bas Ilée au _ __a etr byESTRA Y.'10 .Uday iiiv"oD>..I'Wb { Miavui ,aa N. 8, Trat. lin h l os iel '- ' mhuse, %- a il"Iyearlng siur 1Teaoe. "* r quasasIo iprovo prupar pa> wwd eim- ~a Oirs-dLMu oraet"-autLMuae.' tedmim il h aaqMMd ,h.e oy.a &sbéosthâ Ue. Prssai aumibe. la, d i aa aibrillant hbla ~ Fould-i Pis*taedia itur bas ai'. I*s n.Milton, Iamry SiP lmS. 8- 1k t. W. liurhhldse, -mPus 01 th* «Ga-lBcd,asà ieimsi ___________ Surgeo. Ditrhb.fldde pane-mot fer ibm imitation i hW Aamsaa 1 a1msrgo nth* arsmy of rasôsaibut t Ytehyd* autaitf* md OtIU I' CfII~ ~awba ha t e ci etnnusiiFrammi nagia. -"LaieW~sd" DOMMNON OF CANADA, 1IN the .. pootoy),ia àbeamtifl eamsug. '1%8as W., caus07 ce sim1aty cuto aab"' earY aiay sino lasdawte& télady'.i tmeCouaty Of lie, le dis mitter of àl,gMe th. §rai aumtbsperdtiheairer, sai d theibm yak ishia, vbhisiad i.uoT pdis Ciast Farmer, vhiehbis n--fap-àe taova e . 10T EST.T MPO fie imaidcm satly Ofe tbr i atete à Btwen ¶w. , ko fe bidsagaad bas awv40 diat laqesiladbilliami vnlim, Mi. s a. lubfl,sadtagLmÜU«-Iie ilas bth Préovoti; *Who wus i, a Siory et Nao*.le haruby gicus *a ce5tu wuf aly 41 a yeuae.N.146 .30. h"y MLnm stChadle rmiu. a etehu ~aisby ermy suicultaa tas; "'Wbie!'by Florece Prcy; --Bi,. 1011DR O551151, p]., mis R.eesmo," by Mr. Heamia; 117%. Etoct A1 PM S ai Mfiltord" y EmimaR ipiay mnositioai, A x - mcmtiotl " . 19Wiii t ,lopis 82WLWaiautI Il I-"*t i xtr'a Ou gaW eBileAasecjateem, sud 1avae se hiehBOmin telsdse&arImge eaimai ,s* t ny al cimy aic.erosy. 1AMrkiah" Sciety - pavtage Poie caloes, S09lght(Md runsmint ydniau ebupoicosumd 16iiemimvobcda gatisa I 51"ne .Lady'. P,'.s. d i smevayed t is otbmlWftyooi' ' Pd Tbml*aturday Eraslîg Pit.» (s m.. Hjitom, Jauamy 28t%4. cee ,*Wb-ilJaasr hiM""e muw- iJAMES T. THOHiBON, hy THOS. DIXON, Ma-A correspondetub.a-Nmma- DED. u 13-hobe a mn nos Mesu0reni Mater à .1 bmasl et foaet ktaee t é cdeup, nf±? c m to the r @teaaw âuithelia avimr nithib.lag, tier a!Oteme4t bidan,. Xoney t on sued by Joha Abe, Wood.-Dcmamid vas a stiveetf Tyroeo ., fIre- iarîa a l.O e ems 4m c My Ouime mahimau misbrba .1.50tolano ~~asdIla1 , " MMi' . K. Iamigrumd t»Cà" in 1819, "il A pprved Parus roperty la smoatu on the nol euar sattiad on hie fare n. asaethbrero anad ai a moemmearate et dat r- 'ilai Whv s cps lb 0 L ~s GCD ~ CD~ CD e G CD a CD , Cr g i- Cr s _________ Taaeamvw, us. b1ba ahallMi. &Havit Isiaraît. Appui ce Weal ueO bellidte 0-alam ruiddi inbsheCessty ftee toy-aima yeres, ha W. WASS* =-ay 1rheay ad. tas, for.5e asYIl how and bald acquirud a aejs Stock à Memey Broer, .îr so iith cht.Thé. -p csi ieilà d.afid mqaiatanmam. Ha.v.aOARVILLE t-mviiadd -"Uthamsi a mam haat andmiiiht t int bis dmaliag& Oahllie, Jan.i. lies 86. 3-2t W.tti,i Theeabho aer seerbi amY publia eujija, ____ Sqar. ,t. il, oaloy bd keineraasutth Smtit Estraya Su. uitabie mulatevilb ha aihte, »mldid mch forer ibm bamefetet g &WU2 &dlsaaemt.