lovngbe*tWire mi gra - ~ýb8a" Mb hd Measi W MketMloHalton Couint, -ti n 0- nt rms:m li. wle the elune a g1111 Editor , ANoRietor.00, sseptible hart like Evelyn's, m»l -.ON AIN SREET.long remain unmoved : bis denotine Sin aanc e, or within .0TUBÈ&Bd earnestnlessto has brother, hie - -tthe date be.subscribin, "e04,afecionate, and serious pa e M Paid, gyl be carged. hA, o isesdetli gOplnF r e tinse tion, AND COUNTY OF HALTON INTELLIGENCER. à -,e-mue a* oïe.d es ra etine for eachr subequent bt oineyma nåa e »çu We -tt..edk.; -41 A-YEAR I THE PRms--The Paalunaof the people's Rights I DV i hke o d fàm bar epied measuored by aKscale of---- ----Chrlcek, nd adothe r th e dina e a se abse hun Opon every wua«ndLookof °r e"eend ois OL VIi.] MILTON, COUNTY OF HALTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1869,. X t v.blod iii, th&w il orbdund astrleo sh éoulé nobd eaed; for h le peenniarhe nieeday bou.JM EE S T E EA 0 at, and to awaken culte more the soi? en of an.unrequted poo. oany, to bed e onidng .. RnaMrCAL SLOWCUS ON VELOCIPEDE. chorde of afection. within its silent Walter opened the letter, but at the WiReosad aa niety, and ca ged cco.n WarO- chambers. Since a poor, persecuted first glance, a chill like icoe rept ovrer rerhe atclhede motion and rsws wIY AG eEMENTS. OXT UCINER NsagýyaoArMB LONGFsLLow. girl, ste ed, in the ldare and gloomny bis frame.'Ia nt front Mabel, fa- glaence of wiliam's, for no our hmo WMà ent es Whoall e cf hare CUT UTOERNsaaenight. fromt the prinoely mansion oflher , ther,' lhe said. n oillspres od hmt gl;i01shatosn P%-VAtui c ad ie tPin o »i-to.A rs optattenedCLOCI. >IERshould bceinevery Theshlade. of ng ere coming down, ce i father. choosing railher to sufer d agony, then, almost gasping frstv hnte rtmt ol o $ultisacion Alsodes pomtly atedd W4 men g racil througch the town afliicton with the people of God, than to breath, ho read ad followse: ba.t erfè oa' h 80 fo twlve ontC --. •••* A airse Srfound a A juý.éI M Kâ-3ýtb Ayouth who.eength could searce suffice ejoy the pleasures of sin for a semao MR. ID'AcRE.-At the request of La- amof Walte-Svelyn's voice, to, 6. wle monthes.......... 25 Nassagaw-eY, Otbr7h 88 8t hrb r rdet pi eci-. To keep him asrnedvc, hwmc fsfeig oladpia yMblAlntn eiet nfem igll iee§hls ouc ortremnh...... 15 D MwheGBrý, f athe ad cks in steh a man - Frt..ton mh she eri o ndured. dyou of er aroachmgn. I masrn ags ithta a iesatn or fhn sma or teitemonts..... 2 . ' nef ale will ensure saisfaction, and at prices i ithcmmnar, mbo wséd hseytreeae"Iawsbyth elboalielhrlateheDkeD'lngnaselossa'wöldoef' lodinawam lw o thr mntbs.......-. 19 GENERAL BL ACKSUITH. SAW-GUMl- t'aat will defy competition. Jewelry nteatly Scod Hs o, ik ninsn Pe d ig adtathe la o lyngt prtrofhenaterafat, ndanole iBche, ndCus hmtoteewt aan ot we a 15 mingae .done n shrt ntice Mai rep ir Fersait1 I saBbe itay Hs IL¢ewhsnd hesag America was formed and carried out. man of the highest rack. Under such a tenderness of look and smen, t, or sx mnth... Io stretGeogetwn.Watnes steksandJewlryFu rMVeoipde Alice a uncle, M. Acton, had written circumstances, she deesit proper thant though it was but momentary, kq S for three months.. 6 T etn Geol getown, May 17. 