Tliisand Tht. Neotmsay yenrs egc, Ibere timet in Iis toms, a mmn pour lu Iis onlde gonds, indatelena and wmcli peirof. -Out of tire procerds ofliter dily laor, elte supperlcd surdtiurtured lier littie oncs. Orrliter efforts tirir mll.bieis sud efare sioe dependeti. Tiroir daily irrrad mae in lier iasi. It cascedci scîpriîîg see uns mair- ing sugar l ir the odu. t maSatan- day vesîsg. AS cievos o'elo-kPrite sdded store fuel te lier fir*neaïfd sili- drew te bier bosrn te ret. YOs Susd.ty ssorig, sIre, iti lier bldres, îisited tise clgar busb. She gatcenetiep ftire islf-brst l.rarrto s ndresesed fitire n. fibe tit seorrore. For tiis offescesAiewuse brouOit bc- fore a mugistrase. Nom tiesagitratc ses ,tuiasere mran, spight oîsd deep in iis revenence for that dtty. stîiclitbon becs saselificti. andlitallowed freinIlie bsginsisg. And lite as veey sroS, sud bis scai forftis sctity of' tIse Sab- bath bsrned exeedisgly btot, sud max- cd rory veierent. Tire nosan pleut- cd secessity. Bt lire l ins n9igireous indignation ginst Sie sinfal teseera- tien, oult iero ert-andtilistes tesno paliation, snd lie fined lier taien- iy. Asd flite mans asme maNIrs. Campbell. Iu Iis toms ibere dnels a sans ex. reedingly eatiry, a Justice of tht Peurs, Mayor ocflSiretom, oianae ber of the Cirne. mtir ofly proton- sienus te muectity. And this man, amssg otirer seocatieus, in a manssfaturen s! bricks. Decply isameret in bis mentd iy rniiisg, bis prudence and foretboglirt, rireket by tirs rares oni ibm lift, os Sat- ueday lat, bi e srgieed te upply tire briek-bursernsitllrenougtr oot te itn ustil Monsdny îsorrieg follownig. On flabirati mornig tiers came te Iiisa mord thntwmosd at ated. Thon ire orerds bis servants te Iitelr ap tie ersn sd draw wsed, ast searly al day tirey drese od, nor tidttby crase usti tbers as eooglir, ten ta huit astil eight celck on lissday mrnîsg. For Iis sfene as breugt before the magietrates. ne sckrosnsesigsd tire derd, but pisati tirs nerssity -othse caser. Asdti ie mss very asgry asti bis wratir burnsed i erceiy berause of tirs interfsrece. Hes oulti bave lest moey by rfraiisg frosa s profasation s! tire bly day f ret. Tire ios ofa brick kils mas neyer cntmpistcd iry thse divin legistater, mbr fire said, ',Rcrrrsssler thsc Sabbtilsîsday tle lep if ilyl," etc. Tirus tirongit a sajority of the magistrales tee, asdt iey dis. mirseet tire case It titi set ignify tbat a littir !eetbsugit, eensucir fore- tirosgt as Iis mais sesunsti daily te exercise lu bis wonidly calisg, oulti have prevetet tire profanation cf whcndaireacknmiedgsd iimneif guil- Asdt Iis mass suar is John Frot, eves Jobs Frot, ftire npigt sans, sud tirs austere jutige. mliro inedtheirpeor wmnsu brut-up -Oseus cS;oienf .tdver- JAM~te Women- As s general raie, littîr e monitete bava a icssisg towr4 large iomes, nt lage vome