n dcductiocnbould c Mcckze bpom1niised otu ug on ace roard flor vracity JME ADSN FZTL.mOR, and iit-dio wsttlmcneimylfe tish ly cedoteui c tcM . Prccoo .dc f e300,000, in onder to ales obaoti,-.inc0 n O-uetcm CLEbIGY2 idIAN."t h eurs hrogl fcnd. A godtimie my ho fticc inecuustnoo a tthetO xpr o>filo IlntciCclouuliiPuilicavroute, lid jJNooQ. ADAMtS, JoxciEsK. POLtK,' citiont pinn eut cetephestl ccance the _______mlI ngO' ttmit111,nct eC ieîîyt too Trafalgar, Mny 5,118. 7tl. VAN tIRErN. JAs BCnANsAN, tcmacl-thereby disc umay u>ttm tOc A diîaHT- C er SO n r fIi irey-rc C afdr te foc île Holtcn e to cide that flic 'FRAoNKuPiRCEe, AuB L Sc O , nt-cenmm'5e'ofadmins'teinicCetor Oit or NaaLSiwr-'imoe Loetion incladed no orrecrs fromiformer cinciu c oioco ct IT CoEo - icu Gi.Jo,îîs 'YLER, AscNDEWJeo, ctbc n îm1casciet catiiectice -Eacis boxie l~Oe iiecgftmc ftc. fine teokieg fied et' wbct tbe other ycore. acda cf'etOer deductice f E200,- shmo tlcp tend. o-cenre is coueTt1( t he r-I ico i uMn FraornieU ioaiiu &Lmi i,'c i ie intteOn., co tire -duy on the fote t M. John Taylor, 000 tom et openc îI.iînnon the pin cofa ilueartcoloroan-iid lie lImnatheccd i upoît uc oldetit min île i.coc%%Ic cery thick, regubor ant t ifty Cic ti >-lum-Sur J 'li A. MSbodiald'e eîuon vitc >0rolino'SleifoBii, Steetd, . 1r 70 81 ie es pccpnim'iore. N. B. Agi tfoi thereut haluesh itmillisori Diici:rscon; 5n c>durrmsiiLc B oillris 1 p i I nitozntehendfat cno fedoser-. t s str'lmee017 Jtce Xc.goc a nnîe fdacy tietidigulofe com.d1..Buiifsuiq0 i J,. iera Jq c'r'to, I.,mîius. Oid, aletetc.,cee cMi- r c. 1i tadig ii i r euons" Imuicîco noiceIlltoc uî,1mudciaei Oaescccoe>'lioie. Ilbo oIr b t î c,8 ter asageuneeadu o' i t'nbobly, olcu, i>boco iu aieuioursc, itie e tc.,.Ac l'ole mise by natur'c procesu8. 3tr.Taylor $362,i;00, lile ftle ecîlmatet surpluts, of tîue cacic, Sr. Ot9oa euldeî'elop t eth o wuîiot frioO ihI dram tOc SIcR-lu 1833 1b vsicted ' lu bis lagttu etcetLestiBudge Goverumciit plicy on t>m o imîprtant ifuciois) Idoes not imply liîct Oc PeietM13o.ý%dtusad Jc tenes i t ton a crop. 1wscs 000 o ftthss idbs u D F Tý;IE TI C etat f ic bu ltoWast coe lt be l'r- euke rscf . a Cgooct Cularecc. Pneniotts te tOc appointaient cf ccn, sho signet tfluc abono. Therdoca E"AoVPI.înl TO SOCIAL.-Mr. Richard Hcmsn!u thiot frc uit msarDot bcefory Tesi t' Becc anad doa oneit - S.IF. MRItBtOdCHOU ibi pme a social alit i, reside, Lot dc f eodtnr n O fis propocsionviibcte bsrbJug mc ib t tis CouetytherOnmeet 10 ce, ond hou ee a- .F eINO O ot cOurging agondda xed itr h-w c ,OkLiulto f ' fil cur c ce.Of' 13,111,' beJade ~Celb epreil at etentiontn their Taitor lrm Ne.5,lath 8h es, eqnen' o ,. uiitl coeu,' intet