Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Dec 1868, p. 4

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,A CARDE HT.AH FORl BISIS TIllES! eSEILENe go th ti0e te ga Goeai, là mriii u oUr ytrs opfrthe True and Cheap Photographie. petiqot FaMaad Wiar, wetlbaye miels pi.urelesing that cur Stock wil IF you venl toast yourseif a cîhero t.e~ttnme yen, ~cal et the IJ,îusaly Attractive, 1ICTORIA PHOTOGRAPII GALLERY. Andte va edevote our entre attention b Nrtte. djiO And gel pour Photograph token by ~floe~W ~ GEO. BUEOWS, £cei h.ad eonneeled with il va ceao Anîldute orfryo apouu Th retowntcd Photographer. Cal iD coudettlyofer or ourinpeciona nid 8me peciuOSos. examie the lare ai..',they Sf0 aflowed gy ChoiCe & Varicd Assor(rncnt, epownp-etnt Jaudgos, tto qun i 01Pajot- On as sivanlagoono Icymus s nvEslnb- l"ersonwishicg pictore cnlarjed tct rloocomet in th CouLtY, whlaî the is.- life aine plain or colorcd iii cil) viii mid poi*anl feture of or :Stock i. that i it to theiý-dvaotsge 10 ciii et the Vi- compie a sAucction of toria Galery. as they citO get it donc ~us 20 per Cent Ch saper. Andquaininihtoy np the Do- inion, Al indi f picturta copied lu the varions Departnaents of or lDne. and eularged 10 aoy in. ln4uet ni ueally stainable in tht. putof th countr. '% eleg sPeil et- Iiit'*tilBS giren 1the Art. ton Iour GEO. BURIIOWS. .4lIWod lack an ad Colore Super- Martin'St., Milton. fise Cicihs, Miton, Oct., 28th 1868. 21 10 gniAIT INflflIUAID LIVERY STABLES. Thr nb.eib bicu t. ainocice that h. ha. BOUGHT OUT C. Tho.,mpson's AND SILK MIXTuRESf. CASSIMERES,) lei isandd Scotch Tweeds, Uéhdcords and MolekIsms Fanoy Vcslingn iu EILK AND WOOL IXTUBES »J lrgDtS. PILO2ZW, r!7s'EYS, &c., An. A larg variety f CuniiseTurteda, *Rd a compltea nuortinent Of Çàà adwe conr stock hefere Pur- &- Vepi.te PloterliMilleiy et the Tims.. T bs e Bt, Cheapest amndmmeut - stoteal iPaoni; Paper tuli the Union- SBPLENqDIDLT ULuSTATED. CIJCL TICKS 0F TUE MESS. hie sEmLuxsm ofMWcr outy- i 5CUimtàod tled usAmen- gLsiiâfie AI tilAtitie, "à JOUa- osrvarnoi ï.4o FotEcess dic=ur ttiYa. lN olter Irritera »dpshm uare tri.d 10 dut,- iuo h On Asurtc-Boofoa O la'hsWonesr may h. ssremsroeitly 1gare dit est cm iAmers...