IhUSMe= the LeetU» in the Town Hae, ~193WS oF TEWEEK. TRI QUEBE0 RGY.C R ringTSp3 9 eS» acmTuaday evening nex, by the ter. W. 8 btae fBrM M' h ee fC uW- Mathe MIi heBllfriathe boletin fetnat53e ,i ent bumet with àaerile 1asn, elder b ther o te Editor of this sibedofort h pnosour srt C O O S T I £ SM T L "mat-na Ppwlf",ui a .Oibdan amb idgeafsot er uhnfate and one whiohhle amply deservel. 1paper. was.þbrieflyannounced in the Pondents.onR GEO M iTH - -r- *e--Tom--t'••da--dit-eW'eado -The e.tre.e t.rpitude and villainy of' Chapion of last week. -M.Mte Tam xamitiOint he ommnthe Houme of Commons. It Wiln pro. tecrime which led tohisdestrucinsnwsbr nKrady i ie oa dtro apo.The Cash theybringl In croirds they eene orsumm m gemal, wiltake31ce en a 25thbabl berejected bythe Lords, but muât athe hnso hleas notpar- shire, Scotlai 1833, inHe oM. Emo -iîehav mchpla an nt.Msrnn'detent0: be0 &M, timtelybecoenlaoarthenweeinglity ad modern many years engaged in the practice of ure, and I May! add, somne pnde, in ,Lu 9 M E0« -VI fareentc, Mho nd a teaway of suob relicts of the Dark Aa in la opnisomndequate to Law in Simoe apartner of the Hon. sending for publication an accounet CofThe rit place ta nd the cheapest goutand thibt velue f ornd a g AM nm8ETDS0Iad te am n tuM. CBowe de,. nmeofis b aquesin otiman. Tetimhsnob au offenee. Thestory as it saomes M. H. Foley, E-Postmaster-General, the festival. beld at the Limestone0reon yexptnlth instllton lito paintem o lbeais i t an.to usby telegraph isansfollows :-" A with whom he studied his profession. Valley hool ]oues,for te uth hh winbe more commodious for visitorm A deputation headed by the MayoriSister of Chaloner's made a deposlition but latterly bie was practismng on his of pure asingglbsfrtensoth A I" Runnisa" who enguilrns for the of Dublin, preslented n addreais to the ton the 3rd inst., before a magistrate at own account M. atesn lwysscoo.D su"frm tem of expendture by the Mayor ofteQen4skn o h isetbihetQuebec. accusing Ensign Whittaker of tookt a deep interest in Volunteering, It went off with much eclat, and was à13 for01Tow8nMGrathforcaintalepuosesi, houeldfeheIrSPrch'having seduced hellstAuuslatetadAosltobemaorofthe39h at rallaadeidd ucessinevryponthavngtaenpariclaopin inseecin te Ses gadsaft conul te MnuescfCouci, hee h SAI. aving fårst putlher cunder the influence talion, one of the most efficient in the of view. Te.1h1weewelpleased' odravn Bla c e ugarins eBaiscinsthCurrants, Spresof c si RTo&taMR R il. f htactory contofevery cent iof echloroform. A few weeks ago lhe Dominion,-And about the time of the and the requisite amouant of cash rwas pwoadBlc e Suer ioRagoodsatmyow pies bII vésmol68 upad i W;*m omd. le othe ifactogtncesIly we will t ;or The Cartes of Spain reluctantly vet- promised tomarry her and save hier Border raid hie was stationedl with his got, and sodanothier milestone in our ed- alrsprorguaa ylv ros ous ka do 175 ewoll mlled 25,000re cscteambrmdsracepbuisuseqentyirfu- Battalion et Niagara for several months. ucationl iprogness has been reachedl.Cr cle y a d G ss ,r waNtMDmnT THErr.-Some one witli a 4 wil lo omre coarpin d. Hcr fajther then instituted an À.lthoughe but a Young man, he was Mr.-.Dtea whose enterprise in -C o le y a d G a siv n .