Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Feb 1869, p. 3

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by ~92e Mad pan' day te, t. bW lut 1 1 th ir by ut - aw m r am o. Oex- wth i u ansi rried- et by Ie ea- igaed, iroved and thOn- a hia cods, jsalled 1Ir, f0 a b.t seascha sId lia ceam- ft'mi- tgen ci roneh bdy for ity anl curiate, 1Lt-ittsifCt.esa W.tharijt unha ttpiana atrata-Ei mabo'1fRE iiuharitereotea taitIBreaitars WILLIDAM CA&LDWELL, Papr p ~ PWpa aaarngîtamatarontathe u ac îCitgnature of Br- 0tirat rlie ai tac tarvice e rai xaaROBERT WHITE. alatier hiteiteai~-~Chi.î-atirop k Ryman, urwiiatir, Ont., mira are terri., a Oirs-atari Doer oi Main'. beît 37-it Par Hait... tesCoiepe toBiaN.tiagk fPapa.. ~ h.alra/a pa oWarar LaaaaCro nd taire nsd.a Chailt5Ott old "ra ilheDroggintla MitaBele ItoCn at tuadiitte adeaters rvar-hre. 1 caah Bocka, Day. 2uit, 1868. 9tf Advedise in the chamion." 3Mm, e.,2P 109 37t ~ajjxINTELeeeae Law i varoecy aty era'ai. Bey- coocl mota n modynet. fra parties wa.eOlirdinKiftt for irap- Un CartenrihVe Lectur ioknSiranby opaata, baet ti.y hava 't*t.aieirt. A tterary traci _____________opinion_____of___________canotent___ ___ m'RilydDraper,. hat h aIE (EO G IO W 0 .M KAY Tu P ogenevca inKilrd aclaoathmanoaathanlCyintiw- impoeW E L E R R E O N eý ~ i ors io Tiia.ity aert, 4h cf plaesef ibusines eat biag ci4iataqi, ha 1ep-btia aera aarrlat1 vitat. non, Ac haviac rearee oi antyt ha aate af Salé ~ ~ ~ itraatiag iqerea ait.. tha heer opederi.- th.i ow Cr.n iD ira aletistita r The At calinot appty ta tntaseper, iittaut ___ ,,,,ma Cte .Eut it NorthrWa"stofiireiag a a nhopheeiraawhen isnt î.rraaoaa.te taa»k hlà aaiadrracatioaeea ceiMai, teffilCthe placesof-std. 1It eai" agaed t raihr. muet iraC= ad the Pubie gaaieffr e Cht.*ey zaifl A nd.cc itVgnAlCe, hosprisai positive of he tala af liqas. aSter h. '- tailtPl t aii Wa in a atiare arma _____________ t hor ame. ir* te atiaou, for haoirnea. ai ae Ohei ptace 00 M .iotîerCdCulre iin Nivi la C.arait f t in *a wheh. cetit do botter h Int M .wil bebletiet rovdene 1 Flx i Novti- -n he orvnzofMiton. Ho has, heartofora, mleti = tatarat (y. C. PrCtrdit;) 7duLino, Tafl-Waid ay, tirh e nt, t hai-paat fOra ecetpayiag entaren, nCeit thail Cri es r.art,rig, Marci 4h. ti, t aciC.. obc ri. erd nt~ tpaa.p~CitaJi .Ce~w Coffts. atr tas i rrin ota ira eptstiy Mr..Jamset. Dnta. crf Ner- . ar dashwta wu ifr nmpat et ha ao ià é .meeting. Ts. trveit t hat tC ira"r.originates inta"aea aas, haa ilar _ sur . iri lC h etttniia ?Wuptea. d hcaiCh ircutifend - w ra pt iiin a ae.in the shed. Targ t.hit til a reati a onC Nipaee~rtCa iéêtaU -Ca larun rsi aifoce, Pb et iraCeca- kap iC&!ei 1, baiedto Mr.T LWhiteof aio"ari.Ceiathe eamess iad mataen"CeirI Irene w in Biiiafor lt@tapraressa Cah ea tsaiod armposailaert u-APrtfa ril r ____ M. Whte,. who i. a ier e . CiruL .Tir fsrriture w e- atially icerdc, e~aaoa tck ofcaileCbtaig noham 7 e mir adyiCtatd SEWING MACHINES. 