à vater lu tic Moapias uys »%"i usae opthitag Iis daelag i vie. bm lielook a i t (rom1 5?tlmdelh" of eiav. Itineti laïqesiov I I1WOMAIs. ~ee' ~1nSu Ume cta p m e oc vaeopenuu. bar or rbinil" mmd à éa unaderet' - . -i qeine e icmalmonter cnid habite *1i 14 R4 àmht Si. otad blocevinitho %soou a e a% . MP did onetonaderetanel. Ha ukeilbet - woie* ba4ie aMbw. supposeI latrodmioe yna tea àIrianîd Ilep -, ta &krImn. soims, a stmnger, asud h. vautd nîîu ou Umsefrdauiaara~~a~y tare ja n bubt pathbisartsearoatd lutmu p ana. lu, sabat aauld jeu do? Yen mij -imugino ber"lohend aweca IWhai .Id UW« basamiidt' wvînlelaha do? AIl ear lady render Whee te mndau mul bnd . kausa viat they woald de, and wvu Bond te okmotlitnenoýMduty the fther, bunbmîd or brother oetstac Be a wrena-emgu inîeh a lady voutl do. But, soid!hnulanae On tisa gilde list otaâma On tbe catalogue out ratne n aunoasmnyen enter the Ilhop' er bal] 7aca. es obigbtar, bolier anaa. yoa permit a perfact t iranger, sabti Be aseemm-o ~ o - iatcoduoed toryen at the tîne, nt onij Bmainsathentoldteeo.aU th",.i tre - Itetako jonc bandl bai -te puabisn m Pl-e.inuîttean"hu odii ven - aceaad saur mais n d te &ail &ai V. iatéitir sadmrdiant brow! abe aco i s Yeli yn athe giddy inaie OCd n afn aea tefnfoat Ttehtrauannatora bhumn o; f tandane,ad your father, brother Bantfa"'nnblde<d lads- aid hasband tblnk it eht iigtt1 The -Be abrase, reble-anld taaa satinItlady ndmltcd iti taie bad net ecanat __________________________ toked opon it froa that point o? sien, bat gave Insalanno ne tier information Upc mmnd Dowvine tcWorld. than thal thiaga vere allavable la the - dancen sblic ara not ne ië,ordinury lit': i5r, bring me a gond, plain dinner,' Heur ronderfet, abat delica-ta lmdien tai mi a iuelanehaty lookiag individusl ta danse frein t9 ta 12 pin., suareoane a vaiter t one ot' tin principal botelà round da,îcea anad siad ap sitb a sher- -ie a Western State. ry clbber, id jet feeltotee seary ae es mir., toiel ap Idrieg prayer l inrch t iciine*ntau brongbt and devant-- ý el,«M théaietmter> mlled the landiord FORCE 0FrE=AMPLE. aidea nd t lineadda-coed hlm: 1 Yen mrt aie tandiard T * c.' 1 he imitative propennitien et' jouag a Yen do a gacel baniness here ?' Ameries are nenriy eqooltet thoenoa :Yoc' (lnasatoniabinent.) the menkey tribe. iYen make proflnbly ton dollnrs a Willie. n ibret-jear old, rean ut die, day, lear ?' er reluth terusé et'the t'eily, sauch Y,, inctaded an aenatan a viit. Mie 'lma. aum afe. I cannai puy for ' Anal Helen,' nald Wiilie. ' do yet sat 1 have cenninee. I have beau tvtr naj dcvii P a0 out et' employitn--t for @aveu monthe, i Why. ne, Witi, ; sat maies but have engaged ta vor te-inorrosa. yen ock auci a questien ?' repiied tii 1 have Sera vithoat tod four and lady. twesty -*Oum wsa enrternd your IBecans a saja a. Ps, rvhs pkee.St Itilipay y> n u a eek. j made yen acy deviilie other day, Icannotlpmy bitta ihisnabehsaea jeua rerlooking for thtebnniier prounne' bluterei tise landlrd; - and and toold net fiad it ?' 