Liuavay ltert liuiotlhcuor (W tàr bllto-saueesv .ay irelg; Ifayy« o nsvuebaavhtit i te despir, tou««ffedAiedu ep uale. LmbawvDamt bout. m-Y ,rats wIf eehul or dm thum n bit oe.; Oouerbb à" u.maSd rsab ly osr, * » bWfmb S cdi te rime mr, 94Mbt bsmt hbue'cs -Y 1e FsreCidtUmshm "htMtlssWiM u ery au AU gmIdugutud Muhlavdays. IL F. o TuEE LAW. 05JeJobeuce' vaca metici Irre to fovîeng anoecoite viii ' ém, soneru"ob o aethe &p# lql great pauiee. lXsa iftil souleof c eobhier, 8"lm aisude me, Mr. Johso- mesilâr IWO dlltrs I OveMes fr a pdr uet b"ocIr s'Thonsyou ove hlm teiirce .delt U hi eure I de-bot he'a goee&Bd --milme.--$Wdlm Il Thonevby do'i jeu psy hime, if j«0 voim ?- flomuu"esed !me-sutthen a "'doem liaI l1t uevcr pay hlm titi l ent s.morbsa ladi ugri.,Ivau i But h iii euot jeu asmiig 614W* oerfor tiraL, Wbai do jeuto beaiu vith Il M ;,iand moto ifbbherelit * ;liit 1i Tberu's tke X. Nev Se. hmu' bh ie sdemi gosse than M~eJiumsteppeel W mte his moiaàr Smrith, iand offred te pay the1 .lU, cm eîài1eth iie eit ho vilir. ýr 'u epwsegily merdeel I-h i elel vu is pay. Tire tSauerMlI4h. othr ire for hic' la- ileosfth e aseieudu troue _91,eieMne«d itetem : M W i l a uI e r t, y t r u b t1 s io. 1mw my trvhbdvle asuit It et .euistoe. leutspIn rv. o àé*lhdc4 l>leuulàNe. uho ho ae »u! et cf. adry s§hWl* llim abou thle per. aiuIlvssaéaeo fr tlie oveted vsn _he wuevedly- erry. bu 9"ho a aireop. lieux t«. -. Ym nt utpAuilâ'honid, .luy. dol emuesIl deman&oethle dothtyou've o gen our rou bs*~enIesg m i.f 'I Mes ooua, alun, but My Uris-tbat', my-s.y Gre- Itavtiueoe, liniis dtary, mules re. s taday vberotehoire rueeieddéo = a~pgt%»q !ssHo 'veeî te 1s1'u!'bhuàiiil li te'Poe - àus, rçotansi, ail triempbiutlij ns oMIs d@.fait #htira se ete Daimas. omole, Hivtl4m avu,& olaweirly mamd ltsuipjma@ ?lHov mu" vienr ailbattethe oppeut icd a tel dfoaucrteu . Thir howmwhutsPadtlm o*scole meiablt& ot basltty"ut evuseIl Who dm ,4«n 4uco serisi aid eutenied fort a btutUcpetle va eu thesbond ~w besu An impertineent fettev iclkd a gonds-. mone a .publi erisg viry irehad sirsved off his mdevhiskersandsetis. ucsvered tirt te meci nome men ire re- qnired more ehchck.' 1'MAster, viii youuland pz your sovi- paper? l etyvnte tosnd lte hi. unelidletirecouatry.' 'Oh, erltdaty; and ual jour fîtirer if h. viii juat tend me tire roof of his boums, I clyrvet tire sjiugles te maltntire lot keit e heit' A prieter's apprenties ys thît ni theroellco tirey cherge ýizn vtth 811 tire pui tirey do ledi, and et the houa. tirey cirge iisaitir .11 they deug led. Ho doec t uadertaid tirat lied uf logic. A ecvardiy feitev haveg hiebeel i sevu-boy theotaier dey fer peteriug hmmi oynaui evenioLs paper, tire lad