a".-" -b -of 1r tils h* ftID" Se-Pè, disé mn'_ .n, d~ iflo do ri m n old Hcd~ d, ftidUiii i.âd»ar buthe " ad a~4v ig osili f era Qesrt~e... ut oWte » I taMampilgetWfnosg te ue.1.mdmum ort iltacti octporwtersiiuo. W d tc&._ Wtiell4Mr i llyt StC osi»ti t itnta et tt con taiimà ti, po, b oe ii 71 a '. -e 71. Pdutrt i t* iddlenz sdty cfce i e oun il icudqtion ticltb , balgttiCtnls e 1 f Ti sira auyccerrumisCe mm oittl ro ~ ntii r ritte n l« meuiI correctuefmebib» ofBuenttmn.A.Arut, d of p dtt Catbstilgip 4I dlafattumletrlecfQv. a i niulue tti delbicatiua cf aiebte. fer tet.t ede" f illtPr ovincial Thec l tentw h icim u thiriti i. OChhNhinhir ue bâtiridufin aine 4h. s h bsi Str ird te àlt asp c les ht tt e nt e iltr. IcnideSi gea.t , cees r uc.eesisat t ii. W atto cl expî i as ,pu u età i f te td a intii buldng I a i e su cit- n nt ion fbiuitti m~ i no m e w enter urfbO n u c. titipoint. II-bue9.te statuientrunoutOtxfirdhsiec unt bien mmdi miier.nAuc rdh.g t Er. dam t nec itind-itn aitit nrjistittuendgilémd Cha titthere mtrs ihelyat Bqdgriwormifcedst V mrul bol 1 0 . i r d m a , c , GJ e r o y ? u t h eof l o a a t f i t s i io f m bjct o t e c B rl u m y i t t t steh e n u c i u n t .b o n d 7 6 . e . ( h i t i p e e a i h . Y i f C . i C r e p d m e t t n ot i o nhar , a i l t e i nm t yed & bi t bi d e t erraishiehdre or.b", m1iddcly ranstethe te sud and -. ep at, 1wmjudg i mti ét ec c nsnh N . Te t naeé ii9a2a ial i dma e r t ér C ie faut m etetsro aidn hte W n p i i , b h ia l s c c i * 0 - E m itisu 5 uiéi Ii dl se x , n it y of _ Oe o ue ll y um de cth c ir b iueti o t h e b lC h b aat oin t h e r n tC i ts er a nof s - - n cmd g f t it i o ii u u . m m e m j tdi n i c cy in it ic " n i. u t t i alp UrQi tfia ani , I c- h iel l - hs, man nd 1 ,it t lt t cc1 .tn Perr se itwth .iomt e u i lleei u s tae e itirit titi ri uuesp u t e occiA e tal qiem b d, p is t tg i n ac. W utitc's pitual bleom lufit«opi a eis e edm r ariuir-w a u t rc n e t, re egi uss i u prse wtis m jomy f hevoes c ttitumier eine r ho CheBriti cou btjr n onnd t ait eprt M . in t itcx ami eter hi itad meuscf heaig f til le ng thd Chetoad 1 M , isi. Btwl n iete icne w &asecit tltey um ta r xmni iaacnte, mn utcnd hathi.it a fl Ctemiier i nt g i s t ic xe ct astain ant@tire- .atcts~ieovrtt insr ei.td t i-6 a ii rsetfehrcfCi « tee ~~ ig~~ te pro cgfet hatroitcialT ttrhé udBoedaitismipointeuitlteit thienetilcineamicaIe sti'ÂSpfetiéat beul mste rTit la mstli.Cmi ls1cemiscmeChiC batecamada eitter, ladtte tttimComtieeiolereteeant beaermadwe oaemunjeitocartenMc.aDMr.ecnbanetngltedhiupormtt sdrBrird titihla aunalcf 812e493 8 the bé e l sbead a d t e ir I oChe esme ffihdpretissth oire T eter famChier ospaC icpCient lieme the satmn e tnt ou t , dwh aveank j e, d ka ey u sifer e ue t, Ts ve, »MW.1 Witt ch. eminieral is ro4iesin theall er itau t the ibaveigb ite nut e eahrt tofnuan a Noivm etiiaiticit ao", nt c t e #tt he amsaitru " f ui- thîeg viaehd c agnas s c i nt . ettilcaitt pupiui id t i dii dWtt "Tè "Y Juoq l laitbetC h irtanaicson ei l la harefera . rvdflechr