Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Feb 1869, p. 2

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ý ý Il 1 ý 1 - __ 1- ý ý . . ý ý 9 ý 1 ý - 7 - 1 ý - - 1 _* 1 1 1 - ý _ý V, . ý 1 - ý -1 li 1ý 1 ___ ý- ý, 1 ý -- ý;_ '1 1 ý 1 - i' - î - _- '" - - - - 111 115 . -ýý----.-- - -_ ý _ - - ___ .. 1 1 ý 9 ,a 1 ý ý ý - ------ "! . 1 1 ýý . - . __ - ý -1 ý ___ .. Il - Uqmw -- ý,ý - ý ý% ýý - ý i ý ý ý . -1 ý '. i ý - 1 " , ý - , ý '5 - - MR. HOWE. Il The Comm-on Fchool Bill. of the Consolideted Sebool Aeti he $12; pràvided that fàt saloons, as dors; Était le ta say, the conviction moly sibla fbf thé ûnanthoýiz.ed action (If pri- Mr. G1ýd'tôïe amaz z z , u7tix ýË'ctiia.t)itlll>tgl)illllpictlt ' - 1 .- Il shall render hiniself liable ta a ,peû;tltY, mentioned in section G of the Act. the bc appeilled. In thalle cases 'prosec - . ', 1 -1 Il 1 ý . ý . , 1 - ý . a veto irrilividu-alg. 1 loua Di3covery. ---- 1 ý0,,;tô lýe içoover- 'PrOjffIýjciaI a tions"must bc commenced within two Mqhodist Episcopal, Church . 1 e ý WITAT A LEISSON rOI1, l',OUNG MEN 1 As the Roy. Dr. Ryerson willb, i Il net excoeding ton dolloi uty ghall bc $25. The IF15PVAl, 1 - ý, Il 9 1 - - a . 1,IILTON, rý ,y il, 1,ý69. _^ 1 . - " -for 'the 'ichOOI By section 5 it is provided tient, ail months aller the offence charge& kas originated ,the Sillonne recommendin, - - fi Milt.oii on Tue8day 3rd inst., te dis « 1ed bafOrc a mâgisttltc boue committed. . gencral ri The I' ,cy: Thomas liusbn l'ý 1 .ý -ý,- -=ýý----==ýý . puTposei; of Ilis municipulity, ât tho-ili- licenses sh-al-flic constantlyand conspie- icasure for aiding bigher in- ý /,- (4"ý-»;et Vie Me - lIrcal Herlde) aussi the provisions of flic New Il ny ý . - fil ri Si. EJORIINGO. ý 8 stance of a ratepayer therouf. ý uously exposed in a-Il sirops, bar Tennis Sec. 27 provides th'at any plumera înay stitutions dIearbimlý,, .Nbi.y. flic ques. M, A., curate of Crodley car b, ir - ýý ý iý 1 le ý Wu ýpiend a greàt deal of moncy il,' Bill, we think it important Ébat il hie i 5. A;l flic conviction schools allait ho 1 of tatrettlins, &o., unifier a penalty of five lie prosecutor or complainant ; and the tien is, vi snob a selleillie admissible bain. has discevered thui "Mlui ý ' . of saline] 1 dollars for evory day's negicet ta do sa, 1 28 LI), tirait no. persan having a liconse ta ,on the voliintary, ,pfinciple in 1855. Minister lis the veritbi, b oc'Prime This little BepubÉie 'bas belli, 1fýr ý ellurelles and missio,,aries ; we bondit , 1, PrOVIsions of the mailler Act 8bould bc, frec sollools; and flic- trustees ellât of th' -, 1 ool' systeni ; and fully undoistood, and we thorri give sections, or township couricifs, und the ta bc recoveredfroui the defender with soli liquor shall Larbor any Constable Thougli publiabed in: the publie prints Apocalypse; Tire yeridyears in -a distractiad , etate and gond adal of Our '011 municipal cannelle of cities, towns and comte. t the time, no voluntary Puisa bis uùmutilated remarks tir Sectron 6 Pl *des Ébat the Calme or Police Officer, when on duty, 1 . upon the euh ý ý . complète'an"nrcliy, ý mid ý confilialon pro. ;ýtý.lie taxation levied for educating the ýtbo'text of the new Bill in fui]. , ýVýe villages, Shall, in the manner now pro. _OvI il about the promises, unless ta quell à voice ag'ainst it, Docs the lapffe - of ject :-." In the Greék Inn,,, 1 -file *11 le",isll years change funela renders lire well gel as vails avoir t 0 ý na ., Rivfflý l eliildroit of Canrid i is net inconsidera- trust that Toucher@, Trustees, Sti ,rided by fuir, levy and collect a rate of every toivnobip, town and incorpor- disturbance; mer.bil priliciplem-, Sa Saine qf MY Il . livrera ý . . ý . - 1 - Pruidents arc éndeaýOriug ta sceurcible. AI] those inficienecs are supposed tendentlf, and nid interested will turn "Pan 1,11 taxalle p,,,,ely of îhe ,chool aled ,villag , .,il fi,,, Commissioncre of S, lien 29 ivas any Constable or that whit was quite i-i,,Iit in 1855 lias cach latter represents a certain natal 1 h. poliver ta enter any bec-aille wrong, ainiost odicus, in 1869 ? ber.- -For examPle in thst verse ( - tllemsclves in i if ta bc iiitended for file parpose, (f', out in full force, and bc preparcil in. division or muniéipiality. ta defray the Police inecities, may pass bylaws Police officer -, 1 -tbérýýqs ions, und one 1 expenses of snob selicule, ne determine respectivcly for grititing certificates to licensed bouse nt uny finie, or any Il ouse Ir this bail been proi by flic apport- x il. 18), wbere we' fin - Bey making our-Soung men honorable ni il telli-critiv ta discuqs flic corisequenecs a, 1 £et hin, thi » na cd ;Bauzi,ýdcsp,4K'pg, ne suppose,,Of . el . I 1,,, by flic trustecs thercut. 1 obtain flic required lieutise; for dcclar- noilicensed, but reputed ta sel] liquors ents ofthe generfil fricasure, filon vve bath understanding count the Infait ab accomplishing bis abject' offors ta band * 1 truthfül eitizetis, relidy if need bel ta ý of flic ile'w Act. Tho following is file collaitions requiTed or intoxicating drinks, wliether legally would Say abandon it lis virell as the ofIlic beast, for it ]S of 1 ko sortie personal -s.gerifiLe far tlicir text ;- 1 16. Every chillil front flic inze of. inz flic terres und ý the Dum6 air , ý o 1 o the United l ID" - , seven ta twelve ve:;,,ý, inclusive, -.eh a Il ta bc coniplicil with by flic lipplicant or illegally, and any persan rcfinsing or Spécial gr.ititýi, and lot overy Colloge, 9 six floua ni the whol o ountry t ý man, and his itu.tÉbei - - a - country Il for il ý i for any license, und tire security ta bc obstructiig Iiis adiiiittance, ineurs a. not, csccpqit)g flic Toronto Unive tlirce score and dix ' 1 re States-for ndtiýIng, and as Seward bas . le iiht. l'crl)-irs Art Act ta ,ifr)d flic Commun sel col have flic riglit tintierid sortie sebool for I'Sity, . Theré id thé, ý - -fige of Mnrtyrrioni is past. Wu Actà of' (Upper Canada) Ortellio. ý six iliontlis in encli ycar; and arIy por,ýgiven ; for liiiiiiing flic taverri und penalty ofnot ](,sa than ten dollars lier work out ifs civil salvation or die. , original flic number 66G là -- ýiiý.iKlly, . p«aidfkverll millions for i,,o- jihe l,: ll,-r .