#M fat power to descminte between 1at ihi W@in M adrid. An insurrectionary e.atihe gis n o n e eoiajigcutieadhihye teem-shoolmuisedue--ccupiedthesitedsboh as t aiy and price oaties.M dprmlt benogmgtaoMr avdMCe, situ n1tempt is reportedl in Andalusia. The tion takeon ; while this was going on ed by all for his kind and generous chair. The entertainmsent opened esgs-raaprtea yasme Lt , stLie es, higucoybšee Dke de Montpensier declares teat he her brother entered and learned for the heart, and hie genial qualities. The wihrMscLrIVMs.Oivran>h mnfres'"f" . 1 Monday night and Tueeday moring last'and 1does not seek the Spanish throne, that first t e ofhi s ister'sAllumse effolloing notice of his funeral, frm issemsiLecifole rillelaprorandte eipraedooerbginnerbfrenwthnthsoalyad p hadeo ing baggnedabou 40bh. of %t ethe laet lyonbew in roen immea revolverpruceeded to the skat. the Norfolk Reformer, will serve to and well rendered; they were frequent- cuites1«& than Toronto. prie". cEW RO Eimao edeoywith insleuig a brni;arlamte b tllrenr ing vinkt where lie met whittak., ,ad ,Abc.; the esteem in which 1he Was ly applauded throughout the evening. Gi-ASW R a t m ofa e toard. rbbe thn alowhimelfto e te pe' red at haim. saying as he did so- held:- Then followed a ucesion of dialogues,ToEE elE.e eee the barn. and at onc enhd i sulpiciemtan ets o li wr WoCko>htthti o. h 'Theanucmeto h daho ecttosan ednswihwreIbgtcalyu ttnint tefc ha aeno nhtd ag toko M GR CE IE , llwa n ne oo dscv•edwhTheGoenmn dler pressure of sho' sSed.a-and ae the officer "w"sa-rCalsw.Mteoo ti hi e Ireg hct fyromte.n.tutte .;a..a nstv ok ofbrand Iwo. *Id Rait had akenplac. Mr McCure frena re TheGovenmenun p rushing at him en efired oagis, the ball t 3 wilnt4aemayo1orradr ithout exception so well done tat igaeydre, c.,frndfthe veru anetuai leu ies.Alo chI ofradatie lses cna inles and Liquors ward of Os a oany one was win give .nob in. the Republican opposition have con entering the temple. Chaloner was by Urpiseot a e ha frrndonhuieotiviwustosleCaiegca andreid., ftervrfntqilte.Alo hc ode re WC foratin s wllindto he covicioou ted t introduce a bill legazing immediately arrested and conveyed toee n eradfst ae ofmeth erstha viio teSelhatadiwcihrEEBRsE TN-ANT. EREON Arafwesiprices thief,-.eerBanner- civil marriage, jail.For twoi oratree weeksaprevious thi sth cou ba a e e y e o ors. upet n idrn.'ATTEMG i ACOSrY AOIsTa.As uA HECUBA. pi nre onanmatterof thikrnceand decease ho was confined to thThhouse, forn edwithoent e reluner actn.J, A. DeSPOTiE, the Ats.reeerloftaridg b oviit a ui- mgul torinanmrlibe e ill dn tat youf getchoer anght lhe begantadoink and lhe breah Climax" with 1 the rlgrandiloguence" Georgetown, March 17th, 1869. 4 item BrM B SMITm 0-k.othe Adonee neral on&fniairoescfInrniton froms the Sent of War, asable, under the ircumstances. The)his last about two oclock on Friay Of a:hen td:prfes=rof ru Mes, Mra1tá,185. W frthe due adminitrtionofTheirs in rtesec teunsugnsaectoffo o.conduct of saime among the British moan.Hsrmiswrhi llhis piese. The play of the --- m·th fon - mun~iication fromt the outer world, and o5 i ndaharyton o toeirbu t ein groac. oneMood nd py yteby ae QilÛÏR il ab ny-Genraltherefore, desire, thant you Will the acecunts telegroph eons Iav n theirasfaortead rsht ofse- eafternooin. Temmer agheflcusly rndeIr eanodyafasvr blAttrher eatft e, ober th otyefare.tvec isbyteSaihtroops oness are not calculated to unike thir Battahion of Volunteer oh of hle Mser m oisn£itnuse WILTON, MAECH 18, 186. M t oteCs a 'aototlly unreliable, ab thenesending sa ntepoice ihrarebe a o ,ani ty. of whic ofhe asahiselfi bineycharater. ThedreG ogt13. 