1db netkeep a pour boute. Yen i Oh. sid ht&ua P, rathtr coaerned, eltouli addreus the proper autisoritien. 'die 1 ? W-oi, se se tei lad it essier, Locave me eaaetiiug for neerity.' I nappoet ~i~icii8etur~iBore the discussioa eladeda tiltex. 1i2dvita a hyorcnot.'plansiion beiag eonidered ne gond as «If Injte the tret vitlaoat abat, seutd ho given onder tht circnmatacen, I viiI an, eatis raci vather as but Witlii'a retenîlve nemory treasua-an uilu.it op. e uYenu oulil ha"e Ibougit »f that A font daje after, Wille'a cap got re~f pômsui neuehosa ot ot'plate, andl he forgot i be~jW ~ana~ -Waiir vire ha- lett it. Hlm motier telel bien oeh , ôn W*frein »bartît i te look tilt Ie tluad it. i"? - 'e tarted op taire, and snoa ?,à'I tirie yar ceant. his.trebte volte rang tbrongh tht halls, The tae ai u t, and a yack after. cryiagout, Devi 1Dcail/I1 Decil 1Il. osdeemed. . WlIIio, my ton,' calttd ont his Saavo a ftec tint n vrnltisy maon trightened aother, 1rebat la the wreri e 1m(tlpliLnarena a mm vs do yoa nuanby ncag tiat wrcelet trcelalte camutns an anappîltnWoyrd ? tb.oangremnalnonminaien,.;Tie iSo an te land my cap easy.' cries Olantama ot'tticcaonu heide l*âcet. tîntbey. i Pasaja desil vhea he tan:t Ho hoard tisenme and bstuory eft he land aluags, don*t ht, Ma?' "O>Ir.a~ * aa irnber o? 'the oSurëI, ndâor ee .Mont renpe ablise A flourinlaiag basnes-Ornnaeftal eltisaca. Tic vote vs a tin, n!be pena@iahp «"'e a sejatîa, thaeisby defatinathe Qit aetetig în r en VeMity aplimat, sahorcho Mt an ti akareeingthe pi eBole houa aftecvia-d, umiltenhamie theel-niana et'one "T« douit reusenaier tmn?', geean te aprcadthteopinicn of 9 another. a 1 umcanate dinner la yenr hotel, nad A ramnantît father named Rose, cali. altiengla I teld !ai I van faminbing, od is danghter 'Wiid.' Wiid Roe anelpledged Foinin7 vord and honor vas a sery pretty naine, but whrn ahe te pae yqitlà,mà von, Yen took ny ma-a-ed McVl. Bail tic paettiamas disnp. siw 4smege eut natheiselte.peaied - à 'r et rathoTio oft' My lfe, niti- Birabe, atarringes and dentha la on nOu t l.' Oregon jeunana arc rraged undea- tht iWell, air, viat thon ?' repectivo headaet'f-Caine,-" "Fixed te 1 A0ntl'. Yen ejit - ynee t' S,.and 'Goat." Tht aecendwsould 4irim. To-nlght ven vero a ea- net do la Chicago. Aidai. for nomlnaioq, andl bt (or me IgÂaT.-It la tated by sorteesalan- 6.ay beu' eeotd 't C nitare that the heat et' a maa nteigba Thro jens fte, tn Criaianabout aine ouates, tint et' a reenean Thrisyus ate, he hrstanabout elgit. An tic age lacreanto,a ioe-etoeper bocauuonkaruta. The man@ heurt greta henvier and lie diinneleue retei htntuvan.ennov aveinant tliglter-noine girls ot theire hiisfaantlemy. Tie vais et'Prevî- t ixteen. steo. 1&aa nded vaofa, nd c. A LAcK Bp KNBWLDB.