..,jNEW NUW ASVEETSEMEyM. awtOI-NxOi.3. PRMIG GOODS .>ý _?-_ ILTONl - INTS HIuiua O MPAW Great Variety AurCULTURALWORE84 QWilbe hehiet AT a ilaotel, Broute Q, De, OUR OeSTLES. 01.4CANAIA:nd Buglisis Tweeds IIJID1I, 48TH DIT OF NAT, 1869, D. D. CHRISTIE'S. Ibo llIMs O'ock, .a. . FOGoR Ftory Whit Cottons __>_ a.sad Piots, go to -»ME juyudo ie udent)D. D. CHRISTIE',. sTàFFORD D. wut it oiratstle a se U,64Api i15h, lf & IF y3od eto nLvAt tyls l à& TB D HRSTI MessrPEs. Brothers& H3atton, car mi o eg, tee Imm Lietflair ndCaes BE noue laYew f he prper f tidy, sud the great de- Ohé ~ ~ ~ t b ia e b. Ld at large n00as sosuaof ~ lOI FOR ALE.D. D. CHRISTIE*S. uis LAufl ROSE. H ENS Hstfo 2 ut u COMBINED REAPER & MOWER, eti .a. 80 D. D. CHRISTIE'S. ar a, CALLuand get the oawest styles i lu efan ad aeo S ~~se VQR TRAFALOA~~~~~.e Trmmîng.sud Bnttos, uai WXE' AJ~' ~ ?¶T~ ai sté, D. D. CHRISTIE'S. se15 "-'--'Copoet tisc h.Tavo Tbey would direct partisc uuUatentt teir The ",-hZgly uAi-.:that1WLADIES- sud Gent Collers and ~fracssd es Lisu .iCss--esiîase,at I HVF -AMME.RED STEEL BAITI Ijthe D. 1). CHRISTIE'S. TheY aisg tht.s «asas Isproved ROUND OEARED woh, FLUTED CENTRE, làsi the x.~um ~m __ adth Steel, ohîch &aHlWhhébave lnspected It aeknowladge ta bc a dectdad Improve- thde.upa L. Sa m ecssljl ldo ia woeh sauch caaier thaosy Square Facciltlcard &Biéonsls sotreugth Ï ONTRýE bes n . es t asSaleali abitté hreskuge. They sèreig thé -lnch Amerie, cas, whtch addo te Mr_ a. Mat the listât dauht o( the Macine. Several armers ct the. oelghheroed bave d su ÈD1! TuE 101k 0r MaT1 0lm D. D. CHRISTJE3. dedded te hare the luproveci <iard put oteo thiar old Bars. ri. ma05*et thhe ur ocitnadch a. Tevro = a he-W A LARGE los ef Boots1 and Shoes we j JORN IL APPELDE. B. B. CHRISTIE'S. l.a isédepyd e9,0 uschtsc h requlrei hut te be sean teha appcicbed.- bing To.rshipCioel. - b. Wcd I eI i of théehast quallty, sud Ihéroughiy seasoual _e-Ar 4h M 4t uu e cassis. article in ~Jr.prl 45. 50 4-h ~ Te&uand Tobao, t The Improved Geared lThra8her! 08 AND Lffm<un cu FOssSALK.D.D us ITE'Whirhh u gIron the olmost satisfaction heretéfare, olU hc lusgly mooofacturéd, &as lii >iRE largeat sud cespcst stéck 01jj>~~> UATBk FUGi r j G It1 T-etslsSureY, - 51k i ut BTBPCD Wb m D. D. CHRISTIE'S. Pm" . IL PL- AL AU- Woémsuthîs Pleugh coite In dring a hieh testinéy te lin mnte. occupidt upuct,*.om 5o nd pAods tNanufactured with Wrought or Cast Share. LABEM *gnMS0 VEIY REASOraAULE. D. D. CHRISTIE'S. Mr Ail assomer cf ZOlBING In their fine doué piomptly and an resembale teins. ailsat II INDISPUTÂBLE. _tlcluRbé, BROTHERS & HATTON. th aI LL thae eet Stye nRbo rDOL- ~ ~ ~ *aie ppya h Flairs and Feathers,ut itoApi a li.4-. dbchl 4 ION" OMCE, or te D. D. CHRISTIE*S. cot J OHN- HcGREGOR. __ J6.04 Mapil Ilst, l»t. 45-Sas ID>He d ont i od T irmays on band aud umsde te order st .itIE H A4PR .1'G G o00 > O nt itof Keviuion, .B HR$I' f Ti- D.D 4.$TE Tor-h a w or vus 'UEBRiaregot and ébaaciet stock cf bhm -Millinay, Menties,,&o., lsast lin ?WN OrFOAKVIILLIE. B. D. CHRISTIE'S n~I? au abaeàsb irsu, !ktthecurt ai iBEs pisgvcfor Botter M ESSRS. R()$ "lsssfor th.eliuiuiity ofUich sadH u r~s ~ M uhvllWs oiha am gset ittiug onandEggs, s etD. D. CHRISTIES MAIN STREET, MILTON, M ~dof Mal hi!, ACALL froisjsulain rspecttolly BEGte suaoucea'hbsi4 avTl'cieca. v. raa. D. .CHRISTIE.t -T N EI LL iiiltoo, April 1869. 