Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Feb 1869, p. 1

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R IRAD &Day a be Wh d il Xx aiuon, B. . v1 . Dannot IMtn, Odittomber a3ed, 180U. Set! JOHN DEWAR, Jr., I.tlIttTER AND ATTOSINEY-AT-LAW Notry Publie, Solicrtor in Cbancery, ,*baieyancerlykt. &e., Townala, Bain cbotTe Dite, NDa, CnEu, MKTICIA!f. SURGEON, e&., NEW- tm' Corner, ane onwviir, Nees. S, Rn LISTER, vuviauej COURT CLERE, COMMSt- *wer a Qun*s en h, Ltennesi As- Doin ccontant, bc. Debîs cattot- ta nnaminion. Wm.<awra, April 5, 1864. 3-4-ty OAKVILLB. TnahoteP ban ltely heu extenively aOModte&anti theeproprlet9r tantitterninedtot à ta Fiet CoaenBonne. SLtqnora of thesboat branti hept l- bpon band,. VweI, Jn17 la, 1ae. -to IINIGTOII BOTEL, W19LLINGTONO 84ÏM. Comf.rt, moderao charges, anti nmittng attenton te gnetnustit con- basé te uknrh thn management or tht. àir.ditaaote. The StabecandtiYarda lon My etinninwe, ant a caetnl Beetter bhkmtendarce. sVli" gtoua Square, Oe.24. tSi?.2l-17 foui ASALLEFX, PEOPIECTOR, rI$P.m bs teanhu te aia numr.oun- e Immefr thetr put ptronage, anti bga masuMre ibm tha ho wnUl tl ocndnct Uia bmuuin iret-eolusutye. Sot bus&a of llqtnorn ant i cgac, gond Mi-b 9% Mgqantiatîtive homiles. ?*inMo, Oct. 4, 186. 8-7 BY flbSte anti fremthteestailon, ent. &I Er vemy attention paidt tee But ipublie.Gond aabllag anti ni. BEWING MA CIN ES. dONCARROI 1MreTnRnng thanks to tee publo nnnr, es o nnne tee-Ohg -Rmoior, Singe WhOriamag BachainesAi Ba ?Oo pruon, for ceuh. ÀJ îailcuing Wlite Wire Clotlnes- OMiO.Jnauacy Ilat, 186a. Mfoney to1 (if5sih(hT o oan, ed note .Appyta MATHESONà Ba TownsHall, Billon, SeP Robta Do Palermno. Octeirer 17tl BRON.1t, vbnohopir Bmnte, Orlnrh 11 1W&e W.aBarberà Prlndl.g and Wrai Cotatly ot andstiand 1 IVOOL CARDING à CL( «UgBDA&Y NORNUr e~chat, M ilton, Ballon County, Ontario, by îm SMiter nd Prorietor. i i 0r,110 gAV.VSTREET *ýýlO yeae in adrairce, or oithis 01 .5aetb ro he date of anbcribing, 111,aoto, paa ,$1 nl btchargeod. UAT98 0F ÂDVERTISINei. VtcneprUefor the irat insertion, ss e it e iofor ench nuuquet Îls.eu Ca:,* eof lght linos or legs $4 M ab.,mhoOflstoe horochonotib, 81 A-YEÂR] onscmoiOupied, menanreti by a acnte of à111 one altowed on ativertise- ooietud for extendet parote. 'VOL VllI.1 .a..alomn awihtipecilic mtnst. dttIforbidi, snd chargeti ne- àn ii1edstB14oitice, the objet of wbtch 'h.orcmpiY, taouonidered an u0 e eon t, &ait hg daccoringly. io4iqwingtesnrttbchgd te GIE RUI ULI mduati sud ot r h dets the Wntila Do case vl i eptioni li EGS TO ANNOU. lesý -nomeroos friendo that C" forerlrvOmontbe...$40 business in tihe Albi( S fera&it monthe ....25 lOrtia Stroot, Miltou a for dires menthe ...15 be founti ever readyt -Waval M,-«twotesve menthn .. 5 vantsof hie conteur, n' for si month ........l Milton. Mrc 18th, 1 a ai for tbree monthn ..... O g,,Wnf&columfl for twev montba 15 DNL -.,ý. t fornsix moenh..10 DNL 9 a n 4. for three mnth.. t COUXTY AUJCTIONE l trootte hoconinei te tifs PF0., ýghaein8 bc ip11 ement a he flatter buntl buta.u *,Ékq um unofcronmercia bonne t sacU-.Acatie., murh h ttt lnthbo held ttointînde Anc. Mm galo,Itoeoyato, <o-Prinerabttrir cor F jïs, Privat. dvertinrmnfts or indi. NagaOrtyatbr7, M o~daumbern of fiut, Bonnes te Let Or De IKI.ln àl tiaratsd te the E9diter moet OENEBALBLÂCKSMIC la pnntjld, otberwioo ihey vilS fot ho mingit&c, ione on ahc bhesnrinthe Pot Offics. Street, Georgetown. tUtsdvertincmento intendeti for insertion *".truacb theOffice by noon os Wednen- T. Rust ent lathon. -~trme ws u &U itcano, hbe tcttY CEMIST AND DRUJ dwmt te. Dye-ntoffs, Stationcryà Georgtown. 