toi Miâ. atEin, iten aCoutyl ead, in /echrgd Yad fe gh lianes or-lssw 4en .ton 0 a ery M le icl Ie pase trn a n|dggg.. OL IUA]NDlTONCOU NTY OF IALTON, THURSDAY, EBRARY4189[N.XXI. l e,"d0ed Cram vnn a 11 forbid,.Mndhchargedrno- retienedohome k o Ue the bc of which troduced himladumof toeope' them. all asANCg e.a a o es n"dfia ae of 9 19 199 IC¢0LS, LI E Y T B 8. F0 RY nx ol t hermohean y ie oemn o hebdyaomslihahr.ntedm thfn, h aSdinca rg aled oacordin.PACIA okduonyralota asser n pclait nth ntrmnedmoutin emed. .l ret tet feLTAr Exe3ddraeLVi. ] Y OF HWZOA T C H ON TOFBCO.U-I assais4e.1f86smod.reXomwht ur olythe whol in-ime-bis eye B ume f ta e O H LwCKlAR! Boro-r1r rnt°roduceiemy,,oovmktahetgreneeen a ma «wmmy t b cnidedan bsiessin teAlbin HteC - :n n nori.T .WHERL ,is qST BL S.u he m nitos!t ip r ortat of dmy ssws a pere infthelodyo a y-street. H ederaniin mdet imsl meredaletreet Milton wherehe w b ren a si ha le una td a il lonering sxaplansteiond p.Mycurioty not gorat eogtrem de m e eabot liMand rk et! ne tweve onts.... 25 wanso hi chtomrs alns f wtces nd locs nONch ma -, G 8COS. 1Georg aia. hd.oR mrdnd onry ariv o inatsr- Afyte whe dgoinrto t-hejng eu afrtes lle n h.....9 ------a t il efEcmeti eely e T ir In ures healthtaand leads to crimehmTe pretyr ead y in p o essionad hrseo1hsamond quey speritenighvie an d disar yeved thredoe tdi mioswolumn e de btsthhes moksr"o" JeelryForsal i an rihad, in m c haEre allth 1 orignldem eds tehe's apper.Ina thnoug*he towavening to lr e-bn IRo u ii e d e t -P..,hain hadseenyersexprtne ds te l neesn n f rsded atund oamonrhad lly maderbtha land s soorn oai.a g comm al hoses, erus frn. d n leem N GUcCU R R IE nd hasaddthereT oe NT eilhab t i. m kqi e, pha he otantof m e nr, of cour eiuagintegean dohiroalh as ystill e rel t ith mae ·tomStudy t ri o e hedsn cue . . . A 4 uc- to. Sid put alstopntnallllegalAproceedîngsincertai, and theGhltrsiter'weather ostevsiblyno smoko a eigar.eAsesea em ovlC-aterhpNsaea.,Rtbe iton h, 1868, 1-t Sooi Stet GO GT WN rning grinning, lauge h, oin ; Il atr u sm let eedaignai a eemnd ta sw eei h om adtedo oursixAvesment . or....nd i- e..ouArnHoi eNvAr L EFary- ClasaR astennd tctitnhr ewymeteNorhernand heir pponntteouthrn, te wedingshoul be he lst taeek n clsed smbes o Ars, Huse toLet r Sokig ees teirwhol emloy e n etassred, hateve teres ltof n , ndc Fre ed and is btryi g on • e ll,' ne Iclile htd B00T AND SHOE SH......P . WSmokersgtga r al"onth e war threah eor asgiew.ldrecmm n e w ae Madfo the summ,•r inonhsthnk onddresetotheEd.tor.must G NERALBL C"ErsT. coeSAW-GUM-d lck n t an-C e T om n s ometimes spittirngy, in their itoonss •othedràiq #etherw tis ...hey .w.laotibe tn, Mc.dnehort notic8 . 4 ymain s vln ueto Tomapson. Houipses u mogteit yor finPe, Ionaitearai eor as sonu ete ywhilstMy awdifndci ro enrseryo1 wd oig o I an n d elByu ytut Isud .a rth ostra set... StreetetwH Georgetown. ewlr 8s , Ijueiit é,adlui ciet houd e stoed.ty i npsesoad$osquam qitl ueinedn ike to ex.ain evorthe dys oes. anl ment , os i ene r ..s.tioLAGE andwr-eilecedstckofe f en sta isgr the lr. T hese e il ept rigcarf l oced tthe nd tofutiler.month therefo e you manageit, msmet i e *:,Wahtse nic' el moon on 15 dnNALD Nest@ , ' tate st 8tyolures oeryFeB S aptcon-R -YVilerhabtssil yullteeup i aon nd brgarpoopteewrsqiel mrrendewpr. I ascnsdralysarle.' 