Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Feb 1869, p. 3

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le* IZ- 'I6 oB1 i pi . 8.6 elth a oraflij to do.al il te au&' lbenp Ilowrd <ho oupis.- p4o site. r'ith i ta ethle a ten d. har,. ttred in ofie th the ,fsai tioc- poiL ITELLIZNCE. it lah. u c-ID Wy. owehc-loe.. f HAMILTON MARRRTS. Ja HoinkV Cluh te Noblesm.. But c-. c-r.eihae . Js oIaW u 0j n 03W1 1 -'-'sbocld rs pasis a4 héplasird r-h. evening. W. hoado 2 Vtel1,1 M .nd, c'lous7y, Miss eOskj .00g¶l~at te 1,O2 fro..ethé Anglo-AniruaHotel, and .Barle ...........1.21)01.25 . gr cýu Mpahtaai-ay hoPlrs. ysa oda Pa............0S e08 m ewP at !obaveoPrume. pOtu.............O8to 10.0 d D, ud. olir». n riayevc-Thislàlthée "m *lisséMins Lynd jPettoet, pet bug . 1.OOîta . 13 < - inhihaai t <4the à"&i haang in oser Coiny-i short lime aoIEy ir4oou. 11.0103.0 »g et Milton, at theeonecereeetupStrac -pet Joad... 7. 00 t 9. 00 fou the Red River relutf.n 8bJ I. ef yte ie;.. .m 501.50 ~ l au T acr.- gt'Y A i1t aterS i1ii ii oodand prsing singer, and l i lou. :E gg per d o .. .. ... 0 .20 1ta 0 .25 Z * F i s hf1 b o mG . S i th, aid rite i ito , c-he. ber lite fa her, Rides perec-t . . . . . . 6 00 t a 7.50 < . r ys. ma g« procheBalance, egi F. Lyod, Euq., 101h nnany Calfaikn ar lb.......0.07teo.0.î -A dlbotc<in tla. vsry eh-mP.aOit and dthe yousg îARKET.4. - -. êhk ir r.%in 2 r'hraagaBu ellections of times gui. *by li mc bii eIm f mMins Clobes sg Kathleen Mavor- Y ,1 Oti . ~ati aaniitiiinues, aid Eva.lin.-suted hy ber PFIli Whca . .lY 6,8 asi. unt, mmlslatbrothirand lMr. Yaarg-very swetly: 1,ii lso . 04 te 1.05 ~bsIsic assni nuiin"iIle. mdMin Stewart c-u pretya o . Ut.... .......00toO3 ___in_____ lber Scotch sauge. ihope c-e $ha l a ......... 1.10 ta 1.3-2 OO Anal aiar<4lb ile fleeur ghetto yousg jlsi gain. They P. 0 0toa. Dï Ot, nthlOtoulG.Sit,055 . iéi Ptiao. uin 2t I .Sath, c-rdeservediy eneord, and the roue. plspeho?.. i a 2. on 1,,shstsFcnldut;Da.Reaut.,,rag cithaplaue.Mis MeCracken l'ork prir civet 540 te 6 10 « < ,s.le.ioa. idMars Hlete eet.prcided el the piane, aid perî,rmed ogs............1.18 tu0 2 rolr Mdca11soa Dicos, Cnre, some exquisite pies.,, vsanoeh ta the Bietter ............. '1 la 020 rZ< or lauw Msd Campbenl, Direoire f or thce e- dlighi oftheadiencesthal abs bcd 'hîoets............ .)10 te 0.11 < _____ mmr,îhanoo cute tra. Mr. C. Flour. ........... 4.4ta 5.ü() e Sfi-c-G S,,,itil~.i-hecy sang iomle Irish egmie î0flgs in 2 <2 NtEW&dB G.lSihià eOit.. o~eil hriter. te the delight of &Il, oa 49 ~ jouo Eh ieoit<4 saeami, h e nohody grope. 'ths coln- S tenon.. f ail c-as lit Ditcith delîgbt. Mouiss. YOUn Brnggiand LanteIe7 A ~* ~ lau uab.Grechuma'~~'gaye@rth. Tiekling Trio, and wec-rjoined (A 1 Y~~ fileiagae iehe utriculsette squ- hy blees. Tiffany and Seulle nJoheny L oin r trtyt.liitcb - ~j~~a1o<nty0i1GtJ.Ssith eboker,snd Robin Rnff c-as givraApurchasoragitiatu aforL,,i w,'toof ï.;t'fiMsut; j. Pr«s,Viei.reàdecc; in aplandid style by Messrs. Young and band ptrporting tu to igaed 1,% oit <n t ][m W. Clay'. G. Wfrmin. Dli . Tîffanly, and lait tbengh nol Prudham,of Nelso, anood iot John ~ < os.,.laly. P. McGrogor, Josepht Kir- base c-as the ronais songe or Meu. CP. Broc-c, fo fc ty dollors, athce Fo,ý iâof -. n ~3.Ks~bt C P. 