C iter B.aDnimo sic ssiuet f t a d Mr.p I in dédm ainoe e 30 as ceae, at-isaura tue w itioffie, î ime bnl- 5it"c i tIOsJs5 of ba ea r., ithAl @bet anfti hi geitie t n an écnui ei. $8,25376d ce .Cit ieirofé titiiani c.. hos fi miii~ er, iséeî, le bt e d isesî titaouta sei be tMdà*e * ansy l i n etird C ite u asmes t a &ut, a u P fth ancune M .TiNwfottesiithae c laelen T is regreth amtctîn e 8 a94 d. chai tad vu oadutemet aporea'b, fmredc, 1ueosh 1cii, Ch. peepl cf tic enu ato tata me&lhés a macrit getvectea t qbtetn :IAoCcn .-son.néciDésistetricos.Titis letlogaithe par, ,lii i ii,7 Cc Citi tranuat.en. ed I u isM ne . *th -r Bum t » brei ta ecver1hal d eC iete. fuieac ci a T itire r y ade nue therm eiiy on tat poinkn et o nforati c'c can8usb u ie t t, ah aver. 100bi e gan pissât beerof thtoing eri cc.i11p f. tr a tep nt entppan c re a sa ftde i my dtait f e e o d sp te idgut lé. Auor i i e ieprt, M . hiet ,ie kcev 6,hougclienitnA grsnoce ai Che nasetmblp aitcoed titat nhic thy ey e r utio ci te a îese c f The Tuki-h Go,î mintth oeteoof eh A-ad-naecthbyaatile bteisenquitaeitadrwytiet an-ct. idrbâtiate s verfor a no.- t endas gord intite. L nlesiée Valey se , Ch. 'ic, ot ofmtevoueof act eeiugitne Gfvrte i tis C nida d htsRetMr. Dhete, hia i e o h i mnuseofamcy te h feer :1ca m on , mined pa m h pe tCt nrneadtoc 4 1th"Islu ier« taivi hé,agim j usin sud 'cert i teru ,wb enr oe yiiuieo hr isiçîl jeutheious tAtlieb teycmullbd Ctexamied hen hi cnametChand o néaie , in, Ofver tthe a i er si it tvnmce s of naeci , Tteij ri uteigntr eo * e dW tepeni cbt fthcoi r els Aite dit e iceceCBoet u i e tc eur etti snoabcewMeretingn t t hpeinso u tie me a titat oraet l eii rtca iciirti,(h ~tt~ifIU ne. One yer bruc, tic epremetat- 0 Bearedy eoeiin iteitieC ,tieep nu.lTitiurteteemeCMas mati in eey grcud the thmmctn.aeb setin nIiofCh fur acer Detrct vii tic ecerfr e aid c in bte R i te er t rne a o b c. lar e mpala n ,c i a te t1t Ysdtn îee rui tutdd Cu detsy) .primîuuruatom&sppe- tofibe eOtb Q&MW ,19-Md aSca lcthon ld ihi ihlt Oeny.ndecmt ~bCthet hi vanieti e rsa upita e-wbn ohm hms trgcage enigigtéajc fLtauain e.ttelmi hrt F. envtreoât i e loed b rou ,bu of.the t erdade liaie ci. Woldhae euabalaocteitt n t iaddercu rman htor n mli tede pase-igîpmaatt i.teitrdtem - là **OP" eeemic a& btM in doiTaiero ., sd the rooenioe teat ertel c e u ainctuec tcMsur.smaitr ceCi eadbaa en uiestin emycurac, itahxrtdlitiefctresgmensot t ie ieicd Mm th i eo th rti fu cnra isrcsovaii Tretir f ii esac hen lee erta e iug mBoaruriehednairgei; u ne f a 2, 49ciu a it me67et-C iebutue l ud p e. a hi tyua itat fo e e u ru éma o ietmwW1bcé.Cmmityne s er . trb in ite To Hll Tillich e re itte r nte nsdés etaciite otriugaititer à ti te of , 800 utel ri e nChat D achn-dîred i@t cibtir ltitih s ine eîy sc eti poisseujuin iua. m hoibyte Soareitne, otitnci ttc t reinoneC tee hoBnk iavo~un t thai sn tcii lt kcaaisl hnonahe otumti h erstIlluhîrei ~fs 1.Aidtealtcos eu eten Detita vi rtr. eyI 1 avîg~ e t.,u&à,lan ke t n ae nt Mn ee net,Thater C ari ad Chér eci me tu iat au I icdueh