0 ersand, n llcaesabsticlyofEIS A DhRU GIT.SEDricde ens lanrds inA hepuli cnmdpeden ooergsathe v t>b cowrtafelritoth'mllofmyobie. I at fiedsalnebengprsenmaotetoudono tinetehrr sito. o Doo mnhe.6 O Nye.s Ufs CttionFery c. ain Str.eetgpromptl y de7t,1an6doe. i 6a1orkFithle d a saror l arwr-ieeayswatnsneawe ht eeoy hc ok lc u os. I nno a tp snol Peretw. -y adkemnnr g..tywrsae, adaFl yel n w tre dayosafterbtitheiy state t and l l aine herauboxes.' TON R E ebccaloedt te hoh teASn mAddBL tERE S !' ""-me""c me"eM. ronmyco dntalclrk fr ap My.eeach lvn ighteigar a dyhis 10 .gt -itet0D. obrt wanen tpplb, A CU RI. "" " fum**eshome oudtr usoftheimplifcitly , r tIpwas nand a bei s ual uysoigItogttemte r 4 0, cmmrcil bnsi BA uISTER, .ATTOR E ANDSL- MloN ov.1 , 168 23yIOh M rsh lL i "a mit ";"lym" n,hes, n td tpth e ailfelt no fer of eisur anand theehoIst mmtay i n oni- Concludoe Na:cWeeul m " W. m aSe, M. D., Milton, February 20th, 18. 3-if In hefflictifornor socmit in te eary par of Mrcht8hemurniteafolothg onday _111 GON111CCUC.1--4--- -------- I Itak awak arodmyendes tn eturned hoetfomthe Atew n o sum epasedand my"lTkeiare f Yurslf. 1868 iriaeadRetsdenTats seyISUROFrRIAELIESS,, THECOMM I Truh h sres lngterod wrbdl oudd s uc nurd fml cm bc ga n h alas-- byar. C fromo. ai sretMito.t-2 Hlfth popihy meet, 1ndel ued, t w ratferedthe rwuld e l leadFred and hiebrde I-a doin 1 oo-by Lla, akecae dfgo OcD1, se. 94 W a o A D HO.SOPAlo s n the L orine thstre etamoul .anks ore o sa'sce the Cp hMa ifrhelth had n e h k âddeud a he rile m et GEN RA BL CK MLH.AA C K omTw i %s ti nth i eïre pormsa n i .piaioor m wo .s .te w istm wfThe wlro ht o ordnu cael frmlhehp o a tagp t et sEodiEuN ERIT F ng pxt te R ESS IA se Bt cr ad ood srothn il n,, n Cabce ma, o w Si unt.le uteex.n neooe ang g,, hatoodeo, &pI Iot-tegePonte. ltnO t rileet endgeton ..4- ~o~CA AD O FI E t""ingot ans"t "e'flo e " ¯ Fre d eel et.1 . , .. .E tepafrii rn fte sain ntis R s i en de dfoosrthif$ 5 3 0 n 50 8 ad37 t alre,ÀontrealRhusainevery ime ad natdstnokoccup e his mothe 1A the tentions tohe mi, tand woruld m_-.then elde anhdtaet once, Fecrteradstreet. P.mB.riZimmermanTeSmoklncscomse theirnocctdrpatitnufull sattentiondfand I engoged ithe verywpermfitynofone. tovonterferes tiensheriseatmainnthetahereadydcrolrdedk larbhis spt.ýf ill nom, ses. 14ly CONMTATO RRHUGGST.E ID. IAer eTrEstaEWuYMrK SielYlESCAh TA --wonnda alfMiliosimo erso tcig herse, bs e sbflwehro th l a1eimn ae eesannec et oa ta. Dyin, Vauff4attouéyA.Mi tet rm yanatt, a&c. PlonofIBukliw Strling. h spedà hou rs tteie- gnrlyswe ls neawe ht0rmneWihlo l nOr glsssug.ty, oldaqantnce. pesat al B. W sme. ., rawnnsarletc.aCrpenerind Il"l ME 'S andAiwD wo -otrutalngeithdand ai alcasero, temmae i cosumpion asweleashisnxciemet, nd i thxrmoodbyband r sal shans wa OWTf Pote,& iec-htltl ca ~ - - r Da Oage6yFie drt P R ates o L!sel-herchlisMoy,. ope wnheemcne al l orfea pesenc. sie ee ileih te ar n w asi atie. IDr. obetson CoRobetio Till e HO EL, r unA.reinCue nd heait i te la te welanl p1hi a alya d rt ga ined st ength, so I ndo bethta r, uâalbou ih 'm o dng , ola, theke ar of r innte.wih his Thrsday. HRNBY EAS, BY THO A McCAL-ed Withthe irtyflm feercans ndciar mchsothpace e e l l .