8U0eiflt9 i itttDg Robert Swanton --- --------- --- BARISTER, ATTORN2 W. il. Sreet, Ma De, citer in Chaner, Onhi IUrtiIN, SURGEON A0oACCOUCII- J. B. Wili juR. office anti eidnto--T" tntetyISSUJER 0F MABRIAI ungptsd by Dr. Crooknr. Main niret, Milton. Eltii, ct. e. eo. , 1-17 William A., PR obertson, Il. De, Ce lieBOUSE PAINTER, GLA SADUATE 0F THE UNIVERtSITY OF Per Bunger. Sbop oi Nr*illottecge, Ifontrera. IMilton, Ont. BOton. Orticra eftatl ooend Radno-OnO door Set of vill bhonticaded te. t» PanS Offce, Fotor Sitreet Zl_ tnt ___________CONTRACTOR FOR E Ta 3 na., N. D, an nV nt ice. Ca @ SIAS OE F THE UNIVEBSITT OF vorhttondol St- trosea TietirEntinvit laagnv cya- Milton, May 26,1804l. hy Dr« Robertson. Conaultation TYRONE M4 -Erery T1nruriy. HOR". nA-T BY TI Namngaea, Nov. t1, 06. 22IY lui. Iis ia a nri'ouo ________________________ in os iforablu ez tht Ceoty. Goo Stnbl W SEATTIE, 1, DeI>, - to adt i .T 5UÂI~ÂTE F QtEE d ACOLEGE, Grceoricn, A., k pt cons, in.onintttKilhaida 2,O O Tttt Uatheuon & Dixon, Apply to BARRISTERSr &C. OFICE-ýin Towon Hall, Irtor. Mîttan, Marcb sth, 186 JNCE TO BIS t he courcenceti on ilotel. Coun- ri vhcre ho viii te attendi to the 1868. 41-iy ER, N-mastvya mtgonce tc ery becS ipromptly ateadol [T. IW-OUM. oct notie. Bain OGGIST. SEEDS, &c. Mnain Otreel, m Appeibe, 'EY, AND SOLI- ville. me-t, 0GE LICENSES, Agar, AZIER, AND PA- Dn Mnrtin Street, rbeumprenr Hotel Yt-nl4-ly HOUSE BUILD- Plana of Builing. rpenter andi jointe enablo priser. 3-52-ly IOTEL, rHOMAS McCAL- r nayH.tel ta ling. Eeatte. The- ir a st- ino encl. Dr y Goois, Osatly onLhn,' non Roui Estntte ;atih cibpercent. DE WA R, Jr., Bareinter, &c. t68. 43-tf non gooti ondeo- ns anti unvifgge . DIXON, Bacristera. &c. pi. 22, i'68.r-f olmage HNsEs, &U., b. 1866. 20-ly Wray, in Htl, Oatrilk.) imnmoroafrisatio JRCHEIS BOTEL, ha esrefo aiten. eformecr favoru 40-il kBron., LICTURBRS ! appiug Piper id matie te eore. ýOTII DRESSING T. J. WHEELER, CLOCE NAKER! CIN lnay. hofoniù n,,d&i A. Galtscitbu' ~Sbpr al Stee, GGIGETOWN, nbers io la preparedt 10 epair a&l dacorip- titn or Fatehon anti Clocka ln scbn man - nas vili onsue arcutiotactito.and ti aipeers lIi vitl dofy competition. Jevttry netty repaireti. vntCben, Cloche ant Jevetrp Fer Santis Gteorgeteon, a 17. i864. 5. ANGUS CIJRRIE, FASIIIONAnI.E BOOT AND,@IIOE SIIOP! Nul t toVlospsot HoUs, A LARGE asd nrll-nreeted stock if the Latet Sty len o! BOOTS ept ton- tantlt on handt o teeltaotprtea. AUl rdr ntrmated to le Cocie nltbc proeptty site ndeti te, anti tinatinaà oock- mnieib aner. A. tUERIE. MiltesNov il 0, 6, 23-y 13LACK DRESS IHATSa 82 50,83 50, and 85 00, LATEST NEW TORRK M E LS, S FTLES.1 YOUTIIS, BOYS' & CIIILDR.NS FELT HATS, Stiff and Soft CLOTIT DAPS, STRAW IIATS. &o., &., UIAT FACTOIBY, King Strcet. Corner of Bond, HAMILTON. J. FIELDING. Hamilton, Moy 251, 1808. Si-t J. E. HARRISON, Gradunle ci the Toronto veterisnry Col- legs. is prepnred to atttn ail the alnittt oClise Loser niilu. lii, co. fr Iho prenent, silîbe nIsItereridence ot ie tatiser Wilinu IHarrisonr, ABOI HALF.A.MIILE SOL71îI)F MILTON Terme moderote. ieditirtefor Ilformcr aid (tittlir aioayn on hanti anti steire prontptiy atteadd 1. Milton. àlrch 2lc. ltOit. 41t Special Vo lice THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURA-CE CO., (Erstebliaheti 1025) 1 Witb wbicts un novunaiteti 17me Colofil ffr .stirance Comanoyi. Bond Oflice toc Canada: Efontreal-Standard C.'u Buildings. No. 4 Grecat S.JameS. v W a nomon t1 nRItniRa o ar DIVISION 0F iPROFITS. nus Iric,~n nealé !t&- partiore% natice. lIe te ith bio tf b1 JE. ,eint J. BASTEDO, flAT'iER AND PURRIER. Gentlemen's ik and Feit Hats Dressed. - IVan Higlrat Murkt Price sd in Coa for aIl kindo o RA W FUR. April ettb. IiS. 44-tf Officai lsignee Tht funadtetsbc di nililo etherPro. ftse vbicb bave nisu ince Ilts Notu- ber 1865. The Ccmpaoy'r bnoSnemso ear nilclosel on lats Novcmbee, 1868, and in rder tse.I ece tht advantoge of thin yte'r centry te tht Frof01 Scee, propouin honiti be todged wnttbthe Ageatsoneuor hbeore ihal date. Agent foc Bilton anti Neighbocbeod, GEORGE SMITH, Matea. 