- %lwere» Nei Ir nIeaitciu s W"lit sles le > oe h àa' sat mîeh te mhfema ofsa issuruMbrtsf plit. e#vs.Thofles tegnIhd by ce by bd»ud-sud t of View.. ne thssaesaof Mmature onitin *Ustulrofeling, adzok m tmghbut aszpr etuon -Nse1 Âu.re.a t.r, onr, *1s-pr09WPively iee. .4 otaefr -u> eïPive h feestes$,0 ,tb .d e u . fo P u l , A e mli ep p t s a. Unsl P eunvoL, f eg a , t ZÎai Hmss oeaeu W.rky JOs iOdLa misha sdatt t mhuuahWs ma amBrtiéh NSet Neuv rt. 16 1,p.htaât te ig racderu. ers lht hi bu fr mn tshon1 aea.suao-eImprooies shhro a It 10Oai Cs, N»B S, Rilon WATOH And hot addd thecito nme First- Class Riga! nhe publie oa dipend enn cd rizoaI REASONABLE PRICES! John MarîhaBL Mlto, Febrnary 201, 18M0 37-tf MER'S 8A.Tix lT NP 13rAOK DRESS RATS. 02 50,$S 50,and $5 00, LATEST NEW TORR S[TMES, MEN'S, YOUT IIS', BOYS' à CHILDREN*S FELT HATS,, Stiff and Soft CLOTU DJAFS, STRAW RATS, HA4T FACTOI3Y, Kütg S'frre. Cosner o Bond, HAMILTON. J. FIELDING. Hasitoi, Uap 2tt, lo6i. S-tf TUE C03MSERCIAL UION ASSIJINIJEIOMl'yu 19 ansd 20, t7rshill, London,.ungland. CANADA OFFICE, M8 and 387, St. Paul Sroet, Montreni. CAFTAL-Tie sud a hlf Millions Sterling. Viau DEPARTMER-T.-Prctsorty ciii- moitevsr dscripto n eurid sgiut Lcts ,w Damuage hy Psre asModrauo Halas of pnemslim. Prcmptitude îsduberailty lnth Ie welîlemeit otala. may ha fctiy round Ocn. Lma dJisted l aiada wulhal refer- .otue 1lB noil Dirrotoru LiFfi DEPARTIIESiT.-The Capitatlu sic a! the largiat smoaiet Auirane Con- paî1', t uesb saaleg lsgnineticta ahaeel 0h . A iadarige pro- ts r10yastîiptLg PeIy Boidrefra cf P l.e p e s u dm s .11l f yr m s t o a a i h staliediAtîhe Olef Os.rilf1. CGompauY0 la Montroa, or frcmm syf thes Agents, )tORLoISt WATSON à-C. tRouai Ageta for Ganaa T, . LIVINGOTON. P. L. ., isapeetor sot Genral OSift. FREDERIGE COUE, oteany«. MILTON AGENCY. J. B. W16LLOTT, Agent Mîicàci, Hunts.Dlt. STREET. Octteer, tti. 5007. 1-tf TO EXPORTEBSO0F Lincobt Longs- Wool Rains. MR. W. P. MARSHALL, TUII CR1111 gl.De De Chiristie _____ TESPECTrFUILLY it.rsnahis Ctmrers ProI paihshe estly ,e-ged 10.0Rasd the Public, tet bc je s,,,,recciafn TLs Pmthm proprtiT la TE nLAntfuT hi. RUIna.sooocn af IiEnu.. 1f.10etheluad ing o.gan of thei nion Morieent ad Op- oc.rdmnrc mt i sie ol acleriNE W FALL GOODS, Serucis, vbhi t doooirry wb, jot sas Wich h willioell at tb, tbry are dic.e-nl-rith0tut quliications Or sufae-a tno ithe hristiaet theLowest ]Possible Prices. tbcrcrld ubescitrios for 1hfaaslcTheru.. st anddfr thiei ietion eftco1 vis., editoriat Mangocnt iai oporociaito urit- ern ad editors aeOfrOIieerbrsnch of te Ibo S , FR W H hmu beeoaptly trasthc frct irgse. f tbc.eght in the erbldD Such apAPr, offring preaoluneofOies Machinus, ie-ioarie, Ap,lîton's Cy'cloe- di, ine., Orgaoe for C1saeeb, etc-, In - 9M ERICAN STY]LES ..,of th.best Papen for cacv nuortlh. Ecry Cocceogalios may obain Comns- I ion Soer., 4ai c;a,. & eldeoc, a Biblor Sind fr a copy, ccloit o0icnts, 10 