0 t-etocie 1110rc a-, D~I~I~ J [.Ârj4koAiigeosh e eers30et m Mie.1 ï.frc~cOymctOPrP- te toce cco t; l-ici cigit.Î, cvrech-ho eestee atttttigtiilifeo He 'louedse rc T C ~ 8 ' aNptntbiecO JI -en,-ut;ccrieeterg ioc -Th y h idiit!u ed ull ait , ilë hec Bot lic oîtdrceocd jororîoeîîyàtic: pecoitocier thooLsoithe feie 5thefet10W ois y e .ti cote.dsed ri r un e tc t ie-j Tht. . cl eeorm - s r-ti cr, icese iîî lc os t e iiM urd ttil g lndtii o cf i cio ic -.tbsrcd fio-d. 'o ei. eicfo t o oc o! lee te 'tî t3 c e ctct! 3 ejotceiv.ct tioceteort eocc cire hoiec ee.~ d-fhseiccid ci hI. 1 , nddreed ttoeu l-e-cctotrittccîo.itect-tc-ihccO FocU W iLl I.iO feuit ef ehbowhv ou ý l edoinol5tirt i drdd rgeto riy ce loo tee 9sOe,-roecr.kogoré ejccýv îoiego r tt e Wo ý Iii h o ncrt i no etefior thusi eec isi e w f ilot Spo.Dteic -1ee d Hocl dres cccto c o ncd itoT-pyCi -ps" elý et th fift cocOs. %ile ts cf Cresttoec dcit ci-e-ci r. srtree r eci Fi ,à M rWnU.d feai/ohhy gbliit b cd cy i eoecstcldlial vNe hm& Crsosn etýeotcYcrb shittpoier.uAd crrotco onOD.tOen~ fo-O VPlOA t ifG 7flEOlfH 011 IolEcii ni -ta.Th bxiiico bhj'oa eg- Ciein.Daa-O ite ShietieRfor teossi -ct , cp rd1. , ritob Ct a i c f~Ota a - -u i ti-c o 2 ocC-riiW O . un iie cd Foc- e tie bals occosseore ci -ro i'1E1 là alr alsctes>Dr; eiteve2bàIeho wcc oby. ce crs tit ofee thc e fo-ure f iecog~ee~~ teceecl ibsA C lieciA petandhW n t e D.ipop.s i, u an a e r r lot' Oseletic~ch'oeeleice 'Booco i i tot o aibeco l rcrc Morcelaocgqamewesr jv'pe tv- ilse hefchçscf lifo?' iciolnd i re T arcâe fyc oiesot _____________iinr.atfomfi amtsli' Be oegiloeeleoec ctebt y u g int otaier.t qe a e & Cae' ent t, o srtiii _ýr% ait fD ê% od eu toet~es-tsoCOtrcY noE' iî,oIltvas toi cror tiic iiraieo. Thoe etottonoin ueitd -X T N "NEj-ltIchblcd ii. Tlire rioo cîtirdîîoc hle -o i -Toc ro.2. en0.Plaîi and .4oee- ecr Coopca 1to~cl~tl-cdi8îs, :1A lit edri Oertit n fi ahieryce I-J IIUS lîlîu elb- Moteil edrd C qare lold egs, 2- - cîtb iih rotec e-i Bot I ottro o e loe ike e-c doie or o irgue i lc errl ltt e.7Go t .JerS. X- p rcptly forrey inec-rprr ilel'ti tirs.c- ree 1.1e - À , _ :ý- ' i t e nd itts teV i ioeoi o ehîug n dT -C L i~eoe i s o 1te , *os itre g ee-rn ~ - e 1 gý - -_ -Thonhyc& u l* -,e-i, îîooclîteiei11h Ncte c. o -ie--- - ioiithéc c treelbiiooi oflifiPrfitSVbe-o- torpoolo ectoduh Bu . c - reiad'o-d e-lOb ttc Ago-ete 000tho-bec the Totoerote ;- tgent cerise ai ,ese e yoceg - - 1l5t o2T.4d5-1 Vlll LIFA oetT1 Sîc EL -2 1 'l ige pe re 2eth 7 n iworid the nouit riery llîtrit, tie tr c1-3- u hcbtttéýk d. fy on ic licheo oly bwai rofcl ween i lroco. eci it.i vror tc hels Ph tbi , 1 825)rA I i- :00> - - lut n:meut and i,-gz tarî esfocor h e lui ii, '-oItand l)ointr i-re haveranch unyinf ec ites oiryonule; o cd sce rpril.ctiiesfre-toil lîcît tec 1toci- vl iliiiihIdnWu - id9 ebiiit itoro ,a irisa %-rtitieil -ê00e-Oui hie-.'