2.. opinion, be neessary, fur a quorum;andl themn are interested in makmng it oppoe a o thmsel-es or us. The giddiness memlber. turned out: in large numbers Scences fromt the I Village Lawyer, or ci inws fNa. 5, 20th 'Beatlin whocenumst conveniently attend ; ofthethat thle rebellinin cru-hed. Not. and rivol ryofo any Yung womehetnpyte at rbteoLeaet ote e er-out-awe n ,"were ee ctie DALi I .. aseted euenanttin the lstau ae. vian pl a iappointdfr tesdt;adw htadpi hi ay dfas temilitary. g a greut wa tow ards pro.departed. The procession was an un- J .Sils utc itms n gyneby, e'er ntawm ha Leuei heevntofanBrmlaidflcutisr'd seto f the usually large one, and was headed by J . heds Lsie itmuad ph" n resigned. The he nel o te app nato we a m moue reater part of the is and, alad .s a 88 O n ;lnd many a plen ant ierttion toces of the LaDed NI; n e slm nth a ere moreout, tordinaril e ln R- t,î;Noaand negLected to attend on thant partiula oc- vigorous as ever. Amlericans or Cb with officers leaves them with ruined addig slemity o te ocasin.'PR ctedby ame CleveranL Ten Re~ Donld Steart, rom Nva heats an bnsstedepr..pecs not o of ers o the bttalin actdiasapll- Rbmsonandotetmaner in h c iPaint and OsspBriineRoacksith',Belndw tnd oal, ent Citer ad Beg 806 ovngsred atianlfrate Cand n r rvne b oenw:rmmention the mise.ry entailed upon bon- beresdad hes wre ccmpnie iste S Clavr endre Mr nStufHubs ndSp , ast ad Pe- Ca l, l n LaerMpdWButP Bto4w aidcngegionfouston k Adt, Tue people I"arm W'gaen "'d " about the leaving the fisland, and &ernt nurames orai-le fathers and high spirited fbrothers. by Cols dalthe wremainicwng office s otrwou l rleave bnee n hnr 2 ri ra aitW no hds Mbd'o,winet Bnd urc onuedaynex'Oeocide.aTe mia. is vuePrehngwithare prpetrated by the troor nýbothl Among officers who have been stationed andthefirng artewhch as om o th far sx,"as er hisawity &fista Boto Cmt, Equsig" mor rpi srides ta hs odrulmas 1w ru-tro , in CanIlada fobr any length of time. the mndedrio i n atin Wh alker. te e faus ir e a s edr teb cs ion. -%* igtaunTor ttntonte te ew ofs3elf-lomýmotion could possibly carry it, and sidles. A.. iron ne rla A g ,mufiti' is a cherish,.d re, ollection; ltnctf yattnn ee f asnsthee aiscreJ Sh ed was theioling in.eg r e e i s Ipirsbagt o e ueint ee w s thatifwe Maylaelieve anlwerend ofit. rivalsgogufr the msurgt4is sbe-en seun theo grcet'ul dashing girl who made""sa large at'd Rceo 1arc Msont"e altonJShies vl," who, by ithe y Bm -hereevd tte iemaeb smo tefat mettled ,near the Coast. and is in pursued 4 seuch ant agreeable lpartnier nskates or Erjatro fEIe oof ethnesre Wl heo mplimte ntsy G SaqtWa Altoh jarge Stock of Gro- couriers. Manufactoriez of these articles h b a rahso hta dwowud hv'en dtel oflime,\aeiri 1.Silsi i apet o et esadTbco o h hietbad. Gos aie npaniue.N debetrie ond prionse. a owbave been started