'rnatc, ~ Lavitnoe. He gavc ns Coptain Jinits iDo rob.-< 0 Wenlnhoala le ha hld in citîractrtand -cc encorced ogain and JOHNPtThÂ3 ~ Éssioa nai ho e" msie.iane i oneofoS ho but tbelCltoot1lJo 4h,1iet <4miiwrcAo adGeogtona siger Ihave beard, and bia avery ESTR A .-Z _______ paslc ddreie. E Toi Y.;0 Cr vltiiplnsd ta reoord aiinsceof lady and gentleimn asethey cnmeoon the CA IlE ito"thle peit.,üi E., 1. .'.- 2 g)aiXDr. Jamel. MoGregSof<4Gulpht, plstferm inaà ver happy manueleonce- &rb'r. Lot No. 4.41h lCon. N. 8., e< f*"irEà é -hshai"oet 5bis psu es. t cns uhumeronsasautocuse tours of ~ ' r-. ooco.io~ loi uDuctie has airidy ai icended langhter. -Re n 'ieYcz-i,--! ç glal Ag ôetatme.mibath cyei fer IlCell John" araissag hy Menri,. cRcodWhî ctU; e 2 - mqmsscapeoforcndncaicy e liiiBr.ggs, Yotang nd Laneole,,n vr, leI*ic o -:r io e, octed tbive pro- P dminy tiat ne otcanaowtc- amenat intg pieute, and tbey c-e rclled gp î',ery iy c harg,rv il take tlkeci a way. iele.thenrmalmodesof viion. again, nhen the youiig gent, gave tht' î UI CDI.îb ',< saae à-"psifoauimai i qaly auixoniepeetatueof hearing tienef il" er ,.i .' = i-erntio (IIa b oy in Milton, and rapected. a ver pleaing 'osel," if c-wj è. edt.tetly.orttcocd iina a acowoa'djrd3ec ci tljeltllariiy il cruaird. CD> ~'J~ I, LI ILLIli< ~ ahl tehainl iticiioiutàhlem~anner, hoing volanteerod Bli;a eratath.m tc 4 ojeton dom o gentlemsan, c-bt, thrcughi D iv tho not ath o oc-andr. Zeeo as -nUo-rt.W MLU S IC taLing, thrsatsii i tseas and The Nelbonn bik arcexteel.y olli-ed fumitrao, thst it.. i th adIo1 thoîe Ilais atd gentlemevn ml 1 I.:I .~5~iiba bai. ai bai grotuitocly aoiàtcd 1e an lliir rot.! i <b lb, , î i , l-i. lil b"bvetithc»tratith terte thes, and aise te the Rev. uhairmnaua L W@ bave in Outrut!o tha ,s, t, a Lavosto.toaha -asiwudc hoent-e oofor thé ahIe. nid hippy manier len lilcO '«Msse;a 1thi lain ttursit i e4lm alterc-hieh al thé cirfornens nare c i 1-: i i î~ 4 'i- ,b R seoorodospiodo lisled te the pltiortc, cod thât coul tim.C " wu.0,, H;,: C -ulpo uer -eonterin.- cothea, " (ltiodSave tha Qoor," 1 J- M : ,u 1v~cos give u a tylt; fSont versocau-oocg hy o oyrsiam.Bhl., W h ha. le.aruMie* Cloceey, moeud hy Msus. LyidI,.'.ii v, 1 fony.f t ,'o,. t,,., uim* ta a ey ai. aid instractive amd tjird hy Mr, Laieeley, lbhe a-! ,ll 11- . te are dventioit. < b"b mui 3Ltee. I., etTevant.- ,dience standing, and mina,iing tin . PRLA.CD fi**W a 4sar aumtnc- prant but 1te churue, a nla-h i ttizig loir oe !j-i the b,*iaomncy afirt esntir Noelsngtberiag, c-hose peopile i ihaveo-on--:Z,_ Bd d <4thieeoival Sorvrion atto. Hoccrtirolcnd, ccd itand. pro 'cccl IL U Sb aaiincem atchnnoit cecet. Th.blra.gt hry cjor te FL A SIFi ~asca~.Mea 8ecnhi I. i L__ aulsa~,stia"t tterane, aad a Palermeo, Jan. 25th, 1869.