Asm.abhe.m waau t uar =ee otssiast. nol sie,.a i, T Mt Io" a t »uç b&a Anhdw d " hmina mitder. ni : sm îhat5 , en v8Loelà»b. !lhuy bou tel"eaild bluuc,dp- Mkily dvi manle Iotliae pie. tiig amoW thssa veg ofaiobna by ilb. um$Iium a~tmr,,tha aihilernî- hua u n oiau udoubîsdly utogmioounninmouargumeuts in <h tAîiàMjf*M oveiliels arc suelraapduaiola hiuh prtites of blfa.dme et borealmrd. bt tceàua uanb. dmadvwtnga of u«pense, amd otnuq*o 1111 i omplatueî.l 01 pe Aoptfer thir puu$tar eopsnu. Valepd.s ci tao,' hue. mad aven four Wble uabains"Ronaud te oset qapaniniraqutumnta. clab 'au ibuse of mîtsia, ciuseeal tiavullars, iuvalida, al lusia&-laI.omet vleipatdu, »Mnauul mati. pesur je balag prnid. ed i. 'MO»td ai ls nm ant', whieh vi. bc.h1 .apausaby tmusa .wq ltit uaD in a. Azals.. abmuta b<h ai ala e rvitti. Àrcnt idourmuluaseuSelàtof bumsIb;htba foii a aamaS tiram élaà a Iinse a 155d alefi, Thuua zu Ïul. Md OR fi" 'a triti nraie uf s-est1ii ibina e tait @îlht % %osanm@6unubonr. Tha ai erliasins My fisuoMabula, aid alan maaa nduv amy, thu agoni ia very ouoliy auuasa.An rzîtaordinauv Amatn aminvastmo. bal g auîhing lanathan a a o abmalaiveapedu. alitat @Dy thlq sp2iartablvt nonaneao utinti gomavale, luasJeuxl hano patutiltil b> th *, t Pt &t8Iluietnr Mîscosu hsIt* I alT1lsua buis a the tbil l =ai ORaasibm 1 dmip)m5 *ft, Y# ày.t ýThO ~myss im4s*adb~oar. aal4rslu es kgTugbuuo epai bruuldib. sbla auisb t amlqu40*othu e otar W5 iarg. 4peitia- byt "61ba, ilrudi, sud lu turud hy a 0frada. thaeti"r hvis auom plae oumai b. llr. Iaaiuud a(mmusinonautha utic au, aWusa or lidlratS Vl6slete uths.uuiheiht. ?Anék ijtnt l lvituilied roupea opagtha sisista aume i-RsayEunp Boambo eafflegd bu a-mauuaho awu qge~aosiici~ tadd ted -.lyinsc Samba iKm sn'gl , davciud tlukhi, nîluutuu Waf y ioëftgude ol mudu lýmautau udepsin lu glulus si bute. <s Mu mai'a luaut orie,.,.ha t<ha masterwuas at- uiaag-i satm lu bbis uucmry assaut, Smo g oihtr marveueuMist. lé r tud silualduot aianttea-h pua- Inr~ Dosu. ud<1uball( paai ilatonbibs liA btsnd fant, end ihronsb bîu boud Joui ai <bu baheof i est." Thisu"vai4e otj'ne 'ittia "dhnhras<thlIsÉileà -nf' th gusetu.ib ulltd spa Bimtoo orrohurttu hl. 'a , ý"911 .sI4 bo Alave, sautra b là u Iia it op mos te bu batkilupbihissbe fool le eruios i U»ca, usnisaw'e hall go abat lh-b .iibhibo tt aut baud ni the' "mehoua nîu--Thae m* o autqiialî' ilie hu xýAlMitoq, au& awalloaci iha t altltout ncbboioin;but au b. heguaaeruwonoe, Sambo v. isuouW "mbl.aoulilgod hamer m ferauoas e eutaie: *1For tcadun ,Pmaku eaa"han ut<al usudticrmib' a ig lie, doa'tpuuopu sofer parl; ma DOIMI ta !I0T KB RAG (jîî. w*s i £qeaT. iman lalb.Wr4. 