0F ~ymaaictera., Chiiiry wilein rre armod. W. regrt te ddt Ciai onn~ea I e. prOteade th, C.gr.ater part cf Mr. OSwera ia teacirAd GENT eT rta. BS.Willtamsrta gn., iFaCaitacs. Meaira-9teC, Ptaao-Coearm, etc. weaerag cppaeC wucdetrayedhy h. i.es. AOXL Toaisa 5 otavo praîa.hi'tlO Meloituotr ,75. FA-Ro f 411 boit GR /O.J ERLI.1ifD joat .- Tra..wai aan.aaa i atira.irai a. e ý ra r er o s a, Grov.rrk itre's,, %Divonit e 001 atfiàIn-eeierramd $30 Lisajm re. jer.. iW .Mr.onait,, res ai" r, itileararima,tad aid Il coarplera.. plencidtndforid t.Rycasdat2itt*tiaa CROCKERYa Cid.,oi hapSoal diaci f uri W.a ai M.Swtet m h at6Oeacir. A staeroc o ubndi et fr a hitse 011, Neli n he i And for is paiiry cf Cira ctr aeSamrai i . u aIes ar -3C ai ii aun lioe ati.am r ha iahca ricae ira Gaorgatow.n, Fb.23rr.16. O9 S ti e wai ta ai çi.e ra.tai and u e Tswon, teip a iEnqanergofthe noglbtr ih. tracd t. i nta tatihat tha icirabitaritsocf Noreai I1ANCY GOS A.I .ie tuare hagtven. the aa iraibutCM, OSttertdéclistcaccapt .,ieflsive l u ng S e duaeCarrarcai effar -Hasalit. lJI y'JOEt «J MA agmoaisaa, riadar h e apice a _____________I-, 0 dtswmmht"d it ath e .lb. en Tii.Easeterni Question, whie tch t se A , u akiiteF.tayh Ortag ieaahime threateaet te open such porCala CAah alatrmnrtigpoie A ý§ ec 0.dé ..SoveaaIgenctemean '-War Cht ,tiEuropeari netions were in d adae ýl taraor-of bin rad ttiroegh fCear, W D & R AYvNILLO1CrgiCELMMCATED» b-Wb alc igi Ad whia hmet in Paria for the iatttetaent * NE W _________cents of h.1!orco-Helienic difficulty, agreadGE D A O ES ,ygagmidaeiCi tic s iide. f R T. te aubait certain propositions te Greea Te ilofrfr h ettet asAND &Go k<2., af Toeontoi, fa. a anti, af-athe eeeeptance of mhich woald eitiafy Tryylafrfriena wnyd~ ,.ignitaîim, Pn"aeiiets Turhay. M. Waeesk.i reterucd froeinEDA "'~ otuti .eraa r Hase Cc Mata. Atharieafawdayaîiccewitha ale- DRY-GOOCDS AT fr'CO rT PIRICES 1UCHDDARLLAP HUME SPRINC Wmbmul; i setir aehaPtiacoun- factory repty frocs he t3reek Govera-'t' I. J'KICositty ronbanit ait mlliag ta ~~idiOO "ta .aai-r.amd itirar, Ait met. at a reacîrition waa adapteit hy qw.sa. lt rr5po Aa. SalCeCîrerceCht-re heigA targe quantta'cf theae (tooda betrrg G<Z zuiu ulm.Te whl il. e m~n.ki. teaeiarpa ied ta h. demanem aude upober a ___tire ichaliianîo lAgw gtara ef Tcýaaay ..se ir avéyersyRoeseChe Great Powero reserve Agent for he- Ciiyht ,OWOaver a vrpaticî aitheciroacit- tfi