lN'L IG N E a proect-itjelas JewI aseiY lma,: -as - e, &4 - t »E ou muea ~.,vlrtue, and l &ai aSa dicanl b ____________4 out our m=Iw uofnan, aA hl piarljaibia so the r eu.N.. ock 04~NIEXVDRY- OOl S ~n e.at ca Jr eo. I bsshIss dmo.Pt George Iee ,M.p. (j, ap a ao od i aE'11~N c, E : « "Ra a m a y e r . o n coi t b e0o0 Olpl b 4oO s o bk, Ï 4 A . Y O os $iaatueday Dot. !îi to cerions eonoequeacea. Ths LQST r MAW.. zD e.. tJR.a.a ieaiofniueorertowi. and mien eff-,ctcaI remedy? .raS TRÂYED froc Robert Wa-'4Lo ioa'zth tu.~1 u.~s braf th@trud @mteh " publc fBale&t year@, and have al. face and lght uoloced maso aid tat agcdI ~ ~ .o~~j~n ~ epi gv'. ,rfct i fàbba II ho t enyoaro. Whuevor wMiva gic>in1- as 1-i d ta batrcoovry miii b. a ory0~,1 lAoo.laývriby bt permanent cures ehean tsl «Learod4~ a Livrs Stblee_______inthe______«c!_.____r New Dry-Goods Establishment l* s W oHôtel Fromthie enpareecS aso. Soid hy ail mudicine ROBERT WATSON. .. . . ... ~*baasooorcphlearcs. dealers and roa.try $tierceagenerally Actn» Doe 30. lU& >9 30-41 - f -throughout the proviace, al 26cià per C'____________ . c, M.m. ce _____f___ mtusvi elebo.irFV lIN tHE ADJOININQ eToRÉ d ploi onW#dinday nat. The rtiisg tics- _____ List of Letters a 0 a w.as tcfon ecStion aore . forthe ot . TordJoes, eonvicted of the RJIAINho la tewOo$tocomkPotaviez r ogtfer te Sout Word J ClmenteTIZEeANINN n theocor vlaPeu J anla, mon ulcl zcu O ffloaiceoieMl t urices-Jasreg E. a t BWilimott. Irdr f ieiece on the ilth of 0.o n aa OCemalor 1569for Ornagh Loys.l Oange frotj»fthe courth la ýinpretoenoo f. Dot>. John O't>oaald Mise. in Ille MasXter, John Wols; Deputy nvotconcoorseolpeîtr.HJnvTona mhso Robert..n Goo.cliiFCIAUFiC FA A cg aeir l Bay ertr.Toa or s tteaded hy 'noverai Protestat 1e-" Mes Chrietion Sayers hom rThomua Galbraith,; mdelpreoed îcooîf oi oraic>.of thee aho>. trs 'l mn.a.,,.pesed. . ..lf wi y &spluteYtfe thehont n F. . . . .c....cnca....aac aeeniedtohaveocfnhielstocklofialRailway. LatS* otl ~~itsGasmeoHe br.peo ufrans ma okF. noAtRuLAeYe g-g a 'we a O i O O O O O O O. jot, ,bC.tB tos b ero er. s oi c. d ny T> EC mlaimio ercne itelnb. onstreo . la à« r ia nQd 5t ft .crcA ded. H esec n tesaf l a (M etuthyS o>nai no s00 u o L ry ar w r ,r îttell , f ot >o é ~ce ~.30mdMaster oseaseommod inthe hoalias .1 onas ci. ýrnaalsmtopi. aHneSockîMcftn, on t, 3ed nc.. theelfe.ocilro.rmtheM.o"i"n orthihe8,88TJ8 Wb61qv.&. r ftebu ul Tj'h vossMîad ernos p tsmoi * aio 7; Eloce m> g o innocence te thongth cm Rpî4 .