1 '.Uitann nsd specilee as '1i"IaUua ~ oreekon ynur ima as Woi ult I 40don puy. lu*o<Îaua pieyu euti or tiïrsa~êruala bqhýmigbt bu voua ~orient or for sanse 4lto4 tei~d or grua- ma41. bave hnwomun te do-il don' ifmIohg vyi.ufyfial i a e -.à r th int~~ -ý-olMi6mtan f- 1il (ýEORGEI1OWN L( .R. et are in staaing b ut eur tocttk UîîiuuetiIy Attrati' nd a ed tc avote asti tntir ttntiti An li uit g i cneccllalwillc i. we lf'rit l oor icspel'cl 8,EWiNG MACHINES. >GENT foutB. S.Wiit'luu' Organu, lielodenai Nutir-P40ol, iaunl c, ! OUlLy Tuinu IaS ilava piantatyIee hal..uu for -là. PlANt-ai of It u maou, S.rer ts uGrover a Baker, Sarmuàd'a 12 ahala-ntal tcfil ' -30 si 4000 rah. A amati on band ftwat liabhlun 011, Nundins ami Ti.îad. 1Garaativat Feb. lrSd lffl. ai ti CLp US F4ES 1 T* C sbt' y rnU i U L u rowd t R c m 9 A ~PEOIAL ive, ion o 101 CLEARINO SALE! (.'Io ii. lîl'iu A.bcffî.2it.AT ()c i .iiatgeOUS trais amaci ,o'E ilitt il ait hie Joety, witlta cc111- orttut t e or i'oar t Co.'k j istitl Il levrosDparimenta of oar Bn caa, ti flt arcl taapbie jainblu part of 'th ccatry. %% r bcg uptial ai' tentotabuur AU Ieoi Bach adColorai Super- fiueiClef/es, ILIAC[ CAMUSIIAn oxro.qp uosuklwu. The rlghi place o And the abeupesl goomi nud tir bail valua for ceady motîtyi wiib- ontiuy excepion,iln tue FAINCY COATINGS 'N Vi.LLA GE9 9rezT.gKG WTlN. AND SILK MIXTU RES. ilaisg tabtenpatfi.ialutpju elslt inzls0tu feit grade$ofetYoung NYSOs, Ou. powansd BlackaU",ltSugari, RuRisca, Curans, S1tlauu, te.,hbc is enubiodit offct uuiurir gmoaasnurylow pics Crockery and Glassware. Havtg a lugeaanduaid tck aia on aMo,my cuomus yY ,pcud on huing sullud, bntih as t lu inti, ud iaceofut antilr. llc l prepared tbu nier bagaiut uta lu Ifotoe t valh lu ihia tutliii, aad lu mauoY aglte n ImTuratae patie.. 1 irg te rahvortttutiaon Ib t a i iltl iat a s o abnd astarge tarinoftWbt- ,r ie.t 'fnrm hi' atuicrttatr'r; ani.tatfnî.itu'tcmf Brà'% Wiiit. IltUM, 01i, Cîgar. hi. 'c9i ha rarv lltc'Ii.lnlil.' llAt of which Iitld ut p1IesatalncIt bo 9E.NII~JB£R iRE ,54L-, JSG'EOIGEZOIVNV sottuownstchutin lth, 1869. FANCI TIDIUShKgs! IN CAýSlSMERES, DOESKINSt [ngIýh and Scotch Tweeds, Bedford Corde and EeIeskius. lacolefiup in , na.IMM)Wxx mcmQVl, GEORGIETo W¶eN IIAVING PURGHASED A LARGE PORTIRN OP IMessrs. J. Saillies & Coy'b MONTREAL BEd VRS, MIOTS, WITr$kYS, h, &Ka A large viricly ut Cunodia Tweeds. aund n coaitleiea aarItut ofa * -r1~Jl~ BUPTSTOCK§llig el.whuru. A K mli ,-- Ot niaeorsokhtr- 11-s-g CI~EATREDUCTIO I M'KAY OltE irP-EDUC IONGeneral Grocer and RB - LuUT ~ AT TuE Tinu submruineu ibue ulta frebis ce tomr@ anti the Putble goneîaliY thatbh o 1seal liig uff the balaceof hic FA LeTOC(K qf STO 1*14 Couaitiug of COOKINO, BOX & PARLOR STOVES' uthnhiatti elat £1COlT RHe as a mdoeieat uduitliausa luthoge laSTEEL mL-Gt.'n lia tb-ai for $1e durnue Iblu mtîtin.fatues lbad boliercaml! eaaly beosu, lin>area&ml gose Re vouid cail paticlur attetin ta bis 'Large Stock of Tin aui Jap'u Waret Whîi'b ihan wllt cadi snoay linaeConua,. Peddtitl bhay for cush wti lsd If o thi-i aduaacabu pureo hinao tck oftheb ut bs iiotbr a h. wllil îlaIit ha Ioeetyw017ucnlulaprtce. Tntaua Cahouretttfund. F. WcDer-mott. MiltounIlacch lud,1.. 3O THOMAS YOUNG, DEALER I BUI&LU.tI.IS l ID H I9 , 11111 It ION AND T. EL, Paitulandis.d 1- B tIto, flaekgnith'o Bolovxandmai el.Bet Cartter mtnd Bug. VI suf, labb>sit sp ,k-a. Lulu sacd Pag, Goal *Oiaid icp WL lP peu la iet rivtits iW lîa cdra NîtaîpR aohbtuted FE»ai A DEN KeWi~S, a clitici' lot ît C1licr nTmiiimotby, Aloiho . V Tes* ad Tiihaioe t theue -chaieras bis e Gutudu maulcdin l ie igures, NO soaad pie,-. Wbtle thuaktghiet-it bim ruotot 'thlilbutul pnutaîiuciocl ,dta bi.n initbm pmh. ii, enbtbr imuuta bhopublie a eho and oti atluiniseiawoiani pabufes bafore puuebittg eui*wvbta. as bu in ful; loïpeici p h.Li6 nasrofltha 5ltra, id no ît-tb aid bcwasatias eO, bis artute i t gutiataioui. THOMA$ 'YO>UNG mia we .Gnanydmms 0 Nuublitia, 160. 0. t fliOVIlN EANTS1 JA[N STREET, __ xeuatitglu thé lice bupi lia Georugetovn, 241h isu, 184e. tIy W. J. PTEARI<, 11N AND STQVE DEALER, MILTON, -,1ýEGS t &annbounce that ha iu prapar. id tonuenufatUrOa aurquantitiy et ORDSPATENT DUI U9AIER& Whieb ore fie hat l ie as "Ptovud hY orie o tics.from part. Olau,.lU arta Of ie Domîinion. For simpiiity Of uo- .1ucaeloî. ctbcieuy i bealitanad en'! omy la Ful. 1<t uuaol bu surpasad. Itii. ao au, ibiug but ba& beau baa tbe public for aoiaeyearu, snd unior'. 'ih r eullurlradaptai for Cuue. lal. 0sh. Tboit effuctieara LI iukfuin a More trik- jn nas inr mlr e uis it have beau diffieuli. 10ehuai vihut a very large amouuitif fuel. i'hey eau beu si on evry description of Blta,cookias as weuli a thera, aid tbe 4 ara niapimi btarooinia wbîitiay bu requirud. S tove-Pipes and Tinware Alv'yuon boad,mnt M lîma. Ont. 7th. 1868. 181tf SELLING OFF! Great Bargaina 11*15 .as ofingfortsala bu is e S "a ciu DRY GOO0DSý BDb V, o nmi ffiluaet7, cltstes 1 ýLm 9T Tito public arei ta bave l tcvccclcgc'. Nveral inhus or WK1Wm~K~ L~L~EUUu MlUST BE Clearedi Out in Thirty Dags, As our bya uasT.egrap'u sho m8ogiuad of UWENSD FEMMES FOI 11WM1SFIINQ 11181! Ta mbae an boit eebargaias affI e gvea. coaa No Goods Charged during tbis Great Sale. BARt.A &~MoLEOD. *E0SflVOWJ~ Juury SkI, 180. 