tiretaelvee the rght cf protecting R41WK RW tib -T STO C li:i! ptroemdtac t Jh atels.poptn d icitetreata DLIofi EEtheAEISCotton Twe wst sud ai tir. Praovince. la Chriottan iahabitants of Tctoky. Tii.IYAN III AES mà iaa C itai. iss Rtoco igsred by îII the rapre- iodwa atateat it eatenai t rot e' aeattiva, the business ca.e te au rut, WilLhbc sa5 et pisaaAlsoacor ens,Striped - g j aiftéiRock MotainsaIroat niteand aidouce for h. presetis mr.o.Cabtiah- CA K8ECLIRCoh, ose bilaxrtieed ot hiacontinent far.d etwteen Terkeyad Greace. A L Kr EX LISClt-,Pi vreenttaugrto Engianite poace ia £ÀmJUM, IME W ia « My Y o a taDr aar. nrved off, bat euiy for a fCie; h. WASHING COMPOIiTION. Laesad QwBwàNsiDrG-,& ectheGrcia qesi i in oefer. Tbac Gond orl brht ai ch, arualteCrne. New îa h. lime t Ccis'n dmmw he Mer. Lyciîs, Milton. werd when Rupoiia ready fer its aolo- alyRgt---$.0 agn nd ta«Ical ait their wtacl, tien. a d ec i édiat--Ban-----w r-es, s y d-It wtll h. Ca y ura ivantaeto aleauon *Wàiw h.baer inEnON PoTOCper lutt REMUNRATIN OFPOSTASTER4. S CUREMARKAYI ars New B *lspR- . advi.itaftainph-i ao-Who.stuwe taire utaonnidrratitan theoP. M. M K ' âà va m &otartend anerfaaa'haavy amsusrt of sacarity thet boa le ha r skg Uoryan etesb ives, aa ,barailCO tIret eaeh pesmast. As the I3aedas maat hasodtole nhe recer for the Bfrr-a ite e s b iaie ser upri ire. Saxon style jiïmCtbehaitw iaito,2er wmliperforer hie. ty fîiirfutts-.it Âm.aiarbtadina ttheduaMaataIr-rg crtaiily ca hac otabor of loeafar Ima oftArtices a Direct fr1Dm BrntStnck e ecaties, GlI siil b..@. miTiresity ,vearhag,-Marair iitm la deos, ie the remeritoe hac Spring Imorttios DretC CES.itin jki69 'tieprgramrae'tll annai f receivea for bi»s ervicesasu bec,. irbit- m l Wae UqMDwgiaa. Raeitattiasaad Bar- le o tar ictramoat taticaîr pelin by Frecsnsehenco car Bayerja rturning fracs IrsSmlWae h 51TheCaph.ulrlta DraaitaCleub hc pro -ing ktrif. cf gavarnmentecren- ~ *httitaaradm, utant emusticrtir amy, theo ira. bea reantty eptiiet. Caoi Yo rcata ire ap- ___________ ~TeIrcoca Iomauugpuricirdtheacir Icibi- ________ rrg., A £heap Une ÏsKTMuars aa anitay teitait tu t- MADIIDID. Brc In,C iI..imat 0-20; Befraharaita t At G .. eg a-eantthe Ctir ht, At tha Evar brcsght iratea r aianed psrchaqad frcm heocrtginal Mtranuactureraoit DRasins M. lebèl 15 cents a. ILraideecof tIe rtie'saitir, tai e R . Hs. StiassireBlu Mamariar, Cc Mite IriaIaaa Moore, %Il IoroaofrceteBa G'ta- W-iiSucdt Wiisiilàrho oum ue. CCLAinta Soda Wo.it..t haaL'aa Ta Ona ' e Fbreery 23r, 1369, by ticrs Bac .1.Fny op srjwi the Aaaarara aitctaofthtiramuani- Wilaon, ai tir hearai ftie rairde'r uata lF" C2>M 'fPZI<3V.ayScps ~tCrCsayeavam Ma