1864 61. Ithas dates afixed to Chapters, so0 gto hier, to announce is intended de- all intercurs betweed herself and, hersetatrlofjyto hyug"' ent is toNDbe conaned to the haentthe whole Bible eoréadthruh AJbytvr edasna: parture to the colonies, wi th a company childhood's associates should case en.hieart := nesofcomrca hussNCEIS ADDRGISnStDe ' U RR IE Bua year-o" °°t"main out te a t'op-eabo"ut tsail; and M"bel'°termined ta tirely. .William, sai fi aare. we.tworth,. Isill not he held t ershped eoArgDetuow8 ner. ., N CFourt u e h a' mk u t tp join himr, oandaccompany them to Acmer- 'RoB1ERT, EARL OP ÀRLINîGTON.'onevngaste ttgterf o iCo-rters Gergtow. Poetical Books ara in the mnetrical ica. Alice was easily persuaded to es. 'Oh, God 1 must I drink this cap of their new home, admiring the ruélh hume os'asf arms, Houses ta Letor Il ebert Swanliten Appelbe, F HeO BLE formisamne as originally written in the '. WhatImakes r an.oldman sid, eape with lher Young mistress and their bitterness ! My Mabel falso to. her of the automnal leaves, and listenienstie the &itor uet BRRISTR, ATORNE, ANDSOLI.S]JOP1 Hebrew. And then yeille altrly on your head," 'arrangements had been made som3 days faithe ; my child, my child, il must not the ; music of Evelj', voice, un as 0" torsdrebt te Eiltc itriSTCnER TO , AND SOLI B00T AND SHOE SO.Fit.A" °"th t°reponton 'tother nid., Mrenos to the wedding-day; but Ma- bc,,' murmured the old man-and his camto them Ma& tegre the Piountin d(ed friseto1JB 9 eim , chapter fSr examination. father would relent. Disguisedl in a shock was too great for his weak ftames William,'lhe asked: eapstly, 'that, oEce ynoonon Wenee- OF MARRIAGE LICENSE AG n el-eetdsoc fSxh Otay,"la maidenshre, and saM,. iof Alice's apparel,Bshe easily effect- and with one long sighe,.hsrnomdleha eniie adwr, Mà*t eaereMlo. 52EA the Latent Styles of BOOTS kept con- "Rs yu ofthd n th.e tay eiedsap rmtecate n rm prtRdtoiseenlrest. wi ah ite»neier loved mm é«a*will in all caes. e strictly Mi tet itn -6stantly on hand at lowest rr prices.il evlt han a Chronooeial Order. presenrdtsear, terceo lttle sletntwnrwheesiWh d a tnge can pain mttebte,"ihasde et n'arig to ~~William A. Agar, pompty attended to, and done inl a work- torical connection, showing what por. Velocipede 1 Mr. Acton resided. Ta hien. Mabel mns, the deep intensity of Walter:& a wyhi edwiehioosn o --GAIR1N1A.1Eiemne. ino h oy odwr rte made known all that was necessary of gniole. Thant Mabel, his beloved. bis an accent of touching hos, Wilham R ~ ~ ~ leeorl - HEANErShpo Martin Streetcontemporaneouly with each other. " Bewar the lamp pont up the bte er sud story, and the old man, touched plighted wife, could be another'a was areld,'doov; h ee 1 1. Milto0T. Qn.nan e ref iNt Trhom pson's Hotei . URI.seventh, u h et tgout fosight with pity for the poor dove flying fromt thoughit too fearful for his soul's colecti ng himself, behesitatedand said i~--- will be attended ta, v4-n14-ly Milton, Nov. i1, 1868, 23-ly. It has reflectionsi whIch will 1» foune And nary more wasnseenthat night, the tormentors, promised his aid and strengtih; lhe could not believe thant there i 00luridadagttdvic. s - atrativ an pofiabl, ad fomther Vloeped -protection as long uabsherequired it. was on earth misery so great. No.t' that i's-, mean0 ov.a 'i 1ofMy - 4CJ. tee, '• . revdn itanmre ettaped tonc.familyf y.ft u o aie A day or ltwo after they aliembarked, should not be, and hie cried alend in ... inanshAN SU.RGEON MA" CUH HORNBY EA4ST, BY THOMAS McCAL- raigta oelntee ns tbke nde tw and Mabel as shle saw the distant shore the terrible struggle with his agony. But Chartes hearl ntlesise OnB.tand Residence-That'lel'y u. Thài i ew houge, and is listed up Eight. A con, boy foundi, who teneand thern sinekbelow the horizon, felt sellewas leav. 