i e yo iuuuio h l.isOf ilet Gnrim i.. . . ~ locc.import- uo f l'rcsidet IHanniecu-lie djed' litho evcicg ofthetOcQuee's Iirtbda1y. d1ay ptiue' ifrmi ouiWcirdynolt, tOe hall c usIall e anolliteOie ing Depaetmeet. TOiy bavn oc aà rr , et e pho eth oann'handlit cithe figerets onld LaveIgitiOls to f1itthec formcr fine, aid ,,w that Mrbn bforo it asoumtenbîeîa Ptie t'on. He.ammîr cber Procrech Faulzenale nad taOthe sebaurhnif, titres bb foeeCieizen, ofaOttawa tn thetLrfortCilAie'C IaYdouelaa! iTvinetg' etaueif.1gmsstmnanltiltDoe Soemet ofthetOiNormal Preebyteri'au Cbtuch. sur arodoiit eeod fa c elîG'cîî,rcGemuccol. IPrivyCosuccil, Ses. Frutae iislec Sb i cBilf nccigci' is a dintiA1l-àoTyedsCcndjodicateoftbe tesmio uplas. -te aîud Ciuiuiics, cas ner c> acosfl. a i il e lcprepruel>of ocu- ' itoeidOtaneict baete fiScotch ont Canadiga Manufacture, aDT .MIusic Mu! ho expectet. Fon thlicrnt ycr ecdicg lUth Noepence %lsi re ti, mu. n.king it im, hi>10 cficeocf Bail'if f'the Divinony ndwue av gndha tOF chicO tOry are prerpred te mote o ateDith 186, N Rse reentd ZC, i le bvenetaleacy. boca pncmunted te hme. TOc carly firce-clem style.Âany Germent5cgel p n Ptt Jetie, 1, Sr Leenece co tnffu . Rus Enc-lione>daue Court',i lcln ntalody lgoturcs mre obtainecd bfrfce tuéîno,,salsmntl urý,ci eP Paza.TENToTuOle ley. Jamues netateet olI tOc sco,-îineorecuits fer )l.Cou Klu ,ecfî, V' I ING.s'- etevirac fely eiauiherd. aofc Oc alla gtagsstistaction. Ssed rti, tinisfer cf thn Nassagaweya1ý tOe firt nleu onlmc, und'a estiîîstc it>'i. ccw-,lus Elcc;boneyo lady 'OakvilIe, iltO Ma e ~ >pafr îiOiu oou, ~ ~ ~ ~Ari andt Cmpbottiltt cogregations, mas frHO.lntto cmtsc tc eurai, .laooF i.1, ii.d Smr JohunA.-NOTe.-If thrcniScny hutent feel- cauld test mitithepe, us it mas o Ieuml INmUE70DiGot s u.l. las e tlcîtc ie Apil, 1868, ci'file a.oil, u oue Cnimr ud ioc lafety pesotet by the conregation Irevneoforfille yeur 1868 9,eus 8 1 3 ýaotiiâldu.~ci ,. S ir ju Cartieroabdi cofdcctsfutctîen lit the -. impur- Lyot eue il, thot relocol mos îLe c-aile DfJiiRiii, !&IWx, no Ot1 po mn oe.1r o heCb"f sa oios whncu u'itas a drink 1 G~~MLTa~!Oergetown. ilcal iu Cempeilîilt i tb n haudsomieon 1114,t)(10 ;ccd non, sviri0tii expeincec it a Od cf uhuuu Ili vvC iii Iuin-,tation'c n caeiî c d o fimmiOddîOefoiîo as i l die .