src. CalebrSmiith, C. .k .aaaeCrotaappav AJ ýdii% th Cunt tuArrng %pnt metire5rarf J.Lirce & Son, A--rtýý aîlrelePope p" 6fasa fearait. Altbhcs theiry Warks. tu Misa . T. Srrrtthail af Pnlli-sachave a le o e eont oa orge sC'ck cf Croinrta .ppiner Wb amltt, tira Aatear cfiliton ires DEATIL Wb"tu .Whyseaa lrta? Bathduy ayanv nEsusing, onci tira itnt., Mra. AIeaX. C.0rorart 460 émlectoral! oa hic, aar . tirv M.Kaer, aged W yenu. lDC C fDT " T C TTuC APar *g aemu bse iaprt o±y a aeai At bi. irffead.eetosna. Actca, cidodu theIL ~Taéa A Latg SaalminChthida sa inry t., Mtr. Dunan enoneidy, a natimaeof t" L Caraset Tarira " MM àa.. ta t ft he w.. saiet cd Badaeair. etlcad,anrd a r-aident ai Eq- BlidCarit 1ai dVW9 wr seedM qeng for early frty yeacsaeo81 Oarc. Bi-a wol hv t a -ufarpr-M. eneyws n o hefrt etlrCROCKERY, 4 nEGLISII S adt. Fairay, G tIuratrtsaeaO ad rria -sCal-foot .Y pu u in tpaTn ipa naed - VaihtAd i icuits kbmi aniifaavrvtigwsof n pstion r imtar ge c B f i tiaOn hand for the ç wImdshy n0t have thaeaaeo aatim fna . i i n the ýw ýce of Chris- Alarard Nut, Tcat oadiOdrrAduessaurr ci Dliria B OTS & SHOESe Flrt eIpaionan. aitCh. H ii.L î1LL.,trui t a - ~ _ ____Watnata »roari barjo arraad to nqs'ire loto heror.acoita ~ a C deti aiAieacarLeiireet 1001R OItARKEIt'S. Ant avcrylîrreg uoiaatY kvPt tia Genrrlilar Iikm3a Ail tonai.onatdut oh F -3,]M.Poraa S bi1lkam1wq, fiait thaird taaadocd Faîl Whvat ......irOù2L, 11.2 Tilin Donc on te re C. m aPeritaraLdLira guhldlÔtea, ttit frarintaaaoitonor spring % bair..... 0 98 lot LsO ..ionu haiaac, hetint. IC in aothe tir, ......re- - -.050 re 0 53 t Cl,M L Mc he Jury &mieaitatirsartea- tiorley- --........130 l 1 -2 1Bye foabtanable Cuttear. In ng ~ a oiO datpatm. teatthir. « Y itrarRa. ra- - eSg108 US SID., r ait hthuparteshag Poateea...........O050 Cri 0535Deitriga sr hésbteraacaest4wianty t in ae si isAppîetp. brI-..... 155te 2 e M'IEAcT O aitrai iia-inacaacniinTee Punr per e ....l-.840 io 6t10 StM.o F.tt.i9 t.18irtu 0 Wttttn. Th euàtram Ch. the-évidence---s1 B 8eCaaioOteaned b,. ~ta st v ray tentin frmth uer - - -.....«.0.16 ta 020 Cali eacty andi"eur b-rgataa et Cso i 4Ml iardeth- ina tt.dn tichat - Flaur- --.......4.6-4 Ca .00 COKR.tn IIPuiay havs tissa giron hm. _______la. M & .« COCKRY.ten iteimmcrtaimase, Waalayaa ltirati HAMILTON MARKII2TS. irta8e. c.16 7-Cf Pinta.c àw" hOaia.e ti, W. M.spemnaiHAMuILTON.,Fûh. 23, 1869. ROIMERîE h~gayu M~ W . puihr.llt t t.$,5 a1.10 CisaIr. bft wu the dsirasCa hao.rtire cerObrabd ing 095.e 0.8 A p.........095OCrétneaA d-idlngbd.hi sri.lthe aili-Bariey--------i..... .120 ta 1. 256att Pork pereit . 