in Toronto as well asin Spanish cruisers; en ey pp per:ection if brhe was not provincial, is POrt Dover, Wilson ni Sctlad mpytI1 M .S hes hehraendeingofenthes ýecoqnd Tpric W ilef thenknhis ct oma es fordsth ei lang tndet seHmamulndpriw.Montreal, and a school of instruction in the her theymyo ac Tra. fondly <ecalled with othler aiter dinner \Valsin -h:un. of Port Itowam, - b d n •Buil of ilosTe" by ego teaher him i e pat, he subsriber inie s herapub eli o al ndeamionehingoondsa* We t -aac teto e .adver. art of riing and manaing tthm h alo Ma ari, in telP ice fSni ,meoiswenCp nsnosgosof Scotlandand Cother Lodgcs is 3I1r SA. o r lsews" a pie eaf mas- prinstbhore purc.ha usiehwer iel aslhe pis fu cll os e up i te wgantsletth ý,* omtof .Poie.estreGeorgetown, beenstarte-line-ch of the above naed itiesi& hesato te Relv G f-ovrny - fmoiar. hBu t wul fin o pe fgow r esPtà ed oe o e es .iv aicteMr.ly rhetore. ws chceit a -many cun tfr and no dfrt wll ew eantie is ulpar t o g iv e tsfatioe Mamn, tock ld audescriptions of gueods Neither Lre we going to fal b.hlind other i an theli eltGhave r ,, Lde i ardestnatio forthe uhesrt - fefreo ole a ie hak u or AW.Mcarn' TcOMASYOUN ia thaqseey Idneuae kept constantly on town, northe ciien of the Domnuon, in this i di tdf mof' our land than to be but terfly co rbyte vs onersandvthele m ais f Lof Nsaeaweya o Ir AhW McgratioseanSreneogl han. -lthughiti noed s achep Cash& respect. We understand that Mr. HawtLhornabolimis aave-ry-ai p pn çl tý lý i on fFtnol.ad te at,3ao teo eecm itdt h upy fam e nen Store, *Tery article sold i.oa the bet quaity. carrage-builder, in about to commence the Yucatan. A report was received (ol aside when the RegimerItal BandMajien or Mb Dun wrng ite nrlte Tmhsroi ato h netn ac ih89 Lu am -. L wuen ayr o ntrucin noftee"niaD n Tutesday of the capture of M.yari by strikes up "-The girl 141left behind stores aind places of business were muent. were supplied wholly by the;4 1 ErnSur.-. Wadel, Myorof rd ixo, ne r lon, hasne.arcopet-500 Spaniards. Gen. L-sea was thrice me 'tahradhs pplad soe bm-.b t dàai e alalgainst edOn molefma n ewpprcu. P To such, the history of the tragedyCl -cageat ir nduhstr np ep-tati o, ad _4m .Wbwtr h Dmme e tne, When the roadseare in a proper sate of co- replilsed hbythé insurgents at Los Par Whihlaeyyok lceirMnreoi-tlntinduppreciation of the chatrndSTRAYele e lie;re onunis conduct asma snagitrate -atency, vwe expectitoisee the gentleman, and edones, adngru-ps.Thte insur: gives aterle wo an innrhiwe TOWN 00 UNCIL. rendered.E T A gn o v tle wth regard ta the decision dm the celebratd probýly the ladfies of Milton, -"Velocipades- gnsar et lv b ere xe e trrtisgust from theandv ilntu h om iteflle tersvrlAwEotepeieso onCmr reBat l ny cie"nDmaesfreoaittithne Ualniretiedtonsfrmtte enitd tatu.An k d stuc do inn hsb in.wecanotut Theconci mt a te uuathor- <luie ina annr wic shwe tht n, n heoilageofCambelvile onr ia gMm.Titad ofert odeRdlhe Marchha sympathise with his destroyer, and we . ao n h hi. if the public were not pleased with the Fridanth 5hlay f arhIMyarol M& TPc ert Ms YeuseslyisfaGhandtCnfederate sldier,1Rudolhe Pale hasbelieve the public feel as we do - El. h ao nth hi.etraimn h al wudntb ry ILLY.5he ayowner is requstd t N MNMNSTEEO Nmm.nTlhap ond ;oofitownan me wetyfeu-Pages of choice a band of 1500 ut La Grande. ufe Rve.Members of the counceil present- eterir. provee propeud nt le r L.T.pay eenes tedher N MNmNSTEIO noluessnthsises.hath is rad t anconand me ten Ouj, he otyms Gfi Ree aue osSPE CT ATO R. awa In the Matter of JohaLRébiB• Asdpply ?a" . &L.,articlin hdwar, Gro- Nw ui*0ivn s e&a+4 it THE Austrian Budget for 1869. JamFsCampbellvillee1arch Saue866. 