aitesasstrauge ikiag te lits/e enc. Lent Byron as e! medi- uasue, ai irebctelle as tîrt ire batsd s 11dumpy wnmasr' Tirs oit sng tes- ribes a rural saii soioquising iSir isa ouîth s ie descriptios o!sàsife ire ibeuiti seet. Hesapperrti te bcirei eosasitersiie'dosit fr bir ait : If IImaraafair oa, ahaadssesd Itnoeld If Iuasnyan uly oethneynno" i1laneh At m. ev, sire pulterslong mes dawn. Tbe ite Sir Roirert Peer elaet su anecdote, muir showsma tIlitlo omen nre soeswbst irniigerest. but iebisiy no measa exculpates tiers agsr sana frefnst1s samse prspesity. A issiatiras eeu-besvcr is ýEnglasti as blesasei irh a lile vifs. Sire as In tire babit e! fÉlniit i rum iti tire tongue, ast wu clan libasl in.s5sthaisicao f tei LIVERY STABLES. R A A G IS BOUGIAT OUf' BOUIITOUTRIGHT IHOUSE," C. TIioIpaeon's s WIl0ihm st eticvst..l fcc-ssFuroltc aftcnnlcesclingthere.r angs teelargnmmau- 5 Aod lins aootieL.restlCthons austsStoes o Andhm ldl DR Y CUODNS1 MILINER'Y & 1II FUBMMWI G tlOODS First- Class Rigsr!iote ito luiltaon yi ttsioril ltottc. Iînt ing1,-t hob is gotecîf-tr n /rg t atftr te ennI ctlino in ctteng tere Se eftcn roun. hn rui c-ld toi01tltnaas AIU Ic L , 1 5 /. 11, hualscrdY rneiccci tcctsl,iscrpeýl andcllane, Cforvsco en' ta er a-nnuitiys Nt-a,lt N-so..Ntoctin niettA-rtri. outlsýiIlcltrinetltc ptntaonhtt rooct rin tteca îtoct, St. tPutrck. tIcrsss-. Hiltin. and oter ocsls, the balance The ptublie oa dseca aendn ga ijýan lc> =c g, zatz, Mimzt1o«>JBce !5Bl /vlM, e'qunesn,. W'ilCc pocticlonit ttrottice tis -on. Aise is f'orpctnm, Rpynes, C asn ut R ~~ASOfwAbL~ PRICES ! aI Clc.ssocoot thetltcb and bostsin the lsiniccn. If, 1-, a ysry lanen lot tf f Tmle -ivCrts ttfiltv ceste. Cies of Iirny(Cotttctunctile aretise. t rc I er cntssp BootoIv &'r.,chtilling. A gretoai- . ro ttfrom au Tank 1sbliliicoc Ill'. 9- Wittt e Srt hirting. f-rntte tstet..t Thé lt otS dton W55' t 5 $175. ~John iMarshall. lIonSoîcocl î, -)2. i t,.xîl'capt tWarp, q2.00.Pliaisnound Fancy Mineyn, a Yenr w. Mtnt Fobcnanq ith, 8(. 7 shilling. Baie.I-c, \5 in,ttehoclantI tripsi Fllsaclê, fnccsaa qt1cranndolai up ha and an endlrssïorsety of ttrtceeeti.cqttallyohcap, esthe I~~1EWS IT IOLOE, JAM.1ES STREET, ff/ML TOX. ~A T1W ii-IPT. C- WATKINS41 DRESS ATS. WILLIAM P. WILLCOX, 82 50, 83 50, and 85 00, LATEST NEIV T0RK SIYMES. MENS YOUT lIS, BOYS' & CHIILDREN'S FELT HATS, Stiff anrd Soft CLOTII JAPS, STRAW HATS, 1VA IRiER &JEUI'ELE H, Ilon jtt c civeti a Largo Assortatenî of -Speciniallttetion la dircteti te lie Il A large oaortons of &e ., &e,, Laties' and GCcc,iii tsi Citiseç, Bcooce, Lor-Rings, Pint, Sicoî-e Bsffnse. HiAT FACTOBY, King Stees.fornîcer ffBsnd, HAM'tILTON. J. FIELDING. Iotinitos. lMay 25th,1868tf. Il-tf W. J. TE 7,RN, TIN AND SUIVE DEALEB, MILTON, ,111 lii f Bt-g Otak Jînnlry, Jet Octostenle, s&C. Itii o ecesetry te 