90010100... Lam, se mÀan n- m kb@BW'. ..aotedsi-th.due ad Bte e l ..... -0te1- nTIIE GREAT EiNGLISU 0 Rucsrl D a p WtIrs i. e tdattaitiasfor sant i Bttr e h 0.22 te0. 30 iifJME cACM'a UAI 0<£UNLI DdT r.ataan nd MrJohn Oua ..........O 48 ta 0.65 M FANCY G10flâ. a*ýdT .d. iÊte.-Ptteprha -.Oo.3CELCARATED FEMALÈS PCLLI. ICs. M. B. FAUGZEDC, af tarante, tj- u.A. F UhIo.à7 r.atot atoeper b ......-1.09 te 13 m.,e.1ra5 pt i- oiaif Sr J.Clark, itairestoeairn teDr.C. H. Latta, b1C vetn, a -matreg ws Ela e o ...... 20 e1. M. D., Fircitua xasordisolrp f ak nIistitbr scr .ar thaîas for hi. lttai it pembon 1 Straw perloit-.......7.00 ta 9.00 t. theaQaeca itll andIrliitatnist, ie a r Npirrw, atirtsanJ na là tebasmet twhiach apeha By theaidea-.....4.50 ta 5.50 ThratiswI otreacIeIlanietm rpe ýErarit Armstong, davtng bis tatca avra, Sir Tie fby the Hem.. Mesu. re.gg, -g.aper-ton - .20l .5 .tir, rts. n-1si -_ dyfe a-ilîîsc-TyrraitF...nid.. fam- a- hand. Firstaclass T( td Hyson m )LLINRAKI -y i7th, 1869, 36 attlex. vris 83159 BT s i bati«ILaraMrSa.eg-.7 Wa, the tersignat Auditsire, tmp -PO1 Ci iteg.. r ..........-- 5 appeiniait, brreby aertity ibut wma ha ve rocai, FSul -----25 earirried the brioksanad accisunta of thec Treamarer of Cire Towisref Sîtîtea, for JASIES B3ARBER, tha ;car 1868, cf mhieh the faregeirg Teucher, Meriris Coraîr., ina ovure uhtrîct; we buve cticsa ectt rigetsfr RIub- receipta for ait manes paid, andt ardeas Trafalgar, Jan. 11 th, 1969. Nîîia for att nueh paya.vura, tire îrala of mirt e efinit earrect. Tirere iroeeer, an itemi of $25 0Oic a hargedit he disourit, sehiair me Ciak s lvl lBarit ght aoCeis e catismet, itltîa bai ra >M Sàd discutonetCai pas tien ef Ce.gy Iteseciu 3a6 We fonu aYnig oCtel oa ; hoefunits ANO AMERDMINTS THIEIETO. in the tswî r!asury beîng inanrkablo fonids, ccot tsautappose hemfab itle te Tta Eacrittmfthesaid ge d art, iaitai airy :nerga for dttcoaîrt. Tire dehen- te arstat their tare aceeeant rtaaling n~eh alntrepart, Do trarianaetitoritthri riiearng for the OFFICE OFJN\O. IEIIJAR TUIE 'ONGER paîl pearonaiCirabeek'a, Ciruit es- 3.-Ct ineCle$3000, of dhichflic tuaiaiof IN TUE 81500 became due ont payablaeais Che 26Cm r ef arriber lest paîit. Youir TO WN OP 31ILTON Audiier. wanld .saggear ficaproprity of the rreaarirer heing f4rDtshct pear hy in van yaar viih a ttly'ceriflet itateffiant cf the sate; cataatat unit cniet for tir, ~>JR Y O H L varioaa purpoes erqatrat for cech year, C U T FH L 01 in ordrithat eeeh lcvtaa csay ho placet e ta tIere spectiveaecesantà la tb. Trea- aurcabaaka, hrehy abaming at aWdraiq A Okl1 sMra 8 ciace te aposiian ef eachah oeoîsrt. ain, tiittng Ca premrnl the dtverting of AT 2 O'cLocE, the fonda af an, aCanunt Ca the useofa aicîher, saitfurtrer trodig ta correctîTe.rara . Atemrrit i aaat, as bniotue geaarut complieaioni of acgauaet.5 cn igtuc. JoUN HOLGATE, iAuditars, DateitaC MltoneinaCha Csiey PETER M3. Ž>1sJKAY, n i OCitan Cthi. itCtda Z ai-i îitai, 11h Fehruary, 1869. 