Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jan 1869, p. 4

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l'tom p~ d oi~audahaiasi me Md i 1147 sud d57 O ian Pidle-iaste ,e %i hi ldsoe cft1~~~~8 aadon.-mto i h. ls o he «M Vies aaéo*a cm u ca i aa iz aisy vla jhii i - ~d~ rbal*iaeâgh qltW biti bavé à latpaeate a e biigy @atask §hapd c er aa Md ichah E e lO thp iillsc cf h oiarepies the a abmoi e iras fiai ld hus p s ot tueur l*a s maid vas bsrsaltprnami thers eta Do teIiiag oumvsh latwil ibtewlwq aiaasvssermest. Thé upteriitse aas*5<f Qa.-Ta aisaaiy ~is at N- aiiuculs cmgregatiss-'exalta the eqi à, a - i lrkils, uho proibeumdhie ainiti akes ilaaarouge orwho-hys. a dnto l ggdb i s L a lOO WO Ar.~fwu. 0v apa ~bo utitistake bold, amd aesvlapbis w hlyuih ilMg appuie. a ould go lihiot a,. ciiimoiti.houai, GErmne làaze-Aves ra pns mf u tsipudr au ini d dlsrdlleicand auioiy existe smoog Our vil ya"g me, pargtuarly .atiMis sso hua retrvoct indivliual, eth. Yse.ta orpetmarrici. Thsy j &t*4is a rtew ioder bis fae, bat houshsepinst sud tiieMmu- qu>Wkg 4yhispé ehe hopote e ioeship of oas of tha fair doughtes abaoi@Mas 1 - Ev.. isah happeetot ailsituastion, trs,-.Kaa auug maeuithout suy and no lail, provideti l ther îhings asiigialWyhoa iuNew York 'ireMuai. - Buatispsgservnt!dinvoives oiaa~ r.. ba i~Wn'sl rcbab y canons u,,:d. weighîy tcspooeibill- but proably tin abse teitiop of a bous be ii ii ab s bassoe.: Yriuag numadthe forsisblsp sof i.k9pisg h uihout seny asusi" ami looketi uon pot bain a.aadllbsrena tid. Wi6kapdsiouý îâd yu uvi ladif yuvardeobu ul 1sdao asvaier paathsm~odt7sths abt aby lha aster smpty, ithe poelsuhool 50nuwon goemy toag ia Daaon fluas, or epl.alsbed hal a1 aal ie thy sns too iasg as boy- abatele of redyauassrsbe osalits ut esmails BoMliard'aonV uarrani ta toci upu i. The .mal bis muaI 1;b. kept bd&intise OpbH lP. <oi, abtheed plis muai Dater gea 1ev. Qs.-C you ai e absthebut way h. bcians aod pus inasbe'fad. aid athu bb"ss iait au ring lup a«enea asta1mut have hbemilkreg- boye 1~ mrue esetii rsa Aaa.-Gvmu me as. dollar. sud thelprisein toai .fu s.l si ha 1 day. jumpi, te <rom as exMniof tire yiva*iy. Beiao p jour bylu h oîu ela ist.Ti on o taïoli es d a gisMi. fosel sud abs bsppiss meos iab la Q2-iu aers saay sursfor sas-a bu îy" b ave tasipsyibeaieliy for tbs lancent Vbeeia isla paaof a ma; effms llcs srsos ho ow fa"dtiuaho sd hyé 1laus? houres. asd Lave large icornmes sas gea Am - (Juil MesDuresuad taat i; imrricd cliii impuniiy.-bat yossg mec maà M ontheoueab ansd subsisi on Who bave taudepsud sssîe.ly os ubia ah.mid&. th.y sara and havs .suhioc lidiup for Qi.