ý ". , V ENT . but 1 think My sou entered thèem. Brampton ; 100 torm of tand in Esa -; front ra..k, and n-w standss at the headtrste andl convinrin«rail à Parliamentary - - 4L ý ý'-& ý * - ý ELL D D CABE8IN HAMILTON. M IL. DUNTING-Did ltsØnd au en- 200 or 800 affres of land in the County of hils professinaiin Canada. He in mperher-Edward Blake astar de, au weu h cuci la anoi t cihe Wicter . (Friratu Gloe 41 26àait) try of thems in the books.of Simoe ; Iota in rear of the Romaine apparentaly about thirty four or tir. have saidr without a peer in the Local mhen efl epursant to ad. ': .8beect . . Buildings ; store house and lot in Oak- years of mage, with àa lne ptiable be Lgislature, and saisih to superior, in1 ment.. . . ý 1 - 1 ~~~~The mysierious illness in the family Ientera y anternoon a meeting of the à]a. FAIRa-Nonoeat all. . ville i lots noear the St. Patrick'@s ar. vopant, being aâbout six feet i hel total measurepf ]bie abilii.ç, in the The Roene in the chair NLCLI%%% '% % %,%ý.&t 'W Mr. George Getz, York treet, creditors of Mr. W. F. Romaine, utf IMa RoxArNE-I should in justice ket here. 1 do not recoalleet any othier. heýight. e ll propoartionied, and thu a t, ni n parllassent. His mpa' Mentber. preset-bm..Bil lm Ne 1 whichhas em mtedil - akville. tookr plaeent thre Queen a tosayself, otage thag 1 included the iThere was nu agreement between me asilihdy stoo,minithe shoulders, Pr, temlly the ecoming ..»nto ilead the Rb - he - ene bae setedgreast nterest in the lHotel . -The meetingaaletapublic one,goonds in the statement ofasignment- 1and amy broether My arrangement was sents a andcsmeeand omaandinig 9great Reform Party of thisasoutiRy- binson, Clemeonta andlDr.»Cl à& " abais - bc004 Oty in consequence of the supposition for the examination of the inolvent MaR FAIR,-But that sw asmere gueule whollyswi th NMr. Hoestland. and [ coin.-prese, ee. He lis f the nervo snguine Pos1itionhle caurnnt faitlato coupy ira a The Minutes of last meeing v _rchnasirliorgiain nthe use wih en estlee. Tenrereabota orec a tmet.part of these praaprties back again-- narylphpical nasvweillasmental strength i- asfrwoitePoiceo Peiin edr dfo . .egeao o or sfod a.inlybendfn- zngntee snt er MR UBrasotI-When yots took the city lots. He was to have paid me and activity. H ia hair is a light , tari'), iriespective of party, may fieeltinsIrm«h - a~~~~~toly denned, ad tesspco•ntrsoe•tr ttlsi•eto' ibl the )'stock M r Fuir, there awereirenit, !bak part of whbait I paid for haim to the browne, eyes bloe, features regular, clans- heartily prond, and who . is destined toa ,owin , n hDssiconete hoede o2lamutf»ibiiie847 difference between it and thatgiven .City Bank. and £2,000 for a discharge, ical, and what some wold call aristo. w feur the highest honore a toiwhith a vis:-John VanAllen, The,. Me' XW"O"M* tained is now f1ully confrmed. on tO be $29.257.57. but statements muodei by Mer Iomine. . which lhe never did. eratie. Hia complexion horders on thie •tatesman Caaspie." lu., Addison Haga,j. o 1 IIS STOCK OF Saturday, the 30th uit . Mr. Getz pur altithe Meeting showed thats there sere The CHAraLmAN--Do you ever ex- flurid, thre mo..uth'is well-formed, and X. Trillerm* .hsd zdi f i o ther paties interested in lthe8etate by Ma Fara never took the stock. peut to get it ? idctsgr. iinsstefrhadlTo th Editorof theahampiRobotdsi' G IRO CE RIE S, himsaselfhis Jfe and dm se .ch t'iorp %RRoANi-epted etin d M. imin'sstteboad and n asliet AaSiv-Tigvnadrvetote S .Wines ad Liquors, luer a young wolnen of eigluecs ect . e e sonfi l vr eus. The CiiAraxAw-You sotld the stock $50,000 wvorth of registered judgmrrents brain. Hlis whole appearaee bear, scholairofth1e Kilbride Sabbath ehool, grant for the support offorla ý l~~~~eatrs of ago, pairte6k in an uncooked T.0 akni o otel h o a by the stock list. against hien. testimnony to the facetfthat hie is no ordi. to the towni of MIilton, addéite in JohnBdk lasmunusaly complete. state, Fifteen]hours lafter thecir rep osthadl a debt ol'bout $5.000 reaitit tire ÏAl. FAra - Yes There were other M R. Ci 81otm-Thiere in $50 000 nrary maeur, and anolnre enterinrgfthe