ra. ATtc greekic eeu- nec h ia crd Ï aic t ha a c a theaird c f t e per a' ireo m ha i eerh1lteMr. hmieten ofce otiTe illadaieqîb B , , tmecu a nti hater $9i45secoua ris nle oiutdm eapsé oedelamr fat e ra bm t Cus udvii Whlio haetus, portima o n ratti p e hem t rrgia mne t*euni ee hrv i ngre m rqe uity i.bott uir i ersbahthc tir loenais a r tidtonthaeik rMat d tte e t u n rat fo n nî CaA l ms t h a m i s osd it eer hud,, in ite ienc t ta mini ow indael fue f hiBcrdah'r aiscvryU ar- ti u e lfCtherpoit snd hen M r . W peie. eWqitCîailcpy viseat i lre tofmtp Wreii mirmln ii etit eruge., tua - W ~~~tus t C ait ttanulmcetiug nturGeam r eter If eaentuda natie vct ete i w. hic oe igatue w yiet t u se eriaaclon, Caeîîîîlg m tha eymi eeti Clo.iYte oýpup i s er cf bb , nez M ien mtyatie 'f j ,..atedu itd.ata'.verytacttinli dltaticaid htt,)ta totikithceurtter utiettttc biltuiîg îîer tartre-c ie edcndîny" Tit it ssho Ch origdtSh Ch ot n cf c A tepoistic n einc ioe h Ltapets lee ccte atidbrie llgt bauiîdeire d tW hi stieti ci-inericurrean tram ehe aimeu meilcik wih th mebee t it eedime vteyl n tiictifrt areaunadbrietheaittibi - p owakoti a r Dubl ettvecoy .e. 1tii laven erlud ieaesti fraed h at c en ulo w ntebgwy &ir a «dui % oit.,0 ,00 tio ,nowrCitelerurreee' uethet.-$eetete Ilh pay gfii ti eiv r e itnem thunm Onhmt Cied il.ehe imagîmhei.tTaatst .l1 arraîgne. Thtsc-teîymhet wie madhiiutIMrnS'aeeCchet super- the ctncreporta, ie oon-thetaRednRiert u lewatd aoumio hi e ,ip saitiryscte iteiAcr ltii uer manint Idhumas"co aet pn -*a- 'il * ii. setua6 ta t er t h eiradut c erîelyion uivie vii eld.Serb7 titi.,edsaetrori-ay Or.ne prou cii-bâibeueod r tigtapeew deie nn, ri tenin yes 170.prmi. u ccueprvii ea~nt reitin t i e ii, nti Ct ict hfies a lia ic ey itiut M CcrW euinm oreg utierse erruais-me. beao tBard e's atuieu t f neo ie mtecepeetibiaCCcugite i tu rcv upce. Tahavn la eleurs bmucsrthe epree.t tii i e vt.Ct al ftett t edeaiupeae. I cua ice-bsDfa n c IsfiecC poubtietiot nerIl te * 0~suai -lo th Budv--edteincfr u- é . oCe lc e i d erotirdi hmiChaie, g supi senett reoeeive d tral erra îofte audmetitie end: p hiPduaeuifterbayalied eI brg op.sat inii ptsh m i vre Tow Hl f ,ie o orreu ive a letrseerrtacMr. éala taCknge t ahu aco il el idtDavid- attrartdive sappes ale htau enhiiiat incbmedMrand ioutit vita euImpranc -'tec sulltitis leur hennietios -o t tehe egr rhe it if~ly eihall frle t, cre od if tuaQc a i .Obrieok tts cl- ,coa enneheuaraeeti-t er it i l iem a y ame asti43,00,00 fruca re e Tio isticf s Neya S etir n mti eetrein e vurel ils Citeh e r or iti etiiltt. e rti ioncfsite owIl a otng éit m, er e t u eoyCîi. Tit ar eeei lsss opsfu eae ta ekpritlo îBank oent. d W lrgdn en y ad geéltam ns uaivaeiy u - m e.ieagaveoinDc bare bepic od e itatl ision W m t t u e -an C h. i t r ba i T ulde m pL r o h e l c i otio n ca itareni eg. e s » y i ~ eet e ý r b ti OC' D cî i en o h p t uo çither, o i at î nt r lis i a e m or e dp pao u i y u ed r a e ll . a i . ifuanr t l t s e v t a e d n it i n e a e i rs e ice c e i t$ e manex h b i i en o c i tt em ai tuet e hou ea ematiein teue reantin st n -t n e s y îa -i c uca ue s c Ctue ie ed ti ti i s e t ain thn a c r .c S po . ar anaairea i nt t caieritiof i vi W re comevitahte va r ueel e uni enue in partsd ot ue art eli htre toes etea mleer s itiroar of uhio o f tnhne Boal r iletiar e e fery eure t a e uiyfn ult m o m- anidîîg, l thcegit a aru te epyvia Mou y.fstaitr itfvue in ite irheaipeîcie gîtebisou Cheestrct. 