KORMMNG d ieoa1Prpaiter. .ametfrOtV VMV STREET. 00 ~ia5o lna ace, or cithin ù"rm île date f aaitrsciliaeg 00 WRI'$j ciii ho cagt. gués oF kD TISING. finpenl for th is t inuertion, ?oapr lise tnf lor uiaetcsCusule "lu ant Ofjy en lS. Aidia rhà ai> 0auabtau AND COTJNTY 0F JIA-LTON INTELLIGENCEIt onlekel moue thozl quI: inlulge nu c Bol I dil ne heur,ce ce ioye (vho, i planil lai i1 j io lad net a. boutl Clidit jMay montior Itbo BeOW01 _____ _____ - -- ------ Wia1en ýrRli ridor, cd ITia 81 A-YEARJC'THE PRESI-The Palladlnim offlue PeOPIO's Iigbtil." [IN AUVÂNCE a'Mo f guit, -- - vain.gloriouo VOL VIII.] MILTON, COUNTY 0F HALTON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1868. [Nn3 XXVIII. DAfleran I --..o position eal i**-&acardâof elkt linaoaor eiua$4 # af b«silinerato lbe recloue4 ly - %Oum .il meaaurcd ly a acde Of dfflaorit IlOoned ertise- fer ..aad for periods. ~0h, tatiiout apecific instruo- _0 tlE forlid sud chatged ne- eXaiCotice, the objet of which IWa 3allieg raies ciii hoecharged te godauamisuOpce s o rtiebtirthe mi j 5 ina Ciii exteptioOlasl .aaaoma for two~ieamontti....$40 a for six amontlt. .ýýý .1 001afanoitea emn ...25 a fdix enthe tl.......l a4 f* hftoemofltha ..... " g&...aleaiaaafor twelve montho 15 a forix mente.... 10 « for thrce menthe.. 6 eiteent lte ocoafiect hu busainess Of rceret oaa adivii.n( bciE el cd tuinlode Aur- a"emonya1a, Co-Parturrahipa, a t@alal oveoiements or imdi- h~uorsoaf firm, Ilousco 1ta Lot oa lt aaiaddreaadjo th 5411cr muai à t t ccithy ciii net la .ment@ itadd for insertion h the cilce bynoon enWednea- eut. teracii, t in&l can, bc trictiy Wa.lia Street, M. Da9 UIÂN. SURGEON 000ACCOVICH. 0MI an Ofile Bedeac-ThatlaitelY jIWby Dr. Crooer. Ot. 10, 1866. 19-iy p.rtm EaD., C. lu., & TE 0F TEE USIVERSITY 0F codlage, itootrori. Milton3, Ont. owad Pet eiece-Onc dear South ai âîmoffice. F c.ter Street. misept. 1,ia083. 14-17 «MASTE OF THE UNI VERSITY 0F jbw, Raliiecllie 7008geeryu - Ibad Icaderce-That itelY Occu- ,W. IDLRoertson. <Cosultationa nv. 1 , 186. 22-117 Va EATTE, Ma D, RIAEOF' QUEEN'S COLLEGE, u.4ca,d Surge~o ad Ac dagou~<ceKiliride. KJM rL h, 1868. 41 if E~te8Q & ixon, 0910E-lu Tocn Hall, MIilton. Supiear 2.icd, I818 16 16 OflN DEWIA, Jr., -nu AN ffATTORNqET-AT-LAI Publie, Solicitor in Cleucecy, cac, A~c., TeonHall, Main Rilton.26-lh £1lJNC0RT CLERE, COMMIS- la Qae'aBRouchLicatdA0À*- Acauotobtac. lebDircotectw iler 51864. -46 ly 0~ AKVILLE. ~sd te prprtor bdatem ut Fi irai CIs. Hauaa. t ~ l q a h o f al e a t y b u e p t aiv l - ha d. 0' eUo uila,16. 4t E. IJeGarme, &MGT0N MOTEL, WELLINGOTON .Coufor8. moderateechargea, sud atnio eguestaaiill con- mark t4* management or thla Notel. The Sablesaand Tauda extenive, andi a cacefol Hotiar erLBquafea* ct 24. 1067. 20 ]y VÂNALTSEN, PROPRIETOR, Cks haula te bla numocour cua- friiair poat patronage, sud baga traSaetht haie ii atill couduct in fict-cia tyle. Bet si liquora siud cigac, good stao- ~aUoutirejaoatloao. Ot. 4, i8667. 8-ly la sd froo i te %taien, egl tef !' MoyOtetion paid te te plic.footi oabliug sud e- halisaa3-5-1 ýIWG; M'KAY a"ni rocer and th * porridge, off vo era mrid, aud'I cm about te malsefor tho forri- dor ugelu, clen I anc that the rocd coca mikiug tbeir eay dowu a tala- GEEfING PAIL FORTH£ ?OtOlT-TCS?6- K<EY INi A RAGE. 1 vus standing couderiug chut wu up uoc, clou theo friand cho lad anp- ped My porridge uebl, nome &long sud gt o pil.' Tleugi 1 had uot ho alightcut notions of chat the pou via, or chat goed it eau goiog te do me, awuy I met alofi--euh ltheaIs. I aoon fouod mymit lin a bush yard, clore evcry ounecaas iaiug a poil, aud lIen takiang lia positiou ounlte oppeite aida. Thiuhiug that 'tioy ce ro aboto carry caler troc a col chhweu lard by, for lhe general oaa of lthetabliahmont, 1 bilegnager le show my îuduatry, aeiaad hbld cil 6ai8poila, hatI I hd commiited n hînuder cia rvident ai a glanes from tii high oujoymsnt My fat offordod my irtetialutroubles;bol 1 cia acon put rigil, by as oceoutiag oui 'HaIt you tiers air.' I lokid lu the directioni ahsüdt lie toie e att cd, sud thers 1loue tht digniinry cmo 1 hod se griovously inàulted bfforc, standing lolrly ditîudfd ciii rage. 'Hec dnce yo en ao epil' lo aeîd io a irsccndoua veio2, and llookiug nu black a iiit. ,I did't kboy nuy helter. Sir.' 