vsilcd ttll. seuther ey iceeted tte Ilgentlemane," andd ibm bouted li tire ieruisg ef ili hystanders, Illeine us te try hies, Jjm, ha mn't road." A derkey i[ a Ni vu. hcaaieg le a greenatofire oeepeu oftolerune ofe u ho bcd bouegiriot a rival store. "lLot me veigi tire packuge". nid tire grecer. The dunley aaeeted, asti il vwu found tvo peoado short. Tire oulored gestleman tccled perpiexeti f rr a mement, and tires saiti," Guess ho did't cireat dis chitd mueir, fer, vijle ire vas gtti' do luger, I ulle tve pairesnofsitues. At young lady vire bed reccutty Io.- t a levr te virm sie vus auguget. i. sl virom aire prelesded te lo vitir uedy. iug affeettes, stonisol a.dr frieutis by merryiso tir. deeenoed leyer'* rivai. on irrîug remostratol vitir fer irer hearties o esduct, ebe repitot- r Weli, I marrie4 Tom te preveet fretting myseuf te deth about the 1lm cf peer Ciruli.' A Iitte bcjyhuai o colt sd a dcg, csd hii geeerosity vu eflen tied by vistlar »kling him, 1"jut tom.e vit ire vsutd1 uy,' te give thraesose cr iotir af is pets. Ose day b.oa:01d a gentleman *preatthiremigirt hboy iis colt-reuerv- tsg tire dog, mueirgote ieurprise cf iis mothon, miro ueti, 11Wiry, Jaeky, vky dd'nt yen give hi.stise dcaV l gy sothite, motirer vires ire« gens ta gel tir.colt, I'1l set the tieg on A cergyiuauvir o l o fondi1euafor long vorda, anti nadetook te ibstruct oneof efbis tihrccir ficers in btheono of theco. One nighit ie y veri about to leave the vestry. John muel the minsuter jf ho ciroaid put out tireecon eles. 1Put' oui i Boy extinguisir,' aàssvred lire clergy-man. 'Ai',' naid John, 1tdrrea extieguteh laaustand for pteut?' 'Aivaye,' replied tire min. inter. Next Sunday it ianed tirat aidoghegau teockar len thrci. John et oceom isnlubicseMaend sel- emety gave bthe rder ; 'Some sue wvH pîeete extinguish that dog.' WHÂT U. O. 2 My frnit the siller joyu to hait, ,Wireu tormu Ihe cky n'eoat.; My second claima tire paceoef lord In cli eruclion vut; Miy thirdausisteaunc in cur val Au ve a mteaed fro; My virole or fatirers useel te take, Wiron'er tbey'd jeurueys go. Resd me fervurd, my nome jeu viii Red mehbaielard, my huaiten yculi Oely six letteca ny name villieoaii, Yet rco hotu lire ris ct mouy c nmind. 4 Whaeverd lucoamped cf tirrue lettera Redbeacia sud forwardu the Wilbâut ipeeebh ilmubaitjbu a& enti- mente leeve, Aed te heauty Icys principa l cire. My tvo lretletters are a mac ; My tiueefat aui; My four irai a brave eus., my vircie a brave veman. Whai ia that vhieir Bye in vieter "in l sammer, sud gruva vithir li coti upvacd? 1 am cempesetioc Il letters, My il, 9r 10, ion a itner. 1, 16es in esaitwa. 