-Hou I"aidomsalaud traypl ? a raisy day. sbould h. osandous hou "s-That doipsda a psod dsal os abr er useinto assats. la ms a.uasyuastakln about. The ssm tcore somfotale, more me, eonal iouf )ai asib or a,- f ri atotas., morshappy and aesu ame Chrisian, travs ahaif e-mi a isecond. avhiis butai athabssaine ims aises la so su înuvitui«lsasaagcla up lu tbs morulu a distuisisc abse face ahatitla lumors h nu» u h. 3 %ru.acv au hour respesshiesuaad expansive. ut 1vacl l su f lafý t aubu heud. A ROYAL CATTLE DzALiL-Sone, Y"arsago tbs Englisb psperaebrouieled A Ta wr Toure u. utaasonishmsoa h. fiet uaLord ATAI VIT YOJNG E!. James Euiler'a milkt-carts vers tao h - fonud ilanaIlnotins of Dueblin supply- Aucdatagà sasasas dx.. Youg; iag risis antipour wutabmiin u a- sud àla b osr~reilctitD. Ai the..iiaDoales si t haa a quara" Vor a litlsusfi f sommos oildhaOtdi la sioaof abs Hous of Orusontides Io& in a 'ah. ihadow f 185 proelat page in rade, visa depradisiion indesti. b Tt sêm. MRatutinsaless posr- onequcnily, vlsen iu abs milk ssp- tp, courtgodli.easudr tabssna stsh. plied by bis lordsbîp ao abe paupers of lt buu- =-Mm, Bate. knowledps ose f tise Dublin Unions a dead main- tau kasj asces.itlaeue ignorn , nvwas ftnd.-emultaint vers abs Oharicw-ieva dufs;llaboretau ireepiapisa uritten by abs journaliote over Is W bood mpeovmsu theliasofortuaas BsfLh rsssferrd lahab N'ý bansid anudbis vateu of the cdessis ToIla, or Dodder .hacsi w seaibisa. Littls e os- lau abe uncosgessal liquid -reiiled ini ias. I m sba udhis lsois and qiLastiies noi les tisa a quar." Hie 'lieaê' V"iamas maonlin heasalvss, Iordship mlghbaierplesded in exteDo- 'but i *s ý TMh.veuights vs hecu ails.cf abs crime of h.isg a rader in -é bw"Iu55 *vir éaisiSa man'stisa ber inajcsay asnuaaly male a ies rspqiâl. Que -v seidtm insisby ber pis of faieensud prise uthbl rlauuauoliy. Noinsta ouahs.Foreonesanimal rased rwessly hs-ttas ts ibha crse of ahigh ou la late Frinse t'ooiori'a modal eltlp taull h buPront lsltWf aras bsbas escies £42,ad soins -ia*Wo mi' houssa8 la~l ue&oua.others have bec sold by hbe itishe Biwr'im Wattint the:bs befor averaeirate of M 8taci. yon bli&M try h. river. And yei. _______ =sIr IS 60 ta d oIt apu Fte ace pl1ussdira. DiffiestIes 'Yon !miy d-pead upos me, vIfs; I avs*spsa hai tauoher saine givsjiyoi Word'votiiaia via hi hatie jas bravery mnd tri e pian truiio cboua r is lalyla t1otllti.1~i. ollesbio houtse Wiuoeu e e' tau a.Po ne Rii Sdabutitisl,- 1-LACROSTICi. ",iiaui is l..fetnl one; Ibda.* twdi&scinsuid caaaot h. _% # Bysemeràbar thsss hinga tA1110 -r44~ i dt tj our houssty. 