- ,o TIný oebtéo letvo a plts- 1 E ve - yo ciii ctel o reot /-id B/i/ e ,'lir/S Tui h N -e l i- iAsa ncse-rf Gese Md hejetnd hI crod. ptîtiI. fceht ittanhcoity -ndc (ti/t, r000e-iti<1,0-p lltetsg£tt ffly n /ytetougMcaa iiiehéd te1 'N îecîttOfficeinfoccCanareac eauoué e-estoue gice epong mri, eeic dcec n ntrel a-adC.sBlan à tor eientireeaOe.te ce-ion Fedadoîrre ie- lii.y-Jamesen.St.5 T -77h fe-hd - rorl i tBt . e coo I to I J lcliglitfoi wedeo 17 - .1mitorMlitc.A 1 aoi1RDDL HIl h l~ prlr (d eicd or tfrehiblerci ldmotais!chiler]DIVIION.F)PR FITS c--tort t, ksr o 0 - - oinctflocoO corelirego. IN p eeiCr rec cî b. yn ilaIoe-t. II) on to c long cire A dt Gitç(menntý1 vtiil evi Plt s ponel toisaide t 15W SNe th e s d E -yncatu tlo cd lttte, rbcrtpcarpt.' fidl y off'L Ilor W Er !teisii lsmnr 80,adaiP.ces oru In titerele ysog tehoeIhîlofantlieCou if ir o d ten- i i iîc i ii ibc l. - 0~-- - cl' tei80 W fit.ic Lrisn fi brar.o nortK INIX I- I ES. o, *toocooiOootc o $1 fitbdil e-y geod dorgtc etitileu onjgly no1liiJigc o ojil ii o sàÀuojeeoo l c lon drtn d1 do 6aidD5itiýD :ieN s. I/tUUl)e1iIlIJc i-cc -iigloctirer,-or teoil end gocc hic ,fo het i O i. ir - s.:n% F rth i ri-c, o l il o- tru ila y n i Il > co e ineseceIei iin e. l4lllti, i. su t ligred hie o i5t Noic -îotc co6o-,ooaed in r lii, X cey ed tt lc0 O icoofctddciprolrr iee, Prof.i Scheelt, tiio mur grio l-obu /~i-o ~ -Qettly lte delite c tto. ' ~ S~i I lec on ri cdr y toto the cooweùrlthcfAcgenestonior T -I i r ii-er 0 il ob eni ýaDIlitmichoco g Oc lte A-dur eoc AgentfMil tn und ttighii rIie r t- i àgit~cc r n hte, nnd hde h h lia. 'o-" cf cooreu aoe d aie-hth il h j cc n eot îîlitie le ceetlt K A\iW I.M XI th! trrrilr-c o lo ero-lr la fil,, varions ti o o l,-oioc o-u ciit - 1a1 ;î-. A ~ - ~ ncl i e1ilc eesie lie lire , 'cor' roisin > - L -ic- rl irreG le-r'corPre1 o-I elltigc.o ha cenil ho Ocewly u Uler dec otai- it a Teee- r t ofor tirc-roito tiroir rerolrcy îotii hoto - -cc r s gohî e i- n h'o ;cane-1îaei ectccd r inchr tott etintou - .lt el hc oksaitc ~-o\ ig coitl o Cî-rl I l-î l ic liqncr ein cd t ird piceie locto //c cr0e oo il âe trî lig ic ca - -ilordirrrlak ad oiclorît cfper - 00 o ste ionteo ccll ls qnîit* aiefofs 'r t xiti.va qtta r p is fe nil eiWtced lie er el d 1 t he o re d .t %vta___ ue_____ 'li alir , l t xd tyet fcd hi H e e au-0, oied owhiky oîic, cndicco ltciy. ci- rrooogri*lr hhuh,-,fahd.truzr bs 'u ire oe o hava y e iegen. I'u Olecme-o 'Slroti Sirr-fotIoct- zê - lricraoolloteok asli! b ure odstîte i rto-c, o alitere,,re c tligitat eqruit, rcol c Aidr185,gel or iioii oo noj 1, 10c1os-"c , - ec-Y ork; citto cke te TIlîYThlllV IITI lc ceo W .IOLU-enSSr os " M, ; B - h- te ce- dor -1 jin1 infI tjajj[cottage.'00 M.ti -' - Ild eide. rie ' tra lte. lo pc 'YAeti er oi cd o a yog lto it ,uloio iir ocr c iisoo 2 eslcyg leo l c slo'ondtit r th n Slcnl ruyslcl e lt o oloeo , ..