'I willleter raway fromt them all; explanation, hie dwelt withsetret Yape- t ait by Dr. Crooker. in as comfortable rmann san Hotel in It hoastheree fiely-exeouted Stel Uttered thie self-cmlcnt irayer' n l h oe nerh n htIwl l ohr adlya e etm oeo h huh ht ey a 28 i O Mt. 19. las6. . o, pi C o ntu Toyi Se in Mapls. henceforth her lire must be one of toil. wealth of despised affection Yes, I laved ; shle would bu so, 'happy, his conecionwih tisHoel.1oosinth our travller could not be found hardship, and privation, without a sinÏ will snatch my treasure from those set i oeysse :h nwJa rte M.D. C W. Groceies, &c., kept contantly on and. BL KIl containe seven hurndred Engravings mog hefagmnson the ground; gle ray of gladness to cheer and bright guilded nobles, and brmnglher to someonoldh elp lvise ng has which are admirable in their character. whth erashhewent ntrgonu -Ael, en it ; but lher pure spirit did not waver lonely wilderness where mnone shailldare Afwmnehdps wy n WM jmrqp"""° m n o on D R ES S H ATS. 1instead of being mere imaginary groupe ·hP wr-"-'t o oet errt e h .t oetu. Ate, no, Will ,s I we un 9 colRlee, M e ontSuto Tton, Onnt- --- ors of persons, or supposed representations in which shebhad been educated, and 'Oh Mabel, my love, my preeilous must now ua n ie as bue- nBsice - Onter oor sout.ofc5000 n°'°e"° ad "drtgs; 8250» 5,oand 85 00, of events they are vieilieof paces.hbouses ànthetw.ht old.andgray wihsehds al ere opieoe a orhats onhv rw oigmr eed..o euce. FosterEedTnotes a mortgageaduemporeantial i mrpcturs of ur Vlo-Cit y-zens may lay than luxury or splendour or even earth- cold ; have you forgotten already in oiety for hie happinms, osead and PP y N&DIO-,heneet. aterially nid the untravel " e °ciPede ?" by the thought thant her father would where ougew luinnocence and beau- hien when alones, that hie wold fly to se n, E•U•. , MAHESO & ixON: e. MEN'S, ldraebnudrtnigte hae - o ar u is threat, now that tad ahday, ceach hour, I loved hier presence to dispel ten; it wua jàisOP THEUNIVERSITY OFrBarisers.to', ology of the Sacred text, M A B E L D AC RE:,lihra t were useless and Mr. Daere you with au intense and yet tender eift i igtdhoea tobc .o ate9flilte, tiassagawbya.- Town Hani, Milton, Sept. 22, *88. 16-tf OTH Tenth. • ..oud close his life in peace among his passion ? Is the gay world, then, so fondly welloomed; and amost unenna- iDternce-T nutlatoca-BOYS',&The literary matter that has been OntwTHEw'RIAL. oIP AIT111. beloved parishonners ; and Walter, ah ! alluring, so facinating. Alas 1 I could sciously bewas led on, till Chadies h184 stby D.Retso. Consulttion-opiled fromt moderm sources, and the could hie know theosufferings to which not give my darhing wealth, or luxury, no longer anly doubllt that is afgetioo - , R obt. D olmageb CHILDREN-8'valuable infornation that has been con shE. le was exposed, how would hbis loving or splendour. and in her new home elhe weetofondly Evelyn's, -nd ee ,M wey, Nv. , mas.09 densed into, the pages of this edlition BY HLN heart ache--and elle thanked heaven has f9uod thei all. Poor, presump so blessed in his presenceasked no ing 88UR v aveeniced it abundantly.