1111- 1atu-iAd it tiakin pr May hy days paidaméthlyhyy W slsb e uaamsfeurdollars i.ase srreuasg vals of isara, hit glas*' o 7"je. WMigh ourNos- thouglaeo i ai1ud uila fearg. pe . " wua u ynhava ..Lk «Ilths DOne ttes- uba I d slfir absé, le hippylife, la Oftis. Zudps othsrs by uhaa asy Enih.d uiab fiieddetaulove, have' Wfubaanis ses ctuam Ad day uliot a siade f sife, aises cvrDupL~ ii Joy nt oaenima rein majove. tut On si.he aIl aprsad ulth foues, MINo fisrisp i horua uola.ck ycuay, HspMmI Da r oeaou a mlxLrepturd may yepu arongia fairy ts.4 ahp3 ahs. emaY soido boes uugo4IÏ a Jf Gsi slîsti hm au lprsud oui for you ihe lire long day bhoebu au"gefor ésoashody. Iilit ym'dtW" Muas abshe dgi ofai lide. E IQ -sai a,'a.s .uiu 'lr lau.- baIi , d satt. e n cm-et f27hss a miim*illR auganasiaso t bs as tto io n s vialtly leat te bas moesmasi kilasusà5.t5 ýtore Opposite the English C hurch, Main Street, Miltou, b ST8 O ffl IIPEOVED PATTERNS, STOVE PIPING &C. Reshm a tid la mesaDeS ilth bts i O FE &ad PLOUGIE bdanu a Whtsesby lsssptag siîlîsi vekaes, andt be vMsi'ysaof Stsek, hi wli au abls e t d woek as cenisaud gond sasany luah Casy.A l 0"as.sahasten absELEBRAT- ED PTEN 120HUÂESo tlh a tok l i en. sbuaaîsca laegsstock of Whte he iii ela fat le dollar. 1 uhieb tenectsiderhly Isîs titan Osa-Ire' Plosebe are old lat hîs iighort'eed. Farmers vositi do veil iaocai sad examinedite stock teCeen ci'mmsicinq shah (faIl yod. . Tas mresmare durable, adsasSer deniilia. aaad aea.att Drim s madel Coptent y ona haad. ht clttitiDîu ich ta end 'a auy ima, em5n. ma s absWeeart as. uhe 5aboiirtr.ieaaI iea c'aaiai ir aes haiftbIe tant. ai-d addo icriaiy ta c' nitii 1Ce'tfltait'e froein acritO W.5.; A.seCllani. P.irtî miCentrs aeSi ul lau- ilion;- John b iseet end Kig Sierg 1i-ioditi Cierchîs; l'il. Do; foi-i S'on. Dale; . Pairicen, onecint'er ti ni a..y osiers. ihpve heirpo.atndsi tochirm oeiiad .taie tfet.ry ' B.Gihsaiparatpfaicît mi tîd, cetti epra.rl% ai 1. wrais,. Trîrw- Casb 1Fra Proluses. liMilon. Ocoîe D2. 1*67. ScHipisTM-,AS IS 17-ti COMriNGi - ILsIAMsWILLCOX, lisps te ansousee ubai be ba juseceineti a Fu ltoîply cf Engli-4h, Swass and Im--TIeaD Wattes, Clorks orf alilDestrlptlomo. Also a lsrgz AsamaSi of J300-OAK AND LUBBER JEWELIRY. EUr ECTJIoprA-ED -WATIEý le gresi nariciy. Ncw io tise ime tb slcr Gtd otis enît ny prenati blou Toîsto ore Hamilson prices.. Al work v'rrîats'l and puncînoliy Ittrstrd to. lie beautf uorkmashoip pnuircsied. Charges ictieo-ts. SHOP-Nexa door to P. M.il. MKa,. r'iiton, Decenber 16ti. 1868. 