'Wly doni 700 bsecw, thet ?' lc 'fecause, uuaid 1, Iuoiody tbld ce cht-' 'One other eord,' bs ahoulsol, 'tuire iliai pa-one other cord and docu ha. lev you go.' I a ignorant cf eihst dowu helo' meat ; loeesr, I did ntl gave ie the o esotl:sr verd,' but tcotted oeay t the borin of tle rest. ho aut decu iy my ids end said 'I tbluk I'm giug mnd, my mother vru mail, aud 1bavea ter la tle asylsm; I fiel u if I eau goiug mod toc, My Ged, my God.' Adhleseand pas. od cul rupld trides tho loug corridor, and avcu as 1 mc lm pproaig me out of the gloon, rnappod iluàawdite ahiet sud hia hideona futuros cede olili moto hidsoua by Ils due ight, cy haut almos a oeb eilin me, fer cere hoe te go mmd, cbh old tcll "chut foran bia nanuca ceuid tale. 1 My ther sompunion caau old Iits cou about eighty, bel andgrsy sud it iciecd. lie eeuld liaeustehsd on a forei for huit on heur, aud esîsu tiffea. sd and ol esan d thon ha conld ol bbli up anu owncuthe sorridor, uud ucoat uuseauiagly for nuother huif leur. Mia ilespiemaosvoeaboinry eau inerhauatii blo, and wcîsulhs did rmn ahfi, hé' cized hia oldo ee.op,ilua a cy hai mnde ce ahudoler. And thoa from oui the oel. couid ioaue a blast ofim tpron. lions, on tha bsnd et thé lbiry eld aluner, hy ditrisd aees, hat seut hie once more te hia foren to try te aleep. * T A- MENT. And tien inhoeeof the ceclecor a cao vith nuci o congli. I is ao erfol te liitsn te his agouies. I alool iy hi. colt door, sud hoard hie touusd aouot ou lia mttreor un if le hud isena hine ofuair. I se ie criazgie atoiig the flora et lia oeil, and la hisagny, ciluel tle cobl ducap grntingo and rougi tili le seecol about te die. Tînt olol aheesoo afier breakfast la ticeluocting, made utp hun attrese. aud feelinesunih saiol, 'lihe o tlîeep a hiC,' lok off hi, cloiha. and loy doeu. BottI I; aolte bil net capirrol, weeoae lrehey came tiougi tho corridor nul auingthte olol wec, ordcrcd hlm in Oie colfi,-;é wr teddttri blu.mamaea U. a.., I. .- - -- .. . '..j l"2 senstn- - -e - iHe io teLOCKISII UP TIIE RIScleeNM-TUR.N- hu-mus term'te-el pcl t tst r Sitou ay 2, 110. a3-n52ly cf ua. Wo ut-Ver liftia reespaper, 1bu0)creticît of thc cocl. I etlyoer KEINA TLRAG.ntreteglU Ot ce coesacrossiadtavagu pwree.I the ram one corner adtepo rauebdt e P TllONE IIOTEL. netiou that ih s a pince e wcilcicric- te onoher. eoiog toc noms crunuy Oe reachisg theîo îpoe t cair esau, rol ilsmenttreor togcllc ad tiero lie HoRNDY t-AST iV lHOM.'i MeCAT.- imais arc sent fer poivhimont,ce nt- treugb ctîii c igbt oblain a ireti buCal f etakluing myseif te tis cor-Bat ail day loug, the tiry pieture ot do- lois.Thiis ane or etuft, d io ttool mc ocaliy conclolewes broc 81l ahoot il, cf tacul air ;bottunvan,. 'Tséchoie riolor I ld oft, I cutereol tic one 1 bilily and ccabnes lae oemcsilo osina s ayHe an d ve use tOietecnios if ce lidow plecepuosa asse cf tic coni disgosiiagliedl iraI lobel inte, anol tiers auolher TRIAL -A nTENCIL. tien pai te alitecu Thera iu e Steca in ail about i. horriblne halations. precena cor going on. Ou the nrli conetion oith Cia Htel. Dr-y Eneo. Tic enter of tlus rtiole, hsvitsg -ite inî al the ecrl can yeu lite un aide cf the corrioerwecre sceertren And ou lieerng nigit oruggrolitu Grecenicu, ho., 101,0 oooraty on Oad. lsely ldhie attention directeolte hc t noc nui a teoupieco?'- I asned ors archedo peoingu ieading inCe au mary ceary cay ; oue. ice, hres, rveey nature cf mary cf ucc lc i it- of t1105C me, cho cece neuel on a colis. Thcuo erre muccilibe thi laoluriemead an age. And thaeetob tM c»=eDy -c> . 4%x.to n ad the anode itci hici îb, e a ibi,. et a stablc, icI rot iy uny vienrne ise eame intcoléables. Itcoareî nec the Te-- o ea stt ocu ducleol und huvibg foot-I that tan '0,' salI hoe, icngiing, 'you'Ilincon vide, thirsioti bing enlyshottoe Ocf Cie pails. Al scnse cf decrue $2,0 IntcUU et egît pearceut. activaeviie und investigation iîlo hir gl osel to it; 1I fliit tory beol ai Irs eultot andlao li; tiir lengti cold bcor leeosey see e Ceahes led lie Appty e ceekunga lve o lremdlb and lepii te aud iO mule ce iok slitlte, but I soorce - oboot nine fmIt, aud highttlisamcc- Places,anul cere I iu ibin respect te crile JOHN DEWAR, J., tie idéea ooveyol hy their