11:5, 7,, 4, is vata&iesdel .My vwio beeeal te ail. ÂNUWERS. MSara îu4 Certsmlefrm Kgicer 5. W5t.A. i.acUllum, s'rlnclsral Central scol. nom. flte; Jobs bireet sud Kinîg Street Nethodlot Cherches; P.W. DdyotoolScove Derner; Z. Pallon, Ooneutloner. sud usD7 etbers. These hesters potlie sud us charge made, If net mllîfsctory. N B.-Coiag apanites of ail ble soid scpuîateiy ai 10v rates.. Tcrme-Cath Farime'rcdece. PATRICK McDERMOTT, Milton, October 2, 1867. 17-tf CHIRISTMAS IS COMIlJ G! WILLIAM P. WILLCOX, ee te aunouneothat bireaheu jot îcoeived e Fait Suppty cf Engliis, SwIts and Aeria. Walcee, Clocha of ail Descripiiono. Alte a targz Aaaortment cf BOG-OAK ANI) RUBBER JEWELR1Y. -ETJ]ECTROPLATED "WARE In egreat varicty. Ncv ste ttimc btectcct Goncds cctd tveety per cent betov Toronto or Hamittoaprteea. Att vork warraeted. andi pnoctuaity tteded o. 'lrhe et of vorkmoeishtp guaraeteed. VChargcs o dedrato. SHOP-Nezt dccc le P.. btc MKayse àitoe, Decemhcr iltir, 18638. 28-tf M MI. Ma CDCà- AL IV M o d AL M ]W eps te ceaccuce te hicsirumercas patrons Ihat ireli. pireetinbattend teirî via twtir greater facititico thon ever. llaviag aeearcd tire services of 9mmvw> Fuwit-C1as WW IKr3w.DMe, And putten a 8TEAM F.SiINE asd TUBULAR BOILER, ioreat attend te eny quaetity of vork, andeeu guareutco it te ho doue tantire very boat style. CUSTOM WORK PROMPTLY ATTE1NDED TO. LOGAN McCANN. Milice. Jue 131h, 18u&. >1 FO( R SALý% IJE. Acy q«Uatty cf lie Tory beui qttity ot SAWED SHINGOLESo For sale et Wm. Smile y's Mille, MILTON. NB-Severinl rtied Burieaaonbaid -wull eoed. oveuber Ittl, la6e. 23-m SELLING OFF! Great Bargains JOHRN A. ROBINSON91 (LATE W, GOULD) Carniage sud Wagon Factury1 1 xAîm iTREET, MILTON. CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS!1 0f the Lsleat Style meufructed ou lie uhrtrut notice. AIl erb douec lu a verhmaetiks mm. uer, aud st re»aseie prîces. Milton, Nevembar 11 thr 1848. 23 fy IEIIJGJIM'KAY Gonoral Grocor andi D0u D. OtRisirlet ANSTET Hei 0e moru e for mule tria entiru s" ofk A N ST T MW_&.. b volL40 GEOIEGEITOWNq. DL iR>Y G3OOiIS U- Eerybliua lne li leu ept ln rS'lkEniof, rifltruy Muuleo OGeevow, înih Jae, 1888. 1.17 AT O$TR]cmA» N»EUP List- of Letters Au mIl mune irssldirWtrrrsmo n;cideiRE ttu loeFt a rare cacs to etCiuuap 0in @= RmAmONG u hGemrtwu P ulugi. A mU aIlierumpsolutty solci. Office, salihe Ut Jseesny, M lsd by Du.ka m tmly MoriuJams eba Jhn OlDeuaid Mia Julia D. D, CHRISTIE. iniag~iMm Rebseurt.G benhu, Deeber 1Ù4 M& et Jees Themuu smitbs.u menw Krr Mr@ ChetsaSayoen Themu P Femuoau yo h boalte Adietka n th "Chinpin ,u l«.= amiroidoetud..tu !