1, 4É nsM I T h u dgeit o e e t r mut d h iu t tac n bIr Hoeetn ant eure met be rterpiageut l i p Ceet er jcnC O ana r eeer eti. nT h elace. iMeavue tnov pnrfaemeg t e a r te a ltu M etCiteitemet r Iamie b s peie p rtlo , b of t e Vo nty Agriult rum o , rie faHom.a e anti oer ii A ii i e A iraiîei . ir. p r et cde d'te iteBor n d e are ce ntais c tie o tteCasting lui i se tcng eu ron e , Ar., i a d or ~eus; iiis e m ue ti Finace Materin Ah c ien p, lap ppit, mttor ic hum iloli te carl hik tât tiutt aic t h eig. t aenduactt uilg , ii etîanr tedé l iy, T he i9 bw t ic gutla i ib n enic ilsin aabtmuadee ie iti ie oii, er n tervma the lamjtIof ithiclocLe memMer, CC oea titi g eh. de ~t~ ~ipru. fr imv-vi: pcmnar ee;p- mremc e ry i rtetOfi Ca m icre posti ourofrecul fayiiture, ree e iv'ng saC bueuontaed looTintéttie hi prep er- ape t it@ëeIdenvi who tîcî t he ascegi te ýt ha the lersingrdélit hu an Cthé eovaSo fcopteTre en a, tit ienam e) vw&it e CieCte. s ol rer til cite bâtei.meiau id. mmiidt oo l iaie te-tycfai vtiie M mcptheCht iusaineiîniîtgîcgCew irtu- - pr p cra enitecîaetîrveray oý nt e u i i at d auy c ea iu f t c hati t e au ie oiis ré y e r Al idea lis t Fa ratitionof thesud 1Mitedmit i fth et uei i tepuaBay'hnitiCirequain sail og uerun ul )ierre uM , Cit3 oalabonie e ft o f pre. titît ieterseetse hrohthe wt Tcgave arsic ,. Tamyt, 1889. iaiso'm . prenioncss aneecr a me ebi Sc meer misinge eto tep t t hi tepit-f req l a cBa@ m rsio- I ueti .. iver, -cu t NueDicae jeinear0îveti Mande voteliprimportanie, teurb art c is Sot su dhtuttticcenecfCieitgi rder Te mfen f ites t i e r ten . ilft e ine t n ceiuo at e Ntiniiue ae ce tracnie, iii te ttvas at, proiiu ie ct, suielhraidIbg lsrt ethe prvmnce.ant ai vii h v l v raootait ucriet Ste eiai e t4th Dscemier, f n. c eran ou leigeCteatgtracig ni ri o- tie als c t ut vraish e iao 8 cos, r Ea, u uicgttc preehthe acfranc r- crîsîceti te aoraasi tauce tiiléehthckdff- Cegetiter forvniilityCiteev a e' -i " offuh u Au-veyth ectifleibl vinefviii t haeiy .e ten r.B s bon alie tt e mutal, h o ent Clevaic e rîtsuend t ha a vcierje .el pecta o ttCe mr na ei - Iii 11.-ii. cceut Chi itiety an atndtee rnt evitet aeithie r -Ie t e 7ruWite Ien taheedue , 9h. r atineferitoll cf i tie ea m vuitCiedg it eyi i mb. Te etid e re T in p i ao l ais, tparzia ftiiUnot aitii Union by te Ortd e Y- eil of' en i te pub lc, emi t i t h Of o biene Hy e t itir t alut w tes t ieut iela - ie ie.t al e Oos e a aaiiîg tyonrmer uifins te CitelaCem- UtUmité b, ..at..taua unjemOis w he oCer prvince. thei Clou emoe viîiit te vouitipîrliulhuo tiiputitheatnietditccut ttiuc mlyerciaiauti outieiîtt iCirinena