-agereeoblyidle heofftemnthhangoud c essitou on ef'A wywn h ria No.j,188. 2 Aly n n ATO aYAND SOI- i lCHoLnD E N'ocve tilhe 186<hDire 2o3. Ile- hirchinmeand ta ti.tedhm ie, adhspormterdlgte.'cnsl.apo erga n hvn heaiu nc nu sionS thatfarl te ouicnty. oodSabvl. Johtn JF EA TlnT - T h aial hees adwt u esatrd Ltteddw nwthnwa o e nolnemthe le, I a s abouigt toa gore ntte i t otaW B.See1t, M. D.,ooradttistr hr saStr n oeo telretamn a suac o - Snakmuihabout an h ae p ubtl Inf e ce th an xrt o r potion6 down tthe oleiray o eon e, he G o yL l k o nomm ns ote, Klbri e. at he hie Om eorthe -omp ny. O yI smk e .ars e and allchiepu s on rebund whom renewe And ook the e m ert. ialope ned the l ike t e C oof rd S urd wh SRE N AOOn ~ toa-A w'ifar d bittadai, oprncos,.Te iy phyds cian o ed, ad deedscwee boke, ain the fabsittedads on.I emdtofi f g RIST,-dEnR ,c . B otl ISUR O MIR a rr ICste ,I ,u&.faetrudGnrlSp. givo thandsow yaourtese, hade flninlviegwith osanr d re y, I d wlas fr e moments stupeIed ides ie t oe n erl Dr.oo, r.Mains rcth, iton . -54-t&c8& F1EDE.CCLE.Serear (uad poueoalsh, sae1yur ece, nrdd ete yel rm1Hwlogte a engoe ol tegth ad weaLonesl. cm ow ofte, la TomaKak, Miton. M L TON A ENCY • reciousmoney trown awy _ woe aitr eel r ievedwhn e nts a gfrifedwinth e eg hat tougt, aeteesml od te ,10. IBO&. theO ORa lkT F C OoYr- in ° the c d p "-E °dUi aa"'irned'o?°imd5 "° i""ta G lmpemer23d,18 . 16tf1T1a n,1.nAgoo- osr.e S i .STRE'Hnr,v s hir a ou oo, heriy wise she igh hntbe abl t i e bt is o th gent alen from Thnly ;be av e tr ainofthat -@ofan HN EWA J ""ote ad mrtgge, AmyStretcorernBon, Y wh toyuhabitsae hr, rra , creurndhs ast guusr ig, aneviet Bostoin unte. stm-erimilwnt a r epn:s ehp ee o ti hi : .&OP T E u i RSI, OP hrt at s F r ge n o ac o q an erafe t on to ad ernou d tMarbetB owiim efn t oStroen. Intetl n ss o Pubic SoictorinChacey, AT ESO &DIX NSA DESONbes t ifor te ok niitt wrg or eanj.- -fin,, fi eel n cnetwar him In tr th callchit . iescoue t idatin 'the m be bul n rea ofthe haesationor toa amiton Ma 25hto6n.5 Of e wllaallat teirdoos, hreoties AnhopltoentrEhaven1pesisenty rfusdCalNofer whch ithmy lfe tsef- ithheatfu trst nd pat an Mo -ynTwnealt Milton, On8 il catn e p t 2. 