g h ýiroad tel belhis liiiy. At tin time of A go77g t :y mlc ne g alnj; era of vigor preosswe havenoherwatdiso~ nd Prosperity. Allimwh oe a armethad bien clame to. TaE County Ploughing mat"h0on The following circular has been ad- Thisboarllage, which..is..i ustedJon the ciléss newspaper, all1iWho favor liberal We have endeavored -to givo a plain the 27th, will fakre placé on the far dressd to the Mayers and Reeves of lias of the G. T. R., 29 miles west Of A EW T and progressive ideas, all who wish for statement of the facts without prju. of Mr. William Harrison, adjoinin Ontario:-Trno stesa fsm ftems csa asthe introduction of coonomlical Prim-i dico or comment, and we think that, the the Corporation. D aru or Aoureena importast hom.o indusfries of Ontario ples into the gorernment of this INo- Immeshould be carefully considered byi A VELOCIPEDE race of Italf a Mle Xie. ib ltelfmade a þasiness es. I i-W I E & C . lf*t " àt'iM atAa *mne Mda ms n oinoand for theextn ur Municipal raiera and Office" took: place between two justioes of the DEAa S%-ta,-Iniêwof an anticipat-thtilgewehdheo uiy M HE Ïon of the libertiesl of the people on! geeraly. There has been, ntol ec tB rd 0detnsvIm o h -t i imE BRI.CTEDTOCKprinciplerof the British Constitution,1 in this Conty, but throughout teh rm no . r.du.tri.l elmmse1Wu Province from '°'"""°*"r"iP" ahmhu came in a few paines ahead of bis Erpadepcal rmGetfuatures. W# iântviited the Papear THE LARGEST ANo L0gg0 should aid in extending the circulation 1 rovince at large o uhcaeesesoPOne]M afe.Brti, during the coming seson, eloouceiluools I tof thy a euesrs. Barbier & Brou.ED RETAILlN 8T Il of a journal devoted to such ideas aun1lin deahang wa h money entrusted to -- am anxious toacertain o far u o- a har iutdo euh principles. councillors for Township purposes only, Tan competitive examination o sible, the actul demanda; for the va'dhiaresiuaedonte river a short W KIL B RID E, an tefatisto ftnfogttnthtthe gevera schools in the Township of ous descriptions of libor in the diff- sao nrhoCteGogeonRi, ho a Warning to municipal Connelllors. the powers of connoils are limited, and Nssgweawilbehldontelatern sciosofth roicoo O-wa rig. hseMlalreaona Saturday in May next, instead of the' m r3 aeaè' nIs tarie. the Most extenave in canada, and makte frami.e house%- near 1 SMEG & NH RR TR ADS A --e"°°'""" """' Trustées °foi. ir satrhe.un e i.frm, The Gover.me.t i.desirous of fir the best paper that is made in tþe Do. tu r,"tza . " a Acase was tried at the sitting of the iratepayers generall, vested with cer- frm Stdyi oe h iefre-theing by everyprudential means, a iio.Wweeho trogte7.hnater hm canet enpased a en na Court of Chancery, on Tuesday last, foin powers for the good of the M1un. pon.hat m aieeiho works by Mr. Wm. Barber. No en@ ;Zaras r "wit Wommsesar mearaeretfer .....2 00 before the Chancellor, in which several icipalities, and thant they will not be WEc direct special attention to the out capital, it le deirable that every who has not visited a Papier Mill can mantche a 21 u * Wum' Pee ait atd for.... I73 point of interest to Municipal Colin-, allowed to exercise the privileges of chance for bargains at the Mammoth possible encouragement shouldi be af. have any idiea of the amnit of ma- Hth Aad emrthiar e d@W hM. A ilorsand Officers. were discussed, and'their office for the benefit of their flouse. Georgetown. Their motto is forded, and in a way tae will net less chineory, &o., erhich is required go ture tabis e n..r we think lt of suffieient importance to friends or the promotion of their own still erncelsior. and they are reslved te to n .th eeig of- ni