20-3m. TOWN LOT FOR SALE! TAI' vunable bnillog lot, No 3, Blokb7, Mary Sreet vent. in the TOWN 0F MILTON!' LL L VTENMEECOUIT! G' HATI. For ale rbtap. for put OHE unnesigaed ba ben daif ap- BEy. JOHN KAY. ne tepre. Tpeiuted te the aovs office. RV ONKY Address, R. S. APPELSE, Mihltoc, Jan. tilt. 1800l. 30-4t Oabville, C. BaIttn. ______ or, 7-tfEstray. miltora Important telAE nPlth pentse oeth nts JanE te BSUBSCIER begstenotifle brerd- C srenter, on Lot 12, t Con, Trafalgar, -Lio eslIaI ho bsn for ervhce on tireo or eutothIie,101h Ocleber IruI, a RED usant terme one improvcd Torbatire, anud AND WHITE HEtOER. Thteener a te Wire one snffiolk BOÂR. havo the sanme by provito pceopeety anti VàrOTBtM 1-. GEORGE E. KENNY, pnyine eharesa. LotIo 6t Cn. N. B, e -102- EDWARD ARBOTRONO. Loi10 ii Cn23B.-S,0N 1s.Tragalgar 3stuat ray, 1869. 31.11 LJYEIRY STABLES. The saissriber bren te aanonaee tirt ho lma BOUGIIT OUT C. TIi'impson' s Asti h- ailed thortoin First- Class Rigs! Th- ibiceau deirsdn ons. rut REASONABLE PRICES! John Marshall. Miltea. Foiraaey tfi, 186Kt& sts TISE C031MEtRCIAL POETR WH ri teerferthé C «0P,Ot RY- VEROFS FOR THE NEW YEA. An.thur y."nhmbass anot ancy, Olti Siniy.Eighi ban otne orCeeye, Ansi Sint-Nino conter on apo. Eager to runs ttelventonth'gnrac. Inthetsseginntngofe byer, Twes enltaase inaour taroor, Ands oeppiao rou thoestorît aî.at, H.,itbconv'ere, oanh nts hioonnthcurt. Stand atijl! conider! look aconas! Wtsat arc vo! Wiithee ra ne.ioonti? Wu tiat tentie, Continue bero A littie ebils, anti dinnapr; Bot ,ttsnce nec conte, aond toero on go, Wr snly goesn, te de not bnev. fnBonwa etinelest, boy liko n dron Childhioîansd youttsnd ndanhborinen; litoron in saehroing Cloud. Sbnltig ita foern tntennsrord; Areond a rirendouand kinonten fall, Tertiing tbjis rtbta u. tenti., Tht sian, et-,onti omne bents Thet ntnr.ts of thte pale hbeman Death. Haoppy i. h, tebo ttsrnrghth tce lont Ot the dtinetigttthat nbrone5u theotouts, Cau tien sitts ryn of Fitts ur Thte iheies uof Hoîlehenti niear. Thattar, vtsicettandstiteguide the nime On te th.t sof0e 1'aien. [I1NION ASSIJJIAN(JEIcoMn THE LOST DEEDS. 19 antd 20, (orthill, Londotn, Ergland. (Condndo£d fronît lait i eck.) CANADA OFFICE, 1 iiiclI lyen how it l v biahve te 385 aid 387, St. l'ui Street, Mont real. bo donc. Eretiliaoo long iscen vinhiag CAPIAL-vo asia hîf uilonste go anti see n frienti a fev milet oui CAPterlng. n al ilin of toon. To-morrov prontises te ho a Sterlng . fo~x.v~n ise tiy. I viii order a crrînge andt :WXXL:m_-àrx> .Mira. rend him. She nl ho sure te se- FîIRE DFPARTSENT.-Property oftal- eonpany hint. Yumst ta l niotolerr.deroriptiii.tI naedrgan@nt Lo@mnuounni ta al or Orongebty fPire nr Moderato Riesttofttight, andti 0morrow morning ohen Preenitint, Iromptitîtdo asd!lhcrnltl nthethbey arc goue yeu viii bave tht vinhcti- ocîllent oelimiormay lie illy rlittiona for opporlnnity.' Lot,., njuoled in Candaithool ro"' It vat se arranget, anti Scrchneil, ece- to tise Etli.b Diretore. .lFE DEIlARTIIE'iT.-TIse Capital!,. before ne epirateti for tise nigbt, de- osje o! tiselagent anoitlAsuraeo Co- tiret Ilc to tel, roy vife, for 10 uorrow, paies, tltertl)y ganesiteiz ituiqlle.niofi- &nit ihe, wvo lnIoiaeti lieassistance. aie etlrity rte esmirtei. and large pet. Il vas vilh no sntali prturbation fils to Fa, titirli Polity Holdern. foro, of PrispaI and i ,fornttion î esntlIt I prontisedt e do s, for I Wteil itiied i tht Chiefo tetortheiscCoespoy. bnthtie outîuent ofgrief for tht loto, fl atottrool. or riomayoretutAg -Dan d fritc indignatoniat Scarebvelis rsus. $SORLANG lIATION A CO. picions, taI voîltifollon. Geterýl Agts f ot Cn,îoslr. 1 toit nty sife Iliat nigist an ve vcal T. . l.IVINÇ,STONO. P. L S.. te bcd. and ti l an an I expeteti. At iopeOlor and Getcral Sopt. lest sht positivels reforedti bhave FIJEDERIC5J COL.t.ecretry. ogit te do in thie moiter ;hoeverc MILTON AGENCY. on calmer consititration, anti te provent J. ..aIOTTr.Aent the recetoity of a slrange doing il, risc Urroîcàr. Ry.,r,,tr-IR. b'rIEET. etirenteti. Ocloher. 