6.ty e eten7DA 1 FI. -and tru -cnr ntoirm, werednofw); seemed bt o eel enall ihel teose, t h an - rememb e ih erta a d ait hna Q .Ce OhR ne edIsouUERf -3qa!itn, 8ep,2th1 . tet 1-tf THE OSTD ED , eredtoalte -tangr r fied niwtohas eo bt er a i ,wt oet erhs l, od Ac o a n et c e t o llec2 5 , whon l 0,S ok n re r. viscu aio , ful a te dtio , and for a long ti e on emian I c u d i ly t st B o nso ore t rtrf r w e ci vtehislast k i a d e dc ar k-bi te 83en .B Zm em n A IA -T .ad.bI ilin ftr ie. poor Frbe d seed c l i kelyr t ongshare te nucllds img, and ac tldhim.amoe. areye seolanfolds her hi in arl ne rn a OTATRFRBUEB L. I GaTE fthNEWTorto ve erinar teCl-iHEng.W E T M 's he h ath ad faile,d sefae o e otf th orn 'tMs Go d i s riai het' hat alo -to w aakn e nearh h a a 2n • ~~~~oil A. pln o u l eg. peaeioatenalteamn ••cnids ega nvl cthtI aewolengtemca icnge wh tih o rtun etos us' (ex comntntd imslfoGon' tak he0o I hv N F i I3.iniam rarBson.,eress for he childrn as wel as reher of his ersonal apearance forshetwt or w e could ithave beesdone 7 mself, tht I mightbe soltorent wit natursl ;wme - lntvevle dutnIuei4iitL(, e. and ehipd aghybo@ m ntreat fhismthe r whom e u rm ng e soul have t o r i calldn umi-oe h drexrs Ëerl&&ttowe a rate.l Medicineinaea Pre aEST M er E RIE, of ne d ay my teircode tia cer hd ngge i hs ehlf weteri hr id aa rontenuofrorth DnLon b . nnouncedonladyariowshing0toEee TnL. an or all o.these comined had ome chief eteetihe teieer, whreturned ith . Top ,EcuNouEN,-Teealg rentda notlytieeen.veynié njarBOSE6 4 -t Fetor lanm y uantity r Hern. acet no w d lstefhii.% could i nde pn erl se rain ly chaeng h i.sotheoy of ,th eare cn ed ofs he d F ~ - " --a meru fied hierM AR; G o R d n W ie he twa m osserec ea iel fa oo ndf e we e aiemed to mdle d a a o fldthe verntittl inv alte n ghote notrlbedipsi. Thurmy.HOR YhASTd HUR H'H OTEcA -LsfmdiRe i aawL trfe- tru t pu rity hnm adne drad artghs ut. . e .Eot do, a iyiwell theo tatse Nory il 184. 2 af !1 IdanàrieurrS R YE fonRbetnatn'eLt 7 Denredt isstr i 'Yo av avetse,'sadsh, n au i chane d from outh lgtedouaveaitena s to u g htl0 , odlyad gigoto aado sk t , maortal a n, 18 As. 4I5thNLinecEstueing, on the 24thrOctober, so tlehw, cla and silvery ed , ma, ndfoismetiefhsiaue toidye u an d onion oo f heep - 0 ar 0- H 1 n186,asaldr r mrefihwie•fragvrns. Idsr oofrse ied o e progresiln fa ore. nAo e nhe ot, pI andabot ed90yoathelda i kbfr..h edn .iabe n r s. "'. °°°ine" the "arehst a onte, Dec.25 363. C2i- . m Se to bout i gthtcap.ct. T e suddtenlhoen erilathelrea r o tinseem w elythe lsbaete ai e , d ls tsh eep- Cofd th oe c , t a r @ of .. . . GTON HTEL, W LLINGON i frmatio asswll leagtoahe recoery wil be e stimoniials nd ihnduido h onsIigig cdess betwe e them, o n e i e do-look s. He the ae andsrait tegonh ep vri.Emtk a t e ni l ' E R MFMT E RL R B E T A T S O Na a b l t n t e r d o n a e a o n s n o m n b r l r w o h s lfoi 1 a i gi a nwdr e b in . p g )D Hol U.Te stab Olesad Eds Actonc Decembtl bl tvurtyt te pur lrer 0 pr.304 o r The.pot I e e mk.,adtib h f ec amure tirru itabl e na eied n the o nasechi t,' a ep;•or tio m on e who aned t hen er l whoenle tboek g e litreihg x en s ie a d a Arefol H stier • M tie Lp T O . N TgT er u on s e an e m b n le l as o c si n h s h a g ce s to y o r k e s H a e v r - ot i g . A d e la g , jar. =Pflad W P e • r E !,f scr iberabeg.1 tifr th e ub. o ltte ortsoof thmg r m e piscpal Th hn g t nh ig me han a · yo1 anyi suspcc ingolay wontt t se su won e h o teyofn eso l sh-oer Squae ct , dbissy. SUITg and rap ing RptrinthattheChsmeteo h CpnewHoe, clergym whom I elln w.11,loves' uaretre my wiadtoo no fdamilyk ?' ot. 1wpeed t e mras adsawhta a*e 80SE P LE M :...nlyo n ad egt porent whe-AP ,inXlre wll be gonta tofatheAon1is ld s i ' and aill leathosde with you It ag ydic o or.brin o eturnedte-wh a lo lk uhtheirowmey des and uge à for es 5AL PRO TOR ROL Allpp LTDly taS R IEE MC O, t-mORLAN WASNào" ., Quimea.w h i t, o okoer. i i esii h mh y ofhe s.fanov te, Il iceids en oe, and tho concttued rNvrhls eaejsosfoih *- 'hsE . acs'cas en al h avonrim ihteragifao orCrRs h.t o t wo auddind shal obe in my cas o nd thplisn o sod en th r. parhel ee atcqmtesas neIlcerd asf o full oerg, thR ta ilST ilY-l Bondnotrtytwin be cetat adager wt hc snw ntdrJH ALLACE. She tenroand o ce our e" owing on euourovwnchile n d cceto ' My fmlyr' th oment eof each ed iet andfwl rs, a ong ede s i td in sstelss tye. es fo csh.Higes prceincshpai Mlto. Fb.23r. 964 vs39- u racfully, rlewithd re nce - th isomater sigh fall, wfeHoone indivIdu lly ybie ap oa1de d d temifthwith, lnong dressesag allth liga an cia god sta. The oloniaLife AsumacICoTpan.AFiNdng allehevtesimonias perfctlyhOewevenngein he begnhi ghfeshotkrylhe o.uNo lone thee.' wer.aOrhethasaue wi oisn h itraitl »gheeey .A R VIoaunailmousa ens rddper ap abilities, Jue, 1863, I rturned nf om th lied'netam sure,-oweer,' e ri les a nd des atft witars lofy . &t. T. . -17 . BA TEDOA.TH.d O c or canBada tITT, A lent S amok, h aacth e dPr, imd er n ik a a ra erhel ti hr h he smelntghe orerrooked.~- Ohm. Il haa:h 2 Ocp m te£ lflf R n1% " 'oKa '-- ILL TRE , [E ETW. waited hier et urn.Thn o ld heardbeenexcsselyabc m los e a leuty embinere iof o hr familyem.' font auing o bverynothiag ofnthat'-hend y M15.--0 i ntsan orgg s . wMaMA '•o,, rna ut htIcudafr ogv n htaLreturn eds hs oewith andick hed. ddston n . fah Mn CLARKv, eorowOn. IISONO POIT. oarani ntyehah emywfead$,wsed ah. sson sI oudI eirdno'ooumore gtanss Mshoe .a , eg flave urchasd e Livry Stales forerlySe n tb crdo bt, et peiusioevrvoeon s.-whtsrto beld a Bohe ?' Wf t uhite ifferIn te flee of tAND f Tromt e statrgL. EMe lE e s aTh ihhDvso fteCmaysblogn oDna lrae aigadd 'Ihanto noita et to youmnam' AskngdfrosmoissGreya stong cupof e o frfety absuren, Ias wett redgodsoeu rd , fashaber 1oung bli 0 - solctarl b n t e l Mt E SONàDXO , Dre s dE°i/'? in °'dØ aoA reN nn r rt egs t h srhe Tsa i ' h n ldforau ht con engmyelfcofee, in c h afteowrd some Itie lheismea hin o.1 toethe Iamady ?- t o n iee asthe d aer, p o r h -r , u. To n a-l-, will partici teInow.pepreo furm t he pubic ith t I am a o rph n. yf the r and brouhtme t htell mI ilk r u gae rio; me tsue Ion of h r used i p etern th nteuf e n f sirt u Tt.Heaminto.beadivided the liPro- blatingt te B gios e ae ~mesa othe t th i aed n Sut, he e y iftenwishing one ailso sherough t' h m e teoly n a ttisfde.fiswhno h 26-ly Te Hal', M arkeon riep pat 22,ic hv'6ri. 1nc61th No etes, Sleghs, Sad 10Horses, and