ýt.,jIlsty. by and with file ildvi ont or 2mirdian %vite duos net provitre Shop licenses ta bc iýsucd ; for dedlar- more tirait fifty for the offence. That tl;eFpceittl grands were wrong by letters, tllo$c joli "Opresêdted , bongos and h . urric:mesý 1e is net likely ta do net know ai we shomld look for that enfuit child initier his cave aboli nt- ing in Cities not marc filon tcle persons Any pcison proved guilty of-tâniper- in priociple is lici, admitted hy file this en ."Cpresoniii., r ce, , -particular Duvalier ,1, i fi, 1 the men if the world had Dow flic wor . and Consent ofilie 1,Igilative Assenibly ý 1 , Ue am, Illesitate et this Our gain. k o r file Province ol . telle) .%allie school, -,es thus of ri-ý,ht die- ý and in towns net more ihan forte- por-' ing with a witness in viiy manner wliat Government, flic l'a.rl;anicnt and the, number, Ifowever, Con ho rçpreut4 , ý -tu do which the martyrs accomplihed ontar 10 etiacts as Ili shall bel suIIjý'èt ta flic polialtice sous, qualffiLd ta have a Livern license, ' ý cý ally ; but file by différent combi folluivii : o , ever, shail bc liablo ta a penalty of fifty people of'oijtario geiierf nations of jette., 8affI , .1 1- 1 ý ý on belialf of ail succeeding age.4. But - liereinaiter provided by this Act; Prn.'may ho exerripteil froin having ail tire dollars. ' . . danger usitiva the Goveininent, sa we findthat the fon,-Ing ,ThVER'N LICENCES, 1 ri F Asscinla letters (Which I write in èle . ý 1- Tho Office of Local Stiperiiitgn- vided - Section 22 provides that any perso flic îOu ý is Ébat ly, and saine of et Icast we might huile. ta sec as rauch ý dent of scinoils always, Étroit the absolute riglit of tavelle accommodations required by Englieh th nt 1 i . . ý - tri toinships, ciiii's, sclec(ing either a public or privais law; fer reguliititiý-, flic bouses or cornpounding for a violation of flic Act, flic peopIý, mi3led by Ilié upholders of ail may utidLrstand) i-epre8eltthium 1 in tIîeu,,Iy.ý.vera Liconse law it is self-derlial as id required ta losist flic towlis and villages, id licrcby nbelidil- school, liur flic attendance of twy child, - places ta bc licensed. flic finie flic shall, on conviction, bu iniprisoned in flic Toronto monopoly, may run into ,bers Which, when added toggether. malle pT0Videdý Ébat the Government duty 1 very moderato pressure whieli can stili 1 o d. Shall bc vieilli flic parent or guardian of licenses lire ta bc in force, net excecding flic conimon jail, ut liard labor, fur flic tiie:opposýte extreme, and by refusing exactly 666,- « the number of a befuti. m 2. Ili cach cozliity or union of colin. such child. ne year, dating froni file flist of' period of' Illico calendar months ; and aid in any fortu - ta dicinominational for it is file number (if a maul ana hý, ahalibe for licenses in aitles $80 ; in bel put upop mari ta swerve theni fro 1 March in cach ycar, and the sums ta every persan Leing corivicted of being Colleges, fond centerin,&everytiiing, even 1, llmber is six hurdred thrce soure fini . ý ntegri, ý fies, tIlCto $hall La one Superintendent Il. If idiali ho coinr)etent for flic le ý six' :- . îowns $66; in iaèorpgrated villages th . o path of i ty Pua gond cou. f schcoký, to bc called County Supet-in- Éclice Magistrate of atiy cify or town, bc raid thillefor respectively ; for pro a Party ta such Compounding for the theexclusive right of conferrin-, degrees ror saloons in science., If our churolics and Our fondent, execpt wlicie tiiere arf, more and l'or Il ý hibiting thcýsrde by rLtail of iitDxieýit violation of flic Act, rdiall bc imprison- in the Toronto University, aud thug do and, townships $40. in Magistrale in nny village ý G (amma) ... ý -e us nt leust crialui than aile Iluirdred coiniunn schoolsin a or township, or tow ', - place cd tierce inotitlis in flic commun jii]. the Canifilliait peopie'a very ,-Tout wronz ............. 3, ý elties not baving tàveru accommodation ,schools de net mah a, vvli,-re thore is ne i ing driiiks in liny tavern or ütlici I __ ' Couity or union ofeoutitica, in whicil Police INIa, 1 of p publie entertainnient ; and for Pro- No Penalties imposed fil this Act and retard flic educational progr es of L (ambda) ................ 30 8120,. ana in. towns ,eý00. Shop ta flic forcgoi: g of Fortac pecuniary istrate, to iiivestigate and , 1 A, (Ipha) .................. o-se il shall ho lawfui to appoint a decide open any complaint triade by ý 1 hibitiri, altogether flic sale thercuil in van bc remitteil by any Justice of the the country many yeurs. D (Cite) .. . ............... - flocales 85.0. Theze sums, il must bc ý adflantagrs rather tll,,n abandon shops and Places ciller than houses of Peince, Police M igistrate, or Municipal Uiider certain circunistannes the 4 1 - y a second Couoty SupeiintetidL,:tt. any lier3oii agniist any parent or guar- 1 entertainment, provided Ébat flic byl-lýiv COumcil, except In such cases as wilere Apostle Paul refused ta cat irréel, -pot, S ( igma) .................. 