28-tf M I . L ~. Dc>Ma 'ë AI. MW lisps teanounce to Iis atitéeOa ttroo 'battLie1le itteredto tcteati te their vasas wiib grenier ficilities thas eset. llaving ecureti the srvices of Asti put in a STEAMi F.NtINE andt IUIULAR RIOLiER. be Pen attend te 'any quatity cf vork. astidcngurasisIo aith.dose i1" abs rery beau n5sle. CUSTOU WOIIK P11ONIITLY A TELNIED TO- LOGAN Mct'ANN. Milon. Juse I3th 1868 in- BItINGLES FO0R S AIL-E. Ans- quasily cf the reryhbesi quaiay cf 5 WEb 5; INGLES, For sale ai Y, M. siniley's Iilis, 'y MI LTON. Y n.B-ort-ml hastimeti Oachse onaban -ellostciied. ifonoaseie lali1. Ie. M-ana SELLING OFF! Great flargaina he AT uihha~si.M26,16.8.20,24l11,.7, 8 16, 3 .~ ~R ~~3 sthm ad ou- CLtiin Damns cf abs Pistet cf tY. h. MiliosoChAupusa . Helinla eau cEsiag fr sale lee utire Stock of TiblC sal iss-04Ny 12, lai 4, 19, 23, nicl-naals for a db su uwor hjyjwtuobute<j *Zte.rdi boy. .~y~'~magass, ntil bM y 24.2P, 10, 22, à laadiqg plae.0 PmlmeOUI' My ubslointla absnasmof arS D Y O D ladies rtsading in Trafalgar. D Y G 2 8>11 Valsai. mluneiy mana", P't2 h.mesin atalis, sud have AcuPacau aat Aaailmaalausmsldbsfwuesmevinceuhadine assssa s ý ogi Cbm oap t in la lts J iv sk aqusota..' What aammein abs Bibli"sud 8. i A i fss ilusepaiatipmssI nu.;mh. aille DMasn ni l s . D. CHISITIE Mates, Dusuahs 31h,5. M-& ~ siliouUboftnom oub.h -heuth JOHIN A. ROBINSON, <LATE W. GOULD) araeandWagon Factory, S LAUCHTEJR i I btea ()trIW'ED restres as demw ua lar attneloa as ibIsvas! imsse5sateomm~ ~ ks B ise idseh cf Lathes'emiaahnw npery hem5 qs'ltru."l. ,o=eq D ~ (~~<~J ~>b. foacd te compars vlth suy lID$c, ccnity. V MiliOn, April 11h, 1ees. I 15 NOW GOING ON AT ROMAIN'S OLD STAND,WOL PWTSRfs LIMEHOUSE, ONTARIO. i UEIT OEttCMiPTION o0F K~ LU ~U.K~.U7 S. E~ A~ as Awake go te the $uC foresix a hlu boitasRem c *,prale Ad, ls..mes 0cfil 9b. Slaisatidresis 09qseti, oaheru v115, 1 W,.Il. Stre 3. R. ofice and MA pied lis-Dr. Ci - hmOct . .a ni Roalbertsen, lE UATE OPTH Rs ietii M tonba,iSpt. ý0, lit tait. -. W .. W '2 t~UATZ O 9Tff fJPPIendR-Iosin me. 4, iOM bDRobe'ai le as, Bcpaisier 23 taaeta easB lssg uy, lri10 leehSti haCOURTi ld, éadthi esrps-i CLiqaces cf thu 1 illes, Jsly asi4 la MINGTO3 ROTS pcs. CoinCeram g.attlng aiteatisa Oete markches Holisiitel. TI M"se extir, a T ANALLEl t9iaa hlbisuaka «àis <S heie puta ffmn thsuaath Ikusiaasis lia à MOk etflquoes as le . M attivelr islo ct 4,lof iDpK4s <LA lISSte ant is-n 'illig puble. Go I5 hesasema.- l AGEN, OSmu on mîh I n h e ie s ta n p r m pt y d u oth e S T L B E R A L T E R M S . A lI & s a Osed. ot thilîrO-uai-1Wtuaaire conotaatly on hasti, for sale or vihasptuy= THE HlGHESTNl.