155's 'a blag P -w k-y c WM~ b-,, I Eeg. il Pa- às. Ne snd.dte Codoaa §te tthe 8at aDi. lia mv gen ce =14a - to kf'le.bO 6e te g9 -tet , e1 t ~; If o -w ~nt~ ~ j. -~ b> an o j' çt il!Ou k'. lac- > I Jwt- et i:8.*4 tv a~5 ~...... -I n WIR DRESSIG ,:Weyle lsOUCBDolt1 (;yor Faded flair ie qiatly resturdo eitsyootbiftt olorand beaty. adndih lb. fiet appliction a baoiful gtosn and doliglttuiL frgrance is ginen ta the ftair. Ilt wilt cause tlair te grow n oulkiad Spots. 1 ( ivill prilote luxuriant growttt. FÀA.LING 11-URi inmediately cbecked. Sold by il Drug.ts. Pric Ue Dollar. JsIorf.turrd by S. r.. N'AI UZOR &C. Wholenle Dugalstti 35 ltarclay Street and 4-il l tace. Saar-Tsrk. asud "Pli fflgrkIloiborn. .sdos. Bug. COUNTI AUCTIONEER. JAMES A. FRAZER RAS ORELAT =ts inurn le eansg tbe publé of tbe (tuty of Italton, tIbe hm astakeSeot an Astioneea'.Licemesfer the Cooty. Med udilte bappy te attesd Sales, je ecy pat of tbs Cnscty. one Rsasueabe Terses. A hbu ohad oondebîs ceperience in tbie inen b. guarenteothé test of satisfaction ta tiime rq hes issrvie& Ger dnItI nt h bisrsic Mej ilton, or et Wattamea JAMES A. FRAIS Milton, Harch t, 1869. 39.1y Interçooiiial R8ilway. Tbe Cnssnisonena pponted te contruct the Ietercolnniat R.nileay gins publicncoice tbat tboy aren auprnpaeod ta neinTEN-à DEESorTRREE'FURTHEIR SECTIONS1 tfthboines. Sectin No. 5il ,jbe in theProne ofn Quaker and .11 etead frocs Forty mnueq Eat cf Rivier deLopst thesned ut Coutract No. 2. te teSiety-atb Mua Pontsaisi Rimouskbi, a disaneno f Ibot Twaty.aia miles, Sctin No.6 ill e in tbe pronece of New Brunsick sad .11 exerd aImmsthe Basterly sud of Cocteet No. 3 opposite Dat- bousie, te tbe Went ideo f the Main Pont Rond n ere tisit Mite Pont, Eàsctery fren Jacquet River, &but Twecty-oemiles. Sctin N. 7 ill boin the Provnce o f Nona Setie acd tili cteed frnesthe South- erly ed of Cotret Ns. 4, ce"aRiner Pil- lip, te Statione Fifty et Foly Laire, about Twnetyfoar smies. Plansi aud profilos atb spaiflationsancd tareia c oateat w611atexssbited et tbeo f' lo of thes Board of Wonb, Toronto, ced et tbr officesaof the Cncemisalonees t Ottawa, Rimsouski, Dalhouse, St. John, ced Haldia, on sud aften tbe 1FIFTH day of HARCSI, 1869, and SEALED TENDERS, addnessd1 ta tino Cosmsission-e.of thse Ictercntnais Railway. and msrked "Tendo," eiti te ne- aetsd et tineir offre in Ottawa op te SEVEN 'lock, pie.. otse TWENTY.N IITH day of MÀRC, 1869. ietsnctmw a Riay Office, Ottawae, tltb Fbswy, 1869. A. WALSH, ED. B, CHANDLER, C. J. BRYDOIS, W, F. COFFIN, Cnsaeissiocoes. 39-4t LoSt or Stolen.- ILOST, belveen Milton ccd Palermeo. or betwensPlrrstuand Straetsvilla, un stolan fruinsmy po- fret onsther Stb un 26B lst., a LARGE LEÂTHER PO,!KBE'BOOK. constiuinugsusdry note nsd cknuvleitgeeinla foer o- L. S. Nurseond Mrs. E Utier and my- self Tbe publien are hroby aautioved ogaiset Dufhacltlgsny oUfssdnteî.- Asy pron reurisc thessente te me. t Streetsville Foscdrv, winl bu nuitobly rewarded. WM. S. MORSE. Streetovillo. Mrci th, 1869. 