contemplation for somne time pist, and fe, Jhoale daler the on the morning of the first instaint, all & R Matir, W J M3atr o.graods gent eaway, of whielh there doses more ready to be placed againtuâthliss if legilative hall for the first time wouleonTuesday, the 23rd uit., hadl beens and others.fothreifa cs 110"str&C n.,aot appear to be any record On the there were any assases. vit once me:vet him )ais.the Inaster wsP ir it . . .olth r IM SDIýL TB. e #tharee of the Lfamily awere suddenly and about ten oather 3Montreal firmus 15thaof May a case of dry goods ; and bMR. KINOSMItr- You write to of the IH-use, as he reallyi.Onofxe on for putting thtis design junoTobin ; almoa ertifesmte i prostrated with severe illuess, the char wegre credaintufotsmallroums Teon the 10ih September a case and a1 Messrs. John Boyd & Co. saying thant threimIost accomplished Soholas n h execution, but the "1 beautiful cov"i Mayene of dama ntinde ,à Choice Tea frels 60c to81 per 1M. srof hc a tfis n to- sa utd00oTrnon bale of dry goodis; on the 24th Oeto. y lou expect to get some money on a country. a profouned lawyer-hefates and the wind had apparently Bxed thatshe.ineà berraocase of drysgoods; and on the 3rd mortgae ? brobduand6comprehenive viewstof every d le for th Ga.lby C. Best , The sbscrbar lso ofersfoytable diiarrhea. attended with great Kinigsmill was present representing the Nvembacae ory odleof ndry odn-lto M R oarINzIt as n te ro udjctacomrlesifoe thilesHousae fr ay fla fr chir exeurion. GreatJs culnJ ,dmg "slethe store ho now coupies, bodily pain. Dr. Crooker was called Montreatl fiermsl. und Mr Beaty of Put WCSme oOe on.gryi avle osdrto nidsuso.Hi flic. as the disappointmsent of the little From fJosn-T.siHowel usin and ilthe stock at a valuation, • to attend fthe family, aied fmdinigtheut. Trhe city rep iirstc ero Mr. Sumner says that ailflihegooda fhe MatKINoS31ILL-If I mistaie not ulty of genteralizing, and of deducing 'folks on finding that their much cher. cuclt elt i ,yposo n-xrodnr ntras fl eetdgot fromtaMr. Romane were covered by there was anu agreement signed ? the most logical and practical conclus-cohedcxpecatinsco"dtnt blreaizedtimer o theroa pesnwsigta gointo lbursness willy ep . W C. Su mner & Co 'i note. The IaMR O3mA iNE-l never gota copper ions f ront årst principles, is truly aston- ta d0it8 alwac thie su anesalat - .ractory prily. hs f osnn, made an O oto.1r Pafar-o rce. onlynote of which lhe knew anything Of i t. Sir. , ishine ,While his intellectuail pwr n ppoincetfsss 1 crnr1oMs.tlCrany's kt o h .mresnsiven for MUB. enquiry concerning the food the pa. ýl3lurrich & Co., was called to the i one for $167.87 received by Mir.' Ma. FAta-There ils a land trants- are original, far.reaching- and comnpre. however disa-greeable, oftcen improves Lake Shore Rond i sial 19 TERMS LIBERAL. fluat pork biarte prf iand olla-in capir, d br.rtary.th fiil sineRomaine in August. covered by a letter action with Mfr. R. K. Chisholm. henasive, ho , ossesses wonderfulcloerins us, but whether this as the ease in the treasurer, and théeM& ert ofil 1 ý ; cl~ t •I atedl the 21th. Hlow that came to 3MR. R. K. Ciss;ot)--You know Of peneýtration, aned Resems toseize the the present instance 1 cannot say. fo teeea AD.18.s sO- AB pnalnindebted lte the sb.eriber Ponlerat ofd tehr tait inleul, hle at once 'MR. FAIR. before commencing busi cover goodsisent awray in September he that I gave a note for what 1 owed. usaost abtruse anid comtplicated que>tion ,, Drive to Mlilton" wans destinsed to bec oh erAD 88 wmpeae t oce ponunc er a y rih a pirlneus, statedthat a represenatative of the coutldfnot understand. - ,N.a.. witha sortof intition and bia dircts. , Moved yiDr.Buck, lemended b ales. The report sapreadl abroad Globe deseired admittance, and a moin[ .Fr-Ihr snothmgn th and simple processe of reasoning at once on the tapis for a short time longer, Mfr. Roicson or letre to Oreala G O Mi . trough the city. &and cratted som2 de- oteefettabhieanite a ll. ROMAMEF-It did net. The transaction as far as you were concert. rendiers them perfectlyplain tend intelli- but Thursday seemeèd mari favorable, Dy la No. 289, to ealeteMne gree fOcosterITHo.amo thee n ff d d ti b d mted . . goods e et and the note takien for ed, .alr. Chishohn. ,It is to find out . .o 'thselee MIto*, Feabruary 1.th, 1869. 