____ CD<2- 10 i 1 Il; -.dhaaa-.tn(i* MiRnED-t i i t -Il- ;i eoin-i4oCOD pPudli dteilin MA - R- <2 tltuimsal beysl aid -bosu dAsi E t. nr. Jwatlon, on. -aIoro <]-eh. .<iciroa' Art.rthr tan*»os-st rcidence of la t cri- otlîcm-.hî '-<'raloaet Pont, siseion. Applp .arly.,- ~5fyasp là,ano.ta.cboiay h. (Mr. IL .boatoa)liPr. Wini. JeySr.If Tcc.< g5 ~utniruay bl atead ot hatu lMhi taoleMO.tia. c of vîiýtîvlr lint', Foli .1, 869. 34-uc G r té555t!solni epacenet tihe alid bairb- mLa e 27Pli liot. at the r , trc ,tbio,- U*nlin. Wb.4oca. lirecut..obi' m.r, te U . W. S. tlokoî, ,B> -V.DI pfMloM.LnC adthttîrtuoSor. Mti givetheapepledof4m ihsi i te af ohnCoungE., a&He of2 <2~ : tv of easleng Mis. Bloc- eoutr.Nia<h :; vk'c f payo Ç-4~oh, r ~ i ccc.8 e i te 'vti .i.! otr n Lieu isi ' ' Coinent.mt On MSey le stl.I lOCK I' liiî,'.I. h o[ce,, d onî - 2 - L ahie.AilcnoatetMnsnu tOh n alnac301h al.. th i o 'If roCM. Tr",diy aiocv i,, il 1 e~c tl,, chai. A prsetbutMeus.Oichard lDont, nas-Loc-ili, Nalsne, ie t oniili . î a il , . Clfsin . Ik t7 là. Martin. The asu>aiiatEU dn i 'e<tct- B= OLkc<.I, CD i,.t I~J ut =tteW113.17lirt- ueuc-n5aDET. ~ , el,k 'i I , iiio. Oc' l, Seni»j, &C., c-apaWsNe.X AcJ OUolt l hocovdlotui ote, tite i ettwio of B. ABa, dinisaon : Yai-MemnnaM- et Mr. john oie. cls Po iii heinMe-s, lion fer- j' ýîl Sndeoo% Vmdkn ' .-,oiote ploi onreeusayl ol -ù,tie OLO AYDAVID BOWMAN, SEL., I Jocd&Mav t t a latl Dt 3.3-4t byM.WORM LOZEîgGl7 V aI ctinCi.Eqti thmcor hdoce acelodigtuteir Ah Ea ceriandacrercvo o rfeet= ,, sovtdo-olnama di-£j»inaciildrrn and adaltg i <lu a ivil 'E mY. Illèb ellaan c-ai voled le Mr. Smoy inonan md mlaaoholy facettat une frenit. . -hio alîroan mpstror oc j causeofetdeatit aiong c eu i £ rom CAMlE in Lot 12 1h o., N. S, Trct.- , - biuet aerc-idsc-aanail Mm -Tia- oaloo,itrannctbe toc deeply lot- C rr.aniocllye.arling oteur CD,,oo tu1% . mt.I T.pue oopthe miadsocf parente ti r Criarequetedb ta prv poperty. __ - OP cso maibld.Tisaecess1, yooslrc-atch!agtlirir n. belgese, and te.c biema py û 411110BaUnaita thde luMayor leaha jByino ding and ade-ratadiag te Pym p-.ONwi .; ILIIiniharsty. lie ouCaiiadjournatouslend taitecause of thGosuse, thonn.- JO\ MCD ycen. I dsO<itidcnnnlgllhrcodaros- Mlto, Jannarv 2 0,169 33-3t 2 < j y graoéa-Btis.eis ou Woemi-The toi-m gowfiigmeu frcetth il l ry, DameronsI>' < OfT AT N1ELSON VLLàGel.lpcMî ;defiangoIl appetite, amancialed tllr mticsddoffese baille_ are can isaod' VUT <-To8E ; tdw iles d miag .N& tnvulive efhe ror-r o th'pe"redfbengfisaiate. lhe dsiatoa et un- IOI 0aLTN ilIndiestLion, wsp fit, f <bt., viressares, antlefa. cprsion of rerielteWs. . . uorouAT i An P.M., nt tzldkt aocutteri. hot aidoloa Dnnggtse ath- e eratoCotironhlontri ~~au0caoiluh--tuee duo!. everyc-itcet4 eidobtIi