~Ç~r-8NhB - .Wy e ~ j u.tht ir. euThe New flomdo ubttsrgtmtl i ale ff STOVE AND PLOIJGH STORE.I t~FiWba.1s4.Iibsusr it?7Thre treugeatsughlt e. U p, au.,t l iaeleàtIute re tN il bt ep te assessto th* aittueuO itnMuid VIeIeitl tiat le 1'Ruaihop, it'asosu. ef ou ot'a i bU eommeooethula uthe La.» .Y, us- Stor j' thy0ir4 Laq avybab ioie~'iks~ru¶so «w Did sire eure il, the greet liyStore Opposite the Engheh vciurcu, Main e.taauve. Miltone A1lircbi~ ud4satitsb.w, teèr heo W e ,Dbep comouUy ebaud a ebstvy stock ef UstlmsevltcoevtsrugâlldutierU ' 1 yî, our ions?' -Tu tu-.rovasd vtitaâ. eo. 'No,. titahure, butter. To muire the COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES 0F THE LÂTEST AND MOST vwomueeChamuil, b, virst l t leue IMPROVED PATTERNS, STOVEPIPING &C., 1aiZlvlà, Zervesv lse t agrea del Ie b airu v cnecioitirhi& STOTE sud PLOUGRh1oiteau a W.JIpeopte Of rail eught tue calit.o Wier by ooplsg skiliid ,eorhiee, sudte tory boit of MS o e yl re able in do A h" ih yuuw obat adevtve. 'h peiee mrk am eieap and good au ey itheo Oooty. ite*ur loounLand lb. CELEBBAT- Eisii , ilgbheeit b.jsyu sudpe'Vpn e o rak ier. El)PATENT IMON BEATES, vitir a stock of Flat Irons. He huaio a largo itokef Xabsa«.ff%-ý u oy Wirsiyeu vruiet, jou t vhat maies 100 u rW x.1 '. P oa>YGmM WbUs euoet yetb buvsroundl, s amuit?, (Atd optba hisplce, Mdil mmsteire 'Csnsstirehbutterbualtonutreskie ~.r~mumtamyumvoui. tnu. ' Wiebh ilh eil etfur lredollars! ine icr cnstdcriily tems ibse Cust-rom Pieugiri tooge,' thrw &WY ar nId la thîs eeghiorbood. Fsrmors ventd do veil ta oei aud examine tir e sol ~ b, ~de't li 1avacu' eIrO.euuomeuelsg thelr fait vsrk. They are more darahle, aud e"oruedeiugt, MAu IMg «t-%bisit ivr th butte.' usreft he boit moel. =. «lIli tetil oviratin odo vtth ii-keep 9 1 , &Tnaueostissu w, te drav hel tero. You ongirb te ous Nofths']Patent Drum MHater mm thlat ae saepbu hdbueat h t, tir efiloi ee ver as oeu stireytoucir irsr.Il. Conssantty onuband. This celeirusted Bru, vbieb ls nord ai mas, the tau., sud i Mil"ttr seisUdcfairunhee. lu h Western listes. vhere AI tabes lire preferree of &Il elbens. Att. 5un1avosIilor t !eàlait tirhuldide e to rt 1 - . Great oxcitemeet prevailu. Tiramds ef people are roshicg jute Oakvitte bo eure tire IJNPARALLELEID BARGAINS 10 More Salesmen Neecled, $2.,f00 WORTH 0F TEAS I TO BC SOLD OR GIVEN AWAY, The DW7I Ca C>T Q-d. We beaght the Goo et abuout HALF PRIVE, sud au risseout aeything thair vu everstldintatus Vcoaty. cmoe an md atuMd 500 for peumve.. Yoersnru SHEPIIER[D & KYLEe OàiEvILLE, Jauury 131h, 1869. 