r focnrofyreplme uona oo'thed ai e hoce basi n ot n t e bir. w iitre'a - e c ent tintesparteofite rity cite rai eeie aip d, ii.utiopeiar troe ne niyt comnriof te. ,rCa ies rret apSuce r Lne eutrobatga ie evrain e aeen i. eitto hu.ma t uteioci îelayCal-mî Ihgsieeogi i orcl be~onlsts aChntmeaclyCie ui Povnt e OiciiervryClct.' Itv ecurderete aiimt net c om rmieteMottain ehv bCr ie h ci ie ti cvnpeaueiiiernu u n-asth eess ata titt Ihv. ei S -h eioa fp vlew iligse lon sm atw hifereelbs ne meet yio ne u t it rCsinpor - m ent bot, tcepig rnre i touthe Mprndic, fbt ie hu mtingthe f e fidig atiieri c ho use t r'i tmChtjunavtt iateei fil, 8&" . sic b em harnem C Ce t inMs cor. o ndt fccrre otdie ttc Cer s, I M aul c T ic i t imui eCyc e sin peduc e plmac dolieIlie hiw ermi [R e tr Ch at t ue Mt éscavetreo t82 o ofno, Ju. 2- erso . ee- iu ic D.usupaitrtt ofi nui't ite cort é.ite liéTt e he gte rt e erty ue itliaitanAgc rainri e&0., e m tpu se a elsb h i ice ureni e At hri ne@pH pynoe" adtse y casîece'iey'bc aot eente ogit ugiteîner aC aspacilott r e jliieiee lu e u , 4 ie'. Eue. Rsgaic.th* e-aOf eucdit aeb tiOnegburei, epere i a n niithe do ning cf tinte m oie n- dnitn in t mat e ctbobadovkisitl igtun~ta ite - Wo iceiy b e,îeîti , ug.tu e im mi San m1t, 86 t6 Désr i. viet -cfis:ale finial doneffic u re CintCieu rîm ite uetire. Sciin Cthee proyaitdymc aie f u ada tio c ei h t itemmnt ian I m Ca o cf Citpro e giatig ipi e-rcoeop-Tus etuy x Wt oeaet 8 r I hiteaiet tont orcî b7a n A enC c luem iim ome n l o tn t Br i ta et iaigi ur ailn ithi pupîecii c.G SE A T glsceaMM, habien re tut u tNam eoa n gro es te bicraove) opc riyetctid eite litnea. jejîrr epanr ei in nu ate r C ofthe1 i l Ha ecti t cfLIt relehtiRc.W atmnc W .F IARE la icassics. e as st v~l - srie' ocmie, f ovaTu elotnetcfOleir Yoeg B i onMcait tietiueu f iite iiIiicfetu me itgne aporic tdu it oflie eelitodi, O c ftL-Cùa emr athUnobAtas idc fr; t itn l ee aC u Lamoly taret pertre. audiene.y Ci an, rirailmc fiteeiere uh are iton myvufe ait sad rýre tin uiefa le pce&btetO IgCt oMn wonrtuiiy elinqara, me' Osboreulemen, me tracof otiiie eg agritoteam. e ce tee t ety o> it ra eiiro n mm " 49 tined ai brumeu OC àtac i Chi p i o fe he N ovaretiena o derrsas du. Tir ofaudience ot. tit at Mc.books tand aitonCti tavo On at hem iwokn-enscn i woitiiit l eui y iaml w M Mae ul nu mat Cme'semei prtCeiciyemselwiii it met e in M eiée tci'î date ecu in Niya elIctien , ere peiu i eepccne ttCi re A slc Ciconi f suCteenei lsia Msfaim a i epicti monorlit he upete ofmthM eahe Cuir o eitli Jolie,'aLynch Tite st;ti Ci a u amtn.ye"'eW"t gte iavngmn rveluecefngBiturai i tI peiuy slaqn otiolythe t trviesiuGeorg 11 _T e, elusit f te M nispy bibe filyAn i ey r C n l xbl Oc, i e Glwonbte:- m.fii i v e o de yeurscansocirtion mdfibes-nicoepeeideni ou the eqie.ei. ciutoteionbyau m Co o e e vte qoiavate nuer cui eC ir en. bc i recabuatwihéreiutacet- tni uj iaab tle t ereil l-itigaiue te tua emeeust ei lterfor sa liing, atcteiCsre- Tht, fdnioviuge the etertprovicCitetGlob ti' ns a -og-Tillichue mdrudrertinuabc