40-3t thns Dc, c h arae popular writer, ndvarietyeu.;n a which has just been passed by the- The Reform Press of Ontario. David Henderson, S. Center, S. F son, anMrc 1,166 1>1 1 lle "sP"*intethe b' atifullitt aa, wth Chams, by J. R chaeath, estimates the p:obable de. Taylor, Eli Vanallen, Joseph Martin, TEsAoALDAnAELSNES.H uCeitrofhNelventar oi mpMr.geet-mman th -AL-'oz, entitled "- Left all Alne," the word. of f 3,000,000 0 ri 0 s. T he finan The weekly Reform newspapers of James B. Willmott. Tied thatAh has made a assignmen ab mqe auteppied c M as 0which ru as f.1ows :e ropHEfth mpr hv tiePoineiat enrl ueae h mnteff attmetnhwree etind nou sseoflsth lhndodiinuni te rtoe ctt h ndrcinasem fran 70 g roillr MtPk» tMetmb "oMaleurtasaoine in srutI r eaw,,'P - elinceethe appointaient ably written and creditably conducted. read and confirmed. Communication week that 3Mr. Jas. Mc Donaýld, tavsrn henta a codtion in expene a nthe A e mrteure ofraineish eihMd si "7 ut pslmdia liane, My L-1 eTh o llow Lord ng y eorge ty»i 1e i be.-Al IMiniîtry in As a model of the class we may in.. from W.L. P. Eager received and keeper of thtis village, had a letter -ent trouble the hOrse might have been saved! month. frOndthis raty, th y ho if a Leach,.ntit6e7" TheLord wil Provde." ecan be stance the Strafford Beacon. Bright read- hmwrin1a ha ih dy rmifa ede oi tm.T alwom acind the alu of y hbitndIfo ,sayl o31«4wih àbaful robe "ThOughtroublesassil, and dabne Docember, 186,a bie•h I r h ayradcroauno h o nof ate he wouldne tatdeagtda.s. hmifave ocesstion t ue. an tiheo ttefattewhMattye ndred olad 1, màW mùb.i-Though friends may su fla, and fuM -maintained for man more yehas, ther, and business like in its mechanical ar- T Me ao n kimofte1ý fdt o ol c dm n d ws.hae oonfid ean atl ecommted iththe vuer itandoppornof-, mg wensait? --r b asutaleMdente ; y ofAu- rangements, pointed and racy in its Y C te nFiead ae Pco pitd ote w enwoh d marey's onditonfPders andhAra claims. e tetelIndr àà 'am IIIr.II, asZay ely benlholding YetonethigSasle%" ,"eer het , ; idreason to hopte for an ettiltrilul foa nw f ton orofn e h indtratndM . coad tN,10 in Hev ee Y riei wou t iton1the ayo f Mer. aSurch8o9f4"à sPedalmorios there, and smm thirty hae vide.» trian defioita and repudiations, ad ut3,i i orthy icof tnebeg to report tat t yýbave exam Cnethre Rod,1.chinacousyNon 0,theidobthe ab epepara t in it use, lo, u ayofrel 869APPEL Tuei 1;d80"ehurebin *Pniedte "CS.raye," me xthecNatio's og-Writeri.itation. TheicSarnia Observer is alsoe the ac-:unt of James Stewart, for Cnte on, i- .uaou - on thousande stho nave usediitutesti TaReaieaMr.unde dspices of the smoi ay imes et hcoao wih Rgmna ivso fHlo. Capital weCtly. MVany othersWimoving oengine to the new Town Hall bt rvos v h ur Rmme h ae n e htOlca sin o tn iong net e