çniai Il etnta mii deller a orei.aoc. e ot onnilel «k intant It is t b o e t e J o i. i t th ei e os c h i octhe tg he RInt er oaon e Onuhov, o e l pNomr : î O e y , a r w a e o G in ie , n o ] t a C Beoco MeAonter caM occomance BcRiy Sections Noo 41 ndieba &boutmile. Î, î bb Lam ti"Pa m iiud er In Mltn, o nd he ord inetheab.ife fi es hacdhth ntion witAmhee Grnd Treuil::z:. ~i o tI s e it ttl o l ete e r s o m c Osec t P io i fl bin o u t 2 i ls sin z o - c o - M t eo nA l f b e l d c ll Ontthe Oit oitet St NecC-osChoech, b>. Pancd piiotn othaEpccileto ead.e. .0e0. »,C jctLTveaL Mcce.of.ths Awi n A the v rodce ofite ie'@ r o thcy tiouch Rerte e"i Da.lhoiein eNte . oio oim n< ~ . .e . . m ehh teir coben ty Melbrita gt- c ofOL ari,,ontb. looe aet i accosth oRepaT. runioc. BhraoccdyoorAlneOtaa.nd -.o ne-.a nthe t nit ay thsR o. He'scy Edm neen la sa ndoeeoo l i t h oi ciiaile a ndcllo e ii~ S tb e.t ci te te, o T hoob, non, tot ths eJ S. oArc d , m lersct. oi n o a S o o n d, terres of co n t or of i in O tato t 4w~n Heu ohooia, a q.,ci eiso. ED . B.CH NLEL Ncab thcPaanbnt e aesbt p giclofO- At ill, nite Lo i e brides lita.he., Of- h C J BRYD( iO ttawai o noboth soc> hle 611>.h o ATotro M.n ..eaoit oMoas N. B.uTLouDe iiaorsyie. Si sd o raâVa h o a Mdciey ibca 2mdaite owBaietel oe, aioeHagtor. lriifax. oftethe lier, a icay169Ig o tlnthb.r m âsappo onctehayJuar 9h 16, Oi A tesice Eonithe bride nectthr. oindalieeiTeniersadrard. II,,th_ C.C L T RIS T M A S IS C O M IN a- oGo@ a oo oo i fur thnbbceeiaconsio evith 7hnruhr,y theitev.WHeryS.oiis m,,, Ottoc fthe Ineoelonia . < y, wllM ci cM'(7.Bm onM cc o -1 G heur of elve othia o tbm, Rohr.t.l.lo hs, oe penatortOweniSonb ei& a rofe ath -t-awa u___ n 4 G o GD GD s-G6OcGo diaa t ffoes fr heenuig Y r-W.eles so o &H.W.J, -s EO. B ma. oaok-onth at Fbraa. 80 -aBsysf et y il e, bo ise Is beleyuntc uiter of I~î 1 i nu smi' e n,ý C.OL8>é8'W I LIIW L L O X At the resi305td IEnc f.h ries Gah r, at C , ,LeaRin D I M. ~ a n v a e M i i i o n . o n t b 4 0 b i a s s ., Nebe rn e c î o d - - F Gn nh m o i, Pis Rae i At the renc hea c2M.th nibythrte e1, a o c. 1<4 e 55-." --- a scond tehr spoyte hf, Mse ore. j Hacoltnsged 20 yMr. LL BnetteMse 1 Bi5-dm il hrtybe cdfo,.,.s . -. . Z -s Sc iS, aNrsa s'shm e a isgd Atheein'it M oe, ideof GergbetonS fr er cctof h e i, hos o m end oathe . er.1 . .a . . ploreoOctîhicin daced.oOî bi ,5 ~ aO tspck t ai ,ofeMi"n oSthBst apr ntdhmt, Ssfor-Meeted, c CoigMXl >o-ccaon oc6.toccncdCD- Go ,*Imnbs bv er tb. ool onsiecbioih toride'i. ot Taiisyth. Rceie , EgS. nt OOtwa 9h ebot 9............ AttbaSb nvra s t h.sm . b ert:Robe..................zM z :'o MZW1'o n->- ____ DRY00in,,- z:-=-.w ,o, rscaos -o -m ket ghe-setthot àCLmT s,.Z n :z u.o iic thlTrs, lsie e ovnte as>edBOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : v og bonooc tothihi hc sceve Fu uplyo cou-$ ,&d imshoty themaya- O eaember t , oa the o erma i LotOi B orthl t tale ror 41 cm oe si-5tif o Eglsh SwusMr.m rianJohne, leilt ilofUtIIonI D 1IID, E Great Cl~earuegaler 1 - ' 'TuI î~ . il l ii . walk an o9the Pr-z -.ersmi, AOtG - O A R A NDof M .R U B B ERS J E W ELc., Y n n ~ s È h ' ~ h l r R e G e ti nm i " aM t n , o t e 4 istC . , eli E e h nse c o n dL frMr.Willim eeprecer of 10iDn 3lie>,N N 15 ca&u h hi ep es, Moe . J. Hamilton ed 1 Fe MALE P0L ,ô__> ~'Oi5IIMa>. nod esthor Piep'cîfhs>o-oeeiOiOhoveieJ. Co te onp'oÀoq m ai D ff ca ti a no O et oî ti ns t oon dc i u>. c t a " t ionol. . a. ofIhei _____________lep _-or _the occasin, ewh c onn t e eai e ;evJon ath ic , g o ccv78- opccî stioc kSe iof to oot-' Âmes00 romly ofcTayi-Tiek ene m hire n gla d. cccedacpic._ _.___ _ __ _ _ __ __S'3W1S lu iit by sera amng tseehien cby . 9:zu~ys~o- u* m n d anaîoe s. rhe.. tcctoeoc t apeoha ioItCmLiOn TboOH OO & Me IN ON O o-o e _ mW tos enen 4 benw-4 r SALaRITI RCRE îm tm roc t on e t. aa esithe ie cagn h onh> elo ii . l oS BfCOTS hiag ciii . , cel, aid iai~ne lt iyad lie eofF rT t h isit> toc.ad cithtre o e i. e oe e m G doeod coe> prc nt-1ce Toewo rmis ilonprm th.lu. athis im .ran Lt , o c tma, Otc lto 2 2 !s 1 st'clt Coho , li D SINelson. br mC.î e- - ,,î Jet f a rcM m a c a AIl cork corriteiland punrcau ail uteaded bcon slie bilof Workmanshl ~c crd ealon approvaidsecuone aithe ser ____ hmP-Nctedoohb P. al. Mt.>.'n *105, atlotive thal ltmlfIobetoioaotMALE PIL aiasoeiclvei oilanoe O il, yrtr svt v rtin. e y w .<-gbou tet4i oora.yctr. Pe hejo]Email&JOB MOSE, N* tlc" dp'ezO0 o M . 1D..L Fri roi o soa een hi dtb Aplioaai MMiltoand tioahy H.tats andJS.e iim ott boorF- G ,cflv Hoc o Ionl ion boi . l -t aie nilssplie-ib cmsii .moleUilfl,iorndby . Wicton, rm ety e' NO*ie rie itico on --- -- --- --- -- ---ct fuB E G S b ananance thai honstnon roetvivg d il>. hi t Toaoctec, io e abont>. ai lthe , rn nte nhypro i Nci B Our b o ko fe CIhino lle hotoal 49î olie m nindo?, otiof bayOacoand s H(>LL(>W AYS cothou arcbeadingfoc.,î' AU o0066 Z Z anZ. Z.a.2 ,.h - o. Th bstofwokMIl oetNown Jn.i h , 18rc . o 30todh51c, 12. baih orteaeheo, al l ie. cf F2 hetehînne."/,oe.nesolo-cait gircWood a.Ch.rges -Moderato b.tieaseif m arabs e th.dth i W 4h- thertinc d- cthe r2. ed y g fo o mi nrr en ed wiig t h i ho ib qt , e, og g thinchimn adl m fte e ul ritrn ada t a pîea mhle t, H E n Aînroe 'rS orieNDeho' a - la doa-a. eP.e a-a. e- g Pares o o. a anGrocerré!iesNB-ian, osaesamsecls reni ndemns oS itiase.l biebeotli.Iasiica donfde thaosdagentbii u ri Ta eMildtonieraiciii ice c el" lligai Ihtef t sktchs o al sboIuý bttla'ntinigovrbopila, y ctuc esitei ca racte.Publieaion .eflolitbntevhira dul-ocScyebrdFcinpo a 'n g Eted olheoCasto f ILb..t gra tentrthernamerod n It e b iv ctcfoopieo f ai- 0 - Cz EOR ,8AM 1O T H --&c--; The 1'lIz' of lo M en, 19 the le.ing os lsjan ott1emltiony, eféi . Dueici ute breoe aeb, tvhatlieqeeoir ,civig dJhi DÉ Eoa. !ollr P. i ofthco i be g Nb iac vldigotte rob%0>..cf'ouiorg