36-ly nuer f sterknbtianthiafew don- 1aterwards made randcarrie on a divi-itOand ued te bsnss hretemoewntta I k. gible to the comjmonest understandiing and it gladdened the juvenile heart to intoxicating hiquosein làà i 1- paist indifference again prevailed on thec pairticular oI:ýect that has ever be-en in Mie. KiNosstrr.L-There ils no entry MR. (CuISsIoL-1 gave a nute for correct and graceful, ns one would tto eretatpeartos ee i rst time.-Carried. a . subjllei(lli c01 t and'if b'caIme a question Toronto. Alontreal hiavingl previously Ofthremsoneyin the books. the property for 82,500 payable in1 urally expect fromt so cultivated a mefade for the long looked for pleasure The Bylaw wattthenintrodneedn - E t£fiCàali aI1 01whether thle original opinion was re be b on twihsc etns Ma oANE-I did not get money1 thee months, settling my claime against, scholar; his tatterance is fluent, distinct drive. - According to previous en- read a first time. , . .,a svrlote hsiin a were hield. Somue of thoseplesent hield for ditem.Tn amner to .%fr. Kings.1 hims, and also the mortgage. He und not ton rapid, and his voice posses-nocenthepasr-ekswre Teouilhnwetno MILTO, MARCH 4.186. expressed contrary conclu.sions. After it was not eustomary toainit repor- Mill hie statied that Mr. Chiisholm was a, owed me $2.500, and 1I gave 62,500 e a clear metallic ring perfectly . easml nte rsyeinCuc tee of the wthole, on Bylaw, No. 289- lingering unitil bunday list, the daug- t1ers ; but the m:jority were of opinion partner of Sumner & Co. Mir. Chis.bsie.agreeutle. All these qualities comloi sebes tePebyeinChrhMr, Beaty in the chair. NOV 501IA ter expired, and fthe phys'aet ns decter- 1that if thre press ofered to report such olm stated that the originatoer was W. Ma. 1 r oM E.1 u h onyi i e ihea sus, n e tainataspecified houtr. IHere e enjoyed Council resumed.1 'ie naneocpceaition- to meetings, the creditors, whoe would C. Sumner. and that 1. C. Chisholm,, the busines. baracter of impressivenress, render haire a lively time--children congratulating bloved by Dr. Buck, seended -- ascertain poiuvely whether fthe Ïss be rathler benefitted than inijured, shouldi Brnhart and Hagermnan were partners. bla. FAt--There isfanothler mat- ,an eff etive speaer. Hie occaisially eachotherin anuecstae of delight.bMr. .Robinson, thug Boh lert , - Although the daily papers are deluged picion of tricliinosis was ,ýcorr'ect. offlter noe objections. As far as hie Mr. Chishohn ws con-1 ter. W hen Romaine made un amsigni indulges ina ple:assantry, 1rmd somietimie» . bill--810 15 -for plank furnishedlfs withl telegrams about the Hants election, atevnn1apeeofms ,ews M.FAIR, fthe official assignee. then ernd1eneeritefee wthte ten oleuirthesttd ha e e.i te otlitegsrcsm he rpy.Tem wredivn n sifthihbide o teTon ie ete in wichaisr. Hove in galai-tly fight- tcae i mth ecaofte lerof . mtated that lr. Romana ssignüe obsnss .eie300 fromteF Crooks I& Co. and ing to one of [lhe occupants of tel dielhdcagteesirto ie Nelson and Trafalgar be paidte ecaea'et ou escpichim on fthe 2nd Decemblier ;ast since Saime conversation ensued. wenleMr. notes for $1,100 which hle had ntno-ac. reasury bhule, a!n' bna l wominturcnil-Pretty sharp 1" '. UHow many can, municipality of Nelsa having paidsan ing his old friendif the epelers, and examinaâtion by Drs Crooker :aid lie" ýthat tmeh hdplocdth oosinRoanesatdthtihtttl mun cute oret owaperd hethaebenmaetowrte eeahhityu tae?' "IsMrS-adsoeuialn.-arid cuitasssffler colossaleisdtaklen up with wood, and also by Drs. Ridleynd fthe hands of a pa rty for colLection. und sent to Sumner & Co. didonot exceed Crooks hadlnot paid the mjoney, and,'I"lat ithir face@s haveflushle i with , .