0010 t amsilton or Toreato te mskcn ago e ectienin no ltne,ndrtlt;scs bcebortgtttot1)lr.sthants oe o eti>Jn.tttlor,cnie.tand sill sou as oms r rtestiras Ibey G real Yariety of £Iocks KeplCorslantly ûn Rand 'to ictg froieTe-a fDollars uptntebTes in price. -1II mrk c- rqsr ît î ad iacuturl' flY tetdcd te. "lise best of okmsnsiP gnorosreed. Charges oertt. cd b sasufafcttrunsy qsratity oet ,iIop-Nexltes orte P. il. Ky NORTllS PNT T 111l IE.TER,J M.iltoe, So1îrmbenl9tîît.1868, Whieh arc the bcol in uHeas proved by certificates frore Parties inAoU parts Of the Dominion. F or sisapliejty of cn- L 1 Fu i struction,.licieccy ins heatîig and 1 L D O S ecocomy la Fuel. it cossotbe surtard. It 10 no ncw tigbut has tecn belre CABINET GRGANS, tbe publie fr sons yearn, asd asder- gose aconit very severe tesis, bat bts a]- mays bren trunphasl. 'l bey are seeliarly sdspted for Cburehes. siebools. buls , &c. Their Great Inducementfl for 1868. rfeets arrttuiekly fel tis asmore strili- ing ressuer is large roûents t ae besdiffienîltotehent mihot a verty r HE subrile thankful foc grc ot suc- large asoost offssel. they eausbe sed I essadoing tho pastycar, satht linvite on every desriptiosntf Steve, eooking specialrt îtreontehi s insoosod fhultres, as weli enohers, asdtIhIe iscs are for suppliss ssdrun tIrr(, <c (f Loden. adapted te ossais le mib they 3raa c beOntario), and Prineso (etalo)te, reqoireti. MELODEONS & IIED ORG.IXE, Stove-Pipes .anid Tinwai-e Cleoper thon theyc e s tcppiied iy e5y oees ti stio ofeOstarie ttaving TUE STANN.RP LIFE ASSURANCE CO., (Established t825) Wi5ir shiob is nom ssited 77ie Colonial Life Ansurance Gsocjoostc. lad Offie for Conadao: Kfontreal--Stasdsrd Ce.s Buildings. Ne. 47 Gecat S. James St. Tis Comany buolse dopositîd thte m ,qOn, lioesd ansd Fifty Thensastd Dol- lars sls ithte Rcincn tOeeral, lucester saity 5tth Se lnrasce Act pansad lst Sesion. AÈI$nsaSOrmll eontlnectse benca- cictl (tt at mceetke ratsnd enailthe dif ferntttslsste norn5ice. W M. RAMSOAY, Manuager, Csantda- breem@tiik. Whe ierra s areirainti iy Aimnys os insti at Ihol 20 ers et-stceneo sitît seîoeoennof Agent far Milton sud Sciglibrehoet, afiisv-vsrkma for ne mcekty ceirmit- dfrta anros, consetit cttntfitdenceore- GEORGE SMITH, Masos. ingtasnb trmaen, c rpledth t -c>çw »Izllm commndAsdtl s 's ntihe bstmade isg ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i tesc aetet erpittrisCanada, 0fr sen soaf ctl, dttoii- AgentoSit ergeone, fi pisaiedber sut dit biiano hrs.