v. Mr. stear'ys u vrunOhstasufallwa:nd - occultouprss mef. n Pe" ' that they find it correct and would th sgntur o Erd C.,as n ac tioathOrngealHrny, asveyOh waaaiangetlesahid adWe clip the following froms the and fearkas., such paPers deserve anrd medt oead They are brothiers of the name of tepiackageo d&C.,incs acesfuL W$ rert tht we wern unavid- Ad the fairet of the angels in our darling Cnd aetsoi, h pon generally receive a libersa suppon ad Smed t AMULboREcHmprereidngi Mltopuorhrp& ymnNwcste "ble-bountbut trait thatww.iai be able to Coraine. aaaGzeteoi. h p oin ur own knowledge. J S fucdnl MIELWnE mhe ews thoughtithatiflthon. ot.hroprieorsLormanadýa.Sld b bc prenant at the next Social, whihi to comue This in followved by a sprightly Cimic Song meontst for Captains, and their Divisions. has made more thtan one unsuocesse ChainWehri wstoi htirmanheOnedicpietdarsoCanle odb 'Ima ethorty ndrtpatoag fth ongb . rgamBso etied "he yungNo. 1 Company Division. (Township attempt to procure the supprt OfiisomeCoMMLITTEE RoO3m fatal day could only bc got over, that anNlinedars 1dis-thIlangSha Wdo," an amothertopss taynelon)of them . Allcredit to men Who spurnMilon 0ar15l86.then the spell would be broken, and as ToQETOsEsr NwR Tmh oesn't want a man who stopsl out an To beCaptain, George GrEen, "E&- a bribe and throw it back inorth. a- Movdb Smelrt eondedTMaOr.a tr5ws s1e6rom tE.-Why sTosholdme wA beards- aeplaine @hs tly, thatcofMr. Ewuats chool Or one tht drinks brandy, and commeshomte quire. ... of the offerer, b e 1 age" r f h b SmulMos, eof te witcOhesater is e ae afrosse Baue z hy ar en geterotetin o ON AR à*8 'tI' o hia> uia. th. quite tight." - No. 2 Company Dwvision, (That The Opposition or Reform papers Of e li Vantelles; thant the report fte ihsafebis mr.eoal wol bee heth aeaug, and addtmctot Thee realo hre nsruenalpicnportion of the Township of Trafalgar. Ontario areeewhrt h ms are d ae ommittee just read the barn, so Mr. W hy should PIi O namF",SM ilt e 1Mk;l:l"Pret alpin," B rarolerb.yn otofteDnapteeodlcrultd sol atrlta rdted - -Carried. placed beyond the reach of evil if that theirprsona appe a ncWfr? bes e n rda, 6h ns.an teMak; Flu d TdGaop"byDrsle.Survey.) , it should be so _Papers compelled, le p " al ddadvlcul nyb vetdtl tesrkwecuse 1wheyan'used fo c ohs?"Moibdsek eglwi the admhefaou "reiayBnd arh, b T b Cptin ,dm d011l, vnolens volens by their position, to de- Moved by i iVan one,seo y ing of the midnight hour which wouldDtilenginlle th r, oarsenes, c,- c -gt W Prevot. . Esquire.fend every aof th e powers that be, David Henderson, .'hat the, Town Hall poli h ndo h a fwrath. the ctlikinte diaihar.Msersead 7 ~~~In addition tu themabove, Mr. Po e ge No. 8 Company .Division, (That canllnot fl to sink in self-respect in the Cmiteb isrce o eie oWera theenisfasthe inentonorf a Layrsuetepyiasro- N 0 estvzAmnases.-theuitonGr.mfifteen pages of choice family Reading, and a&Rotinofth l wshp f'lrtaarestero tepuhCndihcrul-f hemreefetulon asplned ha o en he, n sner adpuab Sehelwa gvea ahe ntrin--ton orth mdeat.u o 3 cnt, r 83 Per lii.g north of the Dundas Street. Old tion Apartfermprinciple, therefore, Johnimmra teblac ettigri of them oe snti tetor ofme kesl hyarete ey Bes N.OLD res pe etr .Teriaevnigsathns. agameyearover $3 worth of New Mûsic apiûeeing sarvey, from Lat NI. 31, ito 35 inclu- astaghfrwrd onitet fares ube frise boheTfnfo hehi a eat w cnotsybt hemdiie nexstnefooterue f nedofantinine *» ,¡.