•Moved by Air. Clenigts, seonded very mraable speeches and manifestoes MleDonald. le, boith mrstances. thre in ,disposed ofthe stock of dry -goýods and 8500. besides, that thre amtounit wals8500. fihe sting h lis iron'y ilnfeslics Helhas oialong ? TTese and similar questions by Mr. Beaty, thag the Reerre and ofthooqet oe"vey itl ntr rmnt eiibtd h -peence f groceries Thre stock twas sold for 134. ,Ma FAra setated tluttlhe wrote to 1 now;,ot lfromt Crooks bothe the 8.50(f ' quil n thei)-,31. jterisl benches ; .and were freely exchanged. Clerk be hereby authorised toissute -ed flt• h itmgwrm ilosan "h Oubt 10d. ina the pounid, and 1the bulk of the SumIner & Co in DecemIber and thev i oe n nohrnt o $0 vntParientuyer, w it isthit earu rOd. h afenrlsio orecarcertifte requ sired by a et is mani estedor f in the resultwaas entirely remoed that thle case wase proceeds, depoýited ina the Ont1rio ba:nk .lid not reply to his letter In J.Inu'~-1 not sttatdttonme. I have nothing, else oifPrimetyexrenote the occasion, and whose untiirin efforts fo. ies ortalsiiuu n by the pubic of thre great Province of one of tridhiaa airatesg. Dr. < rooker 310(ntreaIlto thiecredit of' the est.te ary he asked M1r. Romnaine to write. to state, unless the Building Societv q(u:i. bflre the yo.unig l-ader ofthrele fermented liquors for the terni ofonu Ontario.If Mr. Howe be defeated, ho also sent a piece of ,the muýele to Dr. Threreal estate. dwelling houge;seandlHe daid, Pindthey then answered, sa.mortg ge. • Upposition.,,land ackn1owledges Iliine f! topromote every good cause, are de yeair, from the firit day of 3Marchneri, delrstab il oee eief o ell. of 1 oronto 1 wiho is provided souse lots belorg,'ing to thre insolvent are inur that their reason ior not repling ýMla KINOsMILL-Then thant aitter liatd by his ant;gonst. it has serving of fihe highiest commendation, Io each of the following persons fore the d wileth wi apowr mirocop, nd heinortg agýed to thie setropolitn Build- iwi, tat lt]their puarchases awerei cov- wseusarrangedi! yterwardis. Was it ar . 'm.yth enoso lanucdta altecneace osrwihthyrsetvl p. lolfe n ls n f eoto ta rojsinlgetenning Socetyfr$J,000, expirinig in eredbyinotes. exc-pt a piece of catrpwtiranged by MNr Romaline teHlingyou, or lIl, use h weevw it rwere in readiniess • '. Aillaboard, hur- sent iB:JhnWayA lhe mst claquent statessmersin the avilino doubt contin detailed inlforma - Decembeýr, 1871, anid there isanlother retuned. ·yu.inigi ot7ali itruduced, no naatter by what ,, -Hagrar Thos l3eCllum, John Ale. Bominin woud be aserios calmity ton asto th form ovemets andmortpe ihr$2400.expirng inDetienH t;.satel FhBe• . . mmt.er f theC.eniet.andfimt ff r rah Imightbe4head emaatingnrom ader. m. Roson, Jhn VaAllut , . . ge,,neraIl ;ppearitee of the %wonus cemer185. - OMArNE in answIC t er o . - I. AIRi- Y my nding it on eiuputsfloralh 6 rfiprop[inl te 1l!,t h it-dl iuieidvdas eeadtee .MWllasadJ LTilr. t the prenent criis, it would bu as-' The syinptomns exibited in the ill KINGsM)ILL - 1 distmeitly suite thr i noi jThre atter hasilice been all arranged i i ir 8 .00i1Bruce Thi., in) is . . (are - .tended witIf the sucesas of the Repeal ness of Mr Getz ;.and fatily. as eobs Ma. CHISHOLM .,;alse a creditor, hie a P .ek;ve of good.i IeIt my meure .f-ier l liever (1,l-Ittewlu .m.t* m-,'Iloe Al tokthirplce a1ode-yN da by M r.' -Clement,seconded party of Nova Scotia, with whlom the servedl by thre attending phy.ician. waere I tated. ofilhe estate by :a morigtzedat-1Ivwas dowin in Montreal. nameda'tly ; \ lit KIN'Gs.IfLL-Wlien did M\ ltosupe"r or nfe ctu Il poweýr. N.-I a ýmanner, and thre furte-en sleights with by Dr. Buck, that the By-law, No.289 ju le of Ontario, bothe Reform and us follows: The first attack as be-fore|cd Ju"", 1864. . hu .ost did lnot alp b thlre my assignmnent. I1first Madle Fir dilver thtis ? Did 3Mr.litoniaine mee 6 a .1is inirod'ivl but is car. l.y their precious loads were in umotion, relating to tavera cerises, bie red a moentionced, took tbe form of violent Peur ont the Original lhst of creditors up myai nd to -1te ro into inieolvenely after discllose it first ? eaIi ed by 3lr. B: k , and ril.r. awhite the joous bells tingled umerrilsecond iand third timtes and .ad- 'Conservative, L.ave not .the lightest diarrhi attended "ith et .painlad .