200 borne in mind, -are exclusive of tire, priri whicli Ive bave solemnil pro 3. Efich city shall be «la courrty, for dian for the violation of flic foregoing ý ' T (aw) ... ý ................ 300 autris municipalities moly impose. Tire claimed es our ovin ana in ,rh;cli we flic purpose of this Act, and flic ý,SOpùr_ sixtectith section of thiq Act, and tûý botore flic final passing, thercof lias lin appeal is legril, and tire conviction liowever, faccause ho Lelievea it Sinfui 0 (micron) ............... been duly and leýrfIIy approved by flic bc net austifined. ta ont Tincal; ubder any cirediiistances, 70 - -City Sup- impose a fille, flot exceeding dollars, 1 C. tient aIthOOýb lie Ln -%v. N (en) ..................... çlÎiise in the alla lan, compeiling disse have affiriiied that file welfare of Our Intendent Shali be called tilt lectors of flic iiiýatiicipiiiity- Section 37 defines Ébat in ,the Act ý.ý _ an Il MOI as E (ta) ..................... 40 ý . IOTI,,toiident, aloi bliall p-,s ai 411 file . le' - the word Il riquor shali bu understood nothitig in file ,,,,ew et if ho was 8 placéli te close nt 7 ro'clock, air Saturday countrymen is involvlud ; and in tbat rowers of a County Suspcerintendent first wilful offert 8, the Sont ta bc paid for ,ý a- ail the machincry ý of moral aiýd ,xept sucil ,ce, and double tbat 1ý,ýCT nC= license, in addition ta ta mean no(Leonipreliend ail spirituous informod tient flic tricot huit been aller. ý 1 .- évenings vrais net repeil thougli un Icas ý as relata ta iovsstigatloýý' penalty for cach subsequent offduce, fi 2 provincilop GL-&DSTo','E....- 666" I,, ill duty before p ovided and malt lil'unrýs, and ail combinations cd in sacrifice ta un idol lie irould net ciflult , virus made te repeul it., The 1 spirituai ïraining is conip!etcly and and deciding on fichool, trustoc clection villich fine Nul penalty Shail ho Ci.fore- la. ,. ý ,ý for, shall bc such a Soin as shall b of i inks and drii.kalble partake of it, lest lie inight thereby -'Forrespolident of moritinq Adveni âo! 1 , ý __ - Complaints, whicli rieur by. law devoirs, cd, as provided in tire one hundred and , CI rlq.o'ý' lad 'le' intoxic:ttif)g. The couritenance idolatary. And just sa ý - use, Hmitinz the number of tâeras d(,plorab'y vrasted. But having by fixed by law lis aforesaid, und including Iiiplids whih ., 1 , ý î words tauglit eue South nt letist ana of 011 file County Jgdge. fortieth section of thé Consolidated j the Proviliciul duty, Shail bc in citi,>"S -y se cre, and in the flic M. E,. Church, bolieving thrit flic . ý ýns:b'ëcn repeaW, and it now romains the tliýreâ ancient Persian accoti)plisli 4. The quaIifiý,ations orCounty aloi Scliool Act: Provided always, flint if j flot less than eiglity dollars ; in towns, ,ýp'elý,,,,ý,,,"ife."ýlalli,,L";C"vitlýoulicense, filera is ý intentioniffspecialgrants was wrong, is ' ý - 1 1, M-0.6--e- -, y I, intindents shelli front flanc e hall bc flic duty of Cach Magistrale ta vith-the municipalities ta liwit thom ý - Cri Super . ý ý -o- S ertain, as ' t less than sixty dollars; 1 monts which cooisisted in speakirig the ta finie bc prescribed by flic Couricil far as Troy bd the Circum. alla in no appeal front the Magisterial décision. 1 tend might bc made a source of corru P' Tliq Xova Soûtia Nogoeiaticu license all Who al of a C townships and incorporated villages 1 We would adnionisli ail Parties ioter- ý tion, refused ta accept them, 'for the ý tances of any party complained of, and 110 ý . ý ý truth, we bj our publie Iiistory, teach Publie Instruction, which siviii detcr- 8 ý out leës than thirty dollars. for cacl; 1 estell, therofine, net ta Put themselves sake (jf'tiie Church and flic good of flic . - ý_ chem in deede flint the priz2s .and ai iiie t!le time and manner of exami r w hother such Il violation lias ' tavern license; and in ail the ' places 1 within the pénal reuch of tlie Act. country, althougli ut flic fini tire moncy Thé r*ciations between the É,, - ý Er . itish 1-raops Ileaving- ion ofcandidatos, for cortificates of .1 honore eflire, Whieli aught ta Tri t treille poverty, or fou grofit a distance ý before enumerateil in flic Act, ri )t less 'v' s mach needoà. . mier,, Finance Ministièr, and Mr. Lang. quilificatiori, ýand grant certificates of 1 than fifty dollars for caeli shop license ; GOVERXMFNT AID TO DENOXI- It is urged by Sortie Ébat our church ta, on the one had, and Messrs Bç a recont order the Impellial forces the geDcral aPProciation of the Illostolualifluation : and lie one Dot holding from any seli-)ol, or file child is boing , provided always, finit t'or eaeh tavern ý Iloir, , ta lie witlidrgwn Ta 1 . otherwibe educated, and in eitlier of, NATIONAL COLLEGES versus ils taking un inconsièteut course 1 Ili 'and iýIcLellau on fil ý - arý - " ' _f in this Demi,, bighly vulued qualities in the nian und huch certificaie of qualification Bliail t license mentioned in flic Sixth Section, o Ciller, are soeur. ' ho éligible ta ho ap lie latter cases, flic Magistrale shall SECTARIAN GRANTS. - joining in the pétition for a 6-encral ion, neby the last of June, 1 net a flic eàizen, are ail for those, whose fecteli tenle,ýt. pointed a Superin- lie L award puilisliment, but Shali report ý S ubsecticin five, Xie snid ,uni ire eities 1 . - College rand, after having refkised ta trenicly lengthy filet Ive . cannot po&qÎbly Britigi foldier will bc faund en Cana- lies are parformod vrith a most eliiical flic circunistances ta the trustecs of the shail net bc less fileur 120, and in toivris Mu. 1"1)1,1,(,rt :-Altholigh fil- ex- 1 accept Special grants ; but such a rublili filera, but give flic followiDg 5. Eaeh Connly and City Courfoil division in whieli the offonce Il ] net less than 0110 I*ndred dollars - but 1 charge is momt uii,,-encrous-iiideed epitý)ni2 of the correspondèlice. IÉ a 1 1 ' 1 oeil, with possibly t'ho exception of assurance before the largest audience shall lici froin ainoh.