Chnd lber ot Pre' -a-a d Pb la leucife r Onaime, dnelg H (lce , L seo timoS onval ino Hoce e e-cv vront F;The*Se- n d cf+ E az z z teteCnde e i tse anO h oi taosnb n 'eiepeno o of0r.0 T h e a im t a l is I, olt o o e h m b .e , f l l ig , t r a b i g , c a c : eaua'ML Z E i tin u -e . i ovt for th oe o oi sg E o ne cec an d ls v rin:E s acîa oe X ik ado ad for by tto spirila, mtgbîenl cloeof aain' ian o & c. ul Ir moodg e osentTCK0 in he b. ies 51h itd on odae >e. 4are a taii l a d s elf' dmi ic ord b. o er a i d oeve ro rt s sf y il en itî,g h aIA s o a S o k o 11, c miebeat ain a d lte.y cleanieabi tnie o ue 7,hrnimao Aers*.c erei j.c Hbiei, and nece for1106bonf"e ce Ithcf WîLf Z Lt NouseOd oo To,. jr a 'Y~" stmeb-ieey esgas> iî bcTll-omoher 'etooriend le I Se"o t nithc mort isfa fias. etoneaid ieceasia etidmieiabriig or.tatyGi cl. ci tts-L c.lf ntin l à. 05 c, m'o r1 i .n ii aao H M B A D A DG s e ar c as ai s ai ntfIt ro it as be th e oin g ile ci asti e c fev o l DT h e îh bsF r e r cf this- eori o c ogo , rc o od 5o cr , iîrMed Torno r i S C O ChW i II sK E N O D UO T L ti ok nam, bs i iy popites. E.O Ah ,v' diîb Steelkv g aieaîos ,. . -ee iyoeoevwtbn thicid n obepii Diel- o t Fien pla oo hlI it sd, ai a ne m m o S s c o hrsa So in g d . al lic t gi r et - a y p .i do-e urîb e or, n hs th- in lrgo c etan t- o n sr i g a d i p Ei s h t t a r . 2 îN rr l P . B a eoo f n e o I i n i s S o l c fsetdcoig t onadheir 13tediýetos mn fW o ctilsraig teE l. .m .a > n à' ait aaispuate tonamre a e et e ryeietc. obi Il OSels for caplol CoatORANG i%@ favur tood o an dis-te whic, o wOrh theve.t tetheemaazintheselimenjt:or :ai -9 tenderRANi b, .21a., ; dersccgnovivg,. . .5 Si aitothes"dio.salistoctor>. & m it- KLc ais i n e sith Sicrfr Ta hoe tok miil ldet REDUCE;z-D PRS IES. 8 'iffùtbiag liatreqesntO cops. -fond onare andvet ... - h...a ,JS.LNOA _ _ _ _ _ _ a d P i l f h ne e octc f L d - u r e M t s D a 4 a ai . d h i a l t h t is d ai a b e a 0 T i ee , a n s o e r Y îcteric e. e o o , n d r mi um _ _ _ __--T h e_ _ _ S o n gd. T h oaf t t q a n t d s clN E L T I S S E ni ns um4te uenarDin., ton ulsive .to'c, tSVli- eg- - -.0 'aireo pet>, a> apog. idtae TCfnalors GOLDEN M N' W .hENS STI UPi lCi wuis magistrat. mesd aepinl he lidasLetmcard un. Th engersteer O-up for helub cul gEsencsStdrey her Lia>..of&I kids qtus ie le, itigs e mb s GEOGE gRT 1tIMT. M il onthonlolheireMISES100M0Ss 1 If-moyc1 t-d flot, ndigestion low i(piilsCHILDBEY'Sul dELTrBOOTSl cENent MEE Z10018. lu b- o re.opeInha- ncg' ilai to, zoo-l T re; a ost p d) f the e reeli(2m5? Kigri- TlKEalte a> largec, ot16Stock ofenlfca 55 onb.qrddberges uiîb IabI ad oei-adiitte e te. tenihr ers o s lbehing thn Cea, n tbsIl foetrvrSa -j I Et.,b>. TN Cs.OPeo Flynle-in 1oedbmk oc o te Gsl. GotDraac