• for sparing imn this trial; mnever for a tuous fool thant 1 wa%, to think that a. more. The oold bnat windsof autunau QMN DE W AI, Jr., FELu m T H A TS 'aee" Eleventh CHAPTER F. moment did shle doubt bis constancy, mong the gifted, the learned, the fiat- with their illrst breathevgned to chill •‡9 Ithas many imrovedl Readings, which or cease to dwell lapon his love as still termng crowd who throng around the the little life in Weatwerth's heble sakDP'TENYATLW em . toe 1t. 186. is he ame s aietinardto he iie. Brigt s of ethsafr,'?. fully hers. Beautiful f th of awarmt, ,peerless Lady Mabel, shle could remem fraces; every day he Mad, and yek steek n& ulc, ow n Ha Plem.lcobr.7h,166a0intf adSot The Old Bible is aillhere. Thý author The wa hof .mm, thespils of war ? trusting heart, how seldom on earthdo ber through Ions! years of absence, the Evely= cODh not, would nt bliene Wool. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LOI "cc'..haIlotrwnii rcktte m- TeSogt tfihspuesrn- we find it 1 humble, unknown courai. that he was pasing away. 2-y V.Barber & Bros. C OTHeA S proved Readings, whicha will bc emfondHe] We have wandered fartaayfro 'And yet, elhe bade me not doubt .Oeeeig fe rthddy STR Wof grte eat ein the re aaderèsexpa tat It was early in June, 1660, thant in one the little banid of worshipe. but ourdouibt lher even in the darkest hours, he insisted alpontbeing liftedl into a rgOLs. . LISTER, STR W H aTS. inho ntng a -th pgib 'em erodied .et the oldest settlements of the New readers will at once recognize in the elhe was so true, so loving, sa constant, chair, thant he might behold the sun-set. (M » OIF OUR CLX1rý OMUS wih the work itself.lebhas a full Con- England colony, quite a larga 11amber nad, palq girl, who listened with such is there not some ray of hope, some Alas 1, it was only te.hasben a fW ew"a dN. a rw COURT echLiE Ced Aue- cordance. of persons were assembled in the best trembling eagerness to the words of the little ground for faith'--and in very the approach of the filtal messenger. Com assio . D"t oet Twelfth. room the towneafforded, to worship God liturgy, bMabel Dacre (as shle once more despair, he read again thefatal letter" The exertion was too great fbr hin, Co4pf "°" Printio and Wrapping Paper H AT F ACTOR Y, ,i sn t to lame and cumibersome.¡secording to the rules of the English called herselfl) and can readily under -by Lady Mabel's regnest,' met his eye,alrgbodveelrprdndsa g5aawy ,1A9"sis sMl but thant it can bered iitheasrin the Church. It was the first time sinoe stand the cemotion with which elhe and once more he Hlung it away from foew monts alu saw tha1thLa life was ii I. Constantly on band and made to order. King Street. Corner of Bond, - lap. the setlement of the place, thant the li heard for the first time in so many himn. fast ebbing away. I'hiEq AMLON rteenth. turgy of the Church had been heard years,. the samne pure ritul, which in 'Ah, MNabel, could younmot have Evelyn sand William stood by in a m e s . WOOL CARDIM à CLOTI DR ESSBGH I O.It hall al the Bible Helps combined in theree; and the congregation, many of childhood shc enhd learned to love Of spared me this pang. You feared lest mute acpir, the formet her bsé:e ïëeg .n OFFCE-IN THEenbok them wept lotht delight to hear again ten had a deep manly voiae, whose 1 should intrude upon your haiesdayp ,hrwoefmecnle, Ha, n the swhorentce. Cod t toin p.eFtL ING.ourteenth. those well remembered strains ; and lightest tonles were music to her ears, lest I should scare away the golden vi bent lovrerhc, îinbtaoln #tu o n- 7: lae onatity ill b receved'asther aeMrHamiaon, ay ash, 18e. 51tf -their voices swelled in one unanimous repeated those well known words, and siens that are lullmng your 0conseence toguih se terrible tebehold in prl7b4I.recttra for cauh Hrghest price in ehpaid CbinHistrmindcmpeesiton.s h lp o