namos, uet ly teedil ah nil nec ; Yewnt notice They vere separute ro tro e iccorridor levu ail I colOf ibst abominabue aranktr, ho. rthereise citairibe, rescivool, by per- il se atch t morre.' iy s grateol bren ber, ne hat auy one corieor, tOl one unit coul hocrolitel, Blie, ,Otoi30h, 000 43tf naens xperiecec, e gel o throgi Afiletsurtcying ce eeayfor saiee n-oido e cilse ail theol. voging or% and y701 reougut 11e eretchal ineotea, _________________18 _._ 43t bkoocelge cf choC n "Oaci" elliy cao Lice, tOic iîCiy wsnprepoead l'imi at wiin,Rnol ve ,v-;a. The preceso roce romains cf tic neblonoua eof man M9oney to Loan. -ah lemet lic Terontoelo. arc 700 in fer ' Toesthioi 1 guvce ahavcreferrool te, van the lockiug ofthle verc aiilli iott, MODUS ~OPERANDI. généal repiy. Thov store crceiy "ai- prist- nsintheso relia. Eori cîth isCHARDY tanasoT. ()()f 'ç~T e toms, on gorodendrs- isOol d ihlis; se liteor ao Oue da-pai in tmnol, stnt s oeil cidorr, nul a d notes, et hoci dtes. A lifficcihy met ce at the otut- prirg wclii ach iiber, cre,ofet li e in thetoCrokey renchleti o, io et, About tCee ciard eî,Sundsy cern- Appîr e hec a t el e t ti hin ? Il cao Per- inquireol 'iohre I1l i co npriggilîg.' oenool andlihoenogputîib fer tiv nigît. ug I cas pcing op ard deen the cee- StITHESO ION rOy asileitntailI1tacre t gi e IhOt as aboutle roentCthliinaioOen, Inaido ccc astnrac estvoos, and tco rdr hsnticrauigt Oa-itr.h. the geamd saae cy rrui.d, Icecl cien tho fois cf lie corridor eaon- ilankcos ; adnulone of rr ili, u thIbe colla eaid, 'are you'cold ?' TrouNaî Mtcou 5ap 2060.ieC bave icen hnlol ovor te aà ,miirg lokol and oIlrîîlry rteral, nI 'go te bel t n ee,' cou lie ccan. 'ey'euoecpy _________________________officiaI, cie couid bavc biîdiy uhoscel tandirg aOtCihécoutrancee, eticuel us înd Olîcy vrnt tOc bolaccorliagîy. AI] 'Taie tii,'sauid tle voies, und thon g ~ mieve he remno. eOd oit tic out. the ticeocf lockirg up. I cortrutlglur n blaniet eau puaied Cîrogh lis grat- ilobt. D l a e vrioaranppiimncu O sateak 1ckD r thecocie- n.Iwaanolneadtucd KPuFIal" or f h pion- , aenmht he M. TURNEEdON tis IGNITY. bbunI lic tcrakey, pil inba hn, *on-ig.icaanolutnltoel tot cftheprscncu, abo cele Ac lcing dico cy cel a e c peuced Ce aihe iteat, aud chou loy lawncî, bSURO F ecin DPrmotand decanteol os the 'Wtioro rs e g I o'1aske ncol uehdrece teed n ndI I iscre t ht îy ieuefsec ma1illat I I SEN &IJu excellence asd amplencesoftheisdic-o eofme cf y epaniera, but instaedoft coranocI te loca the gcte oethle cerri- ca n esetfCie ceIostnoereiens charme- u5 nI ailithat srt oetCirg. But thin repiing lhe jeggrd my uce, as mooh ne 1cr, I centioncol te hic lis fuel t htors in Torente, lI 'Harry Henry,' cr0 eus rot exactîy my idra. Whah I hosamy. 'beep quiet.' Net content citiho a e reIoWecîhrci ho passes nearby il lia ticel prison. Peleco.Oclier071 1 06. - 1y cantel te be ut eau te put myself ex- hi, 1 veturel le cala thesnamo lu- ccli or beî. Il made me think hotter e un - ocîbDely i inte positien cf a pieousr, andl quicy cf the lurnkey. Il coul ake Do .0es.n pccarhave s bol nature, and ciii ever Isave tir rffch of i u n~~~~~~~es tht ciels îheory finie a pierer'n ihs pen cf a Dirio,,s or île pereil eta hrDiotyen.igeil'ebu mce iimoeaeah potîo f viec, nd tIis cas nacsibl Hg cthteteic hunutherebir aur- I ens'î uap aibout that,' I cepliel II ~sel more indlireoto e epoorros- pmhu ccmn n h y siiheieegtat elepionh fauesotta ortunale mortaens chore botter natures e**% # w a y. cOotbcmigl i yucftrpieia oidc ioulra fla htel tIis cernisg, bct for tisat oeelumauItldnbyilhu1a F NU V N q officera a bnatidc priacner. Nelhing dignitmcy cian be liad tics te realine ter, if thers e i ny pecliar vrtue innaaecoddadbidnb a ais (Foaoi.,.toOf toec CovtiomHolf . Ootrle.) -coll have hocu more casy, bo I gensm e 07Omrily lunail iha télines@. Tii gnou bath, I ne perfetsrCy blling 10 un il eay bc, uocittirgiy iquirol. e ut aduno becldown tIcheul stmun I idées of spriBomer hoviog the hardiboold cerge tie procesa gin.'PIEADTBCO BGtu»ocethi ueasfinomet, or irobrenaep or tee, or lifiol te alîroua u urnbcy un nool famiuiac IEAD eocO th 4eu te( I-URHES TE, n ve cof chici s mayre or terme weause nîpurallelrl hat filfairîy "Il tell you chat it s,' ho eterted, Aotfu 'lc,1ntcdoeo BRNEchereleîopes iy "iar8fsîn- tempîingiy dibplayel at maray a niep ioob CIe ireti trcm hie ; o, fearfclI yu ge tl sn oo filrlhl locuanifhe li alonora smoing in his-eibl. Il taIegst aoy more of it reght doccfmemow Bru te eittaa-continuane0off 8616 mdoor. 