italheucor et my tte ormahe- 2 h . ~ j lagiathr basdntmiAmleaor citerllie jea ashrial uva"nt arof ataltoaa, e.fainiccyr t th exeinil: ipt i tii. iherault AMES CLaabch b. l Ay f ES T. TH joMP , it&Inenec Frao, last, WChoBRare ATMA1 PiLLS fg a e. prin ofliti slc-rîet ehQor. NLoa.. - fo F4&»SdUlIrben mittien, ht o»y m aid mute rand tafe r r -_____ bJadoitrei inchut hamaI DSIalttecadOitreîiaeto, pBESehethejheo bas haaers nu. 90 enn nahathevar dalite a ile- e AiltonviorFera, *eeg l-te ofrai «acet, ttoantoicindealeslabwhr. rereeht" bleofpp e lTroain Er. King.iig in thteh palllieofsltédsai c-hifler.ahur3àMot h the Rv. r kier, limTe nig u tMmnilypna -iltonKanEars2MZ M yLlun hro!thémettnt o a-l Stae F51.Sac, crertra keorene 00 avllda.JAE12 . O MPc'---- 6; c lea 10801T0w1, *naJUUU ti, 1800. TAN'4NER-Y, MILTON. ýSubscrîbe for Ithe "Champoi" Ags* for C"niaudc w aéng cu.. peli"n. FslyBl4LOO WllhitIUColotuhmiiCheddarCm &04n na Cheddar LWs!(Jtaseem outty e. hu.d. aeling an gruut qitlta. miltea, .iauy-*, Sie ui A. kcPECAL ACARD. SXtI lessure iluitatipi 1ha1 est Stekc-iDl Os found WJ 'WLEARINO SALE! Ada adAoeoretirattetion to Tt ina Bie = 1 the TAd 'P.a.>zl g e -omtb Ihes dateis alxed lte = «pMa "ILt tb Ii.c-élBDii..ble un lu u And the gonds aonneoled -ith IL, c-e can Ie a yemr. confidently effet fe)r ,eur inspectlinaà luth feri ie osas ai hoMu AT Choi>le & sVaried A88ortment ,tt--0 aorisiaafly c-rtSineu Io On es advanasgeeu teresuasmer Estb. 19 bai Questions nt tenuid of eeh lihetn th e County,c-Otlit Inlei: itapter furer c ail. portant foture ef our Stock in ihat It uempiaes c seleetbon of 8lsiej f ti uaChrn o'1 r,premau. vry lofhaBbsls cn wu s. arcly & cLeo 's,4ir~-yr1ss OU~sb, io~t:on, shaing Wh" tpo. M V2 tioseue f te ley IWordcL c-al wt re c-ritten I ntebaito nus f)0aiecnls eot ia-ur Bwhh ' Incas,,net genercllyanilaincOl leinIlîlu IL Oce reÉ cotions ch il e u é ui partioci'heionunîtr-. <et e hcg epecial ut-atttractivreand profilej,aiàjfmumcisj teution te ont Irerb trahteti atns ilofnly ,..n,!,g than cioelengbhened omes. odZ-Woi Bloand oilColonrd Supter. ,tÈhti. fiane dts1h, IL Lus tire. btély-exenied 81l ~I~MK 1A1111lifIL1cenaine sevén hnuidrsd Engriviti OXFORD DOESKbyf. seofhbeiig muere mgn -e o esnor supineat FAINCY COATINGS an!mo tants.hyalWc-sforpîa.mhwS a( ebjeete ef att Oriental rcra.ra u EN h000 titey mterili, aid the sras, Rj - W 0 1%led condor lantinderstanding thé phrase. olegy ef the Socrt eat, AND MIXL lIS. - Tînth. A,%I lil, MXT 7S. Te literst'y matterlabu ea trom 1emodem. neureesaid thé DDEI i!vlta b"for.notion thut bus béas ou.., F~NY TUhJ Idenned mb lte pages outhiis edidi. bovu en-bt bld lbabundaitly. IHAYSNG PURCHASED A LARGE POROTION OF INulventh I iai-an>' improveci Boudtlin,cw&4 CA S S 1 M EhE S,'!