\r. Romaine in %lontreal. st.ted 1 ,was. dowtoan streail on thre 5thi or cllu1,Iilwbe Cred . ypty Rnwdvio Iwud be 1wich continued t'or forty igh lers that lhe didfnot swrant to appearli athNovemgber. eX t il t n ic tat 1that 1 would " 'ey l I e '- ce, d " ' 1etlte great delight of 'thre youthful ThredBy-law, No. 289, was thes readi given to the discontented of Nova This asresueeeded by difficulty in '-il. MRKrNas3rrLrL-These goods were 1Iwntutto ineet rny creditors there. i', Mo k .' utilam si'e.ig uin .ý1listeners. Aseing one of the ttly a second and third times ad pataud. Sco"tatobreak up the Confederacy, iopening fthe mouth, partial pairilysis in Ma. F.% In proceeded to expl.tn other sent aa n h rd w UiIG--lo ln sitsne on re.lleaur uesrs admnsosinteimeit3nih1r-vdbyD.dUk.eesdb thjuceso ah ws, puffed and discrep incies in the iappeairanlce ot thre To MNa BUNXTING-I never ta:ide yl fr ai d d atyoenec nsi- rh 1 I- - illid aPraceirmca--l o n od of .lilton a lady came to the Mr. Clements, thast in scerdancewith and their perseverance rwouldi ultimatecly swvollen condition of fthe face, dificulty books, amone dthem soute notes in the but One shipmient to aleGill e& Co yout were satOris erd,1 ut you were insorviss hakechefrwhc the petition of Ws. Sibbald land .bel.orwnd with fltancis u tofwhich 1of sight, contraction of the prilscofbusiness of T Crooks & Co . O.Ikville, ,They Ihad a tbr ,nchtlahouse in 0 likville. v .1,t1I I-d. fihe!-A, t-,,--&n i orwvigahakrhifihihs others. the sura of 112 be paid ,n they now despair, the eyes, cnt.n-lt fever und inlteàe which Mir. Homaine valuaed at 81,400 SometimIn buhtmreta i an 31a R O ImEIJ-Not till three r ',i ontudasasg o ecme, a.Bbdo h upoto tefml · thirst Thre tongue assumed a deeplsomte shaýres in nit lands and other a da sllidtodt te l u as bfoe i o a n 1i . I, .V-1'l ilv1.1ri noa e is, .due appreciating fthe kindnless. the will-be of John Tobin ; upon the peit" ion Mr. Howe, again, is not at all poepular 1red color, and becam r adgzdsts ewuleprp-edte laret ivielssraid s l5 mofieteen ýhave been @shaky since 1f57, buIl' i hrh n nhbe oM.mn adwmno u onr hee onOke n tes 1 e in the Province. His inconsisten-cy in. Great diffieulty experienced in swallow. r dividend iniineditely lifter this M et 1otsao;ta wst odra have made and tost mnoney smeie that 13 ,kmIli b yrrl.eri, fhu b sa usiy Ti littleact sows how w John Oakley for fthe support ofr.1 -is doatn-no, hnbcus eigGreat pain) and soreness to touch ing, as neairly all threeclaiims were i"a mortnde thel Hoe W.dP.tIow- t ime ehan& o ,..or".thai .ildtiene-mb'is in.ele th 1'iâliteac hobbte.eWarden ; and upon the petition cof w as not asked to framne thiatunion ina) t llit iules. and speciatl and iruore Helehad enough fnow to be able to de. lanrid. 'M B. BUNTING--Then youe were not Il use, ineCju.fing h, lis cllerrgu. S, purtIlto n be 0instrunalin Conveying IHenry Williamé and cothers, 812 lbe rterningraiesely against Confederation, constant pain mn the calves of the ekgclare a dividlend o! 5 shillings in the - Ma 13UNTINo-On grain accouant ? solvent rince 18à7 ? _',1her. Thiimiwulntary il-imonsy, ple,,sure toe eumiind of oters, and praidfitoW. Walton for the support of et RomLos ofmusclar ower andwnubhtyin""a la. ItOmSIAINE-I did no, say tha't. lifung fr-om a:il.(p,ilitwho fisbe beendiiniishing the number of thorns in 3Mr. Belyen.-Carried. -1and thesusafier writing and speakin.g to walk. Lightness of lhead, withi 31R T C. CisHo1[Lli-I woullike MlR. R-AIE-N -1 a o T M BI l ink Mr o'o "c.n hutinatelld lby aihe e:.w ai the path of lii'e loved by Mlr. Clements, secode bittely against Confederation, lper se slighit delirium. Intense iichiug of ito ask:a fr w questions. I went up t otae gscrtyformy b oth oand would have rather taket, r;I"ning a rkl scatIll.g el quenlce of the1 At lenigth swe arrived at the terminus by Mr. Beaty, thant the sum of on turning aginleto the advocacy of uniaon, the whole surf-e of the body. The Oakville to try aned settle thre estate. e• 10s in the pund than the property he Oppmiolelad.r. i, entttd to more hundred dollars be paid to John Clice aftfi, adbea gldd y te al 0 ýpupils finally