heaeMmnofMbe' hat a tofllfr ter-sle1;farnt6Isal.evrcoeto •Wila,'wiseedte-yMgmn in. .. E.anHEERISO.N,°r i""m style.Godrepeated, 'Glory be to the Father, ance, she could only weep, reproach youn; lfesaleeforth be a ' come Dna, I1have a solemna fo OAK IL J.E.H ARRSON Fftent and to the Son, and to the Holy Chimat' And now for a time let us reltarnto vain yet constint'struggie to forget yu.., .ns..e r u aragaph,» areuot lays the ae Then, when in his sermonlhe toch.e-Riverdale, and see the changes thant thee. eherish and prlotect hersas yen vala TETdiPITLvide ,ubeem an c soud o nnut. ingly alluded to the blairmi of persecu- have taken place there 'And ean it be, oh God, my -King, my peee inath. I giveheetagna; - 9 ed, and onfound thos thatshf b lioitaehd driven him out of the For months afterMae' departure, thant thon requirest of me a broken oh promise me that you will hbe toher, e intharoritJ l dely een e tiey e r srî e lg.i raed t tendar t eient o-stie.ue broiwhich he bhad hoped to the little cottage was filled with gloom, heart--is this, indeed thy chose.mrifather, brother, husband ll; rdan thmopietr setermiedft t*lee.i rpaedioaend all te unmetSixteenth. 1E moored, for his few remaining yers, yetestill her sweet loving letters, like fille ? Then be it so--th y wlbe me this, My friend, My only jkPaarofthcas eeseu al r tneLwr analrs is 0ce for fteWTheir bracketsometimes include and forcedhimn, a more wreek, aeross gle asofsunshine, often illumined ita done.' . and he took the Mod passive baod et oftebetban et oNT r ATN % TC peetWilliaHa rso neofher elhle chapters. which may be omitted the wide caa, many were thetearu darkness, and Walter. whonowalshared 'But ah, not here let me hive, not Evlyn and laid it gently in Wieim'. Ü*vge-,Jul lot 188. -tf Te Wn ' is hers- AOT WAFAMIm SOn, F 1LTNin family reading. that fell fromt the eyes of those who hadl'the lonelinss of M. Daere's abode, amid these scenes let my future yean then clasping thaem in hisown ho sand. Oaeldlyit se. 4 h y egiven that the Co RT of OYE R, ATeHoeAL-A-Mi ne0UTH o ITONleft parents and hoe, and wandered would oiten sit for hours with one of be spent Here everything spealks of 'you þromise me neve tla eer, .te Sh#se-ad iERMINER and GENERAL Termsmdeate. e badindfor Horss ' T IL othsnwcutyBat on the tars those precious missives clasped in his her, eonchesound im nature secestovalue her happiness more thonleer he ese e,. lI WELIN 0Çe dNAI DLlR Y ,fr h ad ASSIZES ad ct1attenadaedonandaddnCBI 0E of one in ,aticula,, the ,weet and band',and his eyes wandering from ope thrill my heart with tent de name own; do Ye.unom, oh wili ,.. .ent EfTO 0esl, WaELchargeand NS PISf rte ad ont ai$n.Na cb 218t i67. 41-tr ILLUS-TR ATED , soothing tonles of the Church service to another of the dear objects which her the litle birds call Mabel thi oynsoms this fbr thea"ho of a Jing Fqae Cmot mdrtehre, 1tn ilbehle a»h eemed] to fall like magie. touch hadl rendered sacred. There tonles elhe used to warble, and the nyer man ?, KIT -"ne"t a -nagTAIentTELr L8 ID Published by This was a pale, sad, drooping girl, were her Slowers, still bloomilig as sigles forth lier Dnme as it Soirs along 'I wii-1 da ,romsise,' toilttred the ayHoe. h Mand de ioU RotierH OUSREF0U S ' the village school-mistress; noue knew freshiy as eser, while elle whose nilen- to the ocea. yugmn neret oenaens »e eretteniv, ndA-creul esle WA 19 lemuch about her history. save that some der fingers hadl lo often trained their 'l shall never conquer myself here, • and may 1 God de no to me and more O nttna c.6lýI H YRCSN . three years before, a vessel landed from gracefl foliage, was gone forever. AI never be a useful. calm servant of Him also,' if ener I wilingly eaMM her ingtnSuar, Oc 24 187. 