- those hâld- - as oc ' ne) by-leuiv by whieli a grenier suni 1 th:in ýý cit(,uIent incident ta flic diseusiion ail ' ifcwwmpanicsto garrisont Moifireal- and in the ciretimstanceý which a Curred. ý 1 liiitruc, lis il, as belbre Stated, originatjod First Offill,' afier thercoeipt of flic I truStýcs or uny sellool one hundred and thirty rh.dIarsý per ' G,)vcýriiiiicnt aid to file hiý;hcr institu i flourtecre yeurseigo this gencral scheme n'pst 1 ing the ilecess ry certificate of qualifi 18. The 1 annulil iý.3 intendeJ to bc exacted [ r of Quebec and Ilali- incrofise their turpitude. ýViiat un cation, one persan til bc Superintendent sec ru ý for deuoininational Colleges, ,with , biel, despatch froin file ,lame Government, and the fortresses of Commun Scloools in Such City or lion or nionicipality .,hall bave flic i ally tavern or shop liconse, or for Ical, i tiens of Icaroiag lias somewh. found no faiilt, in whieh il virus 9tat cd th et a reversul of inx. ' Not a red cout will be 1 ft in ()ri- admirable exemple i f ý u prigil L 1 ý eds, sluie faithority ta provide - ý a ; ded, Sirice flic :lotion Lkeii by our Legis 1 flic voluntaries filon 1 1 ý a - 0 1 il 1elidence ta exercise uny other calling, Il , ', ls if iliconsistent filet the Repeul Act ivould flot bu attèmpted a , î ý 1 Courity, and in coui:ties where there l'or a school terocher, 1 . r do ziny , - ta urge our own -_ tarie an bc Oilly regtilar corps wi ,lie Sir John A. Macdonald writes te Mr' -il stedfustiiess ta O,.gaýemCnts und are or shall bu more ihan onc hundred t th Y 110W ' other thing frir wilicli a licciise may bc labre, and still more sel by flic proro iiieziýsii-ire ? ý srfaiglitforvird patiieti$tii is affordod Commun SuLools, flic Coutity Coun llavc by law te provide school accom ! requircri, llill -of- Cliver, Il lias been .isled, Il is there net as Howe ri very len,,thy letter, in which hi*, 1 t'ion bc the! Royal Canadian Rifles ýý cil ail have ziny force ý -ttion of the IIouýc, 1 LliitiL if wùuld Th 1 o people of Canada bave no licencia by flic ficelant Clients in flic life of Mr. iray ilonoinate two personslioldin illoriations, l unless tire by-liw, bofime flic fi"ýql--' iiiuch danger. to tlie Church rend Sfýate 1 "tares Ébat I' the Canadian Ouvernmett. te coî1ÎpIýin of th'is action of the ilonne Joseph 1110wc 1 Let us suppose, first ce, tificates ta bc Supcrinteridcnfý, and 19. The report of flic School Tru ,-, PîIý-ing thcleof, sh'ill have býen dulv ! 'l"-" . front a goueral publie rond t'or flic pur i§ net only rendy, but .anxieuse ta enter 1 . . tic trifling ex ,If ail, thkt Confédération 's il groat prcseribe the territorial limits Dl cach tees required by law ta bc laid bertu. pproved by flic electors (if flic muni ý -1 tire rucess, und more particularly se, aý pose of' aiding Colleges, whether upon a frank and full dieeussion', of '. doyernwent, as with , _ and file Lien tend il t-Governor in Coun- flic annual sehool meeting, «hall include' cipility iii tire manticr provid(Id by law. i s2verril of our luaditig Jourtials lire% o dutiominational Or othervlise, as there le luxation, flic régulation of trode and 1 ý - . ceptiOnýOfý the, rienians an flic fiSlieries," and filait the Govellémont ý I/ a (;eOrge publie alivrintage ta Nova Scotia. If ci], shall appoillit file pl,ïson or persans a suinmary of Ilicir proceedings and ' Section 12 provides filet any illember ý iii3-,tifi-ed if by confounding il witli %vas front publie geants ? Certainly , , 1 1. - . ý first prdiQsod, given his quiet concur- plea5urc. tagother With a det1iled Stationnent of officer,' issuing, or causing te -bc issu2d 1 « l"L'C'arian Crýlllt'," s Iiý Il lis formerly arising from a suitable fund set àpart taxation should bc shown te ho unequal; i Franeià,-Trdii", thora is net the lenst ,ýir, Ilowe bad, wlien filet icheziicý-ivas sa noniinated, ta liold office during 8tate of tire Soboul during flic ymr, ý of a Municipal Couticil, or othIr ý _ ý net. There is no more durger of evil wai I. preprired, in case thepressuro of - rpeck ofa war étend in flic disialice, 1 1 ' "Ille "Il' ce and suprort ta flic iliensure, reccipts rend expenditures, siged by ' atiy cortificate l'or a tavera Qr s iop ! 1 1 ýldC arid givcn l'y Our filon t'or iiiding .fil flic Colleges-of the court- 'If unitIst tO. Nova Seclin, ta reliera filai "4n case of an Atnerieun war the r en ý hrt, a G. Kaeb S4crintendent se rippoiïit- o o CâCI flouse Il fi) flic Iiigiicr Iiiýtitutions of iry filait 1 there is in setting apart a Pressure byeVel'yni(,-nnsintheirpower." an ither or both of' flic Sclioal Auditors ý license, shall, fripon conviction, f r i l In concluding, Sir John invites 31T, miglit probably hive retired upon bis d ' shall have flic oversig ht of ail Conl- of flic section, and in Icase of difforence pay ri. fine of not less t1frin fbrty dollirs, ý le.1rnin, in' I'pper Canaà, nr lo s;I,-Ii c 111 011 school fond, or makhig fi-oc . infibule force of the Empire would be . Il . an Schools in (lie towns, villages, and 0 il opinion betwèen flic Auditors on i nor niole thin crie litindred dollars, - 1 ,imufs of land ta individufils, Homo te accept an office in thecaffinfit. .1 dient poli ticala laurelp. Se rfýw on,, townships within the Comnty or union a promÉtIl et Our command. 