151h. t8it. 19-tf Tht foloing morning, as I piannari I perostitti Fred te gn andti teIbisa Nca-w~-n,.-tcj,..r- nifc stitis hm. Asn t n ey vere - DRSNbeste istorunth fairly goto, I, Seachnclt, anti ny vife, IF.people osssiton and viciiaty, thatproccededt tetir recus. hInteiraI lie nil cotit nIthir sinee, threco ints atruais ve fouati osagîtibut clolbing. eert,htwen7 andti il A. a.. anti truste Searebveli narrovly exantinet ili, anti hy korpiof the bst stock, ant inam km runteietilailoser ;n mueet refesa, long enptriece, to ecmete nfaiersuaroet of aine oeide or bottum, toyee, ono partroniage. tiiecovoreti. Ail, sfar, van honent anti Milton, Sep., Stîtli 6. 10.10 rigirt. After carefnlly replairg tht Whal h vwan, howvvr, I ucvcr iearnt, 'And oo y on bave gel thcu again, for that igbt my non died. In tht anti I havc font Ihat maîch cf nry teit middile of the igbt Rosaondt came sud eebeuing 1 Yeu, vant te knov anti avoke me, saying poor Frecti as why I got thcm i I viii tell yen. I mach vore and rpeecblcnn. I gel up van bers in Gcorgie, asdt ione ecates imuctiintely noti vent te iu. -lHe are my inheritasce. It vaa for the teok my band, and trieti -oh, my l oti i purpose cof obtainisg tbeu 1 catereti howpaifuly-t gsp ut omeworsyorur fnrsly. Iplatted again and mother nov came. Ho looked on un Your s came, and feu in-loet itb botb-ob,san entretisgly-gnve ose or me. 1 hatet iel anti bis palisg lovc, tvo more obs, hie lisbebeesme but I sn iin mens of gining my costracted, an if vitb noue invarti enda. Wben I found I huti fully ne convulson, anti after one looti heurt- curoti the poor fool, I madec the obtin. rendiag uob, be laid till, hie limbe îog of yonr eafe-key for a few moments resunmod their pInce, hin eyea filinet the condition of my retursing bie tove. over-and be van deati. For anme time be refasei. (Oue night, I led bis mother avny, bat fno es- that nigtrt of Jase ynu retursod home trcaiy. cotbing short of foreaco nîul iek aud I gave you the notio,1 druig. bave remoetjirit ife, vbo ot ient goti il, and Mrs. Johnstnte's to. I andt teurlene h7 bis bedoide. then vent te Fred and svore te hlm I calleti ap the servants, asd ti a st tbnt if be dîi set get it fer me that persuantio Ronaroondtat go dova. nigbt 1 voolti nover have aagbt more I noalti tain have bati a potmortem t10 do with hlm. I telti hMnvbo anti exnuiratios, bot bie mother, vouas vbat I vnn, anti thnt I soogbi but my like, vno san itton oppoeti te il. own. At longth ho consnneti, and get Ronamosti vao ilent , andstioeti it. I took ansimpression of itinluwax, ladifferent aboat it. I gnve vny te tht anti nfler vanhisg il cncefally in warun mother'a ertrealies, anti ho van boried. valer, retorneti it. Not long %ficr I So the lime panocti os, anti tili ne vent te anlocknuitb te bave a kcy madec dlue te the loottido. Scarcbvell trou the vax ertiag. As 1 rotorsoti calîe ce o0 s ay Ibat a lady oucnnt 1 bord a rnana ostop ehinti me. I aasncriag tise deocription of Ronumonti, larnet asti looketi. It van yeo. irot, in the pccvioon mntnh of Jonc, Plargiag down n by-trcct, 1 barrioti te carrieti the vax impression of a aafc. a cah-stan,anid jumtping ilo a concis, key te n sunli Ilocksuith in Philaticîphin orderect the manote drive an fast an ho anti bati a kcy nmade, for vbich nbc coulti te yonr bonne. I steppct i hm n colicti lie lolloving vcek anti paiti, ahort distacéfrua Il, asti getting ont and that the locknnitlr coulti fot or burrieti up stairs te uy roou. anti hnbe voltinet gise any farthe scr ciptiont, yoo rriveti I waa la tieuse rcry. By anti nost poitivcly ticclaroti be eoald reas of nty falso kcyn, for 1 ensily not avear 10 lie ogala. obloincti yoor office ones. I obtai 1 bati not ycl telti my cliente of the the doctia. Frcd, tise pitiful covard, loto I hoti isea doîcrreet doing no fait nhat beclleti cornpanotionn of front day te day front a vain hope of consciecc,.anid voulti liov- tolt ven. lhcir recocvry. An I vao 00w eioosly 1 acvcr lcft 1dm a pporlnnity te do dcbaling virhter I ohoalti not ho ro. I hatet i bi. Ilînteti700 ail, thooght highly enîpohie aboulti thcy anti the renîroint I pot on myoeif vao discovcr il urnnnoancott by me, an cIter aI times feaefrl. I van afroiti Frcd feu Bloster deciieti me lte ile anti voulti some lime or other tell yea. nad anoance their loma at once. s I polannet i hm. You tart; 1 titi, The letter van front the gentleman aocly bat ourls. 