-A vetiorîaaaial$a snt eoa an tuaap speaktr exclaimed, i 1 knosa ne oeplia ar ein orth, ne aoti, no saut, no esit, (et- low citisena l' 1 Tien,' ezclainaed an t, ~~~ Io01B L nd fermeer la the tvosad, « ite lime jan vrat te, oient sud Inent jegra- Oie will vte,salît b.ceof tomae n aptj., tho en«d, souek herc oinafood, salît A Young man vie raently fait le ra iareliigan~ d setlnetelle a otlloea itaabeautifat joung lady,sanyn m"cida-Z anziagg 11irl alt arvothts aeho aertaineel theotoler Mhe Greceuabond, neldaîe O enu , toing tilmi miereciproatedhlm pasu ure att poeiibiltiiamof knosing basau, Bin. tie feltans thoagi ho sacre ittiag ici ïrh, viii net endeaver te break thn an aie rouf oet'a meeting bouse andi bits ' lofeunuepiticateel yoaag men, eerj miigle ws aaJerea mrp. Mnti loarretty,ad aadnrattiîd -Deter. miel n lady, 1I1sanlcd yen Haglisia botter taus Frenc; vitt pre. te preneribo foc m.' l'Tierea nothiig ade siti eqant grecs aetihopian andelicintter, madoa,' aaid lia deteir, at tais,«Wvani-inrlslt$Piineonjure nfter feeinsgher pulne ; i yen ealy nead eeUaItrIeet, vill nat ret. ' iJust look nt my tague, aie 4 -ty jit maerber peraluirdl. Jusi loah ati t-taIt katitii peur tr ahana, ln aaie iabrsantiMontBasy,wsaat dor$a t cueel? i I varier,salît Wear A bonnet, apeah gond, thilk tint aaed tetat te,' miel the plain aatimping Hugliab, salît dam htnardouter. dosa"toigw hnebs amh COULeNTSPARE THE BLAcRailîvu ;auats, aid ellminad the Lit-c--A hlmehamis eof a villagt nînadereel aftacr tausesa"415hbt Bible- 1 ilc Ia mon andel sancondoinete lie iaîged. 00cinîg girl wilit alk lire milan a day,- ITise niiet'pasnant t' f cpinte jeineel à(i Ïid bc.at hher e oeeka a in lwi Itogether, and bcgged the jadgn ta _imiunaiec icatt, iner pijoical de. thobe akamiti migit ouni enfer, ho- VMIOeemeots, sud ber meehar itt adapi cause hoe ves ceeinarj ta tise pinot, -~~~~~~ D ou~isuuoa oeivc ahih oi tlnet de salhut a biaci- -te.eâgfrcecad. stt.a1lDioefone miti, te a oeres, menel sbena, l&o. lajpooriay nid ponîtonnerin aîlnet prane-Bu ti je sd ae ia wllnavyegthe pesem1tml t ffaltasI ilt justice?" A beraisetrod: cotnbve tiiacta locau nu niel- Sir,-iboreaetotva sesra letCe vil- cenm teue, mlicl ettbiak tint lage nelfer san mnou npac, one la ý 1 rw . ' ihpltoityta s u"slbahpl*tli miro bas dsaetla bn nu ;bang ahe otier i' tic boss, la battut than oatapohen cou JttVENaa.gStIMLCITa.--A friand 1119 notap ~l m s augai.et'fnajatise fa:linu&toraiealuafati: Tso teia fls luîy - ,Kilt net bya eof tender yomra vie vent. by tht rear ho idof ber Vary beog te names of' Tom and Jack, heamme mea- haea Den;s t iaaloailrleanid bosre ef a'district neheo ni a mecrtan ilg of ýn eh 3'u es lie at Y, er ýd ot nt En M Id >d ýd . t al e- le )f 1- le ýe ýe 10 d muwa uiinusauau.u Imm OXFORD DOESKtNS. FANCY COATINGS! AIND SILK MIXTURES. FAICI TIOUSSI39NS1 IN CAS SIMERES, DOESKINSm f ngI'h and Scotch Iweeds,, Bedford Cords aud Nlesklas. Fonts' Vetiaga la SILK AND WOOL MIXTURES 9)verceatiegs la ItE4 VEBS. PILOTS, WITNE'YS, i&t., i. A large variets' et Canadien Tweced&s andl n eoîptete anorînient et' j-Cail andl ec sur stock before par- ethielearhere. BEWS & HALCRO. taaSireat.