2 17IN HEW . F . M IL L S AUEN . England, having met with terrible dis as 1 how nad, hot inexpressibly barrases to whose eause 1 am pledged. Fier pain.' res nousE~~~l ERFig&â cmv »rB0, l, (LT PCALBI) Containe 700 superior Wood Engrengeasters, and. brought a company of pil ing to his loving heart, was this hiving fromnail these happy mercones, let )ne -1 know you loveher,' Charles oe. e 1 ggs, a .. o ms n, (LTEOFcALILE) many tnousand Marginal ïerees, reriens, who, thought they could not en- death of her whom hie so idolized ; se- seekr a new and wider sphere of action- ltied;1'1 haire seen t in your @Mey N PROPBI;BTO1 Kilbride February lst, 1869. 3e9m thercee nely executed Steel Map, nOn" àlure the mummeries which the Church parated as fully as though the dark 1 will go forth into te life and fresh- act-andoh, Wiiam.., you have y"t to nen dgO roits Improved Reading, a correcled was continually borrowing from Rome. portals of the grave had opened between mns, the hardy vigor and sterm inde lesanthe wealth of love and t4enderne -li cuãir bi jpsttranage, and bop Ghonological Order, the Poeticl Books yetloved and revered its services, and them, vet with the agonizing thought pendence of the pilgrim settlement ; in that yonglaeat--it is tie l lafrekn'" ate ierFml exemti a et.t.oat° ESDA, THE2711T AYoF r L gø ceein metrica fore, qestions at the end of esired to retain its ituai. Among ever in bis mind. that fur away, in a and m.y God gifant me strength and thino, ..f 1 an n ,eetae stle.bst, ttebu fTIVCOCOX e,•ch chaptethfor ailyesaforma-their number wuauanioldman, accola- gay and brilliant throng. her beauty power to cirry forward hisswotrk. though CGoIbe oear onles; de Sol bodst i ursad es&., oost Dme, at the hoal ur o s o'eLouce1:,natlad oth ede p;tenwhch th panied by twoll young girls, one of them gladdened other eyce, her silvery voice it lead me even among the savages of a mour for me, I am smhappy thuslt aMouass ti osles.4.non&o9wic7al usi-7f hePecel lishecrs have acently added. in con- of rarebeauty and grace, thoughlher made music to other ears, while hier western wilderness- die ;' and bere the low ltnes gMw -0- EN Coroneren, Co stables, Jurorn, and all PROVINCE OF oNT ARIO onection with the Family Record, a face wutas rneillh weeping and care. poor lonely heart wrast yearning to flee Snob were thie thoughts that paned fainter and fainter, the large d i. i seulo ma nelothesudconcen d a rerforatake al W TonThe ldf man was simple-hearted, pions, away and hbeat rest. through hi& tortured mmd ; and, ere eyes gavecone lat iMMgrg look earý ,an ut e notte andfatend to o and peform allOÎGRAP DEARIENT, and benlevolent, and soonbeucme mach For a time, not a doubt of her con many :monthe had passed. Walter Lee dent love, and thenweMn dosaid fal t1i. 0a duties which appertain to thera. In the County court ofteCut0 beloved by al the colonist. He @tant, faithiful devotion to hien ever stood on the deck of the vesseltihat waseer IN8Yof Heallen, in the mat ter of Contaiing openings for sixteen ordinar7l was quite pooir, haveine been only a crossedhis mind, and even when a long bearing him to hie new home. He had G. C AWFRD MK ' ize ard ictues ;also scholmater n hi owncounry, o inerva pased ad nolettrs-cme..Ljo!edfabrLterPcergyan, ho, ith