- W' J. STEAR15. y und Ifininh-butot b rinidtcsof Buc-t T. RUSTOIf. It i ail dtis istir suspsra-suace of t. t.lOS 1 f aeo, cpeferreod, te (nis pplî,t-1 teeau-tttAgent aS Oahniiic, dectricity. It is a hardt tîine 1t0quar. MloOt td 88 8t isulistarusmetos a, us In reiat, in-R LIR rel itir vsusa. A sofi ord tunsesirvdascngt hia i morstoR AMR svsyvesir-ricset u tt pucesaa- .List ot ~eters dirctSfressin ufarimâtcIf Bot 10edose Agnt atCWellingtna qarc, awy rahblssdisth eae-ak is o ,et usasney lagechueiseos la ie!otionsndouO- -KEARNSS R EMAINCNOinsthePot Offie,lit MltOon, ges udnth ie put poat,lire oas sitît14-3..3 art. leat Ooecr. ost. ploasttrerfeo partIies isîine te prcse A Illsaînie in. Crty James L.angten Jamea fresa irisate rsndrodn nsio have oseht - L'ioler ramero lIcCttselI A 2 fosahimrirang the paiâttsoietre. b~ > < I/ns, EaIth et-eMeNotnres 111- l~Ho o sîneAgcnltt,lttn.rtae. 11-i.iD'C ritie A goati story is tIt ef a cofient Griffith S0F Huglos itirohIS stnat,dCalai(t-atfinriIttl fn-t eoflitaro-, indiisileli rat up" in tir s y- assJamen isas Jeha UEvevtinstrumtsaosS varattd, 1Iip/TU.TifcssIi o s Ieie, ie ppîs 1 ir atr rsep. llus'nstb C W OSith osec aa er rc.sud the Pobit -- lie hs lu atrnnnerine tien reesofa iBustesnErseoulo Ledge L'ilsThomens tin.sJoirn ADAM FEROCriON, hi fer adissison. An oemisst irotirrr Jehustea H OD N TE 2 Ssmî,îoP. (. i vire vwu qtsiîly itisg thren, bat wmiro ns calig ora lratthenoe jotters Braptn, îsscîîib, 1868. 2-gm N E~ A L G O masde noe igu lislies mes ayiedy, rs- i l-e.ythy-N lW F LL G O 8 cinestedtheusstranger tahcsatet, andtW. 1).Lonse.0he o iislstr ire Veniti enstifor tirs preper persa tIssiatr.ihI, lBlla h ir crthe dntials of lire isitors, rAIVVZ0Y F aiin for- Saie otPle Pries * its amter amuliat ýakiLIYE RY S TA BLES INCaTU__ ssstry ctrrtisary passeswmur tire MILL STRIEET, GEORGETOWN. iBgctcu « B1c>c31LK.'ntt cst bandseiand cnteniosoa! tiragens ______e . n. heihbi eogigt teetteo h 'TiatImay ir, biraI gthi-k tioy a-~ esnhr e oees bihb- Bintrgttr nato ie £ILS ' n -ii vayse xamine nîatUogrs mia desirs to uso ce/trsasIttriyarlio vist tira loige, seait tave aîîeuting thelir intaOtbe,;forriry Late Rev. Peter Ferguson, brother.the atted'Og bo gin osunChi, uandhaving ddAN brouiras. te tire former sok svnoca exell~etrGorai EISO Wct hall af Lor 12, in tire thIts- ,WelVi rad fr 'm, sid su ad setssud coonftctsbl e nroe,tno-5t-s visi, cUsianresyfr m si i ns prpred t.efacsi.h lr , sbli withlth. tBCe., Esqroisc, COSTAININO 100AM -RICAN SY E viatitar, nufltsntiy. ecy lt etrolen- it eaee.abtr rate. ACRES more os r, sf arrîciruttioA10IA S Y E Glati taher i. Tirt is quilo anuGrcslano-ISinglo tBsggies, csTera-s. !lt-ntACRESO arce lesaos adthoecrt-i ltim- elîbseate irrnsst-piu yen hase tiers, toni, Slotgh attSel-le Httrecs, andei rtytîinsg bhen silîr pine sud lrarntsteet, The farcmi sait ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i tieoier aiis iisor uen aaslite, po abdonte ortet notice, lssatllrttpplied wilt DWELLIsG HOUS. uet at big itter G, n*tinir tirovisiter JARTIS & BRO. Shirine orcsarnr of eaellent fruit trers, I itU utd eesspicouauey dàlaiedapen iis Geogetown, Anenest 26, tItS l.12-ee