1 ilow Wou Id bave grown for him, a ;, of th, fi', oS (/le ýlfi)tiýtl..y / o , Freê - John's desp:Ifc.h is dateil file 6dr 1 - - r (loi 1;7il, ,,f.llf -lie flot giron ta people ut le,-C out Of, courilies for whieli lie shall bc ap ny matter in flic zaccourits, if shall bc ýtIiè1ûffcndor or cffeudi-, illay bc imprui - - 18 of land . 1. Sif Pred2Pý'IS the noble response in the Of ibis pirticular revolution. ,ý 1 r. 1 pciuteli, .and mliall have ;1 referred te and decided by flic County à in flic coin gaol for unyi te;ý,.q ni, y Il, ,ilizal,ý, and bring down l'),,ezinse they -výC Clitirelliiien, or pTeS f(JettýL-',-I' la.-t ; -alil (in flic 21etofibe ý Tent-affait. The people ofBritain are Hovve, tlierefore, on tlis supposiLîoij . . 11 t'le Powers crinterolcrit. period net exc(-edllll)ogll tlirec inontlis. ' I-s;iiiie iliolitli, )Ir. Ilow replies'in a des- - obeil munleipaý;ity wit lin Ilis julis oup ý b-fore flic Ilouse in tlicir yearly estt- byterians, or Bziptists, or Nietliodiýts heuvily taxod for tire support or a stan a 'but lie %vas Conscillus of the Un, fit of ý di"icti"(,P, and bc lul-icet ta al] flic obli. 20. Should the Secrctary of a Trus- No license ,;s ta -bc valid- iiiiiii both the, ' 'l . but bccausc il is l'or flic gelait of file: ' iztcli ofabout the saline joligth. lie - the proposed uniov, hud - ta go Ij iiig ail D', ut ý0N'1luuliicipiiIity and flic Provincial Il uty . mafCý., and whicil wore alviays exý o ; admits that bc is ý le ils Sanguine ;bbut ,iâgarniy,-and as our collection, I gatiotis nofv conicirred or imposeil by tee Corporation negluet or rof . C,;diriL,!3,ditýiýtÀ'ul to Élie Re-filrin ri-r- ouilli'y ta have ilic land setiled and, flic r,,Vczil (,fille Union thau ho former. , . 'c W' through Nova Se.tia ; bail ta came law, Open Il Local Superintendciitt,," and 'n'Y finie, ta give notice of il Scioý,,l ýbo fully paid te thé proper (fflicur, noir ty. in. - ,>iiiucli as tires fuilly beliovel ý improved, and thesc men are willing tu I ly ivri., rni unes not beliere liait the 'èvermuchglory it May alla ta /the Iying ilirougli Monts-Cal; pass ilirec O' - imposer] by thls Trustec inceting, if shail LIC, lawfui or whieh are conferred of r 'can flic officer cf flic Municipalify take fileur TllAC-fýr file 1Iilrl-oýo of Purellas bcoine actual ."tti,ýrs. ,and te Collfil-111 1 le el - , 7 3, mener, di,-Octly or indiroctly for a and tri certain ro, ke i l'ýlv 131 - ý --il 1 Act, according ta Eueli instructions as unY trustue 10 du So> bY ,ivilig notice ý a il . 1 iný Il:ll:i:,flýýnt:lJ>Y Slllo lon 1 -'fi'!] ý1liui -Y '-,-ill ab avithing B tapir ý is a pecuaïary ]os,, vic éannot leur montlis in Iyirig nightly nt Ottawa ; , . csci ý îl.ied rules. Tri fil 1 connklain, if the Eiglish people wih arase the Atlantic and fi, ikre te flic .,a 3 Le given ta bim, floin iiiiie te of' 'ucli toccting IO, IliS, colicagues. ' c" ri i fi 'a te ' till tiIo' Provincial (]il 'y fil(' i-hind týLll','ll in 1>._:._)ý b', the Ilion , manner lvllat vie contund fori.S agencial 1 "or the Te" 1 ' Il l,, Imperia] Parlianicnt, and il.rougli ti.c L inir, by tLe Minister Ii Public lüstru l ,,hall have bleu prid, Eli Munici- ý - 1 M rý Ilowe ;IlýG agreC8 tel the nece9sity, the M' paid ta flic effroi Co bc spent o- 21. Ail ilioijoys 'coll,-eLd in liny ý 1 Be, ird of flic Bel!(,% illo SeiIiil;irv. (o, 1 fend flot for 3Ielholî:t Colà.ges, or ý ol ,a I,,scu$FcýIl ý of Ille Eflancal qlIcsý 1 cLey newSliupt;râ ta our Englià 17-cllow Fub- - pal officer violating this Act ShiL114 ci' ý Whivh 1 ýý.":,., :1 no'i!ib,-rýý Tiov, 1 Al et home. The withdrawal oÈthe ' frappa j,.ctp, and came away rga:D Iciving lion. ,;cho(il sectiuii by flic trustec corpora- ý conviction, forreit Ilis office, and bc ý CIIIý-c , aod of' Ille coiff . crenco (If . the 1 1:111,1 CrlýI,ý-,e,, ai- l'i-iý,bý-teiýi-ili CIjýýÏ,-s, tions itvoived, awd Fays: ,_ May bc a ý part sin, which 1 7. The s-,l iry of fi Ceynty or (,ity lion, Shall bc Paid ýinto flic hands of, ineliuible te ally Municipal offlicé for! ý hich will a - 1 " Glýi-licilig ov'l. d'ose papers yod -,.Of-tlle retrencliment beliindhim a 15ing manif( S-JF,ýriiiieddentsli:ill out ho Icýs thari flic ,queret;Ii-y-'i'rezisui-er tlicrc(.f; find 1- p )Ictliodi.itEliseý,1,;tlClirii-cli iii Cana b"It vire %V ill ail C(,!10"cs in ý N'il! P. ruive that if nGt voiIfeýierated. ý -.inent ; and , lý Eve ycars ; --rid if fIny Municipal Il I, il) Sol in lieu of flic Il lluctariaii flic Coulitry that coffre 111) la Certain policy ,,Lýýohn Bright, prep;aratory- te "' 'und ail over tire Clin 1 t flic rate of bis: hundred dolkirs per 'hould the truStecs refuse or iieý,,Icct la i Couricillor vioLite t'lie Act, lie i - Io-ý.,cribod filles, In bc laid down, and , ova SCutýa Cou!d have tact LWr obli- ail this for whe ? In aider that 31r. .1 . ri guerai redactioil Of file in 110%ça sbould bc a Dure: ý aoulimI atid not more tban nt the rate take prlIper Security froui snob Secru- i f0rfýit his sent, nor bc cli'gible f.Ir j _ 1(iloillinatiolial CoIII,,u.s ; froc froin mrmy alla joseld (lrant.,ý" a ce-li'ral ProviýiIrI fi'r ail file , .-ItioliF, and uIcý,ï flic old tariff bave infini of twok-a hurdrcý-4OIIars per urinerai, tary Treasurer, tlicy Isliall bc froid ta o lii.,IlI,,. 