'O;$ CWB0p Jloots&She Siliahis l na* C. NIEL.ATSý Daireu to dn.w particjar aitentioù in Iliiuvery iueortntdapr g Hliv-sok ofL.athers embra.aite ebuur7qutktyîftd eqailyf bu found le compare wlîh &Dy lI.ili couanty. iltoin, Alîril 7ti, in6u. WOOlRN xM&RtIFA OiStS LIMEHOUSE, ONTAIRO. XTEET DKSCR[PTION Or In ihoir UnecprompiCy don@ on th. MOST LIBERAL TEINS. A wlame*hofku Guoe of heir 0w. ltanOtur o COutoiy on lband, foue mir utasubsagtut Wou, THE HIGHEST ]WARKET PItICE GIVEN FOR W001,. JOHIN NEWTON. Limub'muu 23rd Aprit. 1ut9 ROBERT IHAWTHlORNtE, Seato bu nen« ar minluaddition te bic ,oibhm aidd tI maofut ii anacrefFirot-,CIaomi.ggfru, Car>ages ef ai den.rlpdua, SINGLE AND DOUBLE BtGGIeS. ItAI1KET WAGION% &c., afuouttdh# I ma' aitmaitie, ud y 1«h eolltd e itnau. r o b tv5uuo etut tht ucsann kt Sitaseasi Ibrmanalaoilsh w aknu Fuîl ir tlu pnfora I e' hbI eta l ne* nntprlaO. R. HAWTHOR~NE.- MiltoiFbrary 26lth, 106 *4 XVILAiN[ P.'NILL(X UA .XT 1 &JE3 , i l XZaTc«Jil iRej" banucubro 1la le 1 h o ttil ..ruuu4 n Ful snpp, or Etîglisfi. swim and lam-rrân %airhî(o, (afriq of afitesolpliago m)m"YILIDJtetmtlso aIarg M Aeeori.ount ti ETLECTRPOPLATrED -WARE lagusui variely. Gouds notd iwaaly par Staibalew Toronto or Hamilton prie«s. MI work wàrranted. and punuaiy attend.d o. Tha bot of wuthmanir Chtnee.Uar=u.%Iodet. SIO- idoo to P. M. McKay'. Milton, Daceother lOtb. 1068 I'c> Begu ta amosasateubis aumetou5 pairong tuIbc biîuproaprai <taisit"IOO5w vanite with grater facilitias <bus ever- J1avias sousraidthe tbu urf And put in a 8T 45ENGINE ad uni ia4 OILER, hb. cas sui 1, nay quanityofv.orkmaionaguaateiet io bud.on o t îu fl eo'hst fA$ CU#TOM WORK'l>JtUM'bPTLY A'îTENDED TO- Miltn. ung aLh lu&et-- NF MIX' LIVERY STABLES MlILfiTEEr. GEOE&CTOWN. bog Sim bm !Z =tur uhae haa oninu XLv ? boyo ugb ounas (li5llb'atuuas D - l b t u a l n a n amiavas aatiéabe q5utsbierar prJao ttruab InaabInviàiBaO ugg ta tavavasuea t 6, 1um- aratf- -1 Mo» ORM FO Oaa=-7..w î P" u Ev I kiq 'da-m. Scdt m0ont#f If 00o 80 Tgiht BIIut W 'a êca Oac leernl di Any sprCal' isjePromtet lbMudual out TUSAI fIbo folio'i MarcuhantsluM = 0 ad Ii Quaterof àcc ,dloary b0.01 bals, P 1t mluiiember Ail leturna, Iiaken trom the Ail ad4etris.? c huld ruach th da st~a farthuli. ,Those tetMI EIYR. Offlc oatuplul by1 xhleuOct. D. Rober %iiion, Supt. * T.D8 ?trouta, tnu j0.1'w aund a- ipied by Or. D.îy--Eucay' 00'.-.- iii DIVISIOx Co &lurinQu., tiouct.r, Ac, Nnenagatuuya, T.GI eAURIISTE.1 iTown lialUNB Miltonu A1*il, 3IEES TE iu hotLI L. r4litsud ndte jt . t is ayo o n ltad. esiçl, jai1 HURLINrflTOYf tint tctmari flrsi-ciau Hol. ara ,ury et la lu atiancias wlliugton Sc XetUu.hi# tl ta=-r fo tnt in tu 10hadmrtthon ;,'is mbusiness 1 bnands n i iqu, ling and utti Pl&irmo, Oui. DUSSES teut lhU*Veiig puIttiý uta bustiers. J*U,00..Julbe 140, Icw>