38-3t -HOLLOWAYg TUE GREAT ENGUSU RElIEDT WOE LOENGS, uitJAMS CIIIES SprinogAssizes. mad adulte. Illa t rou p.rdre~n>geil o/ f . Glands.HATIIÇ O I dulnbtact th"tune gpeut. M DPh i. h«..odnag OIITGPHLTN 4diw&.Aoq eblm cidren la inasoMons.To WIT &bilm cient; boio.a dapty les. Tbis vel ksovs.niedtcino la nuoinpcby givos thet the COURT otOYER, I4he slaeof arnt@llthen.iton, bt a aimraeue«M ed for FsandaI ~ERM INER asd ORNERA L Uéigmdd nntdchlr.ml iai lcslslva &and OuteucdunsfroniJAIL DELIVERY, asd ASSIZES -La Mdssademm te t7nP* solco& an anhaancd altbongli e poer-e IIpIS frteli wt t» u oftedicso, tone.4fui Mmdv, tbry aoatates othieg bentf ci a n iid IS eI .ta h o d Cs h *éhIIirangtbe save frnaisur- o te censttstion.etHlsvi obdeî tl. c- orWo.as-Thefol- r eafu i he vS7p aueronss W5* Mme% COURT HO USE, cnddlacmc.c nia as e uasd t. ea"W ulonid. Il .11, lnuea cot O R H U descagai appetta, -osnaelisse, bng on te eeontly perlod vltb o&pdeve buUab, frquent rglaaty. IN THE -et thcnace,grlulg ofste0isuth icop, sel esesiinie convulsive iHis.Fil,# eàc- r uei otefail la b. h led MWtoniae, un. wnit e ùwâodi Melisa ous opctvatt Par.ph '1Wv2 ý Mlc 6IMklisgtrenbllngs, cugbs, laam s e bmw&5d0sd 55lhibvnlieftg, dbtfsldus,;70onful padrtolcuge Ma pàmepblti ON l a[&algamwy ofihait. Tbey fre, of h agpst. , je Mdal .f.,dmniiutecd tete N B-St cnd 6e ugee senip ose- Uicvous*0 - glyedtany atbortosiagffent, .11 fnsue a TIJDAT, M E2711 DAY 0F PR L a Md ampl.tcy ooaelebattis cotaieg sTavr 50fil pU ibyr terf s4cebls aavit h nicL f elhhonOTWELVE O'CLOCK,, ~adnicics1.g~acr ilOrB MoOse, N. Y., l ~ e~..-.~ cilce, f Srl ilJusticof thîe Pemme .60B diles-4eetareSoir Non pEeiW- Coroau i-atalac, Jurs, and aiU 1- donné,ui.vaturofmor- a lla fý-4r jae. Cleebea otbors ecoucend, mn. equined tu tae Nf. & A*tfore ne et av * MWof Y JB ngensut6amdiatento10do and perfores ut . Md, lr ncl sb o o55cuIpakg.Ailoton. ae dutilo es happotais lu thons. - -~ '"~ ~ ~iq ~G. CRAWFORD MKINDSEY. sadch4e bc8sia N d uSbanf 0o B5liaz. k <~~g1flf3~~lk tlé asl. B. W it&i InisOc nosnieltsvn6 ~P4iiooMand 4t. 180.18 fq In crurce od the Decres ln this m Cause buring date th. Third dayofbjc M areh, AD. 1869, thora wi bo aold biy 1 d PUBLIC AUCTIONI jf Adn eunfrbbe7tb James Anderson Frazer, A Ffrst-Olass Article SALRA,3i DY FAPI N RT 110EIRIESe AT TWULVE GCLOCH, MaG, AV CROCKERYI WALLACE'S LOE.~ IN TII! I'ANCY GOODs, Witb the approbation of Wlliam Lrggo, Eagaira, JNatfer, The fllorisg proporties in Two Loto, Fist-Tbe Hsslenly boit cf Lot tomber four, in the Nlsth Conuseion of the WILLI6OTPS CELEBRATED OXEDDAROEESE AN4D TO'WP%,fllP 0F ESQUESINg, 1 IEDDAR LOAF CHEESE, Ie the Cu.ty cf Boitas, NOr480..