11, ý ý - tItIltiolls I)f h,ýIrin_ 1, ree lfi lestimatres, affila partial disarlfia- honorable--Goci save the mark! and 1 lectiriri uý:fin f;)r trio ycars; and il' ' ' fef,; and thcololical chairý, und coin- ý had a >nIlil surplus :ri flic Trrasury. - froiii roli- 1 That by impoiiiii, ûne per cent upon ment. ' . should have £1200 a vear. T ha t id 1 and 81jall De paid qut,:terlY, of whicli bc personally roponsible for snob 1 bc Bilan "Sit ci- vote in Ille Cotinc, 1 , --ii iiý t(,stý,,:iv:iilýiljl.,,;i.,,.:i, mtat- plying with Such rides, ýh:dl flot bc Pro. - flic fiulil of thre- bun"'ed dollars woneys, and flic provi,,ions of' flic il 1 ICI. of ri-_,I,'I, flic S il 0, ,Ir sill, !:! o lie ", -o ral:ed moiley how the resuit of fâlshOod, the delu during Ébat poriod, lie shall bc liable ' ibcd b,,c iti>c, flic d.:Iiililiii:,tioliý w"icli ' i,,)I)"rtý, vre could hav 1 . ý co:])Ilfnti ,'-Zli,,I'l Ill"Ind. -N ,,ýý., !ýS 1 air] Sion of a inat),s fellow-Couritryllun On a Shail bc drfrayed and borne out of the 137th section of flic Cotisolidated to a penalty .of furty dollars t'or avcrý 1 havc bv tli(il,ý,%vn LX(,rtiiTiý, ellid Con- cnough Io ke(,pupourio;tdsorid bridges, - The Marquis DeMoust or Consniidated Revenue cf flic Profil! or, Sellool Act, ,,hall apply la tlieni. ý dIy lie shail so Àt or vote. an oId l',cfý,riiic,ýi-. and fi inciiýI,, r of tire ý 9, 'ý Dow ý ]cri ulii;I,,ýt % y provision, ý - ý ý l 1 1. large Solide, and a tui-Luient tppc>ition un ý . i tribut iilis c>t;,I,-Iislied tIl,ýo inttitlition ý vitl'out ail - il the balance shall bc provided by 1 22. Any chairmaýo of a sellool )')Cet ' , nIovc nari(el (linicli, ý nd Il, >iie th:it -ta ,a wise weasure contalits with BLrai2lit Section 18 provides for tire ira; ýfr - rtain tire ii,-fit to appoint ioIigious' tLou,,Ii our taiiii bas ýcuti foised fifteen ý The M;rqtiis do 1%foustier, a member forward boCRty of purpolle. . Tell the City 01 County Courleils. 1 ing, who may Le el Ceted school frustre of licenses under Certain Condit ý , bath niy-,ý!f' :iiil Ilic (Ti;r-ýI wiýh vriiich 1ý , per Cýlt, andstindry direct taxes bave f týeiËrencli , 1 ýoo" . 1 ;In ilcffl ;i'ýý,I. ýIouII bc :,,ý riglit nilii-:i.g teacliers in sucli institutions. , 9enatd, and late 31lui -, shall inake flic file chier boing file payolept of 1 fec ai ý .1 , o ý', .. J . filer trutli and sharric flic dLvil, Fiays Hot- S. The County Super;tifendcnt shali ut Slicli Illectiol, ý .e -, Ti-le pliblie fillid, belong to flic people, becil imposcd. Il, alpcars ta me filet f, TQrýqigp Affitirs, ,died in Paris, en 6Pur. Thou bilait net bear l'aise have authority te decole fripon tko fille deciar, 0 0 i il) rcfý 1 I.Ce t ) III(F-' ili:ittci-s, [ Fell'i ý flic Chi for $3ý0ù0,IfY0 on accoffait of 19 . tili o,' ýdfico Dow required Of Lvo dollars t tir ilzsuer of licupSes, ý 1, and flic people lire made Lp of the diff ý our ýnlI a L1IlýM ýlllJîc01-n frý,1u t].ý., 1 (- V. ý 1ýuI_,I:c w1ijks is a fair one, ta say' Fria -ý1he ùt1l . witness nc,;tinst thy neight'or, says 1 quacy and suitabloness of ochool accon,- Trustces by law id PrcSCIlCC Of flic i und flic consent of thrit officer tQ fle ( i-ý,-Iit denorifinations, tifere lieing un in- 1 ý ayl Lierre], Marquis . i Thoinas Wcbýtti, te. and publisied by ' nothing c;f' another one blisod allait- flic- de ?i , totiiCierýwai 1otrill in 1815, and viras Moses. But says Sir John lýlaedDliaiii, 1 Ili dations ; und Qliou!il May selicol Co,. Secretary of snob incethn'. i transfor. The License lnspcetor inay j t 1 1 o (ý,. C. Aolco, i le a few wei ks .,i nec. eo,, . , iel,'I';,Ile illincrity Whiell b(']'ý,i,Ï 1 to i,">prl1-ort'çn (if our arirual fronsuffill- , - - ' ' doclare Coi-fedcr.tion ta bc file ruin 01*1 porffi not provide satisfactery ne- " 23. Should flic majority Of the .-elso, in hi.i discretion, but suIjoct to no deiioniinletiun. AnIl is il net rinoilsW .' Itq cillent' ý î Il a file ,uCu, ,3v.,.W.,l 1 and wbrell 1 li-c,-, voit will Tt, publisli il) Soü of the Marquis Citaient Jlour couotry, Laowing ail the fi file 1 commodation sr. il hin twel va mon the after schooltrustocs or flic in:i' it !flic provisions of . . livit thüre rire non-denariiinotionzil flot! lier belli, :nid ihat 01 jour piaple, -, a M - -:11[e was cd that il as a b!essin« ; and hü,p every they buve boen notified by the County publie school inceting - Ic'o" y "' ; ,-.-ý-c.t te the romoval of a Inverti koper ý tire clvlai so, illait icl liffillerous Nova Scotia, iext dwarÏ a" oustieir. uckt- - 1, i et or reïale ý -oader., inay kno;v Col!I :-s for thosie - Dot increly' ailied i Mr. lýNIcLell;in, ,et* 1 - - 9 . i .and býýtToi ander- ! adec!-ses a Icttcr ta flic Finance Niais- 1 . contumely upon Dr. Tupper till you oi-citySuperintendetit. of file inade in a case Of' Il,)Idit)I, a licClise to ânother bouse. Il but entirely supported by tire pub]i e& fa iiýýdipldtÙ4tie carrer, Clected - diflercrice in regard tork , ;tir otirliiii(:il)],saiiIlit' .,l) dispos le ; kr"Ilon Juleil Rurir'sta . have driuen him front publie lifc, and quacy or siiiti,.biencýs ' ý :1 licel'ed ïýloll-L(,eper ,illow liquoi, in j si il fuilds, but Inust flic niýi>s of' tir , il'i the c1jec- - ý iMýÉfýibor lot "th a ý Legislative Aqsutubly 01 Ille sellool ne school site, ta appoint un arbitrator, as , ', . o iriý-,>!iý_,;,tý', Il:- clit Cise t!fUili, aind Po" i tions Nova "Zcotia lias l'a t le Union, have caused bini ta beconio vile in rite carritutellation provided, Euch Schoel provided in the thirtictIl ,Section of flic bc drurik- by the purelifiser en liis 'A . ' p!e cIiipofsiiiý tlie dericniiii:ttiç)ii.