gag a sitaute wt nel6 Msales of (eonge. sirt boseu. - twn, onathe Grand Tcttsh, and7mriles of Y-as titas a Messio pin,' rrplit Tt5 EXPIORTERS 0F Milons, titi Coosby Toms ol Ilit. <Pesnseianyaftraroed-ip te erer, sveliig out ig biirataLPC5 LR-v olRge. Fcpsitluespye h-pe tien tofe GO D, s/Ill tIndil te o teicai- 8hde Lte -elIsp L inclnLog-Til c n to ADAM PRIOAT, Esqnsiag, osr5te ttoirlutithne PmsYu kti Wi LetîseanOlrsup V___F. McCALLCM, OMiton. f,0 ye-certily. Letttrr G stands MR. W. F. MARSfIALL, Esquseirrg. Sepa. u7, 186a. 1-I GLASGOW H1OU SE. fr- Jelrsae-a sotdo!irostiquar tors et' ne Masosal, yen kuns,' * ":t'ClS. CdS s'5rTtO tSenPTtîts aîru Tirs qerrist did't knse, anti tire sp- Fiv lu>e e t.sîSrttETION.,itidItaiLLttI IITlt. plt l i a aimsot uausoeoseny îo stats, Fie Miles From Lincoln, I grca untciarne eacrîgnss rurarp, d et geany frtber iota tbe lotige. Bj eifrtSs- B--Ie sasiiarnot, Ilangoit OS arti. ,Becs antid ~ C r te 'id-.21 Bet ht- nomesctpthner -tsrsintesd eu-GuretaSoctis. Cabboge Sscd by lin D I.CJz-mlb ainu Pnuaao tVl, ten ecLi-bos ro sertgCea sntMtilton, OtIlel, toto, n-sf -Wiry is lie isîter i thse irppiori o!, atBaal rsfm tris fioir huv n ee ntainseryST'l)H 81CTSOcrnms mii~~~~~~~~ tinvvre a e la Nap r etrh,, ctîoeltart C tiof ;.l 1Ioîlesale atdreIni Mahso dDxn 911th VWeà D yo gveitup'?Hope, Natal, lios-a Avrm,tilnen Patte, ahsn& X Bosuas il in in ther aidttoe!'blils SerthIr mermr. Cana/a, iOsnmaay. H--lisaI.d, rfr virile eisinis rtîît" sud aihetiresîare lseriar usi., Actria, t. and Brttdrns G.JCeu M1iKi.NZ 1IE BA RISTERSe &C- dniragia seoes, n ud noigit f Wtm, in wpsritl. s/ fiadtim loki s e t ahlnaset __ ________________ of tirsltler, stsealiraritrg eiiîped terom a6 18rAENThOsRrao "Cme has, t"sy," sailita yeung gtu. t' 22b of nsr17 OFFICE-Ies Teten allu, Miltonr. Oium . u a Jite girl, ta virose a ister -._ _________ Brucn'a London Patent Pro- hi vuPa .ntngirisstddrean; YO rTe 'PRUNES 1 PRUNES! nsi 1. . iatuESaN, B.JAL T. SF500, a sg.slthiagonssrtlis ' Ns, 1 Mltes, Snptnoter lInd, 186. lOtS * ~ r~piet. raslranYs YoeuPrqisses i10 censaperr ILr, at ~u The e n t Vhnl bADIR ETs eoti e, SAWING MACIIINES. diaeise in the ,"Chanipion.,' lomm '%hnlmleandRptil. Geergetsis, lSp. 2Zîl 168. 17-tf New IDry4Goods Store. 1868- A' MESSRS. W. D.& R.A.LYON FAL '8Clieap Boots & AhIoes. '68 thtlrotlnchtiasms recet-ed agood assrt- Outabîseor then î ~insthe Cotsaty ton Crttpa sea at dorsa- ORDEEED DFP'ART.%ENT- Dieircen te dram ystielsr sttention st tis net-y itPot-taa)tcletgntrI Ofseris irsstress Blý tsc atel tf Luatldnotmbrcecr thevcees- ht-t qsity. aad tht qrïaitysofire mon taill 'bcfunad t 0compare witiraninithrcnnnty. Milles, Apil 71h, 18G5. .RIRIV-AL S7TOCK AT TUIE irat 55555f te tiéreeat lees n istsr business, send the lproved4 country, swingttes ats irosatrfsl barrst, thep bavs jant parcirad a ~~ t< i.