honorabler atril indepen-er.ld - and fores x-:nearat:enz.x-An -te pdence onhe the part thof the recipient In rgRrotetmerilsaopae.eresae giye a brief resumie of the facts as they pva uroe.Teataysof maintain the great reputation they have thIsoviW, the greatest benefit which There are thle machinery for washaing pliuet-à.a Onlm And, f dr tmreer. .je cauand have come to our knowledge. I1h. raagrae ne retolgtion|aqure.anehonfrrd upon industriouse the rage, the boilers for boilling them, • h thhe os Iryear 1860, Mr. J. S. Biggar, the then to3Messrs. White and Kirby, wha OE o a a ried and ýimmigrants is to provide them with the machinery for tearing them into Vomnnws IHARDWARE, CROCKERY, T -lio te Township of Trafai. ters.o hi wnpiaeme..an, ia sarepeta with usefai r°onthuat teG°vereme"tra-t hed, 9Cnele aml G1ASW gar, was defieient in his accounts with and irrespective.of political Party ties, and entertaining readling. The ladies Municipal authorities cau render essen. and finally the beautiful amcino which dianteOvereck = d M GL WR Es the Mlunicipality to the extent of $250, have firmly maintained their righits> say its fashlion plates alcone, are worth til id, thle latter by furnishing infor- at length faakes the pel in a t t one end in ...Or s G R G R ES *5hÎle alle,-ca had beca stolon from and have established a valuable pre le whole subseition ,,ice o, a arin as o wre ad thfom a xn ae,,,tat,, andthuo, it dg in ,a, hh. .mueasl *R(Z R hie store in Posteille during the night, codant in the administration of Munici- year aoi eqie tefrer , m- other end in beautiful white paper euetrai, and w th ase Veil àfia wnu Mad LiquS, when lhe was absent. While lhe was Pal L aw, arthe r abat informatonteedmmygrantothenequirdson!. In tese mtes eth i rwtwoprims incapacitated from business, his sureties OlWING to a pressure of advertising assisting them to reach those sections are two sneh matbine&-one for menu.-pomnpt pa nnts elatb ero.s.a ers ndga sua Mesr. pham os ad onthn DUTY ON BOOKI, matter, we are compelled to lay over where the demand for labor existef. trngwapig ae, al aertmCS1 a41,Pettit were called oe by the C iteetignesan eaig ateI shall be glad if yo will, after .,an the other for manufacturing maae-nmn amnMOI E Z Ismadae, or Prefacl. tuée. oa leo - oni We are glato learn that a petition among others an Ottawa correspondence onsultation with the Cunoil of you papier for book and newspaper work.--si n tERGa8IT. mae good ele muni; this they ac- handed round for signuature, urging the specially compiled for the Champin onpaliy, and with snoh other They aiso manufActure a good specimen unumery--mxAméricainsa. American War th. Ga E ORGyE, 186. 404 cordingly did and the money was pAid1 repeal of the five per cent. duty, whicha This will appear, however, next W kdbJemncssrfloposfo.cp n thrppr.Teiedhen rad ierM b a st h gnrlfud fth4onhi.wsimoe po rnedbosahteIe annexed bank classes of laborers Mens rs.Barber are makling preparations - loeph an .t RIW intathe geea 864 ofhe fTwsi.i sipsi pn rne ok tteand servants for whom employment can tomanufacture a first.ciass article of clatmas--.0.1VsmPO. Abeen 18nobaeRort la the.. eys ar 1w.8.4 a number of petiions lastmsession of parliament, hall been very P. Mc KAY is resolved taosell for be found, and return the saine to this straw aperfro,, eoes, ad x-baft1s ae m p.blonv &as, were Presntedto the counil, praying numecrously signed, about 300 signa. cash at the lowest livinam profit. Near. Department at as early a day as posai- pctson o omene peaton."ll"* e,-w.ca.DRwOD 86 iracT er D anat W L rt t he mneybe paid back to Mr. tures having been obtained, and has ly