HIENRY K CHILD, Posccrquicicg aiy f lbe aboie derile 41tpOkRBor, New Yor-ticaoftlt)lJRS, wIll find ilt"Wthcir A aua- tage to 1,roh. etaIthe 4rP. S. -Sebuorpticnn n.cived t tht. ofie.1-4m C'olWI1lTt5 SEWING MACHINES JOHN OARROLL TSfreturnlsg thansîte lb. public for past faces, bogs te ansonno, that hbit. prc- a rid te acpply Exoelsior, Singer, And db,, Olîig Maiesi ailt2on and Toronto price., for cash. Aise the Everlafiog .qWhsite Wire Clo.dsei.-Line ! Rlanifactird hy 1he Canadia White Wire Com.pany,Toronto. Evcryaiticloirrras ed grfluiieo r ne sale. Omagh,JanIlary 2îd, 1868. 34-tf 1859] HENRY GRIST, [1866 Departmotal, Parlammenary, And Patent Agent, Transmets businesusvilil the Ceowi Landu and cîber G.ocOCsmrnt Depsrti.rclu; tshe-u out l'alenti 1er t..c.ctlot.s; Obtanla- corpocetlin for Oomupaulek l'y Lotteru Pa- tenct; Oraflu aid Isae- harge nt Pricalo Sillo during tlhaOrsioi, &a., for parties e sidlng oisvhiie-. RinUoOtScA. OCampbell, Cer missloter of Grown tLans; R. Jupon. Ksq., Hamilton; Mouru. R. Leis&Sosn, Toron- to -W. M. Wilson. Esq.. Siesco. lion. J. Carling. London ;R. BuIl, P2uq . tompeetor of Agief,Colocnl Life A.iaecC. Ottawa,.lMay. 22rd.18lf. sa 17 W. Barber & Brou., PrimtIng and Wrapplag Paper Congtastly on haîd aid isade te ordor, WOOL CARDING & CLOTU DRESSING on the shertesotoice. Cotton HgR i i vaaiyot 0rcted aI thot e-anMi lentno for cash, Rtgbeut prico ineasu. pad for Wcat, J. E.HARRISON, VITIIIII S01081, Graduiloscf the Toronto Veteriîry Col- iogei.u proisaresi te attend ailtht alimente cf th Lower aimale. Ise ce. for the prsseîl,wtltbe ni therouideice cf blisahet Willuam tHarrisuon, ABOUTIIHALF-A-MLLE SOUTH OF M ILTON iTrms mederato. Rlodiouný fer Hon.,, ai& lati C aIl ays cn band, Aid testeri procptl? atteîdod bo. Milton. mliso leti. 1867. dl-If Insolveat et 0:F 1804 DOMINION0FCANADA, provcse Ontao.e cour" or ceEa, On tise Ctay Coult cf the Ceunty oi York, ins tht s-t01o WILLIAM A. THOMPSON, - An Ingolreni p Notie in htesby iion that ci Wdeusitiji, ne 201h eoy of Jauen "0 NesFrouuLincoln, Rs~tootssokstifesn, Noua,&M s dock boisluur b t ely eigusuh day Otoi A. D. lm.S in utnis Ie1New , Goad WILLIAM A, TEOMPON. NO Y.kAsssn ~ ~ lRl~ by JOLN CANAVAN, I s.--7I~L~. RIo Atta.y adhoes - i ~~.171 e th HARDWARE, Paints, Ojis, Boots, ioes, &c. Fashionable Tailoring Done on the Premises. -vv'. x>.-Il '68 Cheap Boot-s & Siloes. 'OS T Il tiObiiber bcgs toi ,timute tebis t toocri tnd titiptublic genccalty \ litate ba fow reccived a gond assort- Setubtc for lh. 5.5Whcl wil b ~\'~,0,, ,found cq in]te %ny cffred 18oe. Afl~RIVAL 1868. . 