àiy e Ru.m-and cttinin ecnumber. Theof or musicalfriend sive. aise ieinditg tue st t the b5thacorpay bet i n th longs un,f Thresonrac fu te om..--Cared . endhegas accomplishaed sneh tbo y arints.eold y lbedoiut in O givoe im acll, sn ri ,wee.hm ehana Mw"kes- who do ot subecribe are rtainy loSng a ,csin e uve oiir h an't tel-whihastd he •- ~ -• mongtSiarb tte d b giveeistece groodecandofcheaPi e4ive noubtåstal Wb.o attun, rich trat, as s40worth of music cannot be 'f eCpan aid Robertson, pliiis n s Lspcantacl o or ith iele Tebsns fapitn h l oyteCifconstableofmdelerat5e. ti nMe- iin te sie., avn «in.pad iApe agre aladroßtieb le bogh eery ayoSuchsmRung JL.PeSm-Eire. thane the newspaper tri mmer, possessing Treasurer adjourned fromt the last ward b.Iis. warrltilched i hohndstabldetaesond iniues 3ob evening, and we petomsea geate Im&fn. pue puie 0. IsuBoJ 6 LeewYr,. .4 Company Divsion,(hs no fixed principles, tossed about bY meeting of coneil, was tai:ennup, aditn andPhavlthhawolThaSwloUniTtent.5tatndaviontiEnutaw dano. opeueseore, t orma fndsicPbihr .O o 2,NwYr.portio a cf the old and noew survey of every wave of opinion that rises, and d e b l tVnle ogo over ta .itoe-ndbaetew TSlroed. e ccod-astmetiof lvl kin nd o f6 or e prchae o iee saorthecholrsthe Townrshaipoft Trafalgar, lnot i clud and for sale to the highest bid1der. te amendaient move yliVmle Humphreys apprt.l hadd.tHeacran- Eerod&]bin, resaeidnc of mouetHedt @sl :*1 ewß e iva ex w X ,lbridçE chool Examination. ed lin the limite of Nos. 2 sind 3 Cul" And in other respects i withnw eigptwadercG eode e inotehad fa o esccs fth ivr Lxotain ftagdavederaiarbee XrE. L. OsalsMarbele business isevery --pany), Devise) Elapers as with individuals. T hose who byD vid bH endes n, tatfW.L Pseo tabloein iltonandeisone avcu ing auura ftedbhr e ir -eoftoneal. E.ble .eine yera-ingreate dimusions somathat We ad the pleaure o atteding 1Tu bc Captait,John Adron dti wadta, coutinu agerEsq Tesuers. of ththis L.tbroean lonherth thre went the 'hatgentle MancotiueW t us te egtwn arenlb1lh,- anf ht kild ttMr.foeo wsseupe b heexriss T b apa·,Jae Clqh - iouliny and thugtfllychoscthirhisel igtetsmefwothosadDissyeononeoad heygonitosoms].0000in.i--hvig eenredyfo oui bst of wirE- ckerr adseoftoe ittudrrni et. dollars and ,two goero fand suftoiets enrou t of sihrt. hey s oon pro o, th re gtemdaynbtcounot es fra rdah te, Mareb 1 and he ates ae a M t sut th pak- f te Jnio Deartentundr te g 6 (ompny iviion,( Tat or heri t hnd or t tle lftsurtie inthe um f oe tousnd eedd tward th hose.one b te a notras:s or ew Yor hae lft he tailWhet.---1 -..ie00t etetlliaseinahonbe offrdth ar o Ms Rbec P ntn, esoti- fth T wnlp f qusm x crnn hedviesofppuartysek dilr ech-Carid ak nohe y he frn. n nettyeTel-il ae beng setb gerngW es..--- 095t esdn.deso rmati e- s a eio atotrdelanguage, -and ont law, and Wone faith bo rhmas h -o u;tr c Wothe 1Mnu . » athe E . q Mik , A. he asgwee ste Hue.•h a htand refugai for theoppressd of everyLa ro opaylt.on achohes 4-f r. arI ot # hmpo.'dâea j asep prlenae eadclime !..daumagedone,