36 it iMaryAD.io1 J 39.2t PLAS-TER! DIVISION COUBTT-lMAitCH 116. 1 ork Cra'taRiver White PCail- Raca,.. - ......Tastita tert. tre*i flond5s .. .a.....-. ... .. adaay yrd Mliiaiml %ris Gray A ..............Friay ti. G.arnvwa - atrday Odu Far. talenet brouatBation. Apply 4«11. . ..... ...-Manday OCh. hfrmv,.at,tay ir. Droaie, Pair. 3"d, u1es0- 4-"M lIraVuCoui. A CARD. ITEIRA@U iInueheliîgau re, for the O B W I L j-sr.a a 8dî ltiti w L5 rVaeah thild ainovery bo foiud ~1 X L Unusually .ciititiel it in a eommqîaîary,' kOmnd. And as We devote our entire etteailii ta It in a Bible Dictieaary. teChi.dt 'hpèr.t Tai1oee1t, ktra.de teoaBible eau bc rendl1thrreg And the gooda coeaeted wtth it, . a eonfidenCI r fer o1or ycto Iti~ Poetieal Bebk are lathemetrical Choice etVSrid Assortmes-t, Orm ans as erigiQafl ittc in the Onasa adrentageco. btrme a any Estab- It hua Questions at the, édd b! al lijhiria na the Couaty, wbilst the. l'ai- rfr xmnai portant feature of cur Stock u hatit hpc o xeiaia comapriesa aselection of Sixth. Ithu aChronclogicel Order. preoenta o u.onetion, showing what par lfîr21- I4as VO tuz osorcfthe 'HlcIy Word wore writtea eoetemtroraa.oealy with oach othor. TIn tira Iatillus !bktparitunts or or Buai sO1,th. ina, fnot generals attaîriobte ia Chia It bue rcd.ections Wbfoh wiy ul oni part cf Ch.ecounitry. 1h e beg apecial at- attractive and profitable; ai* froac hoir C).80.tentioi tao ur brevity rcebotter .Odfeitagttfamily 80. readirig CLan more lengtauae& chis: AZZ-Wool Ble ack and olored Sapler! Elghtt. J LLIIrAXE, lias three fiaely-exaeca4d, SoJ flLIAPI IAIIIIJ9 Agi IteortitOaenron lred l ~i1toR2., rhicr are adirable iri thpir ebaratuor." OXFORD DOESKINS. Iriateai cf being mote lmnagimar7 Iroups cite bi ârs trppyofcf poroas, or .arnsoeed repréoentations lad he ki r~py ofevarita, they are vieWs of planes. boans" FANCY UUATINGS ! oad iiapotant loalUiez or P3cv aet th ChotualrIreeo,,animala& ira mt«.. o- c yr>sIN objecta cf an Orienta character, aki hesca they eraterally aid the uatravai. led reador in anderatandieg Ch. phraise- ~LT~~1r~ Tf~Xil~roieof the Sard CCxC. ?O frAND SILK MIXTURES,. Tooth. Tlir ary matter that kas b.bd ~ ~ * .0 piled frote inodoreorew. and the «rTRADE, III' FANff Itvauh?