- soIgbeehaaiL H16aa Wà posts. CANS jieuLoi 10, Towrn Lie, 1N. S. ha tam. l- contDeaeumeOaenIn Campblleill% on Ssturday, led test, Ç' NelsM4 labami the liet OiOctbar lat, aim7 ai y yeualgmai wucofMr. Jobn Coue,. 4a McithBaet_____oWhtemme monti. 1 Briadie Sierr, I1jpar aid. 0. i F0 . mmdA. ]IL, Oakvills, - - Ths c lmala.qe , aprove praperi)- X. Chiebtia, W'IL ; BM X 1'UGa EAT ENGLIlSiI REMEJD pachrgead fi lawsy ~Smmtaeàrdé,;ip. Jobsa WILLIAM XORWRLL. w wardu, ;Baue. . . CaitRJANEa sCLAHICLets Nlaon, Jan. luth, 1869. il-et I rIL K. Cihima CRLEBRATE0 FEMALE PILLOg- - -; rD.D. Wright P~eaa i ce ioe.noir J Caark, .T .sJD . Bra. LIL MDPlExiia raadmme eli SA Stwads BuJ& u ac YI sJ i. . , Tyle- Ttes eil hoab iric e is neo ppo- . M .. aA aigbiMmm Tumdaysitlon, buta garesud mite remirdy fr le- 'oeta Smi mach 3 aiaith. calin amd Obaxtracijeai, tram DESIRES te.ibsel. hi# retemmen tee ibm et.:" av eu hatevar; geai alibaiSh a pawer- -ey literai paircoge beaoemd eonblea foi esatdi, og couaete sthlsg br«il therisg ibm rmd hopeai fturbtai 41 ll dlas, a, or feur for stock mi &Mdollas in iii t lier mied IhvilI, te a shotriA First ClasSuppl;y ai dia à. oiewsamlu-tilmiebeg omem mently paiad vith m mmdsamg diae et-gbu laasme t30 hmlimaP& ansesr o.knere to/fail 9.s essul. We liraÀ..t» eaede--tiom ma on w flomf PmePl.. Wh b gt; Fr fultarticlirs geiapamphlet,IF RESH GROCEIRIES b w caatjs fri lre, a i vrth esg -i- - tbi tee. ditain, athni"mral ag .,t, e iijmma orALL KINDi, mail cateibmgacr dipilla, i.y rtorn iep dt à" mmoepnle- J013i eSoIrE ., aleart etf gefl aet i.eiaisCaP -h»wL hreFradePileae x Anil CîbaTme re O WNE ibspepular tarer- .crthlefse.FO IT . b th-bo ai, sud eagate. Mltan hy H. Walaad J Il. Wllaiott; ni rzvrey peddqaiyo sa the gre Ummoheas bsJ. u iUur, oroly. t_ #L&JYeany. Puiti.ahad HA Xf.W MARKETS ~ ~ 'l ri pub"ieh haptar i t j Mi"ib hperci HAMei IiLTONr. Ja26, 1869 Co 1 i Aîw .yS on ~aî a'"in teimH-ald. SienleF.a1 WIast .Rand. 1 pu ie gn d, adb&eaî.i '.00 l,. 13, î t vilî bete yeee rai cu e ral eP. i, làoimi" h" Park porei........7.50le-9 75; BiteprIb.Il. 28 t,0. 30, Agtr ark'.oitEelir Washing Cocu. Peas .dabd. 0.8j) ... ().N5 position. FemaîyRihii,$LOI) AMM sW40.eda .......... .O1555 .60 Willeaett <,laitreted Cheddar Cheem Il '- m te oi.P.Cheddar teAt Chý osseocmnily con band. lca tesi mm ai- aia tce bu e .. . 1.13 sefireg i te qeaiiu. 11 l10 i 2.001 ...... . o f. 9.t'OP. H. McKAY. 1UàWtBBtbUm he aide ....4.50 tla5. 50 Mion, Jasuary 20th, 180. il-tf Moaswper dos........0.20 lici025 ____________ e- ocaRidai purcrt ..........f.00ite7. 501 Gerge lilce A .D. C:., Callimaàorlb .......0. 07t. 0.10 maerteoèe PHYSICXAN, SURGEON, &c.. NEW- teueurers26, Lv1869.sios - IA'taW10er . .-1 StraySteer. %re........ . l:, M qAXERilttelomy pn-aihaex,i.Lot16, 2md mmmii., aITa~e1180 . 5COM.,aî irte th Dacembl-r, a e à»"mav blavi h o 0 0 05 am»dWhieStair, abemi i2 yraasld. i'm . .. d . 