î.Bîileis miLva ber.. e TheaBihle- lisvàrilca tlroc-s in. laî Erte thé jus- D:OESKINS, peso-rd Beatiig. c-iluth ilekfuuid e t clhelP te thé eodér inexplalnuug icliesari- te the Bible asnusitodist and SclIlîTweds, k itseîf.Itf-iusa jeol u-. C0îitc, Tc-lfth- Dedrrd ord an H i 1It s t o e large anti cumbrsine. Redford Crds sudbut (bat 1il fo c teled nith susluncim Fott e eotriiin j iùteenth- Ij Lb hii lI tie Bible Holps comabittct in MONTRE A LSILKANI) WOOL aiXL ilSe beock. 9vereeetings in linCeob1' nen u oqeeuv A. large voicrety fCadibon Twneedo, l'osa te ar vnt alc-s> h.enme ýu olui uce cîloi I! o t oeI~cif ase i hî,'@,c eatn ibleend they oiSon Ml tdie.ide aubjeets nahicit shootaihéeéct' rcncm c vopr-: el '<tiicoafoun ithon that ehould lhé 1ý1:1VS k ALCIR c-lîoleohtaptoe. oelich mulie oahé O , ,,,eii.,n H,e, n f la liîly roadbng. Moe t et~lo. 20 tt AT Important to Fig Brerderv . COMMBIS DOMXESTIC ]BIBLIS r IE 8î,tmeiier hrgs t ta oodr s f IL USTRATED, r titot lice f o ervrice onD ie -1l tlre,c fint-elimsBeurofno!Main& tiet P buihtib trc. TROu. 0211ME, .A U N A eine, SYRACUSE, N. Y., Contoina 700 Saperior Wuod 1 maay ttousand Starginal at« - W. J. 8s àRN, trcfneyeeutdSel & oi TIN AIhD ST VE DEAInERei erça eaq esti s ahe n -f M TOrcirh Chmptet fur Flamily examinaie. ; 'Ab T N1) Diteaifficedtthhaptems for mura' The publia ara ta baelbheativaitago. Suveral lineo f jI l tatievening toadia. teuc-hiuh lia £OES ta onnoî,ncce tho li s plr pîuhîiâhore hanve recen-ily adtid, ln non, cdt manfciueuon3 îjcenhty -ejtionctionca hliaFacily Record, a NOll1flS PAIET ELU 11EJIATER, FAMIJLY PIIOTOGRAPU BEPARTigà7 - %vilicO are the0e otîin ncc as proved bOrjContining opecng aterea odisiary ceccblicoti- fcote-partb,-ein alîîoarts f)j site Card in-roi, lic Doitintion. Fer iîiletîciof con-] ~~ ~< ~ s'tacîtion, afficien1cy leeatnganti An toeXlidid Cdizoordane. ve-,O'otnleFutel. ileounno e Ooprîiooc.e Ilt so new oin ic but -ins heen bohure IL le c-cil anti substaatlally bonnd àa tic public 1er cooe peacu, ati uner. one volattie,aat thé aiae if W~le gon e ttie vc ecr e ber'-,but hecaI- i Quorto Dirbionaty, luInt« liec dfeo weps boon teiitast. s tyles, via : "be ep ec cuierly nîaopti f«or Lanhc£eoilLstidcr MorUeee,$Iô MUST BE fCflor c eltoos.ialI e tIbr ikI- U ig .lenP5 Inec î ep oint'ttî,M oc, Fou lCi....,....... 12AW j cen (ibfficu o h bit wtnul oao-ccp JAMES BARBER,' onhure.- ottouniof Fue. 'l-> Le bueiinhr an' oee i on » &-ccti eripîlon of Sîo -e, - oo ing c ur u n C ve. Jàdce oeIl in ..Iettre. end Itthe in ovae .Agctfon- Rulm.. edoPti reoon naie, hi1 te - Oc.Trî,falgar.Jan. llt1, 1869« 31.2mn ired ut in b Thirty ,,uDays, 1 reqcired. j- M A Stov-cPipe A and Tin vare P.> . N/[ Alc-oo-eon lind, cI liai St t-" b aemmun'orthé As oui bayer bas Tuiegrapitet an fre.n Englond of W. ai. STEABif.I. hz;wllb mý is MIt eép Milton. Oct, 7t0. 1868. 181f AFfatGlssSipp Estray. a a CAME labo thc prernesoeofrtte tnt. TIRtIISE FI il SKJI~TIDE ~c r bron Lot I2, etCone ,rf;i,t RESII GROCERM . FERCASE PO NE span MU 1 n.o aint te 151h Ottoter bouta REID 1 Milton, January 28Lb, 1869. 33-6t

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