%I?KFT PIHCFCGIVi'Y FOR Wnaîi. pour jtceol ye peple of Hea" C'uniy und coery pace a. d Lmboi 23rd Api. 1861 SWEEPli YC îALE!e OF THIE RIITKRV9PT WTOfKi 186 Wb il 1868. S<>D i FfO(T %Tr i[N. Uý l ]EDO -"m ü NU il K MW 'w, tata tri -00îAFOUS. l' NN e now i ri gootiru-tiit e r-, ni iitihi, 1 t9REAiS :ire ta cool as-tvr Ièa the Raciiaty '>ig lie ;. $tili s-4nreui te ipet4eut oct a t i otjn F-nfti-niln hi-, former ancra te ronvine -Il Ci-tltit 4 rot îî'-t liete, -ilsCtnd Wetihig Ckeg. ("idles&e luce-d P i'e. e 'nee'. ntjt-cP, s1-;t wil c.iiiener ýnriitt civ tof'-toe lirn.en thpI ln ieenae vii ppint ccc a-cinb sel,î ve'41 tut surîtiév yul .cie lite uMQ1 uiet cney-'ece viii Breoti. tCsfectsry. &e. Mais Street, Mitona. Juce 151h. 19ft5. Sw 0 91e iý9 " ROBEnrT HAWTFIOIU Be e annoae hat i ddi.onte hie 1 XII N i vI. 8BLI(K sU i il i' " t, 11,.% lui h IX 81J .lie bua dded that ci the The Sale Çommenced on m~ond y laBt and w il continue Miauftc:î<e -off Firsi-Cas Buggies, farrigîn off ai. dto until ail the Goods are Sold. veey beat atcrilaod by skilîld rbmss. Prose hian epotatton tefurt O mu StronandctiSericele Vehlicles, be oSafideatls- retis, un ethe aac f the Pl ns. enterprise R. A HON Gisai ezcitiesni prevaile. Tbonseasdscf people nec rusobiag lao Oche ctI. -NEW DRY-G-OODS STOREl UNPABA1 LELED BARGAINS NIESSRS. W. D. & R. -e Y> 16150106t ti ov5n eitlnrrtpraettne leruoitane. and tishei A satsetfthe eeaaary, evtsg te abs las. bonaaiui arveauheY hav" PeIIet d MUTEAIN II086 10 M ue asm a Ne3aod New Dry-Goouls EFstablishi ýcOC ae aisaSrIcntreei 4o b NNDH DJ I IN H- ofeheLat ce.tSyecntutdo h Ail vork doncelta a orkamlkomn- cer, muat urcassaable petees. MiltionNovemter 1 11h, 18eo. t3Is- 'Generel Grocer and MAIN STREET, 5P Ererthise la abs lino ksptinl Goargetowa, siai Juae, 1868. 1iJY 1 ist oi Letters a fice. on thel .Oeg~w s Vain - mly meins iJapsi Rejy ,)na 'Dessait ulia Iauame eetasa Gsiegn Jean Thmas Biti,.iemm Pueaeilu o ayers thuakr ia vis tlosmy ,anarsiui y. BABilLÂT $2,OOo WORTHfi OF fLAS Il TO liE SOLD OiR GIVEN AWAY, W. bangia the Qoodsntau et aHALF PRICE, and eaus leat,onsuaytiig abat vas@ee sld in ibis Ouay.Come e a ud ail and su fer oeslva 1 Tours irely, Thelr 5ev Siock 5ing 111 FIIA3IWFUI CA# At A II1 villbslpoe.edo rties ntaaver kacva luatiia liorbec.lieu IItiw bargains-coan soms eer oaees. aIn ir tsec ,M&ch E'I5. kep a largeo enitou1 stockiof 75 e&arWs aLake Harca Whitfs Fui, rockery, HarCtwarey Pait.s, Oih, Boots & bo 0< d Rye ad Commun Whiseley, wiae. Gis, RÙm, Braned, ik and Pet-W, AIl of ahebstuquality. SHEPIJERD & KYLEe Pa*!onabi. Tailorirg9 ]On# Oul tIieI 1ll .W *v ». .. e , . ÀI.1i o g OAXVU.U, ,Tanq lSah, 1849. Mlhia% e Oesbe i*ab, 159.' n qbt vMUýs IE3»ao,=C>10 MMY' C&,C>C>Clm-

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