dilated but sight snot ira- I have heard since that Mr. Fui r stat- Toa3MR CmISHOLM-I butilk My po p y we:ght thun Ithe eu ..,i,@of AIr of our journey, and bidding farewell, on his contractto erect the wood-work P ii a ee iddb tebi frved. Patients continually sinking, ed] that I offered $500 to settle it with housein 1856. Nbyyfhouse cosat £4,000 ;BI:ke' mlosit centhu-pitase a nærad to J;ack Frost for a time, entered into of Halliday's bridge, on his fornising offic, and made palaâtable by a subsid y 1b anot loss of flesha comparatively, as hisse. fuirniture ;and all, it cost between '$22,i4Ma. FArn--Where in the carpet en.- miirmig frienidv, aned it must Le inæst the basemlent of the Weleyan Churchl boards for the performance of the otwmiostoisroie.The in othcr fever@. No appetite or ability Mit. FAra--No, you did not (000 and 823.00I0. 1terted thut Mr. Butiner glgo7 riclul Ine, use to Ihe feebe oý,ý f thd 1 *work.--Carried, general vpulion of the West is ha, ett hemsls fdgutto o MRa CrsrioLM-But I was deslirousi In ansswerto Mit KINGsMILL h a. MiNE-I do not know.-I yeti g and niiý,st. s ma oI.l.f Oitari. wihhdbe rprdfrorrcP Moved by Mr. Robinson. seconde Lu~~~tlly paralysred. The urine highly of makling a setdiement and oflered to stated that it would bring nower neve.r erd such things. Il israeIgretted 1hiIt Mir. B'ake haraition by thie kind friends of that church. by Dr. Buck, that the following bill$ -they ih ave to play too dear for thisl acid, and finally hlighly albuminous. pay ten shillings cash and t e the es. tween theree and four thousInJ dollars. After somte desultory conversation, fýund lio <qual in)eli inii-isterna& railnke, l When all were properly warmed, the be paid, and tat the Reeve issue is . itlegmeof securing à fliower of In the easea of deceased, a tot i os of- , te and have it transferred over to me. IL needed a good deal of repair ; there 91R o oppanein aworthyv of hiis powerL, be-1 viaticum waus served, and after the cheques on the treasnorer for the same, Juba A., and that tficy will have topowter in the righit arum finAly occurred %Ir Fair saito me it would be useless is La mortgage on it to that lamounat. ý 1a romA.NE oer 7 or 8 lears I caulle th'e best stimIUuIlantut greait intel- ,suat ceremiony erache one might be sen vis :-A , Robinson $27.37j, for planst fat the mot of the bill ; that the The parents of deceased still con because he hadl accounets agaéinst it. l Te i i.FAi Ifl Iud hav ffected tughatGv rawit te present Le eul fati wrn. Ided epngteinrmnrihgetaet imbrorad iiinn.4 .tinue prostrated in the maner desse i hthscst ol mutA - cudaee tnn-oero ,ee etag agi ad feld Macdonald andl his colleaguen h uinr-rdctoso heldea C nlhri $8.00, fer plsank for - us stomublk remu neie, n h eoer ftemt e o. sHe sttaid s abots0. old ilr. ta juan on theproperty, uding the ttown accouant ; hie sent the accout at haierare little oeiuh anso This caliyare alwaytios ofte adsupe. . road d ivison 3 n s fte l dmantent, tasing gthe loyal for the dis-1 is considered. atleast. quite beyoind Fair that I iwould pay fhim $50f), and ots wjou a vn fie dneso ; the $town als w rith tey ands silhe tBlakeithan poodiles4would be in fthe rior order. and 1 am safle in saying that for municipal election therein; sh oyal. peopleeask wherc is this a ,rt of hope. a he theory advanced by. • .pay ten shilf .-s in the pound to arrange gt onn ionesm or$0.mn L h grin afterna d gaith e g ,rials ofa uast iff.BWhe h ii-ti ccso wdntingcotrr W .diMson $4.81,for lak frnihe thisgto ed, if a, eii li tfied Crooker of the action of the trichinoise the affairs3. Io thaât correct ?