ý yield - fýT ' 4 'ý'a-ý-f'ù.rtMe1 Jt of I) 3'U,4 lvlli illuch (,bI1ýc, . . ý .fil culus, May eyes of his lieiglibors, and yen wiil thus Corporation shali Dot bc entitied ta Consolidailéd Soboul Act, if shali Le prenlised, or faly per,011 Dot re4julit ý Il ' >IctlIIils ailli tlicir ri--,],t.s in : 1 tlicy 1!1:,y bc ci) ameratelles foi - 13thi 1849 Il ý ,&Sd>,.oinbass2dor ut the bavc m8dc it worth my %virile ta give sharû in the Legislative School Grant. coilipetent for the Couoty Superinftnd- ý thereon, bliall pay a penalty of fen 1 your, truly, L, il c,ý'rCi'1 .ýiI'1 ý, important niatter te) this in. 1 Ist. IJccfuýe Nova scatia in)lort% more il. FISHER. Icon.-iderable iii-eligion., minority. ý d'ti;bblý' ,',I'Ods Pr licad illail Zay filher Or tuke flic 1 ;cf rý (ý',Ourt'Oi Berlin: filmait Murait, 1853, ta you place an" pay-' 9. Each County aild City Couneil ent wiLli the Arbitratar appointed, to 1 doIIý,rs L-u:ýidîý,, c-,ts ail con; 1 ion CI Xové 1 . pilier altirrilative,, alla Fuppnàe that shall appoint a Cuunty or City Board ,,,Cet and deteriiiiiie flic iiiatter, and Such offence. Pçrt -N,!,,ý;i, Fà. lzt, ISG19. .1 gierit effort i.s being made by cer- [ Province nanied ire flic Alet ofConfedeý , üi1îeý,,, '1859 ý;' -Ambassallor nt Confelleration is just as, cilacxious of 1, ration. 2!iJ.- B"eau9c il intreases the . 1 . . - - 1 .1 1 , ,ýý', 1 > ,Xamilerýl for the examiriation and flic Courity Supeiintendent shall bave l'ersonst-L'IliliLrorbâriering spia-il.uot:s tain poliricirins ta bc littlu denoriiilla-, ý , la' ne, fýmn.DCqem1cr II359, ta Aug- a,.d as injurions ta Nova Scotia as M cr -fui-inez-ýtedlifluersiiitliout a licetiSei Artcr ,li.ýcus.cii,.' flic ili'FI,,'týInec! (Il '- Iiceiofilý- of' Teauliers, consifiting or flic a second or castin, vote in case thoy ti,,iiiýl Collees and ta build up flic -1861 ; Ainbaszador et ý Constanti- HOvie l'as dcclared il Couilly Superisitendetit or Superinten should Out agrec. huli fur flic first conviction, pay ri tire Subject and thlý DccýSRifV of -ri SOIU.'est, 'la bc Orna both s -eputation of Toronto Ut accorantof theai !,eiuentoftheýdebt; 1 1ý ý ides of the Atlantic ; and then you ,sec . )iversity l'y and lastly, boueuse no allequatit allow- IuOPI'ý'fronI Auguet 1861"toSeptemýer, S - dcnts, Ii Iwo ütherconipetent Persans 2_4. Should only a mai of flic Penalty of flot lels tilleul twenti doli;zrs lion I't'tile Iia,>tiin he Il, lys --soine ý alsertions th-it if, and if only, ý ri ý i 1 Àh. ýrofitabIc outedrue of is Worthy ance vrais mode l'or lie burrender of the , 816 1, e ri - falseliood, wh.sequalificaiioTis sliali, froin finie La Ai besides oasis, and not more thaa fift ' - il ý : -it alone in , f Of treu -bitrators appointed ta decide any Il , S no', ;ý Public Support, and lhat t? id ' appoinieil , Secretary chery and treadon couibiiied, for finie, bc p !I Ontario, khould bc permitteil ta cou &ýe rescribed by file Couneil 01 caie uuder the authority of the Soboul beilles cots; ;,.il for ,,le ,ýLloly ri ""Ce" O' 'il ce, ye" si ",O"), Ililway popeirly ,il Nova Icidi- te "O for , , loýbtt 0 lience, on conviction thercof, Tic sha GI)verllnleut of file IWO Canadas, coin ' Dominion. " C 'nulle Il says Ur. Dll> S ' ÉOi-i'-,-i Affaira On tire 2nd Plia dly Mr. Ilowe muet, in roture Publie Instruction. Laws of this Province bc proscrit ut 11 nienced iinking, ýpcci,î1 ý,raiCs te Cc' fer degrecs- S cl' a S" o ul y Il J'ellan, Il gains Ly Confédération 01-e . il afin f 1 Djilst - a - qf.eSepteiùber, 1861, ýwh1ch place h, ror lis Office and his salary, iiow.declare - ri bc imprisoned in flic COuntý Gaol ai tain Colleges, as, il wali bulievudl illonopoly carinot-long stand in a froc 520,916, or by'lat est estimates nearlY - , 1 be gond and excellent which lie 10. Tho minimum sainry ofany legol Il lawful meeting, in ce selquence or ' fur flic lieild o Il ' liard labile, l'or a period net exceedin Couffîtry like ours. - . .1 p4o Pacember, '186à, when bc qualificel malle teaclier shall bc ,êt tbý flic iieglect or refusai of their colleagues 9 purp-c of' purchalsin, Parliailientary 82,000,000, fvhilst Nova Scolia IOSC& 4*à,-M-4-de'ý-'sun>àtoT, Vas 1 uecoeded ý-Itlliylorofdaiined te bc tyrannical and . . - ta lacet thom, it slIall bc compétent for t . brou calcurier mçIntlis ; alla for file -ý . S ,,ý->tciii .1vais 1.(,Iied ullor, In flic meantime, Ilowever, the by ruillous... We in Canada calInot p-e- 'nie of'8300 per annum, and flic min - i ý over $200,000." Ile aise wishes it te i-he, - ý arquipl' de La Valette. lhiile ILend ta be alibi muni Satory pi' any legally qualified fe. theul, ta foil and publish au award third and any afte'r-t)ffetice, on comi by many tes rit) indirect brille ta th ri iends of Albert College shotild rally bc uiderqtood that therc are cof;iltitu- . -cct ta ally titnorous starts tien ,ilicroof su-eh Pomone slinll bc dunominatious mviLing sucli Coll -. arouffil if. If will net do ta idly Il sit fillire , the ýý departiffrent -of Foreign ,pan Occasions such as filai, WC are 1 Con male teaclier Fhall bc nt flic rate ai fripon flic matter or matters submitred 1 . ,.g, ., down Ivith a tcar rind a frown ;- we tional as Wolf as financial objections . te, . - ý ' tellfp!ating. Our i erves are. stiung tu 8200 par annum ; and rio legally quý11- ta thein, or to adjourn the, meeting fur i.prýîoned il, the Counly Goal lit liard and hclice ,,le 1 elleill, Serninary flic Confelleration Act. 1 labor 1 -iod flot cxcecdiiig six in 1K)5 refuýied to accept (If si eh gbnis, must Il paddle our own