everything can be found in his es blT'ertrs he eovdwl thbe wrksiencesieed te iesat andlcomfor- M Wmghyceti ha HUNDR TCA H bk«Ou hg"ïSl , o N DChristie , r maiediscussion, a been transmitted to Mr. White for tablishament from a fashionable boot to duly registered, and immigrants on Barber, close ta the millo- thanraraoadiroeesf llé xeD Daris • mti on to refund the amount, intro- rsnain Canada is the only part a book, or from perfumery to a fiddle their arriva will bie distributed t h We next visited, in company with ma w M&y nur esmall u T ~~~duced by Mr. Hood, and secoanded by fteBiihDmnosweeltr.srnI hr sayhing not in different parts of the Province, in ne- Mr. Barber, the Envelope ractory of , ony;ruhbve' 6. Hons and Lot for oalerohagOGregor. Mr. Bowbeer, was laid over so that the ture is taxed, and it sceems somewhat stock at other stores, you will be sûr odnet h reqiiino h r ht, hc sstae ertethroMgdbri, Md il_ j R h I 1 e localauthorities. centre of the village, upstairs in the oilda OTELI auwl N weya. era omight couulecouse as to theanomaious, that large soims should be to get it sat te7s esDpo. I sbleedtai hswy, yawoanfairlo h esr.BabrMtfnsto erectthe s esaiyo tersltin noinionis- ntoannually by thec local govern- hettrty co-operation between the Gov. Tre w ne un quite an extensive busi- year wasOr froite h rsau Golft 1la-.RWalker BSa. was subsequently procured tat the c oot eerpwiho rnment and the various Municipal desbigoe Mr. White has four altn-ym p neIiw flrem repymntwoldbeilegl ndbeondmnte for the education of the people, stands at the head of the Conservative Councils, and in connection with the ma nswihfl n gmtedfia o c na fewnths - their ith d ~~~while the Dominion Government should press of Ontario, lhasbenon larged, so efforts whibb he oenmn sno een ie evlpe sd Te0a o y in oto tha . ae c d nnim €am io P"' °i sanin wicnt txteboswih r h he nmkingfor diffuing in the Old world 1eight girls employed in the différént me cmlaimna, of, Xhot ameeting of fthe counicil held on the ýstruments in spreading education. A oneife lzelyraniabera pear-be.information i eain ti rinc roeseofiain ox teleeding he N E W GOO DHOSi' *eo -Le. re ' iTON, APRIL 22, 180.. 23rd May, 1864, the resolution wsu ne ee lliaaen tumbmeofirmmigrans can, b-e maies, and ipading upthe eeops. iTHdAnceSi T Ourwere Mr i.OR TR LB. Messrs Hood, Bowbeee and Beaty1 treal, and resolutions passed strongl7 is alseouo the samne mode], except thaet plied wvitha work immediately on their Bar ber, who also mnanufacture the paper ýio e ore t W-" en"'At voting for and essJh kd uring the goverment to abolish the -somewhat larger display type and dou- arvlAn hueepopeet eancnuedi h alPae atrn E DO N T OWE ONE DO01 No matter how unpalatable litNmmys, , o an R x, a ndnob te eeig ilo ,- as permanent settlers im the country. which is on the firmetflotin the samle A nthe arhaesof1.st In be te many-,the Toronto Glo¾es tands JmsWw t ppsnlt.I.liuk e lheld throughout the country. This We ish the enterprilog proprreieoofassistancein tn s effrtyand moe tarn orne amentalptreso v y plesat ru r S toc ofr Uedio y iet aeant saton nlt nac we ave w faseprlesetth pes f heDo he ounc a d paeosedte resoutiotaex falls especially lbard on the' Bible, the TelegrapA that measure of succes, prosperity of the Province of Oitario 1which will compare favorably withlathat ean d ate to à a tt Mad have endaarer miàloa. Like all sef-made'men, Mr. hie was in duty bound to carry outthTratad other societies, which are whihtereeg n biiys m m iof any ther :uanufaetory,, are turPed Mdhos Genp rwswh lis beptheheat . . suporedby voluntary contributions, You obeien Ser nt out. In