1 conl innht sy bave ecclet chou ie hid gethbis breati agin, le yec gorc vnagocu ag ecfniet __________________ blirty laye vitiol the oigiles ifi- mlghi buocb me decu, or le uomeehing 'But boy um I te Pra sulcgt ?' ttc ovolecete tié oue cf lic deel) ; E N.OR R, city. But hie vomldbe hopaying or rcai te ht, I trottel acay atter my 'ecl kmcc Liet y ts e oroing,' ao 1 piacev seiftthle lear ofthie S désir for my websle, Se 1 et 1t eaIr, cempuniono; nul cicu I lokbaecb, and ciii hliheOcreo tle loy andola, hoping, Iit a ita cigil offer cea and M MNHU thoI éIp ie tîof s litlisot tîhcocing, over my niculer, lies eblîloccupiel thO ale wywhf.HpuedaysdI ufd flUhIflaTE S und of n varrant cf enemilment ch- nume soe, lie very incarnation cf i- d- d kcliff.é Es p 1 wa, utalthffe aeot,,l anpufd tatned fnl nobiîcin eg aI bornn ntnshetan ffne dg t tIriven-te deseoralionc, I anel Q- ~ g tw~ as quiie inuocont of tic shema, 1, o, niOp HIOtW I PAOOED TREE 51011. hie toc a chiff. Saturday efiornoon, foîlul cyself pr-ot vR-iR- LoGlN PORIIL Wicn cvrong-ae, I luec ht N,,I vsry liioiy,' ea ho reoponne. -AllkuoloetMacblcilonuenbo. Hatirlotojaela 1111eleti' anl Cha h atoes, .Tombotese, OratmesntalChane,îyWeil i lgulard, anudau yilblanooragpyw ntaI av utalitelf, edte i Peete, &c., eeuoian tly sonod. loiug cnomer a rerd h-si lie Feiieing thee ccet!, I teund cyuelf cIre ciserohb c nbht maunsevcir Pent paffeci ucay moes igoroturiy has ovsr, E.N OE nirauceoef lie guol in eharge et an lu a largo bacs roce. At eue end et il anychece. Il cas lire ecIocI, p.tin. forc lu ml renrby goit icni he ewsu 61tf ocfcial, in Cie eharacter f n "remaul,' ceci a dlen nforma runing nasrly tie sVen va cero locirol np, and loy I paonig. I errcccuaemy regret Clut uau'eu'ra~ETEtf6 EE AOL-FiRmB 41à c halo brosolli ot the roon. ()h uhe vtriel troc eone oethéii cihdoweestic ho al ce cn ore, aculkiel acay. In Ci. tC. JI,.iNZI1J 'N»Rho TINet. formas ut n dishancoe obout teo feî fading 14111 cf te glosming 1 Wites a cloute or ice however. I heard s 'hi, the ponernsfroe ceci othrcoers litnbbua e r ~au.9, il cor totabîy lurb, I sut docu on a hi,' iu Che lireoficu cf hia oeil unI on The holl e u rng, îepue ounearîthor dusîy appoaranie, nulda nng. trc esght incisa ia brcdh-cicbprocedtwr sultth Oe ptpoea îa AtGET FOR leur eau opsel dandl ote, end ul i del o aibuin eau a harl.ooing trao ail cy bed-und begnu te hmcn au audelout la me. If evoir I mml that Brce. ononPaen Po-foc th i mutie, in Y capoily, cti sapoos. I obserted tînt an oen toi olI Scotchb ng. Il1111e ioler,' eaid lsd @ain, ho @M n u lfaitaPeundo c Bmes Lndo ]atet ]r-inthe lis of a gaoi. . And I ron ns- lis atuIholifttrla iauinanudl poora, avOceframcoliniOfethbe «Is, sud I plug au tie apol-atnre. BUiR nn urs cy rendors, tiat hras co tees-anI bega plungisa ILesnpoon lin théleraisel cny voies a liCls ;anul by tl's -Ilitiug terrible even la me, earnui. iluanin a tecy verbean-liktle.Aia ih htîntremdinue suuuoRsN TLS-HS IR 1ACtheS. l riag of liaI door. My heucu the hirg eas nec te use, Icwa ratlier I aafotin ctuth4e igcting ofcoach A LS.-tla aAGMA H N S amal Ca l owor position lu ey sain la uing pessesiofl t y hais, oeil, eagoniy liteating-ho the sceen nirsia A o i 'lc rie. Ts Gmrceet, Sep. 25t, 1868. 17-if anuleef tinonauni, nuld lu tht vcuum tCi i eruc dtculcevc t'i alc i cl' 'On t l aust ix beo crrilcolupTéic _________________________causcl by iOa recetul tiare smrash Ou5 ruely-as if ho cere aperking te a deg 1ey hbsec,' flcl.oand lien a homme tauney onloet olCtbora o e oies. I I II W ! 