31-2m SLAUCHTER9 10 NOW OOING ON AT ROMAJN'S OLD STAND, Avare te your isttres y e peeple cf Haltet VCouty and evtry plaeoand go te the. SWEEPINC SALE! 0F THE EBIWKR U'-IT STO CK OF Thé. Sais Commsncod on Nonday lait, and will' continue until ail the Goodu are Sold. NEW -DRY-GOODS STORE~ MESSRS. W. De & R. A. LYON ANNOtCE tirai oviag te tire gmet tecroauo tn their binesocs, sud tIISW claie ot the country, ovituhe h.te nt. bunifl bsrest, th*Y hars sP-s s- New Dry-Goods Establislielit IN THE ADJOININO STORE. Their Nv ewSock bavtag viii We dtspcocd af at rates eer baao lu ti. ecghberhocd. Nov tof 61 irsrgaiea-comme sud seefur ycorsolvea. le their tva itsmiath E£stilluiU kcrp s large geeelst eock of 75 Barrols Lake Harm sWhsite Figh, Crockery, Hardware, Paints, 018,Boots ShW Old Ry, andsolComsuo ehIe, - Brandyi, A14 ed Porter, Ail of the Boat qusllty. Fauhlonable Ta1@ring D)oué ol the PFI0*6*4 Idllteo, December lith, 1868. Cbea#~ ba Bot »w8o& a whick ulablo6-due 11 ORDIRE»)Dwanli C.eINIEIIÀxje IBis sock of Leathiera qsbraces the. Tory beslquallty,aaidtheb.qiuah f ho foua" te compare vtth amylt ti. unty. maltou, Apreti h, ISoi. j O1I1l. WZ'1V4'ONj~ WO@LEN MARUrAOTURtat LIMEIIOUSE, ON.TARIO. XEET DEUOEIITION 0F In tiroir lise promptiy dous on tire MOST LIBERAL TESX.mwO ab« tg Goodeoet their 0v.Maufacturao onstantly on baud, for sale or exebsage heVgj MHE MGHEST MAÀRKET PRICE GWIEN FOR Wo(>j, JOHN NEWTONf. Llmehoooe, lîrd April, loSU. 1868. SODA.FOUTNTAIN. 1868. :BD abimm ]K Roturne thanks for puot faors. and hegs te snunce to bis aumu freedu that his SODA FOUNTAI N iu in egond rueutug eider, and tibt big SCC CREAMS arc au cool ae ever. 1» the lRaldng i.Depar"lmet Ho i tlu preparrd to givo tire utmuot satisfaction. RH onoedeetw fr opis 0 hiq former werie tn ceevineo uIt thrrt ho cae Ret up thee heut style ut Cofauljgsy Wedeiegtjakca, tCandies&c». Noeittle. Pic-rtco, Soirce. Weddinr Pes cupiéd vjth e ryrquitte jethte Cofectioncrr tire. on, the Pbortest ntieO coeveysec vth reCeetoey -i e3 e M g 1 . i. ry, a.c x d . ~ t Maie Strcct, iliton, Jue 15(h, 1898.w ROBE RT IIAWTHOBNE, flcgn te anauouIe tbtenaddition te hie Re hm adden thst cf tihe Manufacture of First-Class Buggies, Cardlages of ail deuripdsu11, SING LE AND DOUBLE BUGGIES.; MARIKET WAGONS, &c., msaau~fert i nor brt otor-otar' Iy i1]il l à.ro-ko rrhrroputatioe tfortire reeu tu5dw Strrrgae ooia ickr,,r., he ....rfi.rtly n th. or t1,e fote.pabtie a i ara enterproo. R. HAWTHORNE. Mâter, Feireacy lOtir, lO-t3" SW.Lm s garaoi(n, au% ý*ea$d by De. luitm, 0O L 10. . leberiot lmà.rnhTE 0F' eia-3Evoy The Iuaas.vel, N O UAITUATE Or BARRIS lbo% septenir -JOUX D IUAIISTER AND, 'Noeary Pubiel,1 Osuveyaner;te, BleuetMilIton. - George »Di -91T18101¶Cour ohamic Qo«ee - fluse, Awecil 09 " commisil Isusgavoyn, Ap Tihtibau ta Un.d Laidlie pio 1a <lest a Lîquar. 0of Ce lmn veretenaiu Ob Ottoda'e. inet"m Bq- tOirASCLÂ, kum te mad t Iniy. Eveuy WNG. OHN %vepuula ia te sli %etiý&mwy