1 knen veli the vho bati violleti ut before, aying ho detective that night. I kate yoa ex- wishedt-) b aae a tops of thse mips amnincti uy boxes, andt I knev oeIl yoa attaclîcd btire doctit,anid a- ho hopcd noalt i ld aolhirrg there. I tobk te bc in Philaticiphia in a test ocoko, ooti care for Ihat. I non alto a opy. bc toolti thon tebe the opporttrnity of Î'Jvery information I coalti galber ieom uo doicg. Fretin triens, andti hey talbcti frrely Rotîmooti hati expreonoti ber doter- beforc me, I sent off by a rare basti, miaatlorr of viiting Nov Yorb. striton in invisible itrb, un tiose One day in April, a fcn tiays hcfoirc photographn 700saav in ary box. 1 the lime fixeti for Itotaonntn tepar. on ly omwisl. coalti have donc more. I tort, I van smoking my aiter dînner tiont baov visa foolisis feeling kept cigar. Tise rcou ov-elookedth ie me froni poisooiog yoa anti your vite. orc artianti hadti io vndown in il. Anti nov, i,' tse tit, t 1 nlthanb As I Ihur sat at ont aide of lise ire. you for tht bey of that door.' place ia a regalar smoking roverie, 1 1 mcdo a môvemeal. She pulleti vnas truckw iltho eviviti refleicoaof ot aaul pocbet.revolver. tht oîrteidc acencry portrayetio ea is1 As Goti is above me, I vilI oshoot marislo mantiepieco. Erery troc, every yon. ahoot 700 like natiog. if ytn do lvig anti lest in tht orchnrti vas net give it me aI once. Sise clieketi ditiînctly otlintt theron, an voîl an tht pistel an ohe opoke. the fignres of uy oiltiron playiag Oh, vshy atiI lefI mine aI home, there. Wlilsl I vas laziily vlciig anti vby titinet Brown retora. I tire mintie panorama, another igare sun in ber eyes ohe vouldti slcretriOi- appearedt here. 1I mv Reaaroati top cd vitb, anti very relnctrstly I cave rit anti npsk te the chiltiren anti then ber. She vent oit asti bocketi the door miovo lovly savard te the bottum ofi afer ber on tht outeitie. I ruobeti te the. orcha.i.1 the niardon ud ant er go cdtownothe A.ND COUNTY 0F HALTON INTELLIGENCER. "THIE PRESS-The Palladium of thes PeopllO's Rigbto." RIN ADVANCE bIILTON, COUNTY 0F HALTON, TIIURSDAY, FEBBUA;RY 11, 1869. [No. XXXV. ditférent artier teo er lente meot ar-n r.. . .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . a .. - . concluant ~YH AT ~ V IE T loisthcaoue tricti the second At one trae site aloppet, loobeti streel qsriely anti ndetily. .coveing fDve nekera of artrDsbiil vnter, W E T W E T r unb. a o' variety of boks obarply round, ardt tutn reeng te put A hîrif boor, ana boue pauseti, oh, eo nhicb i on ot by a stock eompanv, anti trinketa, anti ohen ne bat oupîlti ber bond in a isole in tht trer, tran lovly, befoec Broya rturreti, asti frin te scdcr. Upon ose made cf t%.e Mx. . cC a ~3'il, on soantiag il, n faire botter an asont a packet. T'isb c nt trnot rtundiBlanc. Mr. Serrchnell vas ot, anti pond vun erecteti a litte groccry Wiliipop tho tiacovereti. Searchveli toobed for a anti thea once more, DertI looiing rosat he bat vaiteti in vain bin retors. 