adjoininig buildings are the the same time we know howh we Qruit i wishes of thelumaejorttyeasigned a a o ,rdrafor t ply merit. t Sevent, workshops of the Messrs. Barber where debt edmoe spoto hect..Tu and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ise esl;fteGee a aemn of tr. J as. Apelb, she Trasurer rt he purpose of distributing religiousJOHN CARLN, all their machinery is repaired, and tem aoril It n try, an e thek andeaiesofse H 4 as amaersoaM.ay . he mon teair Bi a f h a;lterature froc, as five per cent of their RzEEmBER the lecture on Tuesda Commis..one. alterations nmade in# theosame A epartiual otn hlo friends' and wee ould give but little ey . ggr r uscriptions lis carried into the Do- evening nBoe, in the Town Hall, to bc Shingle Factory and $am Mill are alsothil ayliave ].et thir mon... an m for the' pan,jrnwppreteo Appelbe, also actinguendier a mistakren minion treasury. We trust the peti- delivered by the Rev. T. W. Jeffrey, NASSAGAWBYa COUNCIL. lin close proximity. Th'leocountry sur- ,crsala e bfire.ai whi ha n wam eoud nt bersaid.mense of duty, and thinking he had toinr ilb ucsfl steaon fWligo qae ne h u - rounding Georgetown is well tinmbered of&Ilars for mnPuranc, reehavanewr. hw smanwh-o has o enemies, obey the order of the Reeve, according. toube derived from the etaxDanst be pices of the Mcaisinttt. TeMniia oni usatwth pied Athe lumberh and shingleseta n o Ourbu3inf lcsm rvs and We Will show you one Who has few jy pahl over the amouent to Mr. Biggar small, while the principle and prayer of Subject--" John Kitto, the Deaf Pau- to adjournment, on Mionday, the 12thprso h e tyaes d oaIwrhby lire; and to-day the hoa..cf fira eîii. oecause of the great fo h onhpfns:W eiv the peýtition is undoubtedly correct. Per of Plymouth Workhouse." The day of April, at the usýual timie and Of industry ls the supplying of building tOER lALERa SONO $UmmfteŠob s ht ths e that this resolùtion was severely crie*- lecture *has been very highly spoken of place. Members all present ; the Reeve @tonle, good specimens of which are Was found te o re mary. TADS Proci"d a *tsong persnality, and as ciased at the imie and at the subsequent The McGee Jiurder-Bauckley by the press, wherever, delivered, and n the chair. Minutes of last meeting teeLn, " aCltn h ion truffas loracïe Greely end the Tri- Municipal elections, but no steps were Aequitted from the known abiity and great rend and confirmed. A By-1a a of money that is kept in the country baenetand the New York uer- a oquhtersltonorav The trial of Patrc Buckley for bie- Originality of the lecturer, an intellect. introduced and passed for regulating1 by using homne manufaetured articles, One of the firmext businenhous...in enai aid Rnüe ad te - ony aidbak t te Mniipai , ualtrnt a e e eedthe scale of statute labour, adfrteadte<mlyetgvt omanywIninpga.capital in real etate and aUaOrdt edgerý, -cri ce tyountil the sommer of 1867, whn aing accessory to the murder of McGee alfon 7 yhcPec -gidneofoerer.o ig Ahands, one wonders how men can bie property, clear 'If any dlebts orin c, 0e 6 s George Brown and the Bill was filed in Chancery by Mr. before ites commission, took place at FilaE IN WEcLLINGTON4 SQUARLE.--A By-a wsasopssdfr h rinfound to adrosato ua limited free trade Ir ABn rn tc 0+ he becorbo synonim us term. Thomas T. Kirby, and Mr, John White Ottawa on ýFriday. The counsel for the fire took place near Wellington Square ing of certain animais fromt runeingAatdcyert ie Ponry amensup Over Three HIun dred Thougaadldouar. .iga a no.