inteismuteoaraa liroter-etmefcg tet ttlaF 'rme a, fr iter sute miesibtCmn hi soleton MaCitelaiii cand 1 iu9afilet in bina nyieu ration Twas leis.eurof meot, egimitablellremei er iLinerispoutetatetiti9, sud I d fom c. Wdintîtee epr.t. e "tîibavea dmn ., I mm no iag a t fronth i t ittr. n aytâh a Ibgsaeeog t oro Th,-iollairo"Cr -1Y ceDi tanlri oe e cotinai I umo rtnd tt ovrsatinge i he cu dneitet by Cao vo n je lati etti iati'a aittetca.itretn ue ia # l. 1.- i B it a m .uic Nothvm . Povice.' O taro - yClu . tw eini i . e ti t utat e it aasedi tit n e a bete " -s-ý equ or t a s ema t.. t Chu pe li et Cha o i-it nfn taetat emfcc-o Itbaveruedta- Il,.tn - t nOme - venirefrti oyn lm u Tet- ces o n t i e Oi. jày ,g teinsietibuiterece- mnipi etmdiii 'rhce Ssi Peitato hicait. i bu e -but t& acSuceîttes brentin -gemonie ofityegteentitr- ucec book, 7 sud 188o , sut arruliy iebrtre et uC buy'ingacenpu iee ii eciie caîn tr oué ey t jou nditioan Pew ae nti 'qsulalgmiu*u rimes a hem tir Oic itema. Ho s it i on ybut iebas @omen, C hog t mu net hae dly st tc12. tti rainoeueRoe$1"5f iinth' the as' eninabatevi teyor Itforerabfiee he ttitsand OurT' too halaem ytiblonrroueei.- hCi doliî-I ikehiCwîf. Saar teti0bergeee wrhierneesectbie l-hit An miterl Pri otia cl' m wu.A rpor lu la te a mIt of, nul diagru sCel m ptenlije f Poch e dîil ft me Cie voah e haîn iii nu i e havi a nds h i thno W-e g v F r a.hi.pe red nit tsed. T e gve zîe n Ro Bengais.îthrtieneepthi.btike Iembrr i ere ni ae Ca - tiat tic eluilpel e te e oiddei icfutcring a rg e d creaiejusete.l 'o eit i fe itavltkth =aonsat ii ecim cia h ftc~ pltet e thn et i o rs îh iutr fHrtd I. ac *eeieas age eauerc Ian oiCNewvaie, u I ma IliiC h eci cditsruacchop d Ltei. Nru ly , .Ooi itk tc iade e acçt i pùaaclatetn rlie, parue nC iCccc c at, e aC vin book we n 'te cli e Bnu it N, ctr nit eti t al s o o ct et w fheri i fltbig dsue f tah r -Y D lme>- os i diai l es s t inlt.é hre t tcs o w n C ote r, p re a éiy clahotery c antinvActirqcMoust w' iL - u ng w mcfn ret B onne- Mi h i tu is an u is lii r c te Portindset, a ra vitotéqit c u'r icend slep er s ceicni ug. eunn h ge idiiietuegVIeh cent C.l.u Sism vo t, P icito M-l F C A E.t bu boue, eate MrecafluCiaitrai tuatnb' e efnel Ce tme e emnuai t e S44c > i 'vit? fi'en ter thi tetbepin t e la iet ad h o eVIArtie e T o R.APOLOOT - aJ~.1,-ou titm dSngttaCbicu Chor.ee Chae t art lu ceuwrunIoeuym adl Ciyte ilet hieninmerofitevmuciers- - ' ituvedbeeo blefforpsrinluette- ____theThe_______ bié md - ndo- d iyit CtioficfteCiend sacoaIiMacea'cempItirtjceeeeailameU. itei.itqus, bi. hc:a eu Itapotei n Ient e.er CiiCOt*e'qtetC theOuî. Eeateimeistin ec(.hieeg al Cbatt.f hepulicfadslAuofitsefly rndrdihe a e cc ue, haetati. Cite ou a e e . ' Genttemveny et lvheau 0 'gi ies ohoo re c te ihj -O h nalro nml tef gni Te Confi - er- titicbout btiet h tt acet ne ean la t. zectie -ecaccousai wpepifoltisBeodf, AteeiCue - 0C ta; t'e motebnt iteyeu vai larget mipnucegu prehun ocenatrealt. oefie mariimt Clsl a = i *ý aMe Haitil C l Mite peepîc m e v~ r d - vice nrl - co