1 INSPECTION IIESPECRHLLI INVITEOS.l ID.MD. cUi2rimtige. ORPIRLD DFP R'MiNT. The Nqew DomiDionm 17tf,,Ce NIEIIA IS STOVE ANOI) PLOIJGH STORE!. ~S ecial .X1otice D'sirie..e 0 awparticulaer attentien ta Ibis von lmsiportntsdpartnnofut ttC ells R-is socb of Leatlieseî embeuces tbo ccc te-nt qnaityaud the quatity of'1b okwl hifouad te compare wtmyin talbcoossI>. f1' -;îlEsVPZCR1IBF.R bfle- cainsencote the elîcensi oMltonad cîci.ily ibuib THE STANDARD LIFE ASSRIANCE [o., giIani. I aocto.ecbusieslathe (E.toblicboed 1825) Miltos, April t Iîs1@8. Store Opposite the Englisb Chgn-ch, Main Street, Milton, Wtb rnicb fa cowi tîtcWbere lbe sili he-p consutstlp os baud % be-îcy atce of Thc Colonial Ls/e AÂooaorce oiopaup. COOKINO AND R'ARLOR STOVES 0F THE LATEST AND MOST lIOad Offce for Canada: J O W N -NlWiIW UIO l'i 4- OlN , IMI'ROVED P1ATTERNS, STOVE-'IPi'NG &C., Motreai-Standard C.'E Eildng i.Oe lias iaricd inaconnectn with is.s r0E and PLOUG'lbuissta No. 47 Great St. James bit Mý. M RMSAY1 RIHMUD&&ULTLlwX Mi DIVIS1ON 0F PROFITS. Wbcr,-by Lccpisf skilildobicec and the e- ce Istcf Stockh,. lei bc able 1e di TThtflOfTC :bo i andbs,,d Aas ni h eny i asas nbn h EE>T The Elgbth Division of tbe Compasnay'&1-.--lN l. -, tl)Ai LNT lUlO\ IiEATEII, sslh ato k eFt It rns;. PH asa. aloo hsP&Or( profite ls sppointed biclie ade at 151h Noe- JJj1JdL.'. 'S 4P -~i 'J A5-<.-'--' cember, f070, acd off Folioles soi affected Ls'rROUa EEO N Ac10a e sill Participaite.EVEIIY 1ESCIIIPTION 0F c,'î,ichi. c 0:11 ,Il foc Ill doilaIo ! u'icb ins cocidrbly lmteeulbai sot-roir Plosobu Tbo fend tel,. dicldod vill iete .Pro. iem)dfi hFniliolol. Farniene'ould do cellto cal n dîos:,lm-dris,' ie hoit.5 Ota h ,lhbaccve-aiss e 151h Noce..-sc-odjti egscI'. .use.aIeoird sfhi ber , 80e5. £DIJ "uT~: , T M o 1, bitc d Tbc Company'o biciearwilîl close os151h Nocembe, lotO, andis rde, oa. ta the r eprosipt'c doue o on heM02T 1 BERIL TERMSOA larecStoch of ~ ' aetDunH ae cnre h. advat-aeof Iis e eas entre Ocode ot therOea Stacnufactooo,.ooataIly on bsad, focrcsait or t t ciofor Wci Z orth's Ptn rmR a tht Profit Sheme, proposai.sbould te lodgosl îitb ltheAgent. oseor boloro thst -('nocly oc becdi. This c.le,rutcR Dram, wb;cb olmscI coseasnofbthe wls*0P dmte. i, e -rIne-r,: toce h:ee uitube-o tbe-prcfe-rrt'cv a$il ütbers. A t soat5o Agent ferMiton anid Nigbrbood, THE FIGIIEST MARIKET PIIICE GLXENIFR 01< tOleb attetsct,'a,,RdsetlAyîotunsoni (IP.1IG OMOH, lceu. Ce-,iiouce-fcc Escic:-r 2. R1;A.