< Iei "--a Hoe, HUGH M'KAY Goneral Grocer and j Bould b. in r? e"reMuttn i uig atcar Stock wufl ai 9 la a PIngrIL tnusttally Attractive, r1son i. ofýIt la a Bible Dictioanary. Ana IwO deoteI. ar entaraattiatinto îs[ Tird.the d thadte ffixed te Obapters, on WM 1Ijc>w I'ra,4«M i that the vilhale Bible cati bc read through jet11 a yelr. And the geoda oneetad ait it, WCsean ers j~î Fourth. eonfidently effer for your inspection a lo tcl Books ara lanlthe ietrical ,h forin saute ais originally inritten ia tht Gltoice & Varied Assortment, usHfebrew. 11,FIh On as advantageous terme as nnv Eatab. is It ha, Questions at the ead etf eaeb linhnîeai la the Connty, whilat the im- fl, hapter fr ramaiaatioe. perlant feature of ear Stock la that it rm ixt. omlprises a atitittian of i Ithbas a Chrosolotical Order. prescrits otorical ceaneetion, showing rebat por- tionset' thelloIy V'srd reeereewrittea u 5 0 s 'cconte ZZîran îîl : ithe Z othB a ý seventh. lu tht varioansDepartients of aur fBus- on It has refiectionr which relt be foe nit cm.net generally nîtainable la this ;cattractive and profitable, and frein their part eft'he country. Un e beg apeaal et- Sbrevity ora baîter mdapted te farnil, tenatn ta aur f' reading than more lengthened ue. Wol ac adCerd ap- d Eighth. .tn lua r- ýItn as three finely-ezecnted Stebl ADhiN4Clto, aps NiAID aaeniînnevanoaarac.gov rdlay&MLod, GREOR GE TO JW.)Ve HEAVING PURCHAORD A LARGE PORTION 0F Messrs. J. Baillies & coy's MONTREAL B-ANKRUPT STOCK!1 1 AT whieh are admirable in their ehoracter lonsead et' beieg antre iinaginaey grena et' pernona, or aippcaed reprenentatiov ofevente. they are vies of places. house: fand important locnlitien, or pîctarcesc the metuniirece, enimuîn, inaplemene objectn et'an Oriental character, an( lente tbey onterially aid the ifita-avcl àled reeder lna iderslandiot' the phrase ology et the Saced teEt. Tenth. The literary malter that ban beec 'oiepiled frein noderaesorcea. nnd thi val îte ,infor.nation ibat bas been cor dened loto tht pageaset' Ibis editioî thaveeariebed at ,bandantly. Eleventis rIt han many inproed tîtadings, rehiet le the s 'me -a s.Di tionary te the Bibie The Old Bible la all ere. Th,- antht ha aine ibrore,,in. in Briaciete, tbe ire preveel Readiogi. rehieb rel c be onc of grai belp te the reader la taplane tise menaing ofseea-y poeeagea. ne thai n Diec'ionary te tht Bible lýembIodied reih thtesaork itacîf.Ir bas a fil oa tordante. Twelfth. t htin ia;tulelarge and tambersonat Lbat that il tan bc hed sith ease in tbe tolp. Ihirteenth. 1 It bas ail the Bible Hlpa tenîbioed ih one beeok. Peorteants. Cohbia'a is terne and eeaiprehieaelvî ia style. Pifteeath. Paregrapha are net alwas îth'esaine ae in thb tomeauo Bible. and tbey elle, livde enhiect. o lieli oeld bhi' onet ed. and cenfoand tbse Chat ehenld hc diatinct Sixteeath. Their bracthas îinetiincn inclnde arbele chapters. wbich naay bco iitec in faaîly readiot'. îCOBBIN'S DOINESTIC BIBLE IJLLUSTI>ATEFD, Pabliahcd bv SYRACUSE, N. Y., Centaies -40 Saperior IVol ]Engraviogm înany tnonaaad 5Margial Ieferrnec,, ibret lately exettd Sîtet 3aIe, cna- ereis Inproed Ileadingm, a ctece