N«tl( TO ADVEITIBmS. Bis Iitroddoed. NEWS 0F THE WEEK. What should he Do? Present Woeu. Jas, Hfolllnrake's Co=&. In ftumeaU ilnolierea in th Va have te ach:îewlcage tire reecipt Dr. Living.4lon nt Iattacreua 1 vn lee teaeocuiow e iI The world te-day preseats suaay Local or 'Iditorial oolurnna, of Of a nuniber ef Bile ieîrodcecd lare tite alive aonteeli, and ilexcpcved te aruiveaiable article by a correspeadent cf the sconces of iveie, and that on the mout Nov dverzemeatuEcciLa, gieiatieAse-eibly, darig tire pre je Lngland ia tme te enable hIlled- r Lendon etlleeriscr, presocting the ceewaanen me hmittl Cnetymcate rehl chinofrenen tat bectensive anale, cauned by great ceavoi- Tez-m.ttnga, &o., and hh, etssso. Aon hi lehrty atreegesiiehi e.t togetcan frsorstateubl oso ntr.Th ot Aeia Dea~ Mrrtges vl b Atorey OeeaisDii fe th ,de-.,vrerne hefore Chrlsnnea. lfeand fer ftiengrounds tanahieh ail DInva ndaiably es WI e cfrny ePear'9illarnen the l Lo.1 .. ck *. cave Qucee fr efat1var coued enter lave the Preaet dietrcns muet be appalling, remiading > Inaiby charged 25Cents Pe erc Iiof Tr.-,l --cilhe po.1oe cf Sedemanad oemerrnh WeitOC . eooh, PAID IN ADVANCE , osieceftile Act ge fucthcr itathe lrelsad oce Satntrday evet. Lct us cabinet. h ea-c epresses car sn tee .. wept aey ilauaainatant ted ri4lt dreciontha thtClasrtieit, ntd ve give la elire : Hteatr otherwiso thoy vil bu chargendvetd no hti pan by the Une. Doiion 'aclicîeîî, rte ifdibiqualific.4 la le difllcui eltlepIate li perties, hut njAireedy ave hcr fit oebicllaterei bell-i ierce cf the D-ien ndmcdffilte Lord)Motck lias cerne as etar doieg va Tirai, cacepa in rare tane aad fer Elicd in gieing cfii-eradace vo / - - î~~c~ ranta tieg it ite rgilat rc;va ~~ arcne. te vrformancte cf cette great aud val- Ije Uciuit~mici iltiwuu Prov-ine ftisitngitt tirce ca e ule Situ e vd id atprrvien oeein re e it unble wark, te fle taia ef pofera ie tecr ta tiacir carnmity. SaFrac- (ti)C -380 ail ire, hav nuy cotract wth Sandfewî Nleîeoaeyd'niegînnepat vy launutsqgaeci, tinteuntee, tcsdo toteand t edSancwic nIsaadd ___________________________tite Uccverne ect of Ontacari vny daliasu dccc $100r tR ed Ihiver relief.coaltions arc tuil l i tiîvtlvee, cviil itl;ieavc eeca vlitcd by tite drcadd cart- MILlTON, NOVEMIBEII 2, 18t;8 prinent cf treGîeverneccît. ciîitla ieeieo etti their i ai cieI d e i î1î-nOtia ltttgc atîkeeve a - - - i MclimBle lia ilirodaved etDilii onîeîclglierprc efI,i-dartie. n ucic tililicalinit. Tiriet p ve fcu elaeeicil e MtnîsorîalRvaidnccs, renieic- il iiiacti.ers cf ftic Sevnit, or ictiai of t 0liN--il vaevice tene,-îelrai etie clîc e efr-lbr ul ati vttycfmn - lientcf evitevs ieephîtcf itto~ cf an .v 231ii(ii ut .lceetceran ift tficoaltione, ccl tlyaeeccevsary abatlias ncercely avy parclci, while n pale e. lufitcurîcue