- g g .erait atctr.Bae ir1the tethatrule. Great credit i u orn i ind4-Cig e s :.natrt ntehma ytni htlk thrT l.JFduTeeotaefrya u os ni.Hue trmid n fteam fthmfrtegetitrettetikan oe b r nE eoddb by the parliameont* Of the ProJvmsuc, asinmacul, they have a pediod of Mua FAIa-That is correct. WhLat tre bouse aas giren subsequent to its The examination was glisen losed billiptiians aittacking Guilliver loisi' the welfare and happiness of the youth. Mr. Chemnts, that the Reevem iner Nova Santia among the rest, confirmed growth and dec #y in substance to whieb Mr. Chisholm asked swas what my re beinr completed ; teewsn te n h rdtr doiesbett their puyubonon dlrroer and the It woud be ividios to mntionany chqueo the areasoer inaseneri byl theImperialHi.usesof paliamsent ,they are not nativ , sind where the sy- nuimeration would be. 1 said5 per property thant I hadl a chance of getting future notification fromse Mr. Fair. ers.,ttgismatch fihe same. n [ance. when all acquitted themelvesl John Rankin, fas per order df910 tem of the patient is sufficientlyle fouigor-. .entw• $exept a ftrmn. While, howe-verwerndrthdo nobly. commisiners. Menr.ti aeCr and sanoetiolied by Ber M;jas, van be nus tu withistaind the severe prostto the whole affair, and itwtas of no co" Ma. FAra--Mr. Romainesold proper- homage ju>tiy du toe transendet B-hby r Eio, ti ncs ter and Mella, for the esaOf loosely met aside by at order in counacil recovery is not lhopelessl. Cases have sequoi",3. . 1ty. in Oakville in June, ,1868, for which Edward Blake, GQ. C.,JM. P. P. ribii bof Mr. Bhke, awe cansnot lbe ary that I shouldi continue mny anarra- 8520.99, being te amouent ofair bllM- ,fur >polteul purpos e opurchase with ,been reported where the patientis have MIL CHIHOL31-But it is of conise- fthe conideraition se 675 , there is fbit dto the d.!Iets of hismMental Lemi- tive manylonger, as your -presence tract and extrait in full for maodtock, -twose millions of Our money, a political seurvived the attack. and it id hardly quene, because some parties have strat- no record of this, as far I can see on the The admirers of Edward Blake, the perdaient, [le occasionally, when ai, graced the clSing scene of our Milton iront work, abutmsent, ilo, fof r lriP net h etti esa:reasonaIble to suppose that the trichi ed thant 1 offered $500 to settle the books. rising statesnan of Canada, and memaf. ioyedl by thec persitët stupidity and mieting. at Lot 16, 2nd Concession, 8. D. S.-. I ppelet.Teliatthig na: oise continured to exist in the muscles affair. M.R I lle -luy of Lis opponents, rend their failuire Carried. eaofwlbeowrCndkocigafter recovery of apparent health. NMa. FAra»-Well, at any rate, thèise the monsey adpoynza part of i utBre iireof th e Loca litue for Suth to appreciate fihe plainest common rene YoursUtruly, oved by Dr. Buck, secodeilby at the dloor of the Dominion Treasury, These serious re>ults fromthtie use are -.he facts as they occurred- aegain in Toronto ; I g ýt the money inBrewl read hbolwn lqetraouninz, manifesta mure temtpr. thanAMC . Mr. Clements, that the Reeve, Mr.r , with contribution play Inlhsadt, hle of porksib od, will necessitate care MR KiNSsuLL-Were there any twro items ; it was sold toa Iir. Houst. and discriina&tingK -ketch oif tient dis- is comlpatible with true dignii:y. A Robinson and Mr Beatyr, be a cmi- - »Iir iitkigfor more. New Bruis -@- h ato cnuir t sb-dsreace nthoaesncedico RM. FAi[-There are aanumrai of singuished gentleman with boitfplues. sta1tenu, enahould never loge commiand DNTKO HA OD. mte oeaietera liceed that the tarticle id suficiently se- ered frmewhat was stated by %ret ilM r I ui rosM iead prfit. We full eire&lof his temper munder any provocaition, Lote 9 and 10, between the 2 nd -widkin alesaadybestiring herself for gured against harm by thorough cook Rmi hnh aea as eret.e akd la rmM r npr . e I nfrealin debate, beeaue it diminishbesis in- We sometimes hoear pero.asey, ' my 3rd concessions, N. B.. and r ao t e more money, aldaiallse bhad tnctoral.log. In Germany al] pork is officially Roaina F o Y d h ssgnitn House ; the cash book was never enter- that in said of Mr. Blake by the fluclnce, and somletimies lowers haimleinhorse iss adly out of condition, and I the next mleetinag of this ecoc"mnei st . ly favorable terme granited her by the iàspcted before its sale is permitte<d reancy. oee, td ade ea ds ednup. London Advertiser, and predict that hall own sand others' r8prect. He is eu,-of teIl either achat is the matter the requests of the niverai partie$ is- and ultimately the samne restrict ion.will epir Ro S oin r id Ma blensnt NRCatsuIOta-Mr. House is book- beore many years hie will be acknow- talso) lessfrt'ee a d more reserved in his with haims, or honw to Ret him lantobet-ereste therein.