5fl jJa fialrirg sensution w ehhiasedl -'iiftithnl baulu and ail been, or lIii vosce v odanih elenI o fthleec- sd ruhltrottel niosg citit hie paii, IIW eer my luebu, ontil I tilt My very lift il o e. anaaot 0rpyrieoyug hloiasce~lir. 0eetccc o o,îrtcI IA LuIUwuIDldCt hr~orc;ovCer me. t fr slutsole abvoutayeasahhly dr aig hl htnie hr,'I a o uhfrm,1rtrdt ~1ILTON.ONT. luea shuisî undermc. oever, hat lee au pectecbly rîcome te do ao,,anulse thuic ca coto. emcod H lE Suriier lneste iaferm tht Pal- minlulu s wtan efr nasumed aIIELA55 ORbandKP.10T---AND andltee j..lic tit e ebau mntsd te bia nec oiel s levii.may.sare cien, and gave mY cirpercd il, my car'bsp qaet'- And soc il began Ce gel tnt"ense'Y At "vonno'clmbk, wce rs ncrcel as tîscrnercf Malu an BraonSirecin,: Dmesanausatineu, ugoanud rame, te Cer, Juîging hs teir îlhe boulcourse, I @et col. Ticre w o neéatminlutue cobl iate breakfast. The terre te you, cy viaire le vill ha glad te caît uoa, lin ld berna euthliadean citia moch ne" own cwiOh cy Cluon my Ince, unI ae patement, Ihl ooliiog te ester ce, reudoras a osuvery parfume abeutml ,1 cstoers. Ho lus sprod neliher pein& shalanie a if I waa opcd Cte hah srt tht il rosCised oumecal porridge.- and for heurs 1 caibol up anul wa ndl i onceo uggcaua chopa, aCcoka, amol soer o uPse bu msltag bis Honte a eirut- cloa el,sand aivWhofeaori.mctit thslr et thisg. andl rather gial cf my position Tîereceanoimilk, Cet sugu nor mcal- tuaI lrrurycornIeor, vii lhe oeltassages. Theteaffo-pet und the tesm- patronageawiit recivo aven>' attantion. olanu cîlereioc. Frac thoeul iiiucoos oues seray ofthîe littis ecncoitants aieeling tirogi etry joiut, ey bnIete lbavioaales s place inath b sonue.j JOHN WALIACE. pasel belwees tee efthCe turnkeya, it generaliy ronilrel rcceuoscy to cise chiog, ey tengo pmrchrle ilcuirt, But neror agaithall 1 it oitnrvatoaa1 Milieu. pl. 23rd.186Ceeu va.u-iy eau éident lhny couilsreelme un ol hiolis apluîuile, no I oratalitho cwille toc ntea drop et cter ces te ehld; comforîaiie breakfast itîloutî îiniolg baud unI one duo vus ause Ce 'cou lobng ceidiy a My porridge. sud ceeuif Ibece bal bers, I dolub ctthepoionprisocra. A 1 i p, of budly List ol Letters aiDl.' ' ual70 uplhen ' ehiaperel uty ciether I cmuid hure Ironkil in tua.tboided brau-J, o lies ai, anul uitile- R IIGi h a meke aPeut Office FIRST RENCiOTRE ITH TuIE vT-ao ugit hand neigîter ; orl on cp reply. feil tecnpirr ? peiul pint cf cold dater ici s ruty mug upt h i oeb,1868. Y ltl b rgtfleturcro h'~ TIVO COSPANIlNe-A SEuIl LUNA' -tal'a s t are. Wiils i cor ulting Bom B Ai ig n1te egain,>psernoeOseehecuî Bracwe Ma,>9 HoviàGS=-aCI tHvo yen anytbiug ou ye?' le- basainfroc eMy busee be,ausand-lhou Tt ADATRRBESWAE. teying in pis teostulîne iacruiniof Mr Marloun M maulc au officiai ot me ilalte poliCe iranstecel théo oneftteéotlf te anu- Iht accursel brouI, a murîte-ltu = Paoudofet Mie umlterea. ouhcr place, viOl a- clrily cllit aI mu I bal tee cempoalona io the crrcider. guiity et s mort bhoroloormurec-orC Fostdea Oeorge PRithrd s CM 'Weil, ye,' osalI, I Ibave au il lruiy surpnusing. lI muidnes raadiiy Oneawe gigaulie tllow about siaxtot lathe -eesabove ce ipping lin boi MariluapaJoeph 46) weih John soiat aàpair et ponts aightly seedy, uate prtobenoetàameair fs e aitIret, viOlhbis a tambatterol adunol iody noffor,,croepiug lin toast, and dlliyiog far y cf the aiete inaaau oht a s ea pair cf bhote, ailleavru. anuldianoloced tb a toarful catoat, chat vere li@ cop. And aI dianercWho n Wi pu» aY the area alertiaul. ételitîîtlc articestain tle drapecy lucesSupporer ' buo i ia umieata a amlc i h ese îfcle s iIn a Ji. BAL1PIFIC. . ,~~C~itIa,-uhoag conae Slad-nt'Eiaficiel igu tibruÉgi!About eledéar se siclc- Piteh, cau'tbs r e r eheu eud petâiocueurried daîutly up 18 him uoa toeeçlicd iruy, and dscitg aIl Su- day chld e (miner cimitîls) dodtaigahymua e ouid lîsc beaumaoût dove bloc on tha Instllot. Mr. Wiolau cm rallsckîug sud laughl- iug aud iugiug aud ojoyiug himmîlf lu the moat opicurean fauhiot. Ou doat prineiple la tîlo doue ? P1tEPARIi'0 F )R 002D.IY OCCOOL. we cent t0dit et iur!ey nonp vatersaoetthI bcmdad uli nanagel te g tiel te munIt gave Che reat qulit s mautae Ileuluho pi frsa the je produsec, 1I e À o0l &EORGfl UL1HKsON, BEGS TO ANNOUNCE TO BIS nuuweroua fricudo thst hoceoniutoucd busineae lu lie Alion IbIl. Ceen- tacreliStret, itlo, clîcro cilii la founol ever roaly Cc aticndi ta lic vonteeof hia cusoetra. Mlilten. Match 18th. 18t8. 4lîae DONALD IHeNAIR1, COUNTY AUCTIONEER. Numaneym PO., h ibus ls mmcmymern cnxpeniearc, h lattOers himaelf hn ro.ogsoth.anryi'e't netibufutien. Ail ocatra lrumptly steOttica Namgawrys, Octoer 711. 