v ththeettevirecî cfornîrea tule e anaofrn in Tînt Toronto TIlcgresp1afnsertttea ianiteltrovinciali AsveihI uiftecr utirecdlis l Ipr(dc gene-rai fic -1,afle-!ii dctieprio etlie Leta lit lret f pin c n o n AicBt ;D ce-ct-aI labored artieltu e pretr tîtat 'tadirvciuiîotî of flite proetlheave, eviier Pltidelpiia ten Net.241. la iccfiurilce t-f Oivretio ii gmt tbeir avacus ein,teiaNrtaAfl. Bu veculd be prnmntitvc cf imnead ataca- nlpeeuîty cf $2000 firer very day in eeî-diîa ltiiete rgn i 4av ebody flut Raofercrvcry proepriv perbape thteiveret tase cf dietresle la tiea fo the pallie -baniacan, il privai vici-teee dW1ac 1 at t1eel m ili etigcfIile , et 'eeIf cci ie a teiy tee etcrit. h ana earla ,eidücteafer the lental bMiainterserto ities.le lies aine ietrsdaeed Onaev-rcc eced tegttler. (Otenet île'y ie a' liet alec eivepica. va oneltc crrcvtedila Toroe- a I lais of epinionen dicuicetthi et trctandaerntered btal, "'P 2 e biutsafclow cutrynîcu la Amerlea, tha yiaolcitlubctcc aead e cm metiert e hei untr td eclioeuted deieilte are expretîcd 1tehtiicy ent wsc volvr xt 'etuliglttiekna eaefa pp fln Mnstrala-'nes oldle esvaîtstaA," e tuitetehtepevn, tt., prcea i ;Ciilcfeîtia, Carcarda, lrtlad,1c î-iiiuee ie ecflit enutllie IrtIof July, eand tht charitabilengeacrai te aeadti freqeuteaad îna ianenec ci'oence canet ieep talec wericgurppri of mer- Eeeland,Scoîlciil, Atîtralia, ancd bes il'tedaliaitcontt te lccttueci-itnatrlf. lebadecbete in persctaaliy superinieding-the Depart- vante in piedge fir ony meatiaboya Scoutt Amicia, nlliave lia dle-zt ice,,. bete if hct lic cnenttua f lc pIat n alaaityr- mente vuuld ecce. itxdolars. llice dieulets froua South Arnericna cca avlcolonie ei . a ifrtre cAciniylc hfîivaeata TItismonereuspropeliie han- c ic-ey romain in ia lc 'eiey Ccaticil if cf Loein, Valisl, Grison St. Gall, and Thismnstrus poposiion asce-1 IcirM. Beid'e 1511 fcor tue feriher muet feti n heen îctretlicnltvielletr.1 hywladoeriivulRfr-Uwic nitiimstsad ccieni an support lancîleer jourticle, impe- cernent of o reviat cSeingtire If ONcil cci I eviy- obîcit a efewtre- ceiis îccyentile-rflite Coneteel il tlicy attee1iaciltl ihe cunasof ciatterland. enxcept ilaflic Ottaiva Tises, aslich pro- appropriatii ilaed eponeiliceYu1 cpreset eeivcv frornlon,- Kong, fliceîe ili ;bct, bicîli hue %vie rentait ued lia tut27îh of Deccmber, tr-ian cern av-a fllgaforbulding recace.fe'averr e ta fie eeeîTtremia, irhichd1 ccc persoi e ctpoeibility. Tlaey cc. - cortiernt and ecathera lepen cf the wa Buildings for pivatcviteitafercîori regictînif(lspeoicalini-rfrornotitIececd atitnetcouieaitaIlle leacy poa a cyo cec Alpslp ed and ntlaaeduneIl dedescendvith the Dominion Gu-et-amont, la le Pro- in oicet jtf foy.Tu dthe ltter place, cin eliclicasea tiey paliat teva ia opîrît caed detructivette but