-Carried- deleates at London. bave to be adopted on this ide of the L M Rmamne. about whichIt asked keeper for eme, and I casestate that olda he int ladroft e rcus wtti fiheintetr re ' h sr ob ornioedblr Bcs COnddb It will be the saine story over again, Atlantic - Tïmes. f .imwh Ier went fupeto investigate his hal a good deail of montey, and fta eldga h eretlede f lHousefthrian aleader shouldt b. He of thre fac,.that reis within their Mr. Robinson, thatArchibald MeCar the drebudder of Ontario drained by as d mlà efre the as i.nnmentadHee then was aceus1tomed to lend to Romaine. I ReforentParty of Canada :~ should mingle re frequently with irestcr a remedy inafe, sure, and e-ffectual dyl be appinted a commissio te Easer Cmbnaio o te ooerand Ton ocer..-Te ow cnni etawr exctepth9 boeas t W .hall eGilsen&rememiberini hies buying lote, two years - Tihe dist inguished representative of thubemitha , e fhas hl herto done, consult1 in ail crises. 14any personasewho deal in assist in superintending the ersetie . at the usual hour. Membiera all presnt. Co., Guelph. to bu sld on focRmoead ysaig eth ouhRigofBue n h igthisoionan mbasgtehorses use large quantities of il, and Ninth Line and Ninth Colssa hmssprogressve prOvince, aid Ontari, The newly elected memabers, Mentira. Mï'"* it turnied ualeftertarrds tha t fere e rpaid too moucisfor it. L-garisive Asseably, swho, li.oughopportunlity to imPart is owna. 1I1t testify ahat it»s, eetsare moist Initialfa- bridges between Lots 5 land f6, N.S- hepleut by lie divisions, one section and vanllen, took the oath of qualification. 15 boxes insàtead of 9. Mý.cGill & Co - , .KNsILAbteean i nrneo h oitclaeamtesnthw ra a eistr. orneore daler informer us that Carried, being always fouaid unpatriotic enoughA report of the continguey committee re- aesttdtat3r1Rmieintutother m1tters. Mr. Fair l? dates hardlly twoenaers bock, ataendra and fiaiet@, he cane ac-oliphlitt ,le 1his horseu' condition and appeairanjce Moved by Mr. Clementi.s, 9k se el tei povicefo te a o imeniding the paymient of two dollars and ed hae t seflletegosuness 31r.Ye.Teear locnfsel itota -qa h huRhom prtonO tes.adaesonuhipoe yit 4ta b rBc, htti cuclg .f h C tet iv et oW.Bofor rent .oft , d tisat he would give them tent er tsome ]etters from Mr. George Dàlton rpslaiure of Ontario, and with «fewthat cooperatiun miust4)e tsehcited, -r it 1they éell more readilynd for higher commnerittee of the whbote for the ri so400Mdpowers to temselves, Con. Poll, wapased. The applicationsof diesars. e. commi.sion b. r .R .d.h.rewiebevdetreertosoe.!an,1n heD-m.n,-r-mn. -n-tay-b mane. Bt r-c. ,rhe article isi" D.,,r, ley's Con of adtingthe accounts.-Carra. . ,feertinsofa, asbee1ae1ane1eogeSmthJon . eprannW Dt&hdeha h hd roaied l tt ln. i wic b-. oin hs n 0 ustan wtlmaraeda om I e tes ae enalf& bbndar niot atonPowles ndArbin eae TeBoucitten1etlnt rom the i. win bu fremde aewu msebytrn BEmbyW- danos. TKaz Ewil b«g At the gles hane wine, pubSh iextesive al begin st ltmnmn ndí --,a m- for seefflthe impo Cor arm fy formerly cf pespaed to turc hople theywü To Tas LADE odis# Pdaa Bc a @tock el boot,sm them any therp wiwer tcketill Gretm tbargxainsm -r a meetin c Aggelturl Soci -m tuesdy last, Spâin Show on peer to the8- oild be found tiosis. It was - hikdin a wron måhirdly, the fi beInn to the pro coety as føtmer Sexamintio ab 60 Boyne, o wq*bl both t. gisabed to hear t nedseted, buter the Wof the Fir about to erect a fin mutine for which aSeni of IMilto. x4SrGeorge T1 «aother gentlema Conniil on Tuesdy hm lhe muiipali un y is so thin1 a century to i¯ J 13ûQo .ouat &cre.They ,which the the village C rrdby theCo kt"ing any at Ox se dM t ,. the 24thF cstered by,. - gemalemen, adei le iftz.. beie huuht aa. a. Mr. $tew to hem and th hoped that a rich Ulm ou end be gi= in the work f th- ST Mcà ETINrG.-m ,a soirft was ei Acton, toa. in Painting wether anddr &'My maY, and , speaker n t af -ter the.- PUeIpect of a fi ydp. th - •••a. Perin 4edoar il-th ads wamwaa - Y ing