18M 1816i 1). uMlinnàon, GENERAL ELACESMITE. OAW-OUtI- ming, Ar . doue orusnitetnotice. Main StraI, Georgecuw. T. Rualon, CREMIST AND NML'OIST. SEEDO, Dys.aîuffs, Statiouery hc. Meus Street, Georgetown.-le Robert Swantomu Appeibe, BARRIOTER, ATTORNEY, AND SOLI- ato, bu Clasccry, Oshitie. J. B. Wilimoit, ISOUER OP MARRIAGE LICENSOS, Mata treal, Milten. 5-24 William A. Agar, HOUSE PAtNTER, OLAZIER, AND PA- per Hurge. Soip on Maurtin Strtt, Miten.* OderuicefhuiTlompeou a ol viil ealtendcd C. v-nl4-ly P. Bn Zîmmermanu CONTRACTOR FORi HOUSE BULfD- ig, Vuen n . h.Planso f leildigu olCeenolrs ste et Ct-pester nedjoiner O ONTO GAOL. 'Hoid yournois ,he roared, piuug. _______iug lis adlod ntoy poket, anod oi. iug eut n lack 'cut In.'lu noiher ha nt-our Houx, Within ite diueoversd a plug ef t tobcco ;titu ho m ihàposer ef area atnt vulol Whta o i c fI heGoe"(is i ot ouay to il ele o ae k gùdaa mnlg ale, card othstage, 'Yeu vuneolleta to- ond fr0t durne9 haf ure- The Cor- fortabla for tho nigît, eh, didult yoo ?' ridor i hchIje lce jýl nrepiy, I hne me yow on ___ ze-iiitflSeriq Riigitou te a alie, tata o ut Tyrany ofthe itmkys--ow te si eus oefthlicmort esetiel thiogu Priooueioo ln n Fe-ov.ncesr e m ofr o b back nor ffiz's dgniy - unda Scht'l cuiseand. piug of teocor. I eoutd is hvthe adessy,' ahoniol temy frind cesorrhee idr sudife iboghreuit One of thecMos ulyunore pinryiley matchat honla icn ufithrmul sdif ahoo io por takCiienaue e teeCy enpou o lot dnil, tho dieeta ope oe chosand ioc sod crimo a e tthe i on-a atca the itats teriporena1pptgap laîscorridoor adou Moien I lorcol Cai caffolmanIetgo herc udste golac s, ea y asceofo'onl hoeuud hatokCiechre iugo hou, ore fomilewouly ul rna loe eitc a)d ie"lvingutetchnagtC n he sir,-e kou O0 dol cweou ud mola in g t e t leg hoTro iciet ocICtepi friarm ice and roimeIae sreirun- mp te O it eatyla eu ueon ihePPooiD u dcpcotaivg 100, 'Cet hers, Skdicnto round laiosnck tC i rpe casadjoot- psa;so hom c ad ceOu gte ol ou-r and aisol ivuin io ae trot icbte ccacir-h idauoopd ilan l iobaig i icue be cioldruen-nut ere I te icro in lis bentco, I poseo -1 ocey i prepoono the une qoery Cehic, hcc different cololbhils iduea fthle pro- WITIN & CORRIDO-ueORRioLE ceuo 1 What un accomuaion oet-e TNCit. rer, leur, rcmeree, tferihie rememrancet And neyer sanl I orget tie ickeniog cf Cie paot, andl ferful thoogits eftihe sensation liaicame ovcr me, chou 1 futur.-,ceul ait ho invlvel b inte etcced tiat corridor. Te suy thbf il terni, ie hie, oet chcthCe fermer cou isdiy toliteol, or hat il accut coulo havc e noeicitCie faiete8t cen iodly, old 000 5lve tlie colt ecoee cepties. Agane, lie Orei it.'ciinoie,, et tic trutl,,for il eetoed te me ils fautiossynoyma, -Qodo," I'Lie- 10 ceoobo heiccîntessence oet niltic ho" k., ics ateremceaifarilior t l a il c,,, a.,.Il...11 ..;ba.,aRtd faca, t, »E 1 r anlnt«i shand1 etcaula0 CbE aNo1aaoO IicEen a e3te a tlgen aura. - oc corridor. aud hear a pcculiir chantga ho- na edyio ooCoidlb oa igan t le dvsop itudtrtscoudet oetscamated likeu doge, apekes la lik. doge, sud *m etc omporuious. OuaoOr teO cie, lobeol at lits doea. Wcl suasetofé su oniaheprevineanigit bard diupiayad vs cers tratîed back 1a our oea-ider. r het I eenidcred gonuiniaewc- -If asbhillbond arrivra tor ma à adosse, vithout a tolof treoaiaior ic-dy, I1 aid j ia hemonl civil ennar, reagteo, eho blad spobe ftilrorvivrs a t ie înuoirriovas..at l1gsi ldm lu the mont brutal tauioni, aud cuig tc, ready talookcun l, 'InuopeOU seat teeti muol clanesiflieiaud gturiag ciil bual rigit?' eyye, enly wIsÈod hey wcesout aguin t10 .(loainluou& et tint,' lho jaoulatal, pu off old usefta', noehidaipe peculior îu eol, ynadyorhl ] y'i. Witl litho onatecsjim uin onvelsopdtigu e t bondl, anuol iii vendortsiiy pion-lorI- dova hole,'-aud i.iettruel tis ey, Cing tace, ticy Bt counieg oaey eat sud vîut aeuy gcaclins. noms tui,anol rehuird sanms f îcir moefipu companioar, lu trua ortie. iisw vTUPargOOiiEEOTALE AND FEEL. do. louser.'IVIlty anul ylu be» qYýte, and ltla felse Cg'et bia versoer,' Tic atleruoon ptnna csnrily, sud I * aid eue whciahl IeuCeo hlu duo hbaebbaou an elong for île nppsorsueof et e ta Enghinsal'Dont yo mec vtioltbair hend. Tir thoigit of uny clu- day Cuit i,' senil ocCer, w