hie inîeratiaela, fer cigita day-a. ptu tu fieereaiee latTeemo, reuld trespectice the Aaences le Tuverîeee -couldaiie npcactiociNirbelar itheir lient ecd i Sout.M.McagtlruyDrv i ttstm paeflaah postronata uppoe abt tt mc fcc melo) lecreeaeaîii,or -hIc Aikence acyelter; rind rcîgcd farieevly umidst the masse jaduace Chose nf teClaiistery avîo arc-breucha i. by thteavecvivtan-naobeîrantd ofvite i ieilpr] cai vieFuthyeaConutbiud flieIaefieraiparty cf ccciv ad ce ahlch boad laieundia- i nertane, and aili, ave îllck, bh e vty- ol eda rior clilaIai c y nedoivag, tnrcniley jaetly cpeca c îrbed for centuries ile their ein,., aca-rieaittiturte remnathe aviole y-cralrutagcot te enrgagcd inl m frenhacve . ecd-Irsaciioucf tiroir ceednecl,necr bic Alpineut nroagholda. En-erymaen in'beCit, nd orth ofIL "ni- in. CRK No. .- grn poulr entiinfergi ventas if eentteprove liitItaie rivalot vwllcd ivto a t-aelnia i. tnt ayted er înet ofah ela rie. Cint Nec ilA geel paird îlesy have ecld tbetaseeu fernvueglîl eaffrn, en-ry n-groom ie a torreat, ut-y, ahe ey lsetaceCe eaie ~monat ioe aek plea cre leyetcrda nuSaveccatiese ef patîcîge. And y-t. ccecyivg appallivg detuctioin uits ctttly- ia Toronto, avtetr resldenea la Soe rniporlat rnentirerlet te - i e eat te ir i ;l icc dog o(, eteaion cf tIle fouri o f ,,Mc. i icit we fdtirloite ionaveeî aeauget canre-cTht intre cf Tessiv, tht unmear.lutieprset aint.ýJameen Mountale, velea 1v urpoeed ttat h - li peibyet circave- RIie.tthtelReues. the Rhiat. and the have heen iiîelncvned hy NMc B.yd. stances cotter iica eraf oimretr in ntri rlnls oeoltr AttC. CateronanadStephen Ritcrdare-t- tave h tic oiiiinI poiv lu inlec ivo ha e rn ientioce ulcr-te. cd Cohe eievllcav ater. o fliCilt rvtarcdea.adi Thelîsyrnt by tht ýliuicipvîiîy li dcpotiîsprapeca aieî ei oc d te-fttcticr euisc elready prcv-dcd wt isdnes n liîited ta lîee-lhiide ef tiren arneuvaef'Fenian or-caiî,vi(. A procesionef citiecat Ifoiti ng hie personaec cceer ncture, inîparcrished thauaneds cf te Prcmhiera Iucrie a w business n o angaupaig ~ierriel f over sixt ilousind mercrod enamen a' ecei alu eey anîd beîîenly of prpare, fumilits, aîd laucred anudreda te a CornvllIsit. de racnet amag les tpealiengthe ertvifidcaed iowd ite ranie th etcevctery.h ltccel i eeuîsutglîl erceciiele waao,-igrave. loartrcudicg ccd vain C CiulM.Ioo' rcicî te juts teiviinngutandad sbdcalcif ail toiilniic e n i wan lie eîcugge ofletcae lacadn agaiuet cr Bratford, aad Me. Catlinga London iet tabe made avtii aller te irai ef -Mtuetcen foruteri, reided ein lie Unit- .ne c peci"y codr. e de o icf tht cvtrpoecieg forcetcf the aatery Betaet- avold tilictctignvet Mat-chin alecl yeca; itthe fuccd rciced ed Statn, and wnsca adelezalete te c cucc-, hlian îy-ceferonce la 31Y. Me- I lernt. Ou la catme, u inte ddlaf crn tiak d