1 buildin' vhece the vimasîn ot on momntaorce Ivotriomphant, anti my again, tiroppeti il agan in tise bini. toit hintail, for ha- van rsoniahcet Ihanche@, vhile the feilern, kiorid vlth HIGHEST MARIKET PRICE, vifen coantenancofeu - my oensheart By-anat-isy bectante muatering te Dairg me Iteket ini. loy nngry ho blnnbe, hitchedt-iron.Ims te tente beat quickiy. yards tbe honre. I va ucrions t van.It van, hovever, tocs late. Site phi. it vri an excltlag uoenn. Sic asy qranity ot Fiatiing, aller tome littie tifficulty, kobat sahe tat i bitthore, anti an voo gene, anti iepite Serabve!llu 1 van rendy te bolier haity, or lay the secret npring, il opencti. Very roon as 1obe bat gene op te ber moints, every effort 10 trace ber, van not te btctiown anti rote c5fe. But 1 kîpt in Oood Red and IVIt ite WluXtt eagerly ne ail exantinedth ie direloreti vhich vert aI tbe other Bie of tise foonti anti aketi vitb glory. Heitb van receptacle. Severol bundies of titi beage, I vent ont. I netitreti tell uy nifo tiere nee- piturmd on maey a linoble henv. An Doivcccd &ni[bistore in Irîtera, a fene vatercolor sketches, anti I came te the tree, a hollon apple. ltion sitetiti made, ant istotise Lirastire femtli ongols pst autosn the pond S ,., agreut aumber of photgrapi portraits trot I founti reaaily tht aperture, pnoed on, I var partly glati that ube ite by Bide vith ibm maleauagen, it bhiefliy ofîthe mot noteti officcrso cf tht andt put in uy hnnd. A suali in box, at goe cctpeti. Oatemn oefismiIi Brnl Da 0 2101-2,u mo aruies, vert ail ve ftuati. Again bermeîicaily n-ld, vans ai I fouati. I founstimyseif crnaiterably obaben @ondetibebint. The long riti tapa. -- anti agors the dtectivo earcheti anti A nîrango ibrili rast throuizh mt as bY Ibere eventae, anti ae my Profension trou thirlrnezniri la ibmthebrien, W Ai.*ll~ IJW 11111 otandet irn vai.n There vasn ncthing 1 lobk anti put il in nty poobet anditnt prsnpercti beycstinr y mort nsa tn the featbccu in ibele jackey ilLC 1 1 UlILlimoFre lsbrie~ v-carniet itt my rom. I lecteti tise fumneexpectntions, I rasoclveti teretiree Duttereti in tire bceen. andi otiir Seanhwll hor:yauur lan s, dor anti fWSdctiopen niîh tîeeuiliag frot in, nndt teing Braonas uy pari- îhlngm (tao mach tocomention) filai. MlILTON, ONT. ticntly prpiexeti. Anti a, for a ime, iagonn the box-I openeti, andt Iere, ner, meraly rouais tin il us a leeping tereti in the braeo. L dont telmk I HF, Siinortrlbe ho fo btru the Pnb- the malter resteti. Tir etiete iera lot thera lsy tise long ol t eetin. parîcer myoolf. Tisu1Iaeetrtingly vau cvemors ccany in mi ife on tee. T leit hatlbe bai ntoved t,,bisîneacoHotel, ont no trace lo bc fouît of thetlhicf t Ail that nigisi I conîti not oboop. I dit. ha tht opring of iluxa, tbe 1 feut like a caal bou turnati tan t e rtes!Minoanti Broon Stret@,.nt a ig orne natiov of a olgo. ratoiveti te anbRo nonte1come var hsppiiy beiag ovor, lise cane came autdealy ont te geman. stiere ho viii bc gladta1 waitt oe hi@ nid A fen nocbu paoooti anti I atd given vitb me te tbe office on butiness, anti on for triul at Nov York. ..n. auntouere. He bu npred seither pan@I ai npnoft nom e eneenlamaiof biu Hoetenfrt- taihp eof tir retovey, vhen thera tex her vils ber treacbery and I wnno hurryiag tb Wall Street, aiong 1 clams Hotel. nnd ail uho laver b him rt eîe Fret, wvbe hati gratiuaiiy growns vrner, crime. Ihose nacrov ithin dtre, vrich rus Who voote the moest-Dikmn, patronage nl crotive cvery attention. feil etpidiy norse. Siesenoct me nord site vonit ho front iBroadway te thse pitre, nhen nme %Wneven, or Bnlwer ? Warren wrots, JOHN WALLACE. la vain ne callet in fresis medical there aIt Luo oloob, ont 1 veat, having ont pulleti me by use coot. Inoeing 1SNow asti Thon.' Buliver wrote 1Bora- Miltan. Feh. 23d. 1864 V3.39-3, stivice. Hietiecase perpiexedtin ItouDm1caileti my tan servarnt. n-,ntaaI round omewbut mpaientty, u little asti Eveniag,' anti Dickensa rote 1Ail al. Iis voondr batd il bcaied np ouldt tn, anti telling bin col te lore ragged, tiirty girl, otitreoet me : tht YserR ounti.' E ,N . O R Ru long rgo ; bis lîngs agan ant i noiagt of ber until ho ran ber ofrly , Pleur, shr, the lady vante te nam anti yce c atet unoy, nt icol sloviy Before Ronamnonti came, I sent Me. sent me flots yen, anti eh, piteae,ro, tie, bjndge of tire police court snti rd