% t aCatt,,sr. Prii e-1rs-1Cinlst $clientlpou- GEOGESMTH Mlri.JOHN NEýW'TO.i. ii:o,.:zibo Street t id KIDZ treel Mclb,,disl bCiJtcoî,e.'W. OsYfacl S(UcesSa; 20-3m. Z. t'atlieoe, ConIectinc. and uîar:y otbt-ne. Lireboso.23c AI.ii too.46-If TbcOc t, cteco Put I â t i c c oanre ilaile-.If a,,lnatlcfaotosy. __________ ____________1868.N O..-Cotsigtfapparcîs. etfmtu kModeoldsecpornuety ai ucurratru. Terte-"aE ME LOIDEONSM . ---- as rdc.PATRICK bMcDEBMOTT, ____________________________Miton, Octoi,,n 2,1847. 1uiu CABINET ORGANS. Great Inducemuuts for 1868. ctiest tae o t'$ fiîY."R O E T I AH It E) Ulsrilrthnfu o getsuc tar Life Assurance Society, R B R A TI1N , 1Spécual attention te is iacnesd faciitiez <0F ENGLA7fDI U KE)"~ bi for supllieAndons Bron-., (of London, Ontaio), sud Polnci u f ifalo), Esk.a(lWued<on the yenr 1843- Capitaf, £100,000 Stg. Guornouec Fcn,BgtaaaoIaiAlltot MLELODEONVS & REED OROO4NS, £800,000 Stfgaat.anuc ha nadtint i Chospon than lb.> coiusppttesiby aiy DIR1ECTOU1 ,-Cnus1a"À..WiRSianRfAo-lhne-, D-U-rfCIraîA,,-JOhn Ch rhtEnq.Th A_ H B i.Boleà.Xâ' X LD ;Watehrif .ffithEq OU on@ Chi ln thI. setton cf Ontario. taiig Themas oa,s, -John J. Ltel, E, JFrncsa tSéifofU F09 ylscolt, c odoxi I0I biat 20 yar. expérience îilh Molodeons cf Middt..a, slhn ei5Và Es3 iOta. .burmaE9., onth . Poidgo, Elot', Joi. 1- dufferoit s.llieru, rais ith conidence ire.Tbaokray, F e~(cij . r oiJt.p .WnE Âx emeUln, Est., Jchi Vainere-. oehM.WcFq t commend Aîdrn. Broutas hebliet mots CnadàBear fOilco --70,King Sreet. Tcronto, oc,, the WoyaesBooh Rcem, J. Grog-.R. hous dded that et1te- etn Cnasda, for sweetnees.octoile, dssahtî Dry "eral Aent for Bithot.h at'Amiioen. Hn m seusML îr y ast insh-but shonld Princeïi'et Baff- tjoune'Os ofRefere=os cmtJonMc onad E . Hm. Oi5ith E M.ut. . Ntiftil 19ttosmonto cbiaper thai pricate -Wod DD Brso,'À . . aesC& 1o Eii, omJýuwManufature of First.CIaU Buggies) Cardages of &Il deudPIm dvtduals rai crI thora, as ho importa thes. R'erII.r LC., James Adamos Mtabe-ona.E.q.. JohnsTorrnac. Te. 'E9&l.nfcuwoâ dirot re. Bfaoblaci. avîg eno TheoI'STAR" offoru te auureuos-te daitesouof . -a-tabi.hid te gaiage OSINLE AND DOUBlLE BUGIES. OMAHKET WAGONS,-., I th mu ni airie-g Bao binel Rti'oon sment- osratr10of pe5ec5. cry boat s.atéri.l, and by aitot usýorhs.,n.FPronhi. optatios for a1h, duaveylrigth u yo n 1 e oand Or- Di -ndcie perPt Cof Mprofos» aisogSst PoUcy-Hodenr. Ecory linmialfeatoreocf Stag and Servicerahe Vlhicles, lhe comide-mliy reliée on 10e paPtrosotocf 1s Publie tin sans dsran ithhIlAyee-aehsonowicote-nt wacth .