-1 JAS. IIOILINRAKE, "uji eevd li rtsppyod NEW GOODS 0" P E CONTAINNGON0E UNDRO ,ACRES, ~SPRING TRADE, Agen4 t for tity 1 More ar tees. This in a. e emlent~ Feae, In e gond sto of cuttinetins sd wei Fesaed, &bout eigbty oenee a clenred, and the reidue te veit tiuibored witi ttordncod. There in à substantiel Brick DweMlng Roie Tien toies is heigbt, vitb Kitehes nid WoodHouae sttnohed; "ainlarge FRAME BARN9 Two Frame Sheds, Fram Straw House, and Frame Driv- ing Boume and stable thereon. Ait Evor Living Strean m ws maro the Lot. About te,, serra cf said tend cru so v itb vieter graint, and the -srewisg crep bas bernsontd, and Ibis lot wiul te eold ncbjnat lu the rtgb t os e tering tbenece, and cutting nnd reesos- ieg tbe snid grain et aturity. ,-uauber'tvelve, liethe ceigbtW (lnces- sienti bhesid Tovsshtip of Raques' ii g. Tht. te aise m gond forieand in guud cultivstion, witb nbot Eighty. 6nce Acres oteared. and tbe rrsitdse is well titiceeed gitb Bsrdvood. Ash. aed Elm. Tbern areatnta Goud Doeisog Iloue, Oîboildinge, mnd Ivu gund Welto tberron. Tht. Lotvii ho nu ub jiet lu e, Iridentnre doted lot day of Apnil, 1868, leaoing it to dirabibald Mitchell fon n teres cf five Seat.. frens the ltlday et April. 1868, et an mn- cool reeut cf $220.0 CONDITIONS 0F SALE. Ono trnth ci the putcalanno ny viii bc required gl es pid dovu as thetisne cf sole te the Vecdon'e Solicitormnd the bnltnce or renidueocf tho purcbnoe moeey et un before the expiration if ose menti tes. tbo dmp cf sale, vies the purehaser giiha ontiîied t lu a ceneysse and to lbe Rot inte possession oethae firet parant. In oliier respects the ce .dîtiens of cale ors the standing conditinotcf the Court of Chacory. Furîhon piertieulons and oetditioue cf tale sod ispection uf the Lesates cy lb. had upen oppliantiot Set the Law Offices ut Willinam Lsidlmw, Euq, Miltue. sud Jobs Dewar, .Jr., Esq.. ilton, acd R. W. Adoams, Eeq., Hamtiltonî. Doted Ibis Ton thdmy ot March, A.D. 1869. W. LEGGO, Moofsr cf Hamilios. fWM. LAIDLAW, Vosdor's Solicitor. 1lIntercolonial Railwa-v Coexiotnan' OrrtC. Ottaw, 3.6 Hencb, 18M9 The Comstasoonnn gIns nttcesthal lanpou. seqennea cf abs lats storms inag ielnruPt. sd thtessil Mesle. nr lie nontgY. abs plana for the tisnsa farlbesecos te te let. el nest te nesdy for exiition outil 12tb MARCE, ced tender. .111 te reotnsd up te 7 ocloi, P. esL, ce MONDAV. Ibe 5ài A1PRIL. 180. A. WALSH,- En. D. CHANDLER," C. J. BRYDOIES," -W. F. CFI, Ceemiionoers" f9ltu Int the Strrogate Court of the counity of Haltoit UAKE NOTICE, Ithat the expiration of lventy deys frent Ibisdate an np- plicaoio ani e nas by Jobn Bown, cf te Townsiip of Eqs.sisg, In tisa CoMtoy or Hates, yeomsan te the Jaige cite > unnogte Court of tb. Coenty of RelIra, te 1. appoinisi guandian cf Rase Ans Wlvea.Jobs Bove Wistev, Rotent Wn- laween and abhAgora Wilev,lt.hefent cildnen cf lGeorge B. Wuntlais ctf0absh said Township of Esqusa, Yecesan. de.. Datd etKilton, C hiai&dY ai MaUC1. A. D. 110 WU. LAIDLAW, JOHN BDOWIf. - bvsas OfhiAOWE[KLY PAPERS, Amcfor To vhiehliea ouRdon ca te ttiun cf the iobsbittnstsof Milton and seiglibor- 1 lod, coiotiîg or CLAB'S XCELIORCotonTweeds, Brown Lin- ýCLAR'S EenLStrî-ed Sh-1tin-e, Tabl WASHING COMPOSITION. Famlly Rights ----$.0 It vM le te yr dvantate aSnon Clothi Prints, Velveteens, Ladies' and Gents' Pocket ýP. MI. IMi'KAY Bandkerchiefs, Braces, roi-1 Bafure going sisaens mte purebeas. List f Atiesu gncsally bupt in Stock. 