>'rir-e li l ete ierti c - oeu ce andr hnI ede c ie r isit stnops fc eli o ln 0cr ,- , i lt . C:1i. l. ;- e iepr- cti~lî 1e -tr -b tfo î -i- cooye'.roit-ioi- oi - u rd c d Whtettccn oil O Dc 6be? ANDiEfci-e-ctice rs u teL-slt- 2i~s "r' ) 'ro ie ef pico otzt-e-t u n cite ail)HooSri -- lI 1t e .c '-e fccer IflgaveOlit(IN tIl t lt. M c O rlat ilVv nio - c aiî.ï -- eseL-hn I O piniosfetpcrde. on Iiolthuit DOMNarcN0F \i l k Ais ! vca i eiIlA ci au eth l y~ele-l o thd n borgor -aYcrit lette e-cttor c/ia An ie-ngienticcnce reI-sgcr SVIIIA )iA EHM 9,1 pierlnJeSTap[KE rIC tlobe I h i tele c f -7 tt hrli o îî f t r't eght e d D ooth othle o in fi Ic rcd ti c ted -',io-o-o- quiely mae-k*' n f)r p lturorree id N osit.b icetts ofscd Rn6 e and Wiloitw lh a -linbiIteceund:ry t, the ocol cd 'lti-the lorySei Hec Aeec- o eon o is cenot ce hObctd.,lte sdor 8 , . U21il forl ulel tec cs eo>ropîvlps otc/oo;lo Rerec 1ed Joli ceit nl outfo deluco oe i-oy.J~se I ~ ilchtor lie- asrlAce ta ge- V e t s, r bands Try .. l s-etft quui-i-cpîîcd N'ul 2t l - K DW 0 1-MIX1' re1,trd. t n e î on. 1-s i eutti jrp eeo tn ee -' incr ysurtet c end ng. - - - - -a-- - - - -Tle, lt-O . A U. -tI- mant er.s prop jbin g..lnO yngîoynev1 t tsg!trtt-ie- c io îrqn on ' - P et)s, i o e;is-Id. ho trpockeî h it Ie rOnesI lltrcy T' - . - a u 'mr; B VE 1FO 1311TE1-St!îlluî1-ce &c.5Be.lidi8 A Io ;~\ :2 icu0estteer eo ett - seltebîs for he i - r. m . < Ejj ORDEIED DFPARTMENT. BARICLAY & MýeLEOI,, Hmc h pefsrei,-leotnit tcf rtido n d thepulcgeicttyfber. C . N IJM S e - c1tn s r i he h i- v e ry et te- ti v e t o ck f er. F dl ante alia'10wI01 ':ît et-o eîloer m me te e ybit e t i cso' e-aneSdOPh e -Ut fe t 'e - TtI) D priclr tenio e h, sr, lieroiîl toecee-pore e-tit ot us'Inthse cont'. Whiîoitthty f-el ro-oiedont *e-li qîitco oquIi te eec foieor elffrt tlocy bec- iiï" ~~1eIi.xt.1~ temeent tie ti'rqir.-e--to of thiir-ut-'--o snod e-tiI foiv-e-linnthe-POSi9hhôe trel hu-bec.aseccdcd titet cfte-tnp tit Milttoe, April t Tt, 1868.1f - i tetock wtsilhrbefoned j~ ~ ~~ ~W ON1'jr 11 1 - I I î me. > c -C>CjS cfuoitole ccils Untutl ced cite-p- 4rcc-, ýcc.ooî cf XII uo etocetylt-Uf titotesin. WOWoe~& M& c1-c se-ut Conodîa ncd Oe-pcred. 60et-O pta echreir fWUe 1ilttttdlrot faim- thre -nutfacturere. In.necio t elthditis depnte-tot e o MEIIOJJ SI-ýE, ONTrARIOý. Tailoring Etbilret lx, E \ 1) ýeI Y-N A 1 I)ici 1( ) UENý le Obroir lic.ni- ot- -tv doct-on e, i-MOST t.OOERAL TERSîS. A lerr otc f I t i sseion le tei le- focd et theBre-ooIl. cOt ef 0cTowceee-eefariueoe,.