-und manwemisî. l te rtai.d by tiesSociety. The Polcy nDemiestenprisn. platre rofor patis vlshteg te p sohlasoe h STAR 1,07E ASSURANCE SOCIETY"P c'hm. attna"'bics co of PraSfu,, baves5, "ros hl 0hudrcda aho e bbaght ogadchietyte future .terose'Stnol snd SHiIiIy.Ne etraatgen o Volunesc.I~1 U ~ I.etZ~ 1 oerlM fsm bt. dnrlsg the Put ho >5eff.. uaa 1 s- Heeaise Agent forPiaotnrtes. 1it.. J. B. WILLMOTT.R.H W h >.Ias uàtated Catalogne fusnaished frieeofhmrgoAgenit/be- Mt7onandstiDorict.RfAW H R E lI3s EEcry Instrument fuillp vsfraated, ~ooeFbni th iS and dlic.rsd frocdmy2th 8 ADAM FERIRUSON, BramptoaP. . Bramsapten 3une 17 th, 1868. -s. lbLeter 188.SODA FOIJNTAIN. 1868. pEMAININO in the Gsýoete aP..ont * N M L ' U - OAfficoon th scisohin, l,'Ui, W:_ _ _ 1.Barbie- G igosP Roîunu thânks fotr puat farors, aud bogs te annousco ta hi, nns.croeî f rienda, Grubo.. -Jo..p,Jr 111e.MoEdwred p that i B0)A FOUNTAlN isDow in good runnicg rder, sud that hi. 10E _____ Mtor Mes J Thcs oAliC REAMO ire au cool as eovor, yo Persono a Ilg for aiy cf the,&bae s i.ters ~Z .N MoOA-NN or i p Fu ipt.BARCaLAYei, 1» fl.e Duraing iep.ar1m eta or -. tl rpao egveh iifnlo.H onietp pet e Ngate annomnat te i nomefoui petuons I hat holi. rrpared le attendi te1 vei tilpere t 1 e h t0 vaifato.Hecnienl peast ante vith greater faeilities lifl tvif. Hmvine aecired thté M"f c Wtia mke Ciad nioe&Il tat hoSoiales, çe the hest style of CoafeetionaryMI= XI SA74DP;M fihest, q 1r he. FacCks Cnis &.Scals i-s)ic., Soirées., oddins: Parties, &o., rd laWC I peoplStil ton an iec1t,¶ths ila pointoeithvy i hweksut'a iCWnfetoueF'"e'nte Bta -]eÀAd put in s STEÂM ENGINEansd IV-IBTJ1 AR DI 1er ttn e vt4eb.etn,,e.,&O4à .. glaid rta-g. ennissoe vils Brel odCnfetionery, &o. CSO OK EMTa4TTNE O -hy kecpthe1béat 5101k, aid from kifs M oeas1e f32.d.CUSTOMut,1u.PW - LOGA_ý1T N McCATO. "Ptoae.1Mcin Street, Milton, Jurele R5î, Ot..-tf Milton, Jon0c 13(h, 1505. uittn,,Ooep.,RRth 15t7. 10tf i 118W- a .iunImm OXFORD DOEOKINS. FANCY COATINGS Il SJION Jiut MAI 40m@ GREAT BA RCAINS! NEW DRY-GOODS STORE "RIGIT lOUE," MESSIRS. W. ID. & -R. A. LYON BY A state of thecontry, owlng o the]aie bountlfuI harveil, they have iIst purchamta WH bsjdrt.edf.= it n9erznthWg iaM $5, 000 BAN KRUPI' STOCK DRY G6ODS, MILiINGRY & li0USU FURNJIIHING CO0DSAdhv pee u Evr moreditoHmito y etilbue.New Dry-Goods E stablishment W.d ocood thon cash' tnh.gut.t aft. rsth 1 . ttomn fAo- tam . tefound, hliabàc0uth5 t FABIî.OîTSIY N HEADOINNRST RE It. hm snlr..dy recvd frocs Licerpool and (Glasowcs, icfou ig=enwta, per îtearrnh I HEADOIIG TO E Nutos,e.Dmn.,Nca Sotia0 and Auxtrine.ad oi u derm 1rnat uonth, daily rueiiag, e Ottawra, %t Patrck, Gern.v Hboean d .t. .th balanc