Ujsronolegitnl Order. tht Petlal Be 'he i îtrit1lfor-- 1 qpeattoîent tiltend et eý-eh i bapt' r fer t.arily enenîloatien; Dattes affid te tht cliaptera fer merle- tieg and evtniag rtding ; te sahich the pîblieliers have Ce' nais'added la tes- nectieL reiîb the tiainily Recerd, a FNiLY u POINRAPH DÉPARTIENT, tatainieg openiagî fer aixtea ordiary aine liard Pleteres.;alée, Ant Extended Concordance. Lt le weîl and aubstnntiatly beund la ene voalunie. aboat tht mine o et'Wtiter's Qnjirte Diitiennry. la threa differeat estls.viz - EmIieel Leialer Bei-Ie tie ... '87.50 Wiîis ailte oge ............8.50 Mareeee, Full GiU----------......1250 JAMES flBARBER, Toacher, bMann's Ceracra, .îgent/ec Ballon. Trefalgar, Jan. ltb. 1 69 3l-2rn ItOSSIN BOUSE, ACTON. TI8E SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO INI'ORM theo publie tiath.abuathéaaboe nmd icone Weentera f et s'enta, nhisitaatad saithia 16S yards oftheiaAtmaStatian, G. T. B- - ad ta-mina n=wpaianlaottol et- attendsne, bath t lu nd itStad, tlattean hraell that bilstrict attention te the renes et the trarelling Sainaiss', that ha arll insie bis bonne mneofthte monnt papala laintise Caaatyet ieiten. Nepai ni.1 ali parat ieprnridiag thi e nt heands, - JAS. CAMPBELL. Aeeee, Marcb tnt, 186. IS-Is' List otl ietters RMINNin th. PontOfice, ni Milten Anderson Georgea itRa-en A Misa Collina Waa Rny'John Oreigitn E Mr& tlerto J H Dent Tboau se Tanker bia-b Fanas' Edamnda (2) Maldie C0bilis(2) FornytbBGeorge Wer-nerer sge Kelly Jaines Wlllaia BW Persona ealling tee ans' ef thteu&hava lattéa wWpes a hyarrisslertiad W. D. LYON, Poutaliator. !'ARM« FOR SALIB. et yarmpod o p to t 19, lad nmna or isu, f et t40 are china-d and nndnr gSanel atirattua.Soeahes aanthavooddismeL A ell inrnlabe Roe,1 4tbnraani;aise buande ; à aaaver tniiae ujaiag aenr thé bannea Térue- ghtundred DaBmuj tacrsabla tne wil hae gvan.Apply te .- ROBERT MILLS. mt= anP. (ô. Adice in b the UiMpian"i U» Eva-at'tinin a belice ha-pt ta Baeore"n, 24th Juac, 1868. 1l.ly SELLING OFF! Great Rargains He n ný starifor soteie is alieSeoe t DRY GOODS Silk Velva-tn, MilEinei-1, .Vnntm, AT COnT PItacESaAID VIqDER,3 a rar chanco e t ni Cbeap Bona .à lu i afsa-nd. Atoll reinmUiirepttuny sellii ted by D). D. CHRISTIE. TIN AND STOVE DEALER, MILTON, Thr pabîliemc amre tichaantéevactage. baveraimi un et'o MUST BE Cleared Ont ina TAirty Days, An our bayer hbu Tetegmaphel ne fros E gmlanet' IIEGS t. annetîtat i tapepar.iIiEngss R UCiI.S F OR TIII NIRI.%Iç TRID1C!ý e omannaueure ans' quantity ni NORT'S PATENT BRUN DEATER, Weilci are the heat in nie an paovdis ceatificaem froinparties n laal Pa te t0 fte Dotainion. ta-r tmmp iitya-,ocon- struction, eUciencY la beutng and eceo!oinel.atIlaconnût b. aurpeseil. It iao 'ne nov hig but ban been before tic publie for aoutne yeora, anel ataîer- goe nome s'eay neyere teqîS, but bas al- vaja been triasephant. i bey nre peetalmy adaptael for Churcea. Steolu, Ral..lao . Their - datte are qaîchîs' feIt un n more trak- ig ahaner inlarsget nooma