-fmny aamr fteret e t' f ilue trott 1e moetlle cf ttic yeuir bc--visin ,d daugi.teis tipp.d i on -îLe al parties t c O vsetilaîcd. set thkcee- tilli-d. I cuei f cu tri eîs a, ofteey be uk et irs cetoete fre hic, ahi Ohoples torcciire in $13,- l aI-proneso-te - e erigK ti otlu einpprcciatbo fbsbhr 74uobntemunstc slglt fLctestoc, i-dsou tic 'lte lair >e me WCpubiehitte abome cmmeiunc- TOc Pneidrntil tdeolrutiou vas dote the hit> oIdyo tiohtcnTh 74 )6(- -shr c t' ofn l4 cituzcececs o, . d fesuitive ;icn,ýcc I lui-ist ?eofghieh lat thn$,6931 hrewl c aia, n i wn ury s a mr tisa. If flicflooir judged t crs- ban-led t0 oer procout ChirfIeitae eiutu h ontc ti nrsH o cf A..Teoc Piodc e Gee ut. leinn>lu casteois, Orov t'Oc ci icge e Ol]. Tuctrica nlanger pre- "u'Y>'lutOheuictrosi cf justice 1a 'Dtra- mhichbc hopromptly signet, te kisg ho eaid b> mate, et' ;1997 704; ant in eecsOn f peein fei fny h.-'cdâaimongem. d anc, duce>a gentlemoan miece qualifies 0e tîirtoct i nsgera. plt ir xpectedta iit OakiIIc on$6108,404 milo icelanesu i ci,,uts htma o> ntdanigu o-hl etdn d ofehole abit> te i- EjosmontoC. DELEVA - PUB3LIC AUCJTIQNI, aIe the 24thi ict. Tbe difféenct Lodgcc milI icîd $126,769 îmorc as C biles, but t at of eoccee ac tcLeue charge tOc daties flres'as tbonougly and Diisiotns i Hltsu base bien je- pcctrd Hbbclcaimet, tiosmnue, fer tOc pee'ed uta 'a bllgice,, t0ungrve and-e -fm Gvmr.uet, tat, shuci ticey ancliat occece i Etatcucmil, duo iLave rgoonu cquai'iicd, on ite loe rcste tOi Tac SiettOodiet N. C. Couferncee w titet ont non expectet te take patin utOc revnuceomua failing shor t tu elnt ioary il, thecseronuco c> tbiir coacîr>. nmipecibilimy cf dischuging officiels wyul. mC untortant, bcbe boItthje yenr r.u5Uùla* aV (bue rder et' the dii. TTCo sch-_itte omelîete patisieg ecnecey. uanTd yP. 1 ttcoh-Isoeoglihi -su ba dscarc iueduie f t Vaerot.teaîluo Tcdccu, iii I i1' iiac iemntaomtlm pmam, fair veuthco undl a peantitlme. tcppcd lan> payniscctt for peblie mork. eijîuycd îîîîs ct ih-n.if tîi oi co O h e -.a ftsJeo2t1.9TcNmleec. ~ ~ >1B __________ -&c . chieh, cuît possibb> bc oeoided. poLîtiieru batile th lngeOcit ofLimJue'Od 1ef.Th>Neocgnx obteoownofMilon n FaoX the C,reh Heraid0 me learu - Dcdacing freintecgnossexcpectitara lu, tOcr limOns, butt tfee Oc oCndi, tht> podcesson, andtse base [ne doutfieOcion Cbunch le tbnt ptae iwtie beruet tbat tOhen. F. J. S. Gnoses, titeof et'tO nicnte epecting ndempticn cf boa ceesiderahle compensation, il] tOeCcame te a wmuetcoeclusiou te guru the te COi gsound a fov meeke g. The ~IIU,'L Gogtwaslcuapitdlum tOicemua etintrpa ec f eco u îe 550fn fic eneefficenrt mon shose origis cf tOc liou mou froue tbe Steve-INTS Geergteva heuOcre ppoitît itane. Sr. tose cwcvEtwltict ail naîmes isse Lecosje ce Icrte t ltiîmOhe filoie miglit bc dentet te tite pipe. TOc> Octd jtst repairetd nde teirenca f tOie1ev. . L . OsIer, Deatau 813,470,624; deductlug Iis front tOe ceuty'c hisor> I!'b'e cuie aoe tcc or e w FOaKNNN C. andtAucater, ebibo tOi Ro. J. Carry, net reccpis, $13 744,656, lle ot 1 Ct ItL,- esl-tur nre oeotu ectectim, ck ; ced tOee ie uo ecceout> of itepromit tOechebrch te the cutent of Mc>F IrINZ kC. B. A.A.,ntinustisuce isou e inis heut l surltOi foe leaoplCst for, tOc currotît po, erncndi,, htenu noci TIl :et""Yoduut caesiîmgaoutu$t0,t' sathpesiegittObftlon>l)faeétapmcobticnuof eboutNo$200,limOuealttatentionomit> b cheei pariait. The [lic. JebustoeoVieerc 30tih Jace. 1869, cf $2-74,0342 forntcf i, h'nomicituoCouýccot. wuh the dischanget Bojlffs-Ou tOec thete. Th Onrgt ihc-o i i ton sppnobcomu ifil asteri Ne- Cltoen e teaSite, t thioeap forery f ocwod asbentp- reaite oncaofisucloitismon ocflicu P. 8.-S p.m. ThIuc noting7s te- rontron>, as Ce charge wscsmode tOi: meudobh Spirit, thave iredy set te the tinci> cff tie eitCout, ona hoiscry, tllves,,Bouts amd SUteeo.ko4, peaite te tOechcOrge et' Georgeown. hgiobaion cf huLityouu r. Rose de> limue cutbhi-of lic inîcreet tOit preouimptien aboula L, tOt tOc>enceocto of a neo cburch, ad euta"' Licentn eblwlbn Ti l teoprtn e Tgmavs-h ctîaiettrot acnletîite10tOc opration oI cic w si(11 tci. 3em. ,Mtcn. nzie t- flîtOlol to tlicir dotie. hotut t i@- - .M DA, TE2T F 8 tbeey» tthe ac ne ry Good of." TzàtpzRA-ie.-The nstalatio om coiigbîuocoCmpuuics te onüpisuct cdi-ceCsgiuon cei>î-leIiteclniuu-a ob rie lealy T ad oth i law requiring Insurance CoiL~ociîu petropent>, ene ucatvepeva'cee or, lotTa eame s a h il ta eensa -1detrma) htoofies ocya Okr empeJ lertit, peciam tiug tin tOc ao7nergueut a[buhrîut espater a .s coculd, matu> Ieoen ecst fSn ruc 0 eSsre Ocimt 8,73 73.if lmcO81 33035ma voittai n'td tehîtot miî'>cibcnisic cthen cfOi nc ie s if hie o- mii hopore. Tion rte fer tOl e he SoneDweoiîg Buseo vin te> esthbd lIn Tucnas n oso ot hî houice in uilon 1 tadotîtitjutic t ttu ob tion e iolirgothteas ~rfi¶cui> Sîctig ua hi ebeic- r-e Oiio t ;_ fte ___cu ie1_GogeeclitshB1.V .Ae t chisO the, cab mctet ls oneai , ey market. Thi total the nusocecro bu>icaru>t Icc tmu r Ttaeet'dtcohinost plset. Ttî jqr- Iaa udebO tOt Otùviliim'oent rece sec ws S0,23»lo0, and elilp. jmombore cf ths eord proet serre oA etWlimLidîc, qere,- ito.pair Gootta Eurauî, Adiso, Oc oetcnedtuttat tOce(loscrumeat C a uihthe RHosi Dr. Gra, Trriyee, Little, W c' FIV1Datt .thie EigOtO day of Oie> 1869.Geogetocwn. Efrto.èvlBt b. asgmiy~acoaa.d .dIdiem have nsbee ua'itbfut tg titir Ia Ohio itlu Prpor t pnitslving, SîNeare. Dewar, SleLeot, Dr. BA1RRISTEII-AT-LAW, S. OFICE-In WO vtcttmeePro dut,Oiat they allovet it te remanidlecrciainal> singlimui suer 25 Ycars itobertson, Dr. S5bi, eut R. Sîetheate 00t te Haiten Haae, Mgin Street, A. N. BUELL. 1 - -or uaapnriemcîdIt,, traitg nluy it. Iltteui haidote oeatBarbe,' of the Chcietpi.Q. !Os ue It 35.l,îf 49-2t 14a e3t1i,1869. 48.1. '