h.HwSokhcî cf hmimns s.,. toch. i Des. Goc d L diM.' ad Mi. hi ewSoc 'vn Wil ber parict.rly attractive tht. ..es. At.. hi. Cnctct. ttopo, Daicecks addlu Mojie-r. o esaa . hheput md beoti.thi oiin H o oy 1001,t of T -py neptt it>-cota F1.f GC.y ot=.. a.l riisc. st troi !nsOc itny HAy& Cra...PnnsatAYcrh shitino cncctoDUtodi.iAYr hi sg ' ne-od VioShrig f c -ct . t'rl 'otoWrpu 17. ,,lli bcdiposed of et ratesneyer huown Intt. ,.nelghborhoo. 0..ltt 1 o Btcfrddo., 2.2.. (bcd C epctWep 25.Pa.ad ac cy s. aY. r egaus-00i5 and ses yoorselceo. In their turc Mammoth Establishments thcy shiling. toaziot, Blue, »-ite. Chekred an.d tijoo Flasaci., froua .1ueeter-dcilae- xp;kecp aelarge gece..! stock of Msd as ecdleu a .iety cfci theïr od. opudliycheai', at th RIGHT HO USE, JAMES STIENI, HAMILTON. limatn, Tet.W10KlmNS-tf .GROCERIES, CROCKERYX 0F TRI: FALL STOCK! ÂT TEE GEORGETO WN. BAtCILAY & M1eLI0D, Hic, mîch piesaie l in tformlng thelr friendi aid the puhlic fînoitly, cfthot Uim cf t0,1, very attractive stcck of FALL & WINTER DIRY GOODS!, Whleh they fort cofidn t ilhi qoutto eqialto10 8î7fome, effit lby h..a te mel tht roqurementsocf their cutoureri, and ill uti f ntt ailisthtP=.U 1 ha. heen awa.ded thrn ocf hiug the LEIDINC DRY GOODS II0USE WEST 0f TORONTO!I In the stock will hi found ~~metCk C>l of att bMtde subsals.i ad heap.. G&eC>Ood. of al he noircit stytesacfthesaion.a Woo1to>]Le=g. both Canadien aid Imported, 500 pues te chie , boglt dirct fr0.. the macufactorûro la conecttcflwith 1h. departutotn Taiiloring Establishment, Which bas cor ipeciai attention, and the lacge increae in}cnr custom ttde fr0.. pur to yeso i. mot fiatteriag and iatiifactory. Ojne of the targuit stocka cf RE ADY-MADE ,CLOTHING' 1 1, t be D o m i n i o n s j , b e b ,f o n d a i h , Ue a , a t t c1 1 f O c ro r c v m a n f M .r «eut ches$er liana sy fou. la %m trakdi, and varraitcd te gice ulit tui o bucyer. OUR MANTLE &, MILLINERY'ROOMi. te ruperlnteide-d ly a Lady of ocrerai yeae, eaperlence lnLondon. Ladis. rnapiit apen oeiag hccc the. ste-ct noelties in BONNTIZETS0 ANI-D MANTLES: âAn inspection la invited. la 10.0cam. to.. li ufoand a ciry fine auemet Shawls suitable to the season!, :BOOTS -AN*D SHO1ES. Ca.r-jpet, Ibte ooly luit stock 10 hi foad in lbe Coctny. tisE. Calrers wilI îtudy tibeir intereil by pîying us a vcit lwfori mai.g thoir fllii puc'.boior. BARCLAY & McLEOD, acoegctlowa.Repteunber 371kl, 1868. Dtf W"qr" 1 16-tt 1 1 Milton, Sepk-ruber 23rd, 1868. 1 U.LAISUU" ILUIUCZ. E -SUR. os &DTATJ SDUAT csud q-couamu W.

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