Ciat bave ent elifficuit t beat wthent a vey largo amonetot' fuel. lThej eab. nud an ev esacrption oet' Ste, ooking an werio anaieca, andel tize a are aelapted Cc Noma lauvilibtiey may b. raquireel. StovePipes anDd Tinware Alvaya on hanel, ut 1W4c«W lp:tcmm -- w. j. IErKà . ri ilto 0^7d lu&IS. - 18 1, To ame roua houa f»ebrgmîuusailtb. gîsua. c~rNo Good8 Charged dnring this Great Sale. BARCLAY & MCLEODn GacMMom, jeanud% Wéo 0. ut(if 1Milton, Aprtl tb, loge. *Wu - ou - UdMoci A sr~IAi~ '08Cheap Wo"tg h~' BEA8ýINC SALE! AT C. NIEILèdJ Drelacate, daar t uetelar attenioan te ata els Iporatde.aw<t Nu . Bis asteck et'Lemiara caubraea tha very bed quaty, md t rd hoMrta<. W,, hae ond teecoapare wttb »ymnyth-ia eenty. CfllalMW t*h.i LIMEHOUSE, ONTARIO.' EVEET DESCRIPTION 0F Ia thet- lUma pa-emptly donc an the tILOfT LIBERAL TEINS.AImgUhla Gands eftWroI Owa lMaufacturae naamtly on héad, fur Mateor eaehmgn Sur WUL THE HIGHEST 3dRKET PRIC~E GIVEN FOR WSlî1 U i fors fclai Cea w 4 for1 Ob forl JOHN NEWTON. -Limebue. 2ord Apail, lae. 004 RKOBERT IHAWTHORNE, Beote anatamceathat ina ddtinata hi@ Rie bo a dned tisai et the Maufacture et Flrst-Clau Buggies, Carrnages of I~deuripduuu, SINGLE AXnt DOUBLE BUGCGIES. M ARKET WAGONS, S&c., inanntae onrtr*0 eeay hat ni,nad by .billnd eae Frein bin$ puatose the . unfaed StoadS , oeilloVblalecoiodeatty rlralis e patlaga a1theSuablilà ae ntea-pelor. R. HAWTHORNE.- Milice, F.bmoay 21th. 1868.31a W 1ilLI iAM. 1).MWILLCOX, Dles@ ta anneance that lie ban jut îcceived m Full SI py e Engllsh, Swlss and laierican Watehes, Cleek etfaili Demrliptbu Alaoe a larg.- Asortaient et' BOG-OAK AND RIJBBER JEWELRtYa lgrerat variety. Goods aold twenty pier cent belere Toronto or Hamilton ipactes. Ail reork rwarranted] nad punetually ntteaded to. *Thle boest ofWOrhUmà gearantee-d. Chargeas Xederate. SHOP-Next door te P. M. MeKayu. k Mlilton, Decemaner i6tb. 158. M rt. ma ~c- ÀL ]wMo A.NN Bega te iannoance te hie nomeroar platrena finat lha au paarilt* tteed lI66* wantn wlth grenter facilitita than ever. Havieg secaredel t7iic lud And put la a STEAM ENIIINE and IUBU LAR BOILER, la ite ony quanityofwoark, and tain guaranlee it in be donc tl the verY CUsTOM WORK PROINMPTLY AI TENDEDTO- Mauie. JUDOe l3th, 158LU42<M0I LIVERY STABLES MILL STREET, BEORGETOWN. TI=r=î t-efnrnthe inbawa- bara inr1~uaLar'Stmbte tem= y and naeMd mitraiaVblabatie ar vae hut onerraceu s ttonoaile isedau- M,~ Stiea S1li Mores. aderrtiC laZuliepede on tilherd cin OneeatasanAS-t 1I& aMoa. tt WEA. 5a. nusC.OU-am oemplud l'y De. r iton, Oct. 10. ~'ettcottage, to«eanel Beau EW st Offirn, BADUITE Or' 'T' rmate, Raitl 02« d intc p ied bDr.-i bOKADUATE OF duceaFouinai. l, a",hesî OFFIC3E -in Milta, Septnui Jary Pubi, Cunecymnar, bc Sareet, Milton. ,,Georgeil se R. alaor l in u ttcaie, Âeeeuo a~ on Commted 5U-INQLS- FOR SALe Aay qnmatlty eof the very hait qeaWO SAW ED $HINOLioo Fer nmie at Nt mf. Smiîey's millen mirLTON. boNEn.Svei cdrod IolebeOa- Na-"u eaaPei F1 VISION MIMCAIT, MAIN STREET, MÂ g GEORJETOWN.