îspsr Gooacoit tnucotir e1Malltocroc- cOnsibtli>on bcd,for iuceorccnlianOnfrcWoei C 5 h. sertit Bure.o-it h.à:1rd witici dto kiler scifitttleto feî I i-riper. THE HIGHEST îiNJ-]Klýf P11CEGIVl>> F<OR>W, -- .-(-UR M"A N rL & !M.:.' -N RYRIOt-' JOUNX NEW'ON Occro ti oti i -ti to>yeaLa.tr cf geoocn iooino -cori-ci-c-rtcLondon. tedirs -sreiy : euloe teief li-retti- tto-et neo i-Iril nc - Lie-obieie lard April. 1088-f1(%tX1eF ~' )\ \'-T 'tS ccOc-re'~~~ere- Au n t io e i lottu-d. n lei irerIoîre-orillbofoîe o1 o>-fw estic f tit, ed c, eO, t w oeo cni ng c ii tr,ioie - e ilit s- I i l 1î e 6 ui t a h e t o t h eI ls o Star Life Assureance Society, - k! -.1 S. (OF ENGLANDi ý-_ t3v]p ;L7 - , tilti-oujll>fullI toç i, itc o-foorîn îi tn 0ceesty. Ecorofileod li thecrîr1843. Ctjifiii, £100,000 31- iS 6Itrootrr FoId, i l -ci--W; muc-l el il I.ct -t i -Y uopieg t- ii« iiot -orr me-ehg tb.l Feit £80o000OSig.- ~ p~e CheehilicA r:n"i'nî~ .>2i occ tlsi- i-. Elc III 'ierr riih.lte -ut ,-Sirc irIli-- fl - irolorero iiriorioOJooooorovcoi .frrec iipc I l io. T 'liC ý. .21. S'irr i. i.., chî- W',e-,lirfl I l si, irr, -0, ioos.I.Ime fbor .,'Ii. oli0e-t m.--ee tcrli iie-oOiOi--.' ,O ro-orrc llis lie-liti c - o\erSi-l,. , nr.f rrifit. MI.- E., - r,, "fioP r to- l'c i .ivlntr-l IAN fn u'i-,rl huîi-e'i i rtie- Ird for / ,nd erfDirnit r 61 FOU- A 1'1 SrjyGci'SI t11; 1- t vI i -r- oor « o,. o n t, I-1 i .1 1, )' l;: 1.i 1,-- 1s ;.,- I I ;t'octoiu .-Itlo-r toî3tilobe 1fP6 ,r bu 'o/. j , w u<g vv ~ PL1~tJ~tI if 0f E~ iii ~~oo 'd croicibjOt" - i-ire- ru~ Iti- i - -- - - "o fllcOplii fi c heFnglisci(h 'h Main ttect, MlUu ,COOKING utNI) lAIILOR STtVES 0FT IOATESF ANDîMfOST o 1I- iIRO V E D ItA T Tf E R Nc S ,ST O V E lI IIN G Ai .,-c 11,laitc mirtsd i i ooncion tiretth lires-S P' cîoad PLOUCS! ireelticita ru~ -~~-ccs ID INN il l j;b1 A FOtU\ 1 '.icooic ---l noîoîî o. .r-r-re1-1I. it liîrrîrrîlie'uofieAbl InE', ieý ol oe Vý- - i t-iii. cu it c erere ecd -rrurt' ti'io oi obco i-IELEBRAT--ý iv-i tT N'it iltA E, il1. ru rtcoýIiif Plat1 truee. HesOh io le arege touitfý et ýhic*oO 000 eb Il ccicoin,1iri wollrrkeooorltntordo route o.OeirIrcoli t se!;in t feirrlccnirtelr tne.i 1 (;iîlo s Ci ",rii-rtioPcr--lier i:3~ .c ]e V 2c ie ~ ~ ieFc -t i .. : ir t nli-n..l t r - F n,Yf-- t61-r , o-o . , I.- '. ' '--- ct ci tii "if P 05.O ' l. or' r' ..o Oici. ~ic~Re F-r'PATRI K MicDERNIOTT, a- MiILL STREET, (iEORtGETOWN. 'jýl' u hs-ibrtbrrnchg taoictior-thi ihcii- I'LT O Ni______________________________ IT, toctorof iousriesic-r toittOntiiniitli0thO tc , tho-iteb ero- l à,tro-ce Otiod ocii, i fone i l (- lic -untIýir lb i i i - blnin g o Doit-i l oClar. elloccbliniioiriei o t oî.