î.h F u )BANKRUPT STOCK GEORGETOWN. And hbave osseard est a )ry-Goods E stablislument1 ACLYrMcED Riant mach pines e nieferming terninfnienda sud tire plsu ile nsslly nf e sts. of tirsir vnny attractive steok ef 1THE ADJOINING STORE. FALL & WINTER DRY GOODSI TisaewStockli ing Wii tbeny fen eonident nnill bc quiecqusl S t e n an ffort Tro es teomnst trrqircents of thir tcustemens, sr andîl f11ril aeor a, M iras bers awardcd Siresaof hcîug the : - RICHASRD FOI CAMU AT À SACRlIFICE 'I kDi\G-DU UG(DS JIULS MILSC i IJ1 'ukoàlm! oSaS rates net-er n own in tiens rgihbonreod. Nov l thtir im ens TIn Sr thetk silI h o Soced ise andses penracirer.- Iutheir-two ?lamssoth Estabitshrmet te ry keep a large generat stos.k of Io c>210tLo C&>, s! sofu l iida asuîutl ssd thss, ~re -ood.s of all tire srsest styles of then seatss, DERIES, C ROC KERY ! bug irctfrm e utrr.l 0 ýt0 it hsdprmf lM HARDWARE, Laints, Qils, Boots, Shoes, &C. rashionable Tiloring Doncon the Premises. Tailoring Establis meng, WiisiDr irec eis sttentionu, anal tire Srge Incense n raoarutgie s se frft., ta pyear ta reset fOttering and setinfactory. Oer!f tirslargestsstsnirsof READY-31ADE CLt)TIING! 11a tirr Cmiois rte bnoand nthialmmais, al ofSioern maautmw lent ch, spcn than tnp Dense tlusire [rade, andralsnetd te crsn t te OUR MANTLE & MILLINERY RO<OM W' ~ . I ponseesng irtre tht latetS ora-treinl Etîtos', leptesaber 23rd, 1868. BONNET-A ND) MANTLF&, Anuinspetronuigisnited. Ia tiresamn oue isosslt beosad a vry ne eudete Sbawls Suitable to the Seasuýn sire snly fi toito bhofotrnd sntde Ceuuty. tnash Stamers mli stsdy theis aliercat t b paying nSa avisi olsrae sauis sinsTIl BARCLAY & MoLEOO.- Georgetown. Ocusessiren Oth, 1 S .17-tf The New Dominion STOVE AND PLOLIGU SFOBEI CI23Liae rlc" ZIa,1e . rII flo lE g srctc-cce l tns ol Miitor snd vie irri yis tli h/f b - onli ctccnt-tt'Imi enth Woolien 3lantfaeti'iers,, LIMEH1OUSE, ONTARIO-. EVECY tDESCIiPTION Ol' In. thr lie rt ,tessn the IbtOST LIOFRAI. TERMS. A lot-ge Stok of Store Opptoile lîo Eîîgliu]r (Crîi-Clr, MttinqSi-cet, -Miltetri WIV-e. tý,. 1! t-cpt--tettor hcrcl n tckbof -COOI(ING AND ItARLIîB STOVES OF T-BE LA TEST ANt)MÔd UIdil\EI) tPAT'TERNS, STOVE-Pp eutix &C., Hie taebLrstel in oeeoth lbhitm S OFEttttl PLOCtbinns s a 0'i,o -c k let-ii-ts ailiesi notim,m scItht sy -to -etof totirbhe sitI tnibbls irf LBr.1 'AIs 1110 - ttasLL anYrnthr a ont 'vli f Fisaleon Bs irssuimaLssEtit id/tc, t d;ii <e-- 1 1 ctttidd- ch dt , e cri/ce t --drit h. a tieltt North's ratent Lîuin flcater,! THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE GIVEN FOR WrOOL t , le i \-lt//U te Petcl, C .,!l 1,,I1t JOUX XEWTON- ZTinat-chto-r tt iltt - !",tet us-tf eB.- hvli t, rjpt .td-ta.lhtti n . t- CtdPl. ttd.todttassi nttet T 9/l Limte, 2,rd Aprii, 1115Farcm Po.'estiot- K McEE3TT, Mlesn. Bete,-er 2.