(h a subsequently added as a prscuini pening the case, said Station, on the farmn of Mr. John Wal large, and imiposing a penalty for the pass ng, we made car way to the stationtFRTEUUETE gan ef,-peic opinion has beenuemayed plaintfif) on behalf of themselves and that no attempt would -be made to show die, merchant, on the afternoon of nome, of not leussilhan:1, lnor more than and was soion beirg whirled along bec- H FTR H sp ni fper g tersy tndteohrrteaeso heTwsitat the pnriner was proeuten te the 15th of April, inst., at half pose $10 :vs no bol], horse, bar, roum, or n nd it iro d ose-rieleaving George. ýpeki o prhpsgratr biit tonagainst Messrs Bowbeer, Beaty and .udrla omttd o ntâ one. The barns and sheds adjoinin, anY pig weighing lems than, 60 lbs., al. muay mention h, re that ail these miai. or ita proprietors, but Britshlike, it nev- .Hiood, Who hadl voted for the resolution cs ewud aebe ndce sawere destroyed. There were four sheep sowhat shall be considered a la wful factories owe their origin to the enerzy "",,,,vgi heoPP° ofi. *tte an er senowedes efaladthough Mesurs. Buck and Appelbe, -who bhad rnialadniasacsoy.Teadfour lambls, a fanning mill and coth. fence, vies: to be five feet high, sub- a d enterpriso of the Messrs Barber, nem . h i reased vigor n enfre era perthrUghly beaton, returns to general evidence thle Crown would of- who were the first to take the lead, and and this meaon we have fo.t rpened op the tNgwthh a ibhme nco tiu- respectively signed.and paid the order' e wudbetelniac f h rio- rfrmn uesls eidysoeegh tatalybiladNfotrist bKe wobsieIterPae Mls hv eLue y Eonte nesoGt.vlneablit. A a oranand Mr, Biggar who bhadreceived tee it hlnthe hprsneado- or ten bûsheis of corn, and a small eured with takesaend riders, or stakles te,,oiv Wolen Factories nt Streetsville, oe neo,«is-numb4- s a Oranmoney. Mesrsrs. Kirby; teandéWhitead ,o. quantity of hay and straw consumed by and caps, or locked by rails, aiso, the a illage 14 miles distant.--Goderich of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a puirellbi co a tograkdthe court to declare that the nduet of Whe an n te;Huskeyonathethe fire, There was somne difficulty in three lowest $pace@ between the sails, Star. Iwo HuDdred Cases là Bille, thmi at tis moent, nd itmay dfendnts hd bee guilof a reachnigh of te murer ; uckle, as savig hihstabeIanddrivitshed It nt toexcee fiveinche. ArrEaste. r tbei_Î a l e-òthoeonindsl of deOn . hllbe uit fa ra messenger of fthe House, giving .Whe. .brook moved, seconded by M1i. Kean. R EALLY A GOOD AR TICLE.Onhialhuhhemeavbenad of their duty as Trustees for the Town. isnno knownhow th fireoriginated- r Dt ehr,&. w aepdte.rm tari.3 -Alhouh is..oliiea paty lansovralticets an haingsevralhat David Wheelighan, bc appointed We would call ftheattention of allmnad otes, dufringh atmonth, t waio siAhhme ipoto agos pP dtarthyyhul e-deeeliteve s ,tt Wan ha night - .alHis man states that there was no one pathmuater on Road Div. No. 39, in interested to an article of undoubted ddsadfegt eta by t n hae c at refund the 8250 and interest. Thethfathaatetemudrpisn' in the barn ince morning. Mr. Wal- Ènehof Win. leDonald, and that John 1eeil, an.d which we would advise all in TIECFTEEN THOUs7AND DOLLaRs 8 defndntianess er t th efet die being in Montreal, we cannot as nsreapite ahatr nt of to give a trialW efrt tiodeiey nAgoisieelmetwih nhautes moywawtas tole fromMrhadl denied allkuowledge oo hlnf eti wehrhi osws oeeZbenDv o ,i paeo Acd te Waly' odtinPwer r raeas onesad ate adw r nw eartt.ha l h the A prie ofé"n i " and he . •wsetle r M.would lbe shown ; while it would be es- .art, removed from the Township.- IbienBH eRemdy" nwbeilatest nonsa na crs f"Uin"adBiggar withotthis default ; that in isurance or not. Loss about $800. Carried. Mr. Easterbrook moved ce. .