Cecaliie a c e nt t a hitm o int e a ecvu asm n e jiha M . riu l i gh ~tit r te m oru ie o u mes at n aC M r . niN . e aeie, heO " urslt me *mmor moe- n t e rtivd tp oivugtmeiiaaii h btbyemCtat o theite ing laiton sobdemut ruelatterucf j ne t e m e I t el b u it ite tsrare git au oy 4w. týld.tt Horticné""ulWture le aindcrptythe ier situe fa rdu e Mmkln 'yo n e tie britex-flul t a t :fti ue :::k ta tI accue y a bave lcre ngof hatinr4 i, . ta our tlaie. s evhr a ereneonb rnes ad toar eedeto if e pwl bés eucsonsg e Coel c- Mr !w nhâ orit.eelut ausTe oc o i a i nr. M er- ttîî ite et i..ull agungu' h e n md I ér ubeve htbca sb ereprs hsgaiuet h gnru in- ao o iinaoi alc Sws iss « muteTe toie: I h ei Mid L rd ' v er y i ait ute ul e , datCrend e te"libe r .tel matiaepor ev r eaiu-y ce nvb ymm ri e hve ~a ahe taeIaeaa.Ct e les Yite i " corit redspontt inusitefi, c ttcfulite n udre miji hm e r, e rîoî r. t' s reanti n.mew bi re Wîgtj, rCa Inteigou i m ue n tr taO Ith itue? hih He 'ir on it>WAnoleY' -Jun.e.-ta h B o it ibu it, Iit.. psto ean iaucehaveetceetiti cacsicuyutidrseel Citeuwahi tic teifutet. ButCitai vas nt vitit ntehecertisi emîfibralcc cf Iofcthei yernedec ! NTovîpt msucimditait hSice cuie o Urtl iyi Cen -1fie ppGrenpeue r e prcc.liai th e 7titNve be r th etit m 1 nupp o ater e etim, pirra0' DOSNgt erAnD teMPBrLL Wmad.ThO etMeiie 'rhrneVW sg $%d Pi, djés. tChe Luisni.tdomn Il cc cf Nova-Jan. 12th. Mtiti moguont Semabmiata eslbalitbdntccmmTuchersteerttNe 8a<me.,g Ou aueuTreu- rtgacertelneantonmtersol-dI teraceme ~ ~mate ttrviris C eataace ~ ~ " :I:: trTieurc nir.T:ewhIeitit arooa Lod i e moopbtlcccca caiCon. e I ale' odiinctdr u i@*Oè er 5Ba unle Ferrarar ctait i uelythe csnttle averig itant hihp, ei d hte.,iva Aj iacitHâtiveaRmdilel of,&it ri Oit 5jg. O mail U sss i llueiit e itabis r i eln y, and Cita Paler ve î e hA enluae." --tm . Heiali m oiin ainsm f h t o h nn oInciý ih h -bt cnlec out -ti alei d ami t hi cpecaii, aih enîoces 9nti ifîce ossi bl Ce.Bal itie eud- i ia tt ttm tCa c cIu tralenp m wo n vrc e lntpeachiene efyata oi tîîg 1pl c uifor i tt ii.ea gverfnace tnno oedel - off w titirepotmpncin metiMr.RcuiouncfsIlqCie p e Tch ers hngiote aveîitm. - ~ U~,,II*0,~ Cbrdtiigeagy. OnCh. 4C J.,..18118 j "a lrge ecuber e iimmqec" Cat-cor-Citro ent on Cc r fuI titi simeeti saortic tico ai tet anp ic itîcctîy o toue eut 0'isi taer nfmtatiud-aneituena embo m propsd con euios ta Itova f Bra e i no aor resee, mnd vae «ep CII: rcî fhre as cci a clarinaier . erool aacvîr e hciîv ou eVnlldnt e wmig h te sorerop- thmne c itIdtu t of itt & C. n dsolé tdsaic. C i bcei tien ov f'm eaCuri mergotenel nriy bu nnotufcris tt u hcsc" itnIi.