c iednrieracehappening fo tint document, ly oommilied cuoriaugitor a Ssnday er uud.,pl héuni cWc5eliLVte par nusuntlta'r RIco hsec or;andl.aveu ths oid hotd, ri it in the cerriderfitllad me citi ýloioop6eiug Iriaen cuogit thCe con- barrer. lily felingseverre prohably lngioa, nnd ceboîcd n lad fer ocrocing. depicted on cy couientriuee fer nu 1 in gond set terme, aud gave qoito a poarturd oee oeilsud llcn another, biudly hemity Ocri e iiquity ofcoing profaneii cecorliug cords coco spokon tae me isugug. CurionencetainuttheisI cuu Celnet Ce taise il aano rly ne ccueetfibs suolden trasormaintion, 1Ihart;sud iCs hoing c>' firnI cammiltal, l onde inq-ir oethlie ol Irieumn. 1 cas ittformed, ceul tand me la 8'Octi ours yeu now cire tic Scndaygod steanl vc'haa iougii botoro tha Scoel,' aid ic, ediag ciii a ceaitcagistrulo lu . thébo eniug; lu taet kbuccing cioh, l heren unoîhing luke -atIoens ca cecly t eau lu h.ecoraidor littie iiarncy for ie giclo folks. Il dho did net la ona cay er anothor planr; ieau d dennantburcn ua a bit;aepress lia aerrev nt chat ho considraed cayio sanmso' tue is ltochiun ear: e rà unfortunte posatonlean sd ibis uoc. Bie off n0e cil ys, andalelt me sycpolty dihatoib otheocu diciria.s, bc fiier readiug ey tract,' au nd e au prlupu ils moat atrlblug oharaotor- ieacy olol hypocrite puteanti& speca-otin-lîe sf113heoinetoftha geai vii cles, anodeset gas, iuc thletbter proee hom a me coee m oeoîîhaol. Ninety ciitha en oclieuol nd'itenCy cmot cdi- Iaerceun t 0 hem cacc thorc foc fying < isiotd Ipqaorciun "no gtrn, sud tlalcange At aine olc e c hoooi bell rang te asy ne n jarcing voià, net a ahada raid lu ruhel a turchey iu te very goed e oriulldy feeling css pnfoted b hcumer. i Nec, oui of thiset ouce,' feiiher et tisre. Thcy 'cýed tetezs lie bacicol, arc bcinad epeord the gutet otier thair tas1 historien. Sonne t or I-t lord y00 ail in tCeoher. Do tour. lu thir oyra Cbale f wlaita>' yeu ihi, bavaînvotnelg ase de vaeeicsuty yeuru ugo, and hov happy than loeutunolfbars vnitiri feor you ?' iiey and hir cites sud. liait homea Se oui ci ruael, tlite iui meea cece tien; andl aondèed chat levi anod lie citeisaer n long eny abahou, bolpouraeaosl ie, tiaiat dragged Ibe anol I voo vccy glol Ce ses thec boih sud hir civcound tieir chilidren ta cooe vcycy urnar egrief eaitCii air degrolatien ad mima-p. Thec lan a bondl, for junt ai the lutdirgte us pavoihou1 ae arealy retercel te, teck We piesr, kbites adflsd o,, ch lRM. m c e a ir ,SondaI aftorugouculdsid, Whaloisol usel ot brakfbast hod iben1iitoc let ihin ho n narltiog te yo, aud suid deca, und Cie tee insticir hoccy nevar Ceme.tat i place agelef. Loek rail igttin lacogot tion. Thes aime, tliebsaul et a oleét w ite, lucnboy eau uefully indignant. anîd tle ftlsr et espen ohldzen, theo an of ticoaleneoltaCe and Iionurdeen ioloe, nu coit living a cau ansoeg .litolt ici lcthewieater poalcl no bard 1te hore euCrt coul break coco ho tlauai goe le Sunday Sohool, sud Paddy meiseanl .sî1tamn hore,rand. ait cheedle ainetrit hat ftheofficiai tiraog h tf4u. lly Gol i DU <ol I retenteol, aol the tee gond boys ees my icite F au liha cent avay vuiag1a r alled Ce go t10 ohcIu. Ws ai l hie hau'oa. - 1a Cintte Suoiay Sciobi, aud if I laed ÂneCher M !mail , ah tu i.d! relonîset y caul',viil here, te ceulldng a traetttle choie day lg. fseliog vue fuliteilt tuasifed ol , baldsrn hlmeu fles on stl strente, aud tiongi - ci-oua roou.' 1 feu lis a alcays dctuub. Once au 1 pm-aI bin cieiiai, andolciten 1i ancdecefen oueril lh oeiandl aal dif ,'1Ihbal beau liere a,îl dcceat nes tee, 1 caa tuboen ilotanluley asreai.' Ou nyeplylng cightly unhumeolttelook tie in thein uthe tegalico, ho informel cue ho face. I ualtdeets lu a closarailo ey sur C.p stsuey titrant, ami baibbun frirodth i isst o buter, wc i I i t tatera op fer iiigiig aaes! t a ina biblc in uo n olndlis erclol iu Cie nilej bondl.,-..M« il lra sairanga eliec, pieuiy couaole, rihin brenol. tlitg,' lues aall'liai c, cmy itudul1 'Donitubo emy oeuf,' soi] ho, ici, oe nvorbave a bin Wrdcie iiima" yec lobe cy sont, my smut la alvays ata1 sheroxîopl vlon 7amran luliquoir. lWa tie lady'u laft haîto. Do ait on ie. fur botter for lber chou I1 an bora. I oilier ade." Se, I aitel my Boutan ud ciel 1Jmulget