UN U l mD wfuUhl ant i mperceptibly, of lalo more rnpidiy. itrown ont for Mr. Scarchvcii, as I shiti ing. me. I vrait din anti ho recijied £us Q-e rg t~I2- Hin nigisto ocre niceplesa, bis poire un-lissogist iscoucihi te bnev iî, braI vhaî Ilîrdly sable emate ent Obat si veey indi7, andtibenirdte reCeder. -certain, ie appetite altogethor failoti, te do more 1 bncv 001. I oniy wsaeti mcml, I vue about te harry on, vîten fnli tllge a at empliobc4 b, Alikintin ni Martîe Mtlnarient. .lIent -andi there vas sver Ihatlioegîng entreaty to avoiti an mocb an pouiblo any ecitn. tse oatteee m tili mors importa knreking dovn Dr. pernona, id I wvu stost5. Toîtîhotone. Ornaratotel Cisains, an tati, to pitifîl in its cuperes, h-c itn y ifaily. AItbcheappolatoti asteiy : n promising yourgr aa, and ail tirai. Porto, &t.. conoîinîly on sani. nabout hi,, cyes, I coutti not btlp tlink ltoaste ctme. tPicore, ie, do come for tht b dy- Thlen ho troustetime te n toast, -guilty E. N. ORR. iag lhe vîntoti 10 say comtisg ioniae As cocuasm sc cutereti tise offite I inc.' or not guilty.t I reapoaded hna n tetf 01tf orhbesmocher visich bis vifen pncn Iquiitsy rose ont loctedth Ie door anti 1 istdc iere cati mc tishet tise lady bt t coquntmIop"seo etling forth titi ente copread, for aise neyer son id I put tise bey in my poctot. 1 Iben van. Shc look me lot a lor boaetiag. importance of ibm occaion t bat â Gn CaIvI'K .Ij I h it.- hantet lier a seat. asti thus begann t bom.e, anti cirmbing tise rcbty ttepm, bmesght us togathir. Aller theosignal Cx.C.M 'K N Z 1 One night, on going te hie roont, ban ' Matist, aearly n tvelvcmontb ago lucre in a nonu. tht viadown ait brot- ceremoales h nurenqiaratetitaIhans ihe ut A0coT POR custom, 0obd ii d-go t . ii ot oyiPGn doa ni ~ ~ ~ wîsrgon a hep Of City les dollaen. bis vife iappeatti to te ouitcof tise coult isucover nothing oet tit for strav in a corner, lay Roauoati, ying Bruoe'u London Patent Pro_ rnom. msny montise. Whot aaedtaken tteent ofconouroîttlonnd asivnt. PGLITIC.tL Paosotimu-The Musn -tFatter,' ho falleret, ano1I vu about I rosit uot teil." -S, site hoarsely stilt, yen ect (aff1tly,l t Nly 'uhbanti ont jus# con, mhum tlelanve hlm, 'Ivunt te haavt u loag i Anti vabata IrIte do vith me ? visaI i bave bro uglît royef te ; hon I i. Con I gvr hlm any message ?, toit vitb yenosinne, but not te sigis.tib skedbt, neunusle cof ber faceebave lireti sirtot1IIcI you 1Iticnro nt -Libcral candidate-' Ah, 1 have SAW N M!IU~ ACINES. il muetlot e s gonafor I frai i eangirg tt hat bov te bdo vihbticb. 1 au ihg, ad I vautbcaltsit tc op ta-n -n' bave tImaris lager te live.' it ?' cette your pardion.> promise me bie v6tte ai the aronch-' Georetown, Sep. 25tb, 1868. 17-If 1Hie opobe bnrrietly, exitotily, annd I couit netrin myslf no lnaagcr. For a Iacuent 1 fel an if 1 conit Tise minun-' Oh, ye. ner. you'ri -oteppeti ouddenly a is ife lenctet- i Titîn aucis. mnaisuet1I oueonson tlgise il ber. At teoglhI saît : Capu aBlyihe, tire 'alton,' h u'pcsa, List of Letters edthIe mroe. docte yestordsty hy te pareol aident uloarnt, Ifongive yîu. sot I ooiy sic. Yeo, Fin sure he l hbcenti'appy, Or.Ftraay cts. en tFret. taing,' saiti obe, t yor avIraoIfoundt Iem it hn a hollov to hainhope Got i viiido ns mort icsrlily anti air.' F-1,^1 sG is is e Georgetown ""'been telbhng ton matis, antiare btandtihttcoreharsi, anti 1 san n1ldy, If* tiyIm Id. ieCpoo(eitlt)nT's Collie w i aoiri ilim I feveris. Tonibai botter go le bot anti in faci, pince them thera, She gave a at, obhlcr7, as I tait I nAihai cîr cobligedt i l -ant- CsntningrWiliare themps'n.CiaM t aklobetseopportunity of taibingvwitisarc non a"in in M m onti n hanti f-il hark on the sttntn. at-ie--mny depeOotiun me, Halo W 1) I Y.sag 55or. your fatiser.' ilG(oti. nrbt a change I rose opt go antitallng for tise Tht ineno--' Yen, Fi umastnte Lannon John I aceordivgly loI thin, onttring herIftcm thrn. I nu b 1vmî fts