îîo c 1iW T I Q IIN E to th'.lfoo-ctitclrOrtbooloittoeo O e rT Ocl ep r ornb.ooieobtheoo-tilooott he e00007 te rrueoc-rct a riiticiclerte.-u _ sot 1 aliohndeSierrIOLc it CCi-o' ut- - - > e->rttliu -iorteiloAitorthe i8. 1710;lo tie. i- ti-orîr 18.jr"Ilbri ciirlini at s ni'c lut, litand ou the inil-gruoreDeie tirinc e-t :!."l e-itvtof ton er eorieto, cOocet 26,0. 0 tt c0'ti-rtu nB6 e norc htinadto ob i>-0 ritu.- r Fit-l i rîoî e oetniboritor lii e ui, i ih O lir it t -e I n d tl l rc or ffr , #à-i4y a4 _,one -Ahille tr eroiff- olarteS.-,,b utîdasra-it1 1 lW II t _,1 1 lir ci- 1oîrtoiîls. i iptd cr i-fil-rtire rIllieli- fr1 linuuaîîattire:t' Vtlo el rl t- 0e-cTaroreSîst k ce-e r rituiiititr r'u rig nco ohiirr I0htt n-cfFrtCS S Buggies, tIarriagercf ail dsfPIIl ci- Sioilirc, nut ou cn Lil nir eboo, oî,îooo Iî f l oin lru>r-t licscol t reofF rS-C B the ne F srIiirg'e thootni e utoîii Seille, cuti f bve il ffcllru '0 e t thoitir il cru-,"OD U IE]oGIFS It1K. oAOSA-,~ e~- St 0000 - e-ci-hies Elithtei-)NSrCtetle nfose - f-W ru 'oil r ell-ci. rouianuc oao 1ne LE e. o y IBUGGe-e- ofect5te-ý. i g- - rîoroh ad SIuo ', GIfor t h " sort yrrigO tltre w.eittîi iotn( cdeig tîo ere ro-.riiîti.O ef nttin'oin 'h hitnes. Yr':1 V'"'toeier. anhdi teliy s iut r e0'cite ro Vcishi e eli ientl iYctlose nthics ton&e o rg AppIy irîîedilv in - leooir E. FLUELLING, iSto'oe.Pipes tncl Tinwaîe - .HA TO N o '0 ~~~~Ziotieriecu FP 0. .H'AlVR:5_ t Deoce-hon l901,.1868. 27 - OehCo tid u -j. (LATE W. GOULU>W. J. STEARK. -- - cii. rW. c t0tf DE, arfiage and ilagon Factory, te« CIUTTlý'RS ANDl SIEGISI -!,y qunet 1ty of te i-ciy itcti qeuls'tyo rlWW M M 1 ReUEU A tecLe t no50e ogrhenten Miten, Nee-iritt111, 1868. 23 IiiFo ez o -oteoiti grenier fricifitici- lhice e'Irr ncOr orrr îh erte-< - Estra-y. 'îfiN!iity iHIs, "'l"l'V-i 101;jh~4y~ FILDtO eei Etirio, liet thee tntite tE IO N4iIIlE and I ilsLt .ltievrbs émM lt e e e o fetJOHN olI-u>'nîy qn trwotuif -ik oelnd itrerreli ,i cosdot ND TO- ieeeth of Jonc test, A leand Whitei roîW>lEtî'îtTYA .. MA Hulfsr pbbis blyloitliitye-retd Théo .B.-SecOeIiteundecd Bn nchers cebond- - o ewnee: terequeoied te psyccteeidù .--el e-aroecd.. - - ilton, Jnle lfth, 1M .- I t e o o '.a - (~ i)IN î>Ë AERItTER t&"O îivner-o-o &O* i. ltIm meln. TPttn-8 OTwi wis eet, ha oui tel fteid, àntopri AIÏ'XGTON 'IE -lti aed t h p-eRb id.îWe Fiot C hies 'f UlttJostie, gr 'e it . Ce - en1 e eflt.tm Hth" Ti dlsry ,ete=scand aite vdeice ~t ue Md Oqtro, luiîîpubli Go l jtit5uleeis.l i 1- ro.ubstnI'. o - AGET mine o r - iOn i mr, obiet o' ýt OC..tF set.l, l- ýTE OF TI id R7lOcule rDc. ttc i-crs'Th ý,d vieiniti 1 «