v rtg asbon.I he am Nrt t m hronWh wll Iwetto e n oe tfi pn r eplid. t la ldfllo i .1tt n pty * - . er,165 n or lie, rofied n te shrtet noice mohr'son i trn d have liv e e nt a sound sleepcatsle e o ond a i ws bot0 aretoaseer w e ebr t rye n a ut ashforau ind ofRA PU Te cmpay!.buanes yer wl lo e e nd onlthe m st-m o ke a.d BRO. o telstsxberiser e or.tat it ws broad dayih baten- Ihesopped time. nooe tha ikl ;eent haw hye a conseh a Apri 6t, 68.44-f o 15h NveEr,18,a nd in order t one- geren ugs2, t 1869. 12-tirsha f M ae tRsmodGey iyok feiounusual occurenc n e - sh eImus e e helr, Mr.pJon stne - • eJà or - --- curla e th danaefthpya'sety t rutde bu ot g'( a e ltl asaadhaahadshrwtoutagrebing blet a w. rte the ld mar,'eaol t gCdwiURhT geson r efre ha S W IN MA H IlE ie>,an 1mH E w ithout a hom e maiedteal fthch, hower, o l CaindeAyhou mt nde bte r thon, ldsh i roasoeur he tall. bufMarbeleacMonumens. Hadc- Agnt or iltn adeNigborood I ave1om1mansof y on, nd m hower bathdspe, and Ia wnt to ,*eCeain I ai cmeóvran Ate u yrdhatr'duntrti o tantynA d. D o alieih od ha I w ntchey n ht ayIha a r t roBrIwiotelnhmt o e00a xpct Iretre d e inthe ht ibe, a.tear ar k E.hNeORR HE ders has uly p. 2Rm.poretrninFthakstothe ubli forpastiseacomfrtabe hoe, ad heringyou entlman rom onto, on of yiinraefiendto dnner;nbu youil bdeA obtygirlin seeteles ailn Oakvil5,e,64.o.-Ha'y io.. uTeoN thLOToroVSeiAr y C rd sueri-W E T W E T yrwife's with hmwa s spiedandin abit.o Inhethe cus cnersain'Tm wl0roe noad a ego er m onde on rtof . e MaMy K E N ZIE -tf a o ttn al h slens otuday eengndcm v er adha v IAtngthessio n geto refert r t heed orune te u'e. iecan td o mefrtue Gd, to k i u for--. v e Paleme.Octber17t. 166. 204 HAfTi, vwauae b il h ie.fing thelot, o¯3 x eso , S rg r eie d yo.. I a n d pI e 'and I frro f up a d 'sen in o rthe n e ecsce th reen t e Youmu.»t e ;k.ow soon t e un tan gt.. u.e. or prsetwile itieemdtiethâ a n T ortrzl i c, f r c. lo thermay fodrath lruean asing fareiehp e iscaefyr p l ap ce them.. yasou wecoetothkit ove rlijrtyegrlindeonces ' onI i gg. H SBCIBRbgsontiybee-T W illFam IL TO !r ,th reul. hatda I asdetind1ateatthethnglo-no-evn he haow frfuo-.en,...h eAVL E rO ta ehs o evceo h velsigWiteWie lohp-uny Mnths passfe dno edofMisrIs G e adoidicagol n as I hried h e in tesuspieron. I willuewho u to-min or dee /idhe, ' o notasnl erm on iproed orshie, And OTsaleTHheFp. ' .. n ufcuedbdhucnd hieWr bcminertuhoeoreles. adsk rte of th bee ig, ontrnwig the srow.' a masoldhae e ui n , m b on ee efroeks B O A R . pp y a oon t c m p n y orto . E e y a t c e w r a n n- h u n e a y g a sw e n s s o fte s cm e r c n o r e r o fa tr e e t I s a w w alin g b fo rn e A nd e ts o s i n g o fi , h e u . f oth ý r Ist e a i g s ~ , iBa r e k 1 e A C I ES ° "· " 'RE .JH A. dgnunor nosyale. of her acbe disposofhdinre d e a ifmleogeubre le radinlya long. ie returnedohowter, to cautiondied therh, s th rpWodth,88.1if is-s(o : Lot 10, et ahon. . lso s. lk Milton, Jarc. 6lth,1. 3s48 mgJnay2n,16. 3-t e ou l.Tecide lvd e la. Smtig i teEB n edntpr8