idecendrotocnir tethe y ftie tnx nde vnbc innuffitciîatepey -Feniae Conventcion liald aI Chiclago ila.Di-ugalr for the pavl lics prased tli dcnîgat, aribletilu uc mighl. calrieg WC t inteene t dbc cocav- bt te 8u1thte damnages adjatdzed - tien tire -Naevebeer, 1863. filt'o riperveeral itlcsta tand te-ýt, de-strcation fier ccd ite, cnd piliv up T paymcetiiea p laieeisabeg filreaden ficutados teiunleindeoui o paymnt s t bc adelir rat ou or William Marrni ihe carne of e vew 1 e ced. lelien buri-laedly hetruyed ages. Rcksaeiglitg lueudrede of tNiitysol i cmnplzd he aa eetbt1 crec -cetaehevgad f ris r a u tittttessofticetWhouaplaced ita tous wtt-ctoncfreai tleir rstaicg placesac Minietry cittae fauflalmcncpolridulcd forreeoaih Yte nold te eic lenpranludi- Iftirrceect jaretdtiteoltetttu c tht chîleen of Toroato. Agait, fleonccuaieteea la tcfu]discleargo lac trusteil, a ncnr rcf the firet rngiîed r h liess iitancepecect. liee 'i ute pun idsinctuin.ir cseied eu-cre ltyrda saary- pald taellîanitrn je quelle enici- ail dueiaîes. han ariace. hie eeluh cf imiatieu !idiol, ao let hin pass; e hasha outedrivuendow8e nicced waith grain, ltavei rat ta imduccc aay- ,mber cf patrietae P 'tagegdIan e ___)_iapeie, ni an lcs ltaC ilta, nste offet- tiacir set-vilcete titethagt.adpmuei dnvi atr lokorige odarccdvathet duseptieaofrold, bdg uemettandluccet ar C StC, rilat a frhe edaaitn Red River Ditross. tien ove quile unesual, and icdione tet o e hutr.%tIIetrsieerad c-vca Stae, itoutanyfuthe iducmens rea rgouersofgcnusandIcani,-.taeecaveu îritd trlorerr(Mre. l t i liuse, mile' nd fcreccre rcm- la h. hae c prvue place.Nea -grtt caorreof eees audlccaig.Konzia, IMe. Aihonm, or Mc. hIatzili, tlier>ira frota glatir fveedationv, acd ceca= iy tesgfery ofntt crit ala acratIve r Tiat foloiang letter front Mlr. S-ied -[lie firva notaiielcpeetsn c isITite'intanice)una nechanse careci r lia en ecrtrues anceaueel houseehauve bet C - "ryMnitr arisona lu-tiefîrd aili abw atit ie desitutitn Life ucd Dnuvh of Japneav;" tatalatest1 iiiecclo bentahoat sespicion (wbîchir iaîed and iroier Centsîecaered privauiannesrea nedcnetawlvg a itRdnie-iacl -ujEciayPNIin. r. %IcDituli'svoier ea, enunle bati,,,g ttirecre cf tlec devastalien.- dmtyaee-umtccefbtaecaiutcvg the people o h erudelasi 'heErhyPaois"-ael adc), ced nec weeor under Thon--ivuda cfcttle lie tchleljenîtîcd LooI ad Dmiaan at-lamain Th1inet becu exaLgeccted, butatln, en the Devimicicen frarn Iîly repor ar ilelier tain civcaoatalictn. wtîcet forc'i- ced îcousaed- cf cicr ellan beimuge ire sa Lood and ominion prliameut. The 1 Cntrarvi ulareraix,ît-or-onui bc-uteunurclue1 u2e-idi c aIecc-lieotedliti1 etiicjced f) abjectpov Alcvtgon tutir betcheck the public cen have cgcittt cerro aîirr-cba el ePapei crny ectinues e bc tdcpiled c toori goune far nestuaitntee flce rel-et lthiat.villcage capîru village lie liasf I aegec c pblc uoace e oClupr- te-s'ay ici hep ate -ta fracta abvluta hy dcnertiiac, wtiuctuare en the le- 1i.vrnlcttt. hurjcd ilugrand and ehit, and cvcry- C tarCat lit e- reuce.1 Le-t ce Suppose a eset-are nie ich article crf hedditag and waeuieg fppat-el r 66 vidiag elgaat a"Broavn Stone Fronts," Sl. PAUL. 2 id Ni- us1a. 1MuAnin,, N-cv S- u8 llSerraaoi oaeser imapirchable ie net iupasat- iacititer btenepi ceay or rtîtdcccd cn 4 battaa igaist ppsitonaui u l- ÂcceTeuon EuQ lentoîratt ve ppanios a Ge. icenlesiv boueses anuet comfferl, and e oncen tviilatiOpostioean asin-JAMSpart-eEatuai, ivitenirnheade ppoftpiheofCce.eut uplecty- reificgavedf he vo; ptuilaeinet;heireti e-ccer depentent Pei, ad iedetdtif oc s Troues. led Riter Rlicuf F-atidl Primn a Cniaer-iv-Clie ef eof -ib îacureu.tdnuh0'rnyi c-uaedaepeacvechnaud doganed *ece gt-auol tbtrc aveuld bctoeleG Iîrunt irtite t heitonn 1 a Ouuîas podciv ocies n limait t Ce anpequintes requit-ed. Theiat - ei ntrarcniie ef Spin. A bried fe el itir, lc e, ealire cf' hc Cabintet, aed he-atiful gacdcuuo ere cont tuasnnof*gra-in beadoctig re frntuecarig terîtro a tîtte Seccetac v of ture is.G - c in otondh'il'ubît hum le deal hoidiy- t the baIl fac dean cofile lbas teattand" b. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e -doaigfe u-lu-,cragn divriutivg cemmitîe etiWinniper n. e- Ditliepnier bc-NetveSota dftcuty. nechsa amcorei saeblood hot-etntdprulatt-miiterial aad ftic felloicvg pecegrapla c ne la1ilydcparasee for Cuha uetliDecenbe. 1heerîy supporvt ram tue Refecuicru ci --rmnt. nhîantateeet y tire tnforartiton tC AvTIIEuNaNv. 8-.-Netbueg lasntareio Suppoee futeru(lt inuLabel Salt.I te - r4eder va de so bc apticee. tiacoegh . r nIsl a ttos btcuc freai ail sources, WCIhivk ilfaeeb, Aboutaonea theusnud Crciane Mc. MeDaugail, a ,ledieg Reaorerti Wt iecca by cp'cicl te ie1,r-itt feesa ai 6uý o echr. deniruata cel yen on y-aur 1guard w- tu ght l eeUer lure ni the lime ef1vihe rcireta enter tht Gavecn iecrei. ula-vstîa Ielblct -agcintetncy reports caec!aîed vo cuîcleaiJthaec iprisncoaginet flice Turks, have ced s)PO."tueilaic ePReaormerexprens r ahrns httelblc lT ,Y9 ute aus aaried offiTcis cf tettelutdob tî vrtcCreir iv saidt ha qutiet. lihaolu l lite 'ic uricrlccnicRfaciîh 1r ishoudcddi eo fte ,)ndi, hoe slaie ofiiai o te hcsandd ai ear peoptule ili qaire va nianvtcaiuacecctrgionin cili belld hY flit o'ides iiscif -hall ho lichen in. dc,ldcc le, afîcr cant tare vminutes ccnaethv ae asn ti r b o!otlatrnxt Iâ - - -and nueucen le. ndiantel eflicforienof! lut itrIe Gacreiuent sililini tec taton gaiat ppt- anaa Clleet h adoedn chu he sîcable te sitic Ie uki iant .11 hec, eoff net vavupiccc e an icrtrfai consulation hy ftic jury. The ease . at; ' Y aeudrtnid h Ladrthe nprivcc unanscuppliod wtb eedi lirnrrnp.nreo. - cor netaîccu eh ice Bankh of MîeI.tulanoccdou Fvidiiy-moraing W Wewulrein tre eak anleec Reorsa. ir Ropocîorsswed le lice otansîrocy incae ir Ganareun aiahea9 erdl l"c abat flae Gt-aatar Stieol Tcaciacrs ire gevte punpae tic nid lbhe rpetulelern Ti:cerevneocf Caceada fer r Glor. fn' lin c aceltics(iad fcigoic i udtn iadcic atlTaaas aie., aha ve a itery-edueution, tat CveustoMm,,-ih89l8c.574t:voECxîcse, ~$238804- i eiiuephucr.vTFiutîrer ai iepcpieaefamcuaa lentoqniCotîatnIClt Ic-g-&mdceulyt-cccived by- tht CamOpa y-e agenti ireta dciii pro-uptl1 anîd dinh cviy ce Niaganra FaIlic, thelutimes expatr-d b.1O ~ ta heatet-ce f iatLtcul~t ar gee uflccrwarding (et neced Posl Office, $45 349 ; Bila tmpe, franc cIithe cailytranacetiseonînecîe twit mte- te o raiedfitr i e nai r Mj- supelcIof ee-Tcyct teg rit, cl uuctl cf tîcur, castleding ic $123239 ; Publie Warhn. ineindieg Thi thii- horîcea, tiecîpesl ccd ucost i leseoîblitui-t. The data-agea ta ne ifmoTe aeu neIie itia the follcceiug sitateitntl : R-ilaeayn, 140,658 ; livecellanen, aseful rt-ccv ute l c he eliau furteI hr ilie lu e evtiiteel ai a cay-' ma5oaeabe na hcoted amcfthtIlThere nili bc gceadintrece hure tiui 1 tertIilIailiy.luscerer vinter; le tact naluay-are ceW voffer $2. . Tli.8,-586 t h'lItlIe opening ep tf the aeet large aura, batn intelligent jury liane coaiasnity, and nach ecoaes antht ieg." i1 pendiîere, 8 1.560.063. Necîh -'nebail ho pnî.noceutoul h nrrieidta afoca euiitt e i aadnig ave ocly bcna, coteapt auta tht The papuain ofiret t e nent l evrbfrbaEuoeCnan, spthndwhviu.gllntin utiepesr fmuiC= jeuoa c msy dicadc o dniiiiritdno-- Scpponrng Clint thene prapcrcvvan,ter li1 fifîce en avad people. anid taenalp occe siniier voe thrrnaeemade.,ct rgof ie cen Cç en hattete laare ic amy-sea rarosyeimte tfontr e igsv e ea oioflneEacceecicr eiibhadct itc iacncn u lepetc tntle W,.eayChua tej-5t tiisnunhbet- aitlinfaed duncglee-gne Tnycahii a 5mc ,ieievcgceiy end icdîinlcry-, hua icniser] --- ttlsauwOdffiiela",eand w.jiuatntcft-oaicatuive-aicter, ive, nft-ee threl ajt e royalty, tedcccasthe Cricie de' GlutenupnLisa ue chec leditiavi va he Tuerelecaey- aiBrya lacîceInvieJ h flnnkeyinm liplieni la the deetrène carefaliniqsit-iu-e, lenov5 100 hurrle bard, the Comtei de Perin. the Comne de deficiieiy aeceîted vaeicfrtir te 1gnfle- wfr ncrn ogiCla n Cha slaie ofitcl ae e hbave flrur, and 550 harcela petkh ave ht-es matefera le eueing CregtertCeîdev asd thaffsalared Oficiras areDot eanan d dornardrd by traers. IMoniernali, aned lice fatîcer af t'h, erm anentrSpposacefaavieer tie t arereal rnhlafetosadcerI optana c tltit- t~u ad C ha Tt mlaet, thet-tface, ho apparet a mort perce of Ancîcia, ave bave flictoexe'- coeditiovnee tare t dcclicd. bat that athe affliited, lice pamed ean e apreve. ~ liberty Ce expes hea. Tîe MacCet-a geaeral cff.at aheald bc made. Quens cf Spein, the ex-Kiege ef IrU-al-ntcrnurdn, en fading tCat hey- arelit the Uitetd State, there heseO sa lTruts. ad (i-mmat- Scada doe I arn, dear ir, lccd, nf Napes, nf Creece, sa il, iiiniy iuajted lapon, the breben, off mancellout neafet-r a- bnaGry- Mt Jinalthele- appelataienle freai dinjYeatna agrecd tey, oavceld lueisRtfecmer nboue deavu ail opposition aid ceipseaniahCD ermet iterdi-ail- t- Ge- ene rcy, eccîycfBauea in, heet19- uiattts aree tned acd d the on-e C enapeu cihe diecty o îtdirectli-y . E. SANDoe'eRDt, aoflaucerer, the baeiahcd Grand Duke Wtueet-edthe Cabinet tn snob riu-nlry- the dernd fac Ctaeda ibas n~ Ue grnt eaittte te occol îdCitait-ma.ef Tuseuey, heidee a hast ef mir-et- gnat-aetevbe eecy buancaneble ? acdh-iceat a-IetatCvny0 naut ta the teacher iadividcniîy. unt P. .-Tue St. Paleut' utamilrcDuesn ad 1Electersq, oceeregîn i ha necpDonetcsciiadiReforera aebaduy na ulil ecavthesasies cavcrage ever even if it did, teathere nhether of trnaliieg hon serions lea hi,, dtieec,. ldy- nud emaev. Il ectthe tuit lie-fTataemjoi fah vcheddtbead ousaet. (lorn. t-Graina- nlnoadi-eanhane jasa eippoinved ian agent te eenvca y- th jtsn haedtteiboie-Cei eiidtblee-nc leg>Cieclfre eTte meave avouof thesonecethombe xesa c temoja ro-1 adsqaain ratura for il CIey- eet, avd the taSîtes lu hnhalf cf vrtheia d. ta unocvby roy-aly, id t-mieg me-! trnesteacarry ftleraieut hbeth'e cd fessieon itbeut nuimheadmvit that tbep y i,,dbtenee, i any taIgancaihe ~ -rc-------. mevils n ue intahiit cfîannnvfaiîbfnhhy ;bai nenld anysinginle ýipenie t la if DlI neat e the Wealoyan tiitthediat Mosionaxofgceaîeeaaftomer bc jueulired in tefening tbenobeet cnoaprepacatian predacine mah pifrnpet.It-wll c ew t le esoya Mthdit jisiolay ribess tebaîiccetof e odieg ? If theyride heeicial moeulin aa hene wnafct-. tiasl oft i'Ontarotie anchtoid Clecy-Committeo. it lierane lnch the bottet- fer he Wina ace. ia seceen Cbey effet a airP3Kmux lq . L t WHITE I CO: -KIL-BRIDE, th@.*%tiraecttk et O e I t ia.. aTruo ~jj.ON A L F4 MIE ORIGINAL COST, 'lie Onols art ew and Col ie, ustite5~ss' tlttle mmoft ' w ~ -~ tang added te Cieir alreed- select assortuei t fcalî aad Wtisc Gond5 'hi> VhoLargest and Oheapoat ever cffered the people of and Wentworth. tlIPK et-Il tartare pvaecsmiag etonnhee, noua tta-han stng indausuml ie ttnyîtbytemam he tade Look wnnttt yourpanhntsand du»1 I migbars seermit i e ttitO teetter veatue toc their muuaep Itan ugo,,nc asma ltheitrCaveling n shortdistacm e atenhtu mcsaputth.ernmtts. REMEMBER Wl-IT?. & t*<,)mp.%NY FO,ý Ohespes adsud .t Toma, se eclowthn, Boots sud Shoeg4 te et ardwamu Mr Frat Lnac for Lady WHITE a Kýilbuhde, Septmaset- 28d, 1868. I om Ini simw dataesta ily fmses N-c .JftO 2Pî 16-tf