6iROCERIESs Sauff Cuecet Wambag Soda Cqrbeeste Soda Yfacay "nps WaasilsgScapa Grimod Pepper Wbots Pepper Crma Tstar Teba Onopet Tanks Blind Cori Enives Ca-foot Jeny Biscuta Mhmand Nuis Braeil Nota W.Laue Lobstens Pickles p era Prues Peviter sd Sho lueibnau Maddor 1 Caltr Oit CROCKEIîY. Ton Sois plaies Pitcear Crocba Spittoons Lwntp GUaai Leesp Wiako Conl 01. FANCT GOODS6 Buttons Hein Nais Boil Etbbons Buablas Bru"bs Porfionry Pins Roir Pins LiA.eu Ttesd LA&W estoeklng Mens gecko »aOC~ed Sbons Womeons Celais menaCu9fa Woless uls Fntu Conn"s csteuaIFm ai"a seboBd Baste ?M hsllsg wan- M9nleb, fin, l18 111 lare, New Bond Street and Saxon style Shirt Fronts, Neckties, Gloves, Stayft, and Small Wares, &c., &c. À Cheap Une in Fancyl iesses. TA ILO RING Done in first-rate style- A Large tock of ENGLSli& MOTCli TWHEDS. SEWIt4G MACHIgNE9, GENB1T for R. S. Wlltiams Organe, Ilelodeons. Nmnat-Stooti, PamCteufrd, set& A OUTa Tmma1 à à onteyo ptano.ityte Metodeon for $75. PIANOS cf anl bog esn"ers Sinver s, 1Kowe,Graver & Baker; Bayeonda $12 eba*tn.elteand 81 abattle-UaOhtoB, stand and a&H nonpinie. Splendid stands for flayesodi 811esbi n aI 6600 cti, A steak on band cfbet at Msùil î, Nedes ad Tbrea. AT W. D. & R. A. LOIS Tbey w iefer for lte nezI tweuty days DRY-GOODS AT COST PRICES! A longe quautily of iiesc oeods bcisg. WsU b.noRd attprîee Then Goais bouît un le u rnaltrs. Now ltae tinte 16 tra*&bd SECURE BARCAINS Au the Gouda s unîhbo noRd lu mulco ronsfor tiai Spring Importations DirGct from Britaine Feue, whecec cr Bayer is rolureieg front PURCHASINO THE LARGEST STOCK £er broegbt ictu ialton, edprucedfrent the original .Monufacturers cit We hae on'se n.nccd elargo stock ut GROCERJES, LIQUORS,? C ROC KERY, Trad; H 11 RDWARE, BOOTS & SH-OES, »i'o5E1f luths And avenything usuaily kept i rlu Stra M!LLINERY 1 là au if# Bronche. Strawwork s.ltered and Tailorlng Donc on the Prenis By a fashioeshle CuIter. c:ea.ued by a Oompe- 1CalS carli sud neurc bergaise e Ét tent hand. GROCLKIES, CIIOIKBIY Min tIieziqwmwe. oi3s» A First-class Tea in Japon and Hyson we are noted for. JAMES JIOLLINRAKE. Milice,]Febrery 11thb 1869. 36 til Xdton Feb, 23rd, 1869 87-tf CREAT REDUCTION AT THEE The suhecnibon vishes te informa hil essteesancd lbe publiceg9a«u17y lIaIho la sot- lilngf e balance ef bit PAML.L S ro fK of STO *ES COOKINO BOX & PAJkLOR STOrVÉ&!' WMitl 'a wifl nil t COST Neo 'au maie greet redactions la heée s Su 'TENI PLoVGffg, haotastlltng ihuni for $16 durng Ibisesoulb, fanners b.d teàâtelanly bealisator.meaittgone. Es vwoli onu .pantieulan att« ent al large Stock of Tin and Japau 'Ware, Wdko l l sas sbop as ccp in the Conutin. FeUler.tbat hy fer cilRl lu it o tisinadnasige te perhe ber bi tock of the îubsciter, M lm .111 eil61 tisa lovsmtelwbotami. prtc8. Torons Ceb,ou-ruaaî fmb. ]Pa.iVioDrmotta . milien, mh a.n led. " !.>y À NUWADV2LUE~Çiancery Sali,"~ 1.~K FAIRM PRO1'ERTY!JIuLDiIINATI S , BROWN v. BROWN le à$> Il. 4u at 27-ti ,G.6rgeto", Feb. 23rd, IU9. Condmtly on hoad md »Uing in 1 li t ILÀ il 1