c.inoe." The - Affarirs, the'. Marquis w. ,, pet o- U",U"t T i o in genoral, y look on ut a gond deal of Lhat kink of fi cd toucher, aller having been etnpioy- aiiy poriod out exceeding ton fil fbra I eitarded ne reprciêhting thui war ' licy tbing with 'ut feili g to great a shork ; cd six montLs in a Coiiiinon Soboul Any Division Court Jud.ge receiviii,, calender maudis. und flic (301wral, Coiitëi-ence of flic ,NIý more our encunics try ta underate and Mr. Rose, flic Finance Miciâter re Po 0 O 0 without flic concur 1 an intimation of appeul from 111-S SCCtiOn,ý3 provides t'lut a" Places E. Chuich sustairleu, flic action of file Crush lis, flic more united WC should plies in the fortin of a memorial to'tbo- pt the 'Empire, sud, il) particular, as lent -o must in our character of histor- 'hall bc disinissed ,::a bis conclusion? 1 fer the sale of intoxicating liquors lfuýt Boai Governor Gcneral, a _, reller ians and ëOllimentalors on Current eve"ts fonce of flic County Superintejident ex- dèùiýion, millier flic ârithority of flic 1 -d. But ;et file ,I Illie firme the au, bel and flic more rendily ive simula are somew liait DE Ilows : Tient the, llrgibgg an aggreSSÎve, inter foc in Ille 00. one Iiiindred and ciglitli, and five - bel elosed an every Saturday night, und thirities of file Belleville Seiiiii contribute for the support of our i - . fusil filait ive have siever before secti ,.Pressed 'ri wr'tt'llg- 1 . 1 la ry in- principal on which file jetits were lir- I'.ýýIr àýývnýDj, with a vie W ,_ p:lý,ýutl file follwing declaration f theil. stitutions. Tire people have the sinews- fýdIowin- sections of flic Consolidate bokepteloSed till 31onday iliolnl",7 a rangea by the Union Act OP 14- , ; le pro, a case in whieil, wilen a mari Ir il S erates with «%iýOting (lie Co su - ,us a ,','ý'oy 1 T.'w'.,IT.p",".Ïýýýullnihc;ilvpal Couocil' of n m3 School Act, sliall thercupon certi is, O'Clock, rend 110 liquors Clia bc Sold vicivs cri flic question of publie oi te ofvvar ; let if net be Sifid, ,Ébloui filet -a N à; filet - 1 p mmation-cf Germen tosell himscif ho invited sa fi 0 authority Io 'es - fy or druank on flic prenuises during, (bar WC cannot support eue civil institutions ý saine unfairocss t ý pire Seuti - spectators in tire &Id warld as vieil ils 1 tabkish a Township Board of Comme Illlder ]lis band te the illinister of, dunomitiational CoIIcý,,es : * ý she is less favoiýabiy situatea filon the - unity. Iiis bealth ,sinon the period or , ri - ,médicinal purposes, and Il ' Wc will do sa until justice is donc us respect of ,bc%, trefre. flic now ta sec ,hier knocked down ovided bj law Publie Instruction, flic statement ofý finie? except foi *o are in favor an d t leu the churcla 'will use tha ' 0 ther Pir i te, i School Trustecs, as now pi 1 While W of' Le,,isla 1 fi Orifices in 1 ose of' hia ippoiàtment ta the Semite bas been 4 claim and ciller proccodings i th th 1 flic rcqnisition of' a nie,,11- ', lilany will no , nt flic lequest of flic iii-ijority of tire o 1 CýoCD on y 011 ti' î te higher sominarics Oý lea P 1 vantage gained for the goo of a il- nues; thut the apparent incre . the Ilighest biddei. il 1 practitioner or a Justice or fi,,, .",a a, Il jor, tibly déclining. o asel tagether with the evidence ai] l file Poo - , ý _ ý l , 1 Portes. The violation of this Section is ";, net intended te impart a sectarian ý nie of' this D i ýuStOm8 .,Pressing: directly ci' cap ý Hià r tirement 1 doubt sav thât it is but Ille nid s t cri; sebool Sections of such Township, ex-. ý. a - ' - Nova ý __ - ý 1 . . 1- :ý _-A -Iol vear.90 a Y- ludi, ' Éli j«,a1 a polesl-wa3 eu . I*ely he jjl run a, liait paild, rs rg, rie - Ontario, art t We ahill 1 n;r l, Mprieve grated, f à b,,biliPY-i wiU ho la licie lufer- , jthe quas 10 terniU be à, Conç 'a t'lie hfflefit of thý E tb4ýGýv" , Hall, Oe- -1; Ûle Ma5or %Imor it 'Vili r.m. r;ýtjî People, of Oak, tmAn Tu un 'Viu ble -e,ýnTucs Yl: of the' A-dd,,,,eý Th, public-a Dm,, opcl lit f 8 Tan Trufftm 0 - h ý ut tý ,,-t a fi of th*ýp1u&cný -il rhieh ho eo. long b- to Tobia. ,tWti,ý Chap.1, 7th ,"y, 23r4, in.t. Th gàYer a lectum- -- t111ý >.,BUËlbh 13iblý" ý in aid of t1uý .1 om opýn -t. -ni jj&T -the inttM.di,,t,! J..Y-Soci.ty --ntly rgGibbon, IE ' sq-, SI& jeýww highly ..mpluluý f, r the çreaitable m-nei zatainati".. crýi Wonary S.,iýty in th fwd es follo- : -cin] -,miTuý.d.y t st Omagh. A ýýr 'y been &-ured t. &Iiý to ýo hopea th'-Y ýilI 1 3 du llagrty, 1- ýiIi. the huband of 4k while .,týmlA td én ImiL ' Dr, 3 pme suéeties gýtting n%.equenýý of Insilig 4 affairwas I.ft Crimm; is club was eld at DR vu, on Tu'-day 1-t, bers capt. iýt.,y nd ffivffi um, $'eau, C. spnole, A. aps.- W£ hâd the 1 moi that wanderi ngg So »%derGiendiruiiiiK. of E in many Imrtý of pnxuring Pelw ,hi.h h, i. l,-ýt vWat w. ti tI.Yqýe -Il ,ý,,-tlýy , pjmonlhcfirLlu,;coý th. T.-u il L =.c v hthepro, i,:. J t w f..nf in -oth- bc of ta-,- , ý. Inuit. to thre.,ýýid tliq [Ur$ -a.h, of W. Snlily - p1,ýàntt, mt the Au,1ito-*ý pluÙce t., r- 10 rt regular mueting on: Ilunday the -25th rtwmbfýili fol th. brifit.,f t1iý Pa - Ellwot'.1 th'! in catImri.ý of gin of tlu, Chumb of wr ght bas . ý, As . ]-tur, dm t1y gu.nint.. ou, r- in ist Wturý. 1.4g. gxrnl)y, m't o.T-ýýzI3y !e foilom ing 1-th-n the cnn.nt y-r: J "W'Ilianl Gil-, ýVtîàon,-Tr-u- - W. ..e4nespetti ow'Chapl c.unty 0lang". 1, ou Tuesday, F,.b,,,-y ;! Ztb"01lowing officum fir la Lindý.y, 'NL. l lam Th.m- Ev i eon, eu. D., of Ivho (Red in tIuýt iv uat, yfv

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