osItttbram rms fh a ibm.sc Forooootalittef,r ans fe! tioo ten c a utviu sct ti cvetise fate of nfury.n Inonty. antid dsireti ee e r ocure ine forer vte the v o c ni' taîhetf F.]BARICLAY, anti ceoleedto grtt hir an ipportani- su. Sise rone np te iifl siti, i hnhrit îa. Iat&aotbttnobrdY. ir, h Poinaatr. t1 aasonanspoteibla. lu a noico fait cf bafflett r c h t ist geae fur iefori. my eoa'eienco peomionti'oeadniectly, it.' Y ' va Sto lais. tc=re6"a m31oe a Tadi dur, mt *hLea him for a plain fimei. dlrm i& viseaute §d the Miynnd vent oou t ho m he « wrt., u e donce mmendlac.ad oflis, and noltiai iky cianta nSe "ia1pnng lavyno i«« knev iat ttie n aClient but nitcnd nsnobhDur relation tome, end naed ber positions ea ferffly. Ceunty of ESt. lm Asciation A meeting offthem aRamnd.theb &ay@asaociation vua uld no Hilton es Tmndy tat, for titi p7 Mnamking n«rangments for titspelng Math. Thorn vses primant Lient. Cal. Chia bolus, Proatrtane; Major Marray, Cap- taint MoKay Buber, Lytsn. Liautes. ant MomaaEý, Âdjî. Knittinîg. The oien aand regnîtion. 0of ihe ont"rl Rifa Ansoiatton ve s dcpted, anbjent, bowvr, ta mch altiratis an titi C0 lunttai brinftircnd mny son- Ibo following ramlotion vers adopi. md, vin: i. Tbat ibe Spring Aidm Match hae beld dnriag tit ire enyck ad Jans 2. Thot theaalnipaymaient of ans dollar nitaîl qnntify any reelnleint of the Conmty to i a marcber cf thei Ai&- tien. 3.-That the Pecidant, Vice-Proii dent, Secetnry and Treauror, the tjnptainof Cospnaiem, tanin Lind- gay, Eaq., anti Joampit Ccig, Sa a Commuttes cf managoenent, vitit power te donide aIl qnestions reapamting ibm arpronching Match. 4. Tbat ail nnbociptimnslha petid andi linte rcturred ta the Tranancer on ce before ibm lot day cf Aprit. Thot la la desirle if possible, te hotd a lepring and Fait Matcht; end that tbm Pront- dont Cali ail a meeting (on mneOn tha liste arereturnedte tahebmSeorctacy- Trennoror. andthebmamountotf susmrip- tien asertioed) fnr-' the pnrpoemoaf decidiog nbcro tbm Matait ahallt ha betd. 5. Tirai ibm Prise listehacpriper. acd, pricsted ant icalatei hy ibm lot M.ny, te enahlo, intînding competitera to umkie oir arrangement. In retirenceata ibm foegolag. va are gladt to Iar. ibat shoreslié, sverprom. peut of tim Matchbehing thbaet that has baeny t lId In ltre Coanty. Tbe Conntyndounael. vitb their tsnal liber- lity, note th ie nnm ocf it7 d3lmens townrds ibm fonda of the LAnseiatian, but muxty doilarà more van nuboscibot at the meeting, and One bnvmen doubt vbco tIhe neyeraI Captains return ibeir lista îtba uanmnas enffient ta moka np n liboral prise liat iluliehanvaitable. The Mlch viii be opcn te ibm Vouns- lorn anti Militin-ir, fact, te every cai. dont on pnyment of one dollar-anrd wvbost le oosidercd tbst thre Volas- liera have re-enrollqd foc a peranti cf tirroe Vcaru, tbcrnby dtirrg nvay vitb the Ballot, and renidering themielves hiabit te many inccnvqnioee, narely it is ctito c ntie10Oak thsta n utile en. conragemeat ho nfforded th en hy thoe wbo do sot tant tiinposed te hc V oins. tere tbcmaclvea. Encourage, thoa, hy your preesea et tbose matces, and hy s susil contribution toward tbe priso liai, thore nito, in ibm bouc of neeti jon would bave Ita took 1te asjonc defea._ dors.-HeraUo. Joab 1. llingo' V4 it te tbm Park. Ail ibis lolk thot ta goncg on about skating rinks and fromen ponde cominda os of vbnt Joab Billings nid on lais Denot vicw cf enle:- Ilnlg besrd-an vcry mucb alti about satin' parka and thre grate amount cf beaib nend mravsl thiy impatteteprent pgasn e tnn ià aitea.rdto.seon fuit ceai, 1 havi a ticet anti vent vitiitheiai fea. I toilthci rsL a. u . lluu.-r .conditio. Oc tee horioni notice. Cotton iten aanvIThe Eigbtts Divisionuof the Ceupany'a w5a ity n e iOend at tent Feprl- Mii t jOe i ppoi.te teh.ouaeait 1tsNo- iuraint.yorcush. ighutpiiesintanbpaid veuter,1OCOantallpliienofttcted ,a 1

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