45-ti' Have Juast Received a »ell-8elected stock L é il à npurties .111 tuatire F R BALLME, OFi tuf ut H an ad fIppeal In Chancery. W"ahtay ifldinpose o t thrirUSUALLY LOW PRIÇS 1 IA89 A G A W FL y A. in tl'e-mattfle out ro. Ten SUits of Gentlomon's Clothg ade Up in the But Style, a e h. r lo - Survey, of the Andl Satisiacton Cuaroolcoid. A good alectioa ot q owsip,.e buhem a: forTOWMSIIP OF TRAFALGAR lI, THE BEi.1, XC TITE Mid ea Ooentv of Kafton.fnas fe u 17T Yor ]UT unZ. Noticeif heraby sgven that Milton, Apil 14, r%.' iSt sut 4rN00 aAM thea»is=eiuttared .iehrechy JOirN EASTZEKROOK 01O! t ly of Tércete, in the Corunty 8 38 ~ ~ ovw c hsai" i. afYor, C Oséeiter, bath madeauasp Apni. 4,1lié. 48- PllcatiOal te the Veri t flssnry or a Srtififtafsi.e tthhao" mats- N O IC . iéed property esder "the Act for Quet!.8 Tiltes som wasuup. par 0asa'nd bath 0rdsedILd&ne u bt peeeirlChe Amsartmet ai aoeOop1y. ihfî fe focag sU nuabac. LadifoP and Ohildrez0s Straw Rat., ?M; euswrhrfre aMy â esu be- Mia aChoice.affection ait8 t cfDu"Bste& 15,l 55C jmSetd '"teby tla tior rvd Bmsd ai Bireset- DRESS 1BTTONS A ND FAici-r, tMasTrv m athéeuéeMd It.aSt àautsid lmsor bfelve IS~D)ItJ~ se ±t. arun~ gsberasr, e a Igel o. TIISIIAT, TI ilmuDIT Of APRILA 51.issiu. a Oose.,te Néw D nasgWO&tofe eàa tatenateof ~'\'i ~~sollIpasss faoard hbuclaima M ay 03ée At N R'Strao sud Lagharn Hste Cleaoed sud Altérai W.aMM >a>c2>2tIb uies, Apci&14, 185. 4 0 ut pil1', l. 4Inetueb 2xas ZIY THE SUNSCRIBER BECS TO INFORM RATIO EMA LEPULLSAnd te sr"esaépy ès the @Aid Edinm h aé that h. bas th. ahova nsed AkIGHLY cultivated sud oeili.aters , 'ilsyhala oréen Mesnu. Pat tu-hu.lilntersa o hieh Oc situsteuis rsildrnoUlaeni~,. P 1 I. *rese.,eia a/ J. Carie . ithlo 150 yards 0 h.e(ctea Station, G Orchdad oi eliosi Eudhm Lan Of riion & Bas, cf thé- City et Toronto, T. R. sud ft-cahiee .peieoae t aa in O t éas rtiocLa iMlc.T mai'res g bis Soititars, udi i. dutault every sncb attuasue, hoth in Esgteud sud Sentlaod, P r 1 v eioj. apyte,.n- barakVu '4 p ~ -C pi OC 'i pi ~ Ca - cil po S f0 pi pi '5 pi il W <3 pi G C Sa i pi G M G <J~ pi e 'I cil t M q 3 et i. pi G or - Cl pi- G .0-q c> Ma o n il S S. ai cil n Ma G p ~ fil C -ai G St ne 1' n Ma fil P -1 Q r GREAT CLEAR1ýG SALEj,,ÉU 000D8 THAT MUY IE. SoLD 1 V "Ib i COLBRENI IBRS S8M.T ROBERT THOIMPSON, T@WliorAKVILLs, Aýd suu an w = te s an i Hfaving determined to erect a large New Store BLEYnýIGH8, CUtTwAet ,U.w Os tae Oid Site, ho hm R.asavcd his Stock Sos dom ,Sauth, ohar, ta#cOd Stckh,a. oeil as làPatcawoem. Who have hm gretaip asla iàs bukd teidveaUraa.a04sacti Fatticular attentionuatrec, to s i Va reptwu«. Mosan. Fired*C. Es Sssmliis Prurau udWen astacu oci 1. osard a atOalvtl., April e*h.155lm 3 Astonishingly Low Rates WTE OT 0F .- A. VV C>210 0 amcS &IL Wihou un " ficsslg cu eof DoB st lot the ehaaits sp, butt cra sa idthe. rai ngh. âey me awl esl tteýu roeo§ lWtw bdre ten.gt tétheaiitsuNelhwad Aitahaidiéaac.ca. tt ___ ___TOWN RAIL "MMMMNesosn, cf ohtoh saPu i psemisumlé rownRTpILLE8, lm.THOMrSON tifi rimatihe popajar oll.hnoi otus, Mapil OUi, 1». 43-04 VICTO.RIA FLOURING MILLS, cne ale, a pa= tnt ILLEI, he - go-mtee.tusaéo U oaiaver H.avs ia usiala lbss An4 G. "hpeu er em. Pdua»dta-'" sdwo-hn mtbyfeeoee GÎJELFEWITU Imm~ Cumansévij.l , , m441y Wh"lie uo se 3AIRCL4LY & M'LIEOD, 9~ ~~ ~ 9~, ré, sA00D, ~~C ' e o HENRY J. OAKrzi, utNo 2. g". o» m Apelu 4h,igo.4-0 4 &Z Board of Public t u , L o rdofIi due t«ieaâat 0 MS. . -of.b - ,wiid eto th n 'on *~~M 0lT "5usmU fe TOWN HALL,_ MILTOW. C 0rerm ';: ti-n 'to a lîl fflM th day e. ToeI - day Biter Ih9 ea1 lotics, erti ýf Sr '- z 0 EH eamricaaca tmec4r M. z ~ taeut oan bol sTlemie, lteas *p8hi Board muet ho tarnew utsbn h. e "y î --'I.on thé day g e t lata. J > .,FI1Fir-79KAYNE, Seai'y. * m i5 5 1111 hleon, Apnil 140h. 1869. 40-44 Cr ~ J. BASTEDO, @~aCr 0t