13 Fr. REAIV. daiaPetr rua..... 54L.. 6 10 Nasiamu-- asic. 1lai, lues. la-tf ci iaudaaop4l -Boter ....... .16 1-- 0 _________2__ muevmd sl* m tlhm1e.....e 0111-e00.11 Eta P stedma. Muis ......Flo.:...4.ta e <_ a aoeuliam e voe assaut 'AlE ias ,the prena«cf tibmsale. - ! .ir-eseLotitl ih Ca, Troifslgar, ___ IV#ft &-o08 ar about dith 6 Otoiier lent, salED 1~iU~~t~hlbliJ.ANýW=,7RBRIFRU. Thea asvinm Ba.Oudme talde. i-jhvh de ima by prariai prspmrty and asm lpuht~a paylag chargea. --fi" -aiy di- ~ l -~TA. L ID.1 E DWABD ARMSTRONGO. aýWomddi oe- îlolu31t Jaimaey, 184a. îi.ei Piiailles, md tea ow THi mcdolgmed .111 psy fahe abusa OphS% e, psy ý " aahevcr .111 ratuaihm hie W. J. PTE 'RN RaiiY efSî e ur OOR, vhlcébuhadroppmd en - Ti -ytomig air Tioupin a itaai oe-h ksQPlT Ullom 1 uis laWa» a lCobj Fsaiti ADS» ii ii U -0 Ime lre Bank of Tlsorn to. on a bitt MILTON I m"bgOfte Onser. s at s of .cA 'Bonrci ~emauamidii. lia a ia il rca Rai., Lyi Cr RS b sancecothst ho aprep r- u psn tis DIDBO.MO0 mlmi i Ar bpi e d ta mialsatiieanay qiuentity of Oeeu, W, Baf Loll .Sud Cois,xmelg.OhTlSPTT u DTEt 1 ru theAniml îwWhieh are ahe. buat ileasm provad by b9lu. . tz __ W AN T cD, conifictes fromntrits.,ln mil partsocf Pe"bO - ui-ae. trolotioa. cfficieacy ianh beig aed omahaa.-200 0111 -O BAR . omy in Fat -eh asied. vM ursa qm.s- -tha publie for soemyeeas, andair- ïs ce, sonomar .. gosse ergorere toma, babauaia- tho i are tiocdlier adapt&d for .....1000e tbmrchaa. 'aeaI. Heflm. &c. Thir y7ec WUilpsy cfhota are qucmly taIt ie a more itrik- 100 ,O 01,< imner ie large moeis 'b-t Lava --:71 or *-4,0 ]ODZ-IDC>zt] beau icatotelliwitbset aVery for largae meentf fel. I beyoubu mm ............ n ru Y 'drâipiiou t fSteve, -ccekiug wu ipettime. cM O KnAK m el »a there. and thedmcaare sté f»ZBposthe - oeMCarO K Boz ARKduite idped trees inuvbieh they eyble P.. o M-eli If xtra ond. it bi ~TAN.hN IiY b ML 1( IN.StoVe-Pipeà and Tinwai~ &W Oheasous Bc AMUEL IF TÎYLOR loresmonhbad, nt ~cm-paa e à* Iilàs tmhey 1ibimO 3-1 woln - 09Mw. - . - M P P B g P O g- 2. <3 o O B O G se 3 g o O eau g Ô O g G Lvi G g o B O 0 'o .c x X CLEýARIlNO 'SALE!1 "' Al Barday--& MLVkkod'; UIAVING PURCBED A LARGE PORTION OF >Messrs. J. fBannles & c~or MONTRE AL ~ BNKRPTSTOCK ~r4 AT r N The public mes le have thea advemtaý WNm~k~ E MUST BE SCleared O0t in T At dû bQic bai Tolamnpbod use so C- _Itlàbq iol flblQm Ub raing- fi Ëù a ai a ecci e hfutsgeuva' F rm, a ae aào g Meaiu fet 1 «PbSi form is c It ba u t. yiddgtd 8. malles ýh «Mo«ethe euraFin y.sauailerv De o em= gcr l e d d i hitr ilS. t î 7P1t fiI, mc napu fAt ed imipcyiat U lcaiiie, o atn«.a Ir-Doum for' lana poraathiam it o bJe fas tre 1al eliara ter, ai - led raadarIl aedapaiatdesg tho phraad, <iio.mmd eeo m t.Si en 1 f t E lOeriat, Je (ai ce"ersfrIilêtharelle) . 