-1fa~iao hat bas beeri ori lilhlji A UUIidenried icto ch. pagea of Chisa ditai.u have eariched it aboideritly. alI Cati Che attenstioni of IN Ileventls af Milton and aaiglibor- It liarimriiy improved ieridica., yhio eoaaiating ef (l I ?D? ia pamie ai a Dictiaary CoCthe Bibile, CA S SJIM E .1IRJikJ The Old Bible italatt bre. The author eed, BownLintîâalato ttsrowrî ie, insBrochera, Ch. ime eds, î'ownLin- DOESI-INSi prcs'od Reiding,wrich wili ha fouatt 1f ashelp Co the render in expiaicing 1 ShirtngsiTeaea.,g oa imavy nase c hat eA4il ctt.aar-s tflic le r.qam [ogIsl a therdnno-. isl ý isa ulC ints Velvetens, ordact. Twelfth. w JGents' Pockct Bedford Cords and Noleskins. t il;oCne tlar~ge arid comberoarné, Cu hat il can bc belatd snCbeueo la Ch iefs, Braces, Col- Faricy Vestingintri lot. Thirteeaifr. Bond Street and SILX AND WOOIIMIXTURE$ Ireue toBok. Rie obtodh eShirt Fronts, TR.9oeotaatin ourteeaf*, Cobtao ta itersea ad 'eompreoouriw »J FESPILOTt, WIIWRYS, be in *tastylo. 1oves, Stays, and A agFait fCrrdaiTed, tairpiPfteath. A lage arity f Cnadan wees, 'nrgrglimare ver atwaya thre saa" >s&. &. anid a coiplete asoortracat of aî tn Ch' ecarîsiniibleanad oy ennui ~r C.,divrde a9lsjaatesvwhicts ootabcit aeét ~ cd, andd oafoL-rsd ta hat saioloau14 ditinct, Faoc Drese 0:>h Cet? andOse c or stock befor pur, Siteenit. Bs es i aing eltahere. Ths'ir bractreta asmetimoa intduad'p BiOWS & ICALCRO. wtsoto ahaitstaa.wtrch cray b.ie aitC.4 ______ M~. 0~*0* ~î hcsspaiHava, infaraity reodiiig. ______ 2505f ABSTI(ACT COJ3BIN'S fOX~E STI 1C iJL OfteRerreipts and Raperidituro of the OI I~ fThe fMlofrteyaredn L TS IA E Y first-rate style- îlot Dece:ber 1868. ~ .~Publishedbhi ,go Stock cf Dcc. 31 Ta Discaouat Acaoit. 46 à7 SYRACUSgr N. Y., Courîly Rare..162 50 Coritii 700 SuPeriorlVWood Eagravina Sallory Aerroint.... 368 16 maiy Cfloeard eMaziaitefeoeo Hfc TW EDS Strcaiark Sidewatka 240 08 threa fney eceed eei Mapo, anu» New Town Hallt... 731 39 ersas Improvad Rdediigo, a corroered Spring and Sommer r Lteret ........76 56 Chraotolgres] Order, thie Péetioal Boek@ de; aloo, OCattegeny ......382 021 in mietricai forirs,, qeationiraet tre oa of sBalance uri haad ... 1152 19 each Cire tr for Faiaity examiaattloa ; ____Dataesaffixci te CceCha rptera foi r ir 03159 87 mg .band ovcnicgrseit;te whtah Ch. tlotht. tisihara bave roeint y added, inta 6*. TOWNorOFiILTON. Ca. il'ctioni wiih tisherirmity Record, a 1868. F411YPOORPHDPRI7 ER Jatry. 1 By bel, fracs 1867.. 9b7 50 LY P oToGrFi tdEPÀtdiEK De.31 StatuCs Labar.... 53 82 Caateiciag 0 eiîafor ixteadrltr r Braahu Conviycetionse 20 00 ste tcrd Peturs alici (Ir rance#ýCtcrgy Re. Fund. 88 65 k ateed nd Milton C. Sehsot: 568 00 An Extended Caooadan0. altored and ~~Towns Rate..984 6 C.watadrobtntaiybu~i License Fuît ... 443 80 Iailve larad lt Ch. ia f eittr )y a COMPe- Carstabtea' Fand. 3 50 QornDetloet-'. abu t ieAf.î

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