-nev eenweige1n of -artystrngth" ad fo ku tablished beyond dimute, that ho halined byaM KeaThaa8a , mively used by many of the largest S"s" DRE** G00011 th«« pgs of-ariernshi n Brwnmain good the defriency to the in severai matter; been intimate with DURING the last we ehaee-te epidtesm 6 orh osedaes nteconr teDn an&Xd a s fl of yet livand, atothe unicipality, the sureties of the Treas- Whelanu. I a ascain oneoc. perienced a severe spell of I" weather" vices as collector for the year 1868, end havediovere the at y it iprvethe sr netpltolAmgdowlw r a ce ne itk flwsien by prisoner, thial;Mr. McGee was Thunder showers continued, reins and that lhe be paid $1, for smllsunis Of ton ndremoving fin eh lnsand Bonght e a f"i h i o WICEHPOPLINS, ve o 106, pu Arall its ehemies and face, they being, under the circula- a traitor to his conery, and befbre the ficlodsbave been the order of the day, txes paid by him to the treasurer -i liver all that prevents their healthy 1n ae» avme fred IIHPPIS uneitsfesdti il eacmsacs notrliable to do so, that the close of that session of the Legilature, not merly near Milton, but over the Id rrieMr. Euterbrooat heein action : its effect insuso apparent il, EE3f 'sW'le-arésolution not having been quashed by McGee's life would bc taken. whole Pr-ðvincea Immense 1oss ham ot $7, be paida on the allaita of 8Sam e apoe apaaceiUhSaiaRE LfB senatin ut te frceof pro acourt Of law could not bie impeached, Atranbeofinseshdbeeon experienced by the freshets car Co, for three speep killed by dong e da ea the yaeh enbear .ox arèof thé acorruptthe e ri amnd nrs e d at ws'san83 e gRabe. nfrer" e, eg be te icesumer sounand P A R SOSa anPo«çd ogressiv rineimkocget we ehensellon o thrV wsno priceofeidne doams have gone, from the Sherif s acd tao. Black, $2,67, for one sheep, Remember the name, end see thatAlthnveie aewPpe- it is a öredit tousidetw go itemonb to h uyMJdeaorio on id- at St. Aa, to the dams al]tecli bing duly certified.--the ignature of EHrd AiCo.,his enla th"osonwehr we regard its of'Toronto, nd T G athE. Blakf ed with Mr. Cameron, and the jury were ner teLkZme rmnsasbarJeKanb Th the con of 85debckg.AUPRRSTCOE MF tyat islgilaaoe h aii7Milton, appearing for the Plaintifs direeted to acquit the primoer, who allawere sil hodingoutat la tetcounts pa1i d o . B Won Ae.M. . o e i. OnNorropitore forCnadaN. e tie, . - T HsRtEeA D A ND Sil-K nonseroiè iB tm us e4torial ar- n ess to s aitnthrough, evinced nnntrsti hepo-adposbliaywahe hesoM.editedaccoinerecEwn. l deealeredrers..y Tisath pora t o tnd bideson of ho ht, tien aitn,0'trs h r'Between Milton and Georgetown, coin- Carried. The petition of James Kid. NEW MILLINERY, I4é"ris wrì ngtthe of Toronto, and R. J. .Appelbe of eeedings, and remained unmoved even mncto a erybe u f e n wleohrpaigfrad.PA TTEgN ANTLXS $fl lsWters or te en.- Oakville,»fer theDendts After when acquitted.' on behalf of S. Scriver, and petitin.fiMRID te isedllayed in procuring news ré tecs a en erteCaclorc da rcles bio Aleir. McL aren and ten others, in be. ,ma t hE HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS 1 gardless of eugense The agriculturalnt once g:ave judginent against all the Tas Reformers of both Ridings Of are in a shak y condition, and that 0ond ad fdJosepheilowere recelved S. Blacktock, et the reslidences of the bride'&sIni vreyo Enpplement to the weekly ,IAAd;oei. eenat, xet r ppl. hl-the.onyo etorhaearayaai tethscllpe tiey i ndeb i en o r ahr et eE A.ex-WaCude C' Splenid-variety o IMAM but,A ING Lot1 TITLE tnApil TOWNC 14TICEià her Tson I 0f wich a INA SS A ceNpl ;east4oý"t