2.00 luti riveth cf LailS'kFu r HO£ hhe ir ain:that hic beu afmwi p!4or une tAnon .e .ied 11cm'ioera "accru.. sudt TERMS. ftvalmpe norn maîj on haobr beu acaý. yi An toh'f rte Prmu rby.emrche auOrenta tly. M egmbaracf a ..... ...hi a bneti agi i the nitnvmd (emi eerndn, i Sifei et. I fth aaa tme* d ait. wbc os si ia h e ttre aaa cima r t o a ha s b asa * paaaaaceim Satgri .0 e0 m ibI. lnsmem accru d te ý4 th«-p o à ePhildîh.a w denlinatthe Bj orta ediad 0 whtha wrcnhuit. b s a tel i o -olnth 0. pecmen-Se sot " à. h le l e dla ar n The a. Alctidd erptoar e r ibm hsas ha. ml i nin Bibl 1al @ omite dlm t FMI ulad Leaieae MLMNea ce ea bock ih*il o f ru 3ea 1t 9 tiai mer Stc eUl f et epoterenduin xlm Phldlhi. J"Dchie'aryla t be ie eda m bh il 30 wt l 'ira k it ah I rôt t ua tti aime cd. cedDoteffdlai thsut aheel h c geoa coecctd seue h, buti thi -hr ekau matieemm inltde 4~ Varied usrrtment ntoepagcnioaa ter-Ie a mEtachoe- ok mfsatre of o ur Stock , iset SY RACUSE, N. Y.,';s irimsy"troimend ilionn1maI lietvies iardoftheceuetr-. ie eag aicial et- eoc1Iipovd eel Mma, Do part y adiega l mve'd teetioe t. opr Crnlgie1 rdr. the Paeticai Barbua i eiicltforw, oceetiama aithe ad-ef A-1-lYoii BZ&i-ck .d ZOO4ab Sio1c'&-eC spt»r for Fe zaiiaailoeo - flac CttLb, Doataffact t thahptara fer amer ge. Seraallimas etflg ied oves agneiading ; t. Wbicii bis sum AU pîbliohibeyvemeatly addad. lenait,- fit uflhifln cto Ise mbthe l'îmlly Record, a. oXtucsa DOSEIYS. FAIMYPIIOGRAPII DEPARTIIT, FA NCY CO ATI NG s ,f:oetaslng e e frnd= abcrd A.n Ektendeda Concordance. h ha s ehi ad gatioly heud ia oeVolume. about the aime cf eatarua AND SIK MQuarto. iectieecry, le tbréo difeoreni EealeocdLeoctler Manile edge ...ST7.50 FhCY T DlI& oi C----............5.50 Fila TIDUIlau 1>Ioroccm, FaEgiUi---........1250 JAMNES BARBER, 11< Tencher, IlemunnGema, 'kdyDpCAS SI MER ES; [Trafaigàr. Jae. 11lth, 1869.'SOUS )O 1.S X[NSI - intercoloinja Raiway. Bcd. ord Carda and IIcaJe, Ntheaa vow sas dae imm. te rb Fmty Vaiiiegaii sectimasNos, i Md pbabut40 mllatmdilesrkumiîrmsTreah kIl[KANiL IOOL MIXTüRES - mfiirt3 «&5 Secine o. . bs i &bu" 261 Moai ,i I)vercoati6p inje lmmgib and Laeas ibm aithe m " et p»... tigoébi he trta ouaisDalhihelateNaew Brwe&a Dl -VRAi PIOIMWlTfYi',~ sciona N& 4 viiilamabMt 2X m"a.jl iemoih Md lisq e aivoasdiemMd il,. A Im1ge vdriely af (Jamdiai Teeds. Pblîp la NavSong&i, ad aca "plcteascrbtcvi f Pama -.4 = : jtb.=21 Îami. ?ÂitILOR'a TMMMMU ases a hém cewm la obu.,.. Ca- Jli amd ara Our atcckbefore pu raduâenders c aihoumd e a Jus.Md chmaie< eleebru. - maDome-a ibhemtemiaba dlra«.,s BHWS & RLCHO bunailvoest tho at'Umivsop te 4 er.i ~ rru~n~ ~ 'lockmon the Fareasyi. SEWING NM CHINES R Tm cs L 'JOHN CARROLL Pt-amiia*vmmu TNretmràlmg ibshaktte opubllefor faon lbo p gat. amuemeaibhs te-i ioma e IgUFdS a red t. aîpply u t i&Wfl Excebior, Sngetr f I BbdbTegt -u And sîher S5ioç Jachime e c i~mltmt-8.iOb a 1t1cialm a ie u ]and Tomate, prce, Cois cah. Aio dthe .'. .t"rocl eby 1'-'. -. yi Ielleeu, Po. MAL CcmpsmyTorgtb 69 dé ad gonala. or no sis@, 0.51 I SPmE Onsipa -saluet 1theId f UNiW IBIi h« fei~à ~ogIusd dl iaiýj\' ng m~~I~SFR R P1 O R i 1 'ro ea cc t ibarge o"lu iib. givra. W-m No Goiou1. arged during tliis tCreatS'ale. âAReCLAY&MLE. ~S0SS2OWP, Jmaasay Ski, 150h ?r~v i GEORGE TO FF'. py SI