-tlaa Mde e le wute fit eu ltui ht e an tt auenODYrve. ia tl et 0 (1a 0=trocr OfMe-inaChuiddtonis . Mtrfis, i bcântimadi sa-Gue odriig n ec e era am'sdrog eneug ttc pmcci ofethmetiy trirycie orantethonWcaae M7 petragc on uppreciaticu ota ChWu$ eiod1tvu mn t tein nte r.d, t1nuehed Cite ite uterreret wbu ia ent se- Corthrope ira ci ic Newcasamera, wil, pocoed e Porland, ia Ne nnaul fori mehir, pteneprf rmr hec 86 tre AerOe ofob4tiett ura oteny t Lk aya netr h Vur.sri,&Leii « Buii runswkt a ms i lw n h i tet bt e rfsd t aiten leu- t fo r 18u1109 Is -£ils ti i t t,, vomu -talrtaiteappetet, enuanictit ,Iera.4*0 auleot, tiu iis lotthipromut lesd tc cmmui au-et h In n vet Citt w e çary ltfleonbis surarie muu h i a ctt r,'hame btbo n i ht b h ey t ruoî t r pelea ie et tnl. ftt .C but VM hi istav sonti euaae. Cnhrpetttié cfdit Mhif auMr.,ilee - e ietiict toecequ, r.tiodit ,cmetcea- the teonl ý I e m*lid Cheuttea. Nemoicn-hic w cc l nt a tcrp, un oieu, te of ncsitu ~ ~'~ sse "~ ipei~n ha eula adéiveCh.n rcwîDominn eélir i eom loi ay in o Ipuontt eipeCc t0:ce, trcapi e' Ct ollgtay imi ftl ohetgmi reoe loicltnut a t an . iet eea ,se thésii cnulooot Scead eCieaoelb ciae eulct avn mte msuit n r e savien ..o t ia r yestoucmm. àabih qeldet glemr drale us ~~~~t - h.is fivor, tiâtihoialI pc LIctOen- 'tin lée ticue hy t-enets Cidsteami e alluson tet BoMrd oCh rist. l oucrr e ui i; mu rai t ar at ti iinvaigti in fa eraotetîcleooowonuuifiit cilce utl te eope ae ooubacrlp r o - d etliea orata tîcsr- l jgnitoexaimepaie rearangCap. âsadyandNo.bg teaploges nut hll f T ftur et Du~Aes ~ cemicutig e. iti i the vinede ainCiaudible e iCes ardtarceOf, te nauels.. h a retaihltaevn esw- en reptiheatsvfdmntrdt.Ct meu obaeinn ir ,he 7 7 t ycîcie en W noeg at-Cnthue titie bei ipcmn fuc d,90vtescfmuevtemntcr atmn laonsd" ce poe si bnt-,le et Cien s euagi tacit tirtic nforatio et ic ccummlaCe he cmmut ou.Chi cetes cf8~maamoa ffici tamunisd oetieCha beau ngmg bidastoti ulaaora othe aba iteCoudof . itiet çan tut mua' e1ty trasi'Ch Ottav ait' "in rep i ya thir i u fde t hief r e Ist- nereoeitr cfy 1"aije cetra" wheosirehalst ce Ci 'i, e royllufatvieldddotiiua sinetbutIbamoier e gnthonr4 - ii5al.~~m C. Uuou U C0' lvall t omp acnof Mr Mert wali ale ufc hut tite a s ea awuc oxani'yJculgnei a iestcittrtr.e! -;l lé M o b m u- a gsiI icel gaa 1 ic B 'cd n I lt itI ba eb e ate n t e y e Wit dretly or.in- 1c e tai n re a nc m li e ty et Me86 - #8« le A " ,Elriu ue ori- TR T f esd, gh las ti is oluiuet Ch. alietbave ureh i acutt rssetut au m an t hc1o, bckbymt. osets adJ ClduR ot hm ise mt Tid a u aai- io ynn ees n1,mt n - ------ -'- P I eguttai - r icapaleofce, ûtvin ud teeoa, ha 1 0 j Wrght],sa th- IHe-!e1a0rava 1- L csrnge dtubeS e 1 .;thro aiealy rmis G er eai ai mnuar, a ff Ot.,mansar I. I. fia c i me e ~ On. ~- a ~ 1' If ~ 8 o ~. ~. Oq c ta O ho uts ~ 1- o-? ci en~ 'O - me ~ te B O B <> te -~ o te H~ ai H - CI LOL et d eut VI- a$ p s e. GI N o' ~ 4 ~ii I 'iv r III o .1< ho- luot Obv w telet i nbl. saarmil on esthte uuoee oaoteelitr to tbma. I 1WR Oe Inut. aste e te put gecsab et eedgs Cc ltahaituitish tlM e sau l i ltasea e x-etuitep mIsper it n p. tlchengua t t ,imdoyaim, te "ILOaS it tJon RUMBt pentiad tCne Otarie Chut a titme toi m elfC. h etitedit c adeti.' wiL m be > mîttad. Io, tcletma1%g,",MC 01e te s tautlm -vtrue, asthey gai mOatiwWst M et a tc badim tae. saote tmi. se cmbea tait tfuy tii 9Murk ofCi ý ce teea.ai am ru- l u t " be ,a blaibrt wiipy lten IT4