a toettâre in Wa hore le vi adue happy. The lady cam0 hors la ne liquor tle ho bad., for tia anad sut de.. ln ear cîdal:,i'utt bote tory smel of t smule e no t beavanai. atelioter liffirsC',t u rco.. Theie eu fuai i hotblp lt. DiI 700 oerf mi gentleman thers che bdai tltbOdy dlbI.I saa't hlp i, ou hlý2 lu hiues ;lan,;tnecluor hul Cete l. u'ciaO ii U4 au c ha 501 ho cads op Ce hic. The devraon hitefflÉ andstZ d iel like a supîrbutendent- anbcd tic cite-bouter child. Tie alune u et n uevry to ceens oct und forte a cechofethlieaorantocanef. M bc theveaut etmoral nec clans ; utlihe lobedut te ladtynor vw.Thaq-eu reely une et thoor beseccciingly ohat sho rcfoard te port fait esitlî hearfil reorseocf thé 'li il , a el ring liki aun e101- 'tesîey ald loId, andlîrtt hey àsee cous iuiy, ignoeioiounly'hol te changet. -baveje@& IaIl heofet eer janaaling ey seat, and go imb unotier la- >.Uirri. The ol! eau lita tle oeil wu a Theu tir eereise begon. Some reit- typeocf Ibean ail. ' They e' ot ii,* cd lis appoiatedi ta, bicImceaidhIandl ft4,grpât prelem or teân net,an vuolcomightly amusel aI flie phibsepheltsleha m fi ow vtien lIait etcsnuuuoerxerieau mnde hy thcerol hit, 4bolp1i?, gis f tbahle a lu.jlie Iiaican te geltireuglu il Il dai ora 1iplt oot aeV1h . te fia$ie hem foiluce, hocever, ul iu tle midat etfi- bel log ii,- Witloent the ail or bis apparent ageny, ho cinkel t me l - punir om'nua vU.g end m tire ceaI bcecing club I scer ioildol'n, aud.-ciea<ote ouiè' crns, '&el Thon thelesicones vgeen eut, andl mul4ol lbely vil ).)0 tie md atry. renol, anol tiseccoetury suteedo. Bat p*bla 40~Ieh ueauine r e The youing geniut on ce ad Our ismny gant .vu a beuy about close liolCie hI goexcecdiucty cl.- l19 ch, wu.. l o Ile put on'i bairs, ncvcf eerdtcclu nc Orýeing. H. têtei.genuine îyff poýiion 'espisenrs, nort, maductis an A-rab, 0iplaa borddstridorsl hilcocif ith Cie utet pcopfiety. 1I reteeo'ôcu~éd' c cffhash le ferc I cani sy te mach fer ths ludies. gtecotb a&eordoil andl uin 1urtsraaa iceer. Tic7 ueered te utc te leave he lad aeoîlubiug et the tremi-idiot their scijeel sîtegelier attd, tlcitp11)-about hi m e. laseasotseas a ongad ntier qite receleut te Puuli aur- bouc, w a~Irs, novetlure,; touètg th rai citi Deetriua at Ephorus. The ineuta of eue oeil by lcerltaing lii greal point they ulmel i eau; e get llladierena terme, lia phyalôguenOy, abdý Cie prisoeste ploal polity cira Ciey asusylse anaîhor ju profane lsugo6ô. - cca t be trisol. llpudialiug thele Istuai to me luke s lee; '1lMAl -a' axiem hat n omis te bc lomeolareneuinyoar,' eau his cntuailoce-p gcully .te o po-eite ho guity. and go wvenI migit, I va.ih<l06 bat the'y ool onet rest uatisSse l liioaci lSud iea tggng at q.>yeat: ,aali hul procisol litI s oslprocc hOu- isqoiring, -Wbaitrure yoau lu fec'7 sef gutlty. anol in ocoer te exact tlb - Il'e irafer .tsaliug bea nev' io l a premisersanme promeise eocro cule, the are>atu la for i tIrjoal l ceeineil preilricoC f etchsi ers, te say lire hie a littla, but hp diài' uoCuepio lenot, neueccitt qoatoonahie. Afler iare the a MufuénoCior tthires= « tirse poinets héol bocniettld' acilacdule z- osa * * nd vrug'oc cor illdup, dihouf naures, &à. Ouo 'moral nouéhby. ?m a er'alura,1 of lis coucrnu easau a ser te lie theugîltaemyalt,. unite' porno ibm-i question,Ilavo veitued profane ilrieiattieéyen uhi e*'aud, -Tour lsngttgedurin.- lia cecI? Andl visafuturs cacooftle est diffilIolta te ueu, 1 hearol Cthe oua Irlohas, cWheol iri I he' a urotr cavaé.0as m .6 vmwào 2 v"o be-lle> 1pu WYâam , incul ne. .y cnal'docnnaula on 'eaule bear~t1 s -I. ai ierag taulytçe 're marcles 1by Iva lucrd stiby, ba uen a todeecaTn. Thqei, ure locleif up. a dlibl Lcere alloe e 0saunIer tuner Cimeame round., I n Ilauhin our ?baage fntoiu te theacmrrilcna ce nav king up andl da". 6ttucot- ilf ltu flippaaof «éd î au BoCharneterlatis etore Ilucevudrel. f BLACÏ BOt7P ANDOBREAD- bsur npçn ptaauuU 1in éowrse- cf icitmy ka sympatiiiedl *iti v.i -My altîfocIuIa ?e9macabta tpsa dacki l ce s lie ac Dal Ses, a plae ut lbe ecerlautingmail. I fa ont aa " cf'earnci h a erurni oPicea, ;.,à m a1j. In tact, lu c49 or et liepute nmeogaC auy phôIllI ait nxî Ccme, and mira ta my abstinenuce om péfbctby mure I ca a truliamarnoe.s . DenU -1