-f6, Sid ,ie . nh ýe h.apcrt andhe oî-t .-I.oDiaseILci adwei.R O JIE R T IIA IVT IIO Ri Star Life Assurance Societd, (OF p't.LANDI) Establishcd iu 11cr' ycar 1843, Capital, £100000 S9g. Guarantep Funt?, Boi.t.oami.s i ta .ddtea ite lita £800000 SIg. LT~ILB~<S11 i .lt ltt'I DIRECTORS Ceosnnts,(_jas1 stcrthtr st. rets Crasnnon-..ehu11111mi t i.U111'N.1il 1 I Chunrcill, FMa. Thosa al s. . to( u. ..7t..W lc d-fh, Err. ThtnoseHIse. /a..jolhs . Llo, / m-Sîteriffof Lendons uni Tlrockray. I/q., tierge F. Irirsg, 5/a , Jhtt osse , Os 1. Cee M Oare, Esrt. Canada Boea/Cee 0Ki -rct Tet, osthe Weleyans Beh Rotas.J. Orne. et-y, Benensl.1Ae, t fer H.nWti.îr Mot-lb Asacri.C. Manufacture of Firsi-Class IBuggries, Carriasses . ailid asa. Mcloaltc. I/at., M.P., ll.n. Jothnlban, ML C.. A. M. OSith,. Eq., Ses. Fn teb Foncer.. M.L.(... amen Adossu llSthnersc,I/u., Jlt Torra c. -r., I/q. occy 1.t eS touri.,ast nd el 'trîstt'. Fres - i r,]etttis ,tn r e0 Tir "STAR"Iefes te, asseues tire orlootaet f a It etabIi hecclhoisnem-- gfld maagser trnng astIS cieanc'elrt , lc tnflilty re n i, atronalc thetSr monte saoctrate. ofretresaissa. Dcidc.NItirele Frc ,'tctl egnt Ptlioy-HoIlîcr. Eceryilheralfesttirn f sesetfcse hcn earistetrt ith ecrstl noeoocseol. t ctttt rtssctl d vt Ibis rcoty. The Pltcv ya ~iail 0 the "STAR BLIFE At.OUtt5.t/tttl.Yba nlat a esof Pcdrchacr regaed tiriefly te Fuitrce Pcrcecrnence atIisotl.NOextranuchargn e olsunesema Jr B. WILIMOTT. R.HAWTHORrÏ 1868. SOD . FOUJNTAIN. 1868. 'o iNEZU bettrss thansef-r pat fat-ens. ndt begs te assouse ob irs nasa nous la- cuti tiratbt s inOj)A FOU'sTAlN isnnow ns ageot runauurcc den, andti tiIeIC CREAMS a-e aseceol as eer I(5~ -fn Lhe Raldng »eparP3eftt xmmt. . C> <r-A.-. -nMc <>A.0 Begs te annunace tbbis sasserons petrour ht sirl rersp-Ordt t e lo [Ue s hstili prepa-ed te giventire sîment satisfaction. lseconfidently appeals te mauta miti rgesaier fatilities itires ern. iat-inse sourcd tirs se hii formr r me nna e utmsllias ire rau et ant thteiest style o! Con!rctisusa-y .1r tO .e0 -~~ Wcdting Cnkes, Csndies. &c, lIsisles, Pre-nies, Sortes, 51'ddisg Parties, &c., sci-ps'- t eth enc-rerequinite is tire Canfetionerve lise.en the horrtest uotice. 1ic Asdt i n ua STEAM /NlU3 st UtL.hEBOULER, iela 5 mdoppor-ni os tsi sBreadCmnet-c mt nrtaisirisanan&0oue miir isayuautity of mr, ast cen guurattee itir e doue ia tieratty test s I5 cenveeucemitirBreai, Cnfcetessn, ~-CUSTOMIVORIf PRO.M PTLY A iEDU TO.; Mais Street, Miltoa, Jaue 15tir5 1868. -t! 'Mn'ilîon, JUnO l3tir, 1"3. iSOS. - RUSSELL, KEYLESS, WVILTIIIIII, SWISS ,INflDETICIIED 1-__________ __________ Usbe me 's Atirel -an &Wes NI4asY 5dfa ltt *OUM _